The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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At Tlie"
maw" wka akb-itt i ii
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Rczzi and Cii CaaJ 2 to 5 P. U.
Visit the big store tomorrow afternoon,
hear Ruzzi and his famous band. Take
lunch in the tea room, on fourth floor.
Women's S2.25 Gowns $1.33
Women'i white gowns, slipoW style, made
of longcloth, nainsook or crepe material,
nicely trimmed; $2.25 Values only ?X.33
Women's $2.75 Pajamas $1.89
Ladies' , outing flannel pajamas, in many
colors and plain white; well made and nice
ly trimmed; regular. $275 values at $1.89
West's Elnslcal Organization
In the' evening, from t 7:30 to 9:30,
you are invited to spend a pleasant even
ing with us and enjoy a musical treat.
LateGt Crase
Artificial Flowers
We have-Just opened anew dept, ;Ut
floor,', for the sale of. artificial cut
flowers"" 'Most exatt imitations ever
produced. The best dressed' women
in New York use them for street and
evening wear. A little perfume makes
them seem to be almost teaL
Tip Mil Iks
gag Values for Q2Q
J530 Values for Q2S
to standard size, it fits nicely under
berth V ia stateroom, and is easy vpf
access.' "36 inches long, - 13 inched
higharid -20yt inches ffOA Af
wide; $25.00 : values at $U.U U
No. 4014. - Made also 40 inches long,
13 inches 5 high and 22 01 f)A
inehes-wideh $27.50, vals. LL.VKJ
MEN'S TRUNKS No. , 3624. 'Full
brass trimmed. Plenty of f roorri,
for a Boodlv supplr ' of "extra
clothes." Special- . hat ; and '. , shirtNj
compartments in top tray; -extra,
tray for full dress.cfothe. 36 s. long,
16V inr-high. 20y, , ins. ; tt
wide. Reg. $30 values for ,.4l4id.vU,
LADY'S TRUNK-NO.' 3634.! Fitted
with hat' box and 'special three com f
partment top tray for ;thc vanous.
nicknacks a woman needs when trav
ellng. Has "two skirt ,trays.r Entirely
brass trimmed; 36 inches long,-21 ins.
high and 20 ins. wide.- COQ t(
Regular ' $35 values for. $O.UU
MaMe' also 40 inches long, 21 inches
high ;and 22 '.i tns.v wide. JQA AfV
Rftt-jOV.lue only $4v.UU
Sizes 5
jr t i m . 1 1 mi i i i mi in i ii r ! n i "r
Bastcitct "UniSerprtct" Slorc
erU h laf ry.
est retail store room in Portland vhen
you come here to enjoy the concert,
15c Hose Supporters 8c
5c Spool Cotlon for 2c
6 to 9 JO p..m. tomorrow, in the base
ment underprice store, children's side
hose supporters, safety pin top, but
ton loop cttch ; fine quality' O
wide elastic; : 15c value, special OW,
THREAD X) yard spool cotton for
hanA or machine use. white Of black;
Nos. 36 to 70; regular 5c value
special at low price of. the spool
Men's gi.5FSSiirte 6Se
6 to 9,30 p. m. tomorrow, a splendid
lot of men'lgoU shirts in all the lat
est patterns, .plaited or plain
bosoms; $1.25 and $1.50 values UJC
15c Pillow Slip lor 10c
6 to 9:30 p. m. in the basement, 300
dozen extra heavy unbleached pillow
cases, size 45x36. Nd phone orders
will be takert. Actual 15c val- 1Ar
ues, special at low,: price ,of yC
40c Rompers Only . 19c
45c A p rons 2 lor 45c
& tn O-.ld n m . hscfffnnl underfirice
store, ; children's rompers, made of
dark colored cnamDray, ana
trimmed with red; 40c values 1C
APRONS, in Mother Hubbard
War 45c valuca, special, two for f)C
ii -.. . j. i . , . - .
$3.50 Hat Shapes lor 98c
$ to 9:30 p. m.' tomorrow, a sale of
hat thjpes for ewomen and children;
all this season's styles;;values QQ
to $3.50," special at only, each VOZ
.Bbiyb G7.5Q Overcoalo 04.95
The Overcoat - season is here to stay. Thos who look ahead will
choose their; coata while the assortments are good We show com
jplete lines for boys of all sizes. Here's a line of boys' new coats
in browns, grays, Scotch and English mixtures, styled Vith the new
! military collars. Regular $6.50 and $7.flQ values, specially, (t J,: flf
marked for this sale at the low price of .only, each.wT!
Boys' OLOO UndeiHvear 79c
Excellent quality .Winter Weight Shirts and Drawers ; sizes" 24 to pj A
34; regular $1 values, bargainized for this sale at this Small figure I C
G7.5Q Tailored
i ii .., .ii.
.. 'SSi
A complete
how shown
i. r ........... v.
Sale ol Women's Fliie Shoes
Regular QyiD'Oyalues S39S
Tombrrowt 1st floor. To introduce some of our better grades of Women's
Shoes we will group a large variety of style In the newest seasonable
footwear, of which we have. all sizes in each style. None of tff AP
them' worth less than $4.50 and up to $7.00. Choice, pair 3)J J
Sl7g Shoes 01.29
S2.5Q Shoes Ql.GO
Our "Friendmakern School Shoes, best
known and most satisfactory wearing
shoes on the Portland market; 17 styles,
or lace, at the following prices:
to 8, our reg. $L75 values, $1.20
to 11, reg. $2.00 values, $1.40
11 to 2, reg. $2.50 values, 91.60
Men's Sl.SO
Evening Specials 6 t o 9:30
$1.75 HandbaflS tor 89c 2c Neckwear Now al 5c
$1.50 Veils lor 78c Each 25c Beanly Pins Only 5c
6 to 9:30 p. m., in the basement under- 6 to 9:30 p. m., basement underprice
price store, 1000 ladiea handbags, made store, ladies neckwear In jabots, stocks,
of extra quality goat seal, leather lined, etc.; lace and lawn materials, oddg and
fitted with strap handles, coin purses, ends; some slightly soiled,; also Pv;
etc.; regular values up to; $1.75, QQr linen collars; vals. to 25c each, at OC
special at low price of only, each OVQ BEAUTY PINS 1 5,000 pairs, bought
VEILS-A'sale 6f 50 dozen good qu'ato at a .snapr plated pins in many styjrc
ty all hemstitched veils, extra size in plam and -fancy; worth to 25c; on r
all wanted colors regularly. sold 7 fecial sale, at the low price of i
'Ttl?rt!rV 95c Vellino al 5c a Yard
"8" tc 9 :30. p. m;. ; Regular 10c ice' cream ends in mesh veiling, all wanted C
.sojda, In all flavors. Best in, the city.; colors; worth to 35c, special only JC
1 j
Wateto 02,93
Tomorrow, 2d floor, a sale 'of 500 fine Tailored
Waists, made of good quality linen material
pleated, tucked or hand embroidered styles We
went thrdugh our stock and selected all those
that were the least bit mussed, and those of which
we had but a few of a kind; they are all this sea
.sonV, styles; actual .S&OtUS&OOHSV
ues. ' We group them in one lot for (Q AO
tomorrow4! i -selling at low price of. wuUO
One Sweaters
mi. i i i. k
' i '.'""';'. ,'" " -.V ' . !:.
new line of all the latest novelties
In our garment department 2d floon
5Qc Llole
Hose 25c
Tomorrow we will con
tinue the sale of wom
en's Silk Lisle llosc, im
ported stock, garter top,
reinforced heels, toes
and feet,' black &
colors, 50c value
Shirts !
Tomorrow, the men's store
store offers this splendid
assortment of tGolf Shirts
in the coat style with cuffs
attached, plaited or soft
bosom; sizes are 14 to 18
Step lively if you wish to
be . in the procession of
thfifty , fellows who will
wear them. They are
made of the finest mate-
rials. Cut very full and
sure to fit. Our reg- nn.
ular $1.50 values atU7W
SI Vals; 79c
Good iTeavy quality outing flannel
gowns, with military or V-neck col
lars; all sizes, cut extra full and
long. Good patterns and our 7QA
reg. $1 values, ' special f of I J7C
Youths' $12.50 Suits lor GS,Q5
Tomorrow we offer in the First Floor Clothing Store a Vivery fine
line of Youths' Suits, sizes 132 ? to 38; peg-top trousers; the very
latest fall styles; , made v of Scotch tweeds, worsteds - and chey
iot, in a. broad range of patterns; snappy and up-to-date suits;
actually Worth J $12.50, r priced very special for .this Qp
- Saturday sale at the bargain figure of t only, per suit tftO0
In our Juvenile Department tomorrow we will give a good stand- ?pn
ard grade boys' watch with every purchase of $3.00 or more
S3. SO Suede Gloves
S2.QO Kid Gloves 98c
..... . i .. . r . .- . .
$5 Kid Gloves
Tomorrow, 1st floor, ladies ,2-clasp 'figue Kid
Gloves, black, tan, brown, gray, white and
all wanted colors; re g. $2 values; the pair
16-button,- black Suede Gloves for
ernoon wear, very select stock; regular An
$3.50 values, special for this sale, pair WLtUO
20-botton, first quality selected stock, real Kid, in
black only, brozen lines of sizes; ac
tual $5.00 values; very special, the pair
Children's JS8.75 Coats S6.4S
Tomorrow, 1st floor, a sale of Children's Coats, styled with plain or vel
vet collars and cuffs, made of very good materials, in fancy mixtures,
plain, navy or cardinal; ideal school coats .regular value to (frf? JQ
$8.75. Special Saturday at extraordinary low price of, garment0DTtO.'
BONNETS, in velvet or felt materials, to match the above 1 aq
coats; values up to $3.25, -special for this sale at low price of wl Ju
25c Hose
' 1 I I H HI II I!
Specl lie
Tomorrow, 1st floor, a
sale of women's good
quality Cotton Hose, in
tan or fast black colors;
also Maco split foot in a
full range sizes; t
reg. 25c values 1 1 C
02. SO Underwear - 9Sc
Tomorrow, first floor. Odds
and ends in men's winter
w eight Underwear. - frinc
quality mercerised cotton,
lisle or wool materials. Not
all sizes of each kind, but all
sizes in the lot. It will pay
you to investigate this offer
ing. Shrewd fellows will
need . no urging. The quali
ties are good and values gen
uine. Worth up to $2.50.
All grouped in one lot A O n
at the low price of, t VO v
35c? Vals. 17c
Tomorrow, on the first floor, we offer a sale of men's four-in-hand ties, In new,
snappy patterns, full length, wide -end or French fold; also in plain colors, and
narrow ties for the close fitting collars. Regular values up to 35c eachr.Buy 1 f
all you want of them during this special sale at 3 for 50c or, each 111
Evening: Spgcl'a 1 s -6 t b 9:30
50c Candles - 25c Pound
40c Candles 23c Pound
6 to 9:30 p. m.. tomorrow, in the base
ment candy store, "Rose City Nugget" .
chocolates, full of 'assorted nuts fresh
and extra good; best regular 50c-OC''
values, on special sale, the pound
CARAMELS Our vety choice "assort
ed cream caramels, such as w 001
sell regular at 40c lb special at &OC
Hot Chocolate Only 5c
ItPmmVrwiftin ftJKl
wnrierve in the casement lunchroonv
hot chocolate with whipped cream C
at ,the , speciari low price of only uC,
evening and aft- (t
feu jShm
Knit Mufflers
..I, .., mi , , m , ,,
5Qc Values 43c
Tomorrow, 1st floor, a sale of Knit Muf
flers for men and women. Just to remind
you that the season for them is here, and
we havej)rovided amply for your needs.
Every color and every size. They will be
hard to get later on as usual, so jk y
better buy now; reg. 50c values nrJC
$23.00 Pinner Set $13.00
$11.00 Lamp "Only $7.95
5 t6 9:30 p. m., third floor, a very spe
cial sale of 100 piece French china din
ner sets, two beautiful decorations to
choose from; our , regular 1 Q t(
$23.00 values at, the set 410.VU
LAMPS Very new patterns in electric
lamps, 13 in. shade, stands 19 ins. high;
two lights, chain socket, two- finishes to
choose fromjour regular $11. t7
values, very special at, each ?,
Beautiful Libbey cut glass vase, 9 ins.
Jhigh; regular $4.75 values for ?3,0$
Toilet y Paper
By Case, Dozen or Roll
Tciniorrow, tirst floor, a great sale' of
fine quality toilet paper, extra strong
soft silk tissue, for the' finest trade.
5 OUNCE ROLLS, the new Century
brand, 500 sheets to the roll; regular
5c a roll.'.special, 4c; 45c AjV
dozen, or, case Of 100 rolls qlvv
8. OUNCE Egyptian brand; 750,
sheets to the -roll; regular 8i quality r
special, the roll, 6c; 4ozen FA
rolls, 65c; case 100 rolls ip?!
10 OUNCE, Silver' Leaf brand, 900k
sheets f 6 the 'roll., " Regular 10c grade,
special, 7c the roll, 75c PA
dozen, or, case, of 100 roll fJ0J
12 OUNCE,r Pontiac brand.. 1000
sheets to rpll; sells regularly at 12c;
special, 9c--. a roll, .90c a tfJ PA
dozen, or case, of 100 rolls vUUU
16 OUNCE, Ozoco brand, 1250 sheets
to the roll; regular price 15c; special.
10c a roll, $1.00 a dozen 6 ft A
rolls, or case of 100 roils $0UU
t- " - - ' 1 . ' , ,J ' S '
Great Specials In
Trade in the ideal, sanitary grocery
store. Full weight guaranteed and
the best-quality- always. 4th floor.
HAMS Our choice eastern sugar
cured; nice, mild cure; special Ofta
at the low price of only, lb. UC
PEAS New crop sifted Sweet ; 1 0 1
wrinkled peas, sal price, tin 1IC
SARDINES, Albert Roche im- -JO-ported
French special, the tin ly
i M i i' ii '. ' 1 11 ' 11 ' '.' .' 11 1 1 "':
Tomorrow, from 8 a. m. to 12 m., we
will tell our Staple Blend coffee,
which is so popular among our cus-
tomjers, and is bringing us new pa-
trooi every day; our regular n
30c quality, on sale for, the lb. &1C
Unequaled bargains are offered for
evening shoppers, on the first floor..
$2.50 Gloves Only 98c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, a sale-of
50 dozen men'a. gloves; mocha, suede
and glace kids; tan, gray and, QQ
black; values up to $2.50, pair 570C
Boys $1 Underwear 49c
6 to 9:30 p. m., 1st floor, boys' all
wool underwear in broken uftes shirts
and drawers; winter weight; JQ
spiendid $1.00 values, foronly; tJC
75c fable linen i 1oF58c
6 to 9:30 p. m. tomorrow, first floor.
"ftne-aKtT"ail -lmen-tin--damask t
twelve good patterns to choose C
from; regular 75c quality only wOC
50c Calling Cards at 25c
25c Playltfg Cards 16c
5 to 9:30 p. m., 1st floor. During the
evening we will print, while you wait,
100 calling cards, in any style OP
type; regular 50cy special only fciJU
PLAYING CARDS Very good qual
ity of "Jdascott," "Heart's Crown,"
"Rover" playing ' cards; regu
lar 25c values, apecial, package lUC
Silverware Specials
6 to 9:30 p. ! ro. tomorrow, on third
floor, ; regular $2.25 : iilver PI l
bread trays f or - only, ea. v I 1
50c silver salt and pepper, pr. 2S
75c - set j teaspoons for , ' only 49t
Needs In the Houscliold
6 to 9:30 p.-m. tomorrow, third floor,
OIL HEATERS, large $0 QC
size, $15.00 values, only vJJJ
GAS HEATERS, the Top- $ A n O
ular; $6.00 heaters, only u'i.w J
regular , values, ion vmvw
ill 'fiffJmA