the .OREGON DAILY TOURNAL. PORTLAND. . WEDNESDAY EVENING, ; NOVEMBER 2, 1910. FOR SALE FARMS 17 "ST LOOKING FOR . mm Read This, Then Hurry ' 66 acres In Marlon coun ty. 60 acres in high state of cultivation; good family or- , chard, 7 room plastered house, barn, hog house, chicken houses, 3 wells,. Jersey cows, all fresh: 1 young horse, S dosen chick ens, 0 tons hay, 200 bush : els apples, wagon, .buggy, single wagon, all fanning machinery; the soil Is the best, no white land, rock or gravel; 1 mile from good town, on county road. Now, if you are looking for a real nap,4 take this for 15300; terms -can ba ar ranged. Herrick-Maiden Co. v 106-808 Board of Trade. WILLAMETTE VALLEY AP- . PLES. FIT FOR A KJ.NQ . . , EXHIBITED AT OUR OFFICE. A Grown on a 16 acre farm 60 rhiles south of Portland on the , 8 P. By.,' 80 trees Ben Davis,' 101 Spitaenbergs, 188 Baldwins, 6 year old. producing highly col- , ored perfect apples; 5H acres one year old pears and apple orchard, 4 acres oats and vetch. Not an Inch of waste land. Located On ; K. F, D. and phone line few ; rods to graded schooL Sur--rounded v by bearing orchards, magnificent view; near good town of 2500, - on good roads. We have a fancy exhlhlt of four-. varieties of apples at our office. Call and inspect them and see photos, Price $250 per acra as low as one-fifth cash. Tour own terms on balance; All future ' payments can be made from pro- duct of this farm. CHAPIN & HERLOW, (M) (32-338 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS FRUIT LAXDS i -r- n -tt xrrra . . on i tti?t n. vtr vtittvj nr.iT. if! i i i i , ic.v iv.k till 17 KS.SMSRBFOCI NOW SEE HERE! You have a few Idle dollars, and of course you want to Invest them where you are going to get the best results It is only quite nat ural to Bay: 1 WILL BUY LAND! - w Then let us explain why Central Brit Ish Columbia offers more opportunities 'to the investor today than any other civilized section of the world. This, the future Greafest Province of the Domin ion of Canada, is on the eve of a re markable era of prosperity. In a Bhort two years the great transcontinental railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific, will be operating hundreds of trains across the Dominion, hrtnsrlntr in thousands Of Settlers from the east, and shipping the ! results of their labor to all parts or tno globe out of Prince Rupert, the coming great seaport on the western coat. IN THE FORT GEORGE DISTRICT Only 3 miles from the present town and coming great inland city of Fort George, and the G. T. P, Rv., we are offering to sell you land for $4 per acre cash, that will increase in value so rapidly, on ac count of the limited area and the?unpre- rpAvntAd demand, that Will in a short time "hence surpass he. dreams of the room optimistic. . In the Interior of British Columbia Is a vast empire of agricultural land, unique in Its facilities, and advantages, and endowed with some of the most splendid attributes ever .accorded by nature. It is tho great farming, section of Canada's finest province an area of land Inestimable in value forearming, ranching, fruit growing, and surrounded bv hills that are rich in minerals, un dermined with coal tstrata, and drawing an inexhaustible supply of timber from the-mighty forests which stretch from the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway away north to the Arctic Circle. All the great natural wealth, of "Canada would seem to be concentrated' there hardly an Industry could be named that would not flourish and scarcely an es sential to the welfare of a populace that Is not to be found within easy reach, or manufactured under conditions that are extremely favoraole.- Come to see us If possible, if. not. write for fuller .Information. "We have maps, photographs, field notes, etc.; that will surely Interest you. ' ' DON'T DELAY. "' NORTH COAST LAND CO., LIMITED, - - Paid np-cartal. 1760,000. " General Offices. Vancou . ver. B. C. London. Office. 6 old Jewry. - R, C, RUTAN Selling' Agent - ,. 200 Chamber of Commerce, , Portland, Or. Phones: Main 8143. A-1S12. Open evenings 7 to 9. - WITBiUT. LET .rail M BY. DPISTOOTNI 160 acres jo Klickitat county, close to railway station and located in the heart of the fruit belt, It will pay you to hurry and investigate this of fer, For further information call or address e, p. i eus , 414-415 Lewis Bui ding ; fourth and Oak Sts, "rooming nousEs for sale S3 . 1 For Sale or Trade ; - ' The furnishings, fixtures and estab lished business of a profitable, strictly modern, first class hotel, .centrally lo cated in one of the largest cities on the Pacific coast. i - - . Over- lW rooms, handsomely, newly and completely furnished; furnishing are mostly oak, mahogany and birdn eye maple. Brussels carpets- on halls aniig-rooms. kitchen modern in eveny detSi ; every room steam heated, elec tric lfvhts. eas. telephone in every room. This hotel pays a profit of over $500 per month "the year around, tjwing 10 me tact nun the proprie tor is In ill health, he must give up the business at once, hence It is offered for sale at $20,000, or Twill trade for good farm or city property that- is free and clear of incumbrance. This is an opportunity tnat seldom come for one to acquire a first class, profitable business on very veasonaDie terma and low price. i ne runest investigation win do ac corded to a prospective buyer. . J. w. CKOHSbrcr. 620 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. Goldendale Simcoo Lands V l $15 TO $100 PER ACRE. ALL BUYERS SHOULD SEE THESE PHENOMENAL NON -r- IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS. PRESENT PRICES MORE THAN DOUBLE IN ONE TEAR. . ; Tlere is nothing offered In this paper today to compare. with It COMB IN, let us know your wants, and we will, try and' suit you. . Geo, S, Caseqy Co, : . Lobby Commercial Club bldg. KR ACRES ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY GOES You can t afford to miss this big snap. About H is cleared and balance is In tha best of fir and oak timber. The soil Is a de-p rich loam. All conditions are ideal for fruit and berry raising. The land has a good elope and is protected from the cold winds. There la a good 6 room house and fair sired barn, nearly new; '. abundance of Harden produce and fruit Plenty of good oat hay in the barn. New wagon, hack, plow, cultivator, .narrow, etc. One team of horses, one 3 year old colt, .4 milch cows and chickens? all household furniture' goes, too. This farm is located right on a good county road only 26 miles from Portland. Own er is forced to sell ationce and is mak ing this one of thai-cat buys In the Wil lamette valley. Land adjoining was sold . for $100 per acre. Only $76 per acra takes this. .. t ' , . Ai K. Hill ' 419 Henry bldg. 30 Acres 18 Cleared Rest can b cleared for $20 per acre; ,nnm hmlM hnrn tr 1 'A m 1 left Ofl wagon road from Portland, facing two coanry roaas. lto per acre, leniin. un electric line. 405 COUCh Bldg. 40 acres river bottom land, above nverflow line: all sediment soil. 10 feet deep; fine drainage, sub-irrigated, fln- . est soil in United States; all In cultlva. tlon; good new- cottage, large barn nrina- water: E0 miles from Portland SO tons hay;' all fenced and cross fenced: ohone line, milk route and R v. D.: fine neighborhood. -This is not a poorly drained piece -of land,- but i tiardv loam-pure sediment aoll. guaran 1 teed from every 'standpoint and will raise a crop regardless of aeason; oats went 4 tons per acre for hay. Price $4500; terms. Owner must o to Eng - land to close uo his father's estate, who has lust died: a fine buy and a sac rifice. H. E, Chapman, 517 Chamber of Commerce. FVtUIT LADS 45 Nine acres of he finest fruit land In the state (Hood River not excepted). All cleared, right on R. R. track. . 20 miles from the city. Adjoining ao.OOOxrohardV. - Well drained. " . One half mile from shipping point . One mile from town. . v - Fin apple soil, no gravel 'On main county road. Only $2700; $200 cash, bal. easy terma This is the bargain you are looking for V-267, Journal. T DEVL1N A FIREBAUG1T8 , ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. iiH room corner hrtck near denot. nice ly furnished with Brussels carpets, G. O. furniture, iron . beds etc. Good - money maker. 4 Lease at only $350 month. Own er is ill and will sacrifice at 60 cents the dollar. Price. $6500; $3000 cash. Will consider rart trade. - ' . GOOD BUY. 40 room corner brick, excellent down town location,', elegantly furnished and modern inj every respect Clear 1225 months $3000 cash puts-you In posses sion This is a. bargain worth Investi gating. :. ' 17 rooms in fine corner location, nice ly furnished; ; lowest rent in city. Clears $90 month. A good little home and a big money maker, rncen&ou. , DE LIN & FIREBAUGH. Reliable Dealers. ;l 51 0511-5,13 wetland bldg. We Have Some Attractive Bar- ' eains in Fruit Lands In the famous Mosler and East Hood River districts; both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lanaa, it win pay you to see M'CARGAK, BATES & LIVELY, . . oic tr niM Y3-iA , . ' - ' . , -- - v- , t i u V Bargain in Aople' Land- OwTirr of 80 acres unimproved ' fruit land, miles from Van Horn station, in Hood River district, will sell at a sacrifice fen- $6450. All good apple land excapt 5 acres: gentle nortneast .slope; nest nnreain in noon n ver aininci. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 815 Falling 'GLORldUS KOOTENAY." BRITISH COLUMBIA No irrigating; delightful climate; fruit farms $10 to $80 per acre; easy terms. Free booklet aa. investors Trust & Mortgage -Corporation. Ltd., IS. -Hastings a. W.. Vancouver. J..C. Goldendale Simcoe Fruit Lands J0 ACRES. $500: ONLY $10Oxcash, balance $10 month, Geo. S, Casedy Co.. lobby Commercial -club bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 thref, rood farms, will rent or sell on easy terms; renter must have from $500 to $1000. --1 CRAMER REALTY CO., 602 Soaulding bldg. 12 acres garden land near Portland, I nrvr M ;a iFFEiis trr gold end ale simcob fruit !:' .. . , belt.- . . - . 5VH0LB SECTION, 640 ACREf. , MORE CHANCE TO - DOUBLE MONEY Yearly than can be offered else t where. Mr. Speculator, post your self on this at once.. Get In with us in this new no-irrigation fruit belt. - - Geo, S, Casedy Co, Lobby Commercial Club bldg.' This is the cream of the Valley for Fruit, Orchard or . Garden Land SMALL FARM. 25 acres, good fruit- district, 1 miles from Oregon City; haa S room house with fireplace and water: barn and, outbuildings, fenced; - springs ahd ' stream; 3 acres- bearing fruit, 10 acres grain, balance pasture; 200 tords wood. A bargain at $4500. Soma cash. ' EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 80 acres. 19000, $5000 cash, balance easy terms; 60 acres cleared, 40 in cul tivation: fine commercial orchard: grand view of Columbia and vicinity; so mues irom Foruana: sooa bu id lngs, pruna dryer, some stock, farming rnacninery ana rurniture go with place. Heirs will make sacrifice for Quick sale. See this and you won't care to look Xurther. R. M.-HOOD. 604 Lumbermens bldg. STOCK AND FRUIT FARM. 143 acres; 60 acres cultivated, 150 bearing; fruit trees, 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, 21 cattle, span horses. 10 groats. 8 hogs, chickens, turkeys wagon, mresnm macmne, rarm impie memo, zoo cu. appjes, u ions nay, Located onuthe ; , OREGOM'E -,J ' 111 lncludinir 5 acres of strawberries. quire 664 Fjanders st. m- W ANTED FARMS R 88 wmTTTi v a ri m. fsrin with stock: ,,vwu -- - ' ------ ' cnarge or xarm; can iurnisn guua ri- erence. Aaaress J-res. journal. TDIBETt : For Sale Three vood timber claims In Joseph' lne county. Contain 6V4 million feet timber; H mile to R. R. Cheap. CLEAR VIEW REALTT CO. 208'- Henry Bldg. T GOOD INVESTMENT. , isooo Your own' terms. 160 acres, 2,350,000 feet first class timber on this ...l...kl. am Oi v. ! a m rli-ir urA county road, including valuable water right Sybeldon-Chandler Co., 302 Swet- land bldg., cor. 5to ana vvasnington. 1VS m-m BUYER PRICE PER ACRE Hill, a mm WANTED Party to take half interest in small sawmnr with water power same to take charge and run. CRAMER REALTY CO., Spauldlhg,bldg. WE are headquarters for timber and lumber enterprises or an Kinia. .in ney & Btampner, - ow wimnar j change oing. - - HOMESTEADS BARCNN- Th4 best navina: place in town of Its kind, clears better than $125 monthly. Practically no rent, we are wining to prove vniB. trice jiuuu. ierm iiDerm, iraiLi no. Has It for Less. 620 Board of Trade. t3 ' Here la one of the awellest shops In the city; 5 year lease; must sell at once, trouble. . See this at once. . . Moore Realty Co, 506 Board of Trade. 8 Per Cent per Month on $3000 uan guarantee b .per cent on inveai ment . No better ' paying , business on Morrison street. Has lone lease, lease alone worth the price asked for busi ness. Business can be doubled. , one. partner cannot atend, so business must be sold. Location east of 4th on Mor rison, Call Room 616 Ablngton Bldg WANTED Men" who are despondent v.a.,. vi i ... .aaliv tired. . . , w Blliutuuil. II, v . - u . . .- - sleep poorly, back aches, feel that tney have lost their former strength and vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging diseases and . ailments to come to me ahd receive a free friendly talk and examination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can oe arranges to suit your means. Walker, expert specialist. 181 First st WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate moving picture machines. Learn business in 18 days; easy inside work, short hour?. Operators earn $30 weekly. We teach on very easy terms; first lesson free. Day and night classes. New York Motion Picture School and Film Ex.. B2SH Washington at. PERMANENT POSITION . For right man; must be hustler; experi ence not necessary; good wages. Call from 9 to 11, or write 440 Sherlock bldg SCHOOL BOYS ATTENTION. ' " J2!f..W?n.t...t0 '-"it2jS2 PLEASANt room live rustlers. Apply to Classified Mana ger, .Journal office between 5 and P. "TV' j- :::: v;."..."i'?. ;;-;;'-,' PRACTICAL nurse wants confinement. case; will assist with' housework. Woodlawn 997. EMPLOYMENT AGEXCTES 65 C, R, HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 2S N. 2d St., Portland. Ladles' department. 7th and Wasti sts.. upstairs, Portland. ." 424 Front Ave.. Spokane. $7-89 4th st. San Francisco. Established 1876. ' THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGOY.k Gen'l employment. Mar. 818. A-2408. FURNISHED ROOMS . WEST SIDE 0 WANTED A refined woman to share. a modern four room, steam heated apartment, close in, wes( side. All home privileges; nicely, furnished. Pre-' fer elderly lady or one employed; $15 per - montn; address u-zo, Journal. Wanted-Mercnand ise Stock -Will pay $5000 cash and balance good .mortgages and some city real estate for stock of staple merchandise up to $10,000 or $15,000, prefer gooa town close to Portland. . Call or ad dress, 201 Lumbermen Bldg,, Portland, ur. 1 ". . k 10.000' POSITIONS .-.-' ' For graduates last year; men and wo men laarn- barber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn $ IS to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free: write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges, 85 4 th st, Fortland. - REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. ; , s, suitable for- 2 or .. more persons, furnace heat, electric or gas light; good place for permanent or . traveling people. . 349 Jefferson, just . blocks south of postof f Ice, Hunt's Express & Baggage Co, 1 trunk 50c. Additlonaf Trunks 25o each. Grip with trunks free.. A-2395. , Marshall J41S. ' FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, eleva tor service, hot and cold-water, 60c a day and up or $3,56 a week and up. 208ft 3rd, between Taylor and Salmon. TXra . nrant . le'vnat( rA ' si 1 1 1 1 1 a t ft n Call or ad-j ealesmen to handle the best properties J EIGHT. rooms furnished, modern, on . Wanted -' ' ' : ' CONFECTIONERY OR GROCERY ,axocK. Will buy grocery stock or confec tionery of any size in city. r WiH put in my close in home and pay difference in cash, if stock is large enough: Ca'l or address, 201, Lumbermens Bldg. If You Have $100 to $500 Or more, to Invest-in solid manufactur ing business where the net income is from 60' to 100 per cent snd your money absolutely safe, address or call ... ATLAS ENGINEERING CO, 817 Henry bldg. . $1300 lontr lease: 606 Board of Trade. a snap. Call at ALL CLOSE IN WEST SIDE.. 7 rooms, clears $30; $200 cash. 60 rooms, good lease; $1700. 22 rooms, good lease; $1100. 28 rooms, good .lease, $1100. R rooms, rent $20; $450. 9 rooms, rent $25, $400, terms, '7 rooms, rent $20; $275, terma Particulars at. 305 3d st A REAL BARGAIN. A first class stock of groceries, fine location; building can be rented for $50 per month; has 9 rooms besides the store- and ' wareroom; could make more than the rent by renting' the rooms; fixtures at H price. Flnkbam' & Son., 181 Madison st, Portland. on tne market today. s , COLUMBIA TRUST t CO., -"- Board of Trade bldg., 84 4th St, ; $5 per month, telegraphy taught in,prac tlcal forms; day and evening ses sions. Address Myers, 669 Flanders st, Portland, Or. Main 8612. HELP WANTED FEMA1E 2 WANTED Good girl for small family; must be able to do home cooking. Apply 606 College street. Take Portland Heights car to Clifton street go east to Sixteenth turn south to College. F-264, Journal. v.. .:- j.'i ., ; NEAT middle aged woman desires sltua- corner, close in. aood car service: ref erences required. :v Phone Tabor 366 for appointments. , ' : - ' , EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished front room.- also small room. 10 minutes' walk from postof flee. 263 12th. NEATLY, furnished basement rooms With electric lisrhts. etn.:. verv reason able. . Johnson, 16 10th st NICELY furnished room. ..unable 2 gan tlemen, or man and wife: business people preferred. M. 4288. fl Glisan. I247H fith st. rooms 111.50 ud tier week. Free phone and bath. Main 7754. A FEW furnished rooms with or wlth' out noara in private homer 403' 6th na8-hollf ekIJer 1wld0,Tr'!r.wit.n TRANSIENT rooms,' nicely "'furnisfied; '.MOVING P1CTWRE THEATRE " The New York Motion Picture com pany starts you in motion picture busi ness on easy terms; established thea tres also for sale; large- stock of machines, films, etc., for sale or for rent ei0, yit .1.1 DRUG store for sale; good location; good prescription business; no opposi tion; sales last year, $7000; invoice about $2000; will sell or rent building at $15 per month; $1500 will handle or will trade for real estate. For particulars write .box b, 'i ygn vaiiey, ure. Rooming House s 82100 New furnished roomlne house of 25 room Si good location, 6 year lease, rooms all full; terms easy. . Chandler & Gibson ' 312 Commercial bldg. : Investigate This Bargain 9 rooms, central location, good furni ture and carpets, and clearing 150 per month. Price only "$550; half cash. Call .401 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Real estate office, ground floor, very - best location: large list f farms, city property . and business chances; good furniture; large show window. A legitimate proposition; cash aown iauu. rnqne Aiou3, Main 1V74. 6Z etn st. ' SMALL grocery, dally receipts $12 to $16 per day. 2 good living rooms, fur. nlsbed, rent $15 per month; will sacri fice if sold before Thursday p.' m; OREGON COAST CO., ' A-1478, Main 1190. 274 Stark. Workingman's Hotel 51-roomed house, ' all rooms taken, rent reasonable and good . lease. Will sell for $2500, cash or terms. 411 Hen ry uidg. children, or elderly couple, city or su- DurDs; gooa . references. Mrs. - isi. a. Davis, ftrilwauklo,-Or. - - ' LADIES, buy your hats at the Millinery School, 274 Williams ave; wa charge for material only. AN EXPERIENCED girl by. Nov 16 for 60o up. 2BS Alder, bet 2d and 3d... FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE , -52 NICE quiet place to room for, a couple general housework in 'country home: I imh . v,iu. ik... wages $30- Apply 853 Stark st ctLr. Call between,-8 and 7 or nhona GIRLS WANTED Experienced . hands Woodlawn 1672. preferred. Oregon aper Box rac-1 T-orn pnnm anli vnv hn an'xni tory. 93 Front st , I water gas, bath, phone: suitable for GIRLS 16 YEARS and over; good wages S or 8 adults; no children, phone East ' and steady work. - Apply Multnomah 8764, 9 E. 9th st. . .. Mohair Mills. Bcllwood. N ICE furnished ' front ' room ' tor young WANTED Housekeeper . to care for 8 lady;, bath, ( Electric : lights and all v toys, ages 3 and 4, by young widower; modern conveniences, reasonable, " 631 state salary wanted. F-260, Journal. Alberta st Woodlawn 2154. WANTED A good cook family; arood J. M. Sanborn. wages. ror - private ONE furnished room, gas light bath, 245 N. 25th st ' on carllne. $7. 269 Fargo St ' WOMAN would like a place to cook for eight or 10 men, 657 Thurtnan st. ROOMS AND BOARD .15 Grocery Store , Can you beat this? Grocery store with 6 furnished living rooms; rent $20. Am leaving city so will sacrifice for $700. terms. See Peters. 15 N. 6th st. FOR SAUG Steam ' laundry in rapjdly growing city in tn state or wain, lngton: all up to date machinery and doing good" business; good reasons for selltng.-j Address J. W, Hunt, Pasco, w asn. , . ' 17 ROOMS 17 AS. In Al location; rent $55, in Belect lo cality, good lease, clears $200 monthly. Price $1200, half each, rest as you make it Peters, 15 N. 5th st Certainly a Good Buy. It rooms, all on one floor; furniture very good; 3 year lease, house clears $100 a month; price $1500, terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. , FOR BALE by owner, 18- rooms, part housekeeping, always full; good loca tion, good lease; rent $60; reasonable f taken at once. Address 183 Holladay. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 47 MR. WAGE LARNER, HAVE YOU EVER USED YOUR HOMESTEAD RIGHT? - : '," Beeome Independent by letting us lo cate you on one of the few good home steads left In Oregon. Get out of the rut, go out into God's pure health giv ing air, work for yourself and In a short time become the owner of a farm worth from $30 to 150" per acre. THE PiONEER LOCATING CO., 611 Swetland bldg., S. E. corner 5th and Washington sts. GIVEN- AWAY FREE. Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, "Call fornJa Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co., 701 Oregonlan bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Partner In good paying reai estate business, to hand's farm lands. Two autos ad subdivisions, land is extra good. Call at once, 602 Spauldlng Ding. : CIGAR and confectionary, good comer . location on the west side, rent $15. sales average $15 per day. Bargain at 4go. f . a. ueard & to., 51Z uerunger ping., za and Aider, -t MINING STOCKS OS FINISHERS on pants, steady work, I LARGE downstairs room to I people; good'pay. 846 1st st. I home cooking,, $6 each. 291 11th st WANTELWExpenenced coat finishers Marshall 2693; ; 10: minutes walk to on coats. 263 H Yamhill St., Room a, ... KUUM and board for 2 gentlemen with 'Wanted First claSa chambermaid. 67 & 3d st ' GIRL to, do sewln pressing shop. Hi in cleaning and west ftkTK. HELl WANTED MALE AND FEMALE - 20 WANTED Six Stock .and bond Bales Drlvate familv: home rtrivllerea. Phone ! Main 8628. - 464 Jefferon St. . FOR RENT Furnished room suitable for i. with .board: references. . .230 . 10th st . BOARD and room, front room with board for two. reasonable. 86 1ST. 14th, Phone Main 6659.- 403-404 Marquam bldg., Portland. WANTED-AGENTS 0 AiN i.jj six siock .na nona ssies. uftft i.,. JM modern conveniences: walklne 'dis- tance. 254 12th st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ' ' : : ' ; WEST SIDE ;,'"; - . . Hunt's Express & Baggage Co ; 1 trunk 60c. Additions trunks 25 each. . anp witn trunks free. ' A-2395. . Marshall $2.50 AGENTS wanted to aid us suoply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery company, Baiem. or. SITUATION WANTED WALK S MINING and Industrial stocks; tele- f hone and other bonds bought and d. C. S. Fletcher,125 Abington bldg. HELP WANTED MALE CHAUFFEURS are In great demand. We want sober, reliable men, that we can recommend; to take our course In repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night school. Automobile School of Oregon, office room 216, Merchants Trust bldg? Phone Marshall 2598. ' ' LEARN NOW, PAY LATER. Earn more money by learning auto mobile driving ana repairing, day-or evening; investigate our pay later plan. Office,- 826 Washington st. Room 415. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to '1150 ner month: some even more: stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly; choice of territory. Address Washing ton Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. , FOR SALE. T Cigar, confeettonery and check stand. Price reasonable. Good reason for sell ing. Oregon Electric depot. 288 Front street. EXTRA fine homestead; they are cleared and have crop In next sum mnr Prima and cat nartlculars at 305 n 8d st. . To every buyer of a 5 of 10 Acre Tract we will give a deed to any $125 Lot in Tdnquin, to be selected by the buyer, This offer to hold good for 10 days, . TORir.iTF.n STOCK RANCH. 160 acres in Deschutes valley; 60 crea in t-nltivation. well improved and ..ti,eita tL-,tr rlirht! nfiftr forest mue-xo rw .-- ree range adjoining. PJi I r A r r lrr i 1 1 I 111 f f reserve spienam uuinuig, niu, i.""'"?' Price $7000; $2000 down. 'V ru JIOJ- 1U I V U . IU O ULf prtce ,aB per acre; terms. This land Is mib rnurtni.T, wnetner you buy or not,- Agent's at tract and Main ottice, tall BLAISDELL, 8HOUP & DALY, 8io Kanway yjxenange HldR. ': 1148 ACRES, 5 miles from The Dalles, . 900 acres cultivating land, balance i. pasture, 100 acres In alfalfa, plenty water for irrigation; ifood butldlnK, school house and warehouso on place yThis farm would cut up Into 3 farms, or subdivide into tracts for fruit; price ' $50-per acre; $15,000 cash 'will handle this, balance 6 per cent, W. E. Mills, 114 E. 2d st, The Dalles, Or. CHOICE agricultural homesteads in eastern Oregon; location fees reason able. Address 1120 Jersey st. N., St Johns, or. TWO relinquishments in Yamhill coun ty to exchange. What have you? Call evenings. Mr. Carr, 892V4 E. Burnslde. IRRIGATED LANDS -42 Qiiltohlf. tnr fruit, alfalfa and clover, DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO. 301-802 Buchanan bldg., on Washing ton, near ttn. A Real Farm '.- 160 acres, no rorks. no stumps, no waste, every foot in cultivation . this year; on county road, 8 miles to town, on S. P. Ry- Only $50 per acre. ROSS ENGLISH INVEST. CO., 8 22 M ohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison sts, jVlOSfER Orchard, 10 acres, for sale; 8 acres 4-year-old commercial orchard, balanca excepting Mr acre In cultivation; 1 mile from Moeler, part famous Dav cmport farm. $2600 cash will handle balance over S years at I per cent 410 Corbett. bldg. for maps and further information, Another Bargain-. 80 seres,1 40 under cultivation,- good soil, lies good; house and barn, running iTffk some timber. 84200: easv forma Hvbeidon-Chandler Co., 802 Swetland Wdg.. corner 6tn ana. wasnington. k mm 414-415 Lewis Blds.r Fourth and Oak Sts,, PortlandrOr, 40 Acres at the Lewis River Clarke county,' Wash-., 25 acres cultivat ed; good small house and barn, fence, the best of oll;rric $s?00,JialLjcaii IF V5U WANT a rarm see me Before you buy. I have all sixes at jlght pAce. Geo. A. Houok.. 227 Mi Wash. . FORTY -acres mar Cottage Grove, good improvements; flnr orcliard. pries IlivO. H. T. Dow.,1180 Jersey St. - IN ,fHE UMPQIJA VALLEY. 7300 acres, ' price $18 per acre.' 600 acres, splendid to plat and sell In tracts, at least 400 acres can be put into crop, $25 per acre. - 2000 acres, 600 acres bottom, land, 80 acres in orcljwd, good improvements, orice t5.000. . , 1250 acres a splendid buy t$20 per acre. - ,- . a30 acres. Klickitat county, 4 miles from river and railroad, 800 acres in crop, 60 acres summer f allows 800 acres can ne cultivated, Daiance grazintc. fenced and cross fenced; good house and outbuildings; no better land for fruit and nuts in Washington: nrice $16 per acre; good terms. Z1MMER-- MAN, 310 Board of Trade Ding. "Airmtsmchr"lrrir'f 'aTgo orchard will, be a guarantee of future inde. pendence; nay for If out of your earn ines and nrovide a home and annuity that you will live to enloy; only com mercial apples of best qualtty . planted; cared for until bearing. Fargo Orchards i Co., 83 5 th st . . ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 08 13 ROOMS 13 Pant tsn Inr-ome f 138. BO: this IS In the heart of the city, thOeet buY ln the city for $650, terms. Bee meters, is is. 6th st. - - . ; : A PRACTICAL printer with . $900 cash can purchase good weekly paper and Job plant; - balance $800 long time. health poor or -would not sell. Inves tigate. K-260, Journal. WILL exchange splendid general mer chandise business and residence prop erty in good suburban town for cash or Portland property. Poor health. Writfc owner to G-230, Oregon Journal. Wanted Cigar Store Wanted. Large store ln good loca tion. Prefer down town. Address 201, Lumbermens Bldg. - Al STOCK salesmen, good commission contract to right party; best selling proposition in tn country., j-263. Jour. naL .... SUBURBAN cash grocery, stock, lor and ouiiaings; money maker in fast growing district Consider part tras; 47 1,umDermens dmk Diag. WANTED Salesmen in every locality in the northwest: money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenisn, wash. HELP yourself to a good salary Ars you waiting? For whatT Old age: death? Prepare for success now. Send for our new catalogua .International Correspondence Schools. 238 Alder st SALESMAN 14 yars old,' no boore or MBM All 1 1 . A TXT. B KttV von on salary and einenses or straleht I NICELY commission t b-zhs, journal. i aeepmg ; rui, 26o 2418. $2 TO $2.50 per week; housekeeping rooms, singio or ensuite; newiv rur nished throughout bath, laundries, phone, etc Sherman Houso, 184-188 Sherman st. ' y furnished. minutes' walk Montgomery. THE homelike . house- wlth fireplace; 10 from postofilcs, 243 COLONS Furmhed housekn lng rooms with s 11 conveniences. ktTIT ATiniM vontnil hir man with family, ; no booze fighter, can make and up, central location- 508 Alder st Bona nt nnv kind or work, sometninr I irtTPHifl.l Hnnniicnnir, mmm nuhr. gas; mofle-ata 7tn A Fianaers. A-40TS guuu CL v .any iviuu VI wmir. duuiciiiiiib permanent in preference to nigh wages. v-zuv, journal. parpf.nter work wanted of every de scription; looping, remodeling, repair ing a specialty, cummings st uauin, t.i First st. Marsnau az(. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - EAST SIDE 48 DRUG clerk, experienced ln all lines, with 'best of reference, wants posi tion. B-266, Journal. CARPENTER and builder, new work or alterations; plans furnished. eu. 1712. TWO nice rooms for light housekeeping, very, reasonable, all modern conven iences. 631 Alberta st C-258L Wood lawn 2164. ------- - ." ' ' 8 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, nrivate homrf no small children. East ' EXPERIENCED teamster wants a Job 8828. at once. Phone Afc645. CARPENTER worn, any kind, day or contract, fnone Marsnau zui. GOOD sober man would like position as Janitor. Address J. P.. 483, E. Morrison. STEAM Heat An elderly man late from FOUR newly furnished housekeeping rooms in cottage, . aauus , oniy, : Broadway. Call mornings.. CLOSE In, furnished Jiousekeeplng rooms. 4U Daimoiv rnun cast 6609." '"' "'" ".i ;" ' - v '- the east, an engineer by trade, active, $3 per week; clean. furnished houBKi- W ANT E D T h e employed men and women vof North Portland to know that a good new restaurant'wlll be open for business Nov. 1. Your patronage kindly solicited. 612 Pavier st WANTED Experienced ' solicitors for clothing and dyeing establishment, good wages to men who can do the work. Call at &7 union ave.. in. honpst strictly sober, desires a position small Dlant or steam heated bunging; more for home:than wages. Phone Wood lawn 2397, or address N. IdV 1084 Al bin a ave. - ' with 1A H nv. man ernpH Anreil farm and poultry work, wife good cook, wants n. KoieK, position farm. 2 90 Mr N. 16th. FINE chahoe for young man to go into the real estate Duainess witn an ex perienced man, only small capital re qulred. Call 826 Washington, room 415. PAINT store, in fine business locAlon, . east side, business calls m awat and I'll make attractive offer. Will ln volca with you. Address B-217,' Journal. WE CAN place you in paying business; before buying be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex- cnarge niag. a-4ki. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery stand, entrance of popular - theatre. Price very reasonable. . Sea owner, 389 Bast Burnslde. A Fine Transient House ii rooms, rieht down town: furniture very good and house clears over $50 a montn; price euw. wi Trade.. - ' : : : ' - '. WANTED Party with $5000 to take treasurershlp Al manufacturing prop osition. J-261, Journal.. - ROOMS 11 - Cheap rent, Al location, clears 886 monthly. Price lo&u, ot wiu nanuio. Peters, is . 5tn st, FOR SALE 5 year lease on 34 room hotel, no furniture, best location in tlty; inquire 811 H 6th. Marshall , 2680. 4iOOD PAYNCi restaurant; rent only $30 month; clears $50 per week. Price $360. 14 N. 6th St FOR SALE or trade one first , class bakery and restaurant. Call 414 Stark street. A-3869. FOR BALE Cheap, half interest real Making Monev 61 room house all full. To ralso money at once will sell for $2500, part cash. Owner. 411 Henry bldg. ' ' 19-ROOMS 19 All H-K In a dandy location, rent $60, good lease, a dandy buy for $1400; to see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. WHEN you want to buy or sell a room ' ing house see the Crescent Realty Co., 401 Swetland bldg., they are doing ths buHlnecfl. Marsnau b& iROOMS 19 Depot location, best transient house In the city; rent $53; clears $160. A bar gain for $1100, terms. Petrs. 15 N. fit 20 kuom rooming house, clears 1160 pur montn; splenuiu locations, low rent Price. $1100;. terms, . 14 N.i6th st WANTED A salesman for Jackson county, anotner ior eastern Oregon territory. Apply Oregon Nursery Co, OrencQf Of, 60VERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland spring examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept 251 Y. Rochester, N. Y. KAINPROOF your clothes quickly and easily, 60c cake enough fon 8 or 4 suits. Pacific Waterproofing Co., Port land. Oregon." .. . WANTED-r-2 good men to clean straw- berry patch at ones. .-Call or address 664 Flanders. 3 MORE teams wanted on E. 10th and Brazee sts., Wednesday morning, $6.60 per day, Pottage. WANTED Boy Id yeais old, steady work for right boy. Portland Cigar Box Mnfg. Co.. 43' Ev 3d st. REAL ESTATE partner, $200 will handle; good business. Rooms 16 and 16 Lafayette Bldg. ; inc rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard. phone, clean linen. 401 Vancouver ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms suites $12 per month. 740H Union ave. N. SITUATION wanted by young man at 5 HOUSES fOR RENT 13 . present employed ln afternoon would , - ' t- .-.'-.. -L-L,-Lnl-L,-I ' like position f rom f to II a. m., as col- ,, , . . in !?c.?j 8 Tcan slv rrnce nd ecurlt5r- G reater Meier & r rank Store . F. D. THOMAS', caterer, serves parties Rental Information Bureau or banquets atyour nome or .nans; furnishes silverware and dtshes; also I Horns hunters, visit oui'.modern, et-ni puncnoowis n nesuau; urn wni kuuwii pietely equipped mrormaiion aspsn .' in city. Phone East 4476. 862 Morris. ment fourth floor, main building, and SITUATION as gopd all around laun- note the vacant houses and flats on our dryman, wishes V position as head list You'll save time ln pttmg propeily washer or marklng;hablts are steady, and comfortably located., i We keep in Home phonC-2627. -s.-' ' touch with all the vacant flats .and WANTED-COntract or day work, new 0 MUutS or repair, ln or out of city; giod worn lt Ws also havs list YOUNO man wlshas room and board ln exchange for servloes morning and forenoons. K-260, Journal. t)RUa clerk, experienced In all lines, - with referanoes, wants position. B-266, Journal. structlon. If You Want to Rent a House ... See Us - WANTED Cordwood cutting by two young men; stato proposition. K-266, journal. WHEN you move you'll need new furri ture. Buy. judiciously and your sav ings will exceed moving expenses, nur NO-RENT PRICES made us ons of the largest furniture houses ;n ths YStm witHrUj 2iV-"n UTwo" ySari" sltion as collector for-loeal firm: good references. B-262 Journal. estate business; Call 326 Worcester to California. 00 business cards $1. You must bring this ad. Rose City Printery, 192H Sd. near Taylor. EXCEPTIONAL oportunity on ground "floor - large" manufacturing proposi tion; $f 0.000 required. J-260, 1 Journal. WANTED To buy small dairy; close In, with retail , customers. , H-atsrj, Journal. ' ' . ' WANTED Manager established mnu- facturing plant $6000reouir'd. J-262. Journal. ' ' . t ' WjLL" I'RADE 600. shares of. Campbell -Am Um t rty-" e n e r tor grro j GILLET blades and all other makes re shacpened ' better than new, 30o do?i. Amar Safety Honing Co., 614 McKay bid miRK1 Headuuarters and helpers. Call fornla Wine Denot 286 Yamhill, next toJou rnal. wA.NTinr Four meh.- at once, to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call 60-52 N. 7th at - '-. - '- SITUATIONS- ITESIALE REFINED young woman with studious ' school boy or u wants position as housekeeper for family, rooming house or hotel; thoronghly ' competent e.nd reliable. 288 Jefferson St. no triflers. GIRL wishes a position in general house work In a private family. Call at 630 E: 24th St, take W-W cat get off. at Franklin. ' ' '. ' ' ELDERLY woman will help with work for aood home and small wages.' ?S. Journal.' ' Lookers shown the same courtesy as buyers. ' . MOROA-N-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark St East Ankenv and Russell-Shaver Cars Paws Our Doors. -WE can furnish your home at a great. saving. , See us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow & Co.. 64-66 N. 3d st Complete heuseturnlshers. . Res : sonable prices. Easy terms. ' HOUSE-New, clean, gas, bath, elcctrl , .large yard,-snap tq quiet adults; $16, water free.- 1215 E. Taylor. SunnvslrtB. 7 ROOMED house, large attic, lot 5 Ox 120; shades and screens, 67th and E. Lincoln. Price $25. Main 2266. rtalns' carefully' laundered at -M2,DE515 rom, cottage, 81 E. 86th V A " TV .nWoTut rPhon; ; if Tabor 44 Sell wood 134, Mrs, warq. STENOGRAPHER Bookkeeper. 6 years' WANTED Experienced solicitor for dye works; good ' route and wagon. home. -; K-217, Journal. per NICE" pool room, clearing $200 month, cheap. Phone C-1806. TIN SHOP, steady employment for 3 .men, city. B-252. Journal. '- NICE lot 6 blocks from Pledmdnt, $475. Owner, C-1806 -. wanted-First class driver and so licitor, west side route;, Broadway Pye Works. 863 Union, N. . MAN who titoroughly understands the fish and poultry business. : Apply D. Kellaher & Co., 87 w. Morrison feTPEnTENCEDc'ailphti?' V.antedr' 555 Patton Road. . - . ' -' ' . ' WANTED Sawer digger. Taylor's fer ry road. Take Fulton car. WANTED A saddl maker at,once. Ad dress p, O. Box No. 5. Vale. Or. DlvliRY boy wanted. s Apply rM Front st. ; . .... ' ' -. . . exnerlonce. desires position In either or both capacities. Main 31 1 5. WOMAN of refinement would like light work in ramnyj west sioe preierreo. Call 361 Taylor. . , ' :-y LADY wishes position at cleaning of- flces or will take charge of rooming house. C-260. Journal. . ' GIRL 'wants position as general, house- work. Call 180 Arthur st ' YOUNG girl wants, housework., L. . Ulbert' 831 E. 19th it. -WOMAN,wfint8,w'ork:'Tjy'"li6ur. E. 63 lr HOUSES FOR RENT ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 33 TFT ions - 7 room' house, fine furniture, stood as new; cost $1600; including piano; rent . onlv 220: nartles groins .east: will ac cept a reasonable offer. We mean busU . ness. If , you do, call and, see us at once. . " -J. E, Nichols Co,v (--? t for 1 ,mrr 629 Board of Trade DRESSMAKING 40 ALI, kinds of fino dressmaking and al terations,' by experienced seamstress, reasnnahla,.-B4Ht references. Malt 615 Yamhill, tor. 16th.J- FOR SALE--Farnlture of 4 room flat; now; so casn necessary. Kent ib; suite 8, 56934, winiams ave. , Take U. car. prices reasn 2229. FURNITURE of 4 room flat f or sale, I2R0: flat for rent 278 Montgomery. - ,. $20 . per month; r