' w L , PORTLAND, i OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING,' OCTOBER 9, 1910 J i . j i, I. , ; 1 !' ' ., i i i , i i , i " il 'i . 1 1 1 i . . ' i : . ri 1 ., t World-Wide Increase in Divorces, With Wnman .MrSsr Rpnlnfplv Rphirhincr fh Independent Existence I ' IT M l, I A I 1 !' . 1 1 . ... I Mir O' 3- jif j Hi ; :-: l; il1 i! f i! il i - JlS- .-l II -.yy .r.rn.-:-.'. . - ,- j.-t&?rzr : : t i i I H i ; ft ' ' . -"J, - mWt i : .r' 'ii:i i i - v jk i k x t m viw ,wi.- ' -s, , . t raget u.mmRina tun , , known if throughout the si er e t .ft AfMA ir Ai ttMoWHWtthe ivorld divorlc appearthwomansev , 7-; - WnereannrS Recent statistits of j-.-V; .-f '00 trksome to be borne M-H,' :.'Europe and'Amertca prove it. ,, , ... ... . ., JCC Sr ' " ' 4 V'l t, 1 1 -r , r : under the new dtspensa- - v. J)id' vriten-arelJh( ones'who are re- '' ,"T7"",'- v 7 V" ,i T;' " of I a bo r: which i V . iXii( fnr.thtdarver tortwn 011 the tn-., ; v, .v . .,. . . . V. crease . . ' - 1 , , . - T , A .'";.,,, ."fl:;,,,! t;ri , , ' . jof.a husbands supportf - ... , t.VJ, t ". 'i-AIorahsts.-,iumU:SQctolortstsu seem,,,. , r , .. -. . m A. . Aire powerless fo'stoptt.-1 None who pre end- "States hhs had to bear the i'o" kowlahyMniap'prhingn . , , -wwi. 0 moj lightly re ndipledge of ;the subject, prpfess to see theij gar ding - the siared tnstu. end'.of 'the movement' away fromlthe time-: ' tution of marriage, of i.u;; -,twAsiA ttkit a tnarriare z shall ''most laxlv afiordin? ob- ' hind' until death' doef'the part', although' portunitiesnay, of most lavishlyiprofier--. ) every class of tritics'has some remedy of ; tng invitations-for divorce. : I f ' its1 oiin ' , ' '7. But Europe's figures are now showing - 1 ThS' one' thin r l'that is - indisputable is a similar" tendency, even within the Woun- t.V ' , that divorces are more ana mure numtivm, uum yj . i,4,r"f v M'thntth tinmen are- more and more, : nd'ever: and; always, the, staves-, are con- .' '-ibwv,:iJi;tfPpto ". 1 '" spicuousby their presence as .petitioners in t, 4 i the Jiihedrawng near when mar- '.the divorce courts. Vva-v ' rHETHEK or iiot they are justified in ' During tho twenty. years between" 188; and 'k' , claiming their freedom w a question" 1908 the working population Of JbTance haa'.inore - giarxiuiK--.-f ivk ui ..-. ujr oj inat segment oi xne xrencn peopie wqo cap laito ' i. parently hastening toward a unanimous condu- advantage of the legal privilege of suin'g'as.palu- T" s ioa to endure no more in marriage than pleases perg 8ometllin(r wtich they take to'like;di?cka ,to . ' them, be it trmal or grave. , V' water, especially as-the average eipenses for tie ' More than ampk evidence has been adduced "bourgeois" divorce amount to $400. ? ':, - ' n the, worlds divorce " From 2009 diyorMMwiW.twenty ' t t .w, j.i. ;..'.' ::L.l..i.!..j.;i. 1.... TT1 ' A ' ' .. ni?, ill i , ; wms mi ' v t r ; 'i -... - i: Ii tt i W -u- , .Jlrfi-' ---4 V X.--!L ! :v' 11 YT fVf kV ill-".'' f., W . vy:V.''l.;;L.:.v.v AAWn-;..;.;:.:--v--. , 1- A H .: ' 1 ii ' I' '''"'TT ' J v' it upwara. -in Koumaniatbe percentage-is 2Va; in .Denmark, 2 ia, Prussia and Sweden, 1 per cent each; in England, V2 of 1 per cent, with strong popular agitation for increased divorce facilities and much evidence to show that, the small num. n "twenty ' xoor9 diagustei enougL to m'ake the parting a some change of the laws which would give the her of divorces is "due mainly to the expense and 'w",mZ, ' mere natter, 'of collusion. The girl is, madame, ' English poor divorce facilities somewhat like 'difficulty of procuring them. , : rag vnere ,, ,.. : - lt. 1 i .w:i.j it... '-!.. it . - .. ,tu .a:uwi uuUnJ ht: now xur iicr icspc;).iuT. ; muse eiisiing across me fiiuuxit'i, luquirxes weio iuo ciwint uuumicunn amiuu j uv nv have 'drawn, the.;veU of-: instituted throughout Europe,, covering the gen- the legal status of tho married woman, in both jj . ah .1, .ai - YkAvnana ovpn Tnnrn 11 i v , fiiii ri i.r v. m rill 1.1m. ill iikilti liuii ui ulviitckn lik i nr. M. . , - , v ' , ... , . , uauus. uic no struggle on At t u.t ' , ' ' t ! Yft thft invpsticration which th It'may be that, with the universal crash of of the figures promptly inaugurated show.i jjuj. i..a; ' r.t a. . tli6 larger number of divorces was,! to' so eri civilisation the whole moral fabric, founded bepl ! vears constitutes a rise far more Alarm Wrtsmm nTtf Wrtt TY1UT1 1 M C IIM1 Itllllf INIJI I 1.1 I IIIVH. 4 V , " . . , . . honor and obey.' But the inexorable "Statistics , than elsewhere, because France possesses, a popu- , it ,flnd the woprietie3 s show especially 'in the United States, that hus- Ution more nearly stationary than doesy other tdecncvi nvr -..jw 1a likely, iJXhJraiS SiSSSSS ' ' -The women usually have one of -two reasons ' ; There ii.' no legal divorce iniltaly, which d for -independent, status. . In Ireland, as . to the last ditch 01 marital misery riages is more nearly. representative 'or ine, . . l- , . ,4 Ja l 1 , . A , it R A, V. in RnQaia - Tiowprfnfc wlnnniw mflnraees eo so md. who has imagined that, in takme a Euro, but. w thm th ftv vphrs fliA number of iar xo preserve me sanctuy 01 we mrnno ii 1 ' v,iie he Wfl8 securing a source of permanent in- i - legal separations has doubled- ' - that .tno percentage of '.divorces is -trivial,- the L ' come "that L wouldn't have to work for. Tine , Austria, which permits both separation and primitive - condition Jf the Russian populace mr: - morsls 'to speak of and prefer to be entirely t ree . doubled its separations. . ' . against marital unhappiness. . ena in. the union of one man with one woman only, : ' a, iu.Li.i C reyiunuuw. - - in iiouana tne separations nave increased 10 ,,.,0 iUO m-jvuv, . shall'beirin to -swar and topple in the very di-' uuV, r 0 .T-Vi A ut? ' - It is complete divorce that is nowadays ap.' triple the number of a generation ago, whi e the ' pucants . ior divorce are women,-notwunsiana. , snau pegin to WV .nu Pi u vt,ry di t operat6 hke 80me vaccination that doesaV take: th hn Kot t,0 -tv,a ;.nM.- fi.- iha- th fact that tbn law irpnpra v nrovides for W 11HU. V lUiV J -t " , T ..,- m a, w d - -1 - v r ........ . , reconciliation wherever ; it is , possible iha doubled, average of. the applicants is well . represented by five. m the two 'great capitals Fans and ;ierlm. gone up ey j 111 raris ine , women represent po per. cent 01 have been tne applicants; in liernu trjey. constitute w )t ranee, , which has led Unpeoples in national , 1 The newly Meseedpair o,Uiem'arC'.lMiiSe.,,-ioeiiie8:of. ahamea-.whifih iifit1,'''iiiffUliiki? i 'rtul'Yiim r:AivnTcim innrr, in tinw ' A marked influence 'in the preservation of IrrfMMlIll rfl inp TTlHlIl IKrilirifTH 111 1 I1H IIIITTIHTI rflffl la 1. .v.. av AAnhnilA It .n. K..mW .hn - . J . ....... . 1. .1- . ti -r . ... . ...1 -- --- r - --- - - - , . ' ' r;vJK wuuiiu uiuuu iucj jicio uu' iiuu':i-itu' ueny. - " . f tlA Ja4ac&A ALtAtti. 1' I 1-1.. . . 1 I. ,... . . . . . . ... .... - . . -nv.wmmi wr.a.i .ccr-l'l'nrom.-i.ro-t7TTrr.TM,nn TrjaTnC UnSIo (IT U3Cu TO TJULaTTT W Unln a ICW " ' ' WTO v. auv jjonuuwuj ay uaw,ut, outtiru. montfls quarrels as inviai.or jealousies aswen nage an amongthe ;very popxr who constitute so great a - founded! bring the bride into the divorce" courC Awhile i Great proportion of any. population. . ' . ' , jniiig si the expense of the state, twith the; bride- i taking .tosti .w!i v - go mgn tnat an Europe is anxious over tne uwuwuo-provwi iw w w. prrtwiuw m i uumich. io i.ne anxious. anaLysea oIrech.mar-TTchangeTZ the highest proportion, -.... ?na ncr,c, again, i ans, ana ucr;m auora tjpiCai ri It9vcsttil,c nsra in nrnnraai , tnH (nut ititrnviul Uin f n amra TIHl nn. limtanf-PS.' In T,nA r rPTIPh fSnifSt tUfTB flfrt TOllP '.Britain's 'divorce' commission' was Iriages. -The percentages of France and Greece times as; many, f,divorce .secured by chiMb testimony, under ; popular pressure, for are somewhat less, but manifest' a steady trend '-(CbNTltfUEtV 01? TSStDK PAGS.)