The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Previous Campaigns Tame in
Comparison With That Now
. in Progress.:
w Tork, Nov. l.r-Xf the plans of
opposing "nTferfnger .do not miscarry,
this, the closing week of the campaign
in New Yorg, wlU outstrip anything
of the klrid heretofore seen In tMa
state. Virtually every city, town and
hamlet Of , the state wilt haar tha po
litical orators. The activity will not be
confined wholly to the two leading
panles, for the Independence league,
tli Prohibition lata and tlie" Socialist
ere planning to wind up .their cam
tnicrni In whirlwind fashion. j-A-'V'r'V-All
the candidate on the Republican
state tictket will take the stump dur
lngr the week. Many other leading rnel
of the party, such aa Senator Roof and
jliohably one or mora member of Presi
dent Taffs cabinet will be .heard at the
, KepubUcan ralliea In tha larger tjlttes.
Colonel Roosevelt's "trip,, to Iowa, will
Jtufp hlrh away from tha state for three
davs, but prior to his departure he will
deliver two 1 Speeches , In Greater New
York.;.: On his way home be will stop
In Buffalo to -speak: In the final Repub
lican rally In that ,clty on Saturday
Mint - t
Democrats Make Hot Campaign.
According to the plans of State Chair
man Huppuen tha peraocrats ' are to
wag a much mora lively Campaign this
week than has been carried on ao far.
Hundreds of. meetings are to. he held
tinder tha, auspices of the state com
mittee and tons of campaign literature
rlil be sent out from headquarters. An
other feature of the concluding week of
the campaign will be . the rtslt of nu
merous political delegations . to - the
boms of John A. Dlx, the gubernatorial
candidate, In Washington county. v
Among the prominent Democrats "who
will stump the state this week, m ad
dition to the candidates for office, will
be Alton B. Parker, Thomas M. Osborne,
Augustus .Thomas. D. Cad Merrick,
Thomas F. -Carmody. Herbert P. Blssell
and James H. Havens,- ; , '
Whirlwind Caatpaiga ta Gotham.
Ia Greater New Tork the campaign
will be carried on at a, record breaking
pacer Every available hall In the city
haa been engaged by one or the other
of the two parties for Ms meetings.
Hundreds of automobiles will be used
to whisk the spellbinders from one
sally to- another. -It-is estimated thut
between now and Saturday, night . no
fewer than 5000 political rallies will be
hftld In th ftva hnrmiffha , Tamm.Att
will be Exceedingly active In behalf of
the Democratio ticket ! The ora-anlia.
tlon Is arranging for meetings by the
dozen every night and partloular atten
tion will fee paid to the doubtful die
trictS. - ... ;.:...
Washington. Nov.' 1.' Official' Vash
Ington Is looking forward to the results
oft the .election next week' with many
s evidences of anxious Interest. President
Taft J most largely v concerned In tha
outcome of the congreaalonal contests.
3le haa been given to understand by
come Of the campaign managers that in
case ha does not have a Democratic
house on his hands after March 4 next
he is very likely to have an Insurgent
Republican house, s It Is this phase Of
the situation that la of most Interest
and concern to the president He Is
particularly anxious that the next house
hall not only be of his political faltn,
but also of his way of thinking on lie
Important problems to come before the
next congress. With a hostile political
body In the lower branch of congress
the president may be frequently ham
pered .In the prosecution of his policies.
- The mercury went ' down oelowiero
One night Inst week at some points In
I'nlon countv.
Thousands novy use This"
Recipe for Cough Syrup
Easily Made at Some. Costa
Sothlng Xf It Tails.
I The speed with which this simple
home mixture takes hold of a cough and
Conquers It will surprise you. The re
cipe given below makes more and bet
ter coukb syrup than you can buy ready
made for 2.0. , f , , .,''
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
4 pint of warm water, and stir for 1
minutes. Put Sti ounces of Plnex (fifty
fonts'. worth) in a pint bottle; then sdil
the Sugar-Syrup.'.. It keeps perfectly.
Take a tesspoonful every one, two or
thre hours. -...-f
This gives almost Instant relief, and
usually tftpa a deep-seated cough in
aide of ii hours. - Splendid, too, for
whooping cough, chest patna bronchitis,
honrseness. etc The taste is pleasant,
and i is Just laxative enough to help
ure a cough. - Its tonlo properties re
store the appetite which a cough tends
to destroy. - - - - - .
This recipe Is now used In thousands
ef homes In the United Statea and Can
ada. Its popularity, has resulted. In
many Imitations none of them as good the old successful formula. It will
not work unless you use the pure, gen
uine Plnex, which la the most valuable
concentrated compound of Norwegian
-white pine extract, and contains the ne
cessary quantity of gulalcol end other
healing pine elements. Some of the best
known Portland drugginta, such as Laue
Jiavls Irug Co. (distributors) and
pthfri think so well of the abova recipe
t list. they Fruarantee it to k!v satisfac
tion or refund tne purchase price.
Dont Pull Out
Tliose Gray Hairs
HAY'S HAIR HKALTII will reetorg
them to their naturefcolor.
It never fails. Can be used without
detection. ' 18 NOT A DYE.
Thousands have osad it with wonderful
resulti for twenty-five years, - Your moa
ry back it not eetisfied.
.IuA a-fcfcno "Taa Cjwl 4t H4r mm N-.rt, NJaUAA.
XI ea cac. toales, at tfrusjjSsts
lHi'l, a'O.. tKll)MOBH lrttJO -to.,
!'' vi.:n; a. a. jjrown. OU.n
v'O. . v 1
ur n
Old Newspaper Man Will ; , -;
' Celebrate His First Venture
(Rppclil MKimtcH to The Journal.
01ymila. Wash., Nov. 1. A celebra
tion claimed by the Washington Stata
Historical society to be unique in the
history of the newspaper world, will tie
held in Olympla on . Kevember 1?,
If John Miller Murphy, editor of the
Washington Standard, lives till that
date. .
Just a half century ago, come Novem
ber IT, J. M. Murphy,-a lad of. 21 years,
came to Olympla attar learning his
trade of typesetting on - the Oregon
Wrekly Times, which 'flourished in
PorOand away back in lsfie. The then
village of probably 1000 inhabitants
looked good to him and he decided to
venture Into the newspaper field for
himself. The first issue, of the. Wash
ington Standard was the result, appear
ing on November 17; : Ever y one
of the 2800 weeks following come Fri
day, the paper was pullocVoff the press
and circulated in .the. home's of Thurs
ton coutfty and $he town, of Olympla.
: ; : Married, at Portland. '
' The -enterprise flourished i and a
couplo of years later Mr. Murphy re
turned to Portland to claim the, hand
In marriage of Miss. Mary McOulre, a
sister of the McOuire brothers of East
Portland, who were also V well-known
newspaper men a good, many years ago.
It was while' In' Portland bnthls wd
dintf trip that , Murphy first heard of
tha hews Of the firing on' Fort Sumpter
and with professional instinct for a
t'scoop" tlie young editor3 bought the
entire supply of Ban Francisco, papers
Intended for the northweat part of the
country and saying nothing of the great
news to his fellow passengers on the
tag trip, hastened to his office as soon
aa Olympla was reached and putting tho
printing force at work hurried out an
extra of the Standard, Informing tbo
cltisens of Olympla that 'the Civil war
waa actually begun, . ; ;
s Vewa of Assassination. V '.'-
A search through the columns of the
Standard gives an account of Lincoln's
assassination and the dramatic manner
in which thei announcement waa made
in the capital city. A celebration of
some local event was about to be held
and Olympians, at the expense of I20U
and their stage fares had brought the
Fourth Infajitry ban from Vancouver
to furnish the music. m The band waa
playing national airs m the street, to
the delight of . the entire population of
Olympla,. The first telegraph offlo
In the northwest was Juat across tha
street from tha band and the operator
came up ta the band leader- and handed
him a slip f Tellow paperr; With a,
white face the leader gave a word of
command to tha musicians ' and they
played ,a solemn dirge. The cjowd was
mute with wonder and apprehension
whan, the mayor of the town approached
to 'the front of balcony overlooking
the throng and announced "Lincoln haa
been assassinated." The celebration
was' called off and tha band went back
to Fort Vancouver the next day -
The Standard's columns have-recorded
the appointment of H territorial gov
ernors and the election of ' State Gov
ernors Ferry, McG-raw, Rogers, McBrlde,
Mead. Cosgrove' and Hay.
,; Always. Democratic
Andrew Jacksonwas president of the
United States when the first' issue of
(Salrm B'ireeu of The Journal.) f '
Palem. Or.. Oct 3L J. -X Admlston
of Sumpter today filed a complalht with
the railroad ' commission v protesting
against the failure ot the Sumpter Val
ley railroad to furnish adequate facil
ities for handling i-aasengera and freight
at Meenen. Mr. Admlston- says that
the depot at that point burned down
some time ago, and" nd attempt has ever
been made by the company, to , restore
It Passengers, he says, have stood in
tha rain late Into the night watting for
late trains. Freight is dumped off In
the mud and allowed to he exposed to
the element The point has always
been a regular stopping place for trains.
Complainant alao says the rates on the
Sumpter Valley tine are high and that
It seems to be a matter of the patrons
serving tha : railroad : Instead, of the
road serving tha patron. :
Joe Huddleston c Mohawk aiao rnea
a complaint with the railroad commis
sion today because he was taxen to tne
wrong destination and compelled to pay
his fare back to the Starting point by
tha conductor. Huddleston wanted to
go to Donna from Springfield. . On tho
way - the train was divided and part
went to Natron and part to Donna. He
was carried to Natron Instead of to
Donna and the conductor made him pay
his fare back to Spvingfleld, Where he
took another train for Donna. The ex
tra chare-e back to Springfield was 60
cents, which he wsnts refunded to him.
"K little dumpy policeman does
not command the proper re-
spect" philosophized Major Ken- )
. nedy, secretary of the civil serv-
lc . commission-, this morning.
"A drunken man "don't like to be
taken . to- Jail by a little man,
- and -a aober' man dos nof like '
to be told to "move on' by a than
smaller than. himself. Thla fact
was well spoken recently by a,
e . New York police commissioner.
It is very true." ,
It IS upon this theory that the
secretary has proposed to the
civil- service r commission that
Portland here'after require big-' a)
gar policemen. - The minimum )
height provided by the manual is a
five feet and seven Inches. .This
is the lowest on record. ' The e
minimum requirement 6f almost .
all other cities under the metro-
politan police i-ystem is f lva feet 4
and nine inches. The man muat w
be built proportionately.- Major
Kennedy thinks Portland should
not . pa "behind In this - matter, a
and .has recommended that, the
i, commission raise the require- e
" men t. The commission will meet
Tuesday ' afternoon to consider -
the -matter. .
Professor William T. Foster, formerly
of Bowdoin college, .who has been named
t wrmtncrPrf frvUetfirZZTZi
7!' Jt119:.1
the board of trustees, saying that he
would not arrive in Portland for two
or three weeks. He was expected to ar
rive in Portland today. Professor Fos
ter wrote from St Louis, Mo. - He said
his work was progressing rapidly, v .
: lllllil'
Joha Miller Murphy, oldest newspa
per publisher In norhwest.
the Standard appeared and it haa chron
icled the inaugurations v of Presidents
Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Oar
field, Arthur, Cleveland's .fwo inaugu
rations, Harrison, McKJnley, Roosevelt
and Taft. ;:; ':' . ".-rK.
" The veteran editor boaata that the
political spirit of the paper has ever
been Democratic, except that the Lin
coln administration was upheld during
the Civil war period.
':; Mr. Murphy was the first newspaper
carrier ever employed on the Oregonlftn.
anor In Tils boyhood he was an attendant
at tha first school ever organized In
Klmes to Make Addvesf.
. The;elebratlon to niark the golden
anniversary of the BOth Issue of the
Standard will be held Jointly by the
Washington; State Press ' association,
the State Historical society and the
Washington:. Pioneers'-, organization.
Governor M. E. Hay will aSt as toaat
maater and the principal speech of the
evening will be made by Mr. DCAroy;
president of the Oregon Historical or
ganization. The history of tho Wash
ington Standard wli: be given by George
H. Klmes, who began his printing ca
reer is office devil In the Standard
composing rooms in 1882. , .
(Halted Preu Lnttsi Wire.) , "
Seattle. Oct II. Prince . Ghlka of
Roumania, whose family " ruled that
country for three . years, Is being en
A Little Diapepsin Relieves Bad
. Stomachs in Five
If what you Juat ate Is souring on
your stomach or He like - a lump of
load refusing to digest, or you belch
Gas . and . Eruatate sour,, undigested
food or have a feeling of Dizziness,
Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad taste
in mouth and stomach headache this
is Indigestion. - .
A fuU case of Pape's Diapepsin costs
only SO cent and will5 thoroughly cure
your out-of-order stomach and leave,
sufficient aobut the houae in case some
one else in tho family may suffer from
stomach troubla or Indigestion.
Ask your , pharmacist to show you
the formula plainly printed on these
50-cent cases, - then you will under
Think Pianos . Think Apollo
Yes.ithat is the thing to do when people investigate pianos
' "r-and prices; we are pretty sure to sell."' ' ;
-j. -7 . why? . zJz :cr:
BecWse.we represent ten of the best eastern factories and
- , sell, direct from factory to home. Everything is
to be gained by seeing us. , . ...
Remember, the Apollo Player ' Piano leads' the world.' -We
want "you to see and hear it whether you buy. or not. No use
to be without music in the home when you can buy a piano at
the price and terms we are selling. t ,
, 100 Fifth Street Next to Perkins Hotel
tertained in Seattle. The prince lay
he has been hunting in Alaska and that
hs has had fine sport He says he killed
two bears, three mountain goat and
two moose. Hunting In Alaska, he says,
equals hunting in Africa. v
In an interview witn a reporter the
prince absolutely renounced his rights
to the throne of Roumania,, declaring
that the dynasty now In power, backed
by the powers of Europe, was best for
his country. ' -., .-,'.".., (
'(TlnlM tree Ua;4 Wtre.l
Caruthersville, Mo., -Nov. 1. Posses
are seeking Martin Rollins, ' who fled
into the hills after killing Mary Austin,
U year of age, because. she refused to
elope with him. Feeling is high against
Rollins, who Is a divorced man with
several children. ' , , ?
Rollins entered the Austin home laat
night pleaded with tha girl for several
minutes, and then shot her when, she
refused to comply with hi demand, Tha
first shot failed to kill her and Rollins
shot again,, with fatal effect v
' - A1ID OLD
Ont size oxiy. Ricuur ma scaIottu
Measure 02 Means
Milch Sort Oregon
There are 1628 insane people
in the state. A branch asy
lum is needed. A vote for
302 is a vote for the branch
Read Page' 11 of the State
Referendum which provides
for this branch. Let us ade
quately house our insane,
,The present asylum is; much
too small to do so. T
VOTE FOR 302 ' '
' (Paid Adv.)
stand ; why Dyspeptlo trouble of s.11
kinds must go, and why they usually
relieve sour, out-ofrder stomachs or
Indigestion In five minute. Diapepsin
la harmless and tastes like candy,
though each, dose contain power auffi.
olent to digest and prepare for assimi
lation into the blood all the food you
eat;- besides,. It makes you go to the
table ; with a - healthy appetite; but
what will please you most, 1 that you
will feel that your atomach and intes
tines are clean nd fresh, and you wlU
not need to resort to laxatives or liver
pills for Biliousness or Constipation.
This city will have many Diapepsin
cranks, as some people will call them,
but you , will be cranky about this
splendid ' atomach preparation, too, If
you evr try a- little for Indigestion or
Oastrltls or any other Stomach misery.
Get some now, this minute, and for
ever rid yourself of Stomach TrOubls
and Indigestion. ; i v )
Our . 'WEDWE GMY and THURSDAY Special Sole
Box Stationery 25c
A bjg show
ing of extra
values, . ' Our
line is com
plete as any
you ever ex
amined. Holi
day stationery
is just coming
uaii, ana
Special value at per box..
Fciiatala Serfage
2 quart size, each in
separate box,, com
plete with" 3 .attach
menti. Spe-70
cial at ....... iVC
In order to close out thla
entire line they are of
fered for saJe very low.
' Prettily decorated and
suitable for flower dis
plays. Very peclal C
at, each ...... ..... "V
Rcxall v
s Watches
Are fully
rnaranteed aood time neev-
ers. No reason why every
boy and girl, every man and
woman shouldn't " have a
9itimpiece. At nn
, This handsome 11.25 triplicate QC
mlryor on sale, at only W."'V
J (rrts-wt '.
Dolls Oolls
.Dolls' for the little folks.'' Once you see oar
display ou will conclude that The ' Owl
Drug Company is the place to buy one for
the little girl at home. We have a tremen
rdous stock of imported ; dolls.!: All are
dressed have shoe's and stockings, hats' and
fine hair. ; Out doll showing is one of the
biggest successes we have had since we
opened our store in Portland. We do not
hesitate, to state that we have the. most at
tractive assortment ever shown tit this city.
3 Splendid Candy Specials
Jordan Almonds. The regular 75c kind, 49f
pound T''
Prostea Cream. These are the same kifid
that you have always paid 25c for; per f Km
pound .................... , ., , ,MV
Maple and Baspberny Patties, regular Aa
25c pound W
These consisi of Flower Dishes, Blotters. Puff
Boxes, Ink Stands, Smoker Sets. Great variety.
8ee Seventh street Window. Big display. ,
. ' i . , . 3ii" . :! .. .. i . . .".: i1' i v -V " j '. i - 1 1 1 . ...'':'' s . " ,v - :..,.. ..: . ,,.,'..., ... .
-', . i1 . ; -, .. .: ( ; "' ',"' ' .. ., . ., '. : . . . ;i: . , i. '. -1 . '" ".''-' , ?f&,vij-fi. j
Are alwkys interesting to shoe buyers. We have better Shoes for less money than
: any other store in town. Our stock 6f wet weather Shoes is complete for the whole
"family. ".' ' ': ' ... " . - . .
Agents for Ralston
We Are
For High Cuts for 'Men.
High Cuts for Boys.
High Cuts for Gjrls. -
High Cuts for Ladies
Special High Cuts
Made 'Id order on-$hort
noticexin our .factory, ' -
Repair Factory
Always at ' your service.
Shoes called for and deliv
ered free of charge.
Phone Us
Just Received
. A new lot' of " ,
Boys' and Girls'
Jockey Boots
ArttAm at n rr uat k i jwi h m
Miscellaneous Specials
Borax, full pound package. . . .7
Sal Hepatijca . . . . . .. 15
Lava Soap , i i . I i 7t
Sapolio . ; . . . ; .... 4 .." . . . 7
Eau de Quinine , . .... .QOlp
Santiseptic" Lotion ....... ... .33
Grandpa Tar Soap.....,;. . f.7t
Palmo Tablets :ri .V. . , . . . .'.S7
M. I, S. 'P. .. . ' ' . ; . . . . ,75
Marmola: Tabs . . . ... 53
Baume Anafgesique ..v. . , .43?
Hall's Catarrh Cure vY .... .63
Bell; Pine. Tar and Honey.. 19
Rocky Mountain Tea i 23
Creolin . . . . .; .'' 4 . .. .69
D. D. D, czema Remedy. .75)
ICardene , . . . . . , v , . , 35
Pape's Diuretic v.; . ; , , , , . .Se
Frog in Your Throat . . . . : . 7
De, Miracle"Crearh . 39
50c Darreltes Only 19c
Your choice of any 50c; Barrette: 1 A .
in tock for only,.WU. 1IC
OTTITSffXTAti Xirm Of good quality,
with ring to attach to watch . AQn
chain, Owl special at.. ..... , . . . . . v
The Above
r. .49c
Men's Shoes" and H.
146 Fourth Street
Sign oftlie
Girls Russian Calf
Button Shoe
; Cut Price
Heavy: extension soles,
wide toes and low heeb.
SifeTBlo I l.:....$2:'2o
Sizes 11 to 2.. V. .93.70
Sizcs'254 to6.;.'V;i?3.25
wta ok1
Pocket Brush
This brush
is an lndls
pe n sable
o o mpanlon;
made flat;
fits In a
small space
In pocket or
rip. Kxtra firm nrush with leather
hoiaer. Pi
for this
sale up from
Perfume ;
Dainty and pretty
Sterling Silver, fil-"
igree-.- covering, CQ
Special at, w., OVC
POCkct -y
Flasks 75c Up
We ire showing a nice line
of leather covered FlaskH.
We have every ftlnd - of
flask, in size, cover 7er
ing, etc.; up,. .... .
Liggett's Chocolates
The kind that are advertised. We are
sole Portland agents. No two pieces
of candy alike in a box. Delicious
snd pure. Prettiest boxes made.
u rotnrs boxes.,....,., ,,..,404
1 . TOVVTD B0X3 80S
These Music Rolls on sale at
only, each
I mH-i - -'
sjaHlMBBjsj ' ", K -mm
t '
'' .fi''j
Oolls Dolls
We have a beautiful 16-lnch Doll, elaborately
dressed and well made, the regular price of
which would be way above our selling price.
Our Jow .price is only ...... , ? .'. .O8
Then There's a ' Smaller One, also fully
dressed, 14 inches high, for only...... 40
The smallest, 11 inches high, is a splendid
value, worth far more than we ask for it and
dressed in the latest fashion. Also some boy
dolls in this lot." Each onlyv'. ...';25e)
We have them even hjgher in price if you
A Special Perfume Offering
Dfalle's Illusion,- a concrete petfume; has dedi
cate and lasting odor. Comes in rose, helio
trope or lily of the valley. Placed CI 10
on sale at, per bottle
Mail Orders Delivered Free
Within d radlua of 100 miles from Portland,
to any railroad or Steamer point, we will ship
and prepay charges on all orders of 15 or over
& M. Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' ,
Vl Rtirfnn
Cyl ; JUUtlUll
W anoes
M Cut Pricfi
High Cuban; or .'low- milK
taryr heels.. Sewed exten-'
sion. soles or light soles, in '
yici kid, dull -calf, patent
kid, leatherette, mat tops
or calf Wps. - -
Boy's Kangaroo Calf
Cut Price -
Solid iinlined school Shoes,
heavy soles, - wax-thread
seams. ;- . ; i
Sizes 13t6 2 $1.85
I . IT l
,-'V -i