The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Manicuring and Hair Drcsalng, 2d. Floor-gtctoon Hats for Mcn,Clcg3hlrc03 Hoto-BoyoVHcrciilcoSulta-OnyriHoglc: ;'
Best Bohemia!
Butter 77c Square
The quality butter, the - clean
butter, the solid butter, the
best butter on the market: It
makes new friends for our gro
500 Boxes Ann!
At The
82.50 Values OLG
Extra special tomorrow, 500
boxes of bid fashioned Roxbury
Russet Apples, grown by Ma
riem McRac, packed at Hood
Wilf ilw ' MMflMy Allies
cery store every day-
2-lb. square tomorrow
River. Keg. $2.50
Wllbur'o Juvenile Menagerie Fourth Floor-Bring trie Chllrire
Delicatessen, Bakery and Tea Room Fourth Floor Plan to Spend; Day In Store
the box, special
js. vr s
FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 A: M.
1254c Toilet Paper Now - 6c
9 to 10 A. M. tomorrow. .Sale f 3000
rolls of fine quality,; strong, smooth,
pure tissue Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets
to the. roll ;. Oufc regular Wtfc
quality, special, for one ' hour at V V
25c Embroidered Collars' Sc
9 to 10 A. M. tomorrow, 1st floor,
'500 dozen Linen .Embroidered Col-
lara for ladies; newest patterns.
These -are positively worth the.E
reg. selling price, 25c, on sale at vC
10c Envelopes 4c a Package
9 to 10 A. M. tomorrow, 1st floot sta-,
tionerj store offers ; a good quality
white and cream Envelopes in pop
ular sizes; these sell reg. at 10c; il"
special for this hour, psckage tv
Regular 15c Scrub Brush 8c
9 to 10 A. M. tomorrow, basement
In the kitchen' goods section we offer
good Scrub Brushes, such as ' good
judges are glad to get at 15c O
each; special for this' hour at OC
Boys' Reg. 50c Caps at 23c
-9 to 10 A." M. tomorrow, ' 1st floor. A
sale of 500, boys' Golf Caps; in gray,
checks, blue serge, etc. A splendid
line of Values to 50c,' special OO '
for" this hour .only at, each &OC
Reg. 20c Handkerchiefs 9c
9 to 10 A, M- tomorrow, 1st floor. A
sale of .women's pure Irish Linen
Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and neat
.embroideredjnitials; best regular fi
JJOc-valuesi-aoeclal price-at-each-VwJ
ETTRAl Specials From IP to 11 olock AM
$1.75 Handbags for Only 87c
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, 500
well made,' good quality ladies' Leather
r Handbags, gilt -and gunmeta! trimmed;
all leather Iine.d; $1.75 .values, -Q7
on sale for , one ' hour only .St O I C
Women's $3:50 Chemise $1.98
1Q to 11 A..M. tomorrow, 2d floor, wo
men's White Nainsook Chemise, all
trimmed in German Val. lace fnd' fine
Swiss embroidery;" regular 1 QQ
$3.50 values, special one nour vltvO
10c Hair Nets for This Sale 4c
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, a sale
of large size, invisible Hair Nets, silk
tied at both ends; all shades in the lot
Our regular 10c values, on special sale
for this one : hour tuy all you A
want of - them at this price,, each iC
Reg. $4.00 Wom
en's Dresses Now
on Sale for $1.98
$35.00 to $60.00
Marabou Sets Re
duced One Third
10 to 11 A. M. tomor
row, 2d floor, 250 wor
men's dainty one-piede
Dresses, for - street or
house wear; neatly tai
lored; made of gingham
and chambray, in plain
colors or figures; all
sizes,- $4.00 M AO
values, only vlvO
75c Framed Pictures 33c Each II $2.00 Cotton Blankets at $1.35
10 to 11 A. M. tomor
row, all our handsome
Marabou sets of stoles
with muffs; white.nat
ural, white and black;
nothing prettier for aft
ernoon or evening;
regular $35 to $00 vals.
Special for tomorrow,
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow, 4th floor. Sev
eral. hundred fine. Pictures in neat oval
brown veneer frames: sizes 10x12; popu
lar subjects-St Cecilia, The Last Sup
per, and other favorites regular
5c . values, for one hour, each OJC
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow. In the bedding
store, third floor we offer extra large
gray cotton Blankets, wun pinic, oiue
and brown borders; good, warm blankets
that will wash easily; our reg
ular iAn values, , pair
25c Huck Towels for Only 15c
10 to 11 A.4(M. tomorrow, 1st floor. A
sale of large sixe-Huck Towels, all white
or colored borders; suitable for house?
hold or hotel use; our regular 1 C
25c values, special at only, each
50c Royal Steel Dish Pans 35c
10 to U A. M. tomorrow, 3d floor, the
kitchen goods store offers a line of Roy
at Steel Dish Pans, 14-quart size; our
regular 50c stock values, very OC
special, for one hour 'only,, each O JC
$8 to $16.50 Coats Reduced
10 lo 11 A. M. tomorrow, on the second
floor, a sale of children's Coats, in plain
and mixed materials; ages 6 to 14 years;
splendid' values at $8.00 to $16J0, on
special sale for this hour' only at just
half the regular selling prices HALF
EXTRA ! Specials From 12 to 1 o'Clbck F. M.
75c Fancy Neckwear Only 29c
12 to 1 P. M. tomorrow, J it floor, thou
sands of odds and : ends vof women's
Neckwear Jn dainty,'1 uprto-date styles;
worth up fo 75c; while they last, 90
.choice tor one houiw only at
10c Pumice Soap for'2c a Cake
12 to I P. M. tomorrow, 2000 cakes of
Pumice and Pumicine Sosp; also an as
sorted lot 61 Toilet . Soaps iwhicji sell
regularly at 10c a cake; on spe
cial sale for this hour only, cake&C
2000 Pairs Men's
$2.50 Gloves Now
Only 98c a Pair
12 to 1 P. M. tomorrow,
1st floor, a sale of 2000
pairs of men's Gloves,
capes, mochas, suedes
and glace kids; all the
popular shades and ;in
all sizes; regular values
up to $2.50, on special
saje for one nc
hour,,he pair vOC
V A specials y j
Oil Heaters, $5.00
Values, Now for
Only $3.95 Each
12 to 1 P. M. tomorrow,
3d floor, a sale of large
size Oil Heaters, made
with solid brass fronts.
Take the No. 3 circular
wick; capacity of fount
4 qts.; automatic indi
cator, nickel trimmings.
Our $5 value, 0 AC
only, each
40c Penoche Npw.20c a Pound
12 to 1 P. M. tomorrow, In eur basement
candy sore, most ielidous Walnut
Penoche, made in our own' sanitary candy
kitchen; only the purest mate- OA
rials , used; 40c, quality, lb. for iVC
50c to 85c Slippers 29c a Pair
12 to 1 P. M. tomorrow, In the basement
"underprice store." A great assortment
of Comfort Slippers for men, women and
children; a hundred styles and nrt.
colors; 50c to 85 values, the pair swl
FROM '2 P. M..TO 3 P.M.
$4 Flannelette Kimonos $29
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 2d floor, a lot
of 150 long flannelette Kimonos in
semi-fitted styles, trimmed in ribbon;
figured and flowered . pat- t0 OQ
terns; regular $4.00 values d 9
75c Persian Neckwear 47c
2 to 3 P. M, tomorrow, 1st floor, your
selection of our; entire stock of the
very latest Persian Neckwear, ready
sellers at 75c; your choice A!7t
for this hour only for, each iTfl v
$1.50 Table Covers Now 89c
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 3d floor, a sale
of Reversible, Tapestry Table Covers
in a good assortment of rich, choice
colors;- our tegular $1.50 OA
values, special at only, each - UrC
$1.75 Combinations Now 8c
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 2d floor, Vo
men's Combination Corset Cover and
Drawers, also skirt and corset cover;
trimmed in fine laces; our 'AO.
regular ; values to : $1.75,
French Plumes at Tliird Off
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 2d floor, .a
sale of all French Plumes, guaranteed'
best quality male ' stock; extremely
wide fiber; perfect $10 to $50 U
values, on sale at reduction of . ;
$1.25 Union Suits Now 98c
2 to 3 P. - M.' tomorrow, 1 st floor, t
sale of men's heavy fleece-lined Union
Suits in all sizes; our regular $1.25
stock " values, on - special sale QO'
for one hour only,' the suit 'OC
Women's $1.50 Gloves at 69c
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 1st floor. A
Sale of women's 3-dasp. Kid Gloves,
in black, gray, tan, green; blue ,'and
all wanted colors; values to CQ
$1.50, on special sale at, pair UrC
$1.40 Cut-Glass Dish for 98c
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, 3d floor, a aale
jbL6-inch,xut glis-OUv-of-3on-Bon-
uitatt m tne verv
buy now for Christmas; the. AQ-
best regular $1.40 values, at' OC
EXTRA! Specials From 6'Glock P
75c Hose Supporters Now 19c
I to 2 P. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, Ladies'
Silk Hose Supporters, fancy f rifled elas
tic, velvet grip fastening,' all colors, va
rious styles, in regular 50c to 75c 1 Q
values, special at .pnly, . the pair 1C
';i:'k ::v.: '(: ' ,
Women's $1.50 Belts 27c Each
1 to 2 P, M. tomorrow, 1st floor, Great
assortment of odds and ends in ladifs'
patent leather and suede effect; many
novelty style belts, in all sizes; your
choice of the entire assortment; t)'7m
values to $1.50, special at, each mC
Tailored Waists,
Reg. $6.00 Vals.
on Sale for $2.89
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow,
2d floor, 200 women's
Tailored Waists in the
newest styles; pleated
tucked or embroidered,
very ; fine quality of
linen; all sizes, perfect
fitting; "regular $6 val
ues, special n OA
for only, ea. vt0f
Untrimmed Hat
Values Now $2.98
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow,
2d floor, Hatters' plush
dress hat shapes, fine
quality velvet, the fin
est French felt, duchess
satin and velvet shapes.
Actual values up to $10,
,on special sale for one
hour at only, (O AO
each ... fL.VO
$6.90 Electric Lamps for $4.60
1 id OM Jomojn
of very fine Electric Lamps, with 12-inch
square art shade; brush brass finish; ex
cellent values at f $6.90; very Cti
special fof this one hour, at TrUV
$1.50 Corsets for 65c the Pair
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow, in the' basement,
white Coutil Corsets, lace and embroid
ery trimmed, long hips, fitted with 2 and
3 pairs of supporters; values CC
up to $1.50, special for this hour UuC
FROM 11 A. M. TO 12 M:
$li50 Automobile .Veils 78c
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 1st floor, 50
doz. good quality Chiffon Auto Veils,
hemstitched all around; in all the new
desirable shades; the regular 70'
$1.50 values, your choice at I OC
Women's $3M Drawers $2.12
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 2d floor,
Women's Drawers, circular and pop
ular styles, trimmed in fine Val.. lace
and dainty embroidery; re$- 0 t O
ular $3.50 values, per pair $1m
$1.25 Paper Napkins at 75c
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 1st floor,
1000 in pkg., pure white Paper Nap
kins, for lunch or children's parties;
can bef used for many purposes; 7
regular $1.25 values, special at I wC
50c Sugar and Creamer 25c
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 3d floor, a
one hour sale of fancy Decorated. Su
gar Bowls and Cream Pitchers, in' as
sorted styles; splendid 50c val- OC
ues, special sale, the pair only JC
Reg. 50c Hair Rolls for 29c
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 1st floor.
Finest quality 24 inch Hair Rolls, in
round and new French styles; all new,
vlean, sanitary stock; regular OQ
50c values,' special sale at only JC
Child's $2.00 Sulky for $1.39
11 A. M. to 12 tomorrow, 4th floor.
Large, assortment of all-steel Sulkys,
wood 'seat with high back and sides,
large wheel with rubber tires; sells
4,egularly-at-$2X0;-4or-this fl -Q
hour sale only at, each $I07
EXTRA 1 Specials Froiii 3 to 4 oClock P -M;
$2.25 La Vallie'res at 98c Each
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, 500 La
Vallieres in green," rose gold andoxi;
stone and metallic effects; regular Q De
values to $2.25, for one hour only'
Girls' $2.25 Sweaters Only 98c
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow, in the basement
underprice store, girls' wool Sweaters
.in .gray or cardinal rages 2 to 12 years;
our regular stock values up to t AO
$2.25, special one hour, each fOC
Men's $1.25 Shirts for 35c Each
J to 4 P.- M. tomorrow, In the basement,
1000 men's Golf Shirts, all 'sizes, in a
good assortment of colors and patterns.
Our regular $1.00 and $1.25 val-, OCi
- ues, on special tomorrow,, "each luC
'Women's 45c Hose on Sale 19c
3 to 4 PM.f tomorrow; first' floor, wo
men's black Cotton Stockings, medium
weight, made with 4-inch lavender tops.
Guaranteed fast . black. " Regular
values up tc 45c, special, the pair
Women's Regular
Now for Only 89c
3 to 4' V VL 'omorro W,
basement, 300 women's
Wash' Waists ; in the
newest lingerie and
tailored styles, : lace
trtmmed, or plaited and
tucked; all sizes in the
lot; regular values up
to $2.50, spe- QA
cial only, each. Op v
$2.75 Dressed Dolls Now $1.59
fV" -3 tj4y
Reg. $1.50 Value
Oak Screens Now
on Sale 98c Each
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow,
third floor, a one-hour
sale of 3-fold solid oak
Screens, silkoline filled,
stand 50 inches high;
screens which can be
used for any purpose;
regular $1.50 values, on
ecial sale at AO-
ch ?Ol
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow, 4th floor, sale of
Dressed Dolts with sleeping e,yes; full
wig, dressed in all-wool challies, fine un
derwear, shoes, hose and hat; M CQ
regular $125 values, special at OldJ
$2.25 Comb and Brush for $1.39
3 to.4 P. M; tomorrow, comb and brush
sets in neat lined - box. Krafts 'wood,
Circassian walnut-and fox wood, all of
these brushes" have fine bris- ItQA
ties; regular $2.25 sets, -i at l.
this price,
Children's Hats One Third Off
3 to 4 P. M, tomorrow, a sale of chil
dren's Hats, Jn beaver, plush, velvet, felt,
black, navy, red, brown, castor, white,
VM W.v. .VU flitfV V fr,VY't VII 1 II V
second floor, at ONE-THIRD OFF,
35c Letter Files Now 19c Each
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, Letter
Files, of heavy wood, boxes covered with
marbled paper, prettily lined; index of
tough 4 mamlla;. size 10x15, on 1
special sale for one hour only 11 C
$7.50 Combinations Now $4.98
3 to 4 P. . . tomorrow, 2d floor, wo
men's nainsook combinations. Princess,
and Corset Cover combined; beautifully
trimmed; values' to $7.50; spe- &i QQ
cial for one hour at, the suit x0
Boys' 25c Hose Now 17c Pair
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow. 1st floor, a one
hour sale of 200 dozen boys' black Win
ter weight Ribbed Hose, extra spliced
heels and toes, all sizes; 25c ITj
standard quality special at, pair ilC
$25 Seamless Roasters $1.80
3 to 4 P: M. tomorrow. 3d floor. The
kitchen goods store offers a line of Roy-.
al steel covered seamless sen-casting
Roasters, the best regular $2.25 1 OA
values, special at only, each vltOU
$1.00 Poplin Suiting Now 59c
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow, in the basement,
20 pieces of Silk and Wool Poplin, 20
Vw shades, all full 24 Inches wide, very
popular $1.00 values, special for CQ
one hour only at, the yard v7C
EXTRA! ' Specials From 4 to 5 o'clock P.
$1.50 Lounge Pillows Now 89c
," ' "," ; "'
4io 5 P. M. tomorrow, 3d floor, a one
hour sale of cretonne-covered Lounge
Pillows, with- lace edging and stuffed
with best quality of silk floss; our QA
regular $1.50 values, for, each OVC
,: ,f .7- . .'.A ,;,
Women's 75c Hose 39c a Pair
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow, ladies' black silk
Hose, -made with lisle garter .tops and
lisle soles; our best regular 75c values,
are bargainized for ' this .hour,; OA
only at low price of, the pair JC
$1.25 Japanese Tea Sets at 98c
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow. 3d floor, a one-
rliour sale tl Japanese Tea Sets of 17
pieces, including teapot, sugar and cream
er, o cups ana saucers, our reg
ular $1.25 values, special, the set
Misses' $10 Wool
fircss, Special for
This Hour $4.85
85 styles to select from.
Misses' 1-piece Dresses
in French - serge, with
high neck, long sleeves,
trimmed in braid and
fancy ; buttons; colors
blu, brown,' cardinal;
sizes 14 t? 20 yrs., spe-1
cial for one di Of"'
hour only, ea. , v"0J
ChUd's $r.5Q Shoofly Only 91c
Women's Regular
$4.25 Val. Night
Gowns Now $2.39
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow,
Women's Night Gowns
in dainty longcloth and
nainsook materials, slip
over, high or low neck
styles, neatly trimmed.
Regular values to $425,
on special sale at low
Erice for one d0 QQ
our only, at QLtOiJ
4j?aJL.P3Ifa.lomoxrouith.ilonr. full
size child's Shoofly; large, roomy seat,
foot seat, etc.; neatly painted and varnished;-regular
$1.50, values, spe- Af
cial, your choice for one hour IC
Men's $4.00 Sweaters f of $2.35
XiaS.P 1.1 tmorro.-lt-loor. men'
Wieavy coat style Sweaters; all wool, in
piain gray, no wiui, pr inunncy
with contrasting colors. Val- 0 OC
ues ; to $4.00, at only, each y a
2 for 5c Darning Cotton for lc
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow, a one-hour sale
of 45-yard spool Darning Cotton, black
only: splendid quality, four-thread; our
regular Z-for-5c values, special fof
one. hour at low price of, the spool
10c Torchon Lace for Only 5c
4 to 5 P, U. tomorrow, 1st floor, thou
sands of yards of the much-wanted ' all-!
linen Torchon Lace in extra, widths, some
as wide as 5 ins.; many patterns to P.
select from; 10c values, the yard wC
$1.00 Black Silk for ' 63c Tabard
4 t-5P.-M.-ttmorrow, irrthg-bagerngntTi
4-incn oiacK laireta silks, excellent fin
ish ;, will give splendidlwear. best regu
lar $1.00 quality, special this 0
hour only, at low price of, yard UJC
FROM 5 P. M. TO 6 P. M.
$3.00 Crepe Kimonos $1.19
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow, basement
dept., 200 women's Crepe Kimonos,
shirred at waist line; cut full and long,
Slain colors ; - figured or M'lfl
owered; $3.00 values for f JUI7:
$2.25 Corset Covers at $1.72
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow, women's white
Corset Covers, of nainsook, longcloth
and allover embroidery, prettily and
daintily trimmed; values ; 70
to $2.25; special sale at $liL
Boys' $1.00 Blouses Now "69c
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow, 1st floor, 50
dozen boys' Blouses in a big range of
patterns, light and dark colors, made
with neckband for collars; sizes CQA
8 to 14 years;: $1.00 values at U7C
$4.50 Cut-Glass Bowls $2.95
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow. Anticipate
your Christmas needs; buy now; , 8
inch Cut Gllss Berry Bowls or Fruit
Bowls in beautiful patternsi0 AC.
regular $4750 values at only v&VO
$1.15 Juliet Slippers for 98c
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow, in the base
ment underprice store, women's leath.
er Juliets with rubber heels. Regulat
$1.75 values, on special sale for AO
one , hour at only, j the ; pair OC
Reg. 50c MeatSaws Now 25c
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow, in the base
ment : "underprice v store, a sale of
good grade kitchen Meat Saws; our
regular 50c values, on special
sale for one hour at only, each fcww
$2.25 Pillows at $1.45 a Pair
5 o 6 P. M. tomorrow, third floor, i
the bedding store offers fine quality
feather-filled Pillows, sovered with art
tick; they are our regular fljl 'AC
$2.25 values; priced now, pr, vl
Remnants Now at Half Price
.5 to, 6. P., M,. tomorrow in the. .ia-.
ment, odds and ends in Ribbons, Veil
ings, Trimmings, Laces. Embroideries.
Thousands "of remnants, marked 1
at half the regular selling price t
? !