4 f 1 a . r " r f r i f j-" i M : ' : .: ; - - ' ' 1 - I 'v I. i ; ii M ; .... x J . T' ' f VvN 'vT...- .A '.,v How the Salmon Supply fro I i i ! f TV t . ii , j i I ! t ' f V ' 1 I ST A .. A i , 1 .i v . ill K V in ; 1 - .;V. ' " ii 1 1 v - C'V " ,,4 'W , - ' - 111 4. ' i? ' " ' 111 rxV-. AHr?jy . Northern Waters Is Trappe and MaHe.Ready for-Market UPTINQ TRAP ' 7 j 5AlIlOlT TRAP IN AJLAiTKAN ' aj- ! By Marshall N. Dana. mysterious ,aImoni may.coina up out 'XiASKA Is' the world's greatest l"8 QeP P1Bce "ea Jn BTeaier. flahlne ronnd. - -' numbers than ever before. . k Long after Alaskan gold mines A81? th?r rf .W'Ttreatns and Alaskan Coal fields shall "Ptt Wch' packing plants ar looted, i have been hau.trf- imr ftr There are numberless others emptying ' Alaska's unmeasured riches of the land '"to, the sea upon which no packing hall have -yielded up their ttor in tant- -hvr.vrtit: bn, located,:. These . contributions to the world's, wealth. th stI"eam r W1? ln ,the A'ct 0 0M fisheries well b swelling the world' Include the Inkon r ver,. the Amaon food supply. , " . v Pf the north, , which millions of salmon .: ,. Wan Alaska's ' tuUest ' developmenti."enf .itl!"?"'.' 0wln5 has been Cached; when man is as nearly e sprlrtj? flfScfls orrbe TukoniandV, the v master .t natur, ln ths far north s 'reama' J ' ' " nJfth W. butldtag ad- . ever: taayj be. many . of Alaska's un-; 3cenV to v.. water would . b swept .t numbered streams, heading In the ever-; ftW by. tht ,ja which scours the shors .' lasting glaciers, will b unpolluted from wv every spring freshet : the presence of humankind. The salmon Jude Munly mentioned, the greatest ''that rush out of the sea Into these "a8?n the- salmon : supply of streams, blindly obeying the universal Alaca wili never be exhausted. Pop law of reproduction of kind, will not ultln will never bdense enough to be poisoned by sewage or the washings Pollute the streams with sewage, saw from' agricultural lands. The rugged 'dw!t- o"eourings of textile .mills coasts will give protection to the schools fnd other poisonous materials which , of herring and the banks of halibut so fty mado the rivers flowing: into the that only the natural increase can be AUanUo unfit for, xnajt household pur taken for food. - . poses. At the same time Intakes for . The fisheries of kindler coasts, oper- Irrigation ditches will never catch a.rd hv fh nniHnm t,t mn wh An KTtut numbers of the spawn and small not heed the living need of. tomorrow fu ' 8 -Mey do-on the streams of the may oxhavist tho fish supplies farther nrlhw"t incidentally it may be-sald tw th south, hut nnrhnn nvpT tnat at the next session of the congress. :m , u : aw v mi ' - Mm.;Y: vc-'yy; , .... , W; kmKW -K" - ... - ; J-1-" 'Viw 'N r,U; y .i f;w Y't 111 it -I' :Aiy ijl ' ill iYi I . - - mii ' ; i 1 1 u 1 1 s h i DUTCIlcRw AND CUWSKff iea , 'IKON .TTvT WOMEK IrTTPLOYT'D TN the quantity exceeds a packing plant's slick and clean.- Only a streak of blood volvtng knives, adjusted so-as to slice Capacity. . . along the backbone remains to be re- the salmon to the exact size of the can. Perhaps the first thfng to take the moved by the native women who stand Without a stop .the sliced fish goes eye of the visitor to a first class over the great trough-like receptacles quickly from the conveyor in the fill Alaska cannery is one, two or perhaps Into which the machined fish Is dropped ing machine, and comes out In tins three scows with eighteen to twenty by the conveyor. This ingenious machine .which pass down n. chute from- the loft thousand salmon In each. These fish which butchers and cleans the fish is above into the "filler" and spurts from are being pitched by natives using a called the "Iron Chunk." . that machine at the rate df about 76 single pronged pltohfork called a "pue" The women pick up tn fish by the to the minute. Two filling machines Into a chute like elevator which carries tall end and the streak of blood dls- operate here, and a constant stream of them up into the cannery. A stream appears before the point of a butcher's filled cans goes from the fillers to the of fresh water Is kept running on the knife by a deft stroke. " The fish Is machine called the "topper that puts floor of , the elevator chute keeping it nevejr - necessarily- touched by human on the tops. free and clear from slime. The salmon hands in the whole chain of process. Later ln the warehouse a force of pass from the chute into the "fish save this one time. natives and Orientals apply lacquer to the cans and label them according to the brand contained. Then they are . .. . .... ... .. filed, boxed and made ready for hlp- 11 ib mioresung. inaeea. 10 note w m.t ,T thM- th 1 IK th. tnnth ku nW. 1 In l"Sl SI IRQ neXl SOSSIOn Of til COnCTeSS. ... . . ..,.,..- .v. i ..... T .. ...w - u.. ... nt v - . . . salmon nas Deen carnea on in aimu vt mo rcu biuuuu wuiyui. duuvu.ioui nouae. Aif!r:.J:at".r,? :J"i" 'toJ?cl rSTcrVtoTth. -lnce lta P". tnm Russians. Alaska is the home of the-plnk salmon. This part of the cannery is a dock-' Process Is Fast. si win luiutu, nu iu intftVe. an h. ViT. h ZZ it-was not unui 11 years later, wa. wrucn is one or me most vaiuaDje i nxe apartment constructed over the Alaska is mostly stern and cold aud inr" " lnal lne "?n wm not become tUai ,.rali.n. wn- mA tn nnv mi. h r.hftn food nroducts. Pink orhumDT ,.tr tki. 1. ..h with barely yielding... "u "p." fields rather ; than mon ,n can,; This cannery was built back salmon constitutes" two-thirds of watr and then sprinkled with salt rapidity with which, the .thousands of l0f. machinery is also resorted to. A few days ago Judge M. Q. Munly " " wu1 . ;" at Klawak, on the Prince ' of Wales the pack of southeastern- Alaska. By once every day. - - ftah pass from the salt water Into the - There are other details Of shipping of Portland, . than whom thero- Is n . oa! " Island, . by the North Pacific" Trading those familiar with its qualities it is The visitor here sees men, natives of pile of filled cans in the warehouse, by sea and 'rail and the. handling of better authority . on the salmon fUhlng -I1","" JI!ltrl r - - - Paekln company "o San Francisco, regarded as the most delicate and one Alaska, Japanese, Chinese and whites It takes but. two minutes from the the myriad number of cans by whole- lnduatry, returned from Funter Bay, . lnU ' nown' Conditions ln Alaaka were entirely un-- of the most nutritious of ; all the Pa- hUSy puelng fish from the floor to 1 cleansing tanks to (he . "bath room" salers. middlemen and retailers until .Alaska, where the Thlinket Packing :'J rJ?" S"n tr- wnen the uke the CoIumbU river, where' all the ciflo salmons. : tables from which they disappear Into where the filled cans are prepared, for the canned salmon reaches the table. P"yjrJla.teb'tebJlaa la-" wSwVwwt VTr- w-Hri '4?? salmofl-converge ..; toward one'-' great When, taken from theL-watertasrumlke"machlne,ut-fron ..Inltha Theaa-pjocesaearChoweverwllke nato terested ;ls located. Because Judge itv, f1 to deposit their tream.' In Alaska every stream, large the same pink color as the brook trout, the machine there Is poured forth into journey there the salmon is forked those used in many other branches of Munly is known to Portland people as C.k 1 S?' strength and small, has Its run of . salmon. - and is not surpassed ln taste or flavor a COnveyor a stream of headless, tail- -from the tank Just mentioned into industry and need no extended explana- . chief advocate of the Broadway bridfee "Btw?1- V tSVif -:-Tho Alaska ' King salmon, the spe- by any species of trout. It loses ln less, flnless salmon, split and gutted conveyors which, pass under the re- tlon. ? V'y-.;-:. -r.:. ' ln addition to his prominence In legal m?ny-the. fall-. --Then when their eArrMDOndlni. a the "roviLi" cm. color, which in no manner affects its -. : i , and business activities, what he has to " Pirposo is enaea tney aie. , t noQk, of the Columbla rlverf u a ,ome. f 00d 1,1,, nevertheless controls the say, concerning his trip has added In- f Aiv; :Viri' ": ' what Inferior fish for canning purposes, market price, the value of salmon In terest and value. . ; , extent Of Alaskan fisheries. , . lftCklg In color, fat atd firmness as the market being graded according to ; ,1 '" Although the history of the oommer- compared with the latter. Besides the color In the order of red, medium, pink Tells Of Salmon Run. ; . ,: ' , clal fisheries of lb Pacific coast covers King salmon ( was -not found in any and pale, although the difference in Judge Munly remained in Alaska long" Period of ; not more than 40 years. Quantities outside the larger streams, nutritive value and flavor of the entire enough to witness -tho annual salmon ffikP S ,f At the beginning. of the Alaska salmon list is said to be slight run Thr it i..t. t.,. .1 -mi. tn ftnnual output of the Pacific coast, ; canning business there was but little ! .! f . ! 1 deluding Alaska. Is. almost half that of. market for the "Alaska Ked" or "Sock- Columbia Packers Pioneers, on the Columbia, rlvor it lasts the sea- all the fisheries of the country.' The eye'-salmon, and - the delicate little .. ...n trnm th nrimitlve son. through. He brought back tho in- value of the annual fish output of pink1 salmo "most abundant in that M ,B a long step from the PmUlv formation that this year the rutt waa Alaska alone is nearly double that of. part of Alaska, where the first canning methods of salmon processing used 40 about 25 per cent below normal. This the salted fish of all. kinds of the en- plants were established, - was scarcely years ago by the Hume brotheTs--the does not Indicate that the supply of tire country. . ' .. knowii to ie trade at alL : - crude pots and hand implements to the fish la diminishing for next, year the . Although . the business of salting Western Alaska produceo five-sixtbs up-tordate canning plant of today. . j. "fortiana men, jyugo . mum cvn- Will fflUEULM SENATE'S FORMIDABLE WATCHDOG tlnued, "were .the pioneers ln the. de velopment of salmon packing, not only riniitmKU 1vr hut In Alfulra. UUGENH '; HaH" senior 1 senator brush.;, Fos many years ho has stood With the .: possible exception of his tt,. Balmon. Backers of the Co- from Maine, is one of our leading on the side of , the. interests In, the .work for the-navy, Hale's work in the , .!lwi. W.r . far bark as 1878 nio- "a aristocrats. Me oeiieves.. in ins senate. ; ana consequently no inas naa senate nas been -general, He has had JL divine right of family If - tho their enthusiastic backing and has an Important part In framing more leg - family happens to - be wealthy wated strong as the years have passed, tslatlon than any other senator bar . ana 11 ne naa a motto it mignt oe ' n is ioaay ine sec ana most imiuen- none out tnare isn't a' single item you "Riches to the rich.' " Incidentally, The tial man" Jn the senate, Second only, to can put your hand" on and say, "That rich mmseir and lives in a palace in Aiarion. e is strong or ngnt or mm is- Hale's." "There's an ' Aldrloh emer Washington. -s :-i;-.". 'natural' k abiUtteatt'-r-.-N-.-'ono.: will deny gency currency law, a Sherman antl- Thla characteristic leaning toward he is a clear thinker and an able talker trust law, a Hepburn railroad rate law, the moneyed ' Classes nas been -notice- : bw i o aure mm nnsw out mere is no Hale Jaw. lumbla. river, as far back as 1878, pio- reered the business In Alaska. In the beginning there ware many failures In the far northern- fishing undertakings put your hand' on and say, -That owln 10 T.T " proper machinery to take advantage of the short seasons n4 heavy runs of fish and other problems wnicn expen- would . cease pounding, to peer with a there are the tough toots of maple, cautious and knowing eye at the sub- hasel and dogwood to bo broken. - The stance Within the churn. And then he plowman at this kind of labor does pounded and . splashed again. - After more work lifting the plow than the some minutes of this labor he said im- , horses do in pulling it When John pressively: "It's coming," and we gath- would Teturn the team and X would sea red more closely. And , then he lifted him coming1 slowly home, tired and lid of the churn and we peered in. Sure (ootsor I would have a new realisation enough, there was something. John of th nne: "The plowman homeward said it was butter. It looked like soft pi0d8 hlg w - soap and it tasted, like spoiled whipped , , . ! cream., . . Tn!r TtvnrA 4 And then came In a neighbor las, and 0,18 Mwara thourh she wss hut a handful of years Put there are the new Potatoes, all ' T o... rnrr, rnntin old, she knew about butter. ; "Tou got hlte wfth bloom, where before the By uur country uousin. n too warra .. ehe said. Acting upon her trees stood strong and thick; and where- IROM their babyhood on througn BUgBestlon we ftntshed Its making, and In lies. too. the satisfaction of having the long winter .we had tended B ao ha(J SOme fairly eatable but scarcely done the thing' one etarUrt out to do, . our little flock of pullets, -Wc;;,markeUbia:.buUcra..Wb-en 1 . learned to which, after aiU-Is -one. of the big re. after all contingencies were met. make real butter, however, we found wards of !if. ' We had a ntump in the numbered SlX, but we had not had onP now with thA nmmnlpil hOrn a verv mnlsn a iro tn .. -k the satisfaction of hearing a cackle or, real asset, as Bhe contributed four ,J)lown out. and John decided to make PART X Jokn tie Plowman iJMMA -Tj,.. v,-' 4 make several totallv unlmnortant mam- wh tn th. aM.. .. - v A.1 and other equipment and has employed JJll.r'Ti Ji'Z ...J. ... py.vonang ror one ox our neignDors, ng ror ft rjlan,,e tl, uae. The dirK,. M"hU -i:.rw"SaT,ia;:; bers of the senate really Important men inch men Tar. needed .n TZZiL more band, and .paid ouV mor. wage. V 7" "n. Aa.8. "I r"rn V. ons called for two acids, and these he and i. rtn t ta.hav.ai.vthln the assignments were spread among tlve hodv. . ' ' " than any other fishing industry in tno "S,"; " "T," T u' ",.lln,.A0 ."JTl l?., purchase on one of his rare Jrlpa to and -ho does not care to have anythlng if the assignments were spread among tlve body. to do with the world outside.. Recently , thenu ' , Sometime he has been called one of the elevator men at the Capitol watchdog of tho senate. He and Roose Hi nowcomen or he would not havo'Strong on Dignity. .' velt fell out two years aao over thi Ventured said politely to Senator Halo Senatorial dlenlty is a' timo worn number of battleships to be built each :":r 11 whiis When one has only a half dozen hens M the latter entered tho carr; -.pbraao In Washington. . Senator "Hale.far fSll- PnrtM l"ytTcows loadld with salm'on. ti doe- th tamay;ockIes.ly Clears Land for Plowing. v- ... -, w -- nni n 1 fnsa.rsrTriurin ia arrmarmvr am . . ' ou A nnariaa t trim vrasr TnrTrflr iwr1" nmm wr, . ----- chount"y -?.. zros.8ntor tne country. mo( ,ntere8tlng aiKtn their voices In similar paens and we had clearing the hillside bock of the house, 1 "n!"- J?' trl "---that areerthlsumm th "atlsfaction at length of offering and John plowed it and seeded It to h Aia.ka Is he Urge hole doop Into eastern Alaska is .tne cannery lenanr, tvw . v!. 1- . . ' stutno. Then h m. day, alr.M; gree. than any others. ns tn Fnu nnina laionrfa ,itv v"" v-" r t. i n. i nnaw thin tie next aet nimaen . ta . . . . " -.--.. vw l,U . LUUU. . . A . la . ..I- .Cll.fl ... TT 1 1 1 V. 1 1 I 1 1,1 0 J J . V.I.I r- . it comes wun -nd nail, and he will h r.m.mh- several, nunorea in wiwiu. - '" nMi.Mnhii hi.. t h. Dlece of stumt land adiolnlnrr If so, Halo come. .for tnat flgnt longer, probably, than for :atch but "ff.1" VV;,' S- worked out: It is an actual statement of ready cleared. Here he labored nan DIM in xna ,ki.. . . . .... .t-. TWAniT . fir evan iviu uiuuowm aiii - . .. . . t .... .--.--- . ..un.i . ui-v. iact -ukes ana nutter are tne country wwm,. -vmuni . onrio.u to clearing a that al for some Instructions he bored a the middle of the stump. Then he madi a plug of Wood to fit this and coated it .with, parafflne, generously contributed to the causa by my jelly glasses. When all w ready, an attt-ntlve family gathered about. John poured ope of the 'tihnmlcala Into The senator looked the man --over time, tbey say; and from top to too and aald f - - f::, ' bv it honestlv. for "When I deelro your1 advice on tho .onate lonaer than anv ottiar - fMnafei.'.'- ::::' "l . - weather t .nhull aelc for 1L" which ef- on ..... ti.T-7 .Ttl.t ' . "a Aianon step out Ot --." . ,Kfin A, isoonn woman a currency,- ana wnen one is upaer tne ihiscbi qi me eiumpB.jBour- tne otner ana seizins til fectuallwutrerth. tho, have; ZfZmi:. beginning In a new country lously. grubbing out the wreckage and ed to drive In tM ?ug. dynamite the hole. Then he can-fully poured In woman's currency,- and when - one -is under the largest of the stumps.Jabor- the other and seizins tne mall, attempt. man. Wale... Some Sftv th-t he . nnr .rro- 1"7m av" . TV ' naT nminAa ner dav. reoulreS not lOSS than Winning- w n-w Punw, uuu . u. u, wruM. The Incident ahowad Senator Hale'a tU n ir. ( t J . L .a'a u.r wul- iconiroi or tne senate ; nrtntr h amiior. lney are eaten oniy as a nign least, wrestling wun tnese great, tougn roots vvitn I ZtoiFSXmrJVt ntty Ef .Wk'i. JK., -wing from New ?3ngl.nd to ;the '00 MVZ fn.vVZ h- due ceremony and proper- thanks- until they were thrown out-.nd burned, out shot " lZZ "ll"T.:',:o,,"v.V ."""'r':.; .nu"V"! ;nw s .naralr. ra r- inJ west v There are no two men. who can " - ui"e toierant wouia oe a Detter aajectiv , "- fin their hnn anil h m.w irv,i friends Senator Halo is - known as an r Senator Hale does not likato talk to cot,e whlotehaa controlledVorl excellent host, and a lover of r rood many persons, and if you- do not hap- 1m mlJi them JT B9 l01ig things of life, even though he has ideaa pen to be one of the elect; It is possible 1 T' aoout rour courses using, jumcient Jorto et much Quicker. and better results l. for , a full day's output, and yet there g"ngr BI9 a)UII)9 vauii3i . jee y v vy, ....w - 1 . than twice this 'amount daily. Tho p.".- . fish are caught in Ice cold waters. They Maiang. are taken in traps where they are held We essayed butter, too. any. dinner. He is somewhat or a, by writing him a letter.-: He Is punotil-: TTX. " "' . Z . . "CB dandy,-and Is always smartly dressodndui about anwefinMteri r-nUe4 8tat8 SOfornment wnTwmstruct notwiinstanoing nis i years or age ; If the modern As a dinner partner Senator Hale can said torrfiave I had seen VTIloHlTtamtltmawrvoli. wMi-h-'tV. : - """"' "i" "'T DU"r'. wot ouwer- n b. .;. fi,;r:.-..:: ony as neeaea iron .oay m-througli a utticiant number or years. day. t ! 1 -,jf-:--: ' v - but I had iwver seet-.ny made. Jotin With a report like trie Fourth of July, a steamlnsr. boiling llnld Into" and he was almost too exhausted to the air. while the plug performed sn walk home This ground, once cleared, aerial flight far above the roof of the is the finest of virgin soli;' but It means house, - It may Im going yet. Nobody work long hours of the hardest kind saw it come down. alive andJfresh and brought into the butter, bought butter, and eaten butter-2f .phy.". !nbor' t0 cle,r vm ifew The stump still ff.ando In fh middle John hadn't It In ihlm to. gl-upi ; It wss qulteomaments-l.. la the spring. a tner.can tw-fy may 'ba'' I? ui v w . flw"n N6Wv! The salmon are unloaded by a steam was wiser. In his boyhood dayo he bad howevr' once h- bad begun' a' task, so. with yellow, daffodils growing vpon if a fa hr fi.natnr iT.i.. Mexico win noia aoout twice as much v.-fi.,, . nl1.viv thit imv nf Kinii k hj mMi Thn ho labored on until it was ready for Then ! took off the darfodtls and nlanf, make himself exceedingly agreeable,- as 'comes i nearer- to - filling 5 the bill than 'water as the Aasuan i reservoir 'Jn-Egypt capacity may- bo filled 1 inside of 40' began the butter making. vv - ' the plow. '1 -i:' ed asters. :, It makes a good flower gar- many a woman. In society could testify, any other man. . He ha had charge of .now,t,a ''oat Of Its kind. tn .ho, world.., nlnutoftv' ViUia-ilaie.lUll.rnt, geaerally, lnokea.jutfla. nayyapnropriatlon.Mlla. upon as quite as thoroughly controlled senate for the last 2( years. HeVhas He first warmed the churn, then, he wnen urty wrote, "xneir rurrow ort j den. he chlcfcens can t eat up uurt tha .araam iri.ihwifc. k. the atMbi)otaglebft has b,rnka"I wonder ...nlsnls .thera.n Jhni.dtnUa not. A To keep the .little finger of a ban Jo. from the water, traps constitute' the churning. vigorously with a homo made be knew how exceedingly stubborn is the acid treatment' on. the stump I. ag.wa-y s i if UVlng. th by the "interests" as IS Senator Nelson obtained a good deal out' of these ap-, Player aright hand off the head of his most sclentlflo and eeonomlo method; dasher that resembled the paddle" wheel the. glebe of vely cleared fir timber, It .Js spectacular, to be sure, bi it v. ytiancn, me dobs or tne eenaie, sun propnation duib xor nis own people in instrument na prevent ji inui aeaaen-, of Jisning..-, ien caugnt py tne trap .of a steamboat. ' He splashed and pound- 'ana ine long lateral roots lie so near . doesun seem to remove tne -stumps. he is considered, by the majority of the way of navy yards. But It was Ing , the tone is the purpose of a simple In salt water may, as above stated be ed industriously while the remainder of - the surface that at every few ateps the Americans, who- stop to ' consider tho necessary to have ' navy . yards some- device Invented by a Massachusetts preserved alive for several days and the family sat around and watched with ax has to be called Into service tp allow matter at all, tarred with the aaxno wha , , man. " , . T : used when required or liberated in casev oroDar gravity and respect Again he tho-plowsharo to go through; ,The ffext Sunday, Part Tenture H 'i ". Chlckaoa. I'