The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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1 .'
Oovernment's Tactics So De
moralizing . That Strikers
Turn Soldiers and Fight Fel
low Workers Trains Run.
' ' (Called PW LsasM Wlrt. ,!
Parts, Oct. 14, Appalled by the rlou
of yesterday pd ownrnnd the de
termined . stand and radical orders-of
Premier: Brland, the rank and fila of
the strikers wavered today, and. desert
lng the "syndicate," returned to work
on the trains in considerable numbers,
A fifth of the regular train on Ilia
Western railroad and a fourth of those
;on, the Northern were operated and dis
order was trivial mod the backbone of
what promised, to be toe gravest in
dustrial clash In the history of France
is believed to be broken. ,r ''..:',.'
:'-r Wearing the Sashps of the reservists,
, the-,men who " yesterday fought in 'the
streets against the soldiers and police,
- today manned the trains. The moat,
loyal of the strikers gathered along the
Western lines, in the southern -part of
the city, shortly after dawn, and when
the first trains were started. ' Spas
modic attempts at violence were made.
Gradually the crowds diminished ' and
before noon trains were running practi
cally unmolested. ?
Hundreds of strikers who have fceen
thrown into Jail will probably be -'released,
but their leaders, will be pun
ished. .. " ': - : "i .
. Outlook Zs for Pesos.
All day soldier-, and police bavt been
arresting the more prominent of the
striker agitators. They will be tried
on charges of inciting soldiers to insub
ordination through attempts to persuade
the reservists not to ober"thorders
to assemble, and with interfering with
the employes of the state railroads.,
in ench case the prescribed punishment
is severe.
flvtmuiiii m .i-vi.- ....... - - -
roads except the Northern and Western
Is normal. .
Fremler Brland , -Is endeavoring to
M Hin raairnhl settlement tit
the difficulties, and it is espected the
remainder at the strikers win return 10
arnrlr nlthln nhrirt tlm. ThS StrlkS
leader have been unsuccessful In their
attempts to bring about a general strike
of all tinlons of railroad employes and
their failure la the cause of much de
presslon among the strikers.
llTnltrf Pr Letted Wire.)
Port Orchard, Wash., Oct 14. E C.
Parian is free and there will
prosecution on tbe charge of killing A.
K. McQueen. Phelan was cleared on a
plea of self defense: The fact that 3e
Is lame and walks with difficulty helped
bis cause with the Jury. Phelan shot
and killed McQueen, a fireman of the
cruiser Washlnjrton, last " July In a
Bremerton bowling alley, where Phelan
was employed A number of men. more
or leas under the influence of liquor,
started trouble and it was testified thst
McQueen had picked up ' some pool
balls with the evident purpose of throw
ing then at Phelan, when the latter
drew a revolver and ' shot McQueen
through the throat,, severing the JugUlar
vein. . - '-, ' " '-, . .
kd. mm
Protestant Episcopal (Conven
tion Considers Call for
World Conference.
' fflrecftt Ttorte t T JmfivM -Astoria,
Oct. i4 Leo Elverus, 10, and
unmarried, i. who worked for a number
of years at tha Deep River Logging
camp, "while felling a hugs tree yester
day did not get out of the way fn
time. "A dead limb struck him and
smashed his skull. H was, brought to
Astoria hospital, where he lived but to
hour without regaining consciousness.
mo Inquest will be held by Coroner GIN
baugh... j
' Sealer Makes Good Cstfch.
1 iCultM Preaa fee Wire.)
Victoria, B. C. Oct. 14. With 110s
sealskins oa board, the sealing schooner
Jessie has returned to port after having
made a -record catch. There are four
other schooners out but they .have not
teenrepoTjej-Tf ewitly; Threaten "of
the Jessie, with a crew of only nine
men, will net tlO.000, -
(Unite Pre teawd Wit.
Cincinnati, Oct. 14. Action takenTTy
the house of deputies of the Protestant
Episcopal convention may result in the
calling of a great world's conference of
II churches of the Christian faith. The
convention now awaits ths report of
those to whom discussion of the 'project
has been entrusted, and if the various
eommlttees report favorably It is'llkely
'that the entire committee will take
steps to Call such a conference. - Tbe
matter has been placed in ths hands of
a committee of seven clergymen and
seven laymen,, who will meet - with a
committee of. seven bishops.
sirptohf of gooJ highway from Port
lnnd out end from Astoria to Carhirt
and a little concerted effort on the part
of the different counties en route would
put the road in fair shape by spring.
The Columbia county surveyor, Ci T.
PreScott, has Invited F. J. Walsh, the
consulting engineer for the good roads
Interests, down to help locate the best
route for the road over the divide in
that county, and Mr. Walsh will, leave
for that point In a few days. There is
also to be conference between Mr. Rus
sell and some Interested parties from
Astoria in reference to ' the Astoria
people working from there out, so that
with the work from both ends going
on and Columbia county doing its share
it ought to be a simple and a quick Job;
The first of the road signs designed
by Mf. Russell will be placed on tha
Llnnton road next week. They are ex
cellent in design, being made of sheet
Iron, braced across ths back with Mrs
of Iron, ths edges being rolled to pre
vent twisting. The rolls are pslnted
red, ths body of ths sign bjack and ths
letters white, colors well chosen, as
they csn be seen quickly from quite a
distance. - - ' . - : -
1 Lewis Russell," who recently returned
from a tour of Inspection of Washing
ton roads, in company with "Louis. Hill,
says: "Washington Is "far 'ahead of
Oregon in gcod roads. They have been
doing some fins work and I shall make
every effort to place" Oregon on a- par
with 'Washington, from a good roads
standpoint. I am arranging a party
to vialt Carlton, Wash., to Inspect the
work being dons there by the convicts
on tha roads. They ara tha cheapest
and best for rock work." ..'
Mr. Russell also said that tha first
road to receive his attention would be
tha road down to Gearhart, as that
road would give pleasure to thousands
of-mTitolsta- as-weilss-tw weleoms -to4
the ranchers along the route. At either
end of the rosd there Vre already fine
tVlt Frets 14 Wlre.1 '
Beverly, Mass., Oct. 14. With the
final approval by President Taft of the
plans for raising the battleship Iviaine,
it Is expected work on the sunken war
ship ' will soon be completed and the
memorable .hulk will be taken out to
sea and given a deep water, burial for
ever, y . , . - -.
It Is not believed that the wreck will
be placed on exhibition as one of the
great national memorials.
. Tha plana provide that ths Mains
shall be raised before February 1 5, nex.,
the thirteenth anniversary of tha de
struction of the battleship in Havana
. . . " 1 ' -
(Cutted Press tesud WlrO ' 4 '
Tokio, Oct 14. Takenoauk Same-
jlma, one of ths best known fighters
lft the Jspanese navy, died here today
at the age of 7 years. : tiamejlma was
once a member of tbe house of peers
and later chief secretary to the cabinet
and auditor of tha Bank of Japan
Admiral Kasunorl left her today for
8an- Francisco. a .
Journal Want Ada bring results,
Genuine Alaska
Seal Skins .
Entire Cor. 4th and Morrison
Our Hew . .
Fur Fashion Book
Is Ready, Ask ;
for It
Day J
ygy- riurudy as usual
" be strongly featured for the younger set. ESPECIALLY
t s TEMPTING BARGAINS wiU be in evidence.' ; .
Sale Girls' Dresses
at $6.25
Beautiful alt w o o 1 p 1 a i d
dresses, very pretty colorings
and extra well made and
trimmed Avith velvet. Reg-1
ular : $10. value. (gij P"
Saturday special. DUaCtJ
Beslyetle Storm Cape
for Children
The best made cape to be had.
Cloth surface;, satin .finish.
, Rubber lined, plaid silk lined
hood.' Specially , priced.
Blue,, red, andflj A CA
brown . . ... . . DT'a.tjU
Millinery I
Sale Saturday
All our beautiful trimmed
hats and EXQUISITE
be offered atr
. ; , , . . . . ''" I ;" 1 v,-1"" '. , i ....I nn. i ,i. i .
e. m i ii -m-K. ftftr - : ur it n m , a i ias . va. sr . v m a- r m mm i sis ,! a. i w '-" " u w
:rWUv- --4dj
Largest and Leading Manufacturers of High Grade
Ftirs Buy Your Furs from the Factory Direct
From Trapper to Wearer Special Saturday Only
M in k-
Over 200 fur garments in the most popular, .styles, just from our
factory, trimmed .with heads "and- tails and beautifully lined.
txactlvftsCuLSnecialFa. mfi)
Take Advantage of These Radical Reductions! $(j$)oC
Remodeling and Repairing afTow
est Possible Prices --' Bring Them In
4t9 Washington Street
Here's the Unusual Departure
We're going to offer, our entire stock of new fall
Suits for men and women at LESS than usual cash,
store prices .and you tan take all the time y'ou want ' :
in which to pay Jor thenO ' . ". '
. ' You know that every cash "store in town gives a;
. limited amount of credit, but they expect you to pay ;!
. the bill on the first of each month. '. -
You know also-that there- are-eredit7toresrbtrt-they
charge you extra for credit .
Now, THE LtNCOLNSTORE h'&hg-to geU
you HIGH QUALITY 'clothing at ' less than' caih"
store 'prices; and let you pay for it at "your con
venience. '
Isn't that totally different?
.. .
Ready tor you Monday, October t7th- W Washington Street
The Insignia of Satisfaction !
Each Article
Is Known by
Its Distinctive :
Marks :
Choicest Hops
Special Brew
Appeals to You
Because It
fl Beverage
Pleasing and Satisfactory
Nature's Own
Stimulant i
Brewery's Own Bottling
-TTTT 1 ' nnif . o n
(bin 12 Mm