iipiiig-..., B.ikpr . . . Orpheum nrs 1 1 1 r ,, ....."Tha Whit F'ster" , .."Arriona" . ., .."Cameo Kirhy" "Ev Right of fcword" Vaudeville urani .vauaevui Iantages .., Vaudeville Lyric "The Mustard King" Star ........Moving Picture Church I"ree of IJeht Beginning at 7:30 oiclocft tonight the Portland pres bytery will meet in the new Kose City Park Presbyterian church. The princi pal event of the evening will be an ad. dress by Dr. William H. FoulkeS of the Urst Presbyterian churchy who will tell of the Edinburgh conference, which he attended last eummer. Dr. FoulHes leaves Wednesday night for Pendleton to attend the Oregon synod and later will proceed, to Bole?, where be will deliver an : address before the Idaho . synod. : Reports from those In charge of the canvass show that a total of $6688 was raised last week for the Roso-lty , Paik Presbyterian church. This sum f will pay all of the indebtedness Incurred In building 'the church and 1 manse. , SntW.:y as 5 5 :.,r : -The annual rr-5-sion of the Korth m.-lflo college has twin, tnidentj eslrlj credit for. a full course must be In attendance by October 14. . .To Elscuss proposed partway Mem -. bers of the Fulton 'Park Improvement - club have called all South Portland lm provemont clubs together for a meeting Wednesday "evening at Webber' hall, Nevada and MacadamVetreets. The sub ject of the proposed Te'rwllllger paMt way will be the principal one for con sideration. This park was decided upon three, years ago, but has never been con structed. '-.This delay is due to other more important park improvements and tha'naM of, money for the plans out lined. - Superintendent Miecbe of the park board and members of the board have been asked to be present at the meeting. ,;''.,-;. ' r Asks for Seoelvcr M. P. Couch has brought suit In : United- States circuit court asking for a receiver for the Datnes Mining A Milling company, a ' . corporation . of .Spokane. , Wash., with holdings In the state of Oregon. "Mr. . Doueh seeks to recover $1800,' alleged to be the balance on notes held by him .. against the corporation. The plaintiff seta out In his complaint the descrlp ' . tlon of a series of notes, which he al-i leges he ioldsagalnat-the mlnlng-com'. ' pany. He further adduces that the com- ; pany la practically . insolvent : Prohibition Address at Y. M. a 4 Rev. J. R. Knodell, superintendent of the ' Anti-Saloon league, .was , .tha principal speaker at" a meeting held yesterday afternoon at I o'clock in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. In Ms address the epeaker compared the voter who votes : for the licensed saloon to Pontius Pilate,' who washed his hands of any complicity In the crucifixion of Christ : Me also spoke of moral conditions in trrt city and contended that immorality and vice went hand In hand. With the liquor business..--..' , . -. - Br. Bear Charges larceny Charged with the larceny by embenlement of I20 from Df, Gustav O. Baar, w. C McKee, a collector living at East 8ev , enteenth and Umatilla streets was taken I Into, custody Saturday night " by De - tectlves tay and' Hyde. , His case was continued when he was arraigned be "fore Municipal, ' judge Taswell today. . ' McKee is said to have appropriated for his own uses money wblch he collected from the physician's patients. "' Shots Arouss IV) Uownaa While. Pa trolman Stark Lytle was standing at First and Sheridan streets last night a shot was I fired at ..ne corner of Fifth and Sheridan. Lytle says . he covered the five, blocks to the seme of the shooting in less than two minutes, but when he arrived there the corner was deserted. He searched lor an hour, but found no trace of the person firing the shot or of ' anyone . who had been wounded. ' ! : Rave Tou Been M. J. Malley's new gro cery store, 23-25 Sixth street fterth, near BurnsldeT - Mr. Mallay has Just moved from Third and Ash streets, where he was located for is years, and will be pleased tirtrave all his friends and pat rons drop In and inspect his new store, l His stock is new, and no more up to date or neater grocery store can be found in Portland. ' ; ' . Clarence J. Wheeler, who has been identified with the furniture and carpet business of Portland for the past 25 years,, is now connected with the L F. Powers Furniture company, wherehe will be pleased to welcome, his friJnds and customers. - ,.,,.... 1 - The Bailiff Tonight While you are . enjoying the work of Viola Allen tonight 'you cannot fall to notice the magnifi cent furnishing of Portland's new play house, , the work ' of Portland's leading home furnishers,- Gevurts & Sons of in-nt First street. " ' , Wew Tort' Soolety The New Tort . State society will cold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, Oc tober 11, in the parlors of the Glendora iiotel. .North Nineteenth near Couch. 'A Have you been reading our . .advertisements ' about r Irv , lngton Park T If you have' you will perhaps remember that we have from time to time m announced ; the ' nura-' " ber o'f fine homes going up, the number of people reside.. Jng there and the number of school children. And more homes are being constantly added, more! people coming, more children 'going to ' school. If you want a home' in ; a community of good . homes, among good people, it will pay you to, go out and s e e Irvingtoih Park. T a k e an "A" ca r, 5-oent . fare. Call on our; agent, Mr. Sohwan. He will show you- the property and give ' , you the prices and terms. Tou will ; find it the best buy , of any residence prop- ,, erty on the market F. B. Holbrook Co., 114 Lumber Exchange building, corner . Second and Stark streets. pm wee kv . rrrrt Cftlcian.--Devoting his entire time to the fittinr of the eves with com fort gtvlnsr, attractive looking eye glasses, at Kubensteln s, 1S9' Third, near TCamhill. TJnredeemed rieflges ' Diamonds, watches, jewelry, musical instruments, for amount loaned and interest. Uncle Myers, 71 th at., bet Oak and Pine. Steamer Jessie Earklns, for Camas, Washouaal and wav landlnsa. dallr ax. cept Sunday. "Leaves Washington street dock at 1 n. m. EfJTO'.'.BED; LITTLE HOPE FOH ECCAFE (Continued from Page One.) James - tfartck Co., the house mov ers; removed to 110 East Water street Phone East 4417. , . , ' Sellable Eye Specialists.. Freeze A Rice, 308 Merchants Trust Bldg. W. A. Wlsa anil aniilolatM. nalnlaaa dentists. Third and Washington, ; little fruit farms, nine miles from courthouse. Make your own terms. The The remainder are Italians, Mexican and Poles. Th main, tunnel fills repeatedly with the deadly damp, even though a large fan on a motor car la sent in frequently to clear out the gases. , The explosion is believed to have oc curred five miles from the mouth of the mine, but the shock dislodged great masses of earth, which shut off the escape of the men. Two Possibilities of Escape. ' The prisoners have two chances in a million to escape. Their only hope Is to force their way through the clogged and gas filled main tunnel, or make their way to an old tunnel leading to the Englevllle mine, which . adjoins the Starkvllle workings. Several years ago ourlng a fire in the Englevllle mine this tunnel was walled up. ' Scores of workmen are now frantical ly tearing into the mfionry with picks and small charges of powder In the hope of aiding the men to gain their free dom. Throughout ' the night distracted, helpless women wandered . from group O J.;".:, i.p Cf r ' . - v f.,-' , T - . a!':.ir h.pf!c-Hly, "Any nevisT Always the answer was that rescue v.hh Improbable. Human life cannot continue (n the gas filled tunnels, the only hope being that the men found refus-e in abandoned workings free fiom the fumes. Klne Was Considered Eafe. One Italian mother, crazed by the strain of watching and -waiting, . bade ner eight children kneel in prayer. She was Beized Just as she was preparing to plunge a knife into the heart of the child kneeling nearest her. - ' . Similar harrowing scenes occurred in other parts of the property. Most of the entombed men are married. ' One theory of the explosion is that a m'.snr c;-:itl his lamp in an oil tunnrl and that collected dust exploded. Ths mine was considered raf. Blastins had been forbidden and' the life of powder was not necessary, as the coal coull be dislodged with the pick. Working: with the fan, the rescuers reached within a mile of the imprisoned men, and State Mine Inspector Jones said he expected to reach the scene of the explosion late this afternoon. "There Is still a chance that the men are alive," he said. "There-are many crosscut airways In the labyrinths of the tunnels and It is possible that some of the men found safety chambers." A discrepancy In the estimates of the number in the mine at the time of the explosion has developed. ; The company claims l. .t 1 r t in t'-.a while the miners dcUare that there ere 90 men in the vorklnga. Tha miners assort that the dust was very thick and that three weeks ago the company began laying pipes to the farther stopes to allay the dust. Anita Gonzales, wife of one of the entombed men, walked near a live wire with her Infant. The baby seized the wire and was electrocuted. When told of the child's death the mother became Insane.'- ' C, L. Roberts, representing the bureau of mines, AS here today.'- It developed that last week the coal company re fused to furnish a site for a federal rescue bureii. '':f :" ' Mil v. 2Z1 OAK . i i .. . , ST., ro:rrLA:;n is the only genuine Crackprocf (", tng on the market absolutely f anteed. Ask your dealer. uxrivAQpiiinTinGci Kjsclicits Ycun PATnc:; r. 2!k STARK nTiin ; Learn to Embroider We. have taught hun- of , Embroidery: They have learned to SAVE MONEY by making 11 of.thejr Christmas gifts. Begin Hovl . 'Lessons Free! Stamped linens Reduced .-..."..'.' .... i - . ". . -'.' -. ' ' .' . ' '.'i' . g' i " i . -jj i '-'''. T : ").- ' i " ' "Kew Bureau Sets, scarf and pin cushion to match, - 'regular $1.00 value, special ,., v,,- ,65 Linen Handbags, . regular 25c,- ipedal '.:.7.:?. .V, X9.4. ' , , New Coronation Cord Centerpieces, regular 65c; , - " special . , 454 - .. jjevr Conventional Pillow Tops, reg. 50c, special. . 30 . - Stamped Pillow Slips,, regular 85c, ipecial ......69 THE NEEDLECRAET SHOP- ' . 388 YAMHILL STREET " " On Block South of OMa, Wortman ft King's, Special Sale ..' : AND; " ;V : Demonstration . Of ' . .' MONARCH Malleable Ranges ....... ... . . October 10th to October 16th FREE$5,00 With every Range sold this, week a.set of Utensils or other merchandise of equal value. PROGRAM MONDAY;......;. FILLING THE COOKY JAR TUESDAY ; QUICK DOIJGHS WEDNESDAY. . ...... ".CASSEROLE COOKING THURSDAY. . . . . YEAST CAKES FRIDAY? SLOW COOKING . SATURDAY. V , v ... CAKE BAKING , J. "PALTRY MAKING" DAILY . L A Oood PlnceToTrad 3 JfMlf 7r 1 i-'i l ilt Vwiie I J1 1 1 ' TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ic ES OF Mm E.-M-F Company Takes First Step in "Revolution" in Aato Industry, Reducing "30" to $1000 From $1250, and - "20" to $700. . ' . ; decided'drop in cost .0f: materials . cause THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY Announces that the Portland Telephone Director (including Mult nomah; Clackamas, Clarkt and Marion' County subscribers) will be printed in Portland. . '' ' ' . Next , issue closes OCTOBER 15. RcniMt space or change of Kiting should reach us on or before that date THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY ' .Beck. Building, Seventfi and Oak Streets'' ; ' Exorbitant Chafges Going Back . to Normal; Manufacture of Car Complete Also Factor in Ability to Reduce Price. The first definite step In the much heralded talk about the Impending revolution In ' the automobile Industry was taken yesterday by the E-M-F com pany of tlls city in the shap of ; a Tiweeplnf reduction In the prices of the two standard cars manufactured by It for the 1911 output The reduction Is to take Immediate effect. The E-M-F" thirty," which has her, tofore sold for 11260, has been reduced to ' $1090. and the' Flanders "twenty" has ' hann ruAuriA . frnm 17SA ttnn ' - . . . u w f VV. Ht !s the understandinf thst this re- auction irorn me net price win in no way affect the dealers' discounts. - In view, of the bargain sales offered by seme other manufacturers to '. redact their stock of old care, this move upon th part of the E-M-F company eannot but hav,e a marked effect upoit . other companies and the automobile trade In general - '-, Zpflatioa of Valnes Itops. ' , "Among other jhlnjts a Shows that there has een decided drop In the tost of materials and .that- cars of proven durability and Workmanship csn be sold for reasonable prices. For the last two years the industry has been afflicted with Inflated values, brought about by the rush for material, which reached tha stae-e where willing to bid against each other in or- aer w eecure prererence. The reaction has set In;, in fact, U began settling seme time ago. and the market is now bsek to normal., pig iron Is cheaper and there will be a decided drkp In rub ber, so that companies which have the manufacturing facilities are able ' to take advaritage of existing conditions. x:,ri To- Increase - Output.-- n"T It is tseurlng to find that , Instead or retrenching t the company is pre paring to increase its output . An im mense addition to - plant" No. 1 on Plquatte avenue is just - being com. pleted and for 1911 the output will be .80,000. cars. ' ... .r .. Walter B. Flanders, president' of the company, is responsible " for the new order rt things and in making the an. nouncement yesterday he very frankly discussed the details of the situation. Xet me say to you," he said, "that we will be able to make the same mar gin of profit at the reduced cost as we were two years ago., We now have an .Investment of, 7,00p,,000, every 'cent of ;which is paid, and we enjoy unlimited financial resources. In addition to this we have a highly developed manufac turing and selling organisation, and we are able to turn out every day 80 ears of the thirty1 type and 128 Flanders cars, so you see we are not carrying ..any burden. ,..,' ,-. i . ."Again, we are very heavy buyers of aw materials and. enjoy facilities by reason of that whlcn very few com panies can touch. It has always been my aim to produce the best value pos sible for a reasonable price and the fact 4ht-here-are-nqw-tt,ooo -thirty "cars in use indicates that we have succeeded pretty. welL We make our own drop forglngs, motors, bodies and .tops and do our own stamping, so. we are abso lutely Independent , , , - . "I have never believed In changing vua Buape m. uoor or using airierent colored paint 1n 'order to bring forth a so- called new model. ' We add any lm provement Just as soon as its worth is proven, but It goes with the car. Our aim' has been .to produce a standard car and we have reached a stage where we guarantee our cars for a year. The re ducUon In price takes immediate effect and today we have notja. car on hand. Although we are busy I doubt if there are any unsold ears in the hands of dealers." .: The action of the company will be welcome news to dealers throughout the country, who have been, disturbed by the uncertainty of the pees rew months. It Is hinted that the E-M-F company has In process of construction seven passenger car which will, sell for less than 82000 and which will compete with any car .regardless of cost, but this is evidently a state secret, as none of the officials would say anything about It The Newspaper Article Republished Herewith From The Detroit Free Press Tells the Whole Story The Re- . duction in Prices Goes Into Effect Today Fhe E-M-F "30" Touring Car IS $1100 DELIVERED IN PORTLAND " Fhe Flanders "20" Runabout ... . . - . . IS ?800 DELIVERED TO YOU HERE ' , Imrriediate delivery can be made on all classes of cars. , We,:. have received a full stock within the past two weeks. Do not' ; buy cars advertised as slightly damaged, or damaged in transit, pr . rr- damaged in any other wayrt he necessity for doing this no longer v exists You can buy from us a five-passenger four-cylinder '30, horsepower Touring Car for $1100 thta has been tried and found ... ? perfect. by over 600 users in'Oregon and Washington. .. It is supe rior to any $1500 car in existence. Now is your opportunity. The E-M-F Co. were-the pioneers in a low-priced, reliable tour . ing car, and are now the pioneers in offering for $1100 a touring car that is superior to any $1500 car manufactured. Let Us Give Yftu a Demonstration of What These Cars Will Do, or Show Them at Our Salesroom, Chapman and Alder Sts. A few reliable salemen of ability can find immediate work selling these cars in Portland on commission; basis. The 'commission "is" small," it is true, but the car and the price should sell a hundred . of them -within the next thirty days TTTv After Theatre Monday Night ( and During Horse Show Week r Special musical program in both' dining rooms. Augmented orchestraind vocaJ ; attists Thursday, .Friday and Sat. nights. ' A LITTLE -WMM In the Tualatin Valley, at NORTH PLAINS, . , would make you and your family comfortable and Independent for the rest of YOUR DAYS Just tMnk of it ! And the prices and terms on this prop . erty have been made low enough to make it easy for you to secure a tract at NORTH PLAINS from ONE TO FIVE ACRES. Call or Write for Booklet RUTH TRUST COMPANY -ROOM:3-CHAMBER -OF-COMMEnCC ; PORTLAND, OREGON