4 1 A -Tr(TTrT71T X.. r TO BEAUTY 0 FT I 1 Kf 1 vj.i ! ... .1 QUERIES v" ffl it 4' 8 11 11 .. j fTHIS seems, indeed, a poor time I . V. for v such a topic, when our X ' fashion txperts are telling us everywhere of the return ot the' empire gown and. the high line. But ourtailored suits, they say, are to be as long-walsted aa ever; and, be sides, fashions will change, and the, short-walsted woman la always at a disadvantage somewhere. 'A waist that Is too short gives, in deed, the appearance'' almost of , de formity;' and yet often. It is simply caused by . the Improper fit of a blouse or .frock. Look at tbe "before- ADVICE' ON : TOO IATHJ HOSE, two words, t think, stand . for more pain and regretful T sorrow in life than any others, ,, .You... have uttered theni; and so have L We have said them with the dull helpless despair that comes with the knowledge of r an lack of power to chanpe what has been.- You and I have' felt rthe inability to do what might have been done If we had but known. . . That's the story. If we had only known I Well, why ntt think out this matter now, with some helpful light of experience to show us what we oan do now? '.'?-.-..... '-!.-. ... There's the quarrel, with the loss of self-control and the parting of the ways if one refuse to make the first concession. Is it worth while to break . the chains of a great love or SOLUTIONS i TO SOCIAL PROBLEMS ferine, No A ssistancc DtiAU Mr. Adam. , 1. Pleaia Inform mt If It Is .proper for & gentleman to rtmaln In an automobile while tbe lady. gets In lon' - S. When detcendlnf a wide staircase, should the man walk beside or behind th woman he accompanies? 3. ..When introducing a client to a friend v whlch name should be spoken first? 4. is - it proper for my smaller slter to entertain a young man who is calling on me if I am not .iult ready , to see him.? - , I.- Should a separate finger bowl ' be provided for each person at the table, or ' would it be correct to pais Just one to. all the persons? ' ' fc.lt a child ol 1 ii giving a small gar den party, would It be coirect to invite guests by telephone? p. 8. W. JL It would be more cwurteoua-for the tfouns man tn remain mt n hum np -eliat Ae-wffwth Bhouli walk side by side when aecend- 5 I i . m . end-after" picture of the girl with ' the "hunched-np" shirtwaist, for in stance. What a wonderful change ts made In 'her looks by simply poll ing the shirtwaist down properly. ' fastening it with fiat safety pins and a flexible elastio band,-and substitute lug a white belt for the black one! ' . That is an -important point; the White belt emphasizes the blouse in .-stead of the skirt, and Increases the ' apparent length of the waist - For the same reason, the short-walsted woman should never wear & colored belt on a white shirtwaist suit 'She should avoid anything that will call atten tion to her waist -- Short-walsted women often .complain that they cannot wear princess dresses; the photographs shown here a dear friendship by the fierce blows, ot words or misunderstanding when a few minutes will weld the links together? Do you not think that the void " created by the passing out of your life of a dear one is far greater than the hurt of taking the first step toward reconciliation f Some one must start, you know. Why not you? Then there are the endless little things that might be done for the deer Ones at home and for some inexplicable rea son you allow to, be forgotten. The re lief for the tired- parents, the sympathy m i Ml ,1 van mwtA th. lA,rn- l,1nl . you feeX Where ! not t'he uuie w Bmw. jo not negieci memi It will be too late!V :Now la the time for showing your guoaness. -tomorrow . migni not exist , for some of us. ' The present moment in owr lives Is the important one. The past Is gone,: but the present is here , with its golden opportunity. . Are you willing to throw it away? . Bo let me urge you to soften your hasty words by the sincere apology. Let me exhort you to meet halfway the one who is waiting to come back to you, and please, O pHease, live aa if today . were your last day. . . It is never too late AO improve. But the best time Is now. Let us bar ; those two words .from our vocabulary of regrets. -Will you try? lng or dcscrfhdlng the stairs. "When it is not possible to do so, the man should precede the woman, when going down the stairs and follow her wlen as?end- lng tnem. . - - - JkIS'h 'sru?tt n. ''""nan end the .?,tnan; ihe ,form'" name should be mentioned first If they ane both Aw ta any noticeable dif ference in -their, ages,- the eldest one's S'ain!LLlwlId -fu Pken nm. If they j men the same rule iholda good. H it is impossible to make a distinction tle.ilifathr one', name may be mentioned first. . .eh1f however, you have set an appointed time for -the young man to pa- It would be better to, be ready to home 'Wtn ArrlvM at yw"" (. Individual finger bowls should be used.' If one doe not nn a mn. ntJre.lv ainntmoaA Hh . . . "iS'tfi Mts'would u better 1 1 V . a - prove that they can, if they will fit 'them correctly. The dress should -be pulled down tight ever the hips fas ted down with Invisible pins, if necessary. A blouse etteot of any . sort ' is fatal to the short-ralsted maiden; her shirtwaists and her one piece f rooks must alike be tight and - simple and merely plain., In the same way elaborate' blouse em broideries and appliques are not for her; s and she should beware of the drooping watch-chain or the draped locket She ' should cultivate vertical effects stripes, shoulder straps, front panels, etc. It is quite possible to lengthen the ! waist by exercise, one good method Is to place the bands on the hips, and SOCIAL to write eadhr little guest a personal note Inviting her to the party. - . Meeting a Friend xSeai1 Mrs. Adams. 1. Is It considered 'very bad form for a ' Young lady to meet a gentleman friend downtown after office .hours ft o'clock)? Both work. ' 1. Is there any harm In Jetting a young man hold a girl's hand? i. Huw should a gentleman walk with ,, two ladles, and' vice versa? , ' 4. When one Is Introduced and doe not . catch the name, what should she say? . (. When a young man escorts a woman home, should he take her to the door or -, Just to the steps? Should he wait untihshe - enters before leaving? , . I. If one Is not allowed to eat candy, 1 what should ah say when It Is offered to ' her or when a gentleman brings a box when ha calls? .?. As I work, how shall I answer lnvlta tlons to afternoon .'entertainments ? . . I live with w relatives. Should I hare -a gentleman call at the bout before taking me ut, It ha knows my lather., but not- -my relatives? My uncle Insists upon a gentleman calling before I am allowed to go out with him i that is. If he does not know him. Is that necessary? 8. I always attended a private school or girls, and em rather shy when I meet people. How should I start a conversation '.without sneaking of the weather? ' - n ,;. -."'.BliUB, BTE9. - :i ' L it is always better to-have one's . men friends call ft one's house. Meet ing .on corners always gives a chance for personal oomment and criticism. . & I do not approve of such familiarity. . It la merely an introduction to a more eerious breach of etiquette. ; , s. The two women should walk side by side, the man walking beside the elder one. When a woman is. esoorted . by two men, the men should walk side by side, . the woman walking on- the inner side of the pavement. .4. "I was . not clever enough to hear , tout name; will you not tell me whom J. have the pleasure of meeting?", is a polite form to use. - , , ; ' S. A young man should mske sure that ' ' the young woman whom he has ear corted has. reached the interior mt her home with safety. w 6. If you are asked to have a piere or ( more of candy, you may politely refuse to take it If a gentleman brings you a box of candy, you should accept It open the box, offer it to him and then place It where he will have access to . it. Tou .would be unkind to refuse to take It. ;,' -: 7. tSend your regrets In the same form that you would use. if other circum stances prevented you from accepting - iiueyimmy, ypu snoma oe wining .to. V'rkJ1 ' if bend as Tar as possible alternately to left and to right - Tou will find that In time yon can bend nearly double; and - meanwhile your waist will be gradually lengthening. Another exercise consists in reaching up with both arms to a point beyond you, stretching as far as possible with out standing on your tiptoes. This is very like the door-hanging exercise, where you cling to the top of a -door-be sure It Is a strong one and hold on until your hands give way. Of course, the door must be taller than you are; your feet must Just escape the ground. Very often a short-walsted appearance is given because the waist measure is too large, and reducing it will remove' before ; you accept Invitations ' from . TAe current events of th day. or a . new book or opera should suggest a subject for discussion. . Abbreviations Dear Mr. Ariame . . L Why are the tines nlaeed under "Mo" and ts 'It correct to in a person s name i do the earns In "wm"? 1 Wht ere the trinkets used In a wed ding cake, and. what do-they signify? Can the same trinkets be used in a birthday cake? Must the trinkets be good? - . ... . ; UNSIGNED. 1. The little marks are used because me letters are; contractions of words -w,.-,'w.,,. rw ., --.. . v-i Al-av. , pf It Is correct to use them, but they are j L1i,J?fumttn' ,n?i", upon having A talk not necessary. & , -:-:!I?iV ...".w,th -him so that you may come to 2. Among some of the trinkets "which Z? Tk-.".ana,nft. n may be baked in the wedding cake are fl.1 nothing tor you to do rings which Ihdieata marriaa-a- - a. "ut try to forget him. Entertf n tWnle.WdlcUngEt?plnSo1dr ."J S!?ir IStJl"?, 35,?,' mlnA occu penny, signifying wealth a button in- - A P Bd .lth. yottr-tfaily. duties. . It may aicaung bachelorhood. These may be J "u n uiy cane ana sua mucn to tne " enjoyment of the occasion. The trinkets anouia be inexpensive. How to Explain ' , Dear Mrs, Adsms. a ' - 1. X have a friend who csme to see me eften'end escorted me to places. Lately ha will not speak to me when he sees me on the street. 1 have learned that a girl has called him up on the telephone and caused him much annoyance, telling him It was I. I have no means of' explaining to him, as h will, not speak to me. What Shall I do? J. Is It wrong to entertain a young man ' whom your parents know, when they are abaentf . . r. , l. My frl(nd ha a ring of mine. How Shall' l get it? I am afraid he will not give 1tto me.-i;;v; fl.,.,, MAEBEUJB. r1.',;;- L To clear yourself you should write a .note to the young man to tell hlnv that you are not the offending person. 7 i. It would not be considered wrong, but you should gain your parents' ap- proval. . t I feel certain he will glve'the ring to you 1( you will but ask for it. Let me decry tm foolish custom of ex- , changing Jewelry. The owners usually experience embarrassment and -fncon- venlenee sooner or later. , Anxiom to Write Dr Mrs. Adams. ' ; .. Three jfoung men Were raising In a ma chine. One dropped ft esrd Intentionally, with Us nam and. address, siklng me to write. If it would all be done In fun and his home is not near here, would it be all right to answer? ' A LONBSOMB GTRTj. BrrotoTlrffefi'av"tnknfTi to -Ignore the invitation to write to the -name written thereon. Girls cannot. be too careful of the friends they choose v III in x a ' w m - and the manner In 'which they choose them. The girl who wishes to be re-- spected by others must learn to respect herself, . - Loves Hr No More Dear Mrs. Adams. I am a young c young man who dl aclrl and In love with a aia iov me a snort while ego. For some unknown reason he does not love me now. at least things look that way. There Is no other giri concerned In the case, but there i a by who is th friend of the man 1 love. Will you kindly advis me what to do? - A DISTRESSED READER. if you are engaged to marry the seem hard to do this at first, hut in time you will find some one who will be I 2 V" our rv . The Bride's" Parents fear Mrs. Adams. .,... 1. Is it proper for the psrent of the pride and groom, not to siand up besld -themwhen receiving congratulations? I. When Is the proper time for the bride SJidher maid to remove their bats and - -yhii mwM' you- suggest aa a gift for the brid to- give her niald? 4.. Do you consider six of every piece . of underwear -sumclent for a bride? . When a coup) t married at th priest's bouse, does th reception usually ' ' follow the ceremony? A BRIDK-TO-Bja 1 LThe bride's parents, being host and hostess of the occasion, should remain in the receiving line, - The father, how ever, need not stand more than half an hour, when be may devote himealf to the other guests. 2. The bride only removes her glove , when the wedding ring is to be placed om. her finger. She j wears her hat . throughout the ceremony and reception. and removes it . When she dons her ' traveling costume. The bridesmaids re-. tain their hats and gloves. S. An inexpensive' piece of jewelry, gloves and a fan are suggestions for a . suitable gift . y. 4. Yes. - . r ' v I. It may immediately follow the cere ' mony or it may be held' when the happy couple return from their hdneymoon. I ' Calling -Cares 1 Dear Mr. Adams. W -TeeiT - Previously. I have had mv cards engraved with my frill nsme. Would yoi sdvle me to continue-th Same style, or Just Ve "Miss Ulank," or the full name the other deftot also, 1 Deep breathing accomplish-this;.., also the Well- known exercise of trying to touch the floor with the tips of tae fingers with out bendrng the knees; .; Practice these exercises ' for - fifteen minutes dally, and give some care to the relation of your dress to your waist line; and by. the time long waists come . i back Into fashion you will be aa well' prepared for them , as is your sister whose trunk la longer, instead of , shorter, than Iter legs. M A f ''3-, - -without th prefix "Miss"? I am ths only . dsughter. . o. While it would be proper for you to have ."Miss Blank" " engraved on your cards, H would be better, to save any , ironfuslon in. .the minds. of your. friends. J. to have the full name, using the prefix Miss.1 To Gain Friends . Dar Mrs. Adams. , . . I am a youns girl of 90, and would like to know how to make men friends. I am con- ' sldered to be good looking, but the men do not seem to take to mo. . A' READER. It is quite necessary to have an amia ble disposition if ' one wishes, to have either men or women for friends. An ability to converse wall and to listen- at- tentlvely when others are talking is also important Sincerity and sympathy are other requisites, and, above all, a liking for people. ; . .., ' . . . . Forged a Name - r Dear Mrs, Adams. ' V ; . 1. I have- been going- with a young man for nearly a year. In It proper fur me t . give Wm soma small gift at Christmas ' ioZthin1;? t0' VlU - yU klnd' u9rt v K 'vmProPr for a girl to call up ,' boy friend over th telephone If he asks ; 'her to? - - , .7 . A week or so ago X .received a not from a young an, asking me to go to a dance with "him. I accepted, and later . found out that his nam hsd been forged ton th note. Do yod think it was my place to apologlz to him ? - TWINS. L It would be better to let the young ' man take the initiative in such a case - 2. If It is a matter, of gwat impor tance, and it is not convenient for the young man to call on the glrL an ex ception may be made, It is not be coming for a girl to fonrn the habit of -ceiling up her men friends on the tel tihon. ' -.: y.-Tati 'stityaiir wxirwln 'Wiej1 pw-yrrT?ri young wan whoee name was forged so that he may have a clear understanding' of the clrcuraaunces, . . '. 1 1 ""'"jlfff. WINCl to the great amount of malj received and the limited space given this department. It 14 ab solutely Impossible to answer letters in . the Sunday issue following their receipt. The letters must be answered in turn, nd this ofttlmes requires three or four weeks. " All correspondents who desire aa tm mediate , answer roust Inclose a self addressed stamped envelope for & reply, sThls rule must also be complied wlta. la regard to personal letters. . Lemon Juice for Freckles 3 Dear Mra Symee, . . , .- ' " i 1. Please toll me If lemon Juice Wflt rj niov obstinate freckle. If so, wkea ai4 .-ho often should it b applle.l? J. Will masnag help to reduce a large, ' fat .oe ' "Which 1 at 'times red? - ' - a Is there any method of making hrowsj hair black besidss dyeiog It?; HUjEOUB.. r ; 1. Lemon Juice has eured some ob Stlnate cases of freckles. It should be applied once a day to the skin. -2. Massage will help to remove the fat and the redness from, the nose. Dieting may have some effect on the latter trouble,- ' ';SJ:;:;.'':.,'i.','i t. None that 1 know of. f: rjf-:': For. 'Developing y;::c:;- ;' . Dw Mr. Pymas. . , . ', please publish something for develop) (lie bust, arm snd legs. ft. and 8. Massage with cocoa butter and deep breathing . are among the best, treat ments for developing the bust. For developing the arms all exercises with the dumbbells are beneficial. Housework, too, is a splendid developer. . -Here are the directions fox an exer cise to develop the legs: Rise on the toes, count flvet lower the, boay until the heels almost touch ths floor: repeat eight times, touching the floor with the heels only on the eighth count, Repeat the same exercise, , rising on the heels. To Remove Freckles .. Dear Mrs. Symes. ' 1 ' ' 1 Would you b so kind aa to tell me what U good to tak fin freckles off my i 1. I have a small scar on, my fac. left there by a boll. It was not lanced, but the scar is always red snd purple . looking. I would like something to either tak It away or make it the. color e( my skin, so thst It won I oei noiicea. v l My hair Is a golden brown, but near th , roots It 1 getting darker and X would ilk It to be all one shade. Now, I do not ear . to use any dyes, so ask you to iuggest some thing harmless. - ' s 4. win cocoa butter make tb skin yellow? t M. R. R. . '1. Here is the recipe for a splendU freckle remover: t t Obstinate Freckles : Oilds of lino ...................... Vt dram i Hublodld of bismuth...., , H dram - Dextrin 1"4 dram ;01ycrln v& drams Spread the paste upon "the freckles at -.night before going to ted. In th morning - remove what remain with a little powdered ' v ', borax nd sweet oil.- '. , .s . v - 2. It is always best to have a V-Ss liable doctor treat scars, so that he - may watch the effect of the remedies prescribed. 3. IHi -hardly possible to do any- thing, to change the color of your hair. 'Whatever you apply is sure to be perceptible, for the roots are " constantly sending out new hair of the natural color, and the contrasting . shades are most unattractive, v .'' 4 Mo. ' j. Gray Hair J v Vi Hf-a D.m.a . Wilt you pleas publish a Help for .restore iif.iray hair? . ANXIOUS. 1 Here is a recipe which you are surs to find beneflciai: To Eestore the Natural Color of the Hair , (A physician's prescription) f.ao sulphur.. '. Eesence of bergamot. i eunre i eiinr ... I-V11UI .,..-,,,. a.. ...,.,., Olycerla 1 Tincture of cantharldes M v. Ammonia Aiconoi Ounce I ounce . .HHP. . . Wt In 1n ff.- onto mwmm A mIm to tb roou of th hair, whi?n must b . clean. ' Th dy should never 1b applied if there Is any irritation or abrasion of th scalp. The best way to use any stain is to ap ply it to the roots ot the hair with a small brush a toothbrush will answer for the purpoee. Then spread It evenly downward through th trasses with an ordinary hair brunh. This should not be applied more than one a week, as Its frequent ui at too brief aa Interval would, sooner or later, have a Pes . nlclou (Sect upon th scalp. - . ,L , .1' , ' ' ', " 1 . . "' I Eyebrows and Eyelashes Ars Too Light . Desr Mrs. Byrnes. Can you tell me what I ean us to darken my eyebrows and lashes? I am a blonde, but my brows and laahes are too light. I bav used vaseline, hut It doesn't mak them much darker, Is there no crayon or anything else that is waterproof? BLONDT. I do not think you will be able to get anything whjch is waterproof. The eyebrow pencil, which is sold at al most any drug store, is about the best thing to use, for It is 'very easily applied and the marks easily removed at night , Falling Hair ---- DfsrMrs. Byrnes. ' Will you please uuhllsa a cure fir pre. venting falling hair? GEORGE W. When the hair falls out in quantities It Is an indication that the scalp is in need of nourishment. I am sure you will find the following feci pa quits valuable: Falling of the Hair Tincture of nux vomica 1 ounce Spirits of rosemary. .,.,.,.,. Jounces Alcohol ...,, , , Jounces Apply several times a week to the roots .. of the hair. . . . , ' , . - A simple remedy Is the application Of kerosene night- and morning, rubbing the liquid into the scalp with a rotary movement Short JFmsted Dear Mrs.' Svmes. - ' ' 1 1. My waljt line Is very ehrtrt. As a tail girl, it.mahoi m 1 ok still to he si)'nort weisled. IIjw may I m laii'-r cinie Kinn r vtOI?vfJf !. Hpw mav I till up a hcrflow c'''? ' J. What Will make the nick tnlt ard plump? 4. I have vorn my hair down in curl fur a.great many year, ant ao I am I wm- of age I would liKo to wmr It a, atrerru. way. Hop would you advise n t sr. rang It without making m hmlt u! r . . JL1.U. ' 1. Bee the art-We on to.l it. 1 Deep breit:il!i(t wl'l ti.f up !)' low places and nasag ,tU t'j'-i; but ter will nln .... J. The previous answer will 1. i cannot iiKij-.i av i;. rangement of vour hftlr, f ir y srrangfr tt' in the mt'.l IrcOJi: Simplicity Is the best .IU ' -4 :'- 0