.;,.v A. ' , hi LOCAL CRANBERRY SUPPLY SHOWS A BETTER QUALITY Offerings From Sand Lakejtrid f Hwaco Superior to Jew Jersey Growth and Prices ; - Hold at the Top". ' ;- Local cranberries ere far superior to the best offerings from th east. - This is. the opinion of, Fronjt, street 'tnerohants who are fair In their views resardlngr home, production. To make their opinions carry weight they have recently reduced the' price of eastern growth and have held the local berries, where they started this season, ; : ; ) For awhile the trade here was quot ing 110 a barrel -for eastern oranber 'rles. . At that time locate were quoted at 88.50. ; Then the price of the eastern froduci dropped to, $9.60, and then : to 9, and still --the local offerings were " maintained at $8.60. Now there has been a general reduction In eastern cranberry prices here anfflhe very best offerirgsare bringing, no more than $8.60, while some are being offered for less. Lotfal ; cranberries - continue at $8.60. ; "cfft'i ; -.-A" excellent cranberries are now coming from Sand Lake and from Ilwaco,. and quality of the offerings from both of these places , is better than the Ntfw Jersey stock. Usually the local ber ries are rather - small in comparison With the eastern product, whUe the col 'ors are notTso good. This seasor how ever, with Improved cranberry culture here, not only are the-coiors better and ; deeper than ' the Jersey stock., but the supplies are of large size, Keeping better than ever before Boosting Eggs Again. A too heavy surplus of "Iowa Pearls" has caused another -paper advance of So a doien in the nrice of fresh eggs along Front street but those that, do not handle the "Pearls" are still selling st 87 and 88 cents a dosen, while those who do not handle Oregon eggs, -at all. are qiiotlng 40o for them." ; The eg mattcet here is holding strong and '-unless tho situation changes will prob ably sell higher. " Pressed Hogs Are Lower. ...' - ' Dressed hosrs ere ' quoted weak at lihiC for best supplies along Font street today. Receipts are not heavy uut the recent sharp decline in ;, the stockyards has forced a drop In the dressed meat trade. Extreme height ot the dressed veal market today Is 18c a pound and roost of the sales are made i below thla.' . ' ; : " vAA'A Chickens Continue Weak. Chicken market continues weak along Front street and sales are generally made at 1 Bo pound. Fancy hens are still, in liberal call but few are com t. ing. For these a premium is being of fered. Too many springers now In evl- . --r-- -r .'i ."' Apples Not So Brisk. Trade In the apple market along Front street , is not so brisk as last week. Prices art.' unchanged f i." A, ' ; A Potatoes Continue Dull. Potato market here continues dull with supplies generally being jobbed .out at Jl&1.15 per cental in ther local wholesale district San Francisco mar ket today for rlvera is 70 to' 90c and . for Ballnas Burbanks 11.45 to $1.(0 per cental. . -.v. . ' V- - . FPONT STREET QUOTATIONS Hops,- Wool and Hides. - HOPS 1910 crop, choice, 18014c! prime to choice, 1212Hc; prime, Utt llc; medium, ilex 1909 growths, nomi - nal. ' .'- ' ; WOOt-Nomlnat ' 110", Willamette allev, 418c; eastern Oregon. 1317o, ' SHEEPSKINS Shearing,- 10tto each; short wool, 255J50o; medium -v. vrooX,- 80c 81.00 each; long wool, 76c II C .ii.Ii - . " TALLOW-Prime; per lb., " fe No.1 I and rreass, J2o. - . , CH1TTIM BARK 109, nominal, to; . 18mDEl Dry" hides, 15 ltf lb.; freen.'Ho: bulls, green, salt. So lb.; kips, 67V4c;- calves, green, ,11 :.' Uo per lb,';.. j , v,.-..,- -- , MOHAIR -Nominal; 1810, 80 8 Jo. - Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER-rKxtra creamery, cubes and tubs, ISc; squares, 37(310 lb.; store, .'I4r25c; eastern. 3234e. BUTTER , FAT F. o. b. Portland., per Ppol''LTiRY Fancy fowls, 18 154o; Spring, 14lBc; old roosters, 1012c: young, 12 13o; live ducks, young, 18 tfJIScA old, 16c;- turkeys, alive. 28o: dressed, ( )S pigeons, squabs, $2.60 dosn. - -t KQG8 Local extras, 8788e; No, 1, 87c; No. 2, 28c; eastern best, 32tt 84c; ordinary, 28'30o. CHEESE New Oregon fancy full cream, triplets and daisies, 17 He; Toung . Americas, 18 Vic. A Grain. Plow and Hay. . v WHEAT Track delivery Club. 780 77c: . bluestemr 7882o; fortyfolJ, 76 . lOc; (Willamette valley, 78c; red Rus- 1 awi n n ,uu nn liitkcv i bu. t a uu nun. - v - .BARLEI Producers' price 1910-? Feed. 20.50; roiled, $Z3.eo; brewing, -,. 21.-'" - - ' . CORK Whole.. $38; cracked. 137 ton, HAY Producers' -prlce 1910 -Val. timothy, fancy, $19I9.60; ordinary, I 19; eastern Oregon, $2021; mixed, 1416; clover, No. 1. 13f 14; wheat, - $1314'; cheat, $1418;' alfalfa, $18; ' MILLSTUFFS Selling prleeran. " 325; middlings,, $33; shorts, $27;vchop. $,19(25. .. -, , A . : OATS Nominal, producers' '! price Track. No.. 1 white,- $27 27160; gray, . $26426.60. ' FLOUR Old trop. patents, $8.18; Willamette, $5.20 - per barrelf local BtralKht. $4.04.76; bakers, $4.766.16; export grades, $3.70; graham, V4 sack, $4.60; rye, $8.76; bales, -$3.16. . . ; Groceries, Huts, Etc. - SUGAR-Cube. 8',20,j powdered, $5.60rj irun ., or uerry, . o.ou, iry granuiatea, - $5.60: U yellow,' $4.?o; beet, $5.40, Fed eral truberry, 6o less . than fruit or berry. ' . ' .;-' (Above quotations .are 20 days net CflBn,)' ''' - RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 4 y, fli6c; No, 2, 4c; New Orleans head, 67ci SALT Coarse - Half ground' 100s, $8.50 per ton; 60s, $9.00; tabae dairy, extra fine barrels, 2s, Bs and 10s, $4.00 6.00; lump-rock, $20.60 per ton. BEANS Small, ;white. 4c: large. white, 4c;.plnk. 7V4o; bayou, $7.86; jbimes, b.K: reas, 7.z&. , -- HONEY New, ? $3.75 per case, ' Tmits and Vegetables. - ' ' FRESH FRUITS Oranges Valen i' mIas IliAl t hnv t :-V.MM El IK ' vi w y v v uua, vstiiaiiaff, 7B u iu( lemons $6.507.26; grape fruit. $3.76; pineapples, 67o lb: cantaloupes, Ore gon, 76c I1.00r peaches, 80c4f $1 00; wa- termeiotis.v tt.OOr cranes. 75csm.l5! local 'Conc(ds, 20c: : ground cherries, ll.vvr pear!i7 f i.utlH) 1.60. ' BERR1E3 Hutklebetrtpn n . POTATOES New, $1.00 1.26; sweets, SWe lb. - ,- ONIONS $1.4001.80; garlic, 7 8e VEGETA'BLES New .turnips," t.HQi 1.60: -hefts. 31.60: cerrots. il.2Sffl -1.60 , ptt wiack; ,., cabbage., floy $-1.60 - per 7THE WORLDS WHEAT A FOR HIE SEASON Chicago and Liverpool Each Close -Lovycr , Again With Former Off 1:14.to 1 3-8c Bushel From Yesterday. ; , Baffsrdlsff Export Ssmand. 4 v .' Winnipeg All exnort bids ars ' $ . out of llns with prices here. 4 There Is nothing at all doing In the export line. 4 New Tork No bids are belns received for export wheat, and the market is stagnant. v. ... , Llverpool-tThe market ' for cargoes -is extremely quiet; too bid's being submitted. ! . A Portland Number: cargoes 'of wheat sold for export In about 10 days. . -.-.-.' , Taooma General stagnation la the wheat trade, with no export business possible. CHICAGO "WHEAT aCARKET. Today Year Aga December May .95V .93 1.04 July .911 Chicago, Nov. 1. Wheat market was soft and flabby today; -showing no re cuperatfng power and closing distressed at a, loss of 1M o lc a bushel fron yesterday, v A ... Weakness at the " opening cost the market from 1 to o a bushel " but the loss widened as the session closed. First of all there was a weaker tinge to cable. Liverpool's 'opening advance of H to Hd soon gave way to a loss or Ud and this was the value at the end of the session. Berlin closed with a decline of Mo. i.-- Weakness abroad was due to the in creasing offering of wheat there. European visible supply now shows an increase of 2,988.000 bushels. - Tna cash situation at home Is very weak 'and all nrlmary rjoints with fn exception of Omaha show a decline for me aay. This one market was Ho higher owing to temporary conditions. Cash wheat No. a mA. 81 i tfn'Un- Na 8 red. 8991ic: No. 8 hard win- ter, 9194ftc; No. 3 hard winter. 89 92c; No. 1 northern spring. $1.01 1.03: ; No. 2 northern spring, $1.00(fJ 1.02: No. 8 northern snrlnir flRotfftl n-. No-8 "prlng 97c$1.00; No. 2 spring 82c ; Range of Chicago Jwlces furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. ;,.A:l,.,, WHEAT. -... , , v,:sv:v open.. ; High. Low. ' Close. uea ...... o 90 May 9S v 98 July ..... 94 . 94 84 6HA 93 ,-: corn. Dec ; 4 May 49 47: 49Vt 'iOVi OATS. . , 46 KB M9V4B 60 July Dec May' $iH 34 July ..... 91 84H PORK. 1700 1710 1695 ...... 1605' 1617 1602 .. LARD. 1025 1027 1020 970 977 ' 970 RIBS. 806 910 905 ..... 885 890 886 Jan. May Jan. May Jan. May 17010X 1606B 1026 D72B 907 887 SEATTLE PRODUCE 5 . PRICES FOR TODAY Seattle, Nov. 1. Buttei Washins-tou creamery firsts, 3o; ranch. 25c; east, ern creamery, 83c; eastern storage. 31c; process. 29o; Oregon, 85c ..-.- - Eggs Local ranch, 60c; eastern stor age 2882c; Oregon, 4043c; fresh eastern, 88c uneese Tillamook twins. 17Vie; Til lamook Young Americas, 19c; Wiscon sin twins, 18c; Wisconsin Young Amer icas. 20o Washlhrtnn . tvln, nu, Washingtpa. Young -Americas, lie; Swiss, 23cslimbureer.. 19e; cream, 20o Onions Walla Walla, $1.6001.75 per sack; California. $1.60? vwl-0 rotfltoee eastern , Washington. $26 xtr 'ancX. 188; White blver. $22,26 sweets. 2V4e per pound. hundred: . tomatoes, j;60O 660 ner box: beans, 100 per pound; horseradish 8 me; green Onions, 10015o dozen: peppers, 11. 46o per lb; head lettuce, 8040o per dozen; hothouse, $1.60 per box; radishes, 1013V4c dos en bunohes; celery, 4090o doien; egg plant, 31.26 1.50 crate; cucumbers,, lo cal hothouse. 25a ner dozen: ia corn, 1.251.60 sack; cauliflower, 60 eoo aozen. .- , . - . .. ' APPLES 76c $1.00" -v ICeatsrstsa and FrovlsloiiSi , DRESSED'MEATS Front street hots. fancy. 12c: ordinary, 12o; veals, ex- tra, 13c; ordinary,. 12 13 V4e; noor, 10c; o.tra mi(s. lyijivu. Baling ia yearling lambs, 7c lb.; mut FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter ers prices; tsesi steers. c, ordinary, 8 Vic; beat cows, go; ordinary, 7 o lb. LARD Kettle Jeaf 6s, 160 per lb.; stearn rendered, 6s, 15o per lb.; com pound, 6S, 12 Ho per lb;, HAMS, BACON. EflHams,17M9c; breakfast baojn, 1SV32C lb.; boiled ham, i6$?26cT picnics, 13V4c; cottage roll, 15o pes- lb.; regular short clears, smoked, 17c; backs, smoked, 17c; pickled tongues,- 76o lb. ." - , OYSTERS Shoalwater bay,, per gal lon, ( ); per 100 !b. sack. $6.f0: Olym pia, per gallon, 8; per 100 lb. sack, $9; canned eastern. 660 can; $6,60 dos.; eastern in shell, $1.75 2.00 per 100. FISH Nominal Rook cod, 10c per lb; flounders, 6c; halllbut. 8c; striped bas, 16c; catfish, 10lle; fresh Chi nook. 9e;. ; silversldes, 801 ner lh. ; soles, 7o;A scrimps; - llo; perchi 7o; tomcod, kc; innssnrs, 25c; herrings, to; black bass, 20o lb.; sturgeon, IB Vic per lb.; silver smelts. 8c per lb; black cod, 7 Vic; crabs, larce, $1.60; medium, $1.26 dos.; dressed shad, 6c; roe shad, 8c; shad roe, 20c lb. ; - CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 4c lb.; razor clams 12 He dosen, $2.25 per box. TURPENTINE In ofeses, $1.00.' bar rels, 97 Vie per gallon. .:::, Paints, Coal Oil, Btc - A Linseed oil Raw, bbis. ' $1.07; kettle boiled, bbls., $1.09; raw in cases, $1.12 boiled In cases, $1.14 per gallon; lots of 260 gallons, 10 less;-. oil cake meal (none in market). - BENZINE 88 degrees cases, 24ViO sal.: iron bbls.. 21V40 per sal. . WHITE LEAD Ton lot 80 per lb.S 500 lb. lots. 80 per lb.; less lots, 8 Via per IO. " . ''-. ,'' -'' -'!''?:;: 1 ROPE Manila, $0 sisal . TUc 4 30AIOIL Pwirtret-and stsPTITO rer gauon; eocene, lie gauon; elalne, 8c gallon? headlight, 19Vio gallon; ex tra star,w21o gallon; water white, bulk, 10V4O per gallon; special water white, 14c per gallon, , GASOLINE Red crown and mot4r 1825o gallon; 88 gasoline. 3037V4o gallon; V. M. fe P, naphtha, 18V23VsO gauon.- - tWlREAlLS Basis,- $2.79, ' 4H ' 49 U OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, II SMALLER III COLUMBIA RIVEIt ." " k -- A--' A-. , J. ( A.'-- ' " 1 ' Chlnobks Are Very Scarce and a: Are Quoted at 9c Pound Lo cally; Steelheacf Season Has Not Opened to Any Extent Run Of sahnOnNn thn rnlnmhta rfvrtr is showing a decrease. Reports from the lower' river Indicate that the season for silversldes la waning and few steel heads, have thus far appeared in the nets or traps. ...,,.., Only a nominal number of chlnooka are- now being caught,, and this forced an advance f a cent in the locakyaluea auring me past lie nours. silversldes are firmer in consequence of the da creased offerings, and are now quoted at 80 a pound, whtle Chinook s are ii to. Ac, and are extremely difficult- to bur at that price. . , x . Along with the advance in salmon values comes the announcement of very light offerings pt halibut In the north and consequent advance in prices there. Early last week there were rather lib eral offerings of- halibut, and this sent the price lower, but now with only a small visible ' stock and with no ar rivals due on the Sound, the market is extremely firm. Halibut la quoted today at 80 a pound in the Front street market. Opening In New York Is Lower but Values lmprove( Later In the Session. New York,.. Nov. 1. Stocks opened lower but closed with a fractional ad vance over yesterday. One noticeable feature was apparent The inactive shares are showing a general depres sion. Cora Products company is said to be doing the "largest volume of business in its history tut the profit margin la small. - Allis-Chalmers report shows 3.09 per cent on preferred compared with 8.10 per cent last year. .. Pennsylvania Railway September re port shtfws net earnings for fltnes east of Pittsburg decreased 3115.000 and lines west decreased $268,000. Regular dividend declared. , Burlington -annual report shows 'Tiet income enual to -12.01 on the stock com pared with 11.16 in the previous year. ; , Railway Springs declared , the regular quarterly dividend . of per cent on preferred. -. a ? ... -;. Semi-annual dividend was declared by American Cotton Seed Oil company.' , Foreign visible supply of copper shows a decrease of 3740 tons. . j Range of New York prices-furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.! Description rOpenHlgh Low Bid Amal. Copper 69 14.14 66 Vi 89 Vi 69 53 39 Am. Car & F., c. J Am. Cot Oil., 0. Am, Loco., 0. . . Am. Sugar, c. . . Am. Smelt, 0... 80V4 80T4 79 ao via . . Anac. Mlnine- Co 42 S3U 8t Am. wooien, 0.. Atchison, 0 . ... S3 103 101 108 104jI6S do nfd ...... 101 Bait & Ohio, C. 108 ao pfd ...... B. R. T. ....... Can. Pacific, c. Cent Leather, o Chi & Grt W, e. C. , M. & St P.. C. & N. W.... Ches. & Ohio. . . Colo. F, & I., c. Colo. South., c, do fid-pfd.-. . . do 1st pfd... Del. & Hud,... D. A R. Q., 0.. 83 ao pra jcrie, 0., ........ do 2d pfd..... do 1st pfd. . . . O. North., pfd.. Illinois Central.. Int. Met, o.-, .. I A N . DlsUllers ....... Ore Lands...... 89 49 126 183 22 Mo.-Pao A....'.. National Lead .. N. Y.- Cen...... N. Y., O. A.W... N. & W,, com...' 11 98 99 do pfd' .. .v.. North Am. ...... fN. Pacific, com, . 118 119 118 iii rac. m. S. Co ... . Penn. - Ry. ,,',, 181 109 r, o. ft c. o... 108 P. .8. Car. oom. ,. ao era ....... jHeaaing, com 162Vi 168 ao ,pra do ist nfd.: 4.., Rep. I. & 8., com 83" ao nra ..... Rock Island, co.. do pfd ....... 33 64 V? 82 158 81 is" St. Li. & S. F. 2d P ao ist nra... St W.&S. W.. C, 28 St U. & S. W., p. Text & Pac. .. T;. a. L, & W., 0. do. pfd. ...... Union. Pac. c U. 8. Rubber, c. do. pfd. . , ... . 118 118 178 173 172 3S if a 86 V. 8. Steel Co.. c. 78 ao. pra. , . . Wnbash, e. , . , , do. pfd. A.... W. U. Telegraph Wis. - C'., e, , , Westliighouse , Beet Sugar -, Utah Copper . Third Avenue . Ice Securities . Big Four ...... Hallway Springs 117 in 38 71 88 71 374 48 78 37 .49 13,8 136 138 Vir. -Chemical... 84 65 64 do pfd ...... K. ft, Southern. dotrfd Oen. Electrlo W. & L. E. .. American Can ?, do pfd . , . .. . Alton, c ' . , . . , O. W., pfd . . . . . Nevada Cons, . . 165 ,165 165 20 20 Total! sales, 292,200 shares, Alleged Forger Arrests. ; 9pw!I I)lnfrh to The Journal. - .Vancouver. Wash., Nov, I. Alex Mc Donald, of tbepokane police depart ment, arrested TRalph Holmes at Port land (yesterday and left him at Van couver for safe keeping until - tomor row, when he will be taken to Spokane te iSwe-4 the -charge-of forgery. STOCK MARKET HAS : A HIGHER CLOSING PORTLAND. TUESDAY - " FAB'lil MAY DECIDE TO HOLD ITS WHEAT AT. A Elmore, Local Represent ativBelieves That Growers Are In a Position to Keep Grain Off the Markets $ - Today's Wheat Market. a Portland Carh club, 7578o; ..oiueetem, 78082c, 4 UverpoolDecember, sl0d; 4 March. 11 Tid. . 4 , Berlin Wheat Uo lower. Chicago--.No. J red, ilKQiSci Dec, 89i4o; May, OSVic; ; July. , 4 ,3HC. j ' " . ,4 St. Louis Cash. Uo lower: 4 Dec, 994c a 4 Omaha Cash, 0 higher. ' . , Winnipeg Dec, 88c Kansas City Dec. 38c ' 4 Minneapolis Dec, 99 Vie. A . '-"..'i-"".V,. -VA-A".'' j.'M "Personally I believe that farmers are going to hold their wheat because of the' present low price." l , 1 ne statement was made to The Jour nal this morning by A. A. JSlm'ore, rep resentative of the Farmers' union, with headquarters in this city. " "There has not been very much doing in uiB wpeai marxet nere during tne past . few Says owing to the fast ' de clining prices. Farmers generally are in . very guua poBiiiun xinanciaiiy . ana don't have Jo sell their wheat at this time unless they so desire. "If farmers have debts to pay they shouia see that these are but of the way peroral noiainr . baclc for higher prices. Unless they do this thev mtv eventu ally be placed in a bad position and perhaps .be foroed to sell their wheat upon an undesirable market and at thev other fellow's nrice. . Thosa who Are clear of debt can hold If they want to. That's the' r own. affair." ; v jr. niimore. is particularly friendly to Portland as a grain port and for that reason can probably accomplish more for his organization thun nnm individual who la opposed to the city and everything concerned with It PORTLAND LIVESTOCK HUN. : : : Hogs, battle. Sheep. Tuesday ., 273 - Monday 910 432 1092 Saturday 219 , 281 ... Friday 2 ; ... ' V Thursday 461 172 . '682 Wednesday ..... 827 23 869 Week ago 100 236 , Livestnrlr w itull In IK. ...,- . A .1 and receipts were small. ToUl run was at cntiie ana Z4S goats. Tr&dinff warn atAw ,m v.. rj ' " v ... m k . .Ilia tUL prices ruled-, about as previously re ported. Among the shippers: CATTT.T& W Ulankn.ll n.l..l. .ru. 1 . . "t.1., VMtAI.V, Vt., art. Payette. Idaho. 6 loads; J. S. Thir- AZ-Ji? vuitn, or.. 3 loads. loads. -v. u, w, Today's livestock Sales. Following are today's sales. They represent, demund, supplies and quality offering: STEERS. Av.Wt steers .............. .1008 steers 1006 COW3 AND HEIFERS. COWS 074 Price. ' $6.65 .6.2$ $4.75 4.76 4.2S 4.00 24 16 28 heifers 868 1 I heifer .. 880 ' cows 986 . CAL.VES 6 calvM . to $4.60 uenerai range or livestock values, as indicate by latest sales Iff the Port land yards: - --.- r-.- v r- CATTLE Best Oregon steers is 6f 6.75;' fancy steers, $6:2696.40; com- ?SonfieJfrs. -'04.50; cows, best, $4.706.00; fancy, $4.26: poor. $8.00 S 5 5 ! hplfr tl Ktt! hull, liUaitr, Stags, $3.75 4.26. - nuus-mii east of the mountains, $9.60; ordinary, $9.40; heavy, $9.00; stockers and feeders, $5.00 6. 00. nr oent yeaning wetners. 64.68 f4.76; old wethers, $4.00: spring lambs. .riiiaiuou, vHiioy, tt.9Diips.uu; eastern Washington, $5.60; ewes, $8.008.60. CALV ES Best 87.00: erdlnarv. Id Ko poor, $$.60 4.60. HOGS ARE 10 TO 15 " CENTS LOWER TODAY ; IN S. OMAHA YARDS (Special tJUoetcS to The ioornaLl South Omaha, Nov. 1. Cattle, 9900. Market steady: steers, $6.5007.25: cows and heifers, $4.26 6.26 Hogs Reoelpts., 3200.. Market 10tf 15c lower. Range of sales, $7.7608.26. Sheep Receipts, $5,700. Market steady to weak; yearlfngs, $4.90a6.26: wethers. (3.904.15; lambs,, $6.80Q6.60;, ewes, $3.258-76. '..:. ..... NORT.HWE8T RAXK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearings today .$2,142,808.46 Year-ego 1,628,104.6$ Oaln today ....,'.v.,.,.$. $16,198.78 Balanoei today -. ..;-, , , . . s $37,449.87 Year .ago ;,. , i . ; ;, . .. .y. ..i. 144,399.88 J1-: A t A,'! ' Seattle Banks A'' .';'.'.-. Clearings ' today ; , r , , $1,8 8 S, 6 58 .t)0 Balances loday . . . . ? 1 30,693.00 'V-J'U" .::,t . '' .ulili v ';Tacoma; Banks.' A Clearings today... ,,,,.,,.,$ 766,655.00 Balances r today ; . ..,,..,, 49,489.09 '"Ar: ?"A Spokane Banks.'" ": Hearings .today .s..V,,-f.4,.t .781,041.00 Balances today" 110,089.00 . -4. aA '"" ' ..i ... A Ifew Ybrk"3otton Market. Ooenln. ' High. LoW.- ClosA Jan. ,...1429 1433 Kcb ; r. .v e Men. ..,.' 1433 1458 May ; V,.H44l T 1447 June ,...,;...,... July ....j437 1410 Aug.: 1416 1415 Nov. '...71430 1433 Decrf 143!AJ44 .1416 Aiisi 1414 - 1415 1427 1430 143436 143738 14402)44 1446!fl46 144244 143840 1428030 1418 1 144 tlverool, Novi J. heatA v .-li'-'-r'- Qpen. ,,,.' :. Close.'': December ,.-.. all'id 6s 1.0 A Marcb, . . . t, see f e a. , ,r Jfetf Tork-Ldndon Silver. A New York, Nov. - i.1 Bar silver, i$c; Moxlcan dollsrs, 45e. Liverpool;. Nov. ' 1. Sirverr?T"lS-16 J. LIVESTOCK MARKET- A. x ''..'. isn . 7 EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, . MAIME1TS LOWEST PRICE IN fillers ' Drop' Clulrto 75o Bushel but- Exporters Say a 7677c for Track Delivery; Loss Is Severe Again. Price of wheat struck the lowest mark today In two years and extreme weak ness I4 shown at the decline.. Millers are not quoting1 ahoveeo a bushel for qlub wheat today, a drop of 80 a bushel, and bluestem has been put to 78c, or the same' price today as was quoted for club yesterday. , Exporters on the other, hand are mixed In their views but their quotations to day are above those sent out by milling concerns, although a cent to 2 cents be low the values listed genet ally yee4er day. Today, they are generally auotlnr 7677o for elub and 8082o for blue-, stem, track delivery- tidewater. While the exporters put club only lo to 2c a bushel below yesterday their quotations on bluestem are from 2o to 80 a bushel less than formerly. . , . ... What little wheat is now being pur chased Is for speculative accounts, as there is absolutely no foreign demand. No cargoes have recently been sold In the Pacific northwest and not even of fers have been received from Europe recently. ;.v. v ... .- , - Intense dullness Is shown in the flour situation, both local and export. With fast declining prices on wheat there has been an increasing volume of cutting 1n the flour market by Interior millers and few are now asking over $6 for patent and some are offering at $4.90. Local mills generally continue to hold at $5.16 npr hftrml. . . for the iwneatJ)eit Ortrnn AodnoUnn.! . east portion tonight and Wednesday. Southerly winds, . Washington O9caslonal rain tonight and Wednesday. Southerly winds, i Idaho Fair south. Occasional rain north portion tonight and Wednesday APPLE DEMAND IS E Call for tpitzenbergs Not Brisk According to Northtvestern Fruit Exchange. Northwestern Fruit Exchange reports me appie situation toaay to Tne journal as follows: The market continues active although somewhat restricted. The trade con tinues to Bhow prejudice against cars which are badly mixed as to variety and grade, and their rVeglect of Jonathans continues to be a feature of the market also. We do not find the demand for high priced varieties such as Bpitsen burgs to be as keen as we would like to see it The trade generally feels that these high priced varieties offer little speculative opportunity; In other words, they are now priced on a basis which makes a profit when taken out of storage extremelydubious, For this reason the demand"! centering in me dium priced varieties such as Ganos, Black Bens, Rome Beauties and fruit of a similar grade. '. , We report sale of the following cars: Car C. B. & Q.' 88060. packed by J.- F. Sugrue, Cashmere, Wash, shipped Octo ber 24 678 extra fancy Staymans, 21 fancy, S-tler, 390 3 tier, 31 4-tler, 82 4 ft tier and 6 -tler at a straight price of 11.85 f. o. b. Cashmere. Wash. This car was sold to a buyer in Okla homa, and is the "star" sale of the sea son. Car C, B. & Q 88876, from Cashmere, Wash., 31 extra , fancy Rome Beauties $1.60, fancy 11.36, choice $1.00; extra fancy Staymans 81.75, fancy 81.75, choice 11.85; extra fancy Grimes $1.60, fancy and extra fancy Arkansas Blacks $15 straight f, O. b Cashmere, Wash, Car C , B. & Q. 88262. from Cashmere, Wash., 25th, extra fancy Romes $1.60, fancy $1.86. chofce $1.10; fancy and ex tra fancy Staymans $1.75; fanoy Spits enbergs $2.00, choice - $1.60; fancy and extra fancy Senators $1.60. ' Car G. N. 9082, badly mixed, all choice, mostly cheap varieties. Includ ing Baldwins, Spies, Bel if leurs Rome Beauties, Greenings, a few Jonathans, very few Newtown Pippins, mostly me dium and small sixes at 90o f. o. b. PRICE OF PRODUCE ' , a . AT SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco. Nov. 1. WheatAus tralian an propo, 31.67 . Se nora. ll.67H 1.70; California club, northern wheat, bluestem, "iV,;, ': OWN' Russian red, $1.47V4i.5.; BarleyFeed, good to choice, 85 lltl ,'ancy, 4 11.00! poor to fair, 80934c; shipping, $1.03 1.07 Vi; Che valier, $1.20 1.35. Eggs California fresh. Including eases, extras, 61c;- firsts, 46c; seconds, 30c; storage, $0Hc Butter California fresh extras, 83c; firsts, 8O0; seconas. 29c; storage, 80V4c Cheeser New California flats fancy, I6M1C; tlrsts. l8Hc; seconds, 13o; Cali fornia Young America fancy, 16Ac; firsts, 16c; Wisconsin daisies, 18c; Oregon fancy, 164 c; storage Califor nia, 16c. ' Potatoes Per cental, River Whites, 70 90c; Salinas Burbanks, $1.45(21.60; SWeeOs, $2.002.25. . Onions Per sack, 80c$1.00. OfangesPer box, new navels, choice, l.Bo'2.b0; " extra choice, $2.50fl3.00i Valenoias, $8.00 Cf 8.60 for choice, and $4.0004.50 for fancy. , California Fruit Mfvcmmt. A California, fruit distributors give the tftimber or Cars of deciduous fruit shipped from ail points in California for the weel ending Friday, October 28, as follows; - Pears 4 cars. An occasional car of pears still offers, but it is expected that next week will entirely cloan up this variety. .. , - Grapes -tit cars. Movement of this variety this-week is pretty nearly loo cars-heavier than for last week. To kays are now going forward in very small volume and the built of the ship ment . is composed of Cornichens and Emperors. From the best Information obtainable the total movement from now on can hardly be expected to inr. te--nn-inw-fe.e-w-eewwe:' Weather conditions continue favor h in and should there be no further rain It Is expected that the orop'Wtll be prac tically cleaned 4ip within the next ten days,' ... i ,v .j. . -.- ' .'-r;-:--l- , The manufacture Of mattresses, pil lows and cushions from, sponge mater ial, dried and sterilised, has become ar important lsusmesg-lanorifla.'" ' fflO YEARS BEING QUOTEDONVfflEAf PI 1910. DOBIE WOULD PLAY BUT HAS AN EXCUSE UniversftT ef Washlnston. Nov 1. Nrfthlng can be done with Oregon's chal lenge for a football game Saturday until Manager Victor Zednlck returns from Moscow, idah where he Is at ths pres ent time. " Coach Dobla ' TTri1 Klmi.lf " tMm morning as eager to meet the Oregon- Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company - V"A A r ,' A' - ".: f'-f V - ' 'A A- , ' ; .r .. ,v . ; ' Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets', , Capital and Surplus, $900,000 . . .' ' y . Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings pldest Bank on t Capital fully paid Surplus and undivided OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, President Edward Co4kingbam,Vice-Pxei W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts'. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and individ ; uals solicited. Travelers checks for sale and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe. l.umbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital, FirstNationalBank Capital $1,500,003 Snrplui $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains . . IB . , , . , - - ... -. . . t- . . , . . SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS j Every Knock t against . BITULITHIC S-T-R-E-E-T-S A Knock Against th "CITY BEAUTIFUL" "Situlithic" 8 e a u t i f i e s 13 lans, but declared that after the fro crastlnatiOn of the southern manasr last winter, he wouidVnot take on Oregon trnless there should be an open date cu. the schedule. The the Idaho manager will if e his errorin demanding more than called for In the contract and that he will bring the team to Seattle Saturday, la believed here on all aides. Zednlck Is expected to return tomorrow, r - Journal Want Ads bring result a the Pacific Coast. . $1,000,000.00 profits $600,000.00 R. S. Howard Jr Aut Cashier. T. W. l.dd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Caihiar. $500,000 ITS NATIONAL BANI1 A'AAAAt; Overbeck & Cooke Co Commission Merchant j . Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grala, ts. 216-217 Eoard of Trade Ba.2V.3j fmt)m Oitmce eer4 ef Trad Cerreeposdente ef Lses ftrr ( Cbloas , New Toa. 8heu, .We Save the ntr rl( "W. ODaccttrrs Portland Vllfc th . (