THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FR.TDAY .EVENING, OCTOBER 21, 1310. 12 tVHKN ou move you'll need new furni ture. Buy judiciously and your-sav inns will expert moving expense. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one 6f the. larRpst furniture houtei In the city In less than two years. Looker shown the same courtesy as buyer. - MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark St. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars Pass Our Doors. 513 barn. . 8 stalls, feed and wagon Jiheda, JS per month; barber shop and fixtures, chair. Klass' and. sign, $i per month; also a trood business room 22 by 40. all new; also wood yard, good loca tion, $10 per month. Call at corner grocery. East 4.1st and Division st; take w-R car. . m. " i For Sent. ' 7 room bungalow, modem In , every respect, fine loc-a'tion. (!) J. E. NICHOLS CO., EZO Board of Trade Bldg. WE can fjrmsh your home it a, great savinr. See tin before purcliaslne: elsewhere. ' M. Ostrow Co., 4.-66 X. id st. Complete housefurnlshers. Rea- t'lnaoie price. Easy term. 8 . T;oOM house, one block from -Rich. mond car, near school, $18. Phone A-1K28 or Mv 6977. ,20? Wells-Fargo OMlg, MODERN - 8 room bouse, I-furnace t and nrepince. : 876 East Ankeny, corner lth,-830 per month. Phone East 1615. HOU6'H and place suitable jFoF cow and chickens, near carllne. , Phone Mar- IBll Ull. yOH RENT, 6 room modern house. j, Avooaiawn. . rnone woodlawn 418, Kent lis., 6-ROOM cottage, large ground, chicken yard, barn. Call E. 74th, corner B. '.Vljnail, flA I'W 1HU, 1305 room house, newly painted, on carllne near Walnut Park. Pbene mt 24X2. . i t ... . AMODERNJomcoUg.' Q Front. . irrTTCY?cs mo townTm FURiTURE FOR 8ALE. 32 THE' BEST KIT'- )f 7 foom house; mui Good furniture of be sold. 1350. 414 Stark st, "i Furniture of T room house for 1350; rent io. n stars: si. : ' tage on ! Waverly carltnes. Place iiiva mr iai - sip Clinton FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. i per momn. u 1st. St., nat U, upstairs, will eell for reasonable price. MEW furniture, 8 rooms, rent 1 45. cash $650, close In. W-239, Journal, . FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR ,THB WINTER, a magnificent home, new, best of furniture; owner leaving city for the winter; must have ; rererences. - - -. w ..;..-,.. (1) .. - J. E. NICHOLS CO.," z Board or xrane tJtqg. fclCELY furnished i room cottage; ref ' erences required; .$35 per month. xnone kbsi X587. FURNISHED cottage for rent within walking distance. ' 235 Lincoln st. rnone a-iuuj., FOR RENTFumlshed lower flat'to aquita. 368 2d, near Mill. FURNISHED 6 room cottaee. sTi Hall -Bt- ready after Oct. 27; references. TOR RENT FLATS 3 $48 Corbet-i-5 rooms and basement, - modern, $12.50. L, B. ( Thompson & tjo., as 1 nira. FOR RENT -Flat 4 rooms, homelike; clsfgt in. 273 7th, near Jefferson. obii.RN -room furnished flat, $83 ' 5th st. ' '' ' APARTMENTS . 3 "THE CODY" . E. 7th and Taylor at. ' New. beautiful end very elaborately furnished apartments of two and three rooms. , Something entirely different from usual run of apartments.. ; This is Worthy of Investigation If you are look : lng for something exceptionally good. ALBERMALE APARTMENTS New . brick, newly furnlshedr rythlng eosy, modern, up-to-date; prices reason able; easy walking distance, on car line. 883 Williams avenue, near Broadway. feCitfLIOHT apartments, new, eplendTdP r ly furnished, large closets, , private bath, rhone each apartment 1293 Vs tteimont, a-iii. xaoer ib. FOUR room apartment for rent Mad laon Park House, 262 Park at Every. jmtng moaern steam heat, every thins; 'new, walking fllstance. 801 Halsey, cor. Williams ave. .HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND iSuropean plan - only; $3, $5 day. : ... - Vallamont Furnished - rooms for , .rent H7 yamnni. ii6TEL NORRIS Modern, . 17th and TVBsningion. ' . BELVEDERE European. 4th and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WILL lease and finish stores In a con- erete building under construction at zuin ana Handy boulevard; . good loca tion for a drug, grocery and meat mar ket.' Phone Main St 2 9 nr Rant. Kn?S FOR ; RENT Store with : counters, : shelving and lights; ( room flat barn, large yard, at Stewart station, . Mt tt. Occupied five yeara aa grocery. FDR RENT For a term of 6 years, the old Arlington club building. West Park and Alder sts. Apply to R. T. Cox, tORBETT bldg., 2 large connecting of- imo. iumianeu - ur unj urnisneQ, or U1 rent desk room. 410 Corbett bldg. ifEW nke offices. In the Couch bldg-. , 808 Lewis bldpr. -v . - FOR RENTMISCELIiANEOUS 83 DUCK lake for rent, lower end 8auvie' Marehair M4. A.44M.rV, v : WANTEI TO RENT AJSTFjAM heated apartment Not. 1. p-234. Journal. Give full particulars'; references, - WANTED 1 large room suitable for housekeeping. X-28rt Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 "Horses and Mules tor Sale :. 1 bay mare. 1400, 4 years old. , I fry, mare. 1400, 4 years old. ' black and bay mares, llOy, 8 to 10 years old. , 1 span grey gelds., $000, 5 yeara old. I spsn mares, J800. $ years old. 10 head horses, 1000 to 1100, 4 to 11 years old, :.. ..,.. , 1 span mules, 2600 lbs. mining mules, 900 to.l00"b lbs All sold under our guawntee; if not satisfactory to . be. returned lees $1 per Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 HAWTHORNE AVE. , JH!L ln;r15 had of horses, llio 'to , 1S00L 1 span 6-year-old, well bred driving team; aUo team to rent i 270 JUST arrived, ; a carload ef horses from AHflfftrn llls VAN 1 1 AA 4 a 4tnA 11 w !Qubles,4g Front it" 4FOR SILR ilack marT 14 ' hands, eecfijlVl Un5" ,a,Jdl ,n1 lLiL1 tra5 S hrm mares for good Tamhlll and Taylor. . . HOUSES FOR' REXT HORSES, .VEHICLES, ETC. 18 - i - - $175 buy mare and horse 7 years Old, with nonr hnrnpss anil flirt wairon: are true pullers; come try thm. Cot tage ln.park, E. lzth and Madison. liORSKS and buggies lor rent by dy. week and month; special rates to business bouse. 6th and Hawthorne. r . i FOR SALE A good buggy or delivery horsa. -vounif and a good traveler. Phone Woodlawn 6R9. s GOOD pasture for team work horses for winter months In exchange for use; light work. X-230, Journal. - LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 83 FOR SALE Family cow, Guernsey, 7 years old, giving now 2 gallons iniiK per day; gentle and kind, at Crystal Lake Park, Milwaukie, Or. BROWN LEGHORN and White Wyan dotte chickens, 100; and Incubators and brooders. C. O. Sandstone, Hills- date, or. WANTED 200 lightweight hogs, bre3 N In Oregon, pigs or shoats; answer-et once. T-235, Journal. BUFF Orpington hens, pullets and cotKerets, winter layers, eetiwooa FRESH Holstein cow, 4 gollons; tet-1 ed, Durham Jersej, tested; fresh any- nay, ti zain si. ;;; ; WE will have 60 head of stock hogs, ' thrifty and healthy. iXokel-Bruce Co., siocKvaros. v ffYou WANT to buy or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co., at stocjt- yaras. wooaiawn Z4u, hi uu, it mtta. tt 1 a bTV v, A FEW high grade Leghorn roosters for sale. 1386 Montana ave, and Portland Douievara. 20. - PIGS, $7 eftch. W. S. Johnson, Cleone, Or. Phone Woodlawn 2772. 66OD cow, ';42S. Robinson.- 47 East .'. Gllsan. .'' - .'-.-i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 A CHANCE FOR SALE , 8 dressers, $ Iron beds, - , . . 4 c&rpets.i Charter Oak cook. . . 8 heating stoves, Ext table, ' chairs, , - f , Ixt of dishes, , , Gas stove, "machine, ' 112 Union ave. I . FOR SALE CHEAP. -, - Two 20 mile boats, with boat house. Two 28 ft. boats, speed 15-16 miles, and other boats. ; Also boat house, psrtly burned, at W. H. & E. von der WERTH, . East End of Morrison Bridge NEW and. second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery.' Address the Brunswick- HaiKe-uouenaer kjo,, Din. FOR SALE: t pool tables. 1 card tables' showcase, counter and shelving; must be sold at once; take Mt. Scott car to th ave. station. Hamilton i'ooiKoom. SAFES 10 second hand standard make, that have. been taken in exchange, very low prices. Portland Safe Co., S7 8th st. TWO pooltables for sale, good as new. Cth ave., Lents. James E. Hamilton. GASOLINE saw. A-IT machine, cheap for casn. uau 461 Hawmorne ave. $110 check for sale. Apply at 168 Height ave.' - . . -I WANE5aSCELLANEOrs 8 WANTED People of Portland to know that we Jay highest cash price for econd hand household goods.. Seater 4fc Gustavson. 143 RusselL ; - Ea"t 1S62. EAST SIDE auction "jobbers - want 2d hand furniture, highest price paid. 14 rana eve., k, lmi. - OLD auto tires delivered, 7o a lb. Old auto inner tubes, 200 a lb. J. Leva, 186 Columbia? Main 6198. GET our price on your furniture, as - it will pay you. We watt the goods. Savage A Pennell. S51-8 1st st. Main 360. BE WISE; gei more for your second hand 'furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co., Sll 1st. Main 8951, A-2445. W v. J will ,ui illluiO, prompt attent; m always given. E. 1067 A SURPRISE Prices we pay for ued rurniture.- Kast 6"04. 1 ia Grand. FOR S.1LE AUTOMOBILES 41 BARGAINS. 1 Apperson. 1 Thomas Flyer, I Bulok Runabout; will exchange "for pi operty. East Side Auto Co.. Holladay and N. Union, ave. . FOR TRADE 4 , passenger - Franklin, - completely overhauled , October 14. Will trade for Inside property. Want larger car.- Phone B-1017. A LOT of second hand motor cvcles for sale or trade. City Bicycle Hos- puai." itsti Morrison st FOR SALE A large 7 . passenger tour lng csr. Cash or trade for city prop erty. 811 Bth St. . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 FOR SALE A mahogany piano of the best grade, for sale cheap. Am 111, and need the money. , Apply quick. 681 THE Chfifl. K tfnrlr Tanrl Tnatmm.nt A Music House. 88 H 3d st " MINING STOCKS 58 MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and Other, bonds bought and sold. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bid. FINANCIAL 61 CASH paid tof mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate la Oregon or Wash, Mortgage loans negotl ted on Improved property. H. K. Noble, "" ....w afu. lii niiu oiarii .Quick loans on furniture and I pianos, Btorag a receipt. lUa ttaur- I nee policies, nvstocit, real eatate. sktA -. T T a Yi 1 fi.a m 51 Co., 311 Hamilton bldg. Main 201 PA W for ' flmt anA ann.4 MAH.-.. .lot nd building, contracts. Call or ""'"i nil Mcjvay ping. Main 4TI0. LOANS on Improved city Dronertv tar private investors. M. E. Thompson Co., Henry bldg., 4th and Oak., - - MORTGAGE loans, C and T per cent Louis Salomon, 28$ Stark St. ' LOANS WANTED 80 LOANS WANTED Applications on hand fojr desirable loans. , Mortgages for sale. Henry & prudhoihne Co., Spald. q o- FARM LOAN 15000 wanted from prl- i - inyr-. improvea - rarm near Portland, worth 816.000. K-216. Journal. WANTING to borrow 82000 on $6000 viij Krr'or.-"r vnm year, nrss mori gage, . D-23. Journal. - MONEY TO LOAN ,27 MONET to'loan, any amount, R to 8 per A,t riAndnniiph Jkt fialt SI A d..ij ing bldg. - ;.'... t ii r v- r- ' . .. " MONEY to loan on realestate. Harding & Reynolds Co., 213 Chamber of Com" LOWEST RATES; loans on any aecur ties, chattels or real estate. Union tjiun vu., pig., tn g WBSh. R. A. FRAMid Short loans on any kind of security- Fleldner bldg. ; Phone Main 628. ' . , PRIVATE MONEY Amounts 1100 iD" for desirable loans. Mortgages for sale. ji. u. rruonomme co.,- tipaiaing bldg. tlAAAnrt ,,n ran , u . r.?rol t7' JJI 2!urtn"- McKenaie A , ucniiit m'JB-t ,u bub Aiqer. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty' building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance, w. oecit, an flailing, I HAVE ilOOO to loan on first mortgaa at 8 per cent; send full particulars i L-214, Jgumal. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- SALARY. WAN a F. A. Newton, 6i StJTCK loans on" all securities. 6.. Wi King. 4a wasningtqn bldg. Main 6100. MONEY to loaii on improved real eatata. JWhlt, 881harlook.bldgr- SUMS of 62000 upward on real esttto. uuuii.iu ut. .1 irui H A. .lPLflrK. Building Lostia A. C, Furlon. contrac. tor. 686 Cha. of Com. Main 4564, ANV pari ot $5o,0')0 to loan at nr cent intertst. 201 ;cuca bids. 27 ' Borrow Money 1 from the Salary Loan Bank No security. . .Everything confidential. Lowest rate In th city. State Security Co, . 308 tailing Bldg.. Third and Washington Sts. HIITTon rn r.m-r ext.. Deal with a reliable, established and responsible , concern. Our larpe busi ness enables us td make CHEAPER RATES than ever before. Call and ee us,tf you need MONEY. ..-,-- MUTTON CREDIT CO., ... W. H. Johnston, Manager. 307 Spalding Bldg. ' Main 2S69. .Will I nan V nn MnnAV - On' your furniture, piano or real estate; Lowcst rate of interest. See me first. J, E. Nichols 620 Board of Trade bldg. MONET advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon .tholrown names without security; cheaper! rates, easiest, navments: , off ii-e in nrlnnl. fal cltl.'s; ae money by getting our erms. Tolman. 317 Lumber Exchange. TOUR CREDIT Is aood at the Employes' Loan Co., 821 - Ablngton. 108e $d st . WE can place your money at good rate . of Interest Gilt edge security; first mortgages; long time Investments. PROVIDENT 1NV & TRUSTEE CO., S24-S26 Board of- Trade Bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jew elry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage. jewelers, 289 Washington at. NOTICES 26 , NOTICE OF BALE. The undersigned will offer for sale at publle auction and will sell to the high est bidder at suoh sale, at the' west door of the court house of Multnomah county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2 2d day of October. 1910, at the hour of 10 0 clock a. m. of said day: Sixty bonds of the Campbell Eumber company, a corporation, together with the Interest coupons pertaining thereto, which bonds are of the par value of $500 each and are numbered as follows: Five bonds numbers 21 to 25 Inclusive, 5 bonds numbers J6 to 40 Inclusive, 60 bonds numbers . 61 to 100 Inclusive, and are known as a? part ofthe first mortgage 6 per cent bonds of the Campbell Lum ber company, a corporation Incorporated under4he laws of the state of Oregon, and which bonds are certified to by the Fidelity Trust Co., of Tacoma, Wash ington, trustee, and are entitled to th Hen of the trust deed or mortgage given to secure the bond Issue of , the said Campbell Lumber Co. r- Thla sale will be made by the under signed by virtue of the agreement en tered Into between th Campbell Lumber company and the undersigned giving us the usual right to sell any of the col lateral rn our hands toward satisfying the Indebtedness-of the said Campbell Lumber company to ,us, so far as the proceeds of the sale of the said 60 bonds may go. t 'Terms of Sale: Ten per cent of par alue of the bonds to be, paid in cash at time of sale, balance to he paid In cash upon delivery of the bonds sold. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 6th day of October, 1910. ' . PACIFIC EXPORT LUMBER CO., jjy u. u Bioagett secretary, TO THE TAXPAYERS! OF MULTNO- vi MAH COUNTY. ORxEGON. ' Notice is hereby given that on Mon- Amtf 11 1 llln -1 1 m . vM.iuimi 41, tjiv, iiiv uuam ojl equalization -of MUltriomah county will attend at the office of the county clerk vi wuu uuuuijr biiu puunciy examine me assessment tolls for the year 1910, and correct u errors in valuation, aesorlp tion or qualities of land, lots or prop erty, and 1t Is the duty of all persons Interested to appear, at the time and place appointed, and If it shall appear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property as sessed twice or In the name of a per son pr. persons not -the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or other prop erty not assessed, said board of equali sation shall make the proper correc tions. ,. C D. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland. Or., Sept 23, 1910. , PORTLAND OAS & COKE COMPANY, 1211 Spalding bldg. ; Portland. -Or., October 6, 1910 Pre ferred stock dividend No. 8: A dividend of 1 per cent on the outstanding pre ferred stock of the Portland Gas & Coke company for the quarter ending October SI, 1910, has been declared pavable to preferred stockholders Of record op Oc tober 21, 1810, on which' day the books for the transfer of preferred stock will eiose, to be reopened on November 1, GEO. F. NEVINS, Secretary, Ij SB Bassctt's Native Herbs for con ; stlpation; 60 tablets for 25c, AH druggists. .. -.' , LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Lady's ring 'on 16th and Alberta st; name "Aggie,' engraved on Inside; finder return to 1181 E. 16th st N.;.re ward. " - -' - : LOST Lady's broocH, star shaped, dia - mond In center surrounded by pearls. Phone Woodlawn 889. Call 783 WU liams ave. Reward. " LOST Between West Park and 8rd St.; a gold chain and locket engraved with A. L. lb Q. Finder please return. to 461 East Morrison st Room 48. LOST Note for 8126. payable to John Keblbek. Finder please return to journal orrice. Kewara. LOST EngliBh ' bulldog, spot on head; -one -year old! reward. 205, Hall st Phohe Main 2406. : ,- LOST Thursday evening, ooral stick pin. Phones Marshall 636, A-8661. PERSONAL 23 Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; , examinations erb. Main 1017. A. 0111 rlu weaitn mag., atn ana Anaeny, DR. VOOSE, celebrated i epeclallst,' 241 U First ' at. cor. of Main. Treat all chronic, nervous and complicated dis eases. Blood, -skin, kidney, bladder and private aisoraers quicKiy cured. If tin able to call, write for question blank. NEW YORK Beauty Parlors. - Just opened. Modern appliances accurate ly used for rheumatism, blemish, flesh end facial massage. Manicuring parlors. Phone Marshall 2843. 428 Alder street PRIVATE detective Will serve corpor atlons or Individuals in a confidential capacity; thoroughly experienced and successful; no agencies, X-231. Jour nal, . , ' . GERMAN books. magaztn. novels, etc.. Oerman, English, French,' Spanish. Swedish and ltallHri dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds.. Schmale Co.. 2ii lei bi. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures .diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 first, Port land MORE pheasants can be seen at 249 - Columola at, than all, other taxider mists' shops in the city, (There a rinn t ..Ptie Mmnlln MiriAKfR F.STET.rBV' maniul, mental and spiritual scientist teacher of soul development, 193 W. Park. Lly UOR ftabit permanenVly cured' in inree cays: no suirering and harm, less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Penlneu iar avo.. f viuaiiu, ur. WOMEN Use Femolds when others n ,1 , a,k1j4 n ,4 . . . .., av.u -n. in.i.iiiCTU UJ me aui. plund Drug Co.. 110 N. fith st. Main 610s WU1MU-1. fc'sl rumnvcw : WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 1l.mlnirt'f,M 4. .m-. .i . Z Selling-Hiraeh bldg. Neo PlastlqueAg X ri n ti nr t a "" n iSn'w'ti"""'1 " ' 1 ' " " -: jana nuriuA ., mental and spiritual scientist 21 Selllng-HIrsch uiug,, nnigHin Bi. mam BS24. r mtraeTTT-pTTres. rnone MarsiiaU ,2 S43, VZ06 Please call at advertising de- ? put unein snq avoiq irounie, SEXINE Pllls'oniy 7Ko box." Call or ad--dr Rr1dT Phrmscy, 188 Mnrrrann. rEARL -Coins home, baby is sick. MONEY TO LOAX TERSOXAJj Disease of women and children e clusively. Women are oftrn saved se vere tiurglcRl operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases or children a ymiijr. i-nvaie no-jpitai accommoua ;tions. . Confinements cared for. Cor respondence sulicited. No chsrg for consultation. Phones, Main 8tf2S, A-6507. vi,. tuuin iv, urana Anemia uiuf,., Wawhlnffton snd Park. - ' Moaern elertrin lriAtmint fnp a1naa j of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, etc. W. I. Howard. M. D.. 804-6 Roth- cnua Diag.. 4th and Washington. Are You Ruptured?- The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a apeclalist to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cnarge. wiisou, 6 Btn St. ! ilALM of figs, remedy tor rilseasn of ' women. K.1 rutil at Vfatn 0111 PERSONAL BUSINESS. DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISEKS NORTHWESTERN 'Appraisal Co. In. dependent-appraisertf and adjusters. 1068 K. 21st st. N. ' Woodlawn 8026. . ARTISTS' LTEi;iALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse & Co.. U Wash, st ACKtAXEfta WELLS-A PROEBSfEL. assayers, ana- lytlcal chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7e08. MONTANA assay, office, laboratory and ' ore testing work. 186 Morrison. A1TOKNETB A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prao. tlce In all courts. AbstracU, exam Inedy 716 Cham. or Com. M. 71, A-2071. J. R. HUGHES 8Q4-ti-6. ' Failing b(dg. Main liii and A-3U34. practice in all courts. 'Colleotlons a specialty. iCHRISTtaPriEliSOiM , & MATTHEWS. - general practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BATHS AND SWIMMING PORTLAND Swimming Baths. ,167 4th. Plunge, steam,. tub, shower, baths, Mo. ; ; BLANK BOOK1 MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY," 109 Jd at Blank book m'f'g; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ' ledgers; see the new EureKa tear. A-8I83. mam tAblNKSii CAIU7S , W A R REN CONSTRUCTION PO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- ings. an necit oiug. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J.Losli, 213 Jeffer son st. Main 1424. . ; THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. . Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. JAb. Mcl. WOOD-& CO.. all kinds o? insurance, surety ponds. McKay Plug, CAKJ'KT CLGAMNU PLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co. wiean carpets wnnout removal, u. IONE Steam Cleaning;- carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. E. 860, B-2Z36, CAItrUT-WUAVIKQ NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from . old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 163 Union ave., near 15. Morrlseii. Colonial ' rag carpet and rugs. 1618 Patton eve. Phone Woodlawn 2685. CUlRorODlSTB CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp. Mrs, uunton, b vasn. Marsnau 182a, CHIROPODY . AND PEDICURINa-M Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4?" Flledner bldg. CLEANERS AND DYERS THE REGAL Cleaning, dyeing; out Of town Dusiness solicited.-Z70 oranaav, COAL A ITT) WOCTD KOTICEpSn StABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load;. 12.60 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. Per cord.. 32.75 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load... .83.60 BLOCK WOOD, per load......... .$3.60 SAWDUST, lor luel and oeaaing. The Portlind-'Slabwitod Co. Main 3119, A-7001. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will save you money on your coal. ' 34S-348 East Ankeny street Both phones: B-2J4S; East 214. Orders placed With A. W, Curry. 116-118 Grand ave.. or Nlsbet Grocery, 666 East Morrison, will receive prompt attention, PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry Inside wood, per load. .. i ... .83.75 Small -dry Inside wood, per load.. 2.75 Dry block wood, ner- load. ....... 4.60 Planer trimmings, long and short "r-V . ft-An a h I r A Wpod and Coal - Delivered promptly. Harrington Transfer & Fuel Co., 438 E. Morrison. Phone B-1592, East 6206. -Meier & Frank take oilers for our standard grades, or phone East 303, or C-2303. tuimi-n r uei jo inc. bORDWOOD In car lota or leas. Will deliver or sell on cars. O. W p. t'ock... A. J. - uwyer, 403 Rothchlld. Phone Main S')S3, B-2449, ALBINA FUEL LBINA FUEL CO- 47 Alblna ave.. also Broadway and E.r83d st: m-omnt da. IWery. Phones E. 182. C-1117. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, 187 E. Morrison. East 226. B-1026. White & Benson, fuel Co. ' 416 East Morrison. East 814 Formerly Q. K. Wood and Coal Yard. feritTTH PORTT.ANn S1.iEW(Vin'in" main xya, A-S914. , i?ry.insine wood, .n I BKw(Vlil f.l..n mmn,A,.m A - . ding, cut ' f."el? blockwood. "0 DELIVERED Isk ' XVV-'XL XLit " 1 vwi Call Main 8767. l- Foot of Curry t. Yamato Wood and CoafCompany;;.';,,!1 rCAN save you money on cordwood. Call up M. Sutherman, 802 Tillamook CEDAR blocks, green. 1.6"Q: cedar block ' dry. j2. Phone A-'3S42. vkain 8183 CPN,TItACTUK3 , AXU nviLl)KlJ4 CUMMINQS ft CATLIN Building- in every branch of the" building trades: jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show esses, counters,, shelving, etc Office and shop $71 1st st Phone Mar. shall S327. , COLUECTIO.T5 CURRENT and delinquent accounts col i lected. Wells Mercantile Agency, 70S Board of Trade bldg.. 4th; and Oak Sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts - collected. 617 Alisky. A-7S17; M. 4222 CONTUACTORS AND BUHJJERS WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. . 206 th. Main 6241. . ? FOR cement ; work, .plastering, brick raung, caji on V. U. Olson, Marshall 1441; A.4020. 192 Orover at CARPENTER contracts. 'Jobllng spets ialty. W. H. Jenkins. Tabor 274. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHTSICIANS and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White, Main 074, Ai"i1. , r DETECTIVft AGENCX SKILLED detective sorvice rendered; all classes - of work handled by world ride expeilenrej operatives; . all work absolutely confidential; lady fSRtatants. Nat Detective Ag cy, 371. 3d. Mar. 1616. Ill REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME ' Rnkv. TV Ikf fl fim Pmnnptt.. Broii)f.,Stl Company ..................... uruDKer a UPDwiH't Card Heslty ft lnetment Go... Ccwk ft Co.. B. 8..................... Chtiplnft Hwlow Hebart ft Mrfrball. Tarma, City Property... Houok, , Grorge A. (Colonisation) Knvnn I .l- Or(tn Eal Eata'tV Co.', Thi! Srhalk, fleorce D. 1 nompton, SI. K. Co DA5C17TO MR. and Mrs. Heaths' dancing school. Alisky bldg., a ana morrion slb.. etage dancing taught, class Sat - eve nings, private lessons dally, wait and iwo-atco euarameeu in iwdvh DANCING lessons. 25c every morning. - i afternoon ana evening, wan., vw Step and three stepjstage dancing taught. Professor Wal Wlllson's School, 886 4 Wash at., bet. W. Park and 10th. PROE. RINGLER S - dancing classes. Mon. and Bat eve. irivaie umcuuiiu daily. Western Acad.,- 8d-M6r. M. 9212. DOG AND HOBSK " 3BOSP1TAI? DR. BROWN. D. V. S.. of. 324 Flanders. M. 4088. tiOBp.-B ri. ii'. ' lakCTiucAL surrnEs MOTORS. for rnt or sale. 'Pacific Elec- -' mo .Engineering yo., ei'ctkol rsra VOLES, wr In kles, uP"''u?y ' J?,aI j -S- moved. Mrs. mv u. nui. GASOUNB ENGINES STATION ART and marine; c, equipments; launcnea, wholesale and reull; -engine 'PfJf Reierson Marhlnerv Co.. 188 Morrison. T,rfs.-J -! UNITED Glass and Glazing Co. 94 N. , a ill l.l-J nln O St Wit T If. i i"ilrr' im mu Ail miiub ul r II AT FACTOR V MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory largest hat ren. ovators in the city. 64-66 8d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. ucathkk a nsmxus CHAS. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; ; Up tnsnufacturers. findings. ' LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 8th.' bet Taylor ana xamnm. bqqki c yr MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraullo and , special pipes, .screens, nagging, mining machinery. All klnda repairs. 104 N. 4th MOTION I'ICTUBK BUPfUKK PARTS, complete machines, -films, song Slides, rums, reasonaoie. ojora vyanu. MTJliTIGRAPUIxXQ PORTLAND Mailing Co, multigraphlng. typewriting, mailing,- puono Bieiiogia iher. personal typewritten circular , let ers. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS RUZZI'S band, orchestra, . music f ur--nished for all occasions. Phone Main 8292, 826 Flledner bldg., 10th And Wasn- ingion-Bi, .rv nnrri.'r uaum vlr,lln iMi-h.r miriU 1 IV-...., .".... -1 - - - Sevclk. Mar. 1629, A-4160. 900 Marquam PIANO. Violin, cornet, mandolin, . Prof. R. A. Smith." 292 12th st U O8IKOPATUI0 I'HVBICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton mag. Mam soi DR. SMITH, (f graduate Klrkvllle, Mo., 1898; .post graduate 1907, 818 Swet land bldg. - - -.- ' PAIMT. Oil AND GLASS V. E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 185 1st Main .1334. A-7V4i. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" Mvl "- ",i -: GET our prices , on painting, -paper, ing. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st paint -ne. cor. ia Be xayior. Ml A-hu rALNTlNG AND I'APKKIKQ: FOR best work, prices right call P. A. uoanei in union, iwui pnuiie. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng. IL P. Chrlstensen Co.. Main 1983, A-4711. PAINTING and all lta branches, rooms tinted 3 up. usoourne pros, m. satt. PATK.NT AlOKNKlS HANDBOOKS for In ventets free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. - Beeler A Robb, 177-181 Mcmn Piog.. waBningt,on. u c PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor-ney-at-Law, late U. 8. Patent Office; book rree. 719 ttoarq oi xraae oing, R. a WRIGHT, U. 8. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. : PIANO TUNING PIANO tuning, two dollars; 18 years' experience. E. 4979. 893 Vancouver av. FLUMBINO CONTRACT work, any size Jobs; you or I furnish material; day or job work estimates furnished. H-106, Journal. 'PRrmsa S WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink op paper." I41H 1st. - ROOF DOCTOR IF TOUR roof ' leaks or needs paint, mail card to Woodward Roof Paint Co.. 106 N. 8d st. Estimates free. KtiiUUK SIAMP& AM SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stark.' Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 2d at Safes at-factory prices; , repairs;- lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them.' 201 Washington st 8. E. Gilbert SHOWCASES ASH FUTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order." The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMi2S I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcaees, cabinets, store snd office fixtures. 289 Couch. M: 270S. blUN ANU SUOtY CARD! FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the larg est eijn makers la the northwest, E. 7th and B. Everett sta Phones, East 1111, Home -B.2224. . ' : -- .. , . "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Paciflo 1596. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. ' Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales sgent M. Winter Lumber Co. TAILORING AtfTOgiTtWTCTBgr zci ana wnHrnnston. -ruiTS to oraer. lUlVIUi Si lTLT CLEAN towels-dally, romb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch ata. 81: per month Po.tland Laundry ft Phones Main 410, A-4410. ADDRESS ' TBLEl'llOXR ,,803 CorU-tt Bldg. A-4-W Utu T4SM . ..110 eewnd St...,..,, ...Mala an.l A-r..'. ,.r"2 McKay Bldg.'........; Main .Via llHHry Bids... Marshall 1!WT. A-15BT ..N3 Corhett m3g .....Main S3. A-SB.-.1 ,.BS2 Chamber ot Com mere ...Main Ift'-J ..Room T. 250'4 Alder............ Main 7t ., i'.t Ijibh Bide.. Main ti' .. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Main n4 A-2'Uii ..Orand Ave. aod Multnomah. ... Kt T. C-ITOI ..CIS Htnrk St ..,..., Main St2. A-2'M1 ..S05 (Sfrllnrer BMr Main R4r!S . .-.Henry KM.. 4thOsk;. ...... .M. gntU. A-S327 8LBVKlOK LW ALTER M. OBER. platting, subdivid ing ana topographical maps a ape clalty. 160 E 2tb st. N. - B-2099. tRAXSFEB AX1 STORAGE 7 C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, sepafate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture - moved and packed for shipment. Main 686: 4-1996; Oregon Transfer1 Co. . EstabliBhed 1870.. Transfer - and' forwarding aeanta. " Storage;' free trackage. ' J Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and eVHjn r-nunee: main B; A-I1CS. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cori 13th ..iu sis., just opened, newest most modern storage warehouse in lty; svery convenience for-safe and proper handling or goods: lowest insuranc rate In northwest; free trackage, vans for movltig. Main or A-1S20. ' ; .TiTEWRITERa SBSsaBaeSsaaaeaSSSjsy AUa makes remed, repair sold. Cun ... M Pia iv. wain 1 IV (, , VKTEKINAKtAIf ""SaaafBMriSsaS D-.S'TH-.V, g., U. S; Stables. -'"'n.-main nae. Kes. Alain 1802. D oV k; ' DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue WALL PAF5!.. H2E?E.f",ntln?' pper hne-tng. tinting. And tha irnn,l . th. WA . T. u .1 n H. Moorehouse ft Co., 411 Wash, st "kAVERboarOorTiaie by, Morgan WtiULJi.3AU JUUUiOiS EVERDING & FARRELU produce and o... ,T" Biercnanis. 140-KTOnt at, Portland, Or. Thohe Main 179. r,rt,nr. A. GUN3T & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS rUKlliAND, UK. WADHAMS Si CO., wholesale grocers. - manufar-fnrara an1 r,tt. .1.1. and Oak sts. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co Imp. and jlom;Jiangings, wholesale and retail. -rum PB'IllUH MTlQ JUaUl. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. !4f A BANKS GEBMAN-AHIBl.'AN BANE Portland. Or. Comer Btxth and Waablngtoa its. Tram, acta a general banking bualnoaa. Drafts I'aned arnllable in all tha principal ettlea ( tha United States and Europe. . roar' per cent Interest raid on savings acconnta. . Bars.ds. polt vanlts. BONDS AND IXVITMENTS ORRIS ' BROTHERS. Railway ' Ex- cnange oiag. , Municipal, railroad and public service corporation bonds TRANSPORTATION " ALOHA Excursion to Hawaiian Islands Steamship 'Queen," Chartered for 30 Days' Cruise . On the Blue Paciflo end In the Land of Flowers First Per sonally Conducted Ocean ...... - Excursion from Portland 1 8 BATS AT CAST lTUCST CISCO , DATS AT EXT.0 AVS TBS C&ATZR. 7 ATS AT KOKOLtrtU DUX xira 'PLORAii rearivAiM" All Ex penses For Reservations and Full Par tlculars Inquire of Roche 4c' Thompson ' 816' WOBCE9TXB BIDO, ; Phones, Mala 839, A-8293 1 Ban rranoisco at rortiana Itteamshtp Cto, news service to to Angeles, via-San Francisco, every rfve Says. From Ainswor' Dock, Portland. 4. p m 8 S. Boss City 84, Beaver 89, Bear Sot. a. From San Francisco, Northbound. 12 m S3. Beaver 83, Bear 83, Boss City ot. From San Pedro,. Northbound. S3. Bear 86, Boss City 81, Beaver Bor. 5. phone Main 405. A-1402, J. W. Ransom agent. Ainsworth Dock; phone Main 888. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS; NSW TOBK, mDOir AHX OUASOOW NEW TOBK ABO NAPLES DIBECT. Single or round trip tickets between New York and Scotch. English, Irish and all principal continental points at attractive rates. Bend for book of tours. Superior accommodation. Excellent cui sine. Apply promptly for satisfactory reservation. For tickets or general in. formation apply to any local agent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERSON BROS.. Gen'l Agts.. Chicago, 111. o. . & rs. ASTORIA ROTTTB ' 6 THAMES KAESAX.0 Leaves Portland daily except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Makes all way landlheaf Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 1 a. m. IaVe8 Astoria daily, exceot Sunday, at 7:00 a m. Arrives Portland at 6:00 p. m. Makes direct connection with steamer for Megler. Ilwaco. Long Beach and all wotnts on the llwwco railroad. . SAN FRAXCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT BOBTB PACmO S. S. CO; S. S. BOAMOKB and S. S. E1DEB BAH Evarv Wednesday, alternately, at h m! Ticket of f ice 132 Third., near Aid.?: Phones Main 1314. A-13J4. r MARTIN J. HIGLEt Pass. Agent W.'H. SLUSSER, ghtAgent RouedTripS250 COOS35AYiIilJNBiS KTAMJea BBSAKWATEB' Sails r,.T7!r .v. Alaska Dock, Portland a p. . T Sent 20, 27. Oct, 11. 18, 26, NovTi g is received at Alaska Dock until a p, daily. Passenger ,fAre, f lrt cmSg.,m: ,.c ,nd CUS3, 47, including m Vn terms. l'kk?nVsa1 r,,,l"ortn dock. Phone Mala 263. A-123 TRANSPORTATION The Opea Silver TraasportstioB Company Str, J. N. TLAL Tor IH3G BALira sal -Way tandlrgi Leaving Oak street dock, foot of via'.i street Monday, Wednesday ar,,i Krid.v at 1 a. rn.. returning, leaving The Dali-J ing connectiptis at Celllo with STEAM, ra TWIW CITIES for Faaoo, Kcnne. wick, ana an roinis on the Columbia as mr am i t icai iiapius. CAPT. W. 8. BUCHANAN. Supt A. 8. WHITING. Agent leathern Psotflo. flavin-, irtlm,.A Aahlaod Pacne.r ..i... . Shat Limited ....., : '' I' 2 California Ex.ra ....-.'......! i-Tl S Forwt Grove PMengr,...;..,.v, 6:40 p. m. a vi nn ilia tfMft T.RO eV in Alaland Ftmvttr ................10:00 B. n. t"i"f.E?Pr?' ......110 a. m. K V.rt,n r . -'' 2:3. m. CJrraUUr passenger' : V) . (therldan Pa..i,.... foreat QrcrTB Paamria-erJ ....... ui-zti a. m. 8:00 . ' KlIVM. Wm-UI-' .... . Learlng Portland . ; , :'. Korth Ooeat Umltul 1 Pn. '' '' tlir Ceaet ,l&tte "tla totth A.i?Bt.e I1'""''1 Pet Soaad. .12:15 a. m. Twm I Itr Eviimsui a n.nL W. : patera Fxtrrtaa vl Pnffet Sonnd, .14:iS a. m. Eastern tinrfaa-Tla North n.k o-(Vi m. Miaawiri Hlrtr. Express via Punt . - soaaa. '..;.:..;..... lOdLO a. a.. Mlaaoujri ir Express tU Norti Fortlaod, Tacoma and Heattls Ex- greaa,. Grays llarhor. Olrmpls tail ooth Bend branches ............ :4S a. m, Portia nd-VancoOTer Hpeclal ........10:10 s. m. iniget Sound Limited, Grs?s Har bor and South Band braiwnea.... 3:80 p. n. Xacelt l'aMrnnar 4:00 p. m. Arrlrlng Portland North Coaat United via North Bank 8:19 p. . Nortlicoast - timlttd rla Pos et - Sonnd TJO a. is. Korthera Pacific Exprsas via North Bank ........................... 7:80 a. to. Rorthrta Paclfle Express via Pugat J'ia . T:10 p. m. Pacific Coaat Express rla North Bank j ....,......,.,...,....., 8:16 p. m. Pacific Coast Express via Pugst Sonnd T;J0 a; m. Weatera Express via North Bank.. 8:15 p. m. wetrB Express via Paget Sonnd.. 10:30 p. m. Mlaaonri Bfrsr Expraas via Nortk Bank . .i, T:30 A. m. Mlawmrl Kiver 1 Express . via Paget Sonnd '. 4:00 p. nt. Prtland-TBConia-8rattls EsBrcca and from Olvmnla. Sooth Hand and " Orajs Hurlmr 4KW p. m. Pngt Sound Lunlted 7:10 p. m. VaucouTer-Portland Special ....... 10:30 p. m. Yacolt faatenger .11:00 a. m. - Oreoa Ballnn4 ft Wavlfation Co. Llng Portland ' " Baker City Paaaang-er... .' 8:00 a. m. Ortton-WaabiDf too Limited ........10:00 a. m. Tba Dalles Ucsl,.., 4:00 p. m. Spokane Flyer ............. ...... :0O p. m. Boo-8pokaDs-Portlsnd : it:00 p. m. Oregon Express ................... 8:00 p.m. ArrlTing Portland . ' , The Dalies twal......,.....'.......10:15 a. m. Spokane Klyar tM a. m. urfsoa Kxprns , 10:30 . m.. Boo-gpofcane-Portlana ..............11:30 a. in. Waki-r rity Loral Psssenirer. .'. T;0) p. ra. t)rnron-Whln;ton Mirlttd 8:00 p. m. Aitoria a Columbia KItst. Astoria and SeaaMe Eipreaa 6:00 a. m. Aatorla and Seaside Express,....,,. ::tO p. m. Halnler Passenger ................. 1:15 p. m. Balnler Paaaeiirer ................ 0:45 p. an, irrWlng poailanrt . . . Beaalda sad Aatorla Cxprss.v....u2:20 p. m. " Bcaalda snd Aatorla Kipress. .. i. ...10:0O-p. to. Italnlvr and Portland raaaenger,,.. 9:40 a. m, Balnltr and Portland Passengi-r. B:QQ p. m, Oaaadlaa Paciflo Hallway Co. laiiig Portland: . Son-flpokana-PorUand ....... ...... .11:00 p. m. Via Seattle s .13:111 a. w. Arriving Portland 8oo-gpokan-PQrtlaiid ............. .11:80 a. m. Via Seattle .10:80 p. W, Oregon Waahlngtoa Ballroad Co. a LaaTlne Portland' RMttle Passengtr ................ 8:!H a. m. Bbaita Limited .................... 8:00 p. n. Owl . 11:45 p. tn. Arriving Portlsad Owl . T:15 a. m. BhsatA Limited ................... 8:20 p. Di. Portlana Pasnrnger 2:4B p. m, . JEITER80N STREET 8TATI0W. 8ithni panit'io. IifaTlng Portland Pallas Passenger ...... V' hi. Koreat Grovs Passenger ........... l:O0 p. m. Amnng roniana r . . ..v Dallas Passenger ..................10:13 s. tn. Dallas Pataengor .................. e:s P. foret qroTS ftiwiitLiiii ..1S:00 KLSVSJt'TK - AND HOYT BTREET8 fAS. BJSOEK Bl'ATlOa. Bpokans. foitland A Seattle Bail way CoT ,-r , . t , Lieaviug ..... Inland Empire Express 1:09 a. m. For Chicago, 8t. Paul. Omsha, Eantaa City. Bt. Louis, Billlnga, Spokane, Wahtumn, Kahlotas, Pssoo, lioosereit. Grknddalles. Ool dendals. Ljrle, White Salmon, Stetenooa and VancooTer. r. , ' ,' Tbe Orpgonlan , ....11:00 s. m. for Bt. Paul, - Spokane, Pesos, Sraaddallen, I.ylc, White Salmon, SteTsnsoa ana Vancouver. Columbia Rlvac Ixwal ............ -,.4:80 p. av.- Jiorth Bank limited ...... ...TiOO p. m.- ' for Chicago, St. Paal, 'Omaha, Kanaas Clry, St UuU, BlUIngs, Spokane. Waahtuena. Ktblotua. Paaoo. Roosevelt, Qrsaddalles, Ljte. Whits Salmon. Stevenaoa and, Vancouver. Arriving Paftlaad , v Tbe Oregonian .,,....i:....v.......T:08 a, m, lom Bt Pul, Swkane, Pasce, Marjhlll, Lle Wklte Balmon, Stevensea and Vanconver. Jiortb Bank Uaalted ..1:80 a. m. Vrsm Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas Cltr, St. touts. BlUIngs. Bpekana. Waahtuena, Kahlotas, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles. Ljla. Whits Salmon, Stsvsnsa and Vaoceever. Columbia Klver Lecal .....12:35 p. V Inland Bsoplrs Express ........... 8:15 p. m. From Chicago, 8t. Panl, Omaha. Kanaas City, St. Louis, BlUIngs, Spoksne, Waahtuena,. . Kahlotus. Pasco, - Roosevelt. Oraoddalles, Lyle, WMtaRalmon. SteVenaon and TanCTmvy- , Great Mortham Railway Co. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt ata. Oriental United, via Seattle ,,...10:00 a. m. i The Oregonlau, via North Bank..., 11:00 a. m. Oriental Llmlt.-d. via North Bank... 7:00 p. u. Internadonal Limited. Seattle; Ta- ooaia and Vauooaver, B. C. .....100 a. m. The Owl. TacoBJn, Seattle and Vsa- , .. coarer. --B, C... ....-.-... - 8;00 av sa- Shore I.le Kxpreaa. Tacoma, SeatUa m . ' and Waacouver,- B, Cn...... .,.11:80 p, an. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt ata. . Oriental Limited, via Seattle...... 8 40 a. ev The Orrconlan, via North Bnnkv. . T:05 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank... 8:1a p, tu. The Owl, V.ncoover, B. 0., Seattle aad faooma ...,....... ..i .... . 8:40 a. Sa, Shore 'Line Kspreea, Vancouver, B. C, Brattle and Twma. ........ . 8:30 p. BV International Limited, Veneonver, B. jrveHlesnd Tacoma p. tw, Taaaengor siatlon Trent ajid JefTeraea tta. Woo4bura, Ba'.era and Int. . Pelnta Lwal leave Portland 8:30, T:SO,; 11KIO a. a : I 00. 8:50 8:30, 8:40 p. Ml. Ltmlted tor -Tualatin and Salem 9:1S a. m. Local tor WllaonvUte and Int. atatlons 6:10 p. m. - Hlllaboro, Tom Grove and Intermediate Points Leave Portland 7:05, 8:30. M.2i a. m.l 12:10, 8:10. 8:80, 8:40, 8:25 p. sv. Saturday only 11:30 p. m. . . . Arrive Portland from SaUra and Int. Ststlors i-m:40, H:0 a. m.; 1:19. 40, 4 '. Ot). 8 20 10:50 p. m.- Local trom Wilsoiivilla and int. 6.40 a. m. Dally except Bandar, and Porttn-d from Fore Orov, an4 Int. Btatiors-S OO. 8:Sl. 11:40 a. W.j I B)), 8 i ), 8:10, 10:80 Sunday only 4:40 'ortIaiaar.way?'K m Ticket dftle-e and Waiting fiiwui. Ilrat and Aider and Eat Water and Kaat M'rrin Stwt. Cars leave East Water sod Morrison street. Oregon City 1:00, :!I0 a. m. and erurr ft-) minutes. -te and im-ludDig Iaat car mldulWit. : Grrabam and intcrmeillate points :.v, 7 . 8:4ft,. I:45, 10:45. U:4S a. '.. it:i 4S. 1-4.V 8:48. '4:48, 8:45. 8:43, H WS p. i. Pslrvtew and T-r-"''lale ;f.5. T:4.S. 8 41, :4 10:48 a, m.. 12:45,. 1:4.1. 8:45. 8:4 4 !. B:A 6:4.1 B. m. taiauem son inrerm.nm -pojm , a a .. H a, I" , ' -1 ', i.i-.- e,-K- r Vumw-1 t'-k. t otiice and waiftn room, Second tnd Wtilrg!on airi. 8:15. 8:) T.23. 8:00, 8.:S8. 910. 11:10, 11:40; p. ro 12 ) , t-.lO,: , 3:10, 8 51, 4:30. B IO, 5,f 8.20, t 8:1 S ifc. tO.-SS, ll 4.1. On thl:d Vontlay la e'erf BKia'h car lcavrs st T.i.) f. m. , 'Dally tarept sun..,. . La,. . ?-)v