The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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TT" .. . - ifwfcee worst eoKewCT' zrrJ-"' : I : : . I .
nf lLC , V Ssre. vtw CT Ue MAT CMWi XS. . You R.utpcls. -' -
srv. x . 0F00)-:5HM S rrTcwWTO , UKfi ABuNCH 0? D0V4 N TH , '
at HrS..S.0 . --. Va5 NORM'S J TFVhO I DON'T AFRMO
VX tGON? j Y- PX Boogy hktU OHePL-VMHfeN YOU Tck HutT me "
m al. rs;vd rr l-- '.'.. wtt m
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I .- A M -Z ( HI --m 1 HI II Till If I . 1 - . 1 1 I IjL J . -..' , ' V r. W I .TT Til ' VW - .W T V I. t,.. i1 T V-'V' V 91 . I . 1
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put 'tw
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- if ' f i -
' .(I I Mr
fella Hiil Military Cadets Grid
iron Game. Is Great. Moral ..
TJm cdt$ of the Hill , Military
icademy were given an unexpected and
most enjoyahle treat yrsterday after
noon, when Walter Camp, the renowned
"father of athlntics" at YaJe university
nd the world's foremost foothall crlllc,
visited the academy at 8 o'clock and
BfidreBsed the hastily "aaaemfiled stu
dents with one of his characteristic,
crisp and never to he forgotten speeches.
Dr. J., W. HiU, th principal of the
academy, Introduced his old friend and
collegre mate with a few happily chosen
words, and when the famous football
warrior, gray 'of hair but athletic of
bearing and atature, arose to. confront
the eadetn. tumultuous salvos of ap
. plauae greeted him."
Mr. Camp's, address, delivered In a
clear, incisive voice, was a plea for ath.
letlcs, clean, . gentlemanly, - sportsman
like athletics in general and for. foot
ball In: particular. He brought 'out
forcibly th fact proved by his experi
ence of many years, that a young man
who makes good tinder-the rigid disci
pline, the exacting demands upon self
dfnlal, self restraint and moral and
physical courage of the football field,
makes good anywhere in Ufa. Renewed
applause and enthusiastic cheers re
Fronii(d to his earnest.' heart ,to heart
talk and then Mr. Camp courteously
consented to the eager request of the
cadets to meet him personally in the
reception ; parlor. : The cadets ' appre
ciated Mr. Camp's cordial friendliness
the more, as they well knew that he had
postponed his departure for Seattle to
a later hour in order to be able to pay
them that visit, and everyone, young
and old, large and small, went into the
parlor to heartily shake the hand of
the man of whotn they heard and read
so much and who now stood before them
in the flesh, . a personification of the
clean,, manly spirit of the American
. Mr. Camp departed late yesterday
afternoon for the north. v - - ; .
Krueger Leads Portland Bats
men With Fisher In Sec
ond Place. .
- University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.,
Oct ' H. The Oregon-Willamette ' con
troversy -Is at last . ended. - Manager
Watson of Oregon announced yesterday
that no game with Willamette would
be played this year, but that the Uni
versity of Puget Sound had been sched
uled to fill the Willamette date, Oc
tober 23. . ..
- The northern eleven, .while it comes
from a small school. Is always a formid
able one and a good game is expected.
This completes the Oregon schedule.
The home games this year are few In
Carved Everywhere
A.KATA BX03.. Sittrlbatota,
Batting averages of tha CoasJ league
this week show few changes In relative
position. Among the Portlanders Artie
Krueger is - leading, with Qua Fisher
second and Casey third. Rapps is bat
ting fourth and Ryan fifth. Olson has
moved up a few points, and Is going
The week's average show that llow
ard has caught up with Maggart of Oak
land, in the base stealing line, both
having 80. " j
'ine averages follow: " v '
- , Gms. AB. R. BH. SB. Pc.
Pfyl. Oak. . . , . 29 96 J3 27' 4,281
Bodie, 8,. P. ",.",,193 659 9B J84 ' 28 .279
Krueger, Port . SI 119 18 83 6 .271
Perry. Sac. . ..170 29 74 172 33 .273
Tennant.8. F. .201 749 T4 204 33 .272
Kisher, Port ..-.145 471 63 128 13 .2T3
Shaw, S. F. v.v . 126 194 46 105 38 .267
Melchoir, a F. .165 682 69 IBS 87 .266
Iewis, 8. F. J . .123 440 86 11T ; 16 ,266
Danzig, Sao. ..117 441 89 115 12 .261
Madden, S. F 78. 258 80 67 20 .260
Maggart, , Oak. 190 640 i 79 166 60 ,269
Daley, U A.. . .194 713 98 184 45 .258
Hogan, Oak.., .167 618" 87 159 19 .257
Carlisle, Ver... 194 609 120 177 35 .253
Howard, L. A. 178 636 . 97 179 60 .250
Cameron, Oak,. 154 669 46 140 16 .260
Bernard. L. A.. 160 547 69 138 2.1 .249
Casey, Port. ..160 476. 88 118 .24
vofverton. 0...1S4 532 42 m 8 ,246
K. JHrasheaa. V,19 844 " 85 18 34 ,245
nul'. Vtr,..,., J( ill) 1 Z7 tt .HO
KaPPS. POrt. ..176 605 . 67 145 26 .244
Ryan, Port.... 173 661 -71 847 25 .242
Dillon, .1 A. .173 690 .. 61 141 29 .239
Van Buren, Saal57 658 64 138 21 ,238
Shlnn, Sao.....l68 617, 71 147 41 .238
Olson, Port. ,.177 671. 91 168 J 85 .235
Iletling, Port., 83 282 24 66 6 .234
Thomas, Oak.,. 80 205 9 48 9 .234
Toaer, L. A..... 89 181 11 26 4 .234
Stewart S. F... 47 107 10 25 4 :234
Swander, Oak.. 187 667 66 156 19 .234
Willett, Ver.... 49 129 11 30 7 .233
Vltt, S. F. , . ... ,172 668 78 146 86 .232
Murphy, I A. .184 663 62 158 86.281
Burrelf, Ver. ..139 604 34 117 16.230
Coy, Ver ,.178 636 68 146 23 ,230
Wares, Oak... ,194 700.' 68 160 46 .229
Boardman, Sao..l68 604 t 48 1ST .227
N. Brashear. V.168 666 46 125 87 .225
Stovall, Ver.... 110 J83 40 86 22 .225
Eastley, S. F.. 85 85 1 4 '19 0 .224
Roth, U A, . . ,122 429 26 98 J2 .224
Nagle, L. A... 47 166 7 28 6 .222
Cutshaw, Oak.. 192 710 ; 76 867 43 .221
Delmas. L. A., 181 696 .47 133 14 .221
Ross. V. .104 309 28 68 10 .220
Brlggs, Sac. ..174 651 40 142 18 .218
Waring, U A.. 77 144 IS 81 3.217
Lively, Oak ..48 13 11 29 - 1 .216
MoCredie, P. ,. 62 166 17 84' 0 ,!09
Brown, V. ,,,.126 373 28 17 16 .206
Speas P. ....ISO 487 88 99 20 .20
Wheeler, L. A.. 90 36 ' 26 48 1 .203
Carroll, Oak. . ,102 288 82 28 13 .201
Portland Y. M. C. A. Physical
Director Will Make Five
Weeks' lourneyi
numbers and the undergraduates will be
forced to Journey to Portland and Cor
vallls to see the two big games. The
Multnomah -. , game will - be played at
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets in
Portland.. The annual game with O. H.
C. will be played at Corvallis. The dates
fo these games have been set for No
vember 25 and November 12.
; Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Or. Oct 11. Freshman football
practice started off yesterday evening
with a large number of candidates. C.
A. Dickey, last year's ful'back, will play
with the first year men aid he will be
supported by such men ae Charley King,
Gerald Wilcox. Andrews and Larson,
who have accomplished things before in
the game. -Seldon Hill, Charles Hock
ersmlth 'and George Holmes, who
learned a few things about football
under Coach 8. B. Hall, an O, A. C. star,
who has charge of this line of work in
the Medford High school; are out on the
grldipn and other high schools all over
the state are largely represented.
A game is sc.hed.uled with the Uni
versity of Oregon freshmen for Novem
ber -5, one week before the big varsity
game, to be played on Oregon's field. .
At Chicago: ,. ' v ' Jt. H.E.
St Louis , , i ... i'.t... ,'. ,15 16 1
Chicago . .... . l 14 j
Batteries Hearne and Bliss; Weaver
and Needham. ' ,
At New York- R. H. H
Philadelphia , , . , 8 15 S
New York 2 12 7
' Batteries Brennen and Moran; Ru
dolph and Meyers, Wilson.
I. TMii . IIIWIH II II HIT It WrtKiiyi'TT'lTff.BffTB WirTmMWI 1
Tonight Big Wrestling Match
Eddie O'Cnnnell
Dodan Singh
OConnell agrees to ' throw Dodan Singh twice In One hour for 1500.00
. ' ' , -v i" , side bet. ' ! . - ." - - ;.
orms wr-fT vs. jern abttut .
?f,t .'n sale at ffchiller's' and Olym Uj1 Hear Stores. ' and Multnomah
t.'lut. FUngsfde seats, 81.60; general admission, 11. Starts 8 '.IS. p. m. sharp.
V A. M. Grilley, physlral director of the
T. M..C. A., expects to leave next Mon
day evening for a five weeks' trip to
the east, where he wlir make a close
study of gymnasium and play ground
work among the various associations,
colleges and athletic clubs.
It is Mr. Grilley intention to spend
from four hours to two days, varying
in the Importance of the gymnasium, as
a pupil on the 'floor. He wtll in turn
visit Boise, Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit Buf
falo, Philadelphia, New York.' Boston,
Cambridge. New Haven, Baltimore and
When Mr. Grilley returns he will work
out a system embodying the latest thing
in gymnasium instruction for the Port
land classes, as well as having satis
fied himself as to the -standing of the
Portland association as compared with
the larger ones of the east in gymna
sium work.
The public playground idea has taught
on. with Mr. Grilley and he win devote
a good portion of his time in the east
to visiting the municipal playgrounds
an ' conferring with the directors of
them, Some of the best points of the
eastern playgrounds system will be in
corporated in the conduct or tne rort
land playgrounds, Mr. Grilley being a
member ofie puuio piaygrounas com
mission. - -
4) . The Los Angeles baseball club
arrived this morning for a week's 4V
series with the Beavers begin- 4
4 ning this afternoon at 3 o ciock
f vanphn street rrounds. The , e
4 Beavers are depending on the 4
4 long end Of ine senes t preserve e
their lead over the Oakland pro-
4 testants. Portland hss always 4
4v had an easy time , with the An-:
Telephones for the transmission of
train nrrtnr. are helniT SUCCeBSfUllV Used
on 26,644 miles of railroads in the United
Ftates. -
Eddie O'Connell, Multnomah clnb la
' structor and welterweight cham
pion of the world, who meetB Do
den Singh, the Hindu tor a $500
. side bet tonight In Merrill's ''hall.
, (United Press Leasel Wlm.1
San Francisco, Oct 11. Battling Nel
son may be matched mith "One Round"
Jack Hogan the latter part of this
month, according to Promoter James
Griffin, who holds the November per
mit. If GrL-in can bring the two to
gether he will stage the Jout in a 15 or
80 round go at Dreamlarfd rink on Octo
ber 28. - - JUr--;. rs','
Griffin has received no answer, to his
wire td the Battler, but Kansas City
dispatches credit the former champion
with saying he intended to fight Hogan
In San Francisco this month.
Texas may furnish t the champion
amateur shotgun marksman this year in
Jim Day of Midland, who has shot at
something like 4QA0- targets over the
regulation traps and has maintained the
high average of 97.23. He took part in
the recent tourney at Dallas.
'Greetings to the
Los Angeles team."
(A voice from the
'wilderness) ."Beat-
Ings si a times
straight" T ,
. . . .. -
The Angels 'ar
rived this morning
lnnklnff fit as fid
dles and made their
exit off the rattler
In a somewhat spir
ited way. They
looked as Jf they
had lots of "pep."
' Cartaln Dillon, when asked if he
thought .the Beavers had any chance of
winning -the pennant said: "When I
crossed the plains of fiellwoort back in
the early days,' I met an .Indian 'squab
who told me that some day the city
of Portland would have a pennant win
ning team but they were very spt to
lose the rag on account of a fluke
decision. She said that some man with
luvely teeth, a scarceness of grass on
bis dorhe Hetlng) would .be responsi
ble, but that there .might be chance
of winning after aUL'v , ,
George Lionel Castoria Wheeler, who
has been in the national game for 2S
years without smoking, drinking or eveii
arguing1 with the umpire ??????? for
arguing with the-ump), said this morn
ing that the prospects of his r.etfrjng
from the game were very much on the
blink. He looked rational, all right, but
Doc Bernard says that there Is still a
fighting chance for George. .
Dillon had a youngster by the name
of Kennedy playing left field for him
at Frisco In a couple of games and
while he didn't show, anything startling
.In the way of ' base 1 hits, ; he was on
the bases a few- tlmejson walks and
looked like a speed-burner. I couldn't
locate him , amongst the , crowd this
morning,-but maybe they were initiat
ing him by making him pack up the
luggage. " - "
"Dere's' de guy fellers what gibed us
de hooks on da dime fur packing his
grip to de train de udder time": said
a youngster, with the knees -out of his
leg covers-and a cigarette as big as
himself protruding out of his . eater,
when he spotted Walter Nagle, ; "I'll
SlhJtijm. arJC'Sf1trJ"9'ilandd.r(?n Jjlm
and den de bunch must gib bim de hoots
fur de dime. Gib him a fair chance,
as be might have a bomb In derrlp."
Well, no matter bow thick the apple
sauce may be, the Beavers are out to
make the Angels . look - like a lot of
boobs this week and they are very apt
to do it' and do1 it right. Krapp will
work tor the Beavers todftym-hile Dil
lon might send Walter Nagle on the
.mound. . . ' -;-,-; .-: , ...
What do you think of that??T7T Bat
tling Nelson came back last night and
trimmed Monte Dale 1n three rounds in
what was scheduled to be a 10 round
bout. The Battler showed all his old
time prowess and was there with the
usual wallop. He did things a little
quicker than usual, but then Monte is
a third rater,' . ;
Bobby Evans arrived in town last eve.
nihg from The Dalles,, where he boxed
Jockey Bennett the other evening. Bob
by says that the bout was even and
he showed up fine, '. .
,.V". '.' ''''.,,. 7 ':v."'(;': .'
Foolish question No. 1: Why is Doe
Moe? " . .. j . ., .
Don't forget the wrestling match this
evening when Eddie O Connell and Singh
the Hindu- from Astoria clash In Mer
rill's hall, "Some mixing is on the pro
gram for the fans and it is bound to
he a treat Eddie looks awfully good
to muh.
- Just think of it It is enough to give
you the horrors the Beavers, leave us
for good next Sunday evening.- -Don't
say another word about it, because Doe
Anderson has' ordered his seat at . the
grounds frapped with a lovely bouquet
for next Sunday and Doc is going to
make a "speech" for the benefit of the
fans on how to get along without wor
rying. ' . ' '
H. M. Winkler, Evansville, Ind., bad
all the symptoms of a serious kidney
disorder, and as none of the medicine
he had taken helped him, he finally
tried Foley Kidney Fills. . He writes
"My back gave Out. I seemed to have
lost all. strength and ambition, and felt
all pmyed out was bothered with diazy
spells and would become nearly blind,
my head would ewlni and specks dance
before my eyes. At this time I heard
of Foley Kidney Pills and took them
regularly., Before they-were half gone
I waa-rouch improved, and - the action
of my kidneys and bladder become re?
ular and natural. I am now perfectly
well and Foley K i d ae y-f lUe-v e , eu r4
Skidmore Drug Co., two stores. Main
store, 161 Third. St., branch store, Mor
rison and West Park eta, ..Woodward
Clark Drug Co. - .
Grapplers Will Wrestle in Mer-
's Hall for Side Bet of
$500 Each.'
Eddie O'connell and Doden Singh are
alt primed up for their wrestling match
in Merrill's hall, Seventh and Oak'
streets , tonight, the preliminaries
to which will start promptly at 8:15
o'clock with Jean West and "Kid" Arndt
and Bud Kepplr- and Joe Arndt fur
nishing the curtain raisers. The .prin
cipals are. wrestling for a 1500 side bet
and interest is at fever heat over the
affair both In Portland' and Astoria,
where Singh has been working for the
past two years In the lumber camps
Of the Hammond Lumber company.
Herbert Greenland, the former well
known amateur wrestler and : referee,
will officiate aa the third man on the
mat in the main" event Edgar Frank
will be timekeeper for O'Connell, while
the Astoria manager of the Hammond
Lumber; cotripany will officiate for
Singh. Thet third timekeeper will be
chosen at the matslde.
It is said that the Astoria, delegation
Is coming te the metropolis with all
the proceeds of a year's ' toil in the
lumber camps and a summer's labor
with the salmon skeins and will lay the
whole pile on the dark-skinned grappler
of the Asiatic
Under the- terms of the articles
O'Connell, t win the' Hindu's $500 of
the side bet must pin his shoulders to
the mat twice on 60 minutes of actual
wrestling. This he' was jiot able, to do
on a former occasion and his friends
fear he has bitten off too large a chunk.
It 1 the first time he hss agreed to give
a handicap to a man who outweighs
him at least 10 pounds, ordinarily
O'Connell demanding a handicap from
so good a man at that-poundage. But
Eddie is a shrewd one and evidently
knows What he la about. ...
There Is considerably1 rivalry among
the preliminary men. On a previous
occasion Arndt downed West ""and the
latter is out to be revenged. Jean says
he will or certainly down the kid, who
lias a large fallowing. Joe Arndt, a
brother of Walter, will try to tip Bud
Keppler. - 1
Indications are that there will be a
large bouse to greet the first wrestling
mateh vof the season, which, if indica
tions promise anything, will be the
signal, for a revival . of the aport in
Portland on a scale of three seasons
ago, j1 " . , , j .
.... .' y.y.
. . IVMM tttt Leased Wlra. , '
New York, Oct 11 Barney Oldfleld,
the human whirlwind, faces disbarment
by the American Automobile association
and possible expulsion if he persists in
racing Champion Jack Johnson. v r '
i The association v- recently withdrew
Johnson's racing. driver's license, alleg
ing that It was obtained through mis
representation and has warned Oldfleld
that he must not race the negro pugi
list tr - "
, ' , Abe Aftell Meets Kilbane.
" (United Prem Leaied "Wlra. ' 1 -Kansas
City, Oct 11. Abe Attell and
Toung Kilbane were matched today to
fight 10 rounds on October 24 here.
They will weigh In at 121 pounds.
University of Oregon Students
. Will. Be Carefully Looked
After. ' ' .
(Sperl.t Dlftpatffe t Th Jonrml.) i
University of Oregon. Eugene, Or ,
Oct. 11. With the beginning of work
in .Oregon's new gymnasium, Bill Hay
ward has inaugurated a new system of
physical measurement which promtsei--rnuch
as a guide, to future physics!
training., . ' ' i .
Each freshman entering the ' Uni
versity is put through a system 0'
measurements that would shame Bern
tllion himself. In an 82 separate mas
urements are taken, ' besides- whiol
nearly every muscle- in the body i
tested for strength by various method
of tripping, pulling snd lifting; A care-i
ful test of heart action and respiration
Is also made. As a final record "BUI'
has devised a system which ts unique
Each student is photographed, stripped.
agslnst a background or 'closely .ruled!
squares, from an exact distance. - ,t
At thai nrt of the vear whrn the Stu
Aent in nh'ntosranhed for the ; second
time, and the two pictures are CorhJ
pare,, the development of everypar-
of the body, will ee snowfl, .
Althnnrk it witlehs but half nnund
a female herring will lay 45,000 eggs at1
a time. "
LJ J14J!'
1 :-.;- (. j1
J'i;t C' ! IT""' J 1 , ii until m IMH- w t. o -.-. . - minni miMi . m.;l-11r rilnw,.f.. -r , l-r-rT
k J W M iwi.wiiT.irgiiiiM'.-i.M -i.MBfHM.nii., ... , ttL,t. I.i..njiiur4,
, i ll lll. ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iff ? v-
- ' 'i'r j-yS "- ' ' ' yFsS.
w '
.... r mm . . . iff f .. ' r -w-
to. ' '-'
the Test
, Hold a glass of Blue Ribb6n
Beer x to the light Note the
beautiful amber color. Observe
its clearness, undimmed even
when just offV the ice a
severe test of quality.
Sec the rich creamy foam watch .
how it ' clings to the side ' of the glass
--more evidence of quality. Now taste
it a flavor- exquisite found- orily-fcv
The Beer of: Quality-
Its the perfection : of -'
brewing a"' table "bevef-" '
age that eye and palate
and perfect digestion agree
on acclaiming the best .
Insist on Pabst Blue Ribbon
id add oriemore good thing'
the list which .makes for ;
your health and enjoyment ,
Made and Bottled onfy
6y Pahst at Milwaukee 1
Phone dealer below;
l. Aratac Co. ' Arata Brothers
4 Tr4rd St. ' - 69-71 Sixth St.
; lUin 480 - Phone Mam 2531
Home A 1481 . , Home A 2531