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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1910)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, " SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER SO,' 1910. fVnininun nininrn 1 - .. ' ' ; I nwbwtfau ME BEING BUILT III OREGON Grants Pass Putting Up Two ."; and One in Salem; Pendle j, ton Has Fine Building; FN nancial Condition Good. I . 1 ' iiJx X ' w 9mtw mm 35- v j. . M - ' That the territory tributary to Port landall of Oregon, southern , Idaho, southern and eastern Washington la ,ln better financial, condition thatt ever be fore, is the 'assertion' of automobile men tvho have returned to this city after ea , tabllshlnjr their agehclprf for the coming Year through this territory. Among: the lte arrivals are Mel- Johnson of. the Korthwest Bulck company,; C. H. King, of the H. -.1,. Keats Auto company, F,t W.' Vplger of the North-west Auto com pany,' J. W. ; Crlchtorr of the Standard Motor Car company and Frank C. Rlggs, the Packard agent Mew garages, a better class of auto mobiles and an Increased demand for automobile . accessories of all .descrip tions, together ,!wlth the ready cash forthcoming In all Instances for these Improvements, have led the Portland men to wonder. There is absolutely nothing to Indicate the money tlghtneas which has pervaded other sections of the country. ' " '' v. i The statements credited to these men have resulted in, a ; boom . in Portland lock, followed by the announcement of the coming of Chans lor & Lyon, auto mobile supply dealers. Last week the .EverUtMetger-Flanders company open ed a permanent factory branch. An nouncement Is ' expected this coming week-of the future, establishment here of direct factory branches and North west headquarters for two large tire concerns both of whomhave .bad rep resentatives in this city during the past .week,-:.;."! C' '.'j;,,.;,rv.,.,fl' :,.. Down the Willamette valley and towards the state line garage building U brisk. Grants Pass is having two large garages constructed, Ealem one of the largest north of. San Franclsoo and Medford Is also the scene of con siderable activity. Pendleton and Walla Walla each have a new garage building. ' . The garage of 0, J. Wilson. In Salem Is considered by many, automobile men to be one of the best arranged garages they have ever seen. It Is tt by ISO feet and the roof Is held up by bridging and trussing overhead. There isn't a post on the floor. r ,1 -'v4 BESCsIjv Fore door, jeven passenger Stoddard-Dayton car, 111 model. peal overruled, and the decision of the referee sustained. The appeal ' of Sidney S. Gorharh, from the decision of the referee In de claring bis. Premier ar ineligible for entry In the inter-club run between the Chicago Automobile club and the Chi cago Athletic association. October 6, and 7, 1910, because of the disqualification by the contest board on July 27. 1910, of Premier ears, was considered; the appeal overruled and the decision of the referee. sustained. O. J. Wilson- of Sa!im drove a Chalm ers to home from thla city Thursday, Mr. Wilson has Just completed a beauti ful garage in Salem, and is to be the Chalmers agent -r there. His. garage is especially noted . because- thye isn't a post to Inconvenience people. It-is built In bridge style, t . v C. H. King, sales manager Of the H. L. Keats Auto company, drove to Albany in a' Chalmers with J. L Irvine, who has the Chalmers agency la Linn county. From there they drove to Corvallis In a Hudson, where M. A. Rlckart was signed up as the agent for Benton county." ff ( ... :' '- mi ii : i.i.i Ben K. Bell, formerly Bulck agent at Fort' Wayne, Ind.. bas become connected with the Bulck agency here In the ca pacity of salesman. PLAYED JOKE ON itrp at the body building. shofPof Bel more. Macdougall tt Moores work is be ing rushed on three important Jobs. Two """undertakers' wagons and an ambulance are being built, while the plans are rap- Idiy nearlng completion for a hotel bus. J. P. Finley St Son are having One of the undertaker's wagons built It Is a fine Job of the body builder's art, and is to be mounted on a Chalmers Chassis. The lengthening of the chassis In It self was a nice Job In that in cutting and lengthening the shaft and torsion' rod the utmost accuracy was needed. . The consignment of Oakland roadsters with which the salesmen of the Blake McFall company re to work their terri tory throughout the state, arrived this week and were delivered to the com pany, six cars, each a natty little two passenger roadster, were in the con signment, and they will be put into .service at once. This is one of the larg est single orders of automobiles made In the northwest and the Neate & Mc Carthy company ere greatly pleased . over it . ,f ; , . MB BRAGG NOW FAST DRIVER College Graduate Gets Racer Instead of Slow Car Intended for Him by Parent; Beats Barney Oldfield. " - Caleb S. Bragg, the Fiat pilot who starred In the Los Angeles motordrome races a year ago, has turned profes sional and will, undoubtedly be seen In some of the big races of 1911- Bragg walk admitted , to be the best amateur driver In the .world after the. Los An geles races, In which he repeatedly beat Oldfield, - broke records r end showed nerve, skill and daring in bis driving. Bragg, who Is Just out of Harvard, tells an Interesting story of how be en tered the automobile racing game. His mother is a wealthy woman and a mem ber of New Tories "four hundred." When, he graduated she presented hlra with aa automobile.. . Before the purchase was made Bragg learned that bis mother Intended to get a Slow-running car, so he got the ear of the agent who was to call on his mother. ' The auto man said he had a machine that couldn't go over- 25 miles an hour. That was Just what Mrs. Bragg wanted. She purchased It and then told ber son to go and get It ' That was Just ' before the Los An geles races. Shipping the car to Los Angeles Toung Bragg stripped off the pretty body, removed the exhaust muf fler and had a straight racing body built on the,chasls. His record of beat ing Barney Oldfield a half mile In a 10-mile race shows how slow his ma chine could be driven.' Now, however, he has entered the racing game, as a professional, having asked the contest board uf the A. A. U. to cancel his certificate as an ama teur driver. . It was at the same meet ing of the board that, Barney OrdfieM and -his- managers, J. 'Alex Sloan and William Pickens, were disqualified ss the result of their entering the Read- vine sanctioned meeting while under r SI .': .' .V V : V I nimiiimhihwii m iniwuiswiw mi m in iw I wp ti " - i ' r l i -: KSV v:,.'.: -ivM : j,,,,,,nrriTrrrr '"" """"I"" ' ' " Latest creation of the Pierce-Arrow 1 factory, a 6-3 6 five passenger car painted an auto cream with Mar- shall Field green trimmings. - ' Mi30 temporary suspension, Oldfield's meets hereafter must be of the unsanctioned kind. Other protests .-decided by the contest board at Us last" meeting were asfollowsr" : The appeal of Charles C. Meade, en trant of Ford No. In the Kansas City Star trophies tour, August SO . to Sep tember. 8, 1910, under" the auspices of the Automobile Club of Kansas City, from the decision of the referee in swarding first prise to, the Bulck entry No, 17, was considered, tha decision of the i referee? reversed, and first place awarded to Reo entry No. 12. The Appeal of the Foster Motor Car Co., Inc., entrant of Bulck No. 9, In the Virginia-Carolina endurance run, June 7 to 10, 1910, under the auspices of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, from the de cision of the., referee in allowing the protest of the Speedwell Motor com pany of Virginia, entrant of Speedwell No. 24, and awarding said car a perfect score, was considered. The decision of the referee was reversed, and sweep Stakes trophy awarded to Bulck No. 9. The appeal " of the H.v E. Frederick son Automobile,, company, entrant of Chalmers No, 1, In the Omaha Motor club endurance run, August 24, 25 and 26, 1910, from the decision of the ref eree, made upon the report of the tech nical committee, in penalizing Chalmers No. 1 fifteen (15) points for loose steer ing connection, was considered; the ap- J. ..!..' ... L ... ! II .... . L! ,i giBBBBgg 1911 Fierce-Arrows Are Here t 1 We have received our 1911 48 and 36 HP. Pierce-Arrows and are . pre pared to demonstrate that the adoption of a longer stroke in the already re markably efficient six cylinder motor has' materially increased the power . and flexibility. To those who are familiar with the forty-eights and thirty sixes of 1909 and 1910 the new cars 'will be a: revelation. ... x f ' Increased length-of stroke, however,. is by no means tfhe only improve-. f nient. - A change in timing gears has made the quiet motor still: quieter. A powerful gear driven air pump, made in the Pierce factory, gives assur ance that your chauffeur, will keep the tires properly inflate Brakes have been increased fifty per' cent in width and are much more, powerful. A foot accelerator, has been provided. Attached to the-dash is a hand priming pump by means of which a spray of gasoline can be forced into'the inlet man- . lfold for easy starting in cold weather.,and with poor gasoline and there are numerous other refinements. . ; , COVEY MOTOR GAR GO. Seventh and Couch StreetsL The Season for Lmousme,B6de$ is no w at Hand "SO" Locomobile, . with landauletto or limousine body, seating five per sons inside and two out-' side, is a very popular' town car for 1911. Mate & McCarthy, lne. 694 WASHINGTON, COR. KING. ; ' , Phone Main 6374, A-7577., : V." " - :. . . ':' .... f ARCHER, COMBS & CO., 30 OAK ST. ? Auburn Motor Car Co. ROBT. .SIMPSON. Mgr. ; SOS-7 Burnsldo Street A 7339 Main 2674 S i J, WINTERS Ca v,can;. t lljirrlwnrp 67 S1" Street .' izfoij and "Z2Sff? DIAMOND TIRES CMrcadlnJ M and'-W - INOBiBV TREAD PREVENTS Sklddinff Auto Supplies, Bicycles and Motor Cycles 83 Sixth Street, Portland Oldsmobile ' Marion Sixteenth and Alder The: GaSe Car FORMERLY THE PIERCE-RACINE , The cir with the, famous enffine. Dem.- , onsiranons given." ,, , . J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO., Z 322 East Cliy St, Portland, Or." ; : EAST SIDE AUTO CO. Iffala Olfloe HcoUaoay aad TTaioa ATaes Branch OfTlM, 831 Aide? Street ' ' ' lbii Bast SM ' S1STJLZSUTOM KOLZra xaros ' TKOKAR rLTn ; Vulcanizing & Retreading R. E. glODGETT. SiO Aider St. Main 7035 . x "IVs All in the Xlrc' sLXToQiJo West Coast Supply Co. 323 Burnside St if. :1 Electricity GIBSON Storage Battery Company Economical, gate and Conrenlent. Battery Kecharrlng and Repairing. Magneto Pepairing Quick Berries. HES AUTOMOBILE MACHINISTS AUTOS REBUILT, PAINTED, FOR HIRE line Con Union Avenue and East Davis St. PHONE EAST 78 BelmorerMacDouallrHoofeTCo: AUTO REPAIRING AND REBUILDING GLASS FRONTS A SPECIALTY SMITH-CLEVELAND CO, DISTRIBUTORS S. W. COR. SEVENTH AND COUCH STS. "Tte BeUable Car" , -: $000, 925, $950 Delivered.' , KRIT MOTOR SALES COMPAXT,, . J. L. S. Snead, Mgr. .' , Union Avenue at Wasco Street, v rhones East 822, C-2638. . Portland,' Or. - , , Menzles - Du B0I3 Auto ' Co. Hi! 'miiliM V Xnunedlats DeUrery ' " Psoas sA-3881, Main 4880 tereath aad DavU Btreets Mollne Thomao Flyer 531 ALDER STREET Main 2400 Knox . A1Q3S Premier Maxwell Columbia; Sampson Trucks ( . , 'Distributors v ' TOM oxzooir Stain 433T A-7171 United Auto Co. ! fronnerty Xaxwell Afaney) S:- (TonoMtir Jtaxirell Aganoy) . erenteenib ana Alder Streets NEATE & MCCARTHY, Inc. ; " - n ,rr PRAYER-MILLER TRUCKS I CZOViCJZ'lQ OAKLAND 1 AND.EVERITT - Washington Street, Corner of King ; DISTRIBUTORS For Oregon, .Washington, California t and Nevada 1 J. W. LEAVITT & CO., AUTOMOBILES ' S29.531 Washington Street Auto Co. Salesroom and Offices, FIFTH . and GUSAN STS. 4 U 688 Washington Street a . mm JOHN DEERE P10W COMPANY ; Distributors tot tbe Vortbvest t - " Telephone Main 2267 PORTLAND MOTOR . CAR CO , ... SIXTEENTH AND AUTOMOBILE ROW j W '