The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 15, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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Oncet an Puppp we wented on a nuttin' nuttin party." i Thet wasn't nobuddy ,ther-fnobuddy
else .wenteii.tq the nuttin' party,'xcept Puppo an' me. tWc wiented to get some fortune telliri' nuts' for Hallow-
eeri; an Gwendylyn Vangeline May's Halloween party. AnT when we gotted to the gf-r-eat big Woods ther
was a whole lot o nice fat plump ittle squirrels, an 'ey was , fairy squirrelies wif wingses to 'em alll '
1 An' ey sed, "Hello, therV'Katin Kiddol How's yourj An' we telled 'em we wanted some fortune telling
nuts,' an' 'ey filled up our bacrs'wifwif mo'. maamif erous nuts. anV loner corned a bur fat 'mans, an' he sei.
1 is rresdent Taft." An' an' me an' PUppo we kercheyed an' we sed. Good mormn , Mr. Pres den'L';
L hisself wif if,' an the squirrelies fairies sed, "He's ateh so many nuts
An' he taked orf his musstach an fanned hisse!
'at he's goned nutty' An what-che-know.T)out-atf He wasn't not Mr. Taft after allt
f," Mum i in. mi, i in i mi .urn i m mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmtmmmmJmmmmmmm i iiiiun
; En we see'd.a-nuvrer manicominV an an he,.;was smflih'-rwif lot's o teef, an an he'sed, WI is Pres
dent Roosevelt''; An' an me-an' Pappo. we kercheyed 'gen aix'.we sed, "Good mominV your Royal High-
ness,n we sed, an an he smiled magniferously, anJie sed, "Dee-lighted 1 But the squirrelie fairies winked
s arf laffed aa 'ey sed, "He's aten tw many nuts, too.': An he wasn't not JVlr. Jloosevelt' a'talL What-che-know-'bout-'at?-""-
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v An an we gavvered some more fortuetellin;lmtsfann' Tongcomed a tub$1kl'tin&$&
rWhat hoi WhatJio! to the Merrie GreenwoodI l id Titania. the Fairv Oueenl" An me anV'Pnmvv m M I
"Good mornin', Oh you Queenie." But the sqiarrelie . fairies sed,!"She has aten too menny nutstoaV 'Herl
name ain't Titania, it's Maggie Grabbenhefcaer." An' therl she wasn't a fairy queen a'talL "Whaie-I '
know- bout- at f - - - . - !
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, --En long corned a'gr-r-eat tall gentlSHs wiflf-mTnd nm&SEV his"fc3,: an'nTsTfi
oi wick Kolass, Zarr-ee-britchesr;. ; An' me anvPuppo we sed, "Good mornin, Mr. 01 Nick an' all the rest o
r ' : .-9ut ttle squirrelie fairies laffed aney sed, ;He ain't not' 'at, a'talK Jus comes from atin'ltoo
menny nuts." -; An, me an' Puppo we sed abetter Jbe 'goin'. hoaa fray from here.'. : '
IJutlnFsQuu'reEes'fames'ficdrXC you'musTcatTouriratj first.'ut tnen Puppo we sed wc tLLi ii
hot like nuts enny'more, an' I sed. "I is Kaptin Kiddo now, but if I ated tho?e nuts I might get all chan ccdec
up mine own self. An' when I telled mine dee-ar Muvver "bout all p those nutty folkses she lafTcd an' she scJ,
"OhyOUKiddoF': .- ' ' - . J - i r-,W'8H brThe'0h Amrr'an Ct' -
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