HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1910. "uta IB I First Tima In Manv Years Will - ; Not Vote A 0. P. ; . Ticket. i. ' Portland, Oct t. To in Editor of The Journal After 80 years my ayes are opened. : I am a Republican. I have votd the tlck?t: lor" JO yeara' In this city. I have never voted for a Democrat but once, and that was for the late. Judge Bhattuck. , 1 have' never mixed much In politics, but I, am very much Interested this time.'. f J. . Before the primaries It was assembly and anti-assembly, Mr. Malarkey and Mr. Logan went out on the stump and told the people that the "old guard" and the corporations want to get back Into power and thatthe good laws we now t SEE TH Wt thiftride-mark is on every bottle of Cod Liver Oil you buys K Una's for the original standard and only genuine preparation of Cod Liver Oil In the world ' J Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver OH preparations with M this trade-mark are only chtap imitations, many of thern containing harmful drugs or alcohol. Be SURE to get SCOTT'S. ALL DRUGGISTS have will be killed. Now after, the pri maries this same Mr. Malarkey and Mr. Logan are out stumping for, Mr, Bower man, assembly candidate for governor. What do- they think? Do they think the people are fools or short in the up per story? , Let 'ine tell you in short, Mr.' Malarkey wanted nomination and he got It .That's all be wanted, and all he cared, for. Mr, Logan got the chair manship of the county central commit tee, and that is all be . wants at the present time. ' v. . . . ; Mr. Malarkey is the same Malarkey now that he was when attorney, for the street railway company, Tind Mr. Logan la the same Logan that took part In Mr. Simon's assembly when .'we got Mr. Simon for mayor. Mn Mr. Simon we got Harrlman for mayorr and we will, have Harrlman for governor If weelecf Mr. Bowerman. But if my vote can stop It, here she goes. For the first time in my life, I shall vote for a Democratio governor. that honest man that -enade good from uutcher wagon id, and his name is Oswald Wost. A. REPUBLICAN. CiTYTO lrViPROVE IIS I'll! GUM Free Employment Office Has Jobs for Many and Applk' ; cants for' More. . ' bound gravel, train , descending Elk street hill this morning crashed into an inbound Dasgenre car of the Hardls avenue line, tore off the entire front of the' car and so badly injured Motorman Walter Goodman and George Crawford, passenger, that physicians hold out little hope fqr their recovery.. , V . ' ' ' ' 1 -w.J, Stage Collapses; Many Burt, : (United Ptms Lmm4 Wire.) Los Angeles, Nov, J. Ernest Rudolph Is lying at the German hospital and a score or persons are smrenng irom cuts and bruises as a result of the collapse of a stage in Turner hall, where 80 members of the. Pacific Saengerbund were rehearsing. The singers were precipitated to the stage amid a mass of beams and boards. Ru dolph was unconscious when taken , to the hospital. None of the other . was seriously hurt U. S. TRIES AGAIN TO : BRING HEINZE TO TRIAL (tTolttd Prete Leaied Win.) Washington, . Nov. , X: A final ; effort on the part of the government to force F Augustus Helnie to face trial on charges of defrauding the Mercantile National bank of New York was made here today, when the supreme court was asked to review the action of Tnlted States Judge Hotigh of New Tork in quashing most of the. counts la the in dictment. Helnie was twice indicted by the federal grand Jury in New Tork. After' a lengthy hearing Judge Hough quashed mostf the counts in the two Indictments. ' f ; ' " Telephone) On Completed. Athena, Or., Nov. a. The special con struction gang of the raclfla Tej' and Telegraph company, which hn he- ; building a line from here to La own.! . crossing the reservation Juet south o thla city, took Its departure MwnU.1 after about three months' work? in 'thU part of the country. . 4, Christensen's. Dancing Schccl Forming a new class for. adult begin ners. Phone Main 6017, A-4680. i ' ' lLi FIE W 1 Hi E Clyde Jenkins, 424 Everett St., Battles With Flames Start- 4 ed by Party Unknown." An attempt to burn down his house was discovered last night by Clyde Jen kins of 434 Everett Street.. and the flames extinguished beforw-they had se c,ured a strong' hold. -Jenkins reported to Patrolman K. C. Nelson that early last evening some one entered his base ment and poured kerosene on, the cord wood, then applying a match. The in truder escaped- by window, which he had opened and Jenkins shortly' after ward detected the odor of smoke com ing from the basement. He hurried down the stairs and put out the tire with buckets of water. I; : The attempt last night was the sec ond which had taken place in three days and in both cases the .owners of the houses declared that they hove no enemies, so far as they know. Both were inclined to think that boys or a pyromanlac were responsible. -"i knowledge. i In the women's department -efforts are being made to furnish the best do ttiest lo help available 'A record is kept of : each 1 applicant references are re quired, and .the bureau hopes to be pre pared, within another month to supply a good servant , without' delay, ' For October,. 190J, the bureau secured 2083 jobs for nen and women. There were 1901 male and 182 female. The average cost was 9. cents each,,. ' Car Collision at Bclllngham. ; ' ' (tTnlted Preu Lttsed Wire.) Bellingham, Wash., Nov. Z.-r-A. south- Klamath Falls planing mill ships its products as far cast as New York City. ) rl- 'Efforts will be made. by the' city this winter to improve methods of handling the unemployed through the free em ployment office. Many business men and, contractors v'have agreed to. rely upon the .pftrce ' for men.; . "v t J.' G. 8ch'roeder, clerk' of the bureau, 1 soliciting the cooperation of allenj ployers, ? The nauner In which laborers have been. defrauded by the north end licensed employment offices has brought about an .appeal for everyone to patron ise the office conducted by the city, where jobs can be had without the pay ment of a fee: With the advent of winter,- work Is becoming , acaxce, . but the applications, become greater.; The clerk Is trying to equalize this condition and accommodate the laborers as well as the employer. ;,., The repprt of Mr. flcliroeder for' Octo ber shows that he secured positions for 2469 men and women, ' There, Were 2304 men and 165 women. ' While the large majority are laborers, the class of work is getting higher, and there Ir a demand U lor, skilled men and women. During the month the bureau filled IS positions as experienced Janitors,, pine v cement fin ishers, two plumbers, seven plasterers, three .bricklayers, 'HViV office clerks, four steam pipe fitters. 28 experienced day if necessary, solicitors and a riirmber of other classes-... e. ti, ' x Mi of work requiring considerable special rEu.H 5e?f ,ttVL ' WU.V ' V The Old pliable Union Painless Dentists mi",-. Out-ofTown People ShouTd remember that our force is so organized that we can do their entire crown, bridge and, plate work in a Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates ... ...,,.$3.50 to 85.00 Gold Crowns ......$3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings ,...$1 Up jilver Fillings .60 to 81.00 IS YEARS' GUARANTEE Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. Ms Sundays, - 9 to 12. Union Dental Co. FIRST AND MORRISON STS. 1 ! i irW$t A Personal Invitation for You Come in Any Time You Aie Always Welcome,, The Proof Is in the Hearing. We would like to visit every borne and invite the people to our salesrooms to hear the Table that .Sings and Talks. That's hardly possible, so we want everybody to consider this a personal tation to come and hear, the 1 able that Sings and Talks. This ' wonderful in strument plays all kinds of music, and entertains so true to life that it is just like hearing .the artists themselves. THE TABLE TI T A T k Jin i S.1NU5 AND TALKS 3 r so we al invi- ; f3 - ' This Style Costs $200 - o Concealed, In a massive highly orna mental table of richly grained" mahogany, Or fancy oak and other , woods, is the most perfect talking machine mechan ism yet attained in sound reproduction under, the great Marconi's supervision 4ts tone being solid, dear, rich and absolutely natural. The Table has com partments to hold 180 12-inch 'double disc records or 360 selections and the top measures 28x45 inches. It is orna mental, practical and useful for library, parlor, clu$ lading-room or lodgeand is unequaled as a perfect reproducer of ' tone and sound fot entertainment You are invited to see and hear this wonderful table talk and sing at our Talking : Machine Department Sold on convenient terms. "The Table That Sings and Talks" ir the latest unique, practical and attractive application of the talking machine not a mere concealed horn graphophone,. but a wholly, new musical instrument. Come hear it today or tomorrow, and be convinced. 1 ' The largest Sealers la Talking VachlB.es and Supplies la West- - ' era America. SSI, 853, 889 Washington 81, Cor. Eighth (Park) Bt, the ' Always Busy Corner. . THE OKLT PORTLAND ESTAB LISHMENT SHOWING IMPAR TIALLT BIDS BT SIDE ALL MAKE 8. ALL RECORDS AND ALL EUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES. i i I I ) J Ill, I ' .. T I . ' . . . 'V,-.' . :v ... .'. . . - , ; 'v . . ; . : 1 ' - . ' . .. -.. - I Trefousse Gloves ($2 in all Stores) Special $lM- LafUes' Trefousse , Glove, in glace finish, finest quality of French kid. I'hfee-clasp overseam style, Paris .point stitcning Colors brown, tan,' modes, slate and black and white1, in all sizes." $1.25 Kid Gloves Special. 87. $1.50 KiaGloves, Special. -Exceptionally fine kid, over-5" One-clasp Kid Gloves, pique seam stitching, two-clasp style, . sealns,;" Paris point back, in in brown, tans,: grays,, black, tans, browns, gray,. black and and white. " - white. . . . $2 Imported KittGloves Very Special at $149 r-Thi$ assortment comprises the finest qualitjf of selected tad gloves of various Frencfy and Italian makes. There is a wide range of styles such as mocha with embroidered backheavy cape gloves With prix seams and pique seams embroidered back oneclasp style in capes mochas, one and two-clasp, in gray, chamois, tans, browns and white. $3.00 Glace Kid Gloves !97. New Sample, C Gloves, Sp'L Z-JI .8; 10 , and 12-button length Ladies', women's and chil- Kjd GloVes; overseam stitch- dren's fine quality Chamoisette ing. In ahis assortment e and Sued- fa light and dark have only bjack, white and . ... , , . , , tans. We close them out at coIors' L,sIe Elovcs- s,lk and this ,, very special , grice ; all . wool children's mittens, all sizes. " ., 4 '. Kayser's make. Values to 95c. Our Annual Glove Sale to v r i-'j.. w.f ,T r - fJi. Our November Glove 'Sale grows bet' ; ter each year. It'sa sale that saves buy ers one-third and ntdre and aV the same time affords the choice of immense as sortments in style and shades. Prices . are fully 15 per cent lower than last year's sale, and cannot be equaled out side of Paris. During this sale prices are greatly reduced. &. Sale of Suitcases and Bags H f 1 riiiffiTBran Is .jr. Novelty Belts Designed for Women, :'f Misses and Children Values to 95c, Your Choice 25c J An, importer of Fine" Leather JBelts, discouraged "by the back ward Reason 'fa' the easf, telegraphed iis a-price concession oh 3000 belts, "provided "we, took the entiri stock. We purchased atlhese .belts on the reputation, of this impqrter. They ar rived consist of" suede belts, calfskin, patent leather, in all hfc-new fall styles, in different widths. In all sizes.t Black, red, white and other colors., ' V ' " ' No Groceries No Liquors No Bakery No Restaurant Here's a Suitcase Special at $395 . Genuine Leather Suitcases, "24 inches, 6 inches deep, inside leather straps, linen-lined, full-sized shirt-fdld, solid leather cor ners, brass lock, with straps. A Real Cowhide Gise Special at $5.00 Genuine Cowhide Suitcase, 24 inches, 2 j4-ounce stock, solid riveted, sole leather inside leather "strap," full-sized shirt-fold, linen-liijjd, brass lock, "with straps. . . -. '.'".:....;;.. ii'.-r ' . ' l ft"' ' ' , 'A This Karatol Case Will Surprise You Special at $1.25 - 24-mch Keratoi Suitcase, 6 inches deep, inside leather straps, solid riveted, absolutelyjwaterproof, with brass locks and bolts- a B. Corsets .'' MERCHANDISE OF MERIT OtfLY w. B. Corsets' fiv 7TT fhiry nnrn r OUR ANNUAL sale of! mm mm m ssw mm . mmm. m m aw . . - IVlUOlVy O L V-ICi STUDIES and INSTRUCTIONS Every JVard of Dress Goods in This ' ; Store Reduced This Week, ; " ; 3- r ( That women have been appreciating th'is sale is proven 'by the eager-throngs that have crowded our Dress Goods Section this entire week. '-Tp properly, serve this vast throng we have im pressed into service extra help from our various departments.. ' We continue this sale until Saturday night. Fabrics of every weave and color, in both black and colors, are wonderfully re duced. 'Materials for coats, street tresses, children's coats and dresses, skirts and party dresses are aif radically reduced.- , ' ' Prioe.Ftloe. Bio h, Inventions a 41 87mpbonles, XUa4iworta.$ .00 21e Bach, little 'Preludes and -rig-ares, mindworta .60 IT M 184 Been, Bright afetsengers. Beelhoten, Bonstas Tor ftn6, VoU 1 and VoL 8. . i.5o K5$ BO 18 Berens, STew School of Ye . looitjr, 4 hooks, Op. 61... Bertini, 74 : Stndiea, Op. . . 83 and Op. 99.......... L14 Berttnl, Easy studies Wlthout Oetaves, Op. 1 loo ; ' ,40 14 Bertini, little, Weoes and Freludss .40 14 Bnrgmntltr. Twenty-five "."'. sjiv. Kelodloua Stadias. ' ' ,Op. 100 10 SSetj Cnaoalnide, Piano Album. .L00 33 Chopin, WAltxea M 18 Coopia, Hocturnes . . . . . , ,78 24 Cbopta, Alb tun of Isvorite -Pieoea . 1.00 S3 dementi, Sonatinas ..... M 18 Ccmoone, B0 Tooal Vjessoaa fot medium voice . . . . . 410 18 Cserny, Bobool of Telocity, , Op. 899, complete .... . .. "OzernjF, ,1amt -books eacb . .00 24 four t - Preparatory .30 O Caernv. 100 Pxeoaratorr obAnlsm. Op. 130 . . . ... JK 18& Cserny, Sxerciset in Pas-. saj r lay ing. - up; uni. . i 18 Pub. Our Price. PMoe. Czerny, Preliminary School of Dexterity, X)p. 630 Buvernoy, School of Xe obanism. Op. 180 ..... BO 18 M 18 . .. . , . - ; , Epsen, Tea, Piano Pieces. . .60- 24 Godard, Pavorlte Composi tions Onrtitt, Album leaves for .Young. Op. 101....... ReUer, SCelodlous Studes. 1.00 42 M 16 " tr fl KeUer, Progressive us. upr e LOO 24 Stud- .......... fcw Keller, sludles for Rhythm a&a Expression. Op. 47 ...,,.... 1.00 24 JW 18 M 18 BO 18 Sors, Scales Mid Xxerclsea Xobler, Zlnrt stadlesw Op. 60 ......... t . ....... Z6bler, Ubtle Stndiea for Velocity. Op. 167 .... . Xobler. Baaievt StudlM.' Op. 01 ................ JO 13 Zohler, Short Studies of : Velocity. Op. 844..... 'M 18 XuUak. Method of Botave . PUring. Op. 48. Vol. 1. UO 42 Xullak, Method of Octave Playing.- Op. 48. VoL a 1.00 42 Xublaa, SoaatlaM JM 18 itemblne7venfl"'siudie, 60 24 yoesobbora. Studies la . TechaUiue and Bxpres- 1 son, 3. bocks, eoh. .... J50 13 aCendelsiohn, Songs Wltb-' out worts ............. 1-00 33d Pub. Our Prioe. Prloe. Xjoesobbora, Studies for Zntermediate Grades, 3 , books, each ........... . JO 13t fcoesebbora, Studies for - Advanosd Grade, 3 ' books, each '30 13 acosart. Piano Sonatas.... 9.00 64 Kasoa aad Uatbja wa. Primer of atuslo....... ,.78 49 Siatbewo, Graded MaterU s als 8 -books ., 1.00 42 gtreabborff, Melodious Etudes. Op. 63 .78 21 Streabtioav, Melodious y Etudes. Op.. 64 i- ,78 21 Sobumana, Seenes of . ObUdbood. Op. IS ..... M 0 Sohnmaaa, Album for 4 Tottng Op. 68 JtO 18 Sobmttt; Preparatory Bx - ' excises ................ Jtt . 0 Sobubert, Album Of Piano '- Compositions .......... 1X 33 Yaooal Practloal MetboA of Stnglng Soprano or Tenor, . . ........... . . .78 24 VaceaL PMotlcal Method " ' ' j ' of Singing Alto or Bari tone ....... ... .... .... .78 24 V. V. B. Method for Man dolin, T 1 o 1 1 n. Guitar, Banjo ........ .'. ..... . .78 24e Kobler, Xrttoeff Edition. Weber ft Stark, Parts 1 and 8.................. 8.00 33 Ohristofaro, Me t b 0 d for '' .Mandolin IM 33 Wlcbtil, Young . VioUnlit. . .78 33 Dictionary of bTasio ......... 80 l"' n'' -4Ux; !,f $1.50 House Dresses ' 98c " One-piece Ifouse Dresses made of. plain blue cha'm bray, figured or striped per cale. With plaited ; fronts and' square Dutch r neck, with fancy bandings. , ; $2.50 House Dresses $1.69 : -rffhis ones'- piece House Dress made of black , and -whito ft-hv.k f la nneletter fancy figured percale 1 in dark and light colorings. Trimmed with bias band ings or pipings. 4 Made with a round neck. W.B.Nuform$lOO Our famous W. B Nuform Corset, made ) with the new medium bust, Jong hips and back. Of an extra good qual ity coutil J Has three pairs of hose supporters attached. Has a . drawstring in the front. Lace trimmings ; :$2:75Nadia$L75 Thrfpopnlargdiar-Corre-of fine batiste. Medium bust New long hips and back. lc supporters attached. Lace beading ami ribkin- and ai?i trimmings.' , ; .