The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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    daily ;oui:i:al, i
ror. kai.i:-
(-'11 vr-
l.: : v.m::
i! !
btf ill
Extra A ftriA home (suhuroan)
In the city limits; 6c car fare ana .
r:i- Minutes out. New absolutely
modem House of 8 rooms, one or ;
thi best constructed in the cltj :
riouhle throuittum:; four 60xl
foot lots factiiK two streets. II
vou want the best home In Fort
land for the mon-T, ppe lm9.
place' at once. The house cost
' more than the entire place is of
fered at. The price and terms
are right and must go this ween.
Xo, 10 SS500, 11000 cash, bal
ance easv. 7 room house on one
r of the best Sfijcioi) foot earner lots
In this section of the city; only 2
blocks-' from Union ave, , in
house has practically all modern ...
, conveniences, such 88 path, toiiei.
concrete basement, etc., beautiful .
lawn, with fruit trees, shrubbery,
rose bushes. This Is certainly ft
np nnd the lot alone la -worthy,
practically what we ; are asking
for the entire property.
f No 26 $2500, small cash pay
went down, with your own amount :
- monthly, buys (rood 6 room house,
rith all necessary-conveniences,
reception hall and open stairway,
rood concrete basement, gas-ana
electricity. ..Bath and toilet, fruit
trees, shrubbery, rose bushes, etc..
Lot 60x110. ' r , , , t
We advertise only properties .
which are real bargains, andit
you; will take , time to Instigate:,.:,
you will be convinced. We have
all classes of pood rur for,anT.
.amounts from $25,000 homes down
" T. E. Taylor & Co, ''.
402-2 1ewlS bids, l ' '
" 4 th and Oak sts. .
1 - $2750
' For sale bv owner terms to suit
7 Room Furnished Bungalow
New. close 'In - and strictly modern,
east front,. large vln room, dining
room with- built In china closet and
beamed celling. Dutch kite.nsn. two
large bedrooms and white enameled
bath room downstairs; two large bed
rooms and sewing room upstairs, run
cement basement; orice includes car
pets, rugs and linoleum" it -11. rooms,
window shades, art curU-oS. $65 Pjetl
range; folding mirrow bed. eta. This
,1s a snap an3 you nuy It ill root from
owner at sacrifice. Only 3 hlockn tfm
largo public school. "TsS 'tt-ti t.,
10 minutes from .Madison .brWiW.-. Call
226 Ablngton bldg. A-l'76 or T.aKt u546.
- For Sale
Two mndrn up to date houses on- E. zzi
bet-veen Tillamook and Thompson, t..
isi.ed In oak. hardwood floors tile bath
room and porch, billiard hall. etc.. at
prices less than cost of construction,
easy terms. These houses are excep
tional bargains and beauttfully "n"fpd:
living room 20x30, dining room 1820,
brand news deferred . payment! I per
cent .See . i.
T. J: LEONARD, Owner.
' ' " 9?0 Roard of TrBrte 'dg-. -
BUNGALOWS and houses $850 to iuu.
4 rooms,. 25th and Gladstone, $19 O-..
5 rooms, near Piedmont barns, $1750.
7 rooms, new near Tremont, Jissw, -
6 rooms, Myrtle Park. $1800.
4 rooms. E. 72d St., $1675,
6 rooms, frontage, 3 sts., $Ji- -4
rooms, new, Brentwood, $b&0.
-' " 829 Burnslde. Main 2778.
.ROvQn f.nrrifir. S650
foot st.. 7 foot
water, reasonable, restrictions. This 18
clobe to the best canine, it ";
new bridge; 10 per cent -cash, 2 per cent
monthly.8 Complete BbtonWds
title. Call f.t nnr.B16 Ablngton bldg.
100x100 corner, the cheapest pjfj.j"
that district 11000 less than anything
else' can be 'bo ught for, corner East jSth
and 'Yamhill streets. See us for price
817 Beard of Trade, Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
VOU enn buv a lot near Rose City Park
for $425? $50 down and 110 pw mojrthi
rraded I streets, eement walks and curbs,
Bull Run water, electricity., telephone
5s4-o Moaro w. now
"have a bargain in a lot on Macadam
street right, near manufacturing dls
trtct ideally located for a business or
'SI ite: double frontage,
? .rk.M Will exchange fof "acreage
rf Portland tn electric, Una. P-136.
" Journal
A Ri.o- Snao on lerms
s 50x100 Hots on E. 3d -and Davis
for $2500; easily worth -iuou "K"'''
David Lewis, room 1. Lumbermens bdg..
6th and Btanc
. OUTNG to death of. owner, we have.two
" T,i ina for sale In Southport. Low
' line. Built up on ail siaes; u
' Trade bl'ig.
1 mir nrrv PARK LOT 1495.
p.,,ti, in lnt 13. block 181, $200 bftl
ftnee $li) per month, with interest at 6
: r ..AZr -'.an i, tin d now. A real
Karelin. ' Owner, box 182. Woodbum, Or.
.txt i.iia in f?outhDort- (west
side) at low prices to dose out; $450
and up; easy terms; 12 minutes from
business center. Southport Land Co.,
721 Board oi Traoe
TTSCRE-tracts,--20 -minutes' ride, on
the west side, excellent view, good
soil, fine for a, home or Investment;
. terms to suit you.. M, E. Lee. 411 cor-
bett hl'lg. '- ; ' - - ,
FOR' ' BALE -Splendid '. building site
1'crtland Heights; Mountain View
carl'.ne one side, county road the other.
Owner leaving Portland. s Sacrifice at
81400.- X-198, jpurrfi.
t 'iMfilDR THE CITT $150 EACH.
Ingleslde Park, $7.60 down. $6 month
It: only 22 left Fred W. German, 329
Burnside. Main or A-2778. -fcQUITV-of
$80 In Rose City Park for
$40; free cement walks, curbs and
; -water. Price $600, east front Lot 7
. Moi?k 156.' H-20S, Journal. ;
f L'l TJRE business lot on KiU'lngswor'th;
$1150 for few days only, - including
street Improvements", Woodlawn 5705. .
tuP.f.V. lots, factnc east on Rodney
ave . bet. Mason and Skldmore. Fur
ther information phone Woodlawn 81.",
ONfe corner lot In Southport for sale.
Easy terms to close at : once; ,721
Board or Trane umg.
VILL sell mv comer lot in. Merlow,
- small, payment down, beautiful build
ing site. Stayton. 603 Gerllnger tldg.
$1)25 takes 2 beet 25 foot lots in Berke
ley, owner. . tv-si i. .journal.
Balem Electric line, 20 minutes out:
ideal for platting; station on property
410 cornett bia.
Acre Garden Tract
On carliie, running water, rich soil;
filce $?50; $75 cash. Owner, W. C.
Black, 206 Lumbermens bldg. , Main
' - Mi4. -
28 Acres Bis Discount
Ideal for-platting; 20 minutes' rids-on
F&trnv El-t.rlci station, on property 14
acres, eith'-r side track. 410 Corbett bid.
, 14 'ACRES suitable for acre platting, on
8. P. carllne. 6 miles from Portland.
E minutes' - walk from depot, splendid
sou, price .f iboi.ov. - can. at room 15,
yu.ji vv ayiiine'on t.t rortlana. Or,
Clearing anoG rubbing
UlCaill.ft ailU UIUUUII' r
$i AvliKsl t'me fruit land Hood River
.l,o., V .oilie TUm O. K., N. station
f0 per acre, iee hind and owner, p,
nct.uney, cascade locks, orej
No. 109 One acre; 'i cleared, all
slashed, some small fruit, straw
berries, etc. Good little house, 14x30;
fine well and chicken ' -park. About
60 cords of wood; 5- minutes' walk
: from station, on electric line, Price
onlv S700.
No. in Kfe
Eght acres, on good cpurity4j0imty seat able' to offer' bar
roud. only H o a mile from station
on electric line; fair 4 room house,
good well, plenty of wood; 5 acres
under cultivation, ' balance easily
cleared, 97 fruit trees ,3 years old,
commercial varieties, 1 acre of
blackberries and fruits; the soil can't
. be beat, and lays well; all fenced,
woven wire. This certainly Is worth
the money and can be made an ideal
home. Price only $3400. terms.
No. 16S IS acres, partially improved,
fair buildings, some small fruit aud
berries, plenty of wood and water,
good road and only -M mile from sU
t tlon on clectrlo line. Will divide
. above into two, places If desired of
6 14 acres each; buildings and im
provements ori both places. ,
. F, E. Taylor & Co, . '
402-8 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts.
43 beautiful acres. "Vamhin Co.. Ill
mile from Wapeto, fl. P. It. R., 28 acres
In hlsrh stats of cultivation; 12 acres
beavcrdam, 20 acres black land. Good
young family orchard, 1 all varieties
needed. 7 room house, . barn 24x60
graded school M mile. Surroundings
fine, 2 horses. 1 cow, separator, new
wieon. all necessary Implements, furni
ture, feed and new seeding of crops.
...... , u , o inj a. I. in. y . . . . V V, . I-H, b
cah, balance easy time at 7 per cent.
- GRUSSt & ZADOW. -817
Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak;
- On Base On Road -
1 Near electric station. 6 acres-cut-,
tivated, new 5 room- house with
good well and orchard, all fenced,'
running water; price $2000; easy
terras. . . ,
Brown & Stayer
411 Couch bldg.
10 Acres $500 - -
$100 Cash, $10 per Month
jubi me piace ier a chick en rancn.
Can leave home any morning
And be on the land all day, 1
45 minutes from Portland.
Half mile from station.
On a good county road.
Genuine red shot soli.
Land, lavs level, -no rocks or gravel.
Open till 8 x, m. - Saturdavs.
Fred F. Huntress. 530 Lumber Exchange.
Onion Land Producing $800
- to the Acre
Only S miles from Vancouver and U
mile from the Electric carllne; "onions
are now being pulled; think of land
producing "isoo to the acre, that', can
be bought for $300 an acre ' an easy
tlnve; 6 stores within U mile of tbis
property. David Lewis, Toom 2, Lum
bermens bldg., S th and Stark sts.
Onlv $85 Acre
70 acres. mils from Estacada line.
I benches snfendtd black loam soil vrv
level, on Clackamas rlver;: 15 acres
ready to plow; balance In fine saw tim
ber and piling; no slashing, no brush
or down stuff; small mill nearly new
(cost $2500;' the whole for 6950; a bar
gain; must have half cash, balance 8
per cent Call ' Hellman . & Lathrop,
Ablngton bldgv ' -.
No. 163Flve blocks from eleetr1.
line, and -only -7 miles from Portland;
soil the -very best - household goods,
poultry, and winter's wood, and many
incidentals, too numerous to mention,
goes with, this place. This will not
only make a osy home, modern in ev
ery respeet but Is an A-l investment
We are in position for this week only
to offer this bargain for $6000, only
$2250 cash, and the balance monthly ur
otherwise to suit your convenience.
Don't pass this by, as It is too good to
miss; let us show you this place at our
K -h. Taylor & Co,
402-8 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts."
We hsve valuable trackage cheap.
Ross-English Inv. Co., 822 Mohawlt bldg.
21 ACRE ranch, highly Improved, with
buildings, lays on main county road,
4 miles from Vancouver and U mile
from electrio carllne; owner will trade
for Portland nrnnnrtv . Tav4 Twls
room 1, Lumbermens " bldg... 5th and
Ptirk at . ; - "
10 Acres All in Fruit . .
On electric car, 44 miles from Van
couver,- ash.; owner will trade for
nome in city. Davia Lewis, room 1,
Lumberrnens bldg. ' - ;
.3, 6 and 10 acre tracts. Improved, near
the city, on electrio line, to exchange
Mt-ii.DDoaro oi XTaue UMk.
EQUITY In fi Acre), nt Nn 1 innA
amounting to 12050 for in Amnimht-l
house and lot, or scrcage; land Is 4
blocks from electric station. T-189,
FP- I We trad what you have for
OL.L. UO what you want
rthKi; K A K K TJ . .
4'K. 8th. bet Burnslde and AnkenV.
FOR SALE or trade for acres, launchli
by 6 feet 10 horsepower; also .Edison
moving picture machine. Address A, M.
Munro, Arleta, Or. . . '
GOOD $3200 seoond mortgag'e for trade
vr i ouhiuib; nous. - owner, ' 428 E.
WB.will get you a trade on your pron-
-i lv. uu mailer wnat nr vhar. i ifl
nuvii i, tsivi Morrison si. " ' -
160 ACRES, cultivated, Gilliam county
, 14 miles station; trade city or acre-
agle, - Sll-Comtnerclat bldg.
FOR quick and profitable results in all
wwiB;r ml cAcumiKt-B, can ma Gerl
wtBr mug,
$226 EQUITT in 42x130 ft lot In Mn
worth addition for diamond. X-213
Journal. y -,, O '
1 li w t Duyi f or .trftle anything.
H. F. Lee, 1015 Board of t.
E trade for anything anywhere. See
tvuqj. tn ntnry Diag.
you want to sell. Duy or traue. eee
Shoemaker. 627 Henri hl,l vr.TT
Attn 1 T. ' " " axatu
5j worth of, A-l telephone stock for
vi rquny in iot. JP-ZU4. .journal
WILL trade for anything of value, any-
T.iop, hi puma 01 i.Tufc
WANTKDVacant lot as part paymeni
piiu mi, r jiatiieiq, 10a 4th.
WILL exchange A-l talking machine
i bvuu uib-ycie. - fortiana Phono-
P'"!' Biivyt oqv Aider fix.
.'- - --Want a Housfi-
For $160 cash, balance like rent? Ad
dress N-216, JournaJ. v , ...
W1iTfU?rrBuU'nK jots, by architee
; and builder. - y05 'furn'lah'lot f w.l
lUrnlsh Elans and monav:
W ANTED- Good 6- or 4 room inn.
.4- low on easy terms. 0 : u'Brweti' ftO
I WANT to purchase some good income
.'"tyil01 ovlr A7.5,000 or less than
.uoress. f-zis. journal.
W Axrri) m:jj : state si
EQI'ITIKS tou'ijht for cash or exchange.
liii acres on North Bank at Butler,
Wash, cil easy terms. Koom S. Bog-
M li, - Morrison.
gains of great merit, and why not get
the best, and where crops are sure, and
your Investments will more than double
In a short time.
No. 171. BJ acres. 2& ' acres cleared.
balances In pasture and timber; the tim
ber is all good quality; 400 apple trees.
t acres Bearing prunes, .2 acres or 3-year-old
nrunea. -6 room house, fair
barn and outhouses, good pruns dryer;
5 miles from Albany, 1 mile, from
Grangor station.
Price $9000 cash.
No. 176. 137 acres, all cleared-and
under plow exceDt about 8 acres: house
of 7 rooms, ibarn. 3 wells. 100 fruit
trees, small fruit ofNrood aualltv: . ltt
miles from Lebanon.
Price 112.600. half cash, balance to
suit. 4
No. 180. 88.92 acres, all. cleared, good
room house, new barn. . srood well
water, chicken house, ,4" acres of assort
ed fruits; 14 mllea from Lebanon, all
rlver bottom land,-and does not over
flow. , - v.. ..- .
Price $225 ver acre, half cash, balance
1 and 2 years at 6 per cent interest.
No, 188.. 100 acres. 25 acres Dlowed.
30 acres in timber,' balance slashed and
In pasture;' 7 room-bouse, barn; running
water year around, good well water, 2
springs.'': Vi.'-i. :.
Price 860 ter acre. 2-3 cash, balance
1 and 2 years at 7 per cent interest.
No. 189. 25 acres, all clowed. Dlentv
of fruit, and berries, 6 room house, goat
barn, and other outhouses, good' wire
fence, on- main road, 1H miles from Al
bany; good water. V -
Price laOOO, half cash, balance In S
years at per. cent interest -r-:--r,ys:
No. 201. 128 acres, all under Blow,
good house and barn, windmill.' water
piped Into house, railroad runs through
place, good fences, family orchard, good
rolling prairie land, 5 miles from Leb
anon. -..V'. ... ''. .J.;,,;.:-';.- - V.,
Price $12,000, halt cash, balance. In 1
and 2 years at 8 per cent interest
No. -502. 128 acres all tinder nlow.
good rolling land, fair house and barn.
mall route. 2 miles from Lebanon; fam
ily orchard. - . . :
Price $125 per' acre, half cash, bal
nea in 1 and 2 years, at 8 cer cent
interest . . .. . . s .
No. 205, 20 acres, S acres stump land;
room house, with attic, small barn
and other outhouses, good well water, J
gooa roinng xruit lann, about is acres
of timber, that will cut on an average
75- cords to the acre; 1H miles from
railroad station. , . .
Price $2100. half cash, balance In 1
and 2 years, at 6 per cent Interest
ra in 4-year-old Spltsenberg and Baldwin
apples, and 10 acres of alfalfa and
clover, 8 acres p pasturer2 large barns,
house of 6 rooms, tool house, smoke
house, gasoline spray pump, and other
tools go with the place; has electric
lights in house and barn, city water;
we can sell this Drorjertv", for 120.000
on easy terms to the man understanding
rruit. v
We save small tracts on railroad, fine
homes; Let us know your wants.. We
have also timber land! for sale, i :
- - - Aioany, ur, ;
What would you say to living
In central ' British Columbia, In
the wildest and richest province
of Canada? . Where stock runs
out the year round and fatten on
the wild pea and bean vine and
are ready for the market early in
the spring... The soil is a rich,
black loam, with clay subsoil. In
fact It is park-like land, most of
which Is ready four ths plow; $10
will clear any acre in the tract,
'and we own 164,000 acres, all of
which lies from I to 12 miles
from the railroad, which will be
completed next spring. Imagine
land like this, only $14 to $20 per
acre, and then you - 'have five
years to pay for it payments an
nually.. Think what happened in
Oregon 15 years ago, when land
was cheap. ' The men that bought '
then are rich today. Now is your '
chance to duplicate this, and your'
-last, as where -else is there such'
.1 1 . ' ..111. J
'Don't delay.- Call and see nio-
tu res, maps, etc of this wonder
ful section. .Now Is your chance.'
. Open Monday evening, 7 to 9.
Paid ut capital 8750.000.
General Offices. Vancou- .
ver, B. C.
i London Office, 6 Old- Jewry
Selling Agent '
100 Chamber of Commerce,
. Portland, Or.
Phones: Main 8143, A-l$li
Open Evenings, 7 to I. ' .
20 -acres iust one mile from Estacada.
About 19 acres in cultivation, ! acre left
ror iirewooa.v 'inis property is tip on
the plateau right in the heart of thf
fruitbelt.and Is offered at a price way
below anything in the violnlty. If you
Inr a tlPit. DiDdiTV 411
know a REAL BARGAIN you will snan
this up at once, as you positively cannot
beat it either In price, soil, or in any
otner reature. -. .
Price is $8000; just think of ltl
CHAPIN & HERLOW. "D" , r-u A ;
832-338 Chamber of Commerce.
160 acres. 15 miles from Portland.3 L
mile from good R. R. town, 45 acres In
cultivation, 20 acres meadow, all fenced,
Clark county, Washington,, fine house 9
rooms, barn 60x107, all implements,
wagon, buggy, harnesses, team, 2 cows,
chickens, hogs, crops and all; will take
residence in roruana as part pay, Trice
$16,000. ' - '
317 Board of Trade bldg. 4thandOalt
Only eight miles from Portland, 25
minutes ride on Electric By. About half
of -tills land is genuine BEAVERDAM,
Balance of land is it..,,.. u..."
trie ricneat sou iu 09 iouna anywhere.
house, wagon
shed, small barn, and old!
house to with the ulacA.
- Price $7000 with terms. ' x-- :'
J - 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. ''
FOltiALE By owner: 20 aores ?
aefes beaverdam. running water
through place, good, new room house,
new barn 44x50; 40 rods to school 1
fiom Vancouver; all farm Implements
p" JK".wln piace; price $4000.
600 Journal; Vancouver. Wash.
IF YOU WANT a farm see me before
you buy. I have all stzeM it rlcht
Uricee. Geo. A. Houclt. 22714 Wash!
': mm '
FiE mm umm
1300 acres, 2 miles from R. R.
station; finest of bottom and hill
fruit land; 6u0 sores under plow,
400 acres in timber, balance open
pasture, good buildings, good
fencing, running water; fine farm
to cut up. Price $50 per acre,
easy terms. , .
Brong-Stecle Co,
Ground Floor,- Lewis Bldg.
845 ACRES, all tillable; large dwelling,
convenient barn, 600 rods woven
fence; adjoining school and railroad;
full equipment; feed, seed, stock; 120
acres seeded; $24,000. , Box 69. route
Nt.-1. Harrishurg, Or.
LINCOLN county has mild climate .and!
rain for all purposes, partly im
proved dairy and fruit farms at reason
able prices. O. Dalaba, Elk City, Or.
Buy 20 or 40 acres now and you can
pubfe your money. Our apple lands
double your money. ' Our apple lands
along the line are attracting Hood River
buyers. Why not. youT Come in, get
our booklet. Post up; $20 at $69 is our
bargain day price. ( .
: ' Mt. Hood Land Co. y
' . 711 Rothchlld bldg.- ' ,
Buyers of Fruit Lands
Should"' go to lobby Commercial club
building. 5th and Oak sts., before buy
I lg. KLICKITAT,, LANDS offer best In
ducements of any offered. " SIMCOE
ORCHARD TRACTS -10 acres can be
had on best of terms. Also ' target
trpots and farms. Don't miss it after
seeing all else.-
AN investment in a Fargo orchard
will be a guarantee, of future inde
pendence; pay for it out of your earn
ings arid provide home and anrfuity
that you will live -to enj6y only com
mercial apples of best quality planted;
cared for until bearing. ; Fargo Orchards
Co. 83 6th st'
ACRES Hood River district, fine ap
nle land. $400: $40 cash, balance $10
per montn. Tenor
16 ACRES apple land Hood River dis
trict for Portland property. T-Zli.
Journal. -' ' -
for sale ronjEit
WElTire headquarters' for timber and
lumber enterprises-of all kinds. Kin
ney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber ,; Ex
change bldg. .-..:-' v-.i . -
IDEAL homesteads in Rogue and Illi
nois 7. river vallevs. on new railroad
line, near postof flee, store, etc,. timber
claims, rruit and airaiia land, jnror
matlon 216 Board of Trade bldg.
MINING and Industrial ' stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought and
told. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Ablngton bldg.
26 rooms near Madison bridge,, rent
. $100, lease $2000.
1$- rooms on Third St, rent $50.
Price $1050. terms.
10 rooms on Third St rent $45.
C'ears $45. , $750 terms.
12 rooms near city halt clears $60
per month. .
46 rooms working man's hotel by-lease,
and stock furniture belongs to house,
lizd per month, long lease.
C. R. ROSE & CO.
Room 14, 270H Wash Str
. - Big Snaps - '
18 rooms, Washington st, $100l i
86 rooms, all transient. $2600; terms.
10 rooms, rent $25; snap; $400.
8 rooms,x modern flat, beauty, $600.
- 600 otners on easy terms. -
H, E. JAMES CO,, 88 10th
HERE is an extra good buy; S room
upper -flat modern in all respects
only $550; 8 room cottage $430 rents for
$27.50, rooms all rented out Come to
our office and we will tell you about
others we have. . Johnson & Johnson,
168 10th street. -
Transient House, Good Buy
80 rooms near P. O., good transient
house, long lease, clears $200 month;
owner leaving city; don't overlook this:
$700 will handle. - - -
H. E. JAMES. 88 10TH..
ROOMING house close in, W. Park, f ur-
nace heat, all full regular roomers;
if you wsnt bargain see owner; make
terms. Phone A-E306.- - ' -
ELEVEN jooms, newly furnished In-' ma-
hogany and mission, best residence
district, clearing $100 month; tio agents.
P-211, Journal. . .'
LOTS or acreage, - "not wlldcat,;;for
rooming tiouse, oeiier man casn; in
vestlgate. 311 Commercial bldg.
17 ROOMS housekeeping, cheap rent,
central location. Hatfield, 65 4th.
$500 'Half interest in patents and es-
taDnsnea ousiness or & light, well
paying and without competition mall
oraer ousiness; to jz. Koom 460, mo
hawk bldg. -vsk
WE CAN place you in paying business;
before buying De sure and see us.
Kinney A Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex
change bldg. A-4881.
ICR SALE Good dentist business in
large eastern Oregon town.- Well
equipped office. -Only dentist in town.
For data aaaress r-uz. journal.
SAWMILL for sale, having cut out our
timber, will sell our sawmill with
engine and boiler, capacity 20,000 feet
Carpenters tiumper Co., Arieta, ur.
AN ESTABLISHED wholesale business
s $1200 will handle this; stock on hand
always sm&u; no agents. jt:zo7, jour
nal. -
SALESMEN wanted, capable of reaoh
- ing way ups. $509 required. Salary
and commission, ' State all in first let
ter, - Interviewing, big people, ;W-216,
journal. ,
ONB of the best Mexican .land deals In
' the world $6000 loan will give you
fifth interest. - Will clear up $60,000
in two years, w-zk, journal.
i, VfTL ZZufj AvintClin
t,,eaB.uhrn6i, : 'n?"? i?nflV,n ? 1
V1 fc ?how must have $300. - N-214,
JOUrfial. . . ' ' - - I
WILL trade for good property, Campbell
Automatic Safety Gas 1 Burner com
pany stocK. urns is gut edge.. W-Z16,
journal. 1 - 1 -
WE can handle your loans on gilt edge
security. 1 uonunentai Trust company,
303 - epaiaing Dunaing,.
WE have the best selling article known.
Win sen county or state rights. W'
216. Journal. , v . ,
$12,00. will put you in on control large
pay in r developed gold mine.
tigate. W-218, Journal. .
FOR SALE plumbing shop; good job-
bing traae; wm sen at invoice price;
see owner at 772 Mississippi ave.
RESTAURANT, clearing $100 weekly,
' will, sell cheap, long lease, best lo
cation. M-207, journal.
A GOOD transfer storage, and express
, business for sale: will take some real
estate in traoe. -i,. journal.
estate in trade, u-zpt, journal,
BOOK business, first class opportunity.
cheap forcash, Jf fsold t Once. rS-204.
Journal, :- - f ;- 1 , : - -
SMALu auto delivery business for sale;
am leaving city: $1000; $500 required.
Phone Sellwood 1718.
6uo business cards $1. You must bring
this ad.i Rose City Printery, 192 ad.
near, lay ior..
FOR SALE Four shares in good duck
lakes. O-207, Journal.
H INTEREST In suburban real estate
bu s i news, large list, $176. Tabor 52 9
LADIES are making $5 to $10 a day, a
, can you; eajsy. work, 246 Grand are.
IT.. Sill
FOR SALE I.artje lnt romer of E. 74th
ana liitse IjIiim road, witn 'i room
limine and garace that will store 4 mi- j
chines. Work room, gasoline tank and
repair shop. This property is rentln,? 1
at present f'$ $30 per month. If closed!
at once can bought very cheap; terms. '
ionuneniai 'Trust Co.. ivi spaiaing dus,
- Grocery and Dry Goods
A good grocery and dry goods store at
Invoice; a fine opening; It will pay you
to Investigate this: can be sold sep
arate if desired.
310 Spalding bldg.
3d and Washington sts.
Rfistfiiirnnt Snan
e w w fcv vs t v- i w
Located on upper Washington st, In
come $60 day (drinks served,) seats 100
people; 11 furnished rooms In connec
tion. , (All full.) Cement basement;
Rents for $15. Price $2000. Terms.
Long lease. Must sell on account of
sickness. Phone owner, Marshall 2343,
or C-1622.
A fine grocery, store in good location,
with lease, in a rapidly growing dis
trict now doing $1600 to, $1800 business
per month, rent only $30, if you want to
keep busy look this up.
817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
A: RELIABLE miner of 2d years' ex
' perlence has good prospect showing
free "gold and will sell entire -claim or
develop on grubstake -anil retain half;
only a little money required. If inter
ested answer with phone, and; you can
see samples from surface. N-218., Jour
nal.. -.- - .: ... ,
OPPORTUNITY to purchase 20,000,000
feet of fine timber, located where it
can' be logged cheaply, to large pond of
water; 80,000 capacity sawmill and
Willamette logging engine goes with
this deal if requlsed. Satisfactory terms
ran be made with right party,"-: Address,
G-199, Journal. -1 :4
THOUSAND shares of - stock in srood
lumber company, city.-; Will trade for
real estate, or good team, horses and
express wagon as part payment. O-209,
Journal. ' i : ' - '
Map of all the California oil fields, also
trial subscription of "nubllcation. "Cali
fornia Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomis" Co-
1 vi virBwiuan mug., xurtiniui, r.
FOR SALE Sawmill boarding house
iiurniture Of 20 rooms, 25 boarders,
low rent, lease, cheap; have other busi
ness, 974 Macadam, st, foot Bancroft;
tane b. car .'--"
DRY GOODS and grocery store for sale
at invoice; can De soia togetner or
separate t-rarjroodr bargain. ry ;
810 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash, sts.
ON account of ill health will 'sell or
trade my. stock in good paying busi
ness for cash, real estate or anything
of legitimate value. O-205, Journal. ,
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the V.
' S. Marine Corps, bet Veen the ages of
19 and 85: must ht nntivn horn or have
first papers; monthly pay, $15 to $69;
additional' compensation possible; food,
clothing, quarters and medical attend
ance free; after SO years service can
retire with 76 per cent of pay and al
lowances: service . on hoard shin and
ashore in all parts of the world. Ap-
'-. u- Marine corps ttecruiung
ifflce, Breeden bldar.. Sd and WashlnK-
ton sts., Portland. ,Qr.- -':: --
$25- to $40 Weeklv sii;
Made-by moving picture oeratorsr' we
ieaun you me Duslness in short time on
very easy terms: t hnvt th onlv relia
ble moving .picture, school in Portland.
School of Moving Picture - Operators
" wasn. st, near 17th.
WANTED Men quick to learn a trade
in months instead of . years: no ex
pense for, instruction; automobiles, elec-
inuiiy, piumDing, oricKiaying; actual
contract. work; 200 students last year.
Catalogue frA. TTnitAri TS-ndo Rphonl
contracting Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
vviiHnvuil VV., UtB VIIIgfflKP) Vtl,.
nauis wKBmim xo sen ciose in prop
erty, also some orchard land; highest
.... ..w.-u 1 U ' . . WVW-V A.Iil, .1 J . J .
change bldg., corner 4th, and Stark. See
WANTED-r-Salesmen; many make $100
to $150 per month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, oash advance weekly,'
choice of territory. Address WaslBng
ton Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash.
To operate moving pictures; operators
earn $S5; learn business in short tirrw
on easy terms..' N. - Y. Moving Picture
Co, and school, 626 Washington, near
x i in. .
HOOO off letat Moose "parade hats for Or--.
tober U made by The Hattery. We
also make derbies, felts and wool hats,
one price. $1.60: ladies' fall hats re-
modeled.' 318 Alder, basement, cor. 6th.
SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big'
gest nursery in west; liberal propo
sition; few choice fields open; $50 week
ly easily made. Oregon Nursery Co
WANTED Married man resident of
Portland to ' solicit and Collect; must
have good personality and be willing to
work, good salary. Call at once. 409
jviacieay Diag.
A FIRST CLASS solicitor for n gen
eral merchandise store; must give
references. Apply- Glenwood Park M or.
Co., 290 Lombard st, Glenwood sta
tion," st Johns car.
WANTED Salismen , In every locality
in' the northwest; money advanced
weekly; many make over $100 monthly;
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
iNursery t'o,, Toppenisn, wasn
WANTED -At once, parties to clear
land, either by day's work or by con
tract, Shoemaker Inv. Co., 627 Henry
bldg. - ' , -
GROCERYMAN -Want a thoroughly
competent man tor permanent position
in country. Call today. Commercial
Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Honest partner to act as
treasurer ior; traveling moving pic
ture ' snow;
-must have $300.
IF you want to earn more, you have to
learn more. The International Cor
respondence Schools will show you how.
L,ocai oince zsi Aiaer st
RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; Port
- land examinations, November 12; $800
to ,$1600.' Preparation free. Franklin
institute, Dept, 835 U, Rochester. N. Y.
$5 per month, telegraphy taught in orac-
, tlcal ' forms; day and evening -ses
sions, Aaaress my ers, oew landers St.,
Portftnd, Or. Main 8512. . '
CARPENTERS, concrete men. excava
tors to figure on buildings. Call 201
Lumbermen s Diag.
WANTED First-class shoe cutter at
once. Bergmann jsnoe Mrg. Co., 621
Thurman st - - - .
WANTED A good strong boy, with
bicvcle. for delivery. Chlcasro Clean.
ing & Dye Works, 6714 Washington st.
WANTED Good , - guitar, player for
every night; , good position. B-208,
WANTED Energetio man of good ad
dress, $3.60 per day. Call g to 11 or
write 440 Sherlock bldg. v ..-i
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali
fornia Wine Denot 285 Yamhill, next
in journal
WANTED Sewer diggers, Virginia and
Custer sts.; work. rain or Bhlne. Ful
ton car. - -. . ." -
WANTED Man with $160 as partner in
moving picture - show; good nionoy
WASHER, Al man who also can do body
l roping. inquire tsv union ave.
DRIVER, wanted -for meat delivery
wagon. Kindorf Bros., ISO Grand avo,;
PftKRSED wanted at once on
-263 Yamhill st, Room .
are !n
We want s
llPl', rtt;ill U)(-J1, 1 . t e
id; to tukn-our rours.' in
drlvin? automoMl-s. Day
can rpcummi'ii
rf-nnirirl? a nil
flnil nipht isr-r-nnl A u t ntilnl.i ! i
of Oregon, oft'lc:e room 'J 1 li. .Merchants
Trust. l.Mjr. Pfcone Miirshall 2:"53.
For graduates last ear; men arid wo-
iurn learn Iiarner trade in s wt't-aa, ij--iij
to s-eure positions; graduates earn $13
to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools
free: write for catalog. " Moler System
of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St.. Portia nd.
Girls Wanted
WANTED A -lady, between 18 and 40,
- to cook at a grocery store; no wash
ing, no ltonlng, no scrubbing, good
roomjtnd good board; Just like beins at
home; wages $16 per month. Call at
1571 'Macadam st. or Phone - Main 487
or nome A-oyu.
GIRL wanted in small family. Washing
; auo nttivy cleaning aorie oy outsiae
help. Ambitious young girl wanting
permanent employment in good com
fortable .home- and who .appreciates
kindness,' preferred. Telephone for ap
pointment A-3I53. V
GIRLS wanted .in -candy faolory; good
wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th
and Davis sts.
HOTEL, restaurant, family, and other
noip, city ana country. Howe s Ladies'
Agency, K. 314.- 32H Washington
THOROUGHLY experienced salesladies
. wanjeo. ustricn r mme jo., sua wasn
l.ngxon si
WANTED Young woman to do light
" nousewora-- in email xamiiy; good
wages.' Phone Main 54S1; - ' -
WANTED Experienced woman for iron
ing ladies' cioaKs. jetrerson Hand
Laundry, 609 Jefferson. Monday a. m.
WANTED---Young girl to assist in gen-
. aa! . V,...nn,r1. r, , tEi II- .11
Phone B-2660. - , . ' -
FIRST-CLASS waist and "klrt finish
ers; also other help at once.- Madame
juim. am xamniii
WANTED Woman for house work for
i montn; wages i2U per month. Phone
la oor i!H36.
WANTElCoat finishers at once. 263 V
- Yamhill .st. Room 9. -
GIRL foright housework, jO 8 Clinton
st., teuwova zm.
GOOD girl for general, housework. Phone
WANTED Girl for generalhousework.
fnone c-zo. - r - . - -
WANTED A good, cook In private fam
ny; goon wages.' mi in. gam
WANTED Girl to assist at housework!
8:30 to 2:30. Main 780. 392 Jackson,
WANTED A good second girl for prl
' 'vate family, good wages. 245 N, 25th,
:. - FELLE -r- j;, 29
WANTED Piano and violin player te
i travel- with road show, no theatrical
experience necessary- Also comedy man.
or any, 15 minute vaudeytlle turn.' Call
at S-iJVS Yamhill st,, roon 16. .
THE NEW YORK Amusement com.
pany'i want all kinds of performers,
Singers, musicians,;, etc. 626 , Wash
ington street, near 17th.
AGENTS -Ladies" and gentlemen to sell
n article -used in every nome; big
commissions; call an y day after Tues-
aay, 131 loth st i .- -.-.v--.;.'-
AGENTS wanted to aid ua supply the
demand for choice nursery stock; out-
nt tree; casn, weekiyj Address Capital
city isursery company, tsaicm. or.
BOYS OR GIRLS, sell only 12 packages
watch. Northwest Co.r-P. O. Box 182.
gaiem, or.
AGENTS wanted to sell a. new patent
puzzio. uair at gs crosny st.
AGENTS, ladles or gents. 60o on every
dollar order. Address J-235, Journal.
' C-R, HANSEN-& CO,'
Main office, 28 N. 2d st, Portland.
Ladles' department 7th and Wash, sts.,
upstairs, Portland. ; r.-r-'!v
424 Front Ave Spokane. : : U J
17-69 4th St.. San Francisco."
Established 1876.
CO., i headquarters for R. R. work.,
2SH N. 2d st. '
Gen'l employment- Mar. 618, A-1406.
270 MADISON. BET. 3d AND 4th.
EMPLOYE. .... .-.
' ' 'MAIN 8555; A-6624.
ENGINEER, fair electrician, middle age,
'active, strictly temperate, desires po
sition small plant; steam heat or as
night watchman witU reliable firm.
Moderate wagfs. Phone Woodlawn' 2397
or address N. M., 1094 Alblna ave.
CARPENTER work wanted of every de
scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair
ing a specialty. Cummings & Catlln, 871
First st. ' Marshall 2827. - - 7
BUTCHER . and sausaiteniaker desires
first class position; able to run or
manage business; oest or references;
city or country. H-zn, journal.
EXPERIENCED, packer of drugs, toys,
. .notions, holiday goods ana glassware
of all kinds; first class references. ' X-
Zio, journal.
EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger
warns io' ffum ior uwimio. menii,
pnone yvooaiawn i t.
STEADY younsr man desires Position,
: i Any general work, handy,can . hang
paper, etc. y-ziz, journal,
TltJTfnnTflTTIoBt, l.fn,dnnB . ..l
AAVU i AlCB b I.-' .'.,..1-1, BA)ICI1-
t enced.' capable "f taking charge and
POSITION wanted by thoroughly com
;. pqtent DGGKKeeper ana expert account-
ant. ' JKZV4; journal.
STROKE nnd sober man "Wishes to gel
A XT Anrrln i.Ql wonia Urnrlr liatlnnnni
traction or gasoline. What have you?
B-Z03, journal.
WANTEDrPosltion as jdraftsman or
outside supervision.- Address, C-208,
CARPENTER, builder, new or repair
WttrRcnH; vi t-uinmni. oguwuiiq XIII
ELDERLY man wishes position, expert
onr-B ns ptielneer. 0-213 -Toiirhal .
worK, flay or contract.' aeuwooa 171J,
CARPENTER work, any kind, day or
contract. " rnone niarsnan zi7.
CHAUFFEUR wants' position. , Sellwood
692. - .
MIDDLE-AGED ' French lady' wants
housework in private family. Can
speak Engnsn. jnone Tabor 735.
WOMEN with .experience want to take
. care of babies at home;- reasonable
price. - E., ?4tK ave., or pnone.Tabor'785,
XV A CTlTMn Plain irnnlriir nlaannn
. day $1.75; walking distance. Union
tB fink TTo. 1K1 TJ' I
LACE curtains Washed and stretched;
called for and delivered, - 40o a pair.
Main aano. . - t
DRESSMAKER with ' tailoring exnert-
- ence in .fancy dresses would like worK
by the. day with good dressmaker pre
ferred. ' Phone Tabor 1580.
DRESSMAKING done reasonable; work
guaranteed; alterations a specialty;
pnone Aiain tvz, i9 10m st
NKWLT furnished rooms for Indie of
viinin-nt; hi-Hr, lu.-ht, etc.-; pii-'-s
naht tor the risl.t kin.) ,f t'(-,.i.1h; fine
lotatlon. three H!linfs nn.1 within wa'k
liiff distance, ChU ib'J 1 la riders t., near
1 -Si h.
TRAVKLING pe.ojile can find y.leafaiit i
j-ouirs u blocks i-outh and 1 wt-st. or :
postof i'ic(i, day or week; '.also perm;i- i
ncnt rooms suitable for 2 or more per-
sons,' 849 Jefferson. 't
LARGE light furnished, room in small
family: modern, telephone. Portland
Heights, view, reasonable. Marshall
NICELY furnished rooms, private fam
ily; heat. bath, phone, close In.- rent
reasonable. 613 Clay st.
FOR RENT---Well - furnished rooms.
modern house, walking distance. Phone
A-4416. 470 Taylor st
TRANSIENT rooms nicely furnished.
50c unr 2o3V4 Alder, between 2d and
3d sts. ' , ., :
THE. VIOLET, nicely furpished rooms
friees reasonable; im 6th st, -cor.-
Yamhill. - , -
LARGR furnished alcove room, to man
and. wife or two young ladies 'Kerer-
ences required. Mornings. . , S90 Park.
NICELY furnished room, suitable 2 gen
tlemen, or man and -wife; business
peopl a preferred., : M. 42 88, 671 Olisan.
NICELY furnished front rooms ', for
- young nien; also housekeeping' suite.
SS7 12th. - --;;"":'; .",.-: - - 'j
hotel m&mii
Free phone and bath.
UVi Bth st. rootiis.
50 up per weeK.
Main 7t54,-.-" ";'V ";-.:;':
WELL furnished Z " room . apartment
modern conveniences; , turnacey neat.
228 E. 20th. East 1430. ;- v .
TWO well , furnished' modern' steeping
rooms, walking distance; heat, phono
and hot water. 254 12th st, ; ' - t
NICE' large' furnished rooms, suitablo
for two , people; all . conveniences;
close in, $3 end $4 per 'Week. 261 7t!i,
WELL FURNISHED rooms from $7 up.
- 405 West Paiki Phone Main 4Tl. -
IF TOTJ want5 a clean, - airy room In
private nouse wiut mi rauarra suh
venlences. call un EaBt 12D2. $1
Broadway.';- ;'- .-''-';: -j;--'"''.''
LARRABEE HOTEL. 227 Larrabee st'
New management;, steam heat electrio
1 1 t, , V.n, n v. .1 AnU -nra t hatH O M rl
phone; $2.50 and up per week.
u, nun v-v.v. , v -.
NICELY furnished outside rooms t.,for
two $12 month; three $15 month; con
veniences. 169 ffinBl.
FURNISHED rooms, single or en eu'te,
ail niooernsv convenience. m muvn
from carllne. Phones Tabor 2610, A-8063.
Including steam heat; day, week, month.
NICE - furnished room for gentleman:
good location; reasonable. , 664 .East
Morrison. ; ' - - '. "
FRONT room, furnished, $1.60 per week.
1507 E. Pine. Mt.'Tahor car to 65th st
FURNISHED room, suFt able for 1 or I.
phone and bath. 430 E, Everett stv i
TWO furnished rooms Tor ' Tiousekeep-'
ing. 206 ISth, between Taylor and
Palnon.- . . . - -
FOUR unfurnished rooms, . $6.00 per
monto;.J 1607 E, Pine. Mt Tabor car
to 65th st . : " ,
The Barnett
76 West Park st. Rooms with board;
table board $4.25 per. week; home cook-,
ROOMS connected, with bath, modern,
home cooking: 1 in room $25; 2, in
room $20; on S. R. carllne, Corner 43d
and E. Morrison sts,
HOME cooking, large airy room, for 2;
all : conveniences; wanting :-uivui.
181 E. 12th St., near Yamhill. ;Jhone
East 4S68.
BOARD and room for nusoana and wife
or vounff men. BUU jetierson tv m
BOATtD and room for 1 or 2, in prvat
familv. 812 Crookhan st. near S. P.
Car shops.
NICELY furnished, well heated rooms
With excellent home cooking. very
convenience; , rates reasonable. - Phone
East isao,
BnnM aWt hoard.
Man; and wife or two men in private '
home. For particulars call Main 5934.
A HOME for working girls; good board
and reasonable; walking , distance.
Main 4384.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board;
rates reasonaoie. iu r. '
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, ho m
cooking. 741 ptisan, rnone a-ioib
f.APrjP'. room ror two or four, reason
able; board private ramuy. jum iom.
THE- BEAVER 12th and Martha 11. ,
ti 1 1 !- m A hAiimklrsni nw. : 114
ranees, electrio lights, hot water, bath.i
laundry, all free) $16 per month up;, a
Clean ihhvb, ui v. 'i 1
money; short distance from Union depot
Take n or imn sr.. r uuuu, .v i.
tt Marshall st. No dogs. 1
WELL furnished housekeeping roonis, i
2, $8 month; $3. $13; 4, $16. 364 N. i
ociv, woci r(,ib river. . W. car, - from .
depot, 5th, or Morrison to 26tji, block
lt)I til. ; - V ' , , ,...
FLATS of 2 and S furnished housekeep-
v ir. fnnm a " n nm hiihp kpst in riiv.
Call Sunday 273 ,4 7th st. After Ohio
Ins. Co.. 421 Ablngton bldg.
NEWIY furnished with use of kitchen
nr Hcht housekeeping. 10 minutes'
walk from P. 0.; $ 12 per month. Phone ;
THE COLONS Furnished housfkeep-1
lng rooms cunvonitu.o-i, in
nd un. central location. 60S u Alder st
CAMBRIDGE 3d and Morrison, single
xurnisnea uuuocftBtinj 'w.A,n,,
room 36
294 Jefferson, two Jight, clean rooms,
- furnished for housekeeping, in base-
T Bsinnnoi: no en arm. -
ONE or two nicely funftslied housed m
keeping rooms, bath, gas, phone, South:
Portland. Marshall 2411. ; ti
FURNISHED housekeeping room, bath,
gas, phone. $2.50, a week. - 649 Mor-,
FURNISHED hosekeeplng rooms, cen
tral, complete, uoiivomon v i, Buiijo ,
)i up. 4Z'J Mam ai-
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms ?
lAAr,(ncr : noreh. v rlone In.. 47A 1
Taylor st Phone A-4jj6
vv.wi f - -- - - - - - - - p
MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; Utiht,
moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-407I
TWO nicely' furnished housekeeping
rooms;- light, water,' hath and phone,.
good car service. East 1433, 695 E.
Morrison. . .,
ti per week; clean, furnished houtiekeer--:
ing rooms! laundry, bath, heat, yard.
phone, clean linen. 400 Vancouver ave.,
THREE furnished housekeepine rooms
- Inquire 640 East Stark St., cor. 1 2th.
THREE housekeeping rooms. for rent
749 Mississippi ave.
A NICB modern 6 room house, lare
yard, driveway, fine garage, 214 Sao
famento St. Call' next door, No. 308.
FOR RENT Modern 8 room house, 168
Idaho it. South Portland, $20. Phone
rt-Oglg. ,m. y i "; '' ' " ' i
FOR RENT -6 room bungalow, 784 E.
Main st, N, 24th; key at 780 E. Main. I
$25. ' .- ' - ' ' - ' ' ' : - ....., f
SIX room modern House, t blocks from
for sale fur,$H2.3a. Owner, box 602, city
FOR RENT 6 room cottage, close ln,
,on canine, inquire at nu jbZOth St..
s i
near 13th, Address 836 Tlatsey, C-2260:
IIUUSE lor rent,- 770 Hoyt - Apply 778 f