i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PPRTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30. 1910. 6 FOR SALE LOTS 16 Wen never made from savings banked at a low rate of interest. Real estate here in Portland has been known to double In a very short time. When you buy Portland real estate 'you can't lose. Buy a Gregory Heights lot on easy pay ments and join In future profits. , The great amount of building and Improve ments under way all point to a great : future for. this eectioti of the .city. , j Gregory Heights' la : well located . on the Sandy road, -and (considering the short car ride. It Is comparatively close in. Less than 26 minutes by way of the new cut-off. Cut Knit long, tiresome . car rides and move to Gregory Heights. , Portland "live wires", now working to have double track finished to the Couh " i try club' bv 'next fall. Widening of the .. Sandy road has been passed upon and no doubt will bring this about, 1 . Gregery Heights lots can ( still ' be bought as low as ' -""" OH EASY :" Cheapest 'in this best residence dls. trlct. Hood lots for a homeslte. cement sidewalks, curbs, parking, city grade -and Bull Run water. v i , . Of the treat number of families 11 v Ing fn Gregory Heights, not one lives In a rented home. All have orofticd by buying In GHCgory Heights. Why not vou? Ideal for. your . f amllv.. Ulrn healthful altitude. Plentv of fresh air and sunshine. We sell homes on $10 a month payments. 47ml -at iir Grernrv ITeirhta office tomorrow.- Take Rose City Park car at Third and iamb.ni streets. Kiae to end of line. "'JiGREGORV IHVESTMEMT GO. Less Than $600 - Choice 50x100 Lots 1 Including ' cement walks and' curbs, graded and graveled streets, only $700; some $800. - Lots are near car, along Sandy road. Just north of Laurelhuret lots selling for $1850 without street improvements. - Lots are in the GREAT ROSSMERE SECTION of the Rose City Park dis trict, the FASTEST GROWING DIS TRICT of GOOD HOMES In ALL PORTLAND. Over 140 families moved Into this district between July 1 and October 1 this year that. -too, without Has, but now gas is being laid in dis trict, and it will grow faster. . In Oregonian of 28th Inst, President Josselyn promises this district 16 mtn . ute car ride; shorter car ride than Pled- niont or much of Irvington. So Irvlng- ton prices will soon prevail here,' and as an Investment or home these LOTS ARE MOST DESIRABLE. SHE 'THEM SURE BE WISE. FOR PARTICULARS. PHONE Main ma or A-1398. ASK FOR MR. SEA BERG, or see him at 253 6th St., corner of Mafllson, Just 4 short blocks south of P. O, 2 Beautiful Building Sites In Olmsted Park, overlooking Irvlngton. Full lot. improvements all In and paid. One and one half blocks from car. Owner 'must sell. Original price, easy terms. Extra stie lot on the Ala " meda, fine view; terms. Don't . answer unless you mean business. F. N, CLARK 822 Spalding bldg. 30 Choice corner 100x100 feet on Kil- lingsworth, -nicely cleared, and set out in young fruit trees; excellent resi dential section. Price $1400; $550cash, balance payable every 6 months, inter' est at 6 per cent.- Other Corners adjoin ing selling at $ir.oo. - REPASS &, SON S4tb nd Alberts. - - Woodlawn 1834 - WILL" TOTT BUT A BARGAIN? 4 lots. 100 feet off Patton ave.. 70 feet from carllne, graded streets, f of $1400; orkkg. $S0O cash, balance per cent : theyTTe o-ned bv a non-nul dent, who j9h . instructed me to sell them regardless of value. v F. K. HENISON. Rooms 201-2 Gerllnger bldg. Main 437 80X100 On East 26th. nar A liter t a, noutti of marline, 2 blocks from car, 10-foot alley. Prtce $1100: $160 casn. balance $15 month, per cent - Frank Lar& lith and Alberta.- C-1110 VOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park lor J4Z&, t&o oown ani iu per month; raded streets, eement walks and curbs, ; Bull Run water, electricity, telephons, tou xiing restrictions. PROVIDENT INV. ft TRUSTER CO., 624-628 board of Trade Bldg. ""' 1JT8 IN RICHMOND DISTRICT. . v, o 89th: near-cart tne. $200 below market value today; only a few left If jou want one joa must hurry. Just think! our price is only $650 for 50x100 kt- $26 down. $10 monthly. 418 Bail- y Exchange. Marahall 2753. JuiM off E. 89th In Richmond district we offer, to wind up-.our. holdings qulck Iv, sere tracts for $1000; small niuntint down, balance $10 monthly: no uch, twrgRln anywhere. Call early if oti' want one. 418 Railway iraciiange, . A KM A P. Ua-um I'm i sawajjML.yaiatviaXfrte'l W.' qrrwwttr rhrmtd-.-W'6 l.icK-k from- car, $4a0, $4j caah. 61 per inn, 'Interest! 8 per cent; Koam Abfngton lililg. "Central East Portland Choice vacant coruei' -nd buildln yiHniflu r'ir cent on tnvreiment price i ikved etroe walking .uisxance, L :t, Journal . 1 " I 16 LOTS. : , - ." , SUNNYSIPE. $350050x100. near East 28th st; one of the best locations on -Belmont street! for stores, flats or apart- mcnts.' IRVINGTON. $1400 BOxlOO on East 24th St.. near Stanton; high and faces east. An exceptional home site. ; , LA U RE LH UR ST. $1W0 East Hoyt st, near E..$lt; one block from car. PtEWiOKT. ' $1000 Pour 60x100 foot lots on Com mercial streevt, between Alnsworth and Jarrett. at $1000 each. Good " as an Investment or for building purposes. ' SELLWOOD. $1000 50x100 corner lot on railway; business nroperty with a future. MT. 'TABOR. $ 750 Corner East 67th and East Burn side streets, with 114 feet front age on East Burnside. IRVINGTON PARK. . I 600 60x100 feet facing east on 15th street, near Alnsworth. : Information1 as to prices of lots or residences In 'other sections of .the city will be ..furnished upon application. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg., -- Phones Main 869!. A-2663: lis me S00 by 165 feet, ready for the'' plow, on hard surfaced street, on .street car line:. between hospital and 'Stat Ion, 12 inch water main, near Columbia Park, near Colum- bla university, near 16 room pub lic school, four miles from com petition, In a rapidly growing community; For : lease, seven years at very low rate. An ex cellent chance for a poor man who Is a florist, to get rich. , . Francis McKenna 617 Commercial Block. Holladav addition, on Wasco street. 40 feet just east of 604 Wasco, then 50 feet east, making a fine big, lot of 90x 100. Just an ideal place lor large wide bunaralow. Contractor ran make ' bin money by building on una jot., own ers must have cash at once: no trades, r.atmy worm, 3tvu. win maae Dig re ductlon If sold at once. All Improve ments In and paid. Call 616 Abington bldg. - T , PUT ' Gregory Heights " -. Lots at $200: best buys in this local' Itv; easy payments. Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City Park carllne. . Gregory Investment Co, 586 feet' trackage, 200 .. ...feet deep, Price $12,500 "46. feet trackage, 205 feet deep, Price $11 ,500 . . .505 CoucH Bdg, : - L00KI MM- Onlv $400 buys beautiful lot. over looking the city, ON TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Very small payment down, bal ance small monthly payments: one block to Montavllla car, near Cricket club. only 28 minute ride; beautiful shade trees, wonderful view, chance to get started right. Don't fall to see me, even though you have not much to pay down; another for $500, corner. Call at once. .Jas. C, Logan, 126 Washtnrton si., room 40 Apartment or Flat Corner 1700 CASH TO HANDLE. ; Near Hawthorne avenue car. East Main and East 32d. 60x100. gas, Sewer, water, paved street Just the, locality where apartments are wanted. Owner has bought farm and will sell this cor ner-at cheap price. , No i trades. Call room 618 Abington bldg. Must Have Cash Holladav Park lots, one ' 40x100 at 1400: 60x100 at $1650. These are on Wasco st, .next to 804 Wasco, above grade, level, best surroundings, nearly quarter block sold at $4000. Best offer on on or both above Jots-takes them Go look at, once; .Jheu call 616 Ablng ton bldg. 56x100 This Is the- fcreatefet bargain in a lot ever orrered; close to Hawthorne ave moo casn. H. W. CRAWFORD. ' 1021 Hawthorne ave., cor. 34th. Phones Tabor' 616. B-2967. , LOT 65x117. three-foot terrace, ten full bearing trees, 3 block to cam Note size of lot, note price. ' Surrounding lots of 50x100 selling for $800. Till Im the nicest Jot in the street and $800 207 Rotnchild bldg., 4th, and washing' Dandy Lot for Bungalow $600 Nice 60x100 lot 150 feet from Rose City Park car; cement walk, curbi aid water, paid; above grade; $175 cash, io montn, o per cent, worth $800. See Janvi c. ijogan. 826 ' Wash. St., R. 404 SUIT STREET i block north Richmond car. a-oot view. $815: $150 cash, balance $10 mo. uwner. ;tu4 Marguerite ave. OWNER SICK Ml'ST SELL. Lot 60x100, large water main in front. 3 blocks from car; $560 terms. Very cheap. Rust & Hofstrand, Arbor Lodge, st jonns car. . . WILL SELL my Tremont Park lot at a snap price lf taken at once. I seed tho money and somebody Is going to pet the lot. If 0U want It don't wait N-2r.. Journal. In Hawthorne district, a bargain for $16fi0, half cash. " Call today, 304 Mar guerite ave. TWO LOTS University Park, two Works ot station: fine residence site, elieao for cash or terms. Address owner, B. Best. Hlllfshoro, Or. BARGAIN JiOt 60x100, wwell district; restrictions. Improvements paid, near car. ..only. $600: $60 cash. N-261. Jour nal. " SNAP 50x100. best resldetice district. half block nrom car, all improvements In and paid for. Phone Main 3389. 6:30 p. m. Ask for iNorman. KENTON. 50x100, 1 block to Derby St., $700 cash. R-2B0, Journal. ' r - ROSE CITY PARK lot $100 less- than t-ad.lacent-tets, part cash; tronracr;ln stallments. W-269, Journal. FOR SALE Eight lots In Alblna; must sen; 14600; no agents, vwner,- X-26S, Journal. FUTURE business lot on Killing; worth av.., $1150, including street lmprove rhente paid. 598 Gahtenbeln ave. FOR SA I.,E--Lot 37th and Braisee HQ street imDrOvements paid: $700; owner. X-266, Journal. , ""-,..' ; FOR SALE Two blocks of 82 lots, each zAxlOO, on Salem carllne, $35 per lot. Owner; no agents, X-2H7, Journal. . $425 Corner near 2fftlr and Gladatone; opposite corner neiiiar jiouo; nurry LOT cheap; Waverleigh Heights, $600 equity $240. ; , N; f A., Miller, ; Orenco, UT. LsL0i8; 4nV Elbcrta, $50 clown, balance F $11 per : month; -call, at 1101 East LOTKItEfl to builder. if 'taken at once. 631 Beck bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 18 $8000 Fractional ' quarter block on bandy road west or ztn excep tionally well situated for stores or flats, and very easy terms. $2000 A superb Irvlngton lot, E. 19th, between Thompson ana crazee, cheap because owner needs money. $1000 Four lots peninsular No. 4 near Kenton; a splendid ouy. $ 600-r-Two lots on Willis boulevard near .remnsuia ave., nun vo.au. MAKE US AN OFFER for lots 1 and block 11. Dovr addition: owner ab sent, must sell. . MONEY TO LOAN on allt edge first mortgage, $25,000 and upward. Give us a call. .. ... . , .. Jackson & Deering Main 346. Ar3457. i. 24$ 8tark st. Four lots, each 60 by 100 feet, each for $600, $160 cash, balance $150 per jyear without Interest, five blocks from Maegly June-,: tlon, five blocks from McKenna Junction, two blocks from a hard surfaced 'street, walking distance to the stock yards and factories where 2000 men are employed, city water. This property is like- ly to double in value as soon as the work begins on the terminals . at McKenna Junction. -.i i ' i.v Coe A, McKenna - 617 Commercial Block. Main 4522, A-2143. Irvington. Lot Bargains 10 tier -cent caBh, balance - small monthly payments, streets paved, ce ment walks, , curbs, sewer, water, gas, a,i In. - ' 4 60x100 at $1400, cash required 8140. 3 60x100 at $1460, cash required $145. 6 TiOxlOO at $1500, cash required $150. 2 60x100 at $1600, cash required $160. Some splendid double corners at cor- reanondinarlv low -nrices and terms, Take Irvington . car to Knott. Office E. 13th and Knott. Open Sunday. Phone ;ast 1796, ly. U. Mills, exclusive agent WLl'fttllW Dn St. Johns car Una at Northern Hill, switch and side- track ln.s Suitable- for sash and ..door fac tory, iaunary. , ice iaciory. . foundry, wood and, coal, flour and- , feed, chair factory, planing mill, ' broom" factory or the like. On f hard surfaced street, 12 Inch water main. Ten years lease very ". . cheap. : . Francis I;. McKenna' 617 Commercial Block. Goodwood Best residence district, beautiful view, streets being improved; ten , minutes rldo on Sellwood car; get off at Caywood st. Agent on ground Sundays, at office weekdays. Hedrick. 405 Chamber of Oommeye, Warehouse Site, $45,000 150 feet of trackage, $2500 cash. BLAISDELU SHOUP & DALY. 31 5 tRallway Exchange bldg. BEST CORNER LOT IN ROSE CITY - - - PARK. $800. $400 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent. See C. R. Dodds, S10 Lewis bldg. Phones Marshall 779. A-7155. THREE lots. 130x120 feet in Waver leigh HeigUts; good view; bargain; must have some money, balance easy payments: Chas.' I. Lewis, 616 Com merclal blk. Pione Main 3953. X HAVE a few lots for sale very cheap, " in fast growing town In central Wash ington, on the Columbia river. Great inducements. Write now; must be sold at-onee. P-265, Journal. win SALE or lease, lot 50x100. east front, on Williams ave., Just south of new Lewis bldg,; choice location for brick apartment ; Owner, H-259, Jour nal. - CHEAT SNAP. Have 2 lots, must sell chean: $50 down, $15 per month; -12 minutes from postorrice; water ana aewer ana iignts, on west Bide. T-bs. journal. ONE HALF ftf-re, 3 blocks to W-R car line; splendid view; good soil. For Immediate sale, $1600; $300 cash. N- 268, Journal. . NONRESIDENT will sacrifice fine rivervlew lot,. St Johns, for $550 cash. Worth $700. Write, B. Hagemann. Mll- waukle. Or. . QUARTER block on E. 6th st, near Burnslde st. Price on application. ! GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. Starl irtla" AGENTS for portrait enlargements; srood Dropofiltlon. Call 25 Morn son, room 1, Monday, , between 9 and 12 a. m. ; '. TWO lots, Mt. Scott car, sell singly or together; graded street and water; $300 each, your own' terms. Geo. , p. Reynolds, 301 Vi lat st. - A SPLENDID hornesite on the west side - for $1250. Terms. D-268. Journal. EXCHANrE REAL ESTATE 24 $2000 EQUITY In store building and lot. leased, $20 month:, want something clearof eaual value, 407 ' Lumbermens Bank biag. EXCHANGE For good improved farm a fine residence property o'D peninsula, largf house, grounds 100x100, fruit. shrubbery. '" journal. 4 ROOM house and 4 lots to trade for reataurant: call before Wednesday'. Oregon Coast Co., 274 Static st 120 ACRES Improved, a? Tillamook, for city property, Oregon Coast Co., 274 Stark nt." '' - ' , '-"'; EXCELLENT 30 are apple orchard, bearing, trade for city property. Ore gon Coast Co., "274 StarRst TEN acres of Baxter county, Ark., peach land, 3 miles of town, to trade, $500. .Goddard. 61 6 aBoard Pf-Trade. , : WILL give brand new Lyon & Healy piano as first payment on vacant or Improved 'property. 0-265, Journal. WILL trade lots for auto; must be in good repair and standard make. Call Monday, Z7 4 wtarK st. SEE Grove. Rlcten for bargains In real estate, s Montavllla car line, ,44 snih Ht ' -' tA.IT wants small rooming house; she has 6 lots in Coos Bay and $250 cash. 615 Board of Trade THREE Portland lots at $100 each and some ea-sh "for , small bualnoss. 615 ttoard or i raae. "you a house to your plans on easv nav- rueiiiH, main iinv HAVE you roomlnw house for trade? No com mission. Main 5(r,S. Miller. SO ACRES Will cxchniig- for auto, Owner. 134 2d st. ' Ma 1 n Hftsn. - - . EX( HANGh for Homtrjing more defli- . able, Aiycra, bDV llenrj: bldg. A-1153, FOR WLE LOTS Wmi FITlli EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 SWAPS RHINO JN YOUR EXCHANGES. , 80 acres near Vancouver, $1600. -, 67 acres bottom land, $125. . .. 23 acres partly eleared, view. $150. 40 acres, near city, bearing fruit, $10,000., .....J .rAA zo acres, improvea. iouu. uw uw. '$42,600 city property; want farm.; $16,000 Improved for ranch. - ' , $33,000 inside acreage for farm. $2660 bungalow, some- trade. 40 acres improved orchard land, $ (6 166 acres improved with stock, $100. 94 acres timber on Sandy river. 10 acres, cultivated. . 14 acres Improved, near Newberg. 20 acres, Improved, Oregon Electric, hJagie ureeK orcnara iauu. See us for bargains and exchanges, city or country. Raymore Realty to. 430 Worcester Bldg,. 8d and Oak St a. 160 Acres to Trade For lots or house and lot; finest fruit and' grain farm in the state. - GOOD INVESTMENT. 40 acres to trade for small' house and lot.' . ' r . ' . HERE IS A CHANCE. . , 80 acres to trade for lots of business chances, city preferably. TWTT RRSfT OFFERS IN -CITT. . ' 4, 6 and 6 room houses for sale or trsue, . , t . Investigate these places. ,, Gray Realty Co,, ; 1 621 Board ot f tade' Bldjf. 'Exchanges;-' : 480 Acres- Good Wheat " land In Gilliam etounty at $16 per acre. Will trade for residence in Portland. Worth $5000 to $8000. ' ., $25,000 worth 6 per cent tO-year bonds to trade for Portland city property or farm land that can be rented; bonds mill ilinil thArnllrh invpstl trdtlon $17,600 worth of bank stock, capital stock of the bank $25,00o; bang locatea in a good R. It. town ana aoing a gooa Dusmess; oniy nana in ine miwii, -wm consider trade for good property. . MOORE INVESTMENT CU., M 104 Henry Bldg. ' For Sale "or Trade,; 6 Room Modern House Located on corner lot at 68th and Douglas (Myrtle Park) ; , base ment, bath, toilet, lavatory, sink,-" 8 bedrooms, wired; If yotr are! ) looking for a home, then you -can't afford to miss this; price $2000, terms to suit. Sheppard, . 423 Henry bldg., owner. Trade for Farm 8 room house, modern: lot Is corner, 100x125, two blocks from car, cash value is $4000.' -Want farm within 25 miles ot Portland; Improved preferred. t, Nelson & Co, 801 Lumber Ex., 2d and Stark sts, Exchange 8 Acres of tho finest fruit land In the state, 8 miles from Hood River. Land, sell Ing near by from 41000 to $2000 per acre. Will exchange for good'home In Portland. Moose Realty Co, . 604-6 Board of Trade bldg. '--'.'CUD TRADE; 5 lots 60xl'20. 7 room house, on. Car llne. 6o fare. In Olympia, Wash., will trade for Portland .Income business and pay some difference;. $2500. ri. K. KOBE. : . R,oom 14. 270 U Washington at WILL TAKE team of cobd work horses, about 280D lbs anil 1 9 Art rtU n h ft-ml i ami. wfvv vacii as .11 c l payment on a izjoo 6 room modern nuuse in Aiwrw mieei. to country. ? Owner going - Frank Lane 24th and Alberia. ; c-nio. FOR EXCHANGE A choice corner res idence lot. Will take team horses from 4 to 7 yearB old as first pay ment. Terms on balance. Value $500. One block west and 2 blocks south Tre- mont station, Mt Scott car. W. A. Bush, owner. SAU3 OR EXCHANGE $1700 equity In $3000 modern house and lot 62 Hx 100 feet; 6 rooms and bath. Will sell at a bargain or trade for farm. . Bal ance, $1300, 2 years at 7 per cent Ad dress P-269, Journal. . IF YOU HAVE anything in the line of real estate or business chances that you wish to trade for something which aslts you better, call Tabor 288 after ? in toe evening. TO 'EXCHANGE, 200 acres fine land. 15 acres nearly ready to plow; well located: well watered: a snap; $20 per Sere; will pay a difference. C. H. Kverett 517 Rothschild bldg. WE BUY, sell ana exchange anything. Telephone us; we do the rest. , H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th. Near Stark. , , Marshall 1298, A-3799. TEN acres tracts southern Cal., ? miles from railway; undeveloped sagebrush land. Perfect title. $20 acre, cash ot trade. Chance dry farm or speculate. C; S, McDuffee & Son, 62( Abington"bldg, WILL trade nine city lots In Buffalo, N. Y., for Portland property ,or for a small farm within 10 miles from :this city on some navigable .streams Ad dress T-264, Journal. , -"We Swap the Earth" . M'GUIRB ft HENNINGS, 201 Lumbermens bldg. A-3883. 6654 Williams ave. East 607, C-2636, J, 6 and 10 acre tracts. Improved, near the city, on electrlo line, to exchange Tor city property. PROVIDENT. INV. TRUSTEE CO., 624-6Z6 Boara or :rroe mag. HAVE v near Springwater, or., some j good fawn and fruit land on tounty roadi at $30 to $40 per'acre; will take city property as first payment. T-266, journal, i FORExchange 1777 acres Stilly Co. B. - land; -will - accept $25,000 1n PnrMnnil or adlarent nronertv. Hnl. ance terms. ' AddAss R-266, journal. 60 ACRES, partly In cultivation. Wll lamette valley, for sale or trade for city lots br acreage near Portland." In- oulre cor. tn ana Magnolia, wooaiawn. 320 ACRES, Clachnmns county, $10 per acre,, to exenange tor city property telve price and description. .. T-266, journal. SMALL 12 acre, farm near Oregon (;ity on county roaa; across road from school; will take city lot as first pay- HAwt 'P-OAft Tniirnut "... (iirrjj. i J.-vu, $1000 equity In t'fci acres. Just outside city limits1, will exchange for eqinty In modern house in Portland.' Chas. E. HAVE you anytnmg.to trade? We pay special B.neuii"H t" oinsnieg, ;aii and see- us. Moose Realty Co., 604-6 Board of Trade bldg. 4 WANT TO EXCHANGE nice lmDrovd "8ra.cresT,t TIgafd "slaflon. 12200, for rooming nouse: op- coniectionery. ; Dar ling. 217 ADington. i WILL trade 6 passenger automobile for real estate or acreage, courtois, 14614 1st st FOR : quick and profitable results In ail - ciasnen oi mwiim, vaii bub Qerllnger Diag. WILL trade real estate for restaurant In good locality mu nave iong tease, H-255. Journal. AUTOMOBILES to exchange for real estate $800. to 208 Allsky bldg. w. k, corbett, lFm.yoUWBnthJo .sell, buy or trade, seer ShoemoKer, ail tienry oiag. Main 4466. A-7434. WILL trade good lots clear of Incum brance for motorcycle, Courtols, 1464 1st st., room 9.v"';". :; - t WlljL buy, sell or trade anything. F. Lee. iQi ft Hoaro or trade oiqg. WE trade fur anything anvwhere. See us today. 4ll Henry bldg. -it EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2$ 200 acre farm, northeast of White Sal mon, mostly cultivated: fine lmDrove- ments, to trade , for city property, $70 per acre, ana worm it, . i. , ;.. .. $2000 cash and house and" lot at $3000 for a farm. - What have you? - 40 acre farm In Clark countv to trade for city property, price $4000; near electric line, for trade for city property, price $8500. : , v . ,::,. ; . ,;. . ' ' 20 or' 40 acres, well lmnroved farm. on Base Line road, near 12 mile house, for sale or trade at bottom prices. 700 acre wheat farm between Pendle ton and Walla Walla, for sale or part trade. This is a forced sale at way be low market valuos. ,; ; , i 40 acre dalrv firm, fullv emilnnod tn trade foi' clty property; will give terms ah in am,. . A .A . . V. -11 - o 1 1 (aiit, jlv vuwfl, v uiia liny, aui iuit-' 100 acre Yamhill county farm for city property, 60 acres cultivated; teams, wagons, chickens, hogs, crop of apples and potatoes, and hay, all ' goes for IlDUV. ' ' , 13U acre fruit farm close to Medford. highly Improved; a splendid money mak ing nome. , : Meat market to trade for real estate. one of the finest paying, beet equipped shops In the northwest;' I ersonally know tnis i a snap at $6000. ; ... , ; General merchandise store for real estate. Furniture stora for real estate. Apartment noted for real estate;, other good trades at right prices. It Is a waste or tjme supmittuig anything to me un- less prices are rigni. ' , . i C W. T.A HARRIS." ' V ' . 20$ Commercial blk., 2d & Washington For Sale or Exchange .160 acres of flna Irrigated land, only 4 ' miles from Hermiston. . where thev are selling land for $300 and $400 per acre; iuu acres unaer cultivation ana seeded to alfalfa that will pay $76 per acre eacn year, oaiance an gooa lana. If you are thinking of getting a farm mat win pay you 60 per cent on the in vestment, call and npn u. : V 17.000 acres of wheat and graslng land J?:l-Jnt21Ta?4ll.lnB-n mf? I n n V VV.. A. wauKee n. a. inrouKn. lanu. trice rori a few; days only $3.50 per acre; land! wnrth from is Ua im ner ara. hut I owner must selL. Terms can behad on part , PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO. eio opsiaing Biag. I ' Phones Main 6922, A-574S. TO EXCHANGE 801 acre Tinamook j countv dalrv ranch: imnroved. with! toe ana inipiemnio, m xraae ior groo- i ery or clg&r and confectionery . store. Nice home In Montavllla for small farm. no . ' aore ranch, . improved, near Scappoose. for house and lot Portland. NtSiiMUN. 4r KUUKKJUKi, ' ' 'Tabor 2681. 2022 E. Stark St 1 60 Acres Good farming land In Grant county, "WashliiKton, to exchange foa house in Portland, or close in acreage, , Moose Realty Co, 504-6-Board of Trade bldg. 1 A Fine Home foFTrade: Modem 6 room cottage, full cement I WIIiL rent my swell 7' acre chicken basement, wash trays, fireplace, 3 full rancfT right on carllne, house fur lots, on carllne, lots of small fruit, fine nlshed, long lease' to responsible partus chicken house and yard; trade for small only, will sell cow. chickens, potatoes. farm not over 15-miles from Portland ana ciose ro car. - 4peai Brown, 70? Swetland bldg. : . . Exchange 5 Acres i All in cultivation, good 6 room house, Barn and chicken house, for good Port land, house and lot. , , Moose Realty Co, . ; 504-6 Board of Trade bldg. ' FOR SALE or exchange, 40 .acres 30 miles from Portland: well !mrrnvi good couhtry store snaking good living. t M""Z,nr,l "ZL,r" ' $1600. Further Information, owper.R. u. nuiia, ua uenier. wasn. EQLITT in good 18 room rooming nouae ior iota or any thing or value. If you have anything to trade give us b mm jur quica resuus. ' ' Ewen Realty Co, 1 311 Allsky. 318 ACRES Walla Walla county. Wash:': 2i5 In cultivation. 4 miles from jsurena, o reet irom station on if. P- xv, jn.., Kuua wnnai iana: ues wen: ii! n per acre, to trade for city property- If youwant any kind of property, call and BM III' Afll UtuaMal, ,1 1 .. -.v. -"'hi TO EXCHANGE 160 acres good fruit land, v 40 acres In cultivation ready for orchard and 40 acres more ' pnnilv fIolByv21tFxcha,i?'r, i ,rXrmln'2-rwantt8:. A 1332 - ?g' Phones Main 3712, WE HAVE several rood tironprt-1p In me cuy. ana in t. jonns, to exchange for' acreage or farms. Tell us what you nave, euia w tu, me rec. w- - - - CHAPEL ft SMITH, 318 Railway Exchange bldg. Vfor Safe or Trade" mty farK jn a cnoice location. HAKBIi-KNNIS, 428, Henry bldg. GOOD TRADES. Good dots and some cash foe room In ir nouse. .r ive, , room nouse , for ranch. Acreage for eastern land.', Good ranch for 6 room house. We have all kinds or trades. Koom 7, 29IH Morrison, WHAT have you to exchange iar con-t -82-page-book phtning what each fectlonery and cigar sUnd. located ati0 the 34 counties la adapted for; gives busy transfer point and clearing $10 f amount of government land pn to 431. . . L-wwa ik"ii' .;,imnv" inEfi,&a ? 'Jir 1 ?A.?Ut- Si in first class order, cost equipped $3800. very cheap at, $1600. for exchange ror real estate or bustness proDOsltlon. Owner, 615 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or, trade for- ranch, new 7 room moaern nouse.. i mock irom car line; lot ooxiuu; price aouu; mortgage $1000, 8 years. Equity as first pay ment on rarrn. w-zoo, journal, 91 A fB T.-S li ilsar Vial mi.i,ri bai. fenced. on y main "county ' road to Salem, 1 mile from : Jefferson. Or., ror nouse and i lots. snayer at, Phone Woodlawn 3059. ', ' 160 ACRES for 6 or 7, room cjty real- denoe. , Waggener Real Estate Co, ; 210-212 Abington Bldg. ' LIVERY BUSINESS TO TRADE For farm ' or what .you have Come quick! Get all particulars. ' . rf i nixna 'ninnnr, ' 7 ROOM house, clear of incumbrance. lot 60x100, 12 bearing fruit t trees; h1a am asm 4a 1 1 encanrtVi flKnonn nnn4 trada for smaU ranch, Oregon tSoast CO.,. Z74 BtBTK-M, SEATTLE residence, and t lots, unob structed view, of Found, $2500. Want Portland property or .land. , 808 Board of Trade bldg. ' GOOD LOTS or land to trade in as part payment on a modern 7 or 8 room . residence. ' E-264. Journal. - EXCIIAXGE--MISC. 25 L.TQ EXCHAiJGErTwoX passenger ma4fence,00!hlckena,,gpod teanv-S-cows chines for draft teams. Call 612 E. EXCHANGE runabout auto, Just the tiling ror Delivery, ior- vacant . toi. 8.14 t;ast etn bl ' FOR SALE Cheap for cash . or will trade a canvas glove outfit. B-266, Journal. , FOR TRADEi Box ball bowling, alleys, for second hand rouer snares, m-zaii. Journal, ' . - . -:' - - FOR SALE, or what have you to ex- change for 6x8 view camera, with or wil'iouc lenea. rwmn BiIDB, t - , PIANO to trade for cows, hogs, poultr: ieora-a4. bMg g--4i-367,-"Miital WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 HAVE $100 cash to pay down an good 60x100 lot; -mtiBt bfn good location, ronvenlnnt to cars: Ktrt et fnicro monts In. If you have sonietlilrtg that answer this dLScilplion .wlU. purchaBe at once. WAITED REAL ESTATE 8t WE SELL REAL. ESTATE. Quickly and Quietly. Cash buyers waiting for property of every description, confidential matters handled with tact and discretion. See Mr. Beck. . ' "1 ' ' , KORTH1SI1N TliUM' ;u . , Railway Exchange bldg. '. Have Cash Buyer . - for S to 10 acres near carllne, within 15 miles of portlandt must be a bar gain, li Nelson &1 Co 301 Jjumbex Ex- cnange, za ana btaric st i'none Mar shall -2767. 1 $1000, $2000 or less. - We can.vll them for you quick. List them with W. R. Corbett, 208 - Allsky bldg.. 9d and Morrison. WE HATE several customers for 4 and 6 room houses.- , Lf vou are looklmr for a chance to sell list your property with us for aulck returns. Phones Main buzz. A-6748. fortiand Keaity ExchanKa co., 619 upaioing bldg. i A LB IN A, Want house 'and lot south - of Jlussell ana west or union ave., miiRt bf cneap, for. cash; want It at once..'."P-263l-Jour nai. - I WANT a 5 room modern cottage on good car Ane: prefer. Alberta dlstriot: not over 2&0t). $60 cash, balance easy payments. juariing, zil ADington blag, main bo j i WANTED Income propeitytKjnt $60 to $8000, that mav be nald4!ah monthly payments; must bay rood In terest anl be something good. L-260, journal. ' - - Small House, Wanted ' Will pay $150 ca3h and $10 per month. tn-ion, journal. ' : HAVE' $300 .to $500, to Invest as first payment on Portland realty; must be a snap. no agents need reply, i-aoi, CAtsti ; ior property, any kind, any where. To buy or sell address North western Business Agency, Minneapolis, Minn. ' - - ; -' -- : ... ?-, - . I WANT. 20 ftt res not far out. 'with .M. a"i viv : ini VUl, 1 till water through -place. adaDted for a country nome; no nouae - necessary; state Drlce and location. . N-1B3. Journal. LOT for part csh, pari mining atock; ' ' stand investigation, trS63, Jour R , . , , s ; . , , , . a,-.-, j, i WE BUY. sell and exchange everything. ' Dt,sh3 &,i.aw;i07 Lumbermens Bank bldg. Main 3018. - - - 1 WANT a few acres cloae to Portland. with or without buildings; prefer ;to deal w4th owners. G-250. Journal WANTE1 Property at right irlce. We hm th hnr TJoii jiAtnhiann' i Liernnger Dla,, 2(1 ck AUier. Marnpall ua ft, WANTED From owners only'. " acreage. 1 to 10 acres, close to Portland. I i have the buyer. H-261, Journal, IWANT to buy a 6 or 6 room house near the Alberta car line from owner only. 8-260, Journal IF YOU have a 6 or 6 room bungalow to uu vMBt biuo. vnu . uu rtitxi ouaii 247-5. I have buyer. " ,WE ARE In the market for good buys in- west side realty.' je Not & 'CO- 617-&1I. Henry Ding. FL AT for rent at 48 1 Larrabee at Phone East 6364 or Main 7006. FOR REPT FARMS 14 wood and hay also. 1 Aak or George w. nouns, Metsger station. 66 &cfta to rent! a 2 ax-ras In 65 acits to rent: 32 u rea In cultivation dalryr-frulf and . vegetableri, stock erop and farm equipment for sale. Po mona boat to Ohio Landing. Address, Ed Vagner. Canby, Or Route No. 2. FOUR acres of nice poll on Columbia river, above Vancouver: nice, orchard. i boat landing. Will rent "to Japanese or Chinnno gardeners. Very reasonable. 226 Allsky bldg. Main 3753. A-7042. FOR SALE Lease and stock of 160 o ws, 3 . heifers 2 horses, all imple ments,, .Inquire Joe Flury. Springwater, IPC' -'-' --" - ' ' , WANTEDFARMS 88 I WANT to rent .good farm ranch In Oregon, landlord to furnish teams and tools; also want stock to raise on shares. References furnished. George N. Stoner Quanah, Texas, .- - I WANT from 160 to 320 acre of logged off land within 60 miles of I terms, H-257, Journal. f 1 1 WANT a good farm for two Portland I . . . . . n . nouses, bom paia ior, one b rooir.a ana I rooms; half block ' from car, near Country club. K-269. Journal. ' ... . ,.n.x T. . iinr.ij ." Of all Sl"erimPoved aid nnimproved. to sell or exchango for city homes. Wolff Land Co., 145 1st st. T1MBEB 48 , . . SPLENDID SUGAR PINE. About 46.000 acres, well bunched, rail road surveyed through tract; land good for manv ourDoses when timber Is re moved.. Look into this. "Only $25 per apre. Zimmerman, 810 Board or Trade. WB are headquarters for timber and lumber enternrises or ail Kinds, run ner & Stampher. &31-Z uumoer iux- change bldg. - HOMESTEADS 47 - Advantages of- Oregon Itached, 21x28. showing new r II road and towns, including eastern anq central Oregon; In different colors; Issued Mi, N - mm- - lnHxtt man In IT R ".hbLM.d inHeaTc Sim lawsl I ' ..7..-i ua . general description Of Oregon. Mali I 25c Nlmmo & Runey, 813 Hamilton Ft in sr.. Portland, orearon. RELINQUISHMENT 280' acres, 6 miles from R. R. station on county roaa. SmalLhouse and barn. 25 acres In cu:u vatlon: . all ' could be farmed when nlearetl: some renoea.. f rice aoo. . , llnmoatdail lnimtlnn 1811 rrea' .ill could be farmed when cleared, . miles from IL R. station, on county roaa. Close to school., location fee $125! Hellnonlshment. two in the Doschutes valley, close to Madras, on county reaa, close to sctiooa ana postoinco; some im provements and very cneap. - xvnim: Runey. A Co,. 313 .Hamilton f)Itif, MR. WAGE LARNER. HAVE YOU EVER USED YOUR HUMISUfAU . ..SIOHT? ' Become Independent by letting us lo- PaU you on 0ne of the few good home- I . i . j- a. a. a it.. steads, left In Oregon.. Got out of the rut, go Out into UOd s pure neattn giv ing olr. work for vourself and in a short time become the owner of a farm worth from $30 to 150 per acre. THE riUNKUCK JjUCAxunu v;u., D11 C.m-L.hJ kMv 8. '10. corner 6th and 'Washington ats. HflMKSTKADS. " ; i : One rellndulshment, , good 6 'room house, and good , barn, chicken house, and other bulldlnirs: 2 miles 4 wire ana larramg impir,iii;iii, in rtcii-B intnu- ow, 5 12 acres grain, 2 ' good living streams, and other things too numerous to mention, on terms or will trade for Portland improved property, j. a. uavia, 214 Swetland bldg. - A FEW chotce homesteads arill a few timber c alms, r ir sou want to go ny t?99adTef ? 11Z0 Jersey sw at . n. x,.v, HOMESTEAD : rellnaulahment. 160 acres inWaseo county; well settled community, cabin and some cultivation. jou. Ii-oof jinirnni 7 1 FOR 'SALE One of the best. Umba ZT flriiT TiOmeSreaneilnquisiimenis ever Offered. Cruise, sjght million. T-265 jonmoi. i Twn rennnnlshmentsMn YaSItilll conn ty to. exchange. .What have you 7 Call evening. - Mr. Purr. 392H E. Burnslde. SOME OKU) homesteads, In Crok conn 4 v.. . Svhi'liliin- 'hunrllir. Co.. 'A(l't flwi'l- land bldg., cor. 5th and Washifiton.'.. GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lacey &Schlesser, . ' 616 WILLIAMS AVE. y Phone East 397. ' ' , ' tif Homo Phone C-1181. , ' i 8 room modern house. "Williams and Broadway, rents for $35 per month.-' Prtce $8000, ft cash, terms. 7 room modern house on Tillamook. close to "Williams, price $4200; $1000 down, balanoe to suit ' 8 room modern house on Stanton, be tween William and' Rodney. Price $4000; $1000 down; good terms on bal ance. . . ' , . 5 room modern house on Vancouver ave., close to choice location,' Price $2000; $500, gqod terms. 7 room modern housa on wuiisvy Price $48od; on . balance; ave.r lot 60x120, close In. iuuu caan, good terms snap. t; ;j !...-,i-v'':.::.;-;tf ;. - 4 r6om house on Morris at., between Rodney and Union, Price $1500, terms. SOMETHING good,' dead iure.i no ml ; take: bargain for cash; Business cor ner and a good 6 room bouse,, porcelain fixtures, electric lights, gas, to cook;. Z8th and lu. Everett; Ankeny cars pass door: hard surface streets; would make fin ' Income property; turn ' house around, build stores and flats. Owner, Phone Sellwood 69. 1 , - . ' The Clear View Realty Co, Have bargains-In houses, lots, acreage ana-umber. ,' 208- HENRT BLDG. A,y TGS and real estate,- farm lands,. city property, West Woodburn. lots, new, and second automobiles., C. W- Wardle. Lafayette- bldg. . . -. f- ' , . , ROOMING IIOUBES FOR BALE 63 Crescent Realty Co, - 401 Swetland Bldg," i ."'- If ; you are looking for, something good at a reasonable price and terms, come in and see us. We guarantee satis- , laciion. ... . - ' . HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS. 40 . rooms. modern, corner brick.'. steam heat, running water in all rooms, dandy furniture and carpets, very best transient location, $ years' ' lease and clearing $360 to $400 per month; pnly oouu. Dpienniu terms. f . , , ., ' 84 rooms, steam neat, splendid rurni ture, and carpets, 2 years' lease; dandy location. - This olaoe is clearln over $200 per month. Price-only ,$3200 and good , terms. y -u 18 rooms, very best of furniture, Moquette and Axmlnster. carpets and beautiful location, ' This place clear - over $100 per month,-including fi Uv-. mg rooms; only iiguo, witn terms. 10 rooms, 1 year lease, furnace heat; rood furniture and carpt8. price only $650..-',.'.'' ',:,.'". "0, '...,.,.' 7 rooms, rent $20; fine location. Prloe $275. Only $100 cash. HERE IS SOMETHING FINE. .6 rooms, close In location; rent $24 month ; very best furniture and carpets: 2 cords wood In basement and rent paid till Nov. 21. Price only $350, r ; come in and Iffvestigate - these bar- gains. 401 SwotlRnd Rl1g. ' John B. Goddard 610 Board of Trade ' ' If you are pn the market for a room ing house of any size, be sure and let me consult with you. I'lleonvtnce you that I' 1 1 save you money and time. If you haven't enough money, it's my bus iness to assist you. , ... - ' - .; . ' "' ' 80 rooms, brick bulldlncr. steam heat: lovely furniture;, lease; rightly located, for- ,$4350.'-. -, f :, '-.;;'.. " . .. . 22 " rooms?' furnace heat., well " fur nished: one of best In city; one door of Washington, close In; terms; $2700. IS Yooms,' elegant place, heated, very cheap for $1200. . - Id rooms, cood liouse. best, locality. fair furniture; clears $50. Pr)ce $800; terms. We keen in touch with all rooming houses and do not try to, sell. a place , JOHN B. GODDARD, , 615 Board of Trade. J ,, : Today's Specials ; - 6 rooms, modern cottage," $300, terms. 9 rooms, cheap rent, a snap at $460. JO rooms, fine i furniture, only $700. 16. rooms, aood cavlna- houae. $1200. terms. . , ... (. . ,- - 20 rooms, fine location, close In, $16(10. 35 rooms,- brick, strictly modern, $4000. . . ios rooms, transient; see this, $6500. We have all sizes at all Dricea - In Toomlng houses; Rale br trade. If you want to sell,- trade or buy, see us. twen Realty Co " -' ' 8tt Allaky bldg? 150 ROOM HOTEL. In heart of city, can be purchased es 80 days' trial; good lease: a prooosltlon you should consider if you contemplate buying.' - ' NORTHERN1 TRUST CO,' r ' 370 Stark St. - Money Maker 23 rooms, alt full all the time: rood furniture; close In on west side; biff , profits; investigate. J. t, Nichols Co, . "Has It For Less.", - ) 620 Board of Trade. , ELEGANT HOME. 10 rooms all hard wood furniture. Brussels and Axmlnster rugs, house nice . ana ciean, Deautiiui yard ana sncuoberv: . rooms always iuu ana nouse clears $60 a month. Price $300, easy terms. Call 417 Board of Trade, ' 13 room and bath; price $1050. l 7 rooms and bath; price $430.; .,,,.' 20 rooms, $2000; some terms. '", 18 rooms,$1050; cash. ' v We have hundreds of others. s . JOHNSON St JOHNHQN. ' 168 10TH ST. FIVR YEAR T.F.ASE. Oh basis of $300 per month: 50 rooms modern, 25 rooms newly furnished; will sell as it Is now,-or when completed. Prefer to furnish completely. . You ara Invited to call and investigate. 1 . N O Bi n HiK N TRUST CO., t ' ; . ''. 2J0 Btark 'St. ' ' - , ' . BIG SNAP. r , Your offer may take this 87 room, hotel; some one will get ..a bargain; get busy; Investigate; It means money to you. Dement St Krlder, 4S Madison st. posPHvelT" One of the best bargains In the city,. 70 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In 'rooms, furniture almost new; lease for 4. years; house clears $400 a month Price $8000, y cash. Call 412" Board of s Trade. ' -":,-.' .-. .'-n-v .x A DANDY1 MONEY ' MAKER. ( 13 rooms, right down 'town. a. fins transient house; furniture very good, house clears $76 a month. ' Price $600. CalU 417 Board of Trader 16 ROOMS oh Morrison, at. rooms all rented; house - rents -for $66 and 1s clearing $100 month. Price $1200; vu-, cash. Johnson & Johnson. 168 10th St. ' NINE rooms nicely located;' will aacrl . flee; rent $50; now Is your time; no -reasonable offer refused. ; Dement & Krlder, 248 Madison, st. - 7 ROOM, furnished house In central, lo-, , . cation; rent ; $16; clearing. $30ilper month, with living rooms. ? jC-265,. Jour nal. '--- '-'- - - -r- - FOR SALE by owner, 18 rooms, part housekeeping, always full; good loca tlon, good lease; rent $60: reasonable Jut takan at-onor. Addrs-t8-44llas -- 12 ROOM rooming house, fine furniture; near Washington; reduced to $600, $200 cash. 808 Board of Trade bldg. i 46 ROOMS, good location, ; $2600; , will take part cash, .balance trade or time. D-269. Journal. , . , ROOM ING house; -7 rooqis; bath-' and : . pantry, $260. Marshall J665. No flgenU,,,.., ..U-v.p,