- , r - i - t t -. V'"' MT i - (tin T ' n '-T T i ' ' ! roil i:i:xt flat.1? li ' ro:i sau; aitomc::im:: 4t lost and found ct j ;i::g, octo! ir. i?:o. i:a NI""H furnished good location; room for ccntleman; rtanonable. 554 East Morrison, . 'NlCKfurnii.had front room, walking dis rnnop. fst Kills. S-28K, Journal. ROOMS AND DOr.T 1" A PLEASANT bed room for two gen tlemen. Furnace heat, electric liRius, eat. etc. 50 mtn. walk from ousinebs center. Close to nvneK restaurant or wli) furnish-two meals fwr day. Rent 10 per month. 2094 Cherry st. BOARD a. id room for mmtana and wife or young men. 800 Jefferson, st. The Casarosa. - . ' LVRQE newly furnished furnace heated .oom for rent, board optional. 28G Haiey St. ' .. ; " 1 ' ' '; ' LADY would board children or give room or board -to party with a child. 907 Union ave. N. " 1 " UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE and four room flats, 10, $18. ISO! Market fit. - . " '"- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE THE ' BTC.WER 12th and -: Marshall. Furnished , for ' housekeeping. . g rant,-ea. electric liphts. hot water, bath, laundry, all free; ?15 per month up; clean place; best In the city for the rjioney; short distance from Unlou depot Take 8" er lth st.fars north, itet jf at Marnhail-at-- No w, Hunt's Exore$s Baggage Co, ' 1 trunk ,0Ci Additions Trunki ; 25o each. Grip with trunks free. A-239S. - , Marehall ,8418. H TO $1.50 per week; housekeeping rooms, single or5 ensuite; newly fur nished -throughout; bath,, laundries. ,phone, etc. . Sherman Houaa. ,14-18 i Bhermanv ei. WELL furnished housekeeping roojn; . 2, 8 month; , 1S; 4,,18; ood cot tRK. . 5 rooms,A 120;, 864, N. 28th, vwest sld river. ; W. car from depot, BtH or Morrison to zstn. diock nortn. HJRNISHED housekeeping rooms,- t and up. 663 Hood at. Phone ar. shall 1814. THE .COLONS Furnished" - housekeep . Insr room with all convenlenTeH. $10 and up, central location. S0H Alder at. 260 N." 19thWell furnished rooms for housekeeping! also single rooms; convenient, quiet, fine nelgbborhooa. FOR housekeeping; cozy parlor suite, cottage, close In. suitable for 2 adults. 819 Main st. ' ... ;. CENTRAL, comvenlent, complete; per week,' M up 429 Main at. near 11th. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; U h l. ga:1mode-ate, 7th & Flanders. A-4071 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS v -. - EAST SIDE , 48 HOUSEKKEEPINO suit to woman or , couple who will serve dinners to own ers; modern flat, close In. ,, Phone Sun day or evenings. C-2102. LIGHT housekeeping. $3 60 to J3.50 per week, single . rooms f l.so to i per week. The Lambert. 28H Union, ave. CLOSE in. furnished housekeeping . rooms. 409 E.' Salmon. Phone East '2 pr weak; clean, furnished nouHcKukf"' , lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phon. flewn linen. 406 Vancouver ave. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WHF.Nt you mov you'll need new f urnl ture. Buy Judiciously and your sav Ungs will exceed moving expenses. ' x Ouf NO-RENT- PRICES made us one of tte largest fovnlture hou4 in the city In less than two years Lookers shown the same courtesy as buyer. ; , . - - - MOROAN-ATCHLKT FUKN'ITURE CO, urana Are. cor. e. uteri 3t. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars Pase Our poors. W" can fjrmsh your home at t. great saving. See us before 1 purcaasing elsewhere. M.. Oetrow - & C.. -4-6 N. Id su -CoiOulete houselurnlshers.. Ra- sonable price. Easy terms. SUBURBAN i acres, house, barn, chlck- en house, good water, 2 blocks west of Courtney station, Oregon City car. Phone Red 42. - ONE acre, East Side suburbs, house, chicken house, weU,--orehard, $10 month: snap. Apply 364 North 26th. "W" can to 26th. block north. FURNITURE of 7 room house. In ood condition, for $360. Rent $45, at 414 Starrer 11th and jStark. ' $7 MONTH, room houwu barn, 3 lots. Mrs. -Wolf, 8089 87th ave. S. E., near 60th st. Stewart's Mt. Scott car, FOR RENT -Oct 1st. ; 6 room fur nished house. Piano. 65 North Tay lor st. Lfturelwood. Mt. Scott car. THREE new modern living rooms, rent $9, with water; no children. 988 Alblna pave. Woodlawn 203. Ion RENT 6-room cottage and barn, f EA Vr,...n. ..-11 t qulre 392 Columbia st. MODERN 6 room tenement, E, Pine near 13th. Address 836 Halsey. East 6095. C-22ftO---:-'.-..;:. .V ' ..v.::; Hx room apartment-house in good or- der, $16. Call 749 Mississippi ave. MODERN furnished house for rent; close in. AdpIv 661 4th st FOR RENT 4-room; cottage, furnished. wonney ave. v- ' " HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 FOR SALE 18 room house furnished complete. Fin home. Good lest- ment. Investigate. Afternoons nlv. 847 Hall. - . - -- T MUST sacrifice furniture of S rooms, all gooa connuion: e rooms rentea; good location; very desirable for a home. 0! Morrison St. $40 -New. 7 room: modern rnmnUtnlv furnlshed; new oak furniture fur-' muerwi awinorn ave., Close in. Ta1 bor 2270..- " .;.'i. - , JFURNISHED cottage for rent, furnl 1 ture for sa4e; 1 room rented, . now ipay expenses. 871' 3d. iFURNITURE 7 room house, close In, 1 very cheap If taken fct once. Phons U-4389. - - " - .- ' v.; ; .-"' y jFt'RNITURE of 8 room house, for sale; 1 "4 rooms pay rent; centrally located. IMaln i9. .f--'-.1. FURNITURE f 4-room flat for" sale; rent $12. 40T E. Yamhill st.- FURNISHED HOUSES 36 WELL furnished 5 room cottage.. 220 month; 4 room fist $18; apply 364 NT. 2th (west side river). W, car from depot, Sth or Morrison AO 2thi block UUl IH, ROOM modern bungalow, fully fur- Hth OC- rrn m ln KnVit. full hiosement a'ttic 983 Vernon ave, 2 blks. iI'URNISHED 6 room cottage with pl- ano. ; on; Morr s. neitr Williams v f.5 jnonth. : Inquire 628 Williams ava. B-1697. 8 ROOM furnished. In Irvlngtnn; will sell; particulars. W. C. Reed, 145 Mor rison.' ' '''f "" - .;.'.' I- r FURKISHED FLATS LARGE modern nieelv furnished 4 rooni flat good neighborhood, walking dis tance. 444 Rodney ave, East 4866T- AP.IRTMEXT3 43 "THE CODY" - v E. 1th and Taylor sts. -New, beautiful and very elaborately furnished spartments of two and three rooms. Something entirely - different from usual run of apartments. ThlB'ls worthy of Investigation If you are look ing for something exceptionally good. 1FOUR room apartment for rent Mad Aeon Park House. 262 Park st. Eyexy- lining moaern JjALSEX COtT aodetnrivat -Ub 1 steam, heat everything new, walking iQiBtance. eyi fin t Key, nor. Williams ave. FOR RENT FLATS 13 JrWOirioilenviu rooms, $27,60. . Cor.,E. 19th and Davis. Cheap Ren corner inst. ' MOPKUN 4 room f Kiist 3305, or tall 1 1.. both v'don'8 Fargo St., tor MS Corbet 6 rooms moocrn. $12 CO. Co., i Third. and basement, E, Thompson & I'i'I'J-k flat. five large rooms, alcove, porch, furnace. East 2nd and Clacka-; mas Clop In C-1001 -- . . nrvnvre - I IIUlIvLb , . , . w 1 HOTEL. PORTLAND European plan i only; ?3, JR day, 1 VA LLAMONT Furnished rent. S76 Yamhill. rooms for i HOTEL NOHR1S Modern. 17th end Washington. BELVEPEREEuropean, 4th and Aider. STORES AND OFFICEO FOR , RENT Store, with counters, shelving and lights; 8 room flat, barn, large yard, at Stewart station, Mt Scott, i Occupied five years as grocery. Phone, Tabor 660. , FOR RENT For term of 5 yearn, the old, Arlington elub buildirTg. West Park and Alder atk Apply to R. T. Cox, room 8, 250 8d st. FOR RENT cheap-fine large storeroom, business district, on Mt. Scott car ''ne. Phone Main' 8458. A FOR SALE-1 Round Oak stove for sals; nearly new, good condition. Call at 459 E. 51st st N. . 7. -FOR RENT or lease, a store 26x36, and. 2 light .living rooms, in a new build lng; t20. 966 Alblna ave. Woodlawn 202. V ANTED TO RENT v OBNTLEAN ' wants i funilsned ' room at moderate -price, within ? , 10 minutes' walk ct postoffic.- I S-239, Journal. WANTED-From 6 to 8 rooma furnished or unfurnished, close in, , Phone A 3920 after 7 p. m. 1 - FXV room furnished house, Stewart Park. Telephone Tabor 1042, or call 39th st, and 90th ave., third house.- WANTED To rent a good duck lake. 0-2S4. Journal. t H6L'SE West side. Reasonable. rent. Close In.- Phone East. 1429.: FOR ItENT-aiISCELLAXlOt S 83 ACRE of orchard and house to let on . car line, only $190 annually. - Scale & Curtis, East St' Johns. : HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses and Mules-tor Sale 1 bay mare. 1400, 4 yearajpld. 1 gray mare, 1400, 4 years old, . 8 black and bay mares. HOo. 8 to 10 years old. ' , 1 span grey geiaa., 1000, s years 01a . 1 span mares, 2800, -6 'years eld. -' 10 head horses. 1000 to 1100, 4 to 12 years old. . r.l span mules. 2600 lbs. ' 8 minlnr mules, 900 to 10QO" lbs. All sola under our guarantee; If not satisfactory to be returned less $1 per dav while none. . . Hawthorne Avenue Stables 420 HAWTHORNE AVE. ' $175 Buys ' team, ' wagon and 'harness. $65 Bay mafe and buggy. - ' $50 - ' Blaok horse 6 years oldt Weight HOO puunus. ,$30 Mule. Good worker. . ' Bee watchman In Park, East, 12th and Madison, " A NUMBER of horses ranging from 1200 to 1400 lbs.,; and some delivery horses - from 1000 to 1100 lbs, All guaranteed sound and true. 185V& Madi boj (Kpproch of bridge, west side. l. : ' '" tiAnoir1" ' ' 1,1 mt forsale: I span bay inares, 2600 lbs., and 8 years old. - Harness and new Mitchell 8H In. wsgon..-1 span geldings, 4 years bH 2400, and harness and new Mitchell i In. wagon. 426 East Yamhill. HORSES and buKKies tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Fant 72. JUST arrived, carload of horses from eastern Oregon, 110 to 1500 lbs. U. 8. Stables. 248 Front St. - ONE set light double harness. 1 14 tons . good wheats oats and vetch hay, $17. Janrfs, Haxelwild sta. TEAM mares, 2300 lbs., good watron and I harness, good farm outfit, all for $175. Apply 36eN. 26th at.. "W" car. . PASTURE ideal, lots of grass. $5 pe"r month: horses only. Address, A. E. Velguth. care Str. Iralda. F&UR good draught horses 1" rv o1 pheapv Monta villa , Wood , Yard, $si so t n hi. - LIVESTOCK AND POULTR1 3.1 JERSEY row.' S Vea.ru Old. xirlth blfer Fine Flats- -:!? !iihs. -calf -1 days' old. irlc $76; will trade 1 MONEY advanced salaried people, house for good driving horse. 182 E. 84th st I keepers and others topon their own Tabor 1112. 'names wlthouUsecurlty; cheapest rates. FOR SALE First d ' 1 1 .... hn. r? " St7of at Wilbur st, St John Arbor Lodge. y 1 FOR SALE-,-Two Jersey cows, one fresh a month, one in spring; good milkers. 88JW.. Prescott st. ;..:,... FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WE HAVE several bargains . in home furnishings this week, but what we want Just now Is about $5000 worth of household goods. What nave you got? Call us up. .: . . - - : Western Salvage Co, 645-547 Washington st. i!in 1108 or A-379S. . FOR SALE. -A 20 M. capacity Russell portable sawniill complete, with cut-off saw, dust conveyor, etc., also a No. 1 North west planer, with attachments; grod as new, has been used only a short time. For particulars call at my office,' 226 828 FrfMit st, Portlsnd,,Orr . ,,,,,5 . HERMAN METZOER, Owner. 6AFES -10 Second hand standard make. that have been taken In exchange, very low. prices. Portland Safe Co.. 17 6th st. ' . " LADIES' Alaskan (pup) seal Sacqu and muff. sie is, for sale. or trade. In quire bud u?ene st, Horse and express wagon. Call 60 N. tin pi. i'nune warsnaii gr.. A-4465. GASOLINE engine with good pump. Thoroughbred Spits pups for sale, - Pktna tt7t itlUHS J U 9 I ...... , . . WANTED M1SCELL1NEOUS 8 WANTED People of Portland to know mai. wo pay nignesi casn price for econd hand household goods. Seater Gustavson. ,143 Russell. Ea"t 1668, WANf ED Gas rangeTor plate, also gli's heater; roust be cheap. Phone Main 814. An for M x well " EAST SIDE auction jobbers want 2d - band furniture, highest prio paid. 94 Grand ave., E. 1051. OLD auto tires delivered, 7o a lb. Old auto inner tubes, 20c a. lb. J. Leve. 186 Columbia, Main 6198, GET our price on your furniture, as It will pay ybU. .We want the goods. Savage A Pennell. 851-8 1st st. Main 860. BE WISE; ge more for your second nana inrniiure di Auction Co.. 2U let, hand furniture by -selling if to" Ford Ford 2446.. A SURPRISE Prices w pay for used iurnnure. CHBi; 04.U. 1BZ Grand SPOT cash paid for your furniture; '-.-prompt attentnn always given. E. 1067 lilGHEST price fld for lid-hand cloth- Wa N TKi -Tiwtnhni-wf- tn him niiu viitirn, cam ivQl. of- bees. Address, P-114, Journal. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 PORTLAND Radlatftr Lamn and Fendr1 1u'or,k"' "U '0I'1 guaranteed. U Klocttke, 106 2d st. N. Tt if! 4 TV J One 1908 4 -cylinder Royal Tourist, 5 passenger, fully equipped, in first class comlUion; will pell cheap for cash If token at once. , ' One -130 4i h. p" Locomobile. This Is a good bnrraln; better rail One 1909 2 cylinder, hltrh wheel Me- Intyre, just the" thing for muddy roada. In first class condition; will Bell for ,ca"n FlIe' ... . .. . . ' uno mi cylinder r.eo, in rirst cinss roirauiuu, win Ben or iraae ior, insiuo pronftrty ond pay difference. One 1338 4 cylinder Pope-Toledo, S passenger, fully equipped, will tell cjieap for cash. HAWTHORNE GARAGT5, 445 Hawthorne Ave. . C. O. Crawford. FOR SALE Ok EXCHANGE. One 7 passenger Thomas, 2 Franklins, 4 Bulcks, 3 Lozlera, 2 Mitchells, 3 Cad illacs, 6 Chalmers, 1 Auto Pell very, 1 motorcycle, 1 runabout. All In first class condition. Portland Auto' Com. House, 60-52 N. 7th at. . George Mo- iTQHKey, sole owner. BARGAINS. 1 Apperson, 1 Thomas Flyer, 1 Bulck Runabout; will exchange for pi operty. East Side Auto Co., Holladay. and N. Union ave. ' . NEW 60 h. p. automobile. 1911 moiiel; : never been used; guaranteed for one year; 'cash or .terms; make reasonable oner, van bu tuin nt. FOR TRADE- 4 passenger Franklin, completely overhauled October 14. will trade foi Inside property. Want larger car. Phone B-1017. v.. - , ALMOST new 30 h. i?hs passenger au- snap, 81000. cash or terms. Call' 86 10th. Jj:OK SALE A large 7 passenger tour- i inr car, - uain or tr ror citv nron erty." niH 6th sf ' . TWO five passenger Firestone autos for saie, nao. utile usage, 1126Q. Call B6 10th st,' -;- - ' ,. . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 THE Che s. . jfork Band Instrument A Musio House, 88 Sd St. FINANCIAL , 51 CASH' paid for mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate In Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bid.. 6th and Stark. Quick loans on furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, life insur- $ ance policies. nvestocK. real estate. 8 etc. U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage t Co.. 312 Hamilton bids.-' Main 2084. CASH for first and second mortgage, lot and building contracts. Call or address 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Solomon. 288 Stark at MONEY TO LOAN 27 . HUTTON CREDIT CO., ' 807 Spalding - bldg, DON 1 WORRY. Is your landlord waiting for his rent? Is your grocer waiting for his blilT Is your life Insurance company wait lnr for Its premium? Is your furniture store waiting for Us payments? Have you been out of work or had sickness, with all Us. extra bills? If so, you have worried enough with out worrying about money. - vi But. you say the landlord must be paid and others will not wait , Don't worry; let us do the waiting. We have money and nothing to do but wait that's our business. 1 -Get -OUI of debt. - - - - r '-; Get your mind. off your money trou- You will be able to work better and et out Jit debt sooner. . i Come and get the money from us from $10 upward. . We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures,- storage receipt or any personal property; also on your salary. We will give you. $ toJ5 months In which to r-ay it off. :. Easy weekly or monthly payments. See us first when In need of money. ' We offer a better proposition on loans nt this kind than can be found else where,-- 7- . , .HUTTON CREDIT COj. v." 807 Spalding bldg. - - Third and Washington sts. Borrow Money irom tne . Salary Loarkiank k 5 - , -No- security. - ',v';;"T Everything confidential.' Lowest rates In the city. State Security Co. . 308 Falling Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. $30 AND Two of our clfents offer these amounts on approved $5500 TO LOAN security. What have you? Real Estate Department HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 4-6-6 Chamber of Commerce. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of Interest See ma first ' J, E. Nichols - - 620 Board of Trade bldg. easiest payments: offices in 66 orlncl mis; F.a.Lc.lt,.? L'.I in iiM, j uii'iaii, Oil iju lti T7 1 liAViiai'r, YOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co., '-7TAbtpBton,'-'io6y.4vu'':;;:';:i 821 WE can place your money at good rate . of Interest Gilt, edge security; first mortgages; Song time Investments. PROVIDENT INV. TRUSTEE CO, 624-626 Board of Trade Bldg. . WE HAVE money to loan on real es tate, security: we also-make some farm loans. Call and see us. . 821 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 2721. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty building loans: lowest rates; fire In surance. W. G. Beck, 312 Failing. MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Goodnough & Selta, 210 Spauld- ing wag. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A Reynolds Co., 88 Chamber of Commerce.- ;-': , .. " . ) ' ' r:.l ;,',-' C0WESTRATES; loans on anreour lles, chattels or roaK estate. Uniop LiOan jo., oo uymw oiq.. oin at wash, R. A; FRAME Short loans on any kind - of security.-. F leldner - bldg. - Phone Main 6239. ' " - '-- ' - $100,000 on - mortgages,, city or farm property? fire insurance. McKenale Cu-.-GerUnger hide;.. 2d and Alder. $1000 up to loan, improved residence property. Northern Trust Co., 270 Railway Exchange bldg- . 1 LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel, ine wanuii leitum bldg. flAT.ARY LOANS- -F. A. Newton. -6i6 Henry bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. S. W. Mug.- a nniiiiijiuii puih, Main S101I, M ONKY to loai, on Improved real estate! J. L. White, 831 Sherlock bldg. SUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Goddard A Wiedrick. 243 Stark. Building Loans C- Furlong, contrao- tor. ' 688 Chg- f Com. Main 4684. ANY .part ot $50,000 to loan at a cent Interest 2or fc.Mioit bldg. per LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Oct 14 on 12th st between Burn side and : coucn. - leather nurse con tatning $45; teamster was seen to pick up, and an be identified. Return en gine room, W einhard s Brewery. Reward. LOST In Nob Hin"dlstrlct. roiihm link gold bracelet with diamond In middle link. liberal reward to finder. Phone Marshall IZSB. . LOST Between Front and 16th and Vashingtona lady's purse, containing morev ann Keys, finaer pie return to tiiiYi wasnington. itewara. LOST Idy brooch. - f - Twemd In i-enlet hiii iMUino'neitrlii4y"r'thw-' Finder phone Woodlawn 889, or call 783 vviiiiams ave. Kewara. " PlAiviOND brooch, lost Sept 84. Finder piense return to i aim st. tteceive f"ward LOST Bull terrier pup. 7 months old; reiur joi4ncj.cewari I , I DR. ALICE A. i-iRIrl". ! Diseases of women and children ex I $3 REWARD Large leather pouch and cluslvuly. Women' are often saved so j papers. . Lost Thursday morning. Ore- v(ro surgical operations ny consulting j pon electric depot. I 'ouch marked "H. me. Nervous diseases, of children a J.. eiiu-ko," Kant-ns City. Return to specialty. Private. hospital oecommoda j o 07 Lom'&ermens bldg., 6th and fr-tark. tions. Confinements cared for. Cor- 're&pcndence Solicited. No charge for I '' ; 'consultation. Phones, Main 3928. A-550T. MISSING since Thusday night, a yellow , male dOK. short t legs and long body ; i resemnlea a. 'Snitz: loner hair, with strap collar, named Teddy; return to 620 7th j st. and receive reward. r NOTICES o3( NOTICE OF SALE. The undersiened will offer for sale ati - public auction and will sell to the high- est bidder at such eale. at the west , door of the court houBe of Multnomah county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 22d day of October. 1910. at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. of said day : Sixty bonds ; of the Campbell Lumber company, a corporation, together with the Interest coupons pertaining thereto, which bonds are of the par value of $500 each and are numbered as follows: Five bonds numbers. 21 to 25 Inclusive, 5 bonds J numbers 38 to 40 Inclusive, 50 bonds known as a part of the first mortgage ! 6 per cent bonds of, the Campbell. Lum- . ber company, a corporation incorporated I under the haws of Xh state of Oregon, i and which bonds are oertified AO by the Fidelity Trust Co., of Tacorna, Wash ington, trustee, ana are enmiea to tne lien of ths trust deed or mortgage given to -eoure- the-bond Issuer of "the;-said Campbell Lumber Co. , , v - This sale will be made by the under signed hy virtue-of the agreement en tered Into between th Camphell Ldmber company and the undersigned giving us the usual right to sell any of the col lateral in our -hands toward satisfying the indebtedness of the said Campbell Lumber company to us, so far as the proceeds of the sal of the said 60 bonds may' go. Terms of SaW: Ten per' cent of. par value' Of the bonds to be paid In cash at time of sale, balance' to be paid In cash upon delivery of the. bonds sold. Dated . at Portland, Oregon, this 6th day of October, 1910. PACIFIC EXPORT LUMBER CO., By D. L. Blodgett, Secretary, NOTICE TO, CREDITORS In the dis trict court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Andrew 'U Hall, bankrupt; No. 1661 in oanKrupicy. notice is nereDy given that an the -13th day of October, A. P. 1910, Andrew L.: Hall, of Portland, Ore gon,, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his credftrs will be held ' at the offices of tr under signed, rooms 401-2, Fentoo ulldlng, Portland.- Oregon, onthe 24th day of October, 1910, at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other, busi ness as na v properly come before said meeting.- Claims must be presented in fors required by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn - to. The schedule filed dis closes no assets. , CHESTER G. MURPHY, . ' Referee in Bankruptcy. Bted Oct 14th, 1910. TQ, THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO - ' - - MAH COUNTY, OREGON. Notice la hereby given that on Mon day, October 17, 1910, " the board of equalization of Multnomah' county will attend at the office of the county clerk of said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1910, and correct all errors In valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or prop erty, 4 and it Is the duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time and plaee appointed, and If it-shall appear to such. board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property as sessed twice or in the name of a per son or persons nor the owner of 'the Same, or assessed under or beyond its value, or m,jands. lots or other prop erty not assessed, said board of equall ration, shall mako the proper corrcc tions." B. D. SIGLER, "County Assessor, Portland, Or., Sept. 2i$, 1910. SEALED bids will be received at the Office of School clerk, 402 Tilford building, ' Portland,' Or., until 6 p. m., Thursday, October 20. 1910, for grading,' Improving of and laying cement walks on part of the following school grounds: Glencoe, Kerns, Peninsula, Richmond and Jefferson high school. The first four mentioned are to be done In ac cordance with nlans and soecif (cations of Architect George Otten, cdpies of ! wnicn may De ODtainea at clerk's ornce. The last one meatloned Is to be done m accordance with plans and specifications of Architects Whltehouse & Fouilhoux, copies of. which mav be obtained at ately. The board reserves .ths right to reject any and all bids. R. H. TH OM AS, School Clerk. SJ3ALED bids wilTbe received at office of school clerk, room 402 Tilford build ing, Portland, Or., until 6 p. m., Novem- kA 9 101A mmUmaI J and teachers' desks, for the year ending i-xovemoer sv, mil. tsias are to l Oa each kind and size separately, quota - uons are understood to cover same up ana properly secured to the floors In such rooms, at such times and in such quantities as may be Indicated by ine scnooi ooaro. or its agents, a ccri Ufled check - for $500" is to accompany each proposal. - The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. It H. THOMAS, Clerk. PERSONAL 22 SWEDISH graduate, specialist In nerve, blood, rheumatism and stomach dis orders, liver Iclrinev anrl famnla trnuhln j.i una vr aiBgusiea in trying expen-( inenis to regain ana retain neaitn, nna put for yourself before you run down too far. mv wondnrful rura and arlnn. tlflo method of removing the cause ofirjMlNGS A" Catlttm rhiiii i.. human.ufffring. I wjldlagnoss your ! ev.rTbnch ShwSiS case free of rharira. "Dnn't trnt hina " No matter from what you are Buffering, no matter what elso you have tried, there Is relief and more than likely a cure, for you. Physicians and the publio are cordially Invited. C. Holmstrom, scientific masseur and medico gym, 202 303 Oregonian bMa. Resident calls an- swered promptly. Phone Marshall 2826 PILES and appendicitis cured without drugs, without a knife, A food which prevents the clogging that In vites these diseases. For sale at any grocery, fifteen cents a package. Sample iovm5 ira instrucuons riity cents. Each package contains one week's treat ment The Ct.arlal Ci.t 75 North Park st, : MES6 ClURED PflfflV Modern eloctrlo trtmant for rliueaaea of the prostate, nervous debility, piles, ete. W. I. Howard. M, D.. 304-8 uotn- child bldg. 4th and. Wswhlngtbn. Are You RuDtured? J, ri,rfflM trim, is nnmAm mA HA bv a specialist to men. women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no Charge. Wilson. 66 8th st. UK. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private -hospital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047; -A-I4U. 606 Common- wealth Piag.. 6tn ana Ankeny. WANTED By widower past '40. lady parmer wun iuu 10 ii)UU-in rooming house and mail order business with the object of marriage If suited. P-8S6. journal. GERMAN books, magar.tnrs, novels, eta, uerman, jcngnsn. trencn, Kpanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign dooks 01 an ainus. .-, Bcnmaie Co.. '229 1st: sty,"- ;; : .; . DR. WALKF.B, epeclallst; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands. kid ney, bladder ar,d plUv 181 First, Port- inna. MADAM ESTELLE. macnetlo healer: mental and spiritual scientist teacher 01 soul ; development, 193 W. Park; A-6306. ' LIQUOR habit permanently cured In three days: no suffering and harm less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Peninsu lar ave.. Portland. Or. WOMEN -Use Femoids when others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aus- WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 15 mlnutea; free demonstrations. 9 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg,' Neo Plsstlque Agcy. BALM- of rigs, remedy women. 632 Davis st to diseases or Main 9215.- 6FXINB Tills only 75e box. Call or ad- 4rirBFtdgabarmfvyf8-MorHon; Vi"'" OTn Jrana 'iheatre piag., """""" -' BUSINESS DIRECTORY; ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS I NORTHWESTERN Appraisal Co. In. ,' S,p"?n! PPraI"'a n d adjusters. ft. . woooia 3025. ARTISTS' MATEniALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. K. H. MoOrehonse ft Co.. 411 Wash. si. . A SOFTER- WELLS A PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. 204 Wash. M. 7506. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 186 Morrison. AXTOKXETO J. R. HUGHES. 304-0-8, Failing bldg, . Main 7386 and A-S034. Practice in tftf.. courts. Collections a specialty. CHRlSTOPHEHSOxN - & MATTHEWS, general practice. 41. -1Z Buchanan aid BATHS AND SWIMMING PORTLAND: Swimming Baths, 167 4th. Plunge, steam, tub, shower, bath s, 2 60. , BLANK BOOK MAKERS w.i -ni HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 108 2d St T1 f. 1 1. i'M. a.,,. I T . improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see:-the new Eureita iear. -a-jiss, wain iss. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Street paving, ' sidewalks and Cross Ings. 81T Beck bldg.' TIN roofing, guttering, repairing: am general looping, j. Losll. 212 Jeffer son st 'Main 1424. THE. BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO.. Portland orrice, 4(i Worcester piag, JAd. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of insurance, surety ponds. McKay bldg, VAUVES CLKAM.NH GLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co, Clean carpets without removal. . 44Z8, lONli Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. Ev 860. B-2286. CAIU'-T WKAVINU NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from ' Old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 10s union ave.. near u. Morrison. ' PMVTJCWITT.i r.r mr,A T anrV. t?ofonlal rag carpet and rugs, iili patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2685.: COAL AXD WOOT NOTICE SPECIAL PRICES ON GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load..$2.6Q GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.7$ INSIDE" DRY SHORT, per load. .$3.50 BLOCK WOOD, per load ,.,$3.60 bawuust, ror ruei ana Deaaing. The Portland Slab wood Co. Main 8119.. A-7001. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. Will save you money on your coal. 846-848 East Ankeny street Both phones: B-2343 East 214. Orders placed with A. W, Curry. 116-118 Grand ave., or Nisbet Grocery, 666 East Morrison, will receive prompt attention A PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry Inside wood, per load. ...... .$3.75 Smalt dry Inside wood, per load., 2.75 Dry block wood, ner load. 4.60 Planer trimmings, long and short. Fhones Main 8709. A-7356, Good dry country slabwood: heavy, oegners wooq to,.; tn ana unpen. Wood and Coal Delivered promptlyf Harrington xransrer ruei co. 43s ,,, iiorrison, Meier & Frank take oders for our standard grades, or pnone ast 03, or C-2301. Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. ALBINA FUEL CO.. 47 Alblna ave., also ttroaaway ana , ta St.; prompt de- Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN 2T E. Morrison, FUEL COMPANY. East 226. B-1026, "Wh ite & Benson fuel Co. 416 East Morrison. '"East 914. t cnierly O. K. Wrood and Coal Yard. ouuin runiLAu EUUinuuiJ CO., 1 Main 2153, A-3842. Dry Inside wood, et'sreen siaowooa, ciean sawdust for bed i nm. cm iuei; oiqckwooq. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Call. Main 8767. Foot of Curry st. .Yamato Wood and ; Coal Company, .T,,8 FUEL R-eductlon 26 cents per load on box wood for the next 5 days only. Standard Wood Co. East 2315, B-1695. CEDAR blocks, gj-een, $1.60i edar block dry, $2. Phone A-8849. Main t163. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDKIU .wuinj, rsmoueiing, repairing a special , u .. . .,. , , . . ty; show cases, counters, shelving, eto Offlce and shop SJl 1st st Phone Mar- snail COLLECnU7n CURRENT snd delinquent accounts collected.- Wells Mercantile Agency, 70$ Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collee lion Agency. All debts collected. 817 Atlsky, A-7317: M. 4J22. CONTRACTORS ; AND BUILDERS WILLIAM , FISHBECK, carpentrsnd " builder, jobbing and contracting. 206 th. Main 6241. , JTOR cement work. niasterlna-. brick worn, excavating, cau on C. Olson Marshall 1441; A-4020. 192 Orover st CARPENTER contracts, JobUng-spec- laity. w. rJ. .lerKins. xatior Z74. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. 1 L. Plnckney White. Main 8074, A-7026. DETECTIVE AGENC1 SKILLED detectlva service rendered; all classes 01 wora nanaiea oy world wide experienced operatives; all work absolutely confidential; lady assistants, Nat Detective Ag'cy, 871 3d. Mar. 1849. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. P. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. DANCCTO MR. and Mrs. Heaths' dancing-school, .Alisky bldg., 8d and Morrison sts., stage danoing taught, class Sat eve nings, private lessons dally, waits and two-step guaranteea in 4 lessons. DANCING lesson. 26c every mornlna. afternoon and evening! waits, two Step and three step; stage dancing taught Professor Wal Willson's School, wasn st., oti w. t-arit and 10th. PROF. RINGLER S dancing classes. RINGLER Mon. and Sat eve. Private Instruction dally. Western ACad., Zd-Mor. M. 9212. II U D0-JU'ILOIlS-4IOSPlTAlWm DR. BROWN, D. V. 8., of. 324 Flanders. M. 408$. Hosp. 89 E, 12th. E. 6440. IDLECXKlUAl, 61 PPI.IW MOTORS for int or sale. Taclftc Eleo. trie- nstneer4ttsrCo-.r Ztt 2d st. REAL ESTATE NAME . , , , , r.:iker. D. XL, CHy, Farm Property Urung Sr.elo Company Hrnbhi;ef A P.emHllct . Card Keltf A lriTeistment Co Cwk A Co.. B. S Chepn A Harlow... linonrt Murshall, Farnn, l Ity i-rowii Ilonck, ficiirK A. (CifloDixatkm) Kaipp A Mackey. ... ,., Oi-enos K"l Kstflfe Co., The ,..y hd'.k. Oeorce D ,...,... fhleldn, 3. H... , Thorn pno n, M. E. Cn....t '" ELECTRO I.V5T5 a. MOLES, wrinkles., supernuous ' moved. Mrs. m. u. mu. " GLAZING UNITED GIbss end Glazing Co. 94 H. 14th st All kinds or giaas wm. , CASOLIXE EXGI.XES - :k BTATlONARt and marine; electric equipments: launcnea, . acceyi m whohal and retail; engine repairing. Rel-son Machinery Co.. 1 Morrison. HAT FACTOR MEN'S hats' cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city 64-8S 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg; Hats direct from the factory at halt price. - CHAS. L. MASTICK" A CO.." 7. jrront. ' Leather of every description. : i9 manufacturers, findings, ', - Liltll CIRCULATING Ubrary, 188 6th, bet Taylor and Yam mil, books so per oay. MACHINERY Bi TRENKMAN A CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N,-4ta MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable. 526 Wash. MULTIGRAPHINQ PORTLAND Mailing Co multlgraphlng, typewriting, mailing, public etenogra pher, personal typewritten circular let ters. 806 Railway Exchange bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS RUZZI'S band,- orchestra, musl fur nished for all occasions. ' Phone Main 8292, 325 Flledner bldg., 10th and Wasn ington sts. . - E. THlELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Bevclk. war, iiay. a-ip. " marquHm PIANO. Violin, cornet mandolin. Prof. E. A. Bmitn. zvt iztn bu OS1EOPATH1U FHYSICIAXS PR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, Spe cialist on nerves, auuis ana enronio diseases. 217 Fen ton bldg. Main 8961. Pit SMITH, graduate Kirkvilie, mo. 189s: post araauaie sis o wet land bldg. - . : -" : - ' PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F, E, BEACH A CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 136 1st Main 1334. A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO., "High Standard" paln4, ne. cor. Jd A Taylor. M..A-1771. GET our prices on palntlns. Paper- lng. tinting Ernest Miller Co 172 1st FAINTING AXD PAPERING FOR best woA, prices right call P. A. Poane; 104 uniom ; tiotn pnones. PAINTING, tlntlner. caperhanrlna. H. unristensen io., jyam ivoi, A-ini. FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone K. I80B, Ail worn guaranteed. PAINTING and all Its branches, rooms tinted $3 up. Osbourne Bros, E. 2841. PATENT ATl'UUNKYB' HANDBOOKS for inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler A Robb, 177-181 McQUl bldg.. Washington, D C. PATENTS procured by Jf. K. Mock, Attor-ney-at-Law, late U. S. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNING PIANO tuning, two dollars; 18 years' experience. E. 4979 893 Vancouver av. 5 PLUMBING CONTRACT work, any stse Jobs: you or I furnish material; day or-Job work' estimates furnished. H-106. Journal. PRINTING! -rWELCHPOTTIRGCO,:-: Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper. 141 1st. THE BEST PRINTERS Beattle A Hof- mann. inc.. 204 Etarx. ROOF DOCTOR IF YOUR roof leaks or needs paint - mall ard -to - Woodward Roof Paint CO..106H N. 8d St. Estimates free. i;tUKH bTAMPft AXD SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. Z31 Stark. Main hot. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs; locaouts opened; bargains In second hand safes. SHINGLES BEST in Portland. See them. 201 Washington st S. E. Gilbert. SHOWCASES AiyU riXTCRES SHOWCASES of every description bank, ".bar and store fixtures made to J.r" 1'h 1 iillrn Mfsr Ch. - -ti-. - THE JAMF-a I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and Oia snowcases. camneii?, more and office fixtures. 2 coucn, . ztm. bLIiV-OfiA iSi-i-aeaaat,taJ,i WALTER M. OBER. platting, subdivld lng and topographical maps a spe cialty. 160E. 28th St N. p-aODg. MUM AiU Bllun CAIUW FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the larg est Bl?n makers in the northwest. E. 7th ami E. Everett sta Phones, East 1111, Home B-2224. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT'' Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1698. STORE AND OFFICE FJLXT URES rTil Virdsell." hamiln b'ldS Show eaBes in stock. Prompt delivery, Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented. -repaired, sold. , Cun- nmgnam to., ssi EtsrK. iviain nui - TiUNSFER AND; SI OR AGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. - Transfer and? forwarding agenta Storage; free trackage. Office. 810 Hoyt st.. bet 6th and 8th. Phones: Main 89; A-1169. PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. 13th and Everett sts., Just opened, newest, most modem storage warehouse In citv; every convenience for safe and proper t a a A 1 1 t a mtA m Intu ' InamranAa ior moving.- main or A-iiiii. C O, PICK Tranisfer A Storage Co.,- of fice and .commodious 4 stdry brick warehouse, neparaie . iron rooms ; and fireproof -vaults for valuables; north TifPt 'orner ,2d arvl Pm? sis. Pianos a nii furniture nwed and picked fur finipmentnialn 59 6 .T- 3 3 9." '- r "i J L ' AliDKKSS 3"3 t'ir'tt niflf. 110 h-end St.... ?":i Mclvay I'.l.lgr. llftiry EiiK., M (orbett tiitlR. T! ' 1 !'I',' . .A -li -2, l m;i I - I . .M.ou aii'l A i 1 Malu i 'l ilarshi'.ll lf.iiT. A-!W JIhIu li- 1, A S ' 1 DIRI Ihnmhpr ot Coruuicrc 1.....KHin 7. i)'A Ald.T .Mnin - i .Mnlu W'H w mii Blrlc.... Mal.i 1 .' 1 ....Oranit Are. and Multnomah. . lt T. C-17'-4 ,...221 Stark 8t.;r , Main A "a j .....WS (Jerllneer Fids...., Main M 1 ....Hnry Wd 4th-Oa:... M. SOtM A-SS'.'T TOV.KL SUITLr' CLEAN towels daily, romb. brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., Sth and Couch sta. t.ifimi)8,",ra?nth;. 1 -?o"lnd. Laundry A Fhones Main 410. A-4410. VTltIARU " "-SisassT-agssssjBisss a' ,S";TH. V. S.. U. S. Stables. .-.a -i"iu. main ,jpb, ites. Mam 110 J. DR. L. R, DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72. 697. B-1869. WALL PAPJL. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting., , h oda that go with them. K. II. Moorehonse A Co., 411 Wash, st BEAVER board for sals by Morgan. wan raper Co. EVERDINO A'FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front st, PorUand, Or, Phone Main 179. . ; M. A.' GUN8T A CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, manufacturers and eoffaa roastars. 4th snd Oak sta Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co, Imp, and dom. hanglngs!Vholesala and retaiL SiORGANwXLT!rAPER" st. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN A LEWIS GROCERIES. GEBHAlf-AMXBIOAN BANKPortUssV Ok Coner 8Uta and Waablaftoa Sts. Trin. eta a caoeral basklos bnaln Drafta innta araunDia In all the orUcloal ettlaa at ih United 8UtM and Euro pa. goo per cant interest, pnj.fo sarlDSt aecoonU. . ia(e BONDS AND INVESTMENTS BStal-SJBjSS M ORRIS BROTHERS, RaflwaT Kx- change bldg. Municipal, railroad and publlo service corporation bonds TRANSPORTATION Faloha" Excursion to Hawaiian Islands Steamship '4Qucen," Chartered for 31 Days Cruise On the Blue Paciflo and !n the Land of Flowers First Per- sonally Conducted Ooean Excursion from Portland DATS AT pjux Is-jrCISCO S SAYS AT C&AS, KTXO AlfS TKB 7 BAYS' AT HOWOLuXrj DVTM ISQ 'TLOaAi TESTrv-AlK" ' penses 1 Reservations and Fun Par- . . tioulars at 'Pacific Coast S. S. Cos OT7xo 946 wArarrroTOTT bt. BOCHB ft, TKOMPSOV -;. nagsrs The Open bitsi Transportation company Str. J. N. TLAL Tax THE DaT.T.TiS and way aaiag-a Leaving Oak street dock, foot of Oak street, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 a. m returning, leaving The Dalles Tuesday. Thursdav and Sat ur dav ma V. lng connections at Celllo with STEAM. wick, ana an points on tna Columbia as far as Priest Rapids. ,,,L''. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN, Sup t A. S. " WHITING. Agent ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS HEW TOBS, tOWDOK ASTD GUtSSO'W Sineln or round trln tickata h.f ,.-. New York and Scotch, Engllah, Irish and all principal continental points at attractive rates. Send for book of tours. superior accommodation. Excellent cui sine. Apply promptly for satisfactory reservation. For tickets or general In formation apply to any local agent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERSON BROS., Gen'l Agte., Chicago, HU . Saa rranclico m Toraand BfMuashlp Co. , ... av wa auRViH, VISjl Baa ; 7xanelsco, every rive San, From Ainswoni Dock, Portland, 4. p m S3. Bear Oct. 19, Rose City 34, Bearer 89. . From San Francisco, Northbound 12 m SS. Beaver 83, Bear 88, Boss City" IT oy From an Pedro, . Northbound. , . SS. Beaver Oot 21, Bear 90, Bos City 31. H. G. Smith, C. T. A, lit Third sis phone Main 402. A-1402, J. W. Ransom agent. Alnsworth. P"ck: phone Main stt. v. .;-;vi O. R. '-&'; N.V'-.'y' p. a :,: . ASTORIA BOTTTB . STXM KAS3AX.0 Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Makes all way landings Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 a, m. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 00 a m. Arrives Portland at 6:00 p, m. Maks direct connection with steamer Nahrott for Megler, Ilwaco, Long Beach and ail points on the riwaco railroad. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAX DIEGO DIRECT ITOSTK 7ACIPIO 8. S. CO. S. S. BOAMOKE and 8. 8. ILDx BAH, Every Wednesday, alternately,-at 6 n. m. Ticket office 1$3 Third, near Alder phones Main 1314, A-1S14 v 'aar' MARTIN J. HIGLEY; Pass. Agent W. H. SLVSSER. Freight Agent. COOS BAY LIINB BTEAMTJS BBBAKWATra Balls from Alaska Dook, Portland, 8 p. m. Sept. 20, 27, Oct. U. 18, 35, Nov. , , 22. 29, and every Tuesday night Freight received t Alaska Dock -until t p. m, dally. Passenger fare, first class, $t,i; second class, $7, Including tni an I berths. Ticket on eaJe at Ali.stvoit.-. dock. Phone Mli 268, A-1234. S.-S;QoldenQate For Tiilamook. Iliy ' City and Oarbaldl LtaVea wih. d-vir ,T--j' 7.1.1;. S.;j, A'-- 4 DniinrlTrinn ut.-;