THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, CCTO: 16 Two Bargains $90 Down ti Int. close in. ft block to car, strerf traded, cement walks In. rear school and fine location. Price $b50, bal ance $10 per month. : $150 Down . ima. kiionna tin ner month. I ,i x . . , j Li lii iviai Miani 205 Gerlinper Bldg., 2d and Alder. Main M30. ' 2 CHOICE LOTS. ROSRMERE, Section of Rose City Park eiVtrlct ONL V.. $800, tnclud ng. good t-treet improvements. Gas will be la d U lots by Christmas, adjoining lota in Laurelhurst and no better cost $1,200. phone Pacific, . Private Exchangers, or Home A-2770, Ask for MR. SEA BERG (Elton Court. Eleventh and Yam hill). f 1 : "' 1 TAKE A CAR RIDE OUT TO . , Gregory Heights Running time will soon be less than i a tf-ar vanA monev making int. iff t 1200: easy terms. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. Come GREGORY- INVESTMENT CO. $45 CASH and $9 per month , will buy a lot on Grand ave., 2xl00 feet '.This Investment ,1s better than ' a savings bank account. BONG-STEELE CO.. ' ' Lewis Bldg., Ground Floor. ; Phone Main 1743; A-1743. f '"WITHIN THE 2-MILE CIRCLE" -14000 Lot on Portland -.Heights. I blocks of car line, containing about 9000 square feet, and does not Stand I on .edge either. You should buy it Se Mr. Beck. NORTHERN TRUST CO..' 270 Railway Exchange bldg. $75 CASH and $15 per month will buy a lot 50x100 feet, near Un ion ave.; an investment worth your consideration. Price $750. BRONG - STEELE CO., .Lewis. Bldg.. Ground Floor,. . Phone Main 1743, A-1743. W. hau avorni harralna in lots In Unrestricted district; on cur line; your own terms. Svbeldon-Chandler ..-cor ner 6th and Washington. .WnriHerfiil Ruv for $2150 ' Five 60x100 lots, corner of 6 3d and E. Davis St., easily worth $3000; U cash, owner leaving city. I . DAVID LEWIS. Room 8 Lumbermens ' tldg., 6th and jStark sts, YOU ran foil iy a lot near Rose City Park for $425, $50 down and $10 per month; graded streets, eement walks and curbs, Bull Run water, electricity, telephony bo.mlng restrictions. L .A PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO., 624-626 Board or Trade ttiog. HAVE a bargain in a lot on Macadam street, right near manufacturing dis trict, ideally' located for a business or small factory site; double frontage, trackage. Will- exchange for acreage near Portland on electrlo line, P-136, ' Journal. i ' VINK buildina-lot block south Haw- thoi-ne: eood view; aoxiuu sou. a bargain, ; Owner need money. Chas. L Lewis,' t-jpotnte.rrtaIil.oclt,'phoe ' SNAP INVESTMENT. If you have $1200 cash you can get title to ten fine suburban Jots by assum ing $800 mortgage; few days only. Owner, 70S Corhett Didg. 10U SALE LOTS ffW, PAY 111 REMT? 60x100 LOT. cement walks paid for, $800; J blocks to car, $80 cash, $15 monthly. H-210.- Journal. WE do excavating. Phone . Woodlawn 2467. ; ACREAGE 57 Fill "iPMTUWS. HIT This beautiful tract Is located on the west aide, near the city. -i-It is very accessible, one of the prettiest drives out of. 'i'ortland . runs fight, through" "IhVproperty. the view from WiUalatln Park is superior to that - from' Council -Crest. It was the natural advan tages of Willalatln Park that in duced the trustees of St. Helen's Hall to purchase a 23 acn tract here as a future home for this In stitution. The soil Is rich, no gravel, will ralue most anything. An ideal site for a country home. The price of one acre is less than tha of a lot as far out on the east side. Call at our office and learn full particulars. WILLA LATIN INVESTMENT CO.. 214-215 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main 66D9, A-4710. 100 PerCent Profit $1500 Cash Handles 10 acres, close in, fine loca tion ; 'Will cut up into lota, acres 01"-' aeni'tra'dfsand double your money; near car', no rock or grav el. Price $450 per acre. Adjoin ing acreage held at $1000 per acre. Good terms. E, R. Markham 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Main 8430. " Fred F.. Huntress 530 Lumber Exohange -Will take the 8 o'clock iialn Tomorrow (Sunday) morr.lng to look His land over. Anvone wishini; to eo Meet him at the train 10 Acres $500 $100 Cash, $10 per Month Open till 8 p. m. Saturdays. HERE IT l 10 acre tratt .lies fine, new 6 room house, it Boring, for $2000; $260 cash, balance $10 per month. This la a good ' buy; "4. mile from Boring on the elec tric line, 18 miles from Portland. E. F. GILBERT, -' 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. SO ACRES fine fruif land Hood Rlv 0. It A N station "'rJ 1. ck"n)r0e ' vrg. uo., -t mno jrum u. i $50 per acre. See land. 'McEilanry. Cascade . i 0"R SALE 160 acres unimproved land in viayaamas county, cruise 4,500.000 feet saw timber. $I cre. F-215. Jonr- '' ' ' 1 ' v - j-',',' . . fviKViT ocret improved, 'railroad, phone, $4i00, terms. Walter M. Ober, ' the autvt'yor. "316 Lewis bldg. A-1213, CHOICE, acre, Jennings Lodge, block from station,-on county road, $800; terms. H-2SS, Journal.' TffAtk'AOF. We have valuable trackspre cheap. .Vs-F-nsiiah Inv. Co SIl Moliawk bldg. 5; ? ACRES ' South of Wichita. 7-crnt fare; Tiouse, poult rv houses and yards. Nice home for party worieing in city; $250; $1000 cash, balance $10 monthly. One to twenty acres on and near car lines; good terms..' Three cheap farms, partly improved, 40. 80 and 100 acres. $32 an acre. O. V. jP. Land Co., First and Alder. 28" Acres Big Discount Ideai for platting; 20 minutes- ride on Salem Electric: station on property; 14 acres, either side track. 40 Corhett bid. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Exchange $25,000. worth ( per cent 19 year bonds to trade-for Portland city property, or farm land that can be rented. Bonds will stand thor ough investigation. $17,500 worth ot bank stock, Capital stock of the bank $25,000. Bank located in a good R. Rt town and doing a good business; only bank In the town.' Will con- , slder trade for good property. .. Moore Investment Company S04 Henry Bldg. . TEN acres tracts southern Cal., 8 miles from railway; undeveloped sagebrush land. Perfect title. $20 acre, cash or trade. Chance dry farm or speculate. C. S. McDuffee & Son, 620 Ablngton bldg. "We Swap tfie Earth" M'GUIRE- & HENNINGS, r' 201 Lumbermens bldg, A-3888. 665ft Williams ave.' East 607, C-263B. FIVE passenger auto for farm land or property -mortgage, This is - 1910 auto and in first class .condition. GEO 8. ALLEN REALTY CO., 3f)3 Beck bldg. , 3, 6 and 10 acre tracts improved, near the 'City,- on electrlo line, to exchange for cltv jjrOperty. - J- PROVIDENT INV. TRUSTEE CO., , 624-626 Board o( Trade Bldg. OfTC' I Q We trade what you have for OLL UO what you want. pepe:: & baker. .4 N. 6th, bet. Burnslde and Ankeny. MOVING picture theatre for sale cheap; or will trade for real estate; good town; no oppoaltion. Call 526 Wash- lngton, near l ith. WILL trade Portland lot for 4 or 5 passenger automobile. Call 1005 E. 21st st. N. ' 16 ACRES apple land Hood River dis - trict, for Portland property. , T-21 4, Journal. - a,... WE will get you a trade on your prop erty, no matter what or where it f. Room 7. zl fj Morrison st, WILL trade Newport lots for office 1 furniture; must ; be good. C. W. Ward!, Lafayetta bldg. , . . WILL trade, real estate for restaurant in good location; musthave Jong lease. H-215, Journal. FOR SALE or exohange 1224 acres choice wheat land. L. XL Smith, 318 Hamilton bigg ie 0 ACRES. - cultivated, Gilliam county, li miles station; trade city or acro- agie 811 commercial oiag. F you want to soil, buy or traae. sea Shoemsxer, .27 Henry Diag. Main 4465. A-7434,. L WILL buy, swll or trade anything. H. F., ioif Boara or xraae Ding. WE trade for anything anywhere. Bee us today, 41 J Henry bldg. WILL trade for anything of value, any where, 417 Board or Traaa. EXCHANGE MISC. S3 I HAVE a fine diamond studded watch and diamond ring to exchange; can use horse, buggy, wairon- or any kind of harness. 09 E. 28th St. WILL exchange A-l talking machine , for , good bicycle. Portland Phono- graph Agency, 850 Alder st. . WANTEIV REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED. We have a client who wants a house and lot Can make a small payment down and $15 per month, with interest. BRONG -STEELE CO.. Lewis Bldg.. Ground Floor. Phone Main 1743, A-1743. WE CAN SELL to customers that are waiting, property in most any section of the-city, business income or factory property, houses, cottages and bungalows on terms or for cash. See us at once. Smith & Mon tague, Rooms 16 and 17, 270 Vi Wash ington street. I WANT a fine $15,000 to $35,000 resT dence, west aide preferred. Will ex change 160 acres of fine irrigated land, close to R. R., in .Oregon. L. K. Moore, suite 517 Board of Trade. HAVE customer for best house near Hawthorne avenue that can be had for not to exceed $3500, terms. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Railway. Exchango bldg, WANT one section or more cas-flrrn Ore gon wheat land, such as can be worked, with traction and combine, in exchnn'ge for Portland and valley property. D-212, Journal. - WANTED To lease gome vacant lots for growing flowers in Hancock addi tion if possible; make offers to Swiss Floral Co. WANTED Building lots, by architect and builder. You furnish lot, I will furnish plans aid money; will divide profit. X-502, Journal. WANTED Good 6 or 6 room bunga low on easv terms. C. L. Sheet?, 420 Swetland bldg. Main 1776. I WANT to buy cheap house and lot, $50 down, $10 per month. Call or address lnl'j Corhett Bt. Give phone. FACTORY or warehouse property etate plza. location, price and terms. H-235, Journal. FOR SALE F AIOIS 17 10 acre fruit farm, 2 miles from Ore-, con ijity; nouse, oarn and an outDiuia ingt, farm tools, cows, chickens, hay and some other crops, ail kinds of fruit and berries, price complete, $4000,' terms $l2f0 cash, balance time. G OR BET & HYSEM, 1'oBtoffic.e bldg., Oregon City, Or. ! $8000 'Will handle 15:: acres: 16 miles from ' Portland; SO ac'res In cultivation, 40 R('rf'fi K"od pasture, balance good timber; nil level, 9 acres hops; buljdinds cost $".000. $100 per acre, balance terms. 40 acres. 20 acres cultivated; good buildings. I9fi per acre, terms. SO acre, 50 ai res cultivated. $35 per acre; an if vol; terms. U. F. HETNECK Sherwood, Or. FOR SALE. . Dairy on Columbia river, boat landing on place," over 3 year lease, cheap rent 40 head of cattle. 6 horses. Kasollne en gine, separator, milk cans and farming Implements, cows are all tuberculin test ed; Al proposition for right party. For particulars see Oregon Creamery Co.. 130 2d st.. t Ity. ' ' ! 345 ACKES all tillable; larfe dwelling; i convenient barn, 690 rods wovnr "djoinlng -school a d railroad full Mlllnmont ' .. . .,! iuu equipment; leea, seed, stock' 120 sores seeded; $24,000 Box 69, 'route No. 1. Harrleburg, Or. a. B'OR SALE 160 acres good hill landl miles south -of-Yaqulna,. -Or.;" fine uilJ'f1' tocS fa!m and Harden; but little: Improved. . $4000 cash li a r-AKM iana.zo, 40, 80. acrcH. sale by uw. v.. vuinouuiivn Jit. f. U., phone. county ronA rallron,!. iini i.r fttl,ti?.tfld' lance open, and oak Umber in Wlllonyetu. valley" rt-216. Joiir"sl ' H d2iera.Vh tor al6, - 00 Kollcr, infis ACREAGE WHS ill HEME! 17 Here in Linn county, Albany, its county seat, we are able to offer bar gains of great merit. and why not get the best, and where crops are sure, and your Investments will more than double in a ahort time. No. I7f 62 acres. 25 acres cleared, balance in pasture and timber; the tim ber -la al) good quality; 400 apple trees, verr0M KnJS PUnrm Souse fair i year-old prunes. 6 room house, lair 6 miles from Albany, uranger aiauon. : Price $9009 cash, No. 17. 1S7 cres, all cleared and under plow except about 3 acres; house of 7 rooms, barn, I wells. 100 fruit treea, small fruit of good quality; Xk miles from Lebanon. Price $12,600. half cash, balance ito ulU No. ISO. SS.92 acres, ail cleared, good 9 room house, new barn, - good well water, chicken house, 4 acres of assort ed fruits; lty miles from Lebanon, all river bottom land, and doea not over flow. ' . ' 7 . - - . ' ,.Prlce $225 per acre, hair casn. Daiance 1 and 2 years at per Cent Interest.!: No. 188. 100 acres, 25 acres plowed, 30 acres In tlmberbalanca slashed and In pasture.: 1 room house, barn, running wafer year around,, good well water, 2 springs. , Price $60 per acre, 2J ,cash, balance 1 and 2 years at 7 per cent Interest. No. 189. 25 acres. , all plowed," plenty of fruit and berries, 6 room house, good barn, and other outhouses, good wire fenoe, on main road, lhi mllea from Al bany; good water. - . . ' Price $5000, half cash, balance in I years at 6 per cent Interest . ' ' Nb: " 20L 126 acres, all under plow, good house and barn, windmill, water piped into nouse, rauroaq runs mfougn place, good fences, family orchard, good rolling prairie land. $ miles from Leb anon. ' , . Price $12,000, half caah, balance la I and 2 years at 6 per cent Interest . No. 202. 126 acres all under plow, good rolling land, fair house and barn, mall route, 2 miles from Lebanon; fam ily orchard. Price $125 per acre, half cash, bal ance In 1 and 2 years, at 6 per cent Interest No. 205. 20 acres. 5 acres stump land. 3 room, house, with attic, small barn antt otner out nouses, -gooa wen waxer, good rolling fruit land, about 16 acres of timber, that will cut on an average 75 corda to the acre: 1& miles from railroad station. Price $2100, half cash, balance In 1 and-i - years,- t 6 ; per cent interest. No. 350. 40 acres. 27 acres of which is irr 4-year-old Spttwnberg and Baldwin apples, and 10 acres of alfalfa -and clover, 3 acres of pasture, 2 large barns. house ox 6 rooms, tool house, smone house, gasoline spray pump, and other tools go with 'the place; has electric lights In ouse and barn, city water; we can sU this property for $20000 on eaBy terms to the man understanding fruit, - - -- We have small tracts on railroad, fine homes. Let us know your wants. We have also timber land for sale. TEBAULT REAL ESTATE CO, INC., Albany, Or. 85. ACRES. ALL LEEL Rich land, 66 acres under cultivation, balance in oak, small and easily cleared, ,4 some good oak timber; place fenced and cross renceu, 2 story 8 room house, barn 40xC0, and all outbuildings, good family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing. Splendid water, place adjoins country town. 2 miles from new town site and electric lin and 15 miles from heart of Portland,. Including the follow ing personal . property; Ntne mlloh cows, 1 bull, good young team, good old horse, wagons, harnesses, plows, culti vators, about 60 .tons of hay, potatoes, and all crops, small-tools, etc.. etc., all for only $10,000; 'terms. This low price is made in order to close an estate, and must be sold by 15th of this month. MM All level laud. 27 acres in cultivation. balance pasture; 6 room 1H story house, porches on three sides; -good barn, apple house and outbuildings; place fenced and cross-fenced, on main county road; R. F. I) telephone, l miles from store, graded school and church, 24 miles from electrtc line and new townslte, 3 miles from good town and on North Bank R. R. and Columbia river, 9 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Price $4200; $2200 cash, balance at 6 per cent, or will take good property in exchange. 206 Rothchild Bids-.. 6th and 'Main, Vancouver, Wash. Fill III' RANCH 1300 acres, 2 miles from R. R, station; finest of bottom1 and hill fruit land;. 600 acres under plow, 400 -acres in timber, balance open pastiye. good buildings. good fencing, running water; fine farm to cut up. Price $50 per acre, easy terms. Brong-Steele Co, Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg. FARMS all sizes, $500 up: your own terms. Sybeidon-Chandler Co., 302 Swetlanrl bldg., 5th and Washington. FRUIT LANDS 45 Buyers of Fruit Lands Should go to lobby Commercial club building. 6th' and Oak sts., before buy- .g. KLICKITAT LANDS offer best in ducements of any. offered. SIMCOE ORCHARD TRACTS 10 acres fan be had on best of terms. Also larger tr?"ts and farms. Don't miss It after seeing all else. GEO. S. CASEDY CO. AN Investment In a Fargo orchard will be a guarantee of future inde pendence; pay for it out of yoor earn ings and provide a home and annuity that you will live to enjoy; only com mercial apples of best qjtallty planted; cared for until bearing. Fargo Orchards Co.. 83 Eth st. YAKIMA FRUIT LAND 20 acrefH in fruit belt, on line of gov ernment irrigation ditch; a bargain if taken at once. McKlbben & Kundret, 6fc First st. ... FOR RENT FARMS 14 IDEAL dalrf farm, 30 miles west of Portland; 320 acres, 1C0 in cultivation, running spring water 'to house aud barn. 10 acres alfalfa. 12 acres clover, 16 acres timothy, balance grain; 2U miles from S. P. station; all fenced, good pastures. Two live creeks on place. For further particulars' address L-215, Journal, FOR RENT 1300 acre ranch, 600 acres under plow, balance pasture; 2 miles to R. R. BRONG-STEELE CO., Ground floor Lewis bldg. , FOR BAEE mniETt 28 WB are headquarters'- "for "Umber- and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex chiirie hide. " ' " v MINING STOCKS 58 ? FOR SALE ANI) EXCHANGE - MINING and Industrial stocks; tele- phone and other bonds bought and old. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Alston bldj. FOR SALE FAKSiS as WE WANT SEVERAL One to 10 acre tracts at a reasonable price, close to electric carline; have customers watting If the price is right. SMITH MONTAGUE. Headquarters for Kmall Farms. Rooms 1 & 17, 270' Washington St. IIOOMIXG HOUSES FOR SALE 53 ELEVEN rooms. In heart of city beauti fully furnished, new throughout, all housekeeping- apartments, clear $100 per month. Will sell 'at sacrifice. From owner, Ij-234, Journal. WE HA VB cash buyers for rooming ' - nd' businesa chances! nulck WANTED FAKM3 i from'salf. The Gray Realty Co., 621 Board of Trade Bldg., 5th and Oak. 27 rooms, 1 year lease, rent $100; good corner location; $1000 cash, 223 Mar ket cor. 1st. LOTS or acreage, "not wildcat," for rooming house, better than cash; in vestigate. 311 Commercial bldg. - . TWO rooming houses at a ' bargain; terms. Call at 15 E. 6th st. N. Owner. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 GENERALi MERCHANDISE STORE And 9 living rooms; own building and 12 lots, situated on R. R, in heart of Hood River valley, H mile from-church and good school; doing frOrh. $1250 to $1750 per month;' a bargain at $15,000, terms, or will trade for land. Must sell on account of ill health In family.- For further particulars address T. W. At klnson, Newton, Or. JOB' PRINTING plant In good eastern Oregon town; will sell at a bargain or lease on- good terms. - C J.GULUS0N ' 20634 Morrison St. . . OPPORTUNITY to purchase 20,000,000 feet of yfine timber,-' located where It can- be logged cheapl t'o large pond of water; - 30,000 : capacity sawmill : and Willamette logging ..engine goea with this deal if required. SaCsfaetory terms ran be made, with right party. Address, U-199, Journal. r 25 Room Hotel Doing over $500 per month, on account of sickness, must sell at once; terms $850 cash, $600 payable $25 per month. Call Columbia 218, or address Box 815, St. Johns, Or. $1600 CASH will buy a pool room that will Invoice $2400; 7 good high grade tables, cigar store and bootblack. staid, with 4 years lease; rent $35 per month. This Is the best buy In the city. Must sell- at once. Call or address King's Turkish Baths. 330 Stark st, city. GENERAL merchandise store with post office paying $40 per month: no rent on store or living house with free fuel; will sell at invoice; part cash, balance on time; in working district with good pay roll. Take O. W. P. carline to Cazadero, Or. P. O. box 100. - - - PAINT store with a bona fide trade- for - sal bjr owner on account of retiring from business. New building with lease. Established 2 years. Come over and I'll give you facts. Union Paint Co., 161 Grand ave. CIGAR STORE Last week's price was $800; this week it is $500; good lo cation, rent $15,' one, year's lease: other business is cause for selling. This of fer is good until next Monday 352 & E. Burnslde st. UROOERY and confectionery doing $40 daily in a fine location, best of chance to double business; will sell for $1000 on account of sickness. Owner. Phone Eaot 654. t FINE corner grocery, close in, rent $40 er mo.; Includes 3 rooms at back and rooms up-stalrs. $1600 cash; will in voice mis amount or oetier. can out Lumbermens bldg, ' , CAN LOAN your money on gilt edge security; no fee. See us. Place your business with us, you will make no mis take. Continental Trust Co., 302- Spald- ng bldg. "WANTED Man with business ability and experience to take 1-3 or H in terest In good paying creamery and milk businers, $2000 to $3000 will handle this. L-236, Journal. FORCED to sell my interests in a busi ness that Is a big money maker; $10', 000 will buy this interest; part cash; do not pass this chance up; Investigation solicited. M-214, Journal. GIVEN AWAY FREE. Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, ''Cali fornia OH Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co., 701 oregpnian mog .Portland, or. WANTED Loan $30,000. gilt edge se curlty. If you have Idle money you cannot use it to better advantage or. get better .security. Continental Trust Co., 302 Spalding bldg. FISH, VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MAN! For rent a portion of the State Mar ket; apply on premises. 221 1st st, cor. Salmon. BY OWNER 6 acre tract: & miles from Council Crest with a full crop of late potatoes. Inquire, W. L. Blook, - 666 Hoyt at, city. WANT youmr man partner .with $500 for mail order business of patent ar ticle. Big demand, big profits; . no agents. K-239, Journal. WE CAN place you in paying business; before-buyljng be sure and see us. Kinney & Stampher, 531-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. A-4881. ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell grocery stock and two-year lease on good building; reasonable rent K-238, Journal. ANYONE, anywhere, can earn big pay copying addresses at home evenings. Book: 4c stamps. C. H. Rowan, Chicago, Hi. FOR SALE Good dentist business in large eastern Oregon town. Well equipped office. Only dentist in town. For data aaaress P-IIZ. Journal. or win traae ror real estate; good town; no opposition, call 526 ft Wash ififtun, rn'tu tun. ALL OR ANY part of 1000 shares of stock In Automatic Call and Adver tising Clock Co. at 60c a share. H-234, Journal. MfCN'S furnishings stock at less than 60c on the dollar; sold in bulk only. P. V. co zcl noor. n Washington st RESTAURANT and roomina house. So. - Portlands Call 12&7- Macadam .st,,. or ptione fliarsnau aw, , IDAHO REALTY CO. have a few big paying rooming nouses xor sale, soft 1st St. GROCEP.Y, west side, cash business, no delivery; investigate, bargain. Phone niarsnan iobb. . WANTED A part interest in grocery or fruit business; can speak four languages. li-ais, Journal. EXCHANGE For personal property, restauram:, tzou; clearing 14& week ly; reasonable rent Q-167, Journal'.- i50 Restaurant clearing $160 month ly; rent $35;. leaving city. G-168, i Journal. , RESTAURANT doing first class busl- ness; a nargain. 4UB K. Morrison, Phone East 788. 600 business cards $1. You must bring this ad. uose city frjntery, 132ft 3d, near uayior. UNFURNISHED, modern,-30 room hotel for lease. Address j. Henley, Pomerov. tlTnnV, .- . " Tt WANTED A partner in good paying Business; win mane o to per day. uau AJDina jjye vvorKB. . . WANTED Small cash grocery with llv ing rooms; owners only. H-230, Jour nal. - ft INTEREST in suburban real estate DUBiness,- wrge list, fiio. xabof 29. LADIES are making $5 to 110 a day, so r can you; easy work. 345 Grand ave. 'ft?', you want to buy, sell or trade, call om Ijumoermens piqg, v, . , . TF vou want inald lob. one that ull make you good money, call 309 1st $300 BUYS cigar, confectionery, pool .room. If taken at onee. 6S0 Mllwatikle HELP WANTED MALE I J WANTED A good meat cutter to work on t?aturnays. Apply bho Russell s I WANTED Painters Phone East 4188. ' to - paint barn HELP VATri--MU,E TEAMS wanted at once for work on Mt Tabor reservoir. E. 60th and Stephens. Free stable room. Robert . Wake field & Co. MEN OF PORTLAND. I SAVE MONEY ON SUITS, RAIN COATS AND OVERCOATS. I HANDLE ONLY HIGH GRADE CLOTHING (manufacturers' samples and concella tlon orders' from eastern houses). MY OFFICE RENT IS ONLY $30 A MONTH. I SELL $3-0 TO $36 CLOTHES FOR 318.75x$25 TO $27.60 VALUES FOR $14.75. JIMMIE DUNN, 315 ORE GONIAN BLDG. - TAKE ELEVATOR, THIFjD FLOOR. ' - J ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the IT. S. Marine Corps, between the agea of 19 and 35; must be native born or hevo first papers: monthly payk $15 to $69; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free; after 30, years service can retire with-? 5 per cent of pay and al lowances; ; service ; on board ship1 - and ashore in' all parts of the world. Ap ply at U., S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office; Breeden bldg., 3d nd Washlng ton sts.. Portland, Or. . . r WANTED Men who are dependent have lost ambition,' are easily tired, sleep poorly, back aches, feel that they have lost their former strength and vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging1 diseases and --ailments to come to' me and receive a free friendly talk and Examination aa to their condi tion. . If you desire treatment terms can be arranged - to suit your means.- - Dr. Walker; expert specialist, 181 First Bt DRUG CLERKS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT CAN PROCURE POSITIONS FREE OF CHARGH BY REGISTERING THEIR NAMES WITH US. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LIST OF VACANCIES. BLUMAUER-FKANK DRUG CO.. 8TH AND EVERETT STS. tHAUFFEURS are In reat demand. We want sober, reliable men, that we can recommend;' to take our course in repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night school. , Automobile School of Oregon, office roo'm 216, Merchants Trust' bldg. Phone Marshall 2693. 10.000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In weeks; hlp to secure positions;- graduates earn $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St., Portland. WANTED Men quick to learn atrade In months instead of years; no ex pense for Instruction: automobiles, elec tricity, plumbing, Bricklaying; actual contract work; 200 students last year. Catalogue free, United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Salesmen; many make $106 to $160 per month: some even more; stock clean, grown on - reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly; choice oi' territory. Address Washing- ton Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Salesmen In the northwest: In every locality money advanced Weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlstv, Wash. WANTED MEN TO. IiEARN To operate moving pictures; operators earn $36-; learn business in short time on easy terms. iN. Y, Moving Picture Co., and schools, 626 Vi Washington. IF you ant to earn more, you have to learn more. The International Cor respondence Schools will show you how. Local office 233 Alder st ..... . ' WANTED 6 carpenters for concrete barn work. Apply, with tools, at Mt. Tabor Reservoir. Ask for Joe C Wil son, foreman. W A NT E D Youn g man t o 1 ea rn general collection business: liberal commis sion and advancement, . 203 Wells Far go bldg. ; " ' ' - - AGENTS wanted; live men: something new: sells on sight; a limited amount of territory on' coast. See me at once. L. A. Amick, 187 W. Park st. WANTED Good solicitor for cleaning and dyeing establishment, salary and commission to experienced man. 587 Union ave. N. . WANTED At once, parties to clear land, either by day s work or oy con tract. Shoemaker lav. Co., 527 Henry bldg, .. '--.- RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; Fort- land examinations. November lz; 8U0 to $1600. Preparation free. Franklin institute, Dept 336 U. Rochester. N. Y. $5 per month, telegraphy taught In prac tical forms; day and evening Ses sions. Address Myers, 669 Flanders St., Portland, Or. Main 8513. WANTED A salesman for Jackson county, anotner tor eastern uregon territory. Apply Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Or. 1 ' WANTED A first class esollcitor, gen tleman or lady; gooa money tin Christmas. Call evenings, ihe Qulncy, 346ft lt st. NIGHT school for English, arithmetic, spelling, snortiiana, - - DooKKeeping, etc. Eclectic Business yniverstty, t3U Worcester block. STUDY LAW, day or night classes; en roll now. ijortiano- jaw escnooi, usi Worcester block. WANTED Two large teams for haul- ing wood. Steady work. Fhone Jno. P. Sharkey Co.. A-1550; Main 550. ONE price Derbies, Felts or Wool hats $1.60. Ladies- nats remoaeiea. 0.31& Alder, basement, cor. 6th, The Hattery. WANTED Four men,: at once, to learn automobile repairing ana anving. can 50-62 N. 7th st HOT AIR furnace man noeded at J. C. Bain Furnace o cor. ront ana Market- - ' - . CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call- rornia wne wwi " nmuni, noxi in Journal. - - ilEN to buf Misfit 8ults, $10 up. Har- vard rauora, ava ruriiaiuc. wanted First class shoe fitter. An ply ttergman Piiue u., ojj inurman. SHOE repairing, 607 GUsan st.,' cor. 14th; i r n m. first Class nanawuiK renwunauje prices, HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Woman to take Care of mall anartment. 2 people, in neigh borhood of St. Vincent's hospital; to go home at night. Apply am ramnni st. E. B. U. STENOGRAPHERS are guar anteed positions, xaxe our rapid drills in any system.- 630 Worcester block. Phone Marshall 2761. NIGHT school for shorthand, type writing, English, arithmetics enroll now. E. B. U., 630 Worcester block. WANTED Competent young lady ,t0 take up the duties as clerk and cashier In grocery and fruit store. 148 2d st. COMPETENT girl general housework, 4 in -family,- gooa wages, can 10 to 4. 261- E. 16th st, Hawthorne car. MILLINERY for sale, cheap: remodel ing; bring -any - old material. ? Suite 217, 227ft Washington. y - GIRLS to assist with office work and wait 'on counter; Alblna Creamery Co.. 259 Russell st WA NTEDr T wo- young ladles to share suite at up iiu, xiyycrwi, anew uua' mundson. . ' - 'v - WANTED Girl to assist at housework; g-,30 to 2:30. -M. 6780.- $92 Jackson st X, LADY wanted,i housekeeper.; - Please write g-214, Journal. 1 WANTED Experienced girl for ge WANTED Coat finishers at once. 263ft xamnui st-, room TEN girls wanted. Oregon Paper Box Factory, ss ti. WANTF.D A first class chambermaid. fi.ft 3d t. ; r' ,..J HELP WANTED Fi:! ALU 2. Girls Wanted APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2. GRAND AVE. AND E. TAYLOR STS. GIRLS wanted in candy factory; good wastes. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. WIDOWER with nice ... home and 2 children- wants middle .agea woman s housekeeper to take full charge, state salary expected; E-216, Journal. GIRL Experience not required, to do general housework in small ramiiy; food wages. Apply 662 Schuyler, near 9th. - : WANTED Girl for general housework. 194 13th, cor. Taylor; good wdges. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ',. 20 WANTED Solicitor, either aex, easy - line,, country town. Call . room B, 229 ft let st., Portland. - - . THE NEW YORK Amusement com pany , want all kinds f of - performers, singers, musicians, etc. 626 ft ' Wash ington street, near 17th. WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS wanted -to aid 'us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly, t Address Capital city, Nursery-' company. Baiem. ur. SITUATIONS MALE S MUNICIPAL ' ' FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON. BET. $d' AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. , NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR : EMPLOYE. 1 . MAIN. 3555;, A-6624. POSITION -wanted by nice, neat, sober young man willing to do any honest work; prefer office work, or shoe store or hotel . cleric; reference given as to honesty jf required. Herman Van Meter, box 602, Forest Grove. Or. YOUNG man student wishes employ ment mornings and Saturdays in ex change for board and room. K-232, Jour nal. . - i . - CARPENTER work wanted ot every de scription; jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specially. Cummlngs A.CaUin, 371 First st Marshall 2327. - 3 STRONG yoUHg man, German; all around worker; age 19 years, would like a position with good family; Ger mans preferred. D-219, Journal, , POSITION wanted by first class stenog--"rapher and bookkeeper, rapid and ac curate, 8 years' experience, best of ref erences. E-212, Journal. ANYONE, anywhere, can earn big pay Copying addresses at home evenings. Book, 4c stamps. C. H. Rowan, Chicago, 111. . - ; AUTO mechanician, with experience and ability, wants position In or out of city; ref; furnished and required, H-231, Journal. - - v . YOUNG technical graduate wants posi tion drafting, - surveying or anything in engineering line. B-21 2. Journal. YOUNG man wishes light position of any kind; best references. F-21S, Journal. - CARPENTER wants new or repair work, contract or day's work. Address Robinson, 1118 E. Alder. MIDDLE aged man, watchman, house man, porter; wages no object German or Kngiisn. Li-iiz, journal EXPERIENCED porter wants, work; married man. - Fred W. Smith, 29 E. Third st - SITUATION wanted by-a - competani chauffeur; desires a position driving a private car. Ij-tas, journal. CARPENTER, builder, - new or repair work, pay or contract seuwood 1711. YOUNG man wishes work in pressing parlor to learn trade. P-Zll. journal. CARPENTER work, any hind, day or contract Phone Marshall 2137. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES S3 C, R. HANSEN & CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. 28 N. 2d St.. Portland. Ladies' department, 7th and Was, sts.. upstairs, rortiana. 424 Front Ave., Spokane. 87-89 4th st, San Francisco. Established 1 87. ' HANLEY & TRAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters ror rt. n. worx.. zyft N. 2d st THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AOCY., Qen'l employment Mar. 318. A-Z40. SITUATIONS FEMALE WIDOW, 84 years, with boy 40, wants nouseKeeoinK tor wiaower or oacneiur. References exchanged. Addtess box 688. Lents. Or. - ' i . D A good home for school girl 10, prefer Couch achool district M-21Q, journal. . - POSITION by first class stenographer, legal worit prererrea; reierences, F-219. Journal. fIR8T CLASS lady janitor, experienced, i t 1 1 1 J .n t. ni wishes position In church E-217, journal. EXPERIENCED chamber maid; am also an experienced dishwasher, or do day work, 25c hour. D-zio, journal LADY wishes position as housekeeper for widower with children, am sa st. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKER, first class work, mod- erate, prices. 5&ft wunama ave. NURSES 60 EXPERIENCED nurse wants confine ment case, win assist in nousewora. 1234 Atlantic. Woodlawn 97. IfsE. Bassett's Native Herba for oonstl pation; 60 tablets for 25a All drug gists. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 TRAVELING people can find pleasant rooms 5 blocks south and 1 west of postofflce, day or week; also perma nent rooms suitable for j or more per sons. 349 Jefferson. HOTEL MANION Newlv - and efe gantly furnished rooms, fourth floop tne Kaieign niog.. usaft wssnington This place under new management NEWLY- furnished - modem; sleeping rooms; price rrom i.zo to per weeK. otitf ijavrerji. WELL furnished sleeping, room, frea phone and bath, walking distanco postofflce. 262 12th st. - CENTRAL; large front room for four; Ilrepiace; per ween, o. z main bi, near 11th. NICELY furnished rooms,' private fam- ily; heat, batn, pnone. close n, rem reasonable. 613 Clay st.- ; , NICELY furnfshedi front room modern with' sleeping porch, suitable for two gentlemen, or man ana wire. 84o aim. ONP! nloelv furnished front , room suit able fpr one or two gentlemen, walk ing distance. 474 Clay st; furnace heat. NICELY furnished room, suitable 2 gen tlemen, or man and wife; business people preferred. M. 4288, 671 Gl'aan HOTEL MASOBOift? &&y3Z Free phone and batn. Main 7754. LARGE front rooms, suitable for two; - also single rooms; excellent board. 204 N. 22d. Phone A-7230. .-, NEWLY furnished front room, walking r distance,-to? Market - st.,- bet. Front and First. NEWLY furnished rooms for" 'one, two NB'-WLY furnished rooms for rent ': Front st. I FURNISHED rooms close In. . Phone ' East 1627. - .- ;"' . '-. : . ' ' . TRANSIENT rooms, nicely furnished, 60e up. 253ft Alder, bet. 2d and 3d. TURNF-MED ltOO:L5 - WEST Hunt's-Express & Baggage Co, 1 trunk 50c. Additional, trunks 250 each. Grip with trunks free. A-2305. Marshall 2415. FOR RENT. One large front Durlor: also fur. nlshed and unfurnished rooms. 389 Al der. ' FURNISHED ROOMS ; EAST SIDE 52 NICE, large rooms, suitable for 2 peo ple; very convenient and home like; hot water and heat 225 6th st, oppo site courthouse. THE GAYOSA Electric lights, steam neat, running water, telephone in ev ery room, elevators. $3 per week and up. Grand ave. and E. Stark. NEWLY furnished rooms; bath - and Phone: 18 rjer,month: also attic, room: walking distance. 249,,S" Halsey st phone East 4311.. CLBAN, - well - furnished room, bath., b Per - month, - Sunnvslda .car. ft 1 6 Belmont. NEWLY furnished room; private fam ily; all conveniences, walkinar ril. tance; reasonaoie. i sioft K. -Alder St. FURNISHED room with breakfast-for man arid wife or two gentlemen. B-1270. ' - 1065 . E. -Morrison. ' ' NICE furnished room for gentleman; gooa location: reasonable, ' 654 East Morrison. - , , FOR RENT Nice front room, price rea- BLMiauio. a nj, aotn is,, cor. .Ankeny. , ROOMS ANTl BOAHO lil COMFORTABLE roobi with bdard. suit- -V able for .2; , mo'dern,, home cooking. 644 B; Alder, B-203L ' ' ' ' BOARD aud room for husband and wife Of VOUIlir msn. .1(10 Joffi-nnn at Tha Casarosa. ' ' . ...,--,'......., . . QUIET, home for 2 or 4 young men; uimMan ana1 oinner;- walking ois tance, . block Morrison car. : E-6043. ' WANTED Room'mate. 6 minutes from , nomorricA. mnptc hnmo comforts. Main 6073. GENTLEMEN board and room in pri ft vai larnny. rnona Main 7B 268 narnson. LADY would board children or give '( ruum r ooara io party witn a cnua. ; 907 Union ave. N. ' A HOME for working girls; good board ana reasonable; , walking distance. Main 4384. ROOM and board for 3 gentlemen. 48l Jefferson st Phone Main 8628. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 YOUNG man wants-room and board in -private family; give full particulars. D-213, Journal. .-w. :. UNFURNISHED ' R003IS 10 FIVE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, iiu. Aqqrews 104ft N. 17th et. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - WEST SIDE , THE BEAVER 1 2 th and Marsha It Furnished for housekaenlnr. aaa ranees, electrlo lights, hot water.' be th. laundry, all free: 815 per month p; a Clean olace: - best in . the cltv for the money; short distance from Union depot. " Take b or itstn st. cars north, get oft at Marsnan st, no flogs. - - Hunt's.ExpresS & Baggage Co. 1 trunk 50c, Additions trunks 25o each. Grip with trunks free. - A-2395. Marshall 241$. $2 TO $2.60 per week; housekeeping; rooms, single or ensuite; newly fur nished throughout: bath, laundries. phone, - etc. Sherman House, 184-188 Sherman st. " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $ and up. 663 Hood st. Phone Mar shall 1814. .- t POU llEKT 2 sullei housekeeping roomri, neatly rurnisnea, Z7B .? 3ist corner Overton. . HlEj CONS-Fu rniohea house keep- - mg rooms with ail conveniences, 10 and up. central location. - 503 ft Alder st. CENTRAI, comvenient, complete; per week, 4 up. 4Z Main st. near llth.- MITCHELL Houseiveepinp rooms; ui)hi. gas; moderate. 7tn & Flanders. A-4U7S HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 'HOUSEKKEEPING suite to woman or couple who will serve dinners to own ers; modern flat, close In, Phone Sun day or evenings. 'C-2102. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping room. 104 E. ISth st. Take Sunnyside car. LIGHT housekeeping, $2.60 to $3.50 per week, single rooms. $1.50 to $3 per week. The Lambert. 23 ft Im'on ave. IN new and modern home a 3 room fur- nlshed apartment furnace heat). 228 E. 20h. East 1480. - . CLOSE - in, furnished housekeeping ' rooms. 409 E. Salmon, pnone ast 6609. $2 per week; clean, furnished houaeketj ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat yard. phone, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WHEN you move you'll need new furni ture. Buy Judiciously and your sav ing! will exceed moving expenses. , ? Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses In the city In less than two years. Lpokers shown the same courtesy as buyers. - - " ; . MOEGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, Grand SAve. Cor, E. Stark St East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars Pass Our Doors. WE can furnish your home at a great saving. See us before purchasing; elsewhere. M. Ostrow & Co., 64-66 N. 3d it. Complete houserurnisbers. Rea sonable prices. Easy terms. FOR RENT 6 room bungalow on' E. .' Morrison near 31st I will sell stoves connected up and a few other articles of furniture. Rent is $20 per month. Chas. Kupper, 920 E. Morrison st , FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-. rooiif bungalow, West sldfl on car line; elec trlo light and bath; no children under 17. M-212, Journal. 3211. out. 24. neat- 6. room cottaae. n,wlu nalniA . letHrt llo-htfl. hath ori Williams ave,, near Walnut park. ' E-8482..- . - : ' ' THREE new modern living rooms! rent 19, with water;' no children. 966 Alblna ' ave, Woodlawn 202. - , - 6 ROOM modern house, gas and bath, ; 818 East'Tth st. N 3 blocks Union i bve., $15. Box. 602, city. r MODERN 6 room tenement, E. Pine near - 13th., Address 836 Halsey. East 5096. C-2260;: - " '' NEW modern 6 room furnished house, :, 393 Marguerite ave. Phone B-1109. FOR RENT 6 and 6 room house, E. Pth and Everett. - - ,- HOUSES FOR RENT . FURNITURE. FOR SALE , , 32 FOR SALE Furnitures of 6 room .'.house In first class condition; house , for rent $18 ner month; bath, 20 fruit trees, one acre land, 2 blocks from car. line on Union ave:; phone before 11 a. m, Woodlawn 2847 going east, sell very cheap. , ..- . HOUSE - for rent, furniture for sale cheap; $45 if, taken at once; leaving town; rent $12. Mt. Scott oar,- Laurel wood, 1 block north on 63rd sto red house opposite cnurcn. MUST sacrifice furniture of 0 rooms, all good condition; 6 rooms rented; good location; very desirable , for a - bomei 609 Morrison st. ' NEW furniture of modern 6 room corner ! flat, 4- beds, $45; range, best carpets,' rooms all rented, rent $22.50. 401 1st st FURNlTUREef-- room-house for sale; " ' 4 rooms pay rent; centrally located. JILJ!A:. , , '- 1. terms Phone Main 6815,' ;,rp.- FURNISHED HOUSES 30 8 ROOM furnished, in IrvingtOn; will sell; particulars, W. C. Reed, 340 Mor-' rleon. , .