TIID 0I1EC0N DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1910. V.'AMKD-r.OOM AI I.OAKI) C3 ; WANTED Room and ' board by lady sn'l child, where, chill can be cared :- fnr during tne May, 0-21", Journal, lol'NG liian wants room and board In private family; give full particulars. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS B WEST SIDE THE BEAVER-- 12 th and Marsbs II. Furnished for housekeeping, , gat ranees, electric lights, hot water, bath laundry, all free $16 ,per month up; a clean place; bent In tha city for the money; short distance from Union depot TaUB -Ji ' or lbtu st. cara north, get on at ivfarshalt st. No dogs. VYELL furnished " housekeeping room a, 2, $8 month: $3, $13: 4, $16. 164 N, 2 tli. west aid riven W. car from dopnt. 5th or Morrlaont-toTSth, block norm, , 1 FOR RENT 1 housekeeping room, t large front room, with bath and raa. S34 la. uau aner a p. m. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ,' $4 and un.-- 683 Hood it. Phnn Mar. shall 1MI. TOR RENT 2 suites housekeeping rooms, I neRtly furnished. ; 276 21st corner THE COLONS Furm-hedV houskeep ing room with all -convenience, $10 and up, central location; 503 y, Alder at. MITCHELL HouseKeeping rooms; light. gaw;nooe-ai. un t, planners. A-4l7t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . ' , EAST SIDE 48 FOR RENTTwa ,; neat housekeeping rooms," iunu-neu, i n jcaai airnpn it,' .comer list.' '. - $2 per week; clean, furnished nounekner 1 lng rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone, clean linen. - 401 . Vancouver ava 6 HBEK t unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Inauire 540 East Stark st... cor. 12 m. 8 NICELY furnished rooms for house keeping; private bath," gas and phone. Williams ave. .. BOUSES FOIl REST 12 WHEN you move you'll need new furni ture. Buy - Judiciously and your sav lings will exceed moving expenses. 3 uur nu-kjehit r riuhS' made us one pf the largest furniture house In the lty- in less than two. years. , Lookera, shown the same courtesy as tuyere. - .. .: - : MORGAN-ATCHLEt FttRNfTURB CO- Grand Ave. Cor. E. 8niri St past Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars -; pass Our Doors. JyLcaiifujnih-your home at a great aving. eee us Derore purchasing lsewhere. - M. Ostrow ft Co.. 64-66 N. Id st. Complete housefurntshera Sm. yonapie prices. Kasy terms, XR RENT 6 room bungalow oiv E. -Morrison near !lst I -will sell stoves onnected un and u few nther ortlr-ln. ne urnllliie .Rent Ik t'.'fl tne mnniti Cha, , ' m , TT W.,UD. vupper, viv Hi, Morrison st 'OR RENT Chicken ranch, 2, acres. 4 henhouses, -4 hen yards; 4 room louse: 1 acre in bearlnar orchard, tn. buire at 670 pekum ave., end of Wood- awn car line. - . f"OR RENT 5 room house, half acre choice fruit. J12. Woodlawn. Innulra V. J. Douglas,, across track from Wood iwn station, R RENT New 7 room house, strict- ly modern. In excellent district 39th nd Ellsworth sts.; $25 per month. E 11, 'Journal. - - S"R RENT $17 8 room plastered house, newlv tinted and in rood con. ltion;.2H blocks from Alberta car, on rnon ave. : rnone Main ea. ItOOMS. .central, west side, suitable -for rooming house, cheap rent . All or art of furniture for sale. H-216, Jour- ROOM modern house, gas and bath: 818. East 7th. "t. N.. 3 . blocks Union ve.. $15, Box 802, city k'EW modern 4 room flat on Sacramento ar,. near . wmiams ave.; no chlidrep. EW moden 6 room furnished house. 93 Marguerite ave: Theme B-1109. OR RENTr6 room cottage close in, on canine, inquire at m. gom St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 itUST sacrifice furniture of 9 rooms, all mmA AAi.JIHAni .... ...... 1 cation; very desirable for a home. 19 Morrison st. 1 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sate; central location; west aide: jerms. phone Main 8816. ' A ' FURNISHED HOUSES 38 J ROOM furnished, in Irvlngton; will sell; particulars, w. C Reed, 84C Mor FOR RENT FLATS 13 fODERN 4 room -'flat. Both phones, I East $305, or call 290 Fargo at, cor, Villiams ave. j48 Corbet 5 rooms and basement. modern, $12.60, L.t E. Thompson & o., 228 Third. - FURNISHED FLATS 50 LARGE modern nicely furnished 4 room flat, good neighborhood, walking dls frnce. 444 Rodney ave. East 4866. APARTMENTS 43 OTEL BUCKINGHAM Opp, Portland Hotel. 830 - Yamhill ; first class fur ifthd rnnmi ainffla ni" n v.aI.. up; transients solicited. M. 31, A-7177. OUR room apartment for rent Mad ison i-anc House, 263 park at Every, ling modern.- "(. . HOTELS 54 Workinmfin's HntAl A' rood navin hotel, fnllv Itchen, dining room, fullv enninn.H buse, Tias good reputation; always lectv Of hoarders! for aal mt r ul ,CB nd, Appl -l Henry L)R- RENT Best - hotaT'Tproposition' In' nunnwceij new onca just completed; rooms, 10 with Private bath: located Kruwirp town or ouu. Aaaress J. lover. Milton, Or. , , I otel Portland' kuroDan n A LLAMONT Furnished rooms for rent. S7B YamhlH. OTEL NORRIS Modern.'; 17th anf BOllI II5 Wilt EXVEDERE European. 4th and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES X 11 )R RENT cheap fine large storeroom, uuoiiioBB umiriui, 00 jut, OCOIl cat- ie. Phone Main 8458. " )OD location suitable for 4olliuiMn knd lunch roomi cheap rent;-includes ib. 110 m u nurman si. VO ' new storerooms Just completed, 11 uiiKiiii ivg, IU1U Aiorris Bl, - , wooa- pRBETT BLDG. Two large furnished uuimeuiing onices or yrm arrange for NE laree. un-to-Haf in rn jcheap; , business district; Mt Bcott r- -. ...,. PTVp, FFICE room, use of fchone aiid type- it-linn, fnong main Siif. rig. - . .' !-, .. . j .... - . , nice offices in the Couch bldg, 908 Iberia bldg, . ; - . " NE office room for rent rhen lls nd heat Room 38, 142 j 2d st ' WAITED TO RENT ;vu anuits want to rent 3 or 4 room! if lllaalaial aaVm at m rn r al 1 tit un T MT H I t -4 A'NTt!fW.On "VltJ'aH!""' "-'..- ,..T..,..-..., ng room, close in, reasonable. Phons in -o mornings, tan Airs, yiank. VNTED TO RENT Modern house. lose in on vest Ride; will pay $65 $76 per month. H-189, Journal. 3R RENT For a term of 5 years, the old Arlington club building. West irk fni i Aider-'sts. Apply to R.T. Cox,1 om 8. 2504 3d st nor.srs, vi:iucli:s, etc.- is i , Horses and Mulos forSale 1 baV mare 1400, 4 years -old. i prav mare. 1400, 4 yrars old. 6 black and bay mares, 1100, g to 10 years old.. 1 span grey 'gelds.. 3000, 5 years old. 1 epan maree, aSOO, 8 years old. 10 bead horses, 1000 to 1100. 4 to 12 years old. 1 spun mulea, 2600 lbs. 6 mining mulfcs, 900 to 1000 lbs. All sold under our guarantee; If not satisfactory to be returned less $1 per day while gone. , . .' Hawthorne Avenue Stables 1 420 HAWTHORNE AVE. " - TEAM.horse and rim re, weighs 2(00 lbs.; sound, true to pull, fat and handsome, very closely mated; ride or drive single or double; also set heavy sewed trace hand-made harness, with collars, com plete; price $250- .Call 14th and Yamhill sts. , . . :;? ,., , ;-..;. FOR ( SALE-xHorsea. pair mares, fat, , young, gentle, weight 2250. 1 mare in foal, 1 buckskin mare, also 8 head of good work horses, weight 1250 to 1800, pair good mares '2060, for $125; sound; 2 buggies, harness and wagons. 1640 Macadam Road. Fulton ear,", op poslte Wllhelm Park. . - - i AIR nice, small chunks, horse and mare, 6 and years old: make very suitable ranch, express or delivery team. Call O. R. C. Stables, 14th and YamhUl Sts. , . v , 7 HEAD of good chunky horseg left that must be sold at once, one 2 , and one 3 inch farm wagon, ne good. stock saddle; can use gooi cow or chickens In exchange, these horses have got to be sold at some- price. Kenuwortn Trans fer Co., 809; East 28th St. .-. " ; f BARGAIN $285 buys team and harness, pair horses weigh close to 2680 lbs.; true to, pull single or double; suitable for mosf any purpose; I years old. Call 473 Yamhill fit - . - A NUMBER of horses ranging from 1200 to 1400 lbs., and some delivery horses from 1000 to 1100 lbs. All guaranteed sound and true. 186 Madi son approch of bridge, west aide. SNAP $158, horse and ' mare, - weigh - 2400 lbs.; true. to work anywhere; also nice farm harness, $25. Call O. R. C Stables, 14th and Yamhill.? v FOR SALE, t tpin'bay mares, 2ii00 lbs., 8 and 8 years old. Harness and new Mitchell 34 In. wagon'. 1 span geldings, 4 years ob 2400. and harness and new Mitchell 3 in. ..wagon. 420 East YamhUl, $125 BUYS mare and horse and harness; .true pullet's;. . $35 buys mare, weight 900 pounds. E. 12th and Madison, cot tage in pant. HORSES and buggies tor rent" by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. ,tn and Hawtnorne. Eaut 72, FINE young matched 3000 pound team, perfectly true. Age 6 and 6. Price $S60. : Owner, A. P. Haesler, Oregon City. Route 8. JUST arrived, a carload of horses from eastern Oregon, 1100 to 1500 lbs. U. S. Stables, 248 Front st. HORSE, weigh 1500 lbs., with two dou ble breeching harness, 2 farm wagons, 1 saddle, at bargain. 310 E. 6th st. - TWO black mare colts. 18 and 24 rnon. old, Percheron stock, at bargain.. 31 E sth at GOOD driving - or faat delivery horse; young and sound, only $125. Phone Woodlawn 569. . FOR SALE 2 good teams, one 30Ou pounds and one 2800. Kalk Bros., 1001 Clinton St. Phone Bellwood 843. PASTURE Ideal, lota of grass. $5""per month: horses only. Address A. E. Vel gu th, care Str. Iraldftt FOUR good draught horses for sale, cheap. Montavilla Wood Yard, 335 E. KOtn st FOR SALE 1600 lb.' horse (bay), sound and true, age 7; also 3 wagon. T15 E. Flanders. . BUGGY and harness for sale. Main 8858. Phone LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 33 30 BARRED Rock pullets, some fine cockerels, in White Leghorn, Anconas, Rhode Island Reds. Black Minorcas and Barred Rocks. Also 12 Rhode Island Red hens. R. Green, Montavilla. Phone Tabor i05. FRESH Jersey Cow TuBerculln- tested with third eair, one jersey Durham, will be fresh in 6 or I days. 619 E 26th St FOR SALEj White cockerels, . Leghorn roosters, pullets, $1 each. Mason & Hamlin organ cheap. Mrs. Bockmann, oeavenon, nouie s. jsox eo. IF YOU VYANT to onr or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co. at stock yards, woodlawn 2400. GOOD Milch Cow, full blood Jersey, for Sale. 791 Albina ave. COW for sale. Inquire 173 Stanton st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 , FOR SALE. , A 20 M. capacity Russell portable sawmill complete, with cut-off saw, dust conveyor, etc., also a No. 1 North-, west planer, with attachments; gt od as new, has been used only a ahor time. For particulars call at my of flea, 226 228 Front st, Portland, Or. MERMAN METZGER, Owner. A LOT of household goods to be dls posed ' of, consisting of aome iron beds, springs, mattresses.-- dressers, steel ranges, sewing machine. - refriger ator, extension table, lot of chairs, gas range, carpets, 2 showcases. 112 un ion ave, NW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and aoid on easy terms. Bowling- alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswltk- Baike-Collender Co.. 46. 6thlj SXfES 10 second hand standard make, that, have been taken in exchange, very low prices, , Portland Safe Co., 7 otn st. - FOR SALE One 9x10 donkey engine, pna (Ux$ hoisting, or loading engine with sledsand cable. Inquire 408 Roth child bldg.. Phone Main 8983. ,. . . FOR SALE Carrots, by sack or ton, - and 8 months pigs, $7 each; also maple wood. Box.; 77, Main at, near rpivii Yuey iau, um, FULL SET of 12 volumes . I. C. S. mln ing engineering books, leather bound, new, a Dargam. i-.ast FIRST-CLASS second-band safe w,lth 2 lnch corner burglar chest Cheap. D- 1U1J. 90S ejBBt UBK. tJSI3 Bassett's Native Herbs for con-tlpation;-60. tablets for J5o. A1 PAWN ticket' for ladjCs solitaire dla mond brooch; a bargain, D-314, Jour nal. ' --'i ' , - ' . FOR SALE CHEAP Horse and express wagon. Call 80 N. 7th St. Phone Marshall 864. A-4465. 60 jars of fruit and kitchen utensils; 300 feet of wire, laying hens. 1129 K. 32d st -"A" car. - FOR SALE or trade 35 horsepower Mun- dy engine and f 0 horsepower hollar complete. G-205. Journal. ST. BERNARD female end canaries for sale cheap. C-1872. - - i WANTED---MISCELLANEOUS 8 -j T- i". if in- ith -l.'l ii-nmr-, ' ,i " -ii mr- . 'ii..i,ji fc.ii,.n..a: WANTED A first class second handed - surgioal ' operating table. Address, v-iiv, journal, EAST 'SIDE auction jobbers want2d hand furniture, highest price paid. ?4 wrung BVg., nrivo, GET -our price -on .your - furniture, as it wili pay you. We want the goods. cava ge at jr-'nnei. 'B1-. Jgt ILMaln 860, BE WISE; ge. mora for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 311 1st. Main 1981. A-2445. CIGAR stores, save your tin foil. We nay, aenverea, ze a pound. J. fc,eve, i.nnininm sc. Min oiii,- A SURPRISE Prices we ray -for used furniture. Eaet 6201. 152 Grand. waxtld .Micni.iurror3 s WANTED People of Portland to know that we pay highest cash price for second band household Roods. Seater & GuBtavson. 143 nnss-n. Enfr't 15S2. WANT Sfcond-nand lcehox, about 8x1(5 feet, for meat market. N-2U, Jour nal. SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prpajtenmnjilways given. E. 1087 HIGHEST price pud for 2d-hand sloth lng and shoes. East 1051. FOR SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 ' BARGAINS. One 1908 4 cylinder Royal Tourist, 5 passenger, fully equipped, In first class condition; will sell cheap for cash If in a.c once. One 1909 40 h. p. Locomobile. Tms is a good bargain; better call. (One 1909,2 cylinder,, high wheel Mo Intyre, Just the thing for muddy roads, in first : class condition; will selL for cash or trade. One 1908 2 cylinder Reo. In first class condition, will sell or trade for lnalde property and pay difference. One 1908 4 cylinder Pope-Toledo, 5 passenger, fully equipped, will sell cheap for cash. . ' 4 . HAWTHORNE GARAGE. 448 Hawthorne Ave. C O. Crawford. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. . f - One 7 passenger Thomas, 2 FBanklins, 4 Bulcks, 3 Lozlers, 2 MitchellsVs Cad illacs? 6 Chalmers, 1 Auto Delivery, I motorcycle, J i runabout. All-in first class condition. Portland Auto Com. House, 60-62 N. 7th st George Mc Croskey, sole owner. GOING EAST Must sell my auto llv- cry outness, clearing zoo per montn. $1700 cash, balance $250 per month. will -consider "trade Jn -real estate. In- quire, ot i Waghen 917 Board of Trade, RAMAINR 1 . Apperoon., 1 Thomas Flyer, 1 Buick Avunaooui, win exenange ror property, East Side Auto , Co.. Holladay and N. Union ave," PORTLAND Radiator Lamp and Fender "voras, aifc worg - - guaranteed. -r H. nicnK,.m q st. in. , ' ; MUSICAL IXSTRU3IENT9 84 NEW mahogany player piano that cost $850for aale for $500, on terms; $100 worth of choice music thrown in; piano in one oi exceuent tone, itoom 606 uer linger bldg,, 2d and Alder sts. THE Chas. lu. t ork Bond Instrument A music nous. 84 3d st. FINANCIAL 51 CASH paid for mortgages or seller's J interest in contracts on real estate in uregon or wasn. Mortgage loans negotl ated on Improved-property. II. E. Noble Mimpt rmens bldg., Sth and Btark. A $6000 INVESTMENT offered which will pay 15 per cent; come and see us ii interesteo. BRONG-.STEELE CO.. Ground floor Lewis bldg. $ Quick loans , on furniture and I pianos, storage receipts, life lnsur I ance. policies, livestock, real estate. etc U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage t go., 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084, CASH for first and second mortgages, lot and. building contracts. Call or auaresa 607 McKay bldg. Main 4710, MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent oiiis oaiomon. 6i btark st, LOANS WANTED 30 WE HAVE a party that wants to bor row $1500 on fruit farm; come to us ir interested. - ' i BRONG-STEELE CO., Ground floor Lewis bldg. MONET TO LOAN HUTTON CREDIT CO.. ' 307 Spalding bldg. DON1' WORRV Is your landlord halting for his rent? Is your grocer waiting for his bli'.? is your lire insurance company watt Jng for its premium? . . Is your furniture store waiting for Its payments?. Have you been out of work or had sickness, with all its extra ouist . - If so, you have worried enough with out worrvinsr about .monev. But you say the landlord must be paid and othees will not wait Don't worrv: let us do the waiting. We have money- and nothing to do" dui wait- mat s-our Dusmess. Get out of debt. Get your mind off your money trou bles, You will be able to work better and get out of debt sooner. , Come and get the money from us irom iu upwara. We will loan you on your furniture, nlano. fixtures, storatre recelDt or any I personal property ; also on your salary. i . we win give you ! to 12 montns in wnicn to "ay it orr. Easy weekly or monthly payments. See us first when in need of money, We offer a better proposition on loans mt tnis Kind man can oe iouna eise where. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding bldg. Third and Washington sts. Borrow Money ,. from the iry Loan- Bank fo'swtiritT.'" Everything confidential. Lowest rates in ' the city. State SecurityiCo, 808 Faillnr BIdar.. Third and Washington Bts. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, nlano or real estate. lowest rate of Interest Sea me first J, E. Nichols 620 BOard of Trade bldg. MONEY advanced salaried oeopie. house keepers and . others uDOn their own i names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; orrices in oo princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms, i oiman. 17 uumoer Kxenange. YOUR CREDIT Is god at the Employes Loan Co., 822 ADingion, -ivy aa st. WE can place your money at good rate of Interest Gilt edge security: first mortgagee; long time investments. PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO., o.t-pzB poarq 01 iraoe ging, WE HAVE money to loan on real es tate security; we also make some fa-m loans.- Call and ae us. . 821 Board of Trade bid. Marshall 2721. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. G. Beck, 812 Falling, MONEY to loan, any amount,' 6 to 8 per cent, uooanougn. sens, siv spama ing oiag. - - IMMEDIATE loans on securities; W A. Hathaway. Room 10, Washington Bldg. . MONEY to loan on reai estate. Harding ac neypoiae wo., tit tnamoer 01, com merce. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl tle, chattels or real estate. Union Loan co., juaiayette bia., sth & Wash R. A. FRAME Short loans on any kind Of security Fleldner bldg-. Phone Main 623. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, un -inatirance. , JViCK.enle Co.. Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. PRIVATi I'E party will loan on real estat from $350 to $10,000, 8 per cent $ to I enr. era ivt, uuiuiiice, ONEY to loan on real nutat inu. rate. E. TL Hlckaon. 617 nnarA , Trade bldg. . - LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. fl ALAR r l6aNM. A. , Newton, til Henry bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. . King; 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY to loan on improved real estate, l. i .una, cai'EneriocK Dldg. SUMS-ox7t86Jh-tipward.aTiear"eafaJS' wfinara re wieflrick. 248 Stark. Duiiamg iA7ana-A. u. r uriong, contrao-1 tor. 38 cna. of Conw. .Maia 4664. 4 ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 per . venv iiii'i-m. rut iouc,i Diag, LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Lady's gold ' watch and chain; watch engraved "E. C"; return to Olds. Wortman A King's jewelry coun t4 rewjrd, - , 21 REWARD for a cocker spaniel dog;; an swers to name of Dick; when last sen bad on collar with 1S10 license attached. Return to 720 iiorthwick st. and re ceive reward. Thone Main' 3613. Wood lawn 262.. LOST Ladles' silver - watch, initials 'H. N. D." on back, between Mont gomery and Morrison on Park st Finder please return to Miss Bows. West Park and Montgomery sts. Reward. LOST By elderly lady last Sunday on Oregon City car. Durse containing all she possessed; finder please return to Miss ueorge Harris, Clackamas, or.; re ward. LOST A black and green plush lap; robe between Oregon Cltv and Port land; . also rubber-tired go-cart wheel on 7th st Return 627 Beck bldg. Re- wara. LOST Lady's star-shaped brooch,, small diamond in center, surrounded by pearls. Phone Woodlawn 889 or call 783 Williams ave. . Reward". LOST Gold locket and chain, with if returned to 81 Russell et. LOST On 23d st, a brindle bull terrier, "-with short ears and tail; license No. 1166. Call up A-3254 for the reward, LOST Monday evening, .gold watch. J. C. engraved on back, nnaer return to 291 Grand ave. N. Phone East -461. FOUND Fox Terrier dog. For infor- mation. can A-8866. NOTICES 20 NOTIflK CV HAT.1U. The undersigned will offer for sale at public suction and will sell to the high est bidder at such sale, at the west door of the court house of Multnomah county. " Oregon, on Saturday, the 22d day of October, 1910, at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day: Sixty bonds of the Camnbell. Lumber company, a corporation, together with the- interest coupons pertaining thereto, wnicn oonas are or the par value oi bou each ana are numbered as follows:' Five bonds numbers 21 to 25 Inclusive, 5 bonds numbers 36 to ' 40 inclusive 60 bonds numbers 61 to 100 inclusive, and are known as a part of tha first mortgage per cent bonds of the Campbell Lum ber company, a corporation Incorporated under the raws of tha state of Oregon,' and which bonds are certified to by the Fidelity Trust-Co., of Tacoma, wash ington, trustee, and are entitled to the lien of the trust deed or mortgage given to secure the bond issue of the said Campbell Lumber Co. . - This sale will be made by the under signed by virtue of the agreement en tered into between th Campbell Lumber company and the undersigned giving us the usual right to sen any or the- col lateral in our hands toward satisfying the indebtedness of the said Campbell Lumber company to ub. so far as the proceeds of the sale of the said eo bonds may go. Terms or sale: Ten per cent or par value of the bonds to be paid In cash at time or sale, balance to be paid in casn upon delivery of tne bonds sold. Dated at Portland, Oregon,, this Sth aay oi October,' 1910. , PACIFIC EXPORT LUMBER CO By D. L. Blodgett, Secretary. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO- MAH COUNT, OREGON. Notice la hereby given that on Mon day. October 17. 1910. the board of equalization of Multnomah county will attend at the office of the county clerk or said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1910. and correct an errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or prop erty, and it is the duty of all persons interested to aDDear at the timd" and place appointed,- and if it shall appear to'such board of equalisation that there are any lanas, lots or other property as sessed twice or in the name, of fa per son or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed umter or beyond its value, or any lands, lots or other prop erty not assessed, said board of equali zation snau make tne proper correc tlons. B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland, Or., Sept. 23, 1910. SEALED offers will be received at the temporary Quarters of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club, 189 Lownsdale street up -to 8 o'clock p. m, October 19, for the lease for a term of years of the northwest corner of Chap man and YamhUl streets, 80 by 100 feet In extent. This site is suitable for garage, warehouse, apartment house or other similar purpose, requiring a close in," well located spot. The M. A. A. C. reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Give full particulars with character of improve ment proposed. Address Dow V. Wslk er, superintendent M. A. A. C., for fur ther particulars of with bids. PERSONAL 22 SWEDISH graduate, specialist in nerve, y, uiuou, rneumausm ana stomach dis orders, liver, kidncv and female trouhla If tired or disgusted in trying experi ments to regain and retain health, find out for yourself before you run down too far, my wonderful cure and scien tific method of removing the cause of human suffering. I will diagnose your caae free of charge. "Don't get blue." No matter from what you are suffering, no matter what else you have tried, there is relief and more than likely a cure for you. Physicians and the public are cordially invited. C. Holrastrom, scientific masseur and medico gym, SOS SOS Oregonian bldg. Resident calls an ewered promptly. Phone Marshall 2826. FREE OCTOBER ONLY FREE. During October we will treat free one rheumatic person from each town In Oregon and Washington. We are the only Neurologists in Portland and we want everyone to know that we have the best method of curing rheumatism and all chronie and nervous' diseases. Board, room and traveling expenses Is all it will cost you to get well. Ad dress Doctors Freeze & Rice. 308 Mer chants Trust bide.. Portland. DR. ALICE A. liiUf F. Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tiona. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No chargs for consultation. Phones, Main 3928, A-6607. Of floe room 10. Grand Theatre bldg., Washington and Park. COLUMBIA BEAUTY PARLORS". ' 415 Columbia bldg. Cor. Washington and Park ate. Marshall 3764. Just opened, and in order to establish a trade will make" following prices dur ing October: Manicuring, 26c; plain nairdrcsa,-25o; shampoo, 35c; scalp treatment, 85o; electrical face massage, oOc. Modern electrio treatment for diseases ? PtWSiarvo debility, nlles, Hwa?d. M. D.. 804-8 Aoth child bldg., 4th and Washington. Are You RODtured? The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a specialist to men, women end chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilaon, 66 8th at LADIES Ask your druggist for .Chicesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known aa best safest Always re'.isble. Take no other. Chi chesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold ny oruggiBts, everywhere. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc, nprrann . VnoHuW Vi..nnh an.Mi.u Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign! "ooaa m ii ainaa. ocnmaie UO., 229 1st St .-...';...'.. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen tclands, kid ney, bladder and plies. 181 First, Port land, LiQUbK habit permanently cured In three days; no suffering and ham less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Penlnsu Isr ave.. Portland, Or. . ANY one knowing the present address i of L. H. Sorenson. will nleiian mtniieatB-taTAr tXFa6ns. room 2 1 J. WOMEN Use Femoida when others fail: sold and LiiarHnteed ku.ihA-iiu. piunq iurug wo no n. ftth Bt. Main 10 WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in ie.mmuies; tree aemonstrations. 9 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Neo Plastlque Agcy. MRS. SOPHIA B.-'SEtP. mental "and rplrltual scientist 21 BelUng-Hirscn ping.f AHwnirtgron St. Main BALM of flK. remedy tor iltBaases of women. 632 Davis st. Main 9J15. LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL Free $15 X-Rav examinations and i-uunui tacion. ' If you call at once. Dr. Home's grand offer to the sick and weak. The object of this offer is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and vicinity mat ne nas the grandest, simplest ana most successful method of restoring health InH Unrln. Hlccana VnOwn tO the scientific wbrldt Many of you who have been taking medicines and so called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in a few treatments. Have you varicose : veins, obstruction. blood poisoning, nervous del-ilUy, pUe, or any diseases of the rectum? Male ?' fem' weakness? Are you in pain i..;v ""maiisrr., lame back,- "a-""' lumbam 1,. . Ur , weak Hi. y7 Ar constipated, atomach.. liver trnnhla - m ... tva Bktn - . vftwira vi cut." . dlaeaseat .'if so there is quick relief ft Per""inent cure In store, for you M.y u caU P - A. Home, M. D., Naturopath, who gives you an honest "na nonest treatmeni SSh " t0. Btav cured. If curable. .His ?a?Ef,B.,ls 07-408-409 Rothchlld bldg., ?oTMi Washington Hrmri: 9 to 12; 8 to 5 ? 7 to 8.r-Wot-open Sundays. Phone DR. LEWIS. Physician and - sureeon: treats women and children exclusively: private hos puai accbmmoaations; examinations free. Main 4047; A-2411. - 50 Common wealth bldg , th and Ankeny. 6EXINE Pills only 75c box. Call or ad dress Bridge Pharmacy, 1S6 Morrison, .BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS NORTHWESTERN Appraisal Co. In dependent appraisers ana aaiusters. 1068 E. 21st st N. i Woodlawn 302j. ARTISTS' . MATERIALS ARTISTS matarlala, picture framing. E. H. Moorehouse Co.. 411 Wash. at. AbbATERS WKLLS k PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana lytlcal chemists. 204 wasn. m. 7608. MONTANAfassay office, laboratory and ore testing wora. i iviorriBon. ATTORNETB 3. R. HUGHES, 304-6-8, Falling bldg Main 7336 and A-3034. Practlca in all courts. Collections a specialty. CHUISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice, tu-u tiucnanan dip PATHS AVn RWTMM PORTLAND Swimming Baths. 167 4th. Plunge, steam, tub, shower, baths. 26c BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st man, uwn m t bi iu nwwi improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Kureka tear. A-aiaa. mam na. tHblAIESk CAKPH WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jooDing. J. wan, us jerrer Bon Bt. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland oince. n Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety bonds, McKay bldg. CAUflfiT CLEANING GLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co. Clean carpets without removal. K. 44Z8. 10NU Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. E. 360, B-2236. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rar rugs, carpet cleaning. 153 Union eve., near K. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works: Colonial rag carpet and - rugs, 161b . . A a n a . -a a n Aa- Fatton ave. fnone wooaiawn zoss. CHIROPODIST" CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING I Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4?9 Flledner bldg. j COAL A.TD TVOCJD NOTICEpISnSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.76 INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load. .. .$3.50 BLOCK WOOD, per loaa 13.60 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland siaDwooa Co. Main 3119. A-7001. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will save you money on your coal. 846-34S East Ankeny street Both phonas: B-2343; East 214. Orders placed with A. W. Curry. 116-118 Grand ave., or Nisbet Grocery, 5& East Morrison, wm receive prompt attention. - PACIFIC BLABWOOD Ca - Dry Inside wood, per load $3.78 Small dry Inside wood per load.. 2.75 block wooa. ner ioaa .5U aner trimmings, long and short" Phones Main 3709, A-7358. Good dry country slab wood; heavy. Seghers Wood Co.. 9th and Qllsan. . Wood and Coal Delivered promptly. Harrington Transfer & Fuel Co., 433 E. Morrison. Phone B-1692. East 6205. Meier & Frank Co. take orders for our standard grades or phone East 303 or C-2303. , ALBINA FUEL CO., 47 Albina ave., also Broadway and E. 33d St.: prompt de livery, rnones re. isz. c-mi. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab WESTERN FUEL COMPANY, E. Morrison. East 226. B-1026. " White & Benson fuel Co, 415 East Morrison. East 914. Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal Yard. BdUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD COT Main 2153, A-8842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood. clean sawdust for bed- dlng, cut fuel; blodtwood. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st Yamato Wood and P.rml P.nmntnu EAST. 818 vvui uumi(,'uiiji t)-1867 FUEL Reduction 26 cents per load on box wood for tha next 6 days only. Standard Wood Co. East 2815, B-169S. CEDAR blocks, green, $1.60; cedar block dry, $2. Phone A-3842. Main 2153. COLLECTION SPECIALIST "ii. ' 'wm. ' na. w,,ffiii n.iw. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections . only- L. Pinckney Wbita.; Main 5074, A-7026. COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected.. Wells Mercantile Agency, 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND CoUeotton Agency. All debts collected, 317 Alleky. A-7817; M. 4221 CUNTRACTORS AND CVILDEIW CUMMXNGS ft CATLI-N Building iu every branch -of the building trades; jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; show cases, counters, shelving, etc. Office and shop 171 lt st Phone Mar shall 2827. - CONTRACTORS AND, BUILDERS WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and ' builder. Jobbing and contracting, 306 4th. Main 6241. FOR emeni""re rk. -jiasterlna-. work, excavating, call on G. C Olson. Marehall 1441 A-4020 192 G rover at' CARPENTER contracts, Jobllna spec iauy. w. Ki, ,ierKinB. i aopr zii. .,: DOG, AND, HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN" D. vV s "of. 824 F?a"ncTert" ill REAL ESTATE NAVE Bnlter, D. M., City. Farm ITopertj BrotiR-St'ele Conipany Brubuker A Benedict Crd Reiltjr & IiiTeatment Co.. Co. 4 Co.. B. S Chapln A Herlnw,... MoUrt a MarhMll. Karma, iT nv.... H.mck, Genrgt A. CclonUatloi; .,.... Knupp Ir Marker.-..-.'..'.-..- ... Oreuoa Real Estate Co.. Tbe Schalk, Georga D. Klilelda. J. H... . Thompson, 11. K. Co.. . DANCIHO MR. and Mrs. Heaths' dancing achool n. aim " ,;-,.. Bta. "Lm 8 ve- stage dancing taugni, "v;, ,nd ninls,, private lsonaJlally, wal and ftxr.riiri. srilH rfiTi ltl in ' DANCING lessons, 26c, Xer?? tw afternoon and. 7nlnitAnotlw2 Step and three step; taB ,2 RAhnof wash at., pei- 1 ""- v. r,ivni E-T3a riancinar classes, Mon. and Bat. eve. riiia r ;-.y,2 daily. AcBd . 2d-Mor. M. 9.1-. ELECTRICAL BUPrUfiS MOTORS for rent or sale. Paclc Elec trie Pa-ineerlng Co.. 213 2d at. , ELECTKOLYBT5 MOLES, wrinkles, aupernuou- hair re- h. "J"'1"' -";V.iV-;c. TTMdner. moved- MTB. m. u- o""'"' - GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY , and i"rt,iU-aaaSrtl2' aquipments; unchea, accessories, Wholeaale ndreUlU engine P?"" Relerson Mechlnery Co- Morrison. HAT FACTOR MEN'S hats cleaned and 7 Eastern Hat Factory; U;et ITf": ivators in the city, 64-66 3d at, ground nU Hats direct from the factory at half price. LEATHER riNIUXGS CHAS L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; Up manufacturers, findings. LIBRARIES md rinTTiMfi Hhrarv. ltg 5tl Taylor ana zaraniu. dqum y MACHINERY a TRENKMAN A CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4tn MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES PARTS, complete machines, nims e - slides, films, reasonable. 626 W song ash. MULTIGRAPHINQ PORTLAND Mailing Co., multigraphing, typewriting, mailing, puuuu ivruuBi"' her; personal typewritten circular let- efs, 306 Railway Exchange bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS E THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil "Sevcik. Mar. 1629, A-4160, 900 Marquam PIANO. Violin, cornet, mandollu. E. Al 8mlth, 292 12th st Prof. OSlfcOI'AlJnU PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961: Inn SMITH, araduate Klrkvllle, Mo.. 1898; post graauate i.ui, sit owev- land bldg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS ? " T " '"."T1, F E. BEACH A COt, Pioneer Paint Co. I HAW A. 1 f I ak ! J 1 1A 18 1-0 jbi. main , -imi, RASMUSSEN & -CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor, za et xayior. m A-uji. GET our prices s on painting, paper Ernest Miller Co., 173 1st ing, tinting. PAINTING AM) PAPEKIKQ FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. TING,, tinting, paperhanging. II P. Chrlstensen Co., Main .1983 FOR ' painting, tinting, paperhanging, phone E. 1356. All work guaranteed. PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for inventors freer tells how to obtain and value of patenta, trademarks registered, Beeler 4 Robb, 177-181 McGIll bidg.t Washington, D C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor- ney-at-Law, late u. 8. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. . R. C. WRIGHT. U. 6. and foreign pat ents: Infringement cages. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNING PIANO tuning, two dollars; 13 years' experience. 47. iJ3 Vancouver av, PLUMBING CONTRACT work, any size Jobs; you br i Turmsn material; aay or lob work estimates furnished. H-106. Journal. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 H 1st. , THE BEST FRlNTERb Beattle & Hof- mann. inc. 204 Stark. ROOF DOCTOR IF YOUR roof leaks or needs paint, mail card to Woodward Roof Paint Co., 106 y, N. 3d st. Estimates free. RUiiUEH tIAMPS AND SEALS -a STENCILS and office stationery, i Cun- ningnain co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE Moslef1 Safe Co, 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts openeq. oargains in second nsna sates SHINGLES BEST in Portland. See them. Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. 201 SHOWCASKS HV FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and bfflce fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2708. SURVlCXORft v WALTER M. OBER. platting, subdivid ing and . topographical maps a spe- ciaity. IPO IS. ZHth St. N. B-20H8. TRANSFER AND KrORAGa Oregon Transfer Co, Established 1870. : Transfer and forwarding agents, Storage: free trackage. Office. 310 Hoyt at, bet 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69: A-IIC9. , , PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. 13 th and Everett eta, Just opened, newest. most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In northwest; free tracks geiivanj mi iiiuviugr wain or A-ng. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of. flco and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron - rooms and , antra r a" iaT.il.1 tni I" a , west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed . for shipment. Main 68; A-jjjg. XOWIkL btPPLT CLEAN toweis aauy. cemb, brush, soau. $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co.. 8th and Couch sti. J-riVea-Mla-r41,-A-44ie.- :- ( DIRECTORS' ADDRESS-.8Xi-Corbet t Ell4...,i .110 KfciiiU bl . ..V2 Wcliny F.lilg.,... .625 h"aty Bldg ,6":i Corbett aur TKLErHi N T ....A-ti:-;. M.lu . Main aiul A Main 6 -1 JJurthiilt l.'i'ii, A T--.; .3.(2 Cbamber q( ammrr.. .Eoom 7. 20O'i Alder. .Main .. A-'. t ..Ulo l'i 1 Mniu f'TI h l.nnn liida- MB 111 !' '1 . T iDimOT of Commerr,...51"ln and A-'."H ..Grand Are. and Multnomah... .Eaat AT. C-lTit r .....Main SO'i A-2fl'l ...Si)5 ,erliner BMa.v. Mala tU rt ...Henrr Bldo.. 4th-Osk .,.. !K1(U A.S.T'T SlUJli AND BHOn- CAUDA F,fTER KLE1SER Signs; the lare. l-vr D'ci" inaners in the northwest K. tfSi ? a Everett ata PhoneEast t Jiving I3"Jsfi, - -- "SjONSTHAT ATTRACT' Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1598. StORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES R. II. BIRDSELL; HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. -Winter- Lumber Co. - TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun. jningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140T. VETICKlNARUIt DR-. A, - SMITH, V? S:, U. 1 S. Stables, 348 Front. Main 4168. Res. Main 1802. DR. L.- R. DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue Stables.' East 72. 897. B-1369. WALL PAP-V HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and tha goods that go with them. E. H. Moorehouse A-Co., 411 Wash, st BEAVER board for. sale ; Wall Paper Co. -. ' by Morgan. WHOLESALB WOUBERS EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A GUN8T & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS 4 CO., wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak ats. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d etween Salmon and MatrlT" ALLEN ft LEWIS QROCERIEST BANR9 VCRMAN-AMESIJAH BAR g Portland. Or. - corner eixta ana wasoinatea ats. xrana acta a genera) banking bnilneae. Drafts ned available la all tbe principal dtlas et tbe United States and Europe. Vow Pr teat ereat paid on aavinga- aocoasta. . sate aa po.lt aolf. - - - . - ... . - - ... , BONDS AND INVESTMENTS MORRIS BROTHERS. Railway El change bldg. Municipal, railroad H.UU jjvswaav ww ' a- vva yJi a uvuub TRANSPORTATION 4Iiy Through fast service 'be tween Portland and St. Paul, connecting with all lines east and south. Lowest Rates To ALASKA ' HAWAII AUSTRALIA THE ORIENT ; : THE PHILIPPINES AND ALL . EUROPEAN POINTS For rates and descriptive matter, apply at 142 Third street, or address Frank R. Johnson, Gen. Agent, Port land,. Or. 1 Tha Opaa Blres Transportation Company Str. T. N. TLAL Tor TKB SAIVXiES aad Way 3andlngi Leaving Oak street dock, foot of Oak street, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 a. m., returning, leaving The Dalle Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. mall lng connections at Celllo with STEAM EB TWIST v CITIXa for Pasco, Kenne wick, and all points on tbe Columbia a far as Priest Rapids. CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN, Supt. A. B. WHITlko, A gent ax rranclBco at roruand Btaamsntp Co, JT aw Berries to Irfs Angeles, n Baa Vranolsco, every JTiva Bays. From Ainaworm Dock, Portland. 4. p. m 8S. Beaver Oct 14, Bear 19, Boss City 34 From San Francisco, Northbound, 13 m. SB. Stose City Oct. 18, Beaver 83, Bear S3 From San Pedro, Northbound, . SS. Boss City Oct. 16, Beaver 81. Bear 86) H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third sti phone Main 402, A1402. ' J. W. Ransom! agent. Ainsworth Dock; phone Main UK O. R. & N. ASTOBZA ROTJTB STEAMER '. HABSAZ.0 ' V i Leaves Portland daily except Saturday at 8;00 p. m. Makes all wiy landings. Arrives at Astoria at :00 a. m. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 a. tn. Arrive Portland at 5:00 p. m. Makes direct connection with eteamer Nahcotu for Megler, Ilwaco, Long Beach and all oolnts on the Ilwaco railroad. -" SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO PIBECT worts ACirro g. s. co. B. B, BOAKOKB and 8. 8. ElDSa BAH Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 t. m. Ticket office 133 Third, near AldeE phones Main 1314, A-1SH. ; . ... -MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pass. Agent, W. H. SLUSSER, Freight Agent COOS BAY JUINE STJBAMXB BBZAXWATXB Bella front - Alaska Dock, rortland, 8 p. m. Sept 30. 87, Oct. 11, 18, 25, Nov. 171, 15, 22. 29, and every Tuesday night Freight received at Alaska Dock until in, m. dalls.. PassengHrfa reri'l rsts 1 a a.ii a ; . seeond cIbbs, $T, Im;ludlnt mals sn-f berths. Tickets on sale at Ainawortij dock,., Phone M ain . 2 68,A..l i ,14, HOINOUUibU S I I C Special Badaced r.onn-1 Trij P i JKJ rttt Class (I-onuoriy !.) .), Splendid B. a), aiarra saita irom )-: Francisco. Oct. I, etc. List to hit! and Jfew Zealand, B. tiMar tO j ,4.. sails uct... II. etu, . , ..Tahiti ami I $1,15. .New $246.25. first 1 your berth n -fco.. tit Mai $t.)5.'. New ,,, Zealand, t Weiiif clans round urn. i- rkrt-itre-t. Saa Fi.,