r v - M 1 . 4 . Clerical Machinery Employed by Uncle Sam to Maintain Proper ' Supervision . Over Freight and assenger iarHTs w By W, C. Harder. ASMXGTON. D. C. October 8. matters do not believe that Mr. Stick- 1 ney's scheme, when It is finally dls- . -A well known-Vnlted States ea. will make math Improvement 1 ; senator, whose identity ' can-' ct'iii"i -..: not be dWlosed but ho was today. , ,n,.. vr an. nffioiaj nf , It may be too severe on the railroads a leading eastern railway system, called s.v that their rates are utterly in-, vp the offices of the interstate com- comprehensible. As a matter Of fact. . merce commission In Washington one ' fat8 can usually be round. If you know day; .-.A railroad rate bill was under .how - to find them. There are seasoned discussion in tho senate, and he wanted explorers In Washington ho will, for a some Information ' ' substantial - consideration, conduct an - "This is Senator go-and-So." h In- -expedition into the Jungle of freight formed the official who answered the tariffs in the office of the Interstate telephone, "-how many railroad rate commerce, commission, - In searca. of a ' are there In the United States at the known or s.ispccted species of rate, present time?"- - - -- ' But the average man, turned ,-looso Ther wos alienee-for a moment at amongst.the miles. of filing shelves that the other end; then the ' answer came ois the freight tariffs of the country, ; la a, euave voice: - . would , take oath that rate were made -Certainly, senator; . there ',lM,-'rWy for the purpose of concealing billion. T4J million" .something that -the railroads did-: not , "Her I am not Joking." -was the wish known. In support of such a view, angry Interruption; "this Is Senator So? n would find hundreds of . railroad-, nd-So, and I want to knowi how many,aent8 appealing to the experts of the railroad rates there are." com,ml,l0I know: "And I am not Joking either, Senator,'! "hat does this rate of outs mean, was the tart response; "my guess Is six 'n?.how w to apply it?" billion, 741 million " ' ' Snippers and railroads are In daily , But the telephone Was closed with a conflict as to, what the printed rates . bass at this point The Interstate com- Wean, and the bureau, of. tariffs of he . ' merce commission, has no record of a commission; at Washington has to step. ; further search by the railroad senator ln and .interpret the railroad's, rates i to discover the exact number of ex for-. It and its customer, Sometimes , - lstlng' rates. Perhaps he ran across Chief J. M. Jones and his associates In-. s th pronouncement of a former comrade ' ouroau una u impossioie to give . ;. .. . ;-' ' In oommerce, former president A. B. nal Judgment In a case. Then it goes ' . "; gtlckney of the Chicago Great Western UD to Commissioner E. IC. Clarke, and in Period of government rate regulation. ,., ' railroad. If so, the shock must have -. event that he believes It needs fur. In four days 11,000 new rate schedules been greater than that which came to ther review, It goes to a full conference passed through the hands of the fodera. him over the telephone. Wire. ' of the seven members of the Interstate experts; wereexaminedij-gpprovedrln- For President Btlckheysays there are commerce commission. : dexed. filed and put- into permanent ever 17,000,000,000 railroad rates existing t- , , ' " position ; Jn the , commission's filing today, and he says he ought to know reaerai Kate uliice,'--.:,';.;-';-''-JWU-'r''ni7-w'' lu" vbi8 homim ha hmnod 'maka thum. Hs-: t .v.. - JL.' number of schedules received was close " - - m , . iv t iu Liin ii rii i Bn iijii m uirinps inHi n n . a . i i . i rvaan thm sniA nf thu rail mart -.v. v. , w ftrmm - - - ; cvni v iiiinnn six i iiH f t i i nm.fi niiiin iinn in . - a . . . man, andth. modeaiguessof Jthe. gov- the United State, is. most quickly . re-.7- 19 inousana. or ernment official, the wsy-farmg man, fieete(L . xhe 0Il r0of wWch cover, prac-i ihs task of cartni for- these billions tnough a- fool, can readily see what' tlcally every freleht nnsseneer and -Tn as . ,cann ror P"110" small chano. A feu of ever solving the 7?.? OBt. USiSV!Ji railroad rate problem. - mounts a tall offiee buiidlnr on thm' ona stoW" after storeroom i may , . Neman " Wagio.v nherFlhs railroad rates of the country where the Interstate commerce com- Bchelul that have beoome obsolete for . are brought together for record, has the mission is housed 1 1 ; present use, but which may be called temerity to hazard in actual guess qn ; vxbe public lias ' witnessed i a remark- ,nt0 reqvlsitlon tomorrow to setUe some , the number of existing -rates. -: v. - ;f able battle within thtf last, few months Important freight or-passenger claim. The attempt was made a few days betweon the railroads that have sought Thousands of feet of filing cases ara v apo to pin some Expert , of the Inter to Increase freight and passenger rates flllea" wltI "live" rates, ahd every day's A state commerce commission to a defl- y,a governmental authorities that wall, brings -'to the struggling clerks In cite staement', , have tried to : restrain' them. Everv the commission offices a fresh bundle . "Welt Jet me see,", said George T. blow of this fight which is now only of trouble in the shape of thousands of Roberts, who has helped supervise rate- j us early stages, has been felt im " t changes. - r " schedules fomearly 20 yearsv "Suppose mediately In the rate-filing rooms of The bureau of tariffs In the Interstate there are 76,000 stations in the United the commission at Washington. , " ; ? commerce commission Is the evolution of Btates. Eac. station has a rate to vlr-' -The railroads raised their 4es arlV 80, years' effort to provide am adequate tually.avery other statin, on every the year, and to do so Ihey filed method for checking railroad rates and other line of -railroad. vr.-; '.a thousands of new rate tariffs in Wash- setUlng-the perplexing question of their .u f5fh- ttlon.haii i rate on-each of jng ton. No rate is a rate until It bag interpretatlQiv.lt la directly under Corn the five tlasses of merchandise, end been submitted to the Interstate eom-' missioner E. K Clarke, who came from separate rates on all the commodities merce commission and has, lain for 80 Iowa, where the railroad rates are the that may move from that station under days in the files of that body. , When .food of politicians, und the subjeot of -"'vlnnLJV." V - i-- ;tn?S8 new es. wrere suspended early, debate at every country store. The pros "; -m, S itt J:Sl??? ln 3un eupensioir orders ent h'ead 6f the bureau Is John. M. Jones 4hH wmlT ;"!!aLY.0"4-thow tariffs Into the files; of Atlanta, whom the 'commission se- tlnIwkllJfa ! J"" ther new ra v.. i.i niV -.l-w Z-m r "if mmiy oi ms roaas, aaauionaj tnou- years SKO. ni.tlb,1Uon " Ft"' sands of schedules poured In upon the ' Mr Jon - commission. , : . , ..... . i .n... 4 h Ko estimates can be given, nor are Preaident Taft held a mtln, .it ZZLXZ - k u VLi. Jone knows, rate's forward and Jk 1 '' ' ' nil Ili 'V''- ' ' i ; "nil ;('.:.' i;'". M l -, ' r ! . ijj M . If-ii.Mi Lvwu ! ; ) !' - v "ill r . laMiii '.'4-1 f r 1 ir ; ' i1 - . -a? 1 r .: i-t'i"1 ,L.J''' V "" -3 Is' I f f v A - ' i fiv i-z ; n II . ! . r rr?'-.,- 1 Ijj , ,'V L'V.7 wi ' ' i f 1 11 jsss mi in i i . i in in i Tr l .--'-- y -j S W . - HHiW -' ,, . , .- p -:."', ? I H it i I ' " . , if 1 - : II I III . , - ',r. i' 4s""r--fsr-ai4H FILING EooW Tor even seriously suggested, by official. .ora(T ra road ef ??veme"I !wri" " "X "3".' Jto..nd;-later blandly announced uflt.- Ravmond Lorans. 'combine- about ' provisions''' that 'eertaln Wtea'Jji'd.?rniaa'i 'an1sWtnit. tMa nutniMinn' kt, ih t ei.-.Kiiu.v. . i-.. ..n.4 , i,nij iv.. -Z LIUIi U! ra-uruuua ia irunK lint tern- 0. mh nvnArt knowleds-A Of the rate fihAll rnvm Avnlnnntlnna tKf . in4 th. inW. mtV.a tMi ffts ift v.A -T i. . . a nj Mrisln In lr nnlfiHniL Th nsehlarni Ar tlaa aisl V slssV rflTI. nil frttind ! tint- ttnntv Aws nd"t A 1m' nnHnBA(H VUk .a. m .V iv.. .l.... . J , . r . . . a. V a n . baffled the most expert students of tory have -agreed to 'suspend y.uu.nmo, aim u vvwt. -.-' increases in rates." Th . 13 B.L IlHllU. bound."- Therefore when the flood drova It around to a point a little east of des tination, it became "westbound" freight and entered an entirely new class. The car was shipped under a "mixed carload" , rating. There was a rate for such ship ments eastbound, but no mixed carload rates westbound. It cost the shipper a considerable amount to straighten out his affairs with the railroad, and th commission upheld the contention -that an "eastbound" shipment could not travel westward. .The first of September the railroads were compelled for the first time to In dicate plainly on their rate schedules the changes made when they filed new rates. It is a remarkable fact that they have ' been permitted for so long a" time to file new rate schodules from day to day. that are blind to tho Individual who does not have"The opportunity to make as Im mediate comparison rfvlth all the rates' existing. , " - The-last session of congress gave tho Interstate commerce commission greater control than it has ever before had over increases of rates, and its first step, toward the. exercise of new authority Is the demand that the railroads Shalt help make their rates Intelligible to the publlo, by plainly indicating tho character Of all changes. ' - -! ' The tariff bureau at Washington tries , to prevent conflicts in rates, and to re duce things to a satem easy of refer- Bate Riddle. '' How to make the railroad rates of the United States Intelligible' to the general publlo and accessible io the ordinary the ; Interstata commerce commission I! problems of the day as can be found, not apply over certain connecting roads.' high seas 'when the change was made from Kansas Qty, and was stopped at wroU It- the newsneoere nHntM it- n yri v""it IL" - I Z V . wwu mi hjubk couw oour ,nrouga rate. me. umo avver Iy a riooCL in. order to wruiv ii mo nowepapore pnntea u, ana -rtiVJfc minv of the problems that are be taken Into nnMidernHftn i AMrmin - n- j ...v, a- A u v...u LOCO nVDlf shed . - ... vau raiiwau utin ctiiauiCB Lti ii-a e - uuuuftu uii wmv auu . wuuuu the publlo accepted it as an.aecomDl ished ""Lv". ""J. fan . .anoimiwi ra wwni But for many weeks thereafter the t),..lS n,iM1rtn 110. clerks in the bureau of tariffs in P"""11 QuesUontU task is too much for tho ordinary man, however. Nearly 1000 letters a weekaro mivn ufiMu ,t its it thrnmrii nn m . nfl wittinnt writtn xrom tne orncas : or . ins- xanix ing many of the rates in everyday use., railroad eating houses cheaper than to spoiling.' It was sent by a roundabout chief, pointing out errors In. tariffs, au Not long ago a shipper demanded a someone else's restaurant? Ths com- route, and for the last few miles on Its,' thortxlnff special rates for special, cases. rebate from a railroad on the ground --mission considered the question, and Journey it traveled in a westerly dl- explaining blind rates . to sbjppsrsv. and rectlon. r decldlngvcontroversles between railroads Now the rate on whloh that meat was and shippers as to what rates actually To this bureau come questions that that it had charged him too high a rate aid it could not hlnhar ll . Ih. rlU l..l n,nml. WArboA n. B..-A .- V..I. V.. .t...,. Ior BnipmSni OI 368 mUCS. . ThS rate r.. T.,11m. n,non-. . It. endless fame for the man who solves It. lunch hoursto properly index, file and man. "-The determination of railroad , "211 ?J 8t rtPew into sutionary hoUls for a club "nt was speclflcayy labeled "east- ought to be applied Mr. Eticknev. formes head tha record the . fact - that tho i.-Mi. An . . ." Deon Published In the companyo tariff thst haa mads nmnnm.nta . " 1 Chicago, Great Western system claims salt a me ract tnat the new rate on ,... . . m.r m.tt nf hnntin ' . .1 .r:'V " inat nas made arrangements ror an ex- from Syraouse'to- Louisville, and " "Vjr, 7fVia. ana iid- IiiWV in' 4,"1 rai D- eurslon, and wants to use the cars for A nrXTrnTinXT AT T TS Ail A Tir OLD. ROMANCE the new rate filed today has failed to ""olng the freight a roundabout way, the privi he has done it By, a system of stand- several anllzing : distances, commodities, and been temporarily suspended, railroad conditions, ha asserts that ho When tho ronvulnlnm tn uri in will compress ths rates of the United June, to head off the sweeping increases cancel the old rate that has existed for over the i rails of three connecting roads, g-ener&i public as well as to the club States Into 80 volumes of , 600, pages in rates ordered by the railroads from years. When the fact is discovered, the' and a total distance of 617 miles he mtrabra. uu wiai iimnv avu.vvu rntPB ui Ai.Bauuri river, jo ine Atlantic, tne commission ru.o Lua vuv viu it.v vvulullmuUli .vq , a eimiialnv it,. -rt,rtwirt practically vooror the traffic of ; the bureau of tariff, at Washington was 1 still applies.. oountry - therefore the lowest exist- !L :! w" Anat ' ?M itls a slghinosnt fact however,. that perts struggled under a burden such as but will (the men who know moat about railroad has never been duplicated during th to the rule. . .. - From the Atchison Jlobe. - that she might bring him Into closer re HB romantic marriage of Elizabeth lationshlp with, his Bonaparte. rejatlves, , I Patterson, daughter of a wealth . residing thrn in .Bomo. Conceiving tho -I merchant-of-Baltlmore.T.Bd-Je--1'1-' -marrytng-tilintdTiIs cousin, a I rnm Rnnftnnrt. vounmt broth, daughter, of Joseph Bonaparte, then a tne iiimperor .apoieon, anu . - - -r" WILL WOMEN END THE MARRIAGE- TIE ? Continued FrDm tkc First Page of This Section ouples as ly those who are parents; fn. the last - to years almost, in .fact. were for cruelty on .the part of the Berlin, it is bs per cent nigner ior me tripling, u one compare the figures of wife." . -....j k.J T- tn rati tv,.t ho w.. ,.n enger who stopped off In a city on a T f -Slo . SercM O otttr ri? there WM Us unhappy termination, ase familiar to 'hastily to America that this match . : manner with ths lntowitjito eommerno uopuonoea witness m a CIVH case. mnv. Wh mlrht be arranared. warn In hup fkih- commission, but the commission couldn't fnd ? obe?,.thI law he haa to Uy4n.' torn down several years ago a package . repeatedly to see In case Joseph should see It his way.-.....w- t,..,-;,.-, the city until after th time limit of his -0j utters was found which, were written consent to the union that a strong pre- The long- route was not a "reasonable" r . 1 u pru wnen ne was sdis j0 ner father during the years of, ner uiw Btuuieni do raaai layoraoi to one, the commissioner- declared, and leav h mandod the advantage of MClal success in the highest circles of or boy's Interests.. v. ... reasonableness Is the keynote of th J?!8 ourslon rate, but It wa denied European society, where beaatles envied Speaking of her son's, supposed wlll commisslon's dally llfa. u i..;..r..Wm'-,Th IntersUte commerce oommis- n,r her beauty and wit, and wher mgness to accede to her plans for hi The cases passed on by the federal ex- 1m upheld the railroad. - There was klng, an4 princes sought her friendship, future, she says: "Bo leels the propriety' perts involve many Interesting point. notMn on th ticket that said any-' - one of the first letters "was written of doing what I pleass on the subjeot of parental pair probably because- ue 188 with those of 1909. when the cen- In' addition to the fact that the dl- In one Instance a large shipment of lin- "J"" c"u" UU,1U- a 1ft 1805, Wherein sue reruses w'.oeuovo "-- y-.-uwuia iaas oi number of childless marriages is pre- jsus bureau made Its analytical return vorces for unfaithfulness are not in- oleum was purchased In Hamburg, for. nun haa t0 P' far home. . i that Jerom had deserted her, Bh was aisposing or. himself in the way young 'portionately so small. - on "Marriage and Divorce" In this coun- prensing es . rapidly as those for other delivery in San iFranclsco. Wlien it. was Often the railroads themselves are 1 then In her twentieth year, and la the people ao in. America. While drunkenness plays its familiar try. The figures rose from ICOOO to causes, the figures of this country show shipped from Germany' there was a" unable to Interpret certain parts of their" senith of her loveliness. She warns ber m a later letter she adds: "Lov in pert In making wives eager to escape "2.000. - Throughout the last 40 years that, of the common grounds for dl- through rate by way of New Orleans of rates, or hesitate to do so in the face of father to talk to none of her probable a cottage ' Is out of fashion, even In the hell of shch a wretched marriage, the rate of increase for divorce has far vorce, unfaithfulness Is the only one for 1.10. When the floor covering reached protest from the shippers, and then the desertion, and declare that she herself novels. But every ambition of ,thi there are obviously many causes pecu- exceeded the rate of increase in popuja- which the number of divorces granted New Orleans there wa nothing doing on matter finds Its .way to ths desk of during this period of uncertainty re- proud woman seemed doomed to dlsap-, )tr to our own times, notably among tlon, world beater as thla-oountry has to the husband exceeds , the number the through rate,? A local rat of 90 Chief Jones of th tariff bureau, and main in retirement seeing no one whom polntment for the marriage which eh them being woman's enhanced ylew of been a a gainer in mer numbers of granted to the wlfe.".v -' . ' .-'v'- - cent from New Orleans to San Fran Judg t,0rans transmit th official she can avoid. In It sha say: "Th m- so ardently desired a frustrated by ker own individuality, the waning of people. ; - - In 90.800 cases,' or 69.1 per cent of ciaco been Installed, and the cargo "decree" in the case; v ti w-X-.- - v naror has offered to give me $12,000 a the perseverance of the young woman religious influence, the increased nerv- with that unpleasant upremaey in-the total number , of divorce granted had' to pay that rato. . Th commission Here Is a typical lnstancof the In- year during my life, on condition that I in cuestion. .who, Mme. B. tell us. Industrial life, the concentration of to amount to more than 6 per cent of was committed by the wife: and in 62.- larger populations in cities,-and the in- the total marriages the frequency of 869 cases, or 40.K per cent of the total leased facilities for travel. ' partings during the first or second year number, It was committed by the h'us- Very significant is it,, too, that while after th wedding seem to be ss no--band. Th cehsua report attributes the Europe was so anxiously exsmlning Its ticeable here as abroad. By .the time differejnc i to the probability that the - conscience and He divorce statistics, go five years has elapsed "mors than one offense, when committed by the wife, acute a student of womankind as Mar- half of the total number of divorces that ' 1 less likely to be cdhdoned and more ; paret Deland should be writing in the will occur in any. given number of mar--likely to toe discovered. --United States: : y "r rlages have already been obtained. -, It . . ' " u.,i r ; vi . - !' clear that the instlncftv human de- Influence Of Children. ' . m. which Mrs. Deland so tindBrstandinri There were phlldren Involved much and i list ittiiHr ui inuiviuua h m. an it . : o: i?l uanrft JiQik l women return to America anaalve tip the name forced a union with another cousin, he of Bonaparte. I reaueet that you will. howln .-"no amall reluctancerto marry OREGON-IN-EARLY DAYS ''' Utin. two nronoaaL ' I bay not this hideous creature" to whom she now " taken the smallest notice of it" "for a vixen whom Bo did well to Ptr Tiino MMnin Orlwav.' fired oaused th'e pnearanee of several AME8 H-: KfMILLEN. a lad of M i1!1 ..year, reached Oregon in 1I4, with ' . 60 cent capital. He found employ- "t;7V;"-r i" " " .n considered due her rank and station am' 10 ner nNxn thftt -ent 1n Abernethy mills on theoV?-$1 bxxn W. t0 thftt 5 .he never afterward had' anything .- ehrurged him to ao everything to island at the fall of Oregon city, f;..-, 27Zt: m t criticism for America JreT.nt her .on', allying him.elf in any In 1847 built th bridge leading -""I .V .V.r ' i"u V'r a morirf,s - - - , way wn an American girl. iiiero were pnuaren invoivea .mucn ana in ibi ouiu jm onog iwuhh ....... Ali. - - V - 1 , imriini more frequently in the cases where It from. the main street of the town and ' " wt.U W f.."S If tmh . t to M4.U Jit at o-o. i -ai;i.. . il. iuui e iicu u'jii Li v iu uts curb WHEn it irom.tni thrih sxreex oi iur vuw u uuu . . . .. . t r .... - . - 1.1 --.0 a-v v uiuuioa iudkuol nawsB' the. oucup-itlon. of "Z? "" was the wife who brought the salt ovsr ths basin owned bv Dr. McLourhlln 'AWt or this "long wood" was piled near ? Her brilliant marriage a -u.. -u- mErrua d,r.t. PtV-ttsS 'v?-ivolved couple. girt. iu t. 1 1 a.. m, , ni nnr in 4 n.M npr rpnt nr inn anira rrv.io. ua moist at smKatantiofi s)fiii. - i w - ' ' . . . or wtfiiin rn mnrnrg own mm the promise of . Individualism there Is ..?:r'uu. "iaL..T,u" luo riU8a rranted on the wife's Vnneai and in aiv o-"o Va" oeV telling stories when an Indian fire Into her return to Europe, whlcn oecurrea m ;.. ...br " VTir.,"" OS .1 M .' I . ' v-. v. - .n-J riTl Ihi iv ui iiirat twiireu ui ins nuiuwa, MnairnKt nf tvn Tone 'acantunrs . "T . is one or the .most Interesting 'rr.w " - "rV:; ''I:' The divorce involved counlas with off. .. . .. .... ..1.. a..i uu nun uimaLini 'ii VKJirnmii mr -, . , . -w--, r economics iuuut ui uur gwiunuioij. in iUmi A. . at " I r But that does not argue any extinction ana bar lronu XMi wa- the first railroad P"1" ,Te another threat to my mind tha most serious of IL. r mean the matter of ,;. AnA n; divorcepfor divorce is supreme Individ-. of the maternal sentiment In th Amer-. 7 thVstat7or west of the Rocky moun uixlism." . "Almost exactly two-thirds 6. ner lean woman. ' , - . in the state, r west or xne Kocxymoun. tain. Thon. after dwelling on the belief that cent to quote the comment of the Unit ' "in so far as tha Trtfr nf r-hiirtron marrisge has happiness for lti purpose, ed States census returns "of the total acts as a restraint upon the inclination a- v-j-.- TTt.u Mrs. Inland observe: J . uuber of divorces granted were grant- to eek divorce," the census remarks An Indian -uprising. "Over ami oVer we see this belief lead- ed to the wife." : In other words, dlv '-it might seem that It would have more - Seon after th "Wb.lt ,en an Indian flr Into her return to Europe, which occurred in ZVe fobl, ttT-E of th. men. John Ldd,i.l815. after Napoleon' banishment she. gJ-'JSf Sfbeen r rtfla of rrestoe oaiil snant ths next 15 year of her llf in at- '-iJl-JlJt'en ber than that of the other..flred In ro- tempting to .eir. tor herself and her -- - S grtnn."' turn. "Mr. Sitrash" danced forthwltb to son what h considered, their rightful Jf hi distaste for American th. -happy hunting grounds." , t position in European court , : . Though deserted In so short a tim by to th contrary, ths madame returned In On to the Deschutes. , ona who had promiaed to lov and pro- im t0 ner naUve clty wher. w. mu8t ' Mounted reinforcement soon arrived' teet her, she i. never show i th least "or- believe that hen brilliant career-in th and proceeded to th Deschutes river- ow i""?.? IA ! kmJ! Inrt hl c0UrU Europe oon became but a "Whitman massacre and ing us -to the divorce court and almost vorces obtained '-by the wjfe are twice Influence upon . th mother than the early in December of 184T, Governor alway . (alas! that we must eay. sol), as numerous, a those obtained by the father. This lmnorCant , dlf fronio o.' - av. 't.- ! . v. -- voman leads th,way, ,-Man-apparenUyV .husband. ;, s -" w- i --i'lst,-. tooweter, between th position of Tl " . m. T t that : time csJled Deshootsn , They "V" 3 -hotter able to stand by his fallurl '"The most common sin sle rrcind for ihVVih 1aZ ,1.1 .hSS".. ens of .Or.gon Oty. ,Thy.met In . th - a, -' th. -g. af disappointed and broken' to play.th game through, so to speak, divorce," the report , continues, "is da- to a question of getting a dlvorceThe id Methodlsf church. , Ths same build- . Q . ,0l-ht ProoeedIns un the oitTaus won It Is safd Wellington ' vto ePttv obscurity, ; . l,,t woman, who can bear physical suf- sertlon. This amounted to 38.9 per Cent court usually ssslgns the chlYdwn to rtands' today. Th. governor called. haughty. ottr. fc-.in better than he can ha. apparent- of .all divorces granted during thV!0- the care of the mother. To her" there- for 60 men to go to Th Dalle, ml.slon, tblT i-trooS loor? - tlnTllrJetf dedar. ttat-: no ' M hi" W? ly less endurance when it come to spir- , year period. It accounted for 49.4 per fore divorc doe. not ordinarily Involve - L . rvitamw. tvr ih Dn f after which tha troop. - proceeded to court 8M herseii a'r" a" hi. last .residence In Europe he longed liual suf f orlng. 1 And so she cries out cent or almost one half of those granted a wparattoS 1 torn br cbU6tJn Both v f t whtaX1 t,p0Ml: "Steve Meek', crossing." wher a third '.lt in th highest c ls ol Eiropean t0 t0 lt v ,t W;-,0 interesting Henry A. O. Le wa chosn jptoln.iiL, l litt paee..ws. .mtoreOJ)ttrtog.tny-iwly.. paeaM.otJWplii!,, . - ,t, ;, r.j tn&-torWtr-Wrynrt':neat(ti 'a :thor james MCMiuen "wss one or tne numoer this campaign james Mcaniien, -acting Her father never ; approves or . nia ough American. to oner, m services. ; When they under orders. - carried Oovernor Abar- daushters marriage, nor piJDsr.cnasingH, -n-,-r-, . i for esr-ape from the consequences of her to the. husband, and. for 83. per Oent parents may be equally averse to a own. blunder, and freedom . to try and or ene third of those granted to the continuation of th marital relationship: . find happlnets in a. new experiment wife. - , ; . , ! V " butth father may. for the reason sug- And how logical fnd how pitiful her 'The next moet Important ground for--geted,-binoT reluctant than the' 'try Is . m , ,. .i-.-.-..7.-:rdlvorc-. 1." for husband, unfalthfuinesoj mother to tako th'a 'initutiv in to 1 offer, hi services. When they under orders, - carried Governor " Aber- daughter marriage, nor plJber.chasing " 'Why should a, wronged and lnno- and for wive, cruelty. "Of the divorce 'Ing divorc." - k S - reached Wind -mountaln.jtha w-lnd-blew-ethy1 field glass-front tb Wlllamett' around after royaltyr for he repeatedly : j Tne (.mount 6f carbon exhaled from a cent.person, who ha made a mistake In granted to husbands, 8.7 per cent wer Wherever the respons1bllltytnTact'flowlr1B "river with such force-that a valley to the scene of tho disturbano urged her to return to America, To this man's lungs each day. If lt could be marriage once, be compelled to. renounce for unfaithfulnes-fth. wife; and Of "remain -evident that, the world over landing wa made and a part of the men near The Dalles, i V ' v.v,.-. ;' she say; Tt wa impossibl to bend , solidified, would equal that in a lump the chance PXJiapplnoss inr remarry- those granted to wives, 11. per"cent tho marriage bond Is being weakened- proceeded, on foot to Th DaUes, arriv- ; In those days th settler were tancn .my talents and my ambition to the ob- of coar weighing, half a, .ton. " ' ' IhkT " ... ,' t " were for cruelty on the part of the hue- and that, for one reason or another, it ing just la tim to save th mission from friend of Governor Abernethy. One scure'desttny of a Baltimore ..housekeepi , ii i n j " If or turns to tle United States, he band. Only 10 per cent of the divorce is woman who is the more eager tP,M-x.Jd"'''?cilon. - - - iim ..-n-7ti-t-Tr fter Iliad married the brother of an a Minnesota men has patented a tent rnrtsthat a mon r. the rrenrli' work- grant? 4.t0irlawea. a'--nfethfnlrtoTfre(roffl. When th wind ceased blowing th-canoe to Oregon City to cast his vote emperor." that needs no poles, the sides meeting at rts ." t!i-(Mdr wamber .jr Cl- nesjf . th husband; and 10.6 per cent Can the terrible percentage of In- boats with the ' rest of th men- pro- for Abernethy, th temperanc candidate Sh attempted to educate her son, a point, which 1 suspended from a con vorces hvmor than .dpubled during of th : divorce .-. granted to , husbands cms oontinu to rl - - ' ( ' t eeeded to Th Dalle.; Th first shot for govenon. Vs ' ' ' ' abroad, but abandoned jtltl ventually venlent toe limb by a top.' J