n THE OREGON pAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 22, 1910. , FOR SALE HOUSES 6 J -r-- For Sale J Two moflern up to date houses on E. 223 tetveen Tillamook und Thompson, f nt" ihl,ed in oak. hardwood floor, tile bath room and porch, billiard ha.ll. etc.. at prl-ei less thua cost Of construction; pr terms. These houses are excep tional bargains and beautifully finished; living room 20x30, dining room 18x20, tmnd new; deferred payment P cent. T. J. LEONARD, Owfiw. . 920 Board of Trade bldg: Are You Looking For a pretty bungalow, at a moderate cost and on easy payments? Then come and see this fine new 4, room bungalow; strictly modern, bath and fireplace; price only $2000; easy terms. Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City carline. . Gregory Investment Co, FOR SALE LOTS 16 We have S half blocks of $25. lets left in our addition on Ore gon City carline; also few lots at $60 and $70 each; - unexcelled values excellent soil and Brand view.. -Prices will not long remain at these figures. Terms, $5 down $3 per month. , . Empire Land Go, B01 Merchants Trust Bldg. . 8264 Washington st For a snap In real estate, buy . Gregory Heights Lots at only $200; ideal tor a homesite or investment. Call at Gregory Heights nfflce end of Rose CUV Park carline. Gregory investment Co. See Alton Park ' Think of it; nice residence lota, BOX 100; $300 -up; easy terms; 16 minutes' ride from Mrrlson bridge. . Hedritk, agent. . .- r 405 Chamber of Commerce HAVE a," bargain in a lot -on Macadam street, right near manufacturing dis trict, ideally located for a business or small factory site: double- frontaga, trackage. . Will exchange for . acreage near Portland on electric line. P-136, Journal. Big Snap for $2100 Cash BETWEEN Z CAKLlft rJH. Five 50x100 lots, corner E. Davis and 6Sd; owner lralng city. David Lewis, room 2,, Lumbermens ' bldg, 5th and Stark. . , YOU can buy a lot near Rosa City Purk for $128, $50 down and $10 per month; graded streets, eement walks and curbs, Bull Run watr, electricity, telephone, bu itiing restrictions. PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO., 524-626 Board Of Trade Bldg.' WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, $SoO- EAS5T . TERMS . 1' This fine lot,- close to Clinton Kelly school, can't be beat for the -money. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. Main 2776. 75x100 on Russett Near Pippin, bne block from car, $800 eash. David Lewis, 6th and Stark, room 2 LumbermenB bldg. , $650 Lot 60x100, 6 blocks south of Kllllngsworth ave. Terms. $10 down. $10 per month,. Phone Woodlawn 202. C-2008. , BIG SNAP. 4" lots 'on Kenton oar line, streets graded. Price $1450; $638 cash, balance 6 per cent. Room 201 Gerllnger bldg. LOT .40xl00l near E. 17th and Salmon for sale by owner .for $2000; $260 . down and balance ; monthly payments. 1.1-016 Tnnpnol BEAUTIFUL LOTS, - 60x100, on Penin sula; graded streets, water; easy terms. Eat 3573, - - ROSE CITY PARK. Lot on 69th. St., 1 block north of car line, for $676; terms. E-237. Journal. EQUITY in fine Portland home, for drug, furniture or hardware business. J j. K. Moore. 617 Board of Trade bldg. $425 Corner near 26th and Gladstone; opposite corner held at $1000; hurry. Fred W. German. 329 Burnslde. M. 2776. - KENTON, block to car., Journal. 50x100. 1700. E-; 'Cash price 3S LOT 6, block 119, Rose City Park. $500. Jens Rasmussen, , Enterprise Hotel, 15th and Savier sts. ACREAGE 87 10 TO 40 acre tracts, S3 miles , from 'Portland,-.3 miles to rail .way, on county road, $17.60 to $50 per acre;r liberal "terms,-' part-' cash. Splendid fruit land, fine for farming and chicken raising. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO. 810 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. ONE HALF' ACRE TRACTS BELOW VALUE. They are level, cleared and have run Blng water piped to each tract; few min utes' walk to Woodetock car line; lots close-by are selling for the same price we ask for these tracts. 1 We .have but very few left. Only $500 each, on terms - of $10 down and $5 per month. LAMBEET-WH1TMER CXt 70 4th St. ' 404 B. Aider Bt. ' FOR SALE VERY REASONABLE. 2 and 6 acre tracts, excellent soil, all in the very best state t cultivation, very sightly, Meal lor suburban home, " garoens, berfies and orchard; close to good school; for terms, prices," etc., see the owner, John R.- Oatrield, on the . grounds. 10 minutes east of Concord nation, any city car, or address him at .' Mllwaukle ave. 10 Acres in Fruit On electric carline, 4ty miles from Vancouver, Wash,. 2 blocks from town and high school. Owner will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, room Z. Lumbermens biag.. 5t h and Stark sts. ACREAGE NEAR METZGER, $260 ' TO 8280. ' Palmer acres, $75 down. $20 monthly, puts you -in possession of a 2 acre tract; some beaverdam; near Oregon Electric. FRED W. GERMAN, 829 Biirnalde. Main 2776. WASHINGTON county acreage, 3l sores, partly Within city limits of Hillfboro; part of fst'-Ue just settled; rot before on market; fine for platting. ' Price low for quick sale. 1 HENRf C. PRUDHOMME CO., 06 Spalding Bldg. - Loans. Truw-arice. FOR SALE on easy terms, Ideal homeof ' 4 acres adjoining country village, church, school, store, modern cottage end fruita of all kinds.- See LawHead, SI 5 Grant Street, Vancouver, Wash.' Phone z5. 60 ACRES fine fruit land Hood River Co., 4 mile from O. R. ft N. station, $53 per acre. See land end owner, P. Mi-Ellsnev, Caseadn IorhK. Ore. TWKN'YlT - acres improved, railroad, ' mail, phone, $4000, terms. Walter M. Ober. the surveyor. - 818 Lewis bldg. A-K18. rarhll 474.- TiY OWNER 5 acre tract: 3 miles from Council Crest, with a full crou of late rot a toes. Inquire, W. L. - Block, 666 5nvt st.. city. i0,--iU(..leyid and., very, iejatfif aolLU Hiiif-M out, n-a r rxilruad, $iy00, $300, tf5 per month, adjoining land selling 'tr'l -.ri( ,Vr 8Prf-. fall 414 n. Stark Ni.'iVLi . tuim-lnl front room: .fur- raoo Jiet. electrics liehts. bath and riii lt -li.Niifi.. . Sua i E. 12th.' 1 block eouth -i ff Faie lv uur, 21 n'n ' ty vhr-m In. eheap for quick is tau t;' r,at eaa st. --;. 57 It. has the advantaces that make it an Ueal building spot. Every tract has an unobstructed-view of the mountains and rivers. A $2500 building restriction and the future home of the St. Helens ball in th adjoining addition. Wtllala tin Park, guarantees, an exclusive sur rounding. - 1 0.-PER-CEHT.DOWN " IB Marine View Is the cheapest- high class property on the market. Remem ber, it Is on the- west side, but a short distance front the business section of the city. Just the - place to . have -a home, away from tha noise and dirt of the city, it will not be very .long till beautiful homes dot this scenic addi tion. An exceptional Investment oppor tunity. -It is a pleasure to show prop erty like this. Let us show you, . Shepard Mills & Rogers 214-215 Board of Trade bldg. Main 6659. A-4710. CENUIUI 7& acres of land of the richest soil, located 45 minutes ride from . the center of Portland, miles from Oregon City carline; 6 room liouae, burn and chicken house; 3 acfes of strawberries, 100 young apple trees, good well and running stream of spring water. Tract Is located on improved street and close to high and grammar school. For quick sale, price $2600, terms to suit. ; Empire Land Co. . . 501 Merchants Trust Bldg. 826 ft Washington Bt. - WANTED Large tracts of cutover land to clear by contract, quick and cheap, Address P. f). box 2035, Portland. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE '24 - CASH VALUE - 100x100 feet with first class S room houBe, beautiful river view; for good farm or acreage; this place Is worth $3250 and Is worthy of your consid eration. Chapel & Smith, 318 Railway t.xcnange mag. WILL sell or trade personal property of 60 acre ranch. Including good team, all farming implements, 3 good cows, sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, for 12 to 25 room rooming house. Must have good lease and location - In Portland. Also rent of 60 acre ranch. No arenta. Owner, 187 E. 6th st. Evenings. 160 ACRES wheat at cash value for rooming house or small house and lot: po.or crop this year but crop equal 10 per cent of value; will, show this land. Owner, Graves, 311 Commercial bldg. - TEN acres tracts southern Cal., 8 miles from railway; undeveloped Bagebrush land. Perfect title. $20 acre, cash or trade. Chance, dry farm or speculate. C, a. MCimiree & son, b'iv Aolngton bldg HAVE 80 acres i fruit land at Wrhite salmon, o trade for house and lot In Portland, want a 6 room house, about $2500. I. B. Grungstad, 640 Chamber of Commerce. ."We Swap the Earth" .M'GUIRB & HENNINGS, 201 Lumbermens blrlir. .. 665fo Williams averf East 607, C-2636. 3, 6 and 10 acre tracts, improved, near the city, on electric line, to exchange for cltv propertv. PROVIDENT lNV. TRUSTEE CO., ozvozb Boara or 'iraaa Bldg. QCC I Q We trade what you have for vJuU UO what you want. PEPEI: & . BAKER, 4 N. 6th, bet Burnslde and Ankeny. ! JlAVB you anything to trade? We pav special attention to exchanges. Call and f.ee us. Moose Realty Co., 504-6 Board of Trade bldg. WT07 trade 6. room house In city for L ranch. Acreage or lots for rooming house or store. We trade anything. Room 7, 291 hi Morrison st. EQUITY of-$222, in fine Laurelhurst lot, will trade for good plastering and brick work. uau geuwooa ztib, alter 6:80 lots to Tnnn Will exchange lots for business, gro cery, restaurant or rooming house. Might put in some cash. p. o. Box 682 FOR quick and profitable results in all classes of exchanges. Call 805 uwi linger mag. WrILL take automobile up to $800 on modern - fi oom bungalow. K-212, WVfllllllXI . .(,..; i:r-n c i t n ...... - . w oajuc vr tAt:iiangQ, acres viiuiuu wticai mna. k it HmltlL own. XiM aoret at Mosler. cleared; sale or exiiangej ibw. - jars. Haysl Druid st.. University Park. WILL trade for Coos Bay property, lots ui miTOHi biqb prererrea, tfil 'J1 you nunt to eeil. buy or trsae. see oiiueiuHw,. 9it nenry oiag. Main 4486, A-1 434. . i WILL, buy, sell or trade anything. n. v. uets, una ttoarq or Trade bldg. 14 acres, 8 cleared, 7 miles east of Ore gon City, for sale or trade. Tabor 210 trade tor anything anywhere. See us tooay. 4ii Henry bldg. EXCHANGE MISC. 25 TO EXCHANGE Two 6 passenger ma- ,.' . n V. , ...... m. . - . . ' -iuiifB iur uibui teams. Law sli , WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 wain quicic- action on your prop erty, list your acreage, farms and city Tt1Analf w . wi ' ' E.F.Gilbert 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Mar- shall 2627. WANT to secure small acreage, close in preferably accessible to cars. p. o. Box 8il. Portland. WAiVr TO RUT 7 fir a rwm nouse on large lot, good location, not too far out; must be a bargain-. What i ftrJq2&'vs-; $35001 -Address I W'ANT. 20 acra not. fur 'mlt water . through place, adapted for a country home; no .house necesgarv; '"" t" an location. JN-lbii, Journal WANTED Property at right price. We have the buyer, "hall & Ats3hi8 (rerjlnger bliig., 2d and Alder. on, 213 .- Hi. ' UX a b room bungalow wu, m Aioina, journal. ACREAGE 'MARINE flfr TIE 111 BEST BOY $411 PER ACRE AND UP- WASTEDREAL ESTATE 81 CITY Customers for leaseholds, houses and lots; income bus- REAL IneKH, manufacturing, ware house "and trackage proper- ESTATE ty, apartment house site. Sales promptly and satlsfac WANTED torlly made. Llst your prop. erty with - - . , ' NORTHERN TRUST CO., 270 Railway Exch a n ge bldg. " Want Small House Can pay $150 cash, $10 to $15 month and interest. Address L-212, Journal. WANTED- A modern 5 or 6 room bun " galow In Alberta or Richmond district, on very easy terms. C. L. Sheets, 420 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 7776. - FOR SALE FAR3I3 17 . Fruit and "Stock Farm " $22 per Acre 880 acres of splendid land in Willamette valley, -200 acres plow land, 400 slashed nearly ready for the plow, balance fir timber, 3 -good running streams and fine . spring, 80 acres Cliottom land for Irrigation if desired, good 6 room house, barns, granaries, and ma chine shed; also fine young or chard in bearing and loaded with . apples, pears 1 and other fruit; thousands of acres of outside range, for -stock, threshing ma- i-chine, binder, mower, rake, wagon, ' -cream separator and 20 head of ? sheep go with the place; it wl.ll v .require $9000 to handle but thera . Is1 a fortune her? for some one: ' might - consider some trade if - gOOd. ' ' IDE-M'CARTUr LAND COMPANY. .425 Lumbermens bldg. " ; ; r Good Land Cheap '. 6000 acres Lincoln county, excellent soil, near R. R. and 3 'county roods; has running water; grass all year, pronounced by stockmen to be trie finest range In Oregon. We -can sell you a quar ter, half or full section of this land for only $10 per acre, and , give very "easy terms. Starr El Foster. - 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. Dandy Buy 40 acres, 20 acre genuine beaverdarri, 8 under cultivation,- 15 acres ' more slashed and .seeded -and very easily cleared;:' new cheap ranch buildings, running water year round; 7 head-milch cows, some young etock, hogs, etc.: good team, harness, -wagon, etc.,-at& all tor only $4250, terms.' This place is on good county road, 7 miles from Van couver in - good: neighborhood, close to school, church and R. R. station, and 19 a bargain at the price, See it at our ex pense. - Tl 0 ilUII UbUII Oi OWail 206 Rothchild bldg., Portland, Or., bet 4th arid 6th, on Washington st., 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. Homeseekers Attention 80 acre farm. 40 acres under cultiva tion, room dwelling, barn and out buildings, fine soil, good water, large orchard, rolling upland, 3 miles to R. R. station and boat landing, telephone, R, F. D., ear school; $4000, terms. '80 acxes, Cowlitz river bottom, : 35 acres; cultivated, - comfortable house, large new barn with 60 tons, of hay, 7 cows, span- larpe brood mares, 2 wagons, harness and farm . machinery, good or chards. Price $4600; easy terms. f These and other farmS' see HUNTINGTON & LYONS, Kelao, Wash. " r 11 1 -" " Splendid Farm . Vdlue " One of the richest pieces of ' land in - the Willamette valley, containing 320 acres, 200 acres cleat ed. 120 acres has a million . - and a half feet of saw timber, 2 elegant streams and 2 fine springs, 1 mineral spring, analy sis showing highest medicinal qualities flowing 200 gallois an hour, 60 acres of the richest bot tom land that can - be irrigated " with very little expense. 120 acres of the finest frvtit land, well fenced, 2 large barns, on the main county road,; a thor oughly desirable place in every particular, only $40 an acre for quick sale, terms. IDE-M'C ARTH Y LAND COMPANY, 426 Lumbermens bldg. . Ifmpqua Valley. 700 acres, about 60 in- cultivation. balance open pasture, with 80 acres good timber"; house and two barns, good orchard, nicely watered with creeks and springs; $12.60 per acre; also 1435 acres, 100 in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber; good house and barn, $20 per acre. J. R. Grjingstad, 640 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN IN HOOD RIVER APPLE LAND. - 8 acres In 2 year old trees. 1U acres in year old trees, good 6 room bungalow, good barn and ' other outbuildings, Ki mile from R. R. station, good school and church near; . price for 80 days $8000. For further particulars address W. O. M CAW, Hood River, Or. R. D. No. 1. - Good Reason FOR THIS SACRIFICE. 80 acra ranch complete; stock, chick ens, tools, house :well furnished, run ning creek, winter's feed In barn. Easy worth S4uuu. MAKE US AN OFFER. 8YBELDON-CHANDLER CO.. 802 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 6th and Wash. FARM FOR SALE. 80 acres, fullv half of which is onion or garden land, 20 of this is very best beaverdam land In the state.' 60 acres altogether Is cleared, and. the rest easily cleared, fine barn and house, 2ty acres young apples, fenced, well watered, on Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific R. R.j 15 miles from Portland. Owner. aui ewetiana mag. Eastern Oregon Ranch of 160 v - 'Acres "tt Six miles from R. R.: 100 -he's been In wheat; want a home in Portland in exchange. David Lewis, room 2 Lum bermens bldg., Bth and Stark. ' $20 PER ACRE Look. Mr. Lartdseeker . or speculator: juana mat is worth from $30 to $50 per acre, will be sold for $20 an acre If taken soon, for I need the monev: 450 acres the best of fruit or wheat land, east slope of" Cascade mountains, k. K. through the place, F, . HusKuni, Kingsiey. ur; FOR SALE Cheap. 160 acres wheat land in KiirkJtat county. Wash., $8000 cash. $5000 down, balance on . 3 years' time at 7 por cent interest. - Call at T. B. McDevltt's. room 21 Alnsworth bldg.. 267 Oak st. - 846 ACRES, all tillable; largo dwelling, convenient - barn. 600 , rods woven fence; adjoining school and railroad: full equipment; feed, seed, stock; 120 acres seeded; $24,000. Box 69, route No. 1.' Harrtsburg, ur. FOR SALE-rBy owner at $575 per acre. 5 acres at uaraen i-iome, in cultiva tion, soma fruit, cash, balance 7 per cent: best of land. A. J. Rockafellow, Wlnlock, Wash. . . ACRES with running water, partf it excellent for peach orchard, near Estacada. R. Buetlkofer, 266 Salmon. FRUIT LANDS 43 AN Investment In a Fargo orchard - will be a guarantee of future inde pendence; pay for it out of your earn ings and provide a home and annuity mat you win live io enjoy; uniy com - cared for until bearing., Fargo Orchards rim. ' ' rt-L. ..u ... -.. K' ..: .... VU., 04 S 111 GoBendale Simcoe Fruit Lands 10 ACRES, $500; ONLY 1 $100 rash, balance $10 month, Geo. S. Ca ed y Co... lobby Com mert-lnl clu b bid g. rTxJUK river VHlley fruit ana "sTfaifii lands, improved or unimproved tracts. lofoiciaUoa 215 Board of Trade bldg. 43 10 Acres, All In Fruit 44 miles from Vancouver, Wash., on electrio" carline; owner will trade for' Portland property. David Lewis, room 3 liumbermens blflg., -ith and Stark. 10 n icMh.. -. ,3 . JT..ii, t a t nvi -ofj, iiiicBb Kaiurn m u iruiL inu in the state; price $2000, terms to suit " of yv., wi'umi urns. ' ; 1 ' . ' " FOR RENT FAR31S IDEAL dairy farm, SO miles west of Portland; 820 acres,. 180 in cultivation, running spring water to house and barn, 10 acres alfalfa, 12 acres clover, 16 acres ; timothy, balance- grain; 2 miles - from S. P. station; all fenced, good pastures. .Two live vcreeks on place. For further particulars address L-215, Journal, FOR RENT 50 acres and sell tenant tram, wagon,. ' cows, chickens, farm implements. Good lay for poor man. See party 426 E. Yamhill st. WAXTED-JFARMS ' -88 ! Farm Wanted " We have a customer for a small Im proved farm. ' near ' transoortatinn around 14000-. enn nnv i"K(lrt rosh- oHll ! vlcbi wmi owners only, :,R; ; A. Kirk Co. 317 Lewis, HOMESTEADS 47 IDEAL homesteads in the famous fruit section of southern Oregon; excellent climate: also timber claims." 215 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE TDIBEIl 28 6,000.000. feet timber, near Columbia - river; owner needs money, will sat1 rlfice. Investigate this and make offetaj HENRY J. PRUDHOMME CO., 908 Spalding bldg. Loans-Innurance. 36 horsepower sawmilU edger, cutoff and planer and 1,000,000 feet fine timber; all for $2600. Wills & Co., Scotts MUla, We" are headquarters for limber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney & Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53. 'We Have Cash Buyers FOR Rooming houses, business chances of all klads and sizes. For quick sales list with the - Gray Realty Co. ' ozi tioara or xraae blag. WANTED Good rooming house up t0 $3000 cash; give price and location. Y-238, Journal. , , , EIGHT rooms, all rented, . well Kiv nlshed, everything modern, $400, if sold q-aick. 647 Morrison. I WANT 12 to 25 room rooming house. No agents. -See me at 426 E. Yamhill. BUSINESS CHANCES . 20 GROCERY store doing $60 a day; must be sold by November 1. Two horses, almost new harness and wagon, fixtures and furniture. $400; stock at invoice; about $1200. . .Rent of store and three living rooms, $20. a month;. -K years' lease. J-284, Journal. - OPPORTUNITY to purchase 20,000,000 feet of fine timber,, located where It can bo logged cheaply to large pond of water; 30,000 capacity, sawmill and Willamette logging engine goes with this deal if required. Satisfactory terms fRn be made with right party. Address, G-199, Journal. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. T Doing $500 business In winter and mree times as much in summer. A good proposition lor the right, partv. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Good reasons for selling. Call or write Kuhrasch & Freeman. - Estacada. Or. n . restaurant: On ,6th St.. near Oak st.; a money maker sure, $250 cash, balance monthly, easy; price $625, wjlf stand investiga tion, has heyer changed hands since opened 2 years ago. 64W. 6th st WANTED Partner with $3000 to pub lish peace officer telegraph code, copyrighted; Indorsed by city and coun i?Vclal8 no competition; can rr.ake $20,000 annually. Address Zan, 1804 E. 10th st. S. FOR SALE Steam laundry in" rapidly growing city In the atate of Wash Ington; all up to date machinery and doing good business; good reasons for - -aaaress J. w.sHunt, Pasco, r vv a, on. ! AM leaving soon. Must sell on account of ..my health.' Bargain for some one. Two lots, store and dwelling. Good location. Good town. Full particulars in first letter,, S-233, Journal. $650 Lot 60x100, 6 blocks south of Killings worth ave. Terras, $10 down. $10 pe month. Phone vvooaiawn zoz. C-Z008. FOR SALE Small laundry In a aood location, doing $150 a week business; will sell cheap for cash; must sell on ac- t uum ui uau ni-anrif i-siii journal WE CAN place you m paying business; before bnvinur h ' nurn an4 Kinney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. A-4881. T WANTED Neat, . honest . young man with $50, to show property; chance to make big money while learning.. 243 5th st. WELL established fuel business, cen tral location, railroad spur; Inter est or all; sell cheap. 451 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A partner with capital to engage In the fish business with ex perienced man in . the business. . C-234, Journal. FOR SALE -Good dentist business in large eastern Oregon town. Well equipped office, Only dentist in town. For data address P-112. Journal. FOR SALE Home- bakery and lUhcR i room, low rent; opportunity for man and wife that can bake and cook; $250: terms. Tabor' 2460. W-234, Journal. OLDEST established lunch counter and restaurant on Mt. Scott carline, clear ing $6 a day, Just the place for a young eeHBe-ftfl'-TBbor 9491!. - - - DO YOU WANT an established real es tate office? Furniture, 'list and busi ness. Price reasonable. Call 407 Lum bermena Bank, bldg. WE have grocery stores, $750 to $1600, paint byslness $2000, rooming houses $450 to $2760. ..Call 604-Lumbermens bldg. ' - WE can , offer good opening for . two or three first class machinists with $2000 or $3000 to. invest. F-23G, Jour nal. $1500 buys grocery, tea, coffee stand, 6 years' lease, clears $10 day cash trade, no Sunday work, short hours. Held, Ger Hnger bldg., 2d and Alder. PAIR or diamond earrings to exchange for buffet or library table. phone A GOOD paying cigar store and nnol room .for sale at a bargain for cash, by Bailey & Conner-s. Lents, Or. PARTNER wanted in ground floor real estate: - good - proposition. Call - 178 Madison st. PARTNER in a good suburban real es tate office, fine location, $176. Phone Tabor 629. FOR SALE Cigar and candy store, do ing good business. See owner, 201 Burnsiae st, "JOB PRINTING of flee, ,doing good run nr cirv won lu ic wnn ioi noun. try newspaper. Address W-231, Journal. JOB printing jilant for sale; a sacrifius iu ijunji uuici,, Mi vldu tiiiu terms E-236, Journal. I'VE GOT TO QO..and will sell estab- i - iui nalnt stork. Verv uaanal.i..i UsuatL-paiai. aiorevery.-iauB Cosie and get facts. 161 Grand. 500 business cards $1. You must bring tins aa. tvoe vny rnntery, ivxft ga, near -layjor. GROCERY West side. Cnsh business. Bargain. I'lion Marshall IfiSS FOR SALE Interest In good hunting . ana Tismng. imkvh. i au mam lu, LADIES are making $5 to $10 a day, so can you; easy woik. 245 Giand ave. FttUIT LANDS 20 GIVEN AWAY FREE. Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, "Cali fornia Oil Fields.". Sagar-Loomis Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland, Or. N Jlshed and paying plant, incorporated at least $5000 rsquired. ground floo! proposition to tne rigni party. r-i&i Journal. , ' j, HELP WANTED MALE 1 ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the V. H. Marina Corps, between the ages of J9 and. 35; must be native born or have first papers: monthly pay, $13 to $69; additional-compensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free: after 30 years service can retire with 76 per cent of pay and al lowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Ap ply at, U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Breeden bldg 3d and Washing- ., rortiand, or. WANTED Men who are despondent, , have lost ambition,' are easily tired, sleep poorly, back aches, feel that they have lost their former strength and vi tality anil thr.ua one faHniv tulth atuhhom discouraging diseases and ailments to come to me and receive a free menaiy talk and examination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can be arranged to suit your means. Dr. Walker, expert specialist, 181 First st. WANTED Good man to take charge of either Inside or outside work for cleaning and dyeing establishment; must take interest In business which I will well on liberal .terms to good mah; an ideal pro-osltion for a young man who Is anxious to get in'buslness for him self, rhone East 258. CHAUFFEURS are In srreat , demand. - We, want sober, reliable men,' that wo can recommend ; to take our course in repairing and drfving automobiles. Day and night school, v Automobile School of Oregon, office room 21C, Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 2593. 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year;, men and wo men luarn barber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn. $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor: tools' free; write for catalog. Moler System yi colleges, aft n. 4th st.. portiana. WANTED Men quick to learn a trade in months instead of years; no ex pense for Instruction; automobiles, elec tricity, plumbing, bricklaying; actual contract work; 200 students last year. Catalogue free. United Trade School 1 ontractmg c.o.. Los Angeles, Cal WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to- $150 per month; soma -even more; stocH clean, grown, on reservation, t far from old orchards, cash advance weekly; choice of territory.. Address . Washlng ton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. - WANTED SalsBinen in every locality In the northwest; money advanced reekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice 1, of territory. - Yakima Valley mureery i;o.. Toppemsn, wash. WANTED MEN TO LEARN ... To operate moving pictures; operators earn- $35; learn business in short time on easy terms. N. Y. Moving Picture Co., and schools, 526 Washington. HELP yourself to a good salary Are you waiting? For what? Old age, death? . Prepare for success now. Send for our-new catalogue " International Correspondence Schools. 233 Alder st. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor. $10 to $25 daily, Christmas numbers English and- German magazines nnh- I listied by Benedictine Fathers, 806 Good- nougn oiag.- WANTED Three menJto learn auto . repairing and driving, day or even ing. Hurry. 64 Union ave.. corner Davis. Angeles Automobile AeariVrnv. WANTED Good sober barber, . with references; will guarantee $11 per week. Write at once or phone to W. L. Gorsage, Box 131, Castlerock. Wash. WANTED A salesman for Jackson county, another for eastern Oregon territory. Apply Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. ' ANYONE, anywhere can earn big pay copying addresses at home evenings. Book, 4c stamps, , C, H. Rowan, Chi cago, 111. ' MATTRESS MAKER wanted, steady work for good man. Portland Furn. Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam road. .Fulton car. . - , BOYS Portland Oyster Co. wants boys for delivery and inside work; perma nent position and advancement. 48 N. 23d st. - $5 per month, telegraphy taught In prac 1 tical forms; day and evening sessions. Address Myers, 569 Flanders st, Port land, Or, Main 8512. WANTED Neat, honest young man with $50, to show property; chance to make big money while learning. 24a 6th st. " . NIGHT school for English, arithmetic, spelling, shorthand, bookkeeping, etc. Eclectic Business University, 630 Wor cester block. - - . STUDY law, day or night classes; enroll now. Portland Law School, 631 -Worcester bldg. WANT contractor who has built good $1800 to $2000 house to build for me. Must have blue print. D-236, Journal. in.jj-tc.Ajei ieuceu uutcner to so licit and work in shop. Phone Tabor 1887. WANTED Painting, sign painting, ear. penterlng; give dentistry. 207 AUsky bldg. ONE price Derbies, Fella or Wool hats $1.50. Ladies' hats remodeled - 315 Alder, basement, cor, 6th, The Battery. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia wine Jusnoi, zgb Yamhill, next to Journal. GOOD man for saloon, honest and sober, good pay for right man: s-iv particulars. X-239, Journal. WANTED Four men, at once, to learn automooue repairing ana driving. Call 60-52 N. 7th Kt. . WANTBD-iTwo first class carpenUrs" hu one neiper, v.uii 16V, J-lower St., cor. Hood. V-206 ;Please call at advertising de- Dartment Journal office and avoid trojinie, V-206 Please call-, at advertising: de partment ana avoia trouoie EXPERIENCED oueialof Elliott Fisch- er Dining machine; F-ZSl; Journal. WANTED Boys with wheels, Good wages. 263 Yamhill, room 8. BOYS wanted. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and HOyt sts. BOY wanted in book bindery, Lovejoy a r t.,A1n .it tir ut . ....... - - OC LJklIV.Vlll, Al. vv nnili UK tun. MEN to buy Misfit Suits. $10 up. Har vard Tailors, 808 Burnslde. ' .HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ANYONE, anywhere can earn big pay copying saaresses at noma evenings, Book, 4e stamps. - C. R. Rowan, Chi cago, III. - - WANTED Girl over 18 to assist with - hnnMpwOrk And rnr nt - torn vrtitnc children; good home, wages $25. 860 uiacKamas si,, rnone n:ast'S394, WANTED Girls, age 16, to paste labels and edging on boxes, at Portland Cigar Box Factory, 43 E. 3d st. Call mornings. SCHOOL girl, 16, wants to work for . board and room on west'Tride, k , Phone Main 9130. NIGHT school for shorthand, type writ ing English, arithmetic, enroll' now, Jfl.- B.'U..- 680 Worcester block. SWEDISH or German girl for general housework in email iamuv: wanes sas Call at 690 Tillamook at., in Irvington GIRL to assist in housework evenings for room and board, Call 181 E. 12th st. Phone Kast 468. WANTED Girls for shooting gallery; 3 per aay una up- APPiy at 42 N. 4th St.- ' ' URL for housework, part day, Sundays free; sleep at home; wages $15. 661 Kearney st GIRLS over 16 years to learn to make wire frames; paid- while learning. Ap plyv Lowangart A -Co,-.. .. . .,.. WANTED to board 2 or 8 children. $15 per month. Good farm home., W-238, Journal. WANTED Woman to work irn- hand 'laundry, g or 4 days in the week. Call 688 Kearney: take V car. WANTED A woman for the washroom. Yale Laundry, 6)0 H.Morrlson. FINISHER ,on. pants, also Vfiltf for tailoring. 846 1st; steady work, BUSINESS CHANCES nELP WANTED FE3IALE 2 Girls Wanted APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. 5. GRAND AVE. AND E. TAYLOR STS J ANTED Chocolate dippers; highest wages, Bteadv employ ment. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. . ,. .' - . - . " " GIRLS wanted in candy factory; goo. wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. a, . , WANTED A leacher to teach an eight month term of school, salary $55 per month. Write J, M. Berge, Home Val- ley, wawn. WANTElJ Ladies to know the O. K. Skirt Shop Is the cheapest place In Portland tn ent tnllnrvrl nklrta mnrle 613 Rothchild- bldg. E. B. U. STENOGRAPHERS are guar anteed poeitions; take our rapid drills In any system. 630 Worcester block. Phone Marshall 27(Sl.-- ' . DANISH girl wanted for general house work, KHgtnaw Heights. , N. C. Lar sen, Mt. Scott car to Lents. GIRLS wanted. Modern Confectionery Co., 18th arid Hoyt, HELP WANTED MALE AND - FEMALE . - 20 COUPON agents, wanted, new proposi tion. Dufresne Studio, 286 Wash.. Buchanan bldg. BOYS and girls wanted for wrapping soap, , Mt. Hood Soap Co., 10 8 N. 4ln street. '. . . 1 ' WANTEtt AGENTS 6 WANTED Agents in every town to sell winner, - latest out, particulars .free. Drake Specialty Co.. 1012 Wilde St., Los AngeieH, tjai, AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demanrt for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. SITUATIONS MALE MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 170 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. -MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN 3566; A-6624. MARRIED man, strictly sobef, good short, order and pastry cook, would take regular dinner work in small coun try hotel; prefer night - work. J-217. Journal. POSITION as superintendent or fore- man by man of experience, in field and construction work; competent to lay out and check up all kinds of grading and earth work, handle both transit and level, make calculations and estimates; can furnish instruments if required. L-310, Journal. WIDOWER with two children wants place to work on ranch: or- will take charge of ranch. I am an all around man. B-231. Journal. CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription; joDomg, remoaeung, repair ing a specialty: Cummlnga & Catlln, $71 First st. Marshall 2827. MOTION picture operator desires situa tion in picture theatre, electrio ma chine. - J. A. Buchanan, city, general de Mvery. 1 CHEF, sober and steady, wants good place: was 7 vears with M. Davenports at Spokane, Wsah.; $25 per ween win no, iv-ani, journal. AN EXPERIENCED cook, with gbod references, would like position. Jiotel. restaurant, club or private, or will work on commission. u-Ttv,- journal. I 'AM a gbod shoemaker and am looking - for a position of some kind, of new or second hand work, r Address 797 Nlcolal st. John Peter. AN .experienced barber shop porter wants employment. Call after 6 p. m. fnone n;asi ziw. EXPER IENCED painter, paperhanger, wants to work for owners. . MeveB, Phone woodlawn 477. POSITION wanted In shipping room; Chicago experience. Phone Tabor Z448. Y-230, Journal. GOOD cook wants position In exchange Journal. " ' GERMAN wants position in office or as receiving or shipping clerk. .. Ad dress Daniel Sievert, 406 Vancouver ave. WANTED By eldeily man Job taking -care of horses or cows,- or can care for small dairy. Y-239, Journal. WANTED 3 or 4 dances to play for by expert pianist. Address Mrs. Elsie Fetters, Mllwsukle, Or. EXPERIENCED Janitor wishes posi tion; references, oz as, journal. ' ; MOTION picture operator wants work; win go anywnere. t.;-23S, Journal. CARPENTER, builder. . new or repair work, day or contract. Sellwood 1712. Ylning man. married, wants steady work or any Kina. ozau,. journal. CARPENTER work, any kind, day of contract Phone Marshall 2327. SITUATIONS FEMALE LADIES' hats made to. order at eastern prices, remodeling, trimming, curling plumes half price. Model Millinery, 387 A dill 111 ir. - . '' m '" LACE "curtains - carefully washed, stretched, -called for and delivered, 0c pair; references. Phone Sellwood DOOIiKEErER, sleuugrapher, 6 years' experience, desires position In either oV both capacities. Phones,. A-S076, . Main 8175. - -- YOUNG married lady - of experience V wishes position as housekeeper in strictly first class apartment house, JVANTED Any kind of work by hour, especially ca?e of children. Phone East 1356. , LADY will exchange services , for 2 housekeeping rooms, close in. D-231, Journal. , WANTED Sewing, all kinds, rates rea sonahle. 527 Stephens st. , PRACTICAL nurse, best of references, confinement a specialty. Phone E. 8063. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nurse wants confinement case; will do some housework, 1234 Atlantic st. Phone Woodlawn 997. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for consti pation; 60 tablets lor zac. All drug gists, a .- - -y ., : GRADUATE nrse. Phone Sellwood, 1723. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 CrR. HANSEN & CO. , GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d St., Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash. sts. ., - ' upstairs. Portland. 424 Front Ave., Spokane. 87-89 4th- st, San Francisco, i Established 1876. . THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., Gen'l employment. Msr,- 818, A-2401 FURNISHED ROOMS 9 WEST SIDE , EXCEPT?fNA LLYll-Ywrprtstie -front room, 7 minutes' walk from postoffiee. z3 Montgomery st. NICELY Jurnlshed . room, suitable for two young men; dose in. 285 Clay, mar Sd. NEWLY furnished rooms, hot wator. ,baths, llglits, etc. $6 month up. The ruetiey, ib 'inurman TRANSIENT roouia, nicely - fuinlsiiwJ, 6Uc up. 253 s, Alder, bet. 2d and 3d. JTRNISriEI) ROOMS WI'IST SIDE Hunt's Express & Baggage Co; 1 trunk 50o, Additional trunks 250 each.' Grip with trunks free. A-2395. Marshall 2415. FOR RENT Brautifully furnWieH large sunny room, private hath, fire place, 2 mrga closets, furnace heat, electric lights, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple. 320 Montgomery st. TWO comfortable furnished rooms and use of kitchen for housekeeping, or nice room for two, cheap. 764 E. Taylor St.- NICELY furnished room, suitable 2 gen tlemen,! or man and wife; business people preferred. M. 4288, 571 Gllsan. Nl!47vi 6th at., rooms PJO CO.' raltDlKJ$i.6(r up" pff week: Free phone and bath. Main 7764. ' " .-i NEWLY furnished robins for one, twj or three ladies. Inquire 669 Flanders st. -Phone Main 6612. ... 1-URNISHED rooms, 7 minutes from postoffiee;- phone,, bath and furnace heat; private family? 329 Hall st. TWO' nicely furnished Bleeping rooms,' connected If desired, private family, 450 Hall st..; car line. ; SWELL front room, suitable for 2 men or ladles; also other rooms for 2- persons. 849 Jefferson. TWO well - furnished sleeping rooms, modern, walking distance. 673 3d st FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE ,52 LARRABEE HOTEL, 22714 Larrabee st. New management; stenm heat, electric light, hot and cold water, , bath and ' Phone". $2.60 and tin ner week. FURNISHED ROOMS 2 rooms, 3 beds, ' iur f gentlemen; ooara optional. 627 ei-iiieuM hi. FURNISHED, rooms close in. Phone, NICELY furnished front, modern room. 629 Belmont st. ' ROOMS AND BOARD .15 ROOM and board for father and child, wtll board . child alone. 1508 E. 8th St. N. Woodlawn 8069. - LARGE room, with board, for 2 young gentlemen. 228 Larabee st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE : -Sufi THB BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished for housekeeping, cat ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $16 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union depot. Take "S" or 16th at. cars north, got ofi at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL furnibhed housekeeping rooms: 2, $8 month; 3, $18; 4, $18; good cot tage, 6 rooms. $20; 864 N. 26th, west side river. W. car from depot, 5th of Runt's Express' & Baggage Co. 1 trunk 00c. Additions trunks 25o each. Grip with trunks free. A-239S. - Marshall 2415. (2 iu ii.bu per week; housekeeping rooms, single -or ensuite; newly fur nished throughout; bath, laundries,, phone, etc. Sherman House, 184-186 Sherman st. . , THE COLONS Furnlnhed houeekeeD- . lng rooms with all conveniences, $10 . and up, central location.' 608 6 Alder st MITCHELL HoueeKeeping rooms; light. ' gas; mode-ate. 7th A Flanders. A-4071 SUITE of housekeeping rooms. 270 4th.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , . EAST SIDE . 48 CLOSE in, furnished housekeeping rooms. 409 E. Salmon., Phone East 6609. ' - . :..;:. t'i per week; clean, furnished hounekeet' I lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, ti phone, rlean linen. ' 406' Vancouver ave. i-i FURNISHED rooms for light house- ; keeping,-gas, hot and cold wator.A Phone. 998 E. Yamhill and 33d sts. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in basement, aas- and water. 262 Page - ww i axe '-u c i.TWO nicely . furnished housekeeping i E. Everett st, corner 6th. '. ' '.; HOUSES FOR RENT 12 80 acres, 30 in cultivation, part seed ed, nice family orchard, plenty of wood, -2 horses, 5 cows, 4 -hogs, 40 chickens, hay and grain, wagon, hack, uiower. Iced,, chopper; separator; a new house, nearly finished; large barn; near school and 2 cnurches; .on good road; 8 miles east df Canby. Price $6900;. terms, 71 acres, 30 in cultivation and seeded; 9 room house, barn and other outbuild-.,, lngs; 2 wellB, seperator, family orchard,.1 4 cows, 2 splendid homes, 2 wagons, 3 dozen hens, 150 bushels of oats,- plenty oi nay ana straw, piione, mail Him cieani -, route,' A snap. On good- road, 10 miles from Oregon City. For $6000; $2000 -down, balance 6 per cent. 6 acres clearnd fruit, land. 2 miles ; from Oregon City; 30 bearing fruit trees; near big school, Price $1276, la cash. ........ The best 2 lots in Gladstone for $450. 160 acres, 76 in cultivation, 6 acres in ' orchard, 30 in pasture, balance in tlm-' ber; 6 room house, good wen. Tine barn, woodshed and cellar, hen house, -elder press, plenty of grain .and hay; 5 miles from Oregon City, on good road, near -sch6ol and church. Price $75 per acre. FREYTAG & SW AFFORD. Nr. S. P. Depot. 7th st, Oregon City, Or. WHEN you move you'll need new turn!-' ture. Buy. Judiciously and ' your sav-' lngs will exceed moving expenses. -Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one Of the largest furniture h oust a in the City in less than two years, -t Lookers shown the. same courtesy aa buyers. . MORdAN-ATCIILEY FURNITURE CO., Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark St East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pass t.nir 'oors. $2500 New 6 room modern . bungalow ; - On an east front lot with first class plumbing, nice porch, large attic, easy walking to grammar' school,--also high school, terms' reasonable.. James D. Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave.. Woodlawn 202, BIG . barn, 8 - stalls, feed and wagon sheds, $8 per month; barber shop and fixtures, chair, glass and sign, $6 per ' month; also a good business room. 22 by 40, all new; also wood yard, good loca tion,' $10 per month, Call at corner grocery, East 41st and Division st; take. W-R.car. Tabor 2312. FOR RENT-: - Six room modern, neatly, furnished1 house, on east side, $40. - : Otto (Si '.Harkson Realty Co. ' 133 First st ' - ' For Rent .. 7 room bungalow, modern in every respect, fine location. , , (2) J.E. NICHOLS CO., ' ." . ago Hoard of Trade Bldg. We can furnish your home at t, great eavtng. See us' hfore purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow & Co., 64-6 N. Sd st. Complete houseturnlshera. Rea- MODERN 8 room house, - furnace and nrepiace. 66 East Ankenv,- corner 19th, $30 per month. Phone East 1515'.; HOUSE and place suitable for cow and" chickens, near carline. Phone Mar shall 2411. FOR RENT, -L room modern house. Woodlawn. , Phone Woodlawn 418 Rent $18. $205 room house, newly - painted, on . carline, near Walnut .Park. Phone KftRt 2482. MODERN i room house oh E. Pine near 44 Slw..AkU-a-.3 ft- Haleeyr- East 06, - C-2260. FOR RENT Six room modern house, 3d ana Weidler. Inquire 262 E. 8th N. A MODERN 6 room cottage. 609 Front. HOUSES FOR KENT -FURNITURE- POR SALE 33 FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent, - $18 per month. - 401 -1st St.. flat-C upstairs, will sell for reasonable price- mm IIWI ' -. J. n A