CVJIITIg, OCTOBER , 13, 1010. c. ' ft " t 1 p Uuio I U I i.L.L l U.i 1.13 life with a , s:.:ile o:j his lips Continued from rage One.) prosecution. The defense won a point when Judge- Morrow acted fa; prabljron a request that Webb and M.i. Carrie Kersh, who were Indicted Jointly for being decided, the trial of Webb began. The trial of,Mr. Kerch will be set by . Judge. cielard at a later dale. Fourteen "jurors were called this morning and both sides passed seven of r those for ipause. S. P. Garrigue was ex reused , f rom duty because he said he would not - convict a man on circum stantial evidence, Charles J. ITton was slso excused for the reason given by him, that ha had formed an opinion in the case from having read account of It in the newspaper. 1 ".i Passed for Cans.. The Jurors pafcsed for cause are John Verdegan of St. Johns, A. Unger of St, Johns and Charles Pollfka, F, BoodyM. Clancy, W. Schmeer and J. A. Tuck" ,..'. The preliminary' examination of Ju fors will be' continued this afternoon.; '.- Before the Judge had. announced' that the trials of the two. accused would be conducted separately,, both were brought Into tke courtroom. The manner in which each acted contrasted sharply. - , .Mrs. Kersh was very pale" Her eyes, ringed "with somber circles, roved, from aide to side. Incessantly. , She watched every movement of the state's attorneys and listened intently to all' that was said. . She seemed exceedingly nervous : and anxious. : ,'. Webb,' en the contrary, assumed an air of nonchalance that could only be ' detected , for its feigned quality bji mor than ' casual v observation. . A alight twitching of the heavy lidded eyea- and a quick, nervous, swinging of the, right foot-under the tabltf at which he sat :be-. trayed him to anyone who might have noticed his attitude keenly. ;;: For all hat the face or the prisoner wore an expression of supreme Indlf- . ference. He even wipked at an artist who was engaged- in making a sketch of nlm. "Before leaving he asked to see the result of the artist' labor and when thla was shown to him he remarked, ."I support yovr are making me out as villainous as possible,' .; v lay and crarr.rri..l the body inr-Sde. lie than called for an expressman and rods in the seat with the driver to the Union station, where he bought a ticket for East I'uyallup, Wah., checking the Im provised coffin to that city. : Start on Auto Eld, ; The murderer then returned to the scene of his bloody deed and with his victim's money prepared to go out for a motor car trip to the suburban taverns. He and Mrs. Kersh visited the Willam ette rooming house where they left Mrs,, Kersh's son. lllrtnj an automo bile, they started out for a pleasure trip, believing the trunk with Its con tents was safely out of town. Meantime, a baggageman at the de pot noticed drops of blood oozing from the trunk, ; Thls was Just before mid night. He called for a policeman. De tectives hurried down, the trunk was opened and. the search for the murderer began at once. The tracing of the crime was com paratively " easy ,work. The - express wagon . driver was found by means, of the transfer tag; on the trunk. The de tectives wentto the Grand Central hotel and traced Webb and Mrs. Kersh from there to the rooming house in which the boy had been loft, They waited until lY o'clock in the morning at, the "Wil lamette i'for the "Joy riders" to come back. ' When-trapped, Webb made a fight but was overpowered. ; v , ,-.- The grand Jury the next day Indicted both Webb and Mrs, Kersh for, murder In the flfat degree.,, , ' , BRAKEMAN' JUMPS AND JS MORTALLY INJURED T ; SieiBl blxpatrh to 'The Jonrnl. - Astoria, Or., Oct., 10. John Svenson, St years Of age, a native of Sweden, was fatally nurt by Jumping from a log ging train of the Oregon Timber at Lumber' company Saturday. It was Svenson's second day on the Job at brakeman. He released the brakes on a ( per cent grade and became frightened and jumped.. He alighted against the bank of a cut and fell back and was hit fcy a Journal box, wl.ich tore his scalp off. Ha died three hours later. "Engineer Guy Powers also Jumped. He l as a deep gash in, his right Jfg and a cut on the nose. ' He is in the hospital here. , The train stopped 1000 feet beyond where the engineer Jumped. Not a log was lost nor a matt hurt .except by Jumping. Svenson's body, wss taken to the morgue of Gilbaugh & Co. . Cuba Observes National Ilol'iy. Havana. Cuba, Oct. 10. This bpln the forty eeeona anniversary of -the 'begin ning- of the 10 years' war for independ ence (1868-1878), the day was observed an a national holiday , in Havana end elsewhere throughout the republic. In this city the celebration was marked with considerable enthusiasm, British postofflces handle 15,000,000 letters and 250,000 telegrams a day. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenth of ell the sickness ol women is doe to tome denotement of Cie ate of the f(iM distinctly Umioiae. Such siekoess eaa be cured u ur4 every day by-, , ; .7 ;-;.' '.X-----'- '-".;'' -.( Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription v it Make Weak ' Women Strong, 'V;'; Sick Women Well. It aets directly oo the or jam affeoted and if mt the tame time e general roe tor." five tonie for the whole system, ; It cures femaleMSomplaint right in the privacy f borne. t ssakee unnecessary the disagreeable questioning,' exeminstioos en4 local treatment so universally insisted opoo by doctors, aod so abhorrent very aaodest woman. - We shall not ptrticularixe here at to the) symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women, but those wsntin j full infbnnatioa as to their symptoms and savant of positive cure are referred to the People's Com mo Sense Medical Adviser-1008 pages, aevly revised ead ap-todate Edition, entr oo receipt of 21 one cent stamps to cover eoet of mailing aj; or, m cloth biadiag for 31 stampe. . Address Dr. R. V. Pioroo, BoffaU, N. Y. His. Consultation Is Free If you are sick and live out of town, send 4 cents in stamps and secure a symptom blank. ' Proper remedies can then be secured on return of it. . : ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL " PORTLAND," Or.. Aug. 25, 1810. I had been suffering for some time and -went to tr, C. Gee Wo for his diagnosis' of my case.' He pronounced It enlargement of the liver and etomach and inflammation of , the bowels, and described my condition so accurately I began to doctor with him, I have now taken two monthe' medicine and am ss I well as I ever was. I am giaa to speaic whenever the chance coms to me. (Signed) - E. H. WELLS, , University Park, Portland. Or. tr Webb's Ctme. Webb-klll4 Johnaon-on-tlie-aftern of June 20, during a quarrel over Mra, Kersh, according to 'hie Own confession. He makes the plea of self defense, say ing that he- was attacked by Johnson, who was. armed with a blackjack. Webb told 4he polire he took the weapojuaway from his opponent end struck him over the. head. ''" ,. t. hi' iJ . . , "'; Johnson was a wealthy farmer living near Renton, a auburo of Seattle. lie met Mrs. .Kersh in Spokane and feU in love with 'the ;womn." Accompanied by Mrs. Kersh a,nd her 0-year-old son, John son came, to Portland. On the way down Webb made his appearance on the train And introduced himself to Johnson, telling the farmer of his frlendshlpvlth Mrs.: Kersh. . , , . . . ,, . . ,. v The police believe that th trip- to Portland was deliberately planned . by Webb and the woman for the. purpose of v staying jounson ana taaeng nis money. jVohnson had 12000 in cash on his per son the oay he arrived in rortiana. Most of this was found In the posses sion of Webb when the man was' ar rested. Investigation- by the police brought out the fsci hat Webh had a wife in Seattle and that Mrs. Kersh had a huhno In that city, that the two left Seattle together, end that they lived Zngage Xotel Jtooms. ' Webb, Johnson. Mrs, Kersh' and her son .Arrived--- in Portland , at ? o'clock ta -the morning on June iO. ? They en gaged two rooms at the Grand Central hotel., , Webb occupied ohr.eMhese and the rest of the party the other.. . The two men, left the hotel shortly after their arrival here and started on a round of north end saloons, Returning to the hotel in the afternoon,' they en tered Webb's apsrtments. .There Webb says they had the fight in which John eon, was killed. Mrs. Kersh denies that she was a witness to the truggle. T Webb;-by his own confession, ' then -went to Mrs. - Kersh's room, and .told her of his crime, They went out to gether and bought a trunk. Webb took the trunk to the room where the corpse BHEUlfflSi . Rheumatism ia due td a dlseaseij condition of the hlood cella and cor puscles,1)rpght about by an excess of uric acid in the circulation. It is not only a very painful disease but an extremely dangerous trouble. The briny, acrid state of. the blood gradu ally forms a coating over the muscles,' and by depositing a cement-like sub stance in the joints frequently tettnf-, nates fatally, or leaves its victim , honelesS critmle. It lanatnral tr "doctor " the spot that hurts, and it is t j S a . . . ,m - , mm quue ngni w use liniments, not appli cations, etc., to get temporary relief from a painful joint or swollen tendon;' but Rheumatism- is not a skin disease,! and such things, when depended on alone make one careless,' and the dis ease gets a firmer hold on the blood. S. S. S. cures the disease because it irf the greatest of all blood purifiers. ; It goes into me cir culation, and re- moves e) very riarticre" of ithe irritating nric 4acid, builds up the blood. makes it rich and oily, and in 'this way pre- nares it for the ... ... . - proper nourishment of all joints, muscles, nerves and bones. If you have Rheumatism,' get the uric acid out of the blood by taking S. S. S., a purely vegetable medicine, and enjoy freedom from Jts misery. Book oa Rheumatism siod any medical advice free to all who write. SIX I WITT SPZCITIO CO., Itlaata, . .:'.'.. ' I M ON'T go on living a. life .beyond your years when you can have youtH and strength , and health and vigor!-' ' ' Nature intended I . you to be a (Trade Mark) v The Tr. 'Lindsay special ists have devoted their life a t u d y and work to the treatment of aliments of men, and their success in . the thousands of cases they have cured fits them un-, usually well for the treat ment of YOUR case. No .matter what the nature of rour ailment or of how o n r standing, w e ' dan : positively give you per-, manent Tellef and cure. - If man of activity a strong, vig- &rvoUVeAnm"' veins, idii a werve hsustion, Skin Ailments, Kidney, Bladder and Blood Ailments, Liver Ailments, , Neurasthenia, Pain In the Back, Speclfio Blood Poison or any other Chronic Ail ment, see us at once. Con sultation Is free. We cure you or there is no charge. Office hours are from 9 fo 12 a. m. and from 1 to 8 and 7 to 8 p. m.i 10 to 12 a. m, Sundays, and holidays. . orous, healthy, happy; man iso, rid yourself of the ailment that1; is slowly but surely sap ping away your strength and plunging you down, down deep in the depths of dark despair. .Corrie Jto' Dr. Lindsay TODAY and 6tart on the upward path to health' Consultation is absolutely free, and. we'guar - antee to cure you or make no charge. " . W have for thirty yeart been in the successful practice of men's ailments.' We do no experimenting. Our. up-to-date scientific methods result in permanent relief and cure in all chronic ailments of men. --'r -- -y- - --. . " ' Why not come NOW? " ' . ' - - , ' , DR.LINDSAX-Inc, 129 SECOND STREET . Corner Alder Street PORTLAND vHelvfld.iUpilMciP Come and See Me Today! One Week FREE Corner Second sod YaahlU 1 We Lead the Northwest In' Curing. Disorders of Men. Do you went to employ the best doo ter . first and save time, money . and worry? r Do ycu want to profit by mr etperl eneeT - Do you want be cured Quickly " and safely f. Do you want me to euro you? If so, all and see me today. Thousands . have applied - to me for treatment and my reeord of. cures is larger than any doctor I ever heard of. Ask to see them when you call. A . friendly visit will eoet you nothing. Jf . can cure you I Will tell you so; If I cannot cure you 1 will refuse your case. It will pay. you well to give up aa hour of your time to eome and see me. we nave tne largest Medical institute in the northweet making a specialty of nervous and chronic -disorders. I treat and cure by the latent and best methods RECTAL DISORDERS, NERV OU8 and. BLOOD DISORDERS. PILES, FISTULA. HYDROCELE, ENLARGED VEINS, RHBUMATIRM, LUMBAGO, ' BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE and all disorders of men, :-, You Run No Rislt-I Will Treat You Free for one week if you desire to prove that I can cure you, 1 have srent thousands to develop my treatment, and I know what It will do. Don't experiment elsewhere., Try ray treatment free,. and be convinced that I can euro you. , While the erdlserr doctor Is experlmeaUng and skiauf xalstakes, I ao eesapUsk eures. flee ate sew. r- .... .,. "s ): I Out-b Town Men Visiting the City Consult me at ones upon arrival and maybe you can be cured before reluming home. Many oases can be cured In one, two or more visits, con tinning treatment when home. Consultation and Advice Free. - - "t prordlse yeu rest) Its' so prompt and. positive that you will not need any one to point out the improvement. In short, I will give absolute re sults in every case and a written memorandum to refjind every cent if you are not perfectly cured.- -" . - - i I want to talk With ths man who has tried other methods and found them unavailing. V want to talk with the man who has almost given up' me nope oi peing curea. 4 can convince mem oy actual cures. ait nuosa axa axwats ra sowzst, no matter where you go. There is a reason my practice Is the largest, my offices are the largest, I am Dreeared to treat the larreet numbers. There fore f can cure- you the cheapest. Having the most experience and beet scientific treatment to be had, I oan cure you the quickest If you have any trouble whatever, eome to me. I cure disorders ae low ae IS. SO. If Sou eannot call write. Out-of-town men Invited to call. Come for one ay; you Can go back on the next train. 'Consultation and advice free. If yen eemnet eall at office, write for self-examination blank many oases cured at heme. Medicines, 11.10 to M.Sa per course. TOOTH A, IK. 0 I 9. U OTTDATS, la A. K. to UK. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. S3 .so Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts. PORTLAND, OR. Cme : Mm. THE LEADING SPECIALIST : P j rsu. .v,:- ' i,-. ' ' ' '. '-; ' I make no misleading propositions, prom, ise no impossibilities, but .perform all I promise. v i 1 Fair dealing, moderate fees, faithful service and speedy, cures have won for me the confidence and patronage of the afflict ed everywhere, ' I, Have Cured Thousands ' I have no specific : or cure-all prepara tions, but treat each case separately and scientifically according to Its particular re ?uirerhents, closely watching it and eare ully following its aymptoms- with raried remedies through every stage, and stake my reputation on the result YOU PAY WHEN CURED 'Ailments Wx Tne .beading Specialist. Be sure your cure Is thorough. Not one of my patients has ever had are lapse after being discharged as cured, and I cure in less time .than the ordinary forms of treat ment -require. . i 4 Blood Ailments No' dan are reus minerals to drlvi ho virus to the n t e r I o r. but armless, rem edles that remove ui last jairo. r Free Museiim Now Open ?-y-! ivj . V;v .' "'".t '-v" Before beginning treat ment foq any chronic ail ment all men should visit Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu seum of "Anatomy. -' Larg est and finest in the Northwest , , V ar!$ose Veins Absolutely pain, less treatment that, cures completely. I n v e a t i gate; my method. It is the only thoroughly scientific treat ment'. for this ail , ment ' being em ' ployed,. Piles, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, etc,-: are also among the ail ments . I cure to stay cured. IxSSulotSi? & Straight, Square Truth It will cost you nothing to call and talk over your case. You can find out all about your trouble and you can arrange later to begin treat ment any time you like. Oy offices, composing ten rooms, are the larg est, most elegant and best equipped In the West i : - ' Tine ML T A YLOM Co'. 8344 M0UI803T ST., POBTTJUST), OBr . , " , . Gee Wo i! .1 c. Gee Wo 1 .,.1....,-. w....... .M TE VJaXsta eViUUeVOB ' This wonderful man has madea life study, of the properties and ac tions of Roots, Herbs, Buds and Barks on the human system. Many pi the remedies which this man uses are scarcely known to the scientists of this country, and m theChinese families are handed down from father to' son and kept a most profound se cret. Most , of - these remedies 4 itt Imported from far-off Asia to his large laboratory at 162 First street, It seems almost a miracle to many patients who have, called on this fa mous man and in such short time be come .well by his treatment Open Evenings and Sundays. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 16916 1st St, Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. Are You Sick? Dr. De Gin? Chow Noted herbalist of the Chinese empire, bow associated with the On Wo Ton Chinese Med! olne Oo. This noted doctor has learned the secrets - known only to the fa mous Chinese savants for over 4000 years and has - spe cially lmnortod herbs from the remote p r 0 v Incee of China that positively jure all ills of the human sys tem. (Diseases 3f the nervous system, female disorders, blood e, etc.. absolute ly cured. No matter how many doctors have failed, no matter how many medi cines you have-used without result, call on us. We can cure you. Consultation free. Treatments by mall On Wo Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Company1 S3 Second St. 'Hours S a. ttw to 10 p. m. ;&f :i?iMSmSS ;1 , i -V' X ; m III WW MEN CURED i,i:t7 today Qoldendale Excursion Goldendale-Simcoe Fruit Lands ; ' Get Yocr Tickets Ccrly THIS" EXCTTESIOH is some-, thing every person expecting to .inveettgate this phenomenal fruit . : section should take advanta?e of. KPSCXaii &ATB leaves KOBTH ' SAJIK Depot the 12th. Be sue and take it end go to GEO. S. GaJTEDAY OO.'B office. Central hotel, and see what they have to .. offer. v " - ' , WHAT IS BUTTE B, como in before you go and get particulars, Geo. S. CasedyCo. lK)bby Commercial Club Bldg. M. w. a., rtopi? ci"T t'A.'r-y- . RcHIne-Ilii ?'' It hid:: , a- r!nt;U'-: 1 lCLh. l'hnne Ci.-rlr, M3)n s : i (, AM-K- N". A., Or'Kini iioM i-arnp, vi Wednne.tfty evenings AlirKy Sni Morrison. ,i Wedding Invitations Visiting cards, monogrem smton'erv, wm. Klumpp Co. 828 Washington e't. WEDDING Cards. W. O. rimUlTft Co." ' Washington hlrto Mrmr nf.lth mntt Weehincton etrrpt. . WEDDINU invitations, Beattie A Hof"-. DRESS suits for rent. 1 Maes. Uniuue innui ing o atfs t?trn St CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral dewtgns. 289 Morrison t DEATHS MAX M. 6MITH, florist 150 5th St., yyp. jneier ec rranK s. . aiam ino- Gheao :iim:tMmm, 1 0,000 Cords Wood Within mUe O. W. P. line, and low. est car rate on line. 404 E. Alder St. Great Money-Maker tft a-tTTe .t:- - est. platting proposition in the city; ijjiibnoney-niaker. Call if you mean business. No phoning;. . Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Building MITZLER Martin Mltzler. Good Sa maritan hospital, October 7, f ed 2D; aoecess or liver. ' CARD OP TUAXKS WE DESIRE to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors. Rev, Hasshold. the Binaera and the em ploVes of Allen & Iewfs, who so klmlly anniiieu jab in uur bhu ueiramii-ni, William 'Knieger and family. Maxon. FUXERA1 DIRKCTOKT , 2e!ier-Brynes Co., iVcfi phones; lady assistant Most modern establishment in city. '. v '"'-. . Dunning fii McEntee uearker.'n every detail. 7th and Pine, UMain 430, A:45S8. Lady assistant i C-QfQ -The - east . side undertaker. LLnVrl Ldv assistant B-1888. East 711. East tb and Alder. J, Pr.FINLEY&SON I?XV! Lady attendant. Main . A-1599. ' BAST SIDE funeral directors, success- , sor to F. H. Dunning. Inc. E. 52, B-i5' ITRIPQHM Undertaking , Co.. Main LnlOOUIl 61S3. A-2235. Lady sss't EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker, 2J0 80 at Lady seslstant. Main 807. REAL ESTATE XKAASFERS ' CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title A. Trust company, Lewis Bid aw 4th and Oak. LAWYERS Abstract & Trust Co., rcom ( Board of Trade bldg., abstracts a specialty. PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander' ab street office. 413 Corbett bldg. M. . AMONiiAKER We have a bunch of 10 beautiful large lots. Streets now eraded and walks made. Close to car and water iaid. A snap if taken now. PRICE RIGHT AND TERMS EXTREMELY- EASY. SEE US NOW BRONG-STEELE CO. GROUND FLOOR LEWIS BLDG. GEXERAL REAL ESTATE flg AUTOS and real estate, farm lands, city property, West Woodburn lots, newr and second automobiles. C. W. Wardle, iiarayette Ding. PEPER St BAKER. 4 N. th st. between Burnside and Ankeny;-farms, timber, fruit, dairy and wheat lands, acreags and city property for sale or trade. ACREAGE From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts Adjoining Rose City Park 80 UNDER MARKET PRICE Easy Terms OREGON & WASHINGTON REALTY CO. a B27 Chamber of Commerce v . Main803' $10 v IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every Known remedy ap pliance for TBEATISO TOtf.T-Our-e-perlence is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of wen is new to ns. COKE TJX ASH TALK XT OVTOK. . . General. Debility. Weak Verses. Zn i somnia Results of ezporure. overwork iand ther Tlolatloas of Itsrore's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Veri onrtd at small expense and no detention from business. - IFEOTAZ. arLXZHTS Newly 'con tracted and chronlo cases cured. All burning, itching and inflammation Stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If lin kable to call, write for list of questions. orrice Hours a. m. to r. m. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. onlr. - Pacific Coast Medical Co. 8344 washhtotow stbbzz, - Corner first ... wwlk V MEN AND WOMEN CURED The famous 1'. C h 1 n e s e VR3. B. K. CHAN, with their reme dies of herbs and : roots o u r e won derfully; 1 1 k bas cured taw many iui-wu a ' other reme dies have failed.. Sure cure for chronlo, private ailments, nervousness, blood poi son, rheumatism, asthma. - nneumonia. kidney, throat and lung troubles, con sumption, stomach disorders and other dlseasea of all kinds.' Remedies harm less. NO OPERATION., Honest treat ment Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. S. K. Chan. Call or write to TKB B. JC CXA2T XESZOX2TS CO., 229 Morrison Bt, bet 1st ad., rruana, ur. ' -sr . r- r arm for City Property 100 acre farm. IS miles from' PnrtinnA in Tualatin valley; about half upland, half bottom. Alt rich soil, free from rocks; 70 acres in cultivation, 8 acres beaerdam soil; good orchard cheap house, good barn, 0 acres saw timber; uau ut fivrr. rnce, per acre. 111 take residence in Portland fta.t 9X7 Board of Trade nidgH 4t& ana Oak l 60 Acre Snap tISD Will handle this Imnrnved farm at S14 per acre: price 92246. home, barn, 2S acres cleared, tie timber that wwi net I4VUO, an gooa soil, near school, store and sawmill, S miles from a good city with river transportation; easy terms; must have $750 cash, prefer 11500. cash; search the world for a het ter bargain and you will never find It Grussi & Zadow 117 Board of Trade Bldg.,' 4th aud Oak FOR SALK HOUSES 61 NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW TmiKlsk AAnriift!An to m f avail Aix (tl ly - tinted,' hardwood floors, duplex snaoes. nrepiace, r urn ace, wasn trays, car.eled dinlnc room. Gem buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, big porches. iuii OBBemeni, sireet inipruveu, ceineni walks, all paid; lot 60x100. Close in; 6 diock to -car. , j or jsuu casn, like rent, 120 monthly. - . - See E. J. O. GORDON CO. Quick. ., 827 Board of Trade bldg. , -V WEST'TSIDK BUNGAXOW. -.. . i 3000. .... .: Just finished. B rooms, modern plumb lng, large fireplace, full basement mag niflcent view of city and mountains; small 'payment down, balance same as rent Inquire of owner. 4SS Mohawk bldg. 1 Modern 5 Room Bungalow In Vernon.' 2 blocks to car;-price $2400; (250 cash. ; . L, Cowing 602 Railway Ex. bldg. . Two Good Investments " .80x110' on Killinitsworth ave.. 2d block from Union ave. and. postofflce; 2 story house and barn; 19 bearing rrult trees: liberal terms. 60x100 in Sunny side 2 story' I room house, -east front, strictly modern, one block from Belmont carllne; barn. Own er, Woodlawn $064. ' - . 'Grussi &adow- SiMMMK K rAnm himrilAW. 1 Vllnrk Fj1t Ankeny carllne, close in; fireplace, built in bookcase, cement basement, " laundry trays, gas and electric lights, sidewalks, strictly first class and up to date; $285u. terms. Owner, Tabor 2101. Have You SeenGroveland Park? A Kararal Park, Blgbt on Two Car lis as, and the Host Beautiful Residence Bite oa tbe last Mde. Prices reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Oowperthweit tt Obrlstenses, 4th and Hawtnorne Are.; wusoa si Meyers, soth and Division Sts. Take O. W. P. cars and transfer to Hawthorne avenue. PACIFIC TITLE AND TRUST CO. Removed to T Chamber of Commerce, round floor, 4th at side. A. B. Manley, Pres.; W. Y. Mastere. Sec'y and Atty. MEETING NOTICES 41 NQBUSS The commit tee of arrangements for the grand ball at the Armory Friday, ' October 14, desires that all No bles having tickets re mit for same as soon as possible to William Da vis. Ill 2d st Vlsltln Nobles are Invited to attend and all members of Al Kader who failed to receive tickets can procure them at the above address. Room for cards for those not wishing to dance. Nobles, do your duty and bring your friends on this festive occasion, wear full dress uniform, Including fes, -Grand march at 9 p. m. Yours in the faith. EXECUTIVE COMMITTteB. SHRIN'eGRAM Members of Al' Kader Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., who have not received any tickets, as- well as so journing nobles desiring tickets for the errand ball to be srlven -by. Al Kad er Arab Patrol, are requested to,.see Cap tain wuiiam uavis, at in ;nd st., who will look after their interests; That he is the most obliging captain of sny Arab Patrol ' In North. Arnerioa ; every Bhrtner. In this oasts : will cheerfully testify. W1LUAM H. OALVAM. r S ' - Potentate. .' B. O. WHITETTOUBW, Recorder. - HARMONY LODGE NO. 12, A. F. & A. M. Stated com munication 'rthls . (Monday evening at 7:S0 o'clock. Work in th M. M. derree. rieltors are cordially invited. ' , W. M. IB LIN. c. Marguerite vinmp, meets every v evening at ins second et ALBINA COTTAGE. " VI. nnm mil... foment hotnnt gas, porcelain bath. This cottage is nearly new and on a lot 50x100, east- Price only $2500 $500 cash and $20 per monui. ' . ORfssrr & zadow. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Look at This 8 room house, lot BOxlOO. right close to Ankenv carllne. near 28th st: a fine buy at $1700; look at this at once if you want a bargain. GOODNOUOH ft'SEITZ.' 810 Bpaiding niflg. . . . Housa' Bargain , ' 6 room house, plastered. 50x100 lot Close to the Ankeny car line near 2Sth st The lot la worth the price asked. Price $1700. This is a sure snap. GOODNOUGH & 8KITZ. . sio spaiaing bias;. , .. . BARGAIN. WEST SIDE, Very good ( room 2 -story house, sll in first class order; only a few minutes walk from downtown, on Arthur street, near Water; price only $25QO; $500 cash and $20 per month. ' GRUSSI & ZADOW. - -$1T Board of 'Trade Bldg.lth and Oak. THE MAN THAT WANTS A safe Investment should deposit his money with us and receive Interest on the same, from 2 to 4 per cent Port land Trust Company, 8. E. corner Jd end Oak sts. w $3200 FOR a few days only, new t-, room house, corner 45th and East Ltn : coin; gas, electricity, concrete basement, wood hoist two porches; terms to suit. See owner, 406 cnamoer or commerce. GENUINE bargain, close In modern, ar . tlstio, sightly, 8 room bungalow,; sleeping- porch, elegant fireplace, built in , cases, street Improvements; $35uO. 8S1 B. itn,' seuwooit car. FOR SALE -A 7, room modern house on Kerby St., high and publto school, nenr two car lines; cement walk, shade trcs, 2 toilets, wash trays, etc; lot 80x100. Price $3000; terms, mi any ivy st. MOST modern and up to date" $ room residence in kqso :,hj ram uimni-u i will - ttava vnu broker's commlsnlon. -issrjoumai. 1 .1 between Al'aahiagWa.afld Stark. - HERE is the best buy in 6unnyil for $3600; corner lot new house. rooms, modern in ev,efv respect; terms;, just, listed. 1000 H Belmont st. ... IlX joom modern house oa E. 17th hrar Powell St,, walking d!tnni; $'2:m.). Bee Dakln mach Ine sho?, K3 d and ) ', SER this T rnomH, Ihiirn'iiith'v Ml.TH. 10Sr JMtWn:, rr. tV j - tif, ! A. ,haiatn'-. ,.J. 1.. . F6rSaLe pv onrK a-ii.;v"i"T''.n-galow on B. 20th. bet. Knou sid f-itn ton sts-.. facing ewet. I'lione I-n-t fit B E At'T 1 V UfTo-a re wwiwii! '"""s'J and ishlcken- ranch noer ' car line. (.V O. Pr;-1"m, U - FIVK "Tooiii fhMni r..t!a.(i f : -.JU-UU, ..... - T r '-