The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 66, Image 66

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M ARABOUT, that happy medium be-;v
tween fur and feathers, combining
. . . the most attractive qualities of each
is one of the most promising 4 of trimmings. -Its
use is varied, its cost comparatively, small;
its resultant beauty of line undeniably effect-
ive: So why .'should not woman 'take unto
herself the beauty of this feathery trimming? '
It edges the sleeves and tunic of the even-
ing gown. .Here is indeed the simple formal
dress that epitomizes the season's lines. Over"
the yellow satin slip a' beaded net' tunic of
yellow and blue is draped. - A 'satin girdle, '
slightly -raised, defines the-waist line; short
sleeves are edged with rich brown marabout,
while the long gathered tunic is treated to.,
a- broader, band. '-Surely an unusual and;
.charming use! .' , . .
'.' On the'shoFt wrap of peacock satin mar
.about is used as a deep collar and cuffs; Three
or four rows are used on these parts,- one of
which! is continued as an edging on the bot
tom of the wrap. A double row is used at the
back.- All the warmth of these feathers is just;
.: wnere most needed, while there is no uncom-'
fortableweigh't. (
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' evening, v Ori cream J chifT on, arranged
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;;m pumngs ineresarerTQWstoi ine, mara
bout in parallel lines. -The-weight of the
feathers -keeps- theifullness'-in- straight
J.vervbrnrtjin fl".' ' This .sra'ff is mftrplv a
''t?road' piece 'tsnjrred;inJfjvd;lines, arid over
each line ot stitches a 'strip or marabout is
,l; sewhl. This'jis: 'aneasy, 'solution -of the
ravorwe scarps question inai is assailing
womn;jusy ? '''
i -w How.would-, you dike to ' nestle Uh an
.ennrhboci ifc white mara No dis-
turbance-of taref ully arranged ; coiffure
meyweighorbulbin.thCQmbination of - - 4
i6ft'.slfin iahd feathers !; jThe-; hood is con- '
' Hinued jntova-apelike carf, - I
;;be' roHedand sfowed away in the pocket of
'.an evening fc6ah,' Although .whitens beau- . !
auui, .any: toiuru; aiiratiivc; uic .uccpcr
; shades'-; of 'gray't'br ttrbwn " perhaps t being
I morelserviceable.'i ft;';; - '
''''Amarabput 'set is.' a. lovely, gift if you
4 are in. doubt.-The , scarf; is long, and
f straightV Its fining. Is colored mousseline,
after. the fashion. 6f the;day;' "stripes of blue
v rparahbut 't un in, four lineeh'ding in tails.
Huge the" rtiuff," "promisLrigwarpith and
ample .Voorh" in, which' ,'tp,; tuck: gloves, or
.handkerchief These ''sets are procurable
' in ariy-cblors. ,l . ; : J' " '. V' ; , ' ,
'vvithwo rows of gray ,niafab6ut. that run
v-'aroumt1heedgei-i'At.,theTQwer.p6rtion of
each side .the.tullness is gathered between
the rows that act as a band-on the narrow
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2ee CZArs 'CLjfh,c &r rJJS y Mower :edgeInhiSiQdeiahel
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': . the front'by silk cords..
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