The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 54, Image 54

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    - i f t ! M 9 ft I v'
Thr?t Twn nf Sunreme Court
Vacancies Will Be Filled by
Governor Hughes and Sena-
tor Sutherland lsCertain. :
By Ralph IS. Whiteside.- :t
(Publinaers' rress .liI Wire.)
Washington, Oct. a.--lt has come to
be generally acceded here that Oov
ernar Hughes of New York." Is to be
the new chief Justice of the supreme
ccurt of the United States end. that
Senator Sutherland of Utah Is to have'on the bench. ' Who will fill the
other vacancies has not been settled to
the satisfaction of .the "man who
knows." but these ttep are regarded as
'.Settled. vi;".v-v:;vifl-':-;j:v'f- ':'y--'
The appointment of the Utah states
man will be 'popular In Washington.
Etnator Sutbeiland does rot make as
much fuss in the senate as some Of his
colleagues but there .are few who tre
mere efficient -worker fn the field of
Jgislatfon. ne Is recognised as one
of the most profound lawyers' In con
gress. '
Governor Hughes Is not so well known
personally, but what Is known at him
leads to ths belief that he will make a
wcrthy successor to the late Chief Jus
tice Fuller.
; " Tawney Will 8e Missed.
Of all ths stand-pat stU men , who
will be left at home as a result of the
present political upheaval none will be
more gentunely regrettedthan James
A. Tawney, of Minnesota. Mr. Tawney
was liked personally even by his po
litical enemies. w'--
I understand that one of the first
things the insurgents in the new house
of representatives" will" do will be to
war against the seniority system of al
lotting the chairmanship ? of commit
tees. "" "
With Speaker Cannon gone from the
dfsk and with the Insurgents mustsr
Ing a large number of votes, as they
evidently will, ltls clear that even a
republican- majority will not be able
to maintain the old order of tilings. ,
No speaker will, however, be pleased
at' being - made a mere dummy, and
whatever party group may be In con
trol will probably seek to maintain this
element of authority ,. In Its . speaker's
hands. But, no matter whether he does
or not, the situation will render It In
evitable that changes should be, made
In a rather drastic way In the old com
mittee system, certainly as regards ths
Would Overturn ffrsdsdsnt.
The seniority system of -succeeding
to committee chairmanships has been
followed for a long lime in me nousei
althousrh Speaker Cannon d!d;rot hesi
ut to-.perysrt It by -disregarding Its
dictaterf when at tha opening of the last
oongreFs he Jetermmed to. take revensce
upon Congressman Fowler and several
others', r It "Eur, - howeyer;JTbeen mote
cfinsisttsntly wursued In most instances;
However, by urderhand work the-point.
eal leaders have usually managed to
shift members In Such a way as to kep
a "reliable" man always In second place
and hence able to take the chairman
ship whenever a "Vacancy showed itelf.
Thus men who will "ttand without
hitching," as Speaker Cannon has deli
cately expirersed It In his vernacular,
have been : looking forward to the
chairmanship; .lost oft 'these men
are the old line Cannon type of regu
lars. While the chairmen have had to
lake; the whipping In the primaries,
there would be only , a hollow victory
If the men of the second rank were to
be substituted. , For this reason insur
gents are now quietly asserting, through
their sympathisers .and' representatives
here, . that In the event they muster a
grodTnumber "of votes thex will decline
to see the old line ' men of the second
clfss put Into the chairmanships, and
will demand a method of selection on
the basis of ability and service..
Monstrous Homecoming rianeC .
; It -was announced yesterday .that the
Washington Old Hortie week, to have
been . held, th!sfa!V
enormous proportions as to force post
ponement' until, spring and to make it
a rational Instead of a local homecom
ing. Instead of 10,000 visitors,- thers are
to be 200,000. Instead of a light pro
gram , of entertainments and parades.
President Taft has offered the White
House for a big demonstration. In which
cabinet ; officers, senators, representa
tives and members of the supreme court
will participate.
. Every etate will be represented, and
this being the capital of the nation It
Is to be a big reunion of Uncle, Sam's
family. This is the. greatest na
tional demonstration In the -history Of
the country. It Is claimed, not except-Int.-
any presidential Inauguration of the
fast .
American Mules In Demand.
"Within a few months there will be
demand for American mules In South
Africa almost equal to that during the
"bocr war," said Oliver Q". Strait, of
' Dealers In the south and west are
beginning to feel the Influence of tha
scarcity of mules in that part of Af
rica; It seems quite probable that the
torl4. Af.tnitlMa will rnftnK iha. tt w. n w
times wLthin the eoming year. .
' "The growing demand Is due to the
spread of the east coast fever among
cattle. in many parts of South Afrlia.
Whol districts ' which are dependent
uron oxen for transports! lira of neces
sities are suffering from ; the declina
tion of the cattle by the feer. ' As . a
. consequence, the people want mulcand
vant them badly; These aniniaif?a
less susceptible , to disease, and they
esn give much more servico than draught
rattle, the trade of the Transact and
Orlqualand East Is almost at a stand
still oiv account of the loss of so many
Oxen. -,.?".' ;": ' --y '-y.:-'i: : .
" ''At present most of the mules fr
Fast Africa are being eh'ppS from the
argentine- Republic. These an'mals.
However, do not compare with tne Amer
?n. mule, especially th kind raised In
Missouri Our animals bring a higher
price, but,j as was the case Jurlng the
Boer war, the odditional Investment U
usually regarded as Justlflod.
; "Champ Clark would do well to lay
in Ms supply of mules now strains?
(he day he expects to rids down Penn
sylvania avenue, according io his1 prom
lei. . If he waits until b Is elected
speaker of the house, as undoubtedly he
win ne, ne may ds accuses ot beln a
malefactor of great wealth when ths
people see him holding the rolns over a
team of Missouri mules."
; Alaska Xnvcstlgatloa On. .
"-r tttTWttgtttotr " of '"
frauds In Alaska is said to be in pro
gress, which may unearth a great?
- scandal than "the Cunningham Investi
gation." aaid J. M. Jsrdan, of Seattle, -r-"
"Small attention has bee paid by the
newspapers to this investigation, wl.i' h '
it la f,r,w hoilavB I hkns (iQlt!V pros- .
eoutcd In Alaska, and on the whole I'a-
clfio comI-. The- lBvestlgatlon is ff.a
f invnlv on onHrflv 110 W KfOUO Ol
claimants with charges similar to those
broupht In, the Cunningimm chso. h
Is believed that Secretary of the In-
tarlno Tlnlllnrer U TlerBOnallV In Chiree
of this newest investigation, because ho
doubtless wishes to clear nis oepan
mAnt of unv ntlfi-rtis. which may have
resulted from the Glavis crisode.
"The list of claimants ma enirjm
Is ea Id to Include many prominent men
of Seattle and Spokane. as well as
others of great prominence. Secretary
...11. - - A llf .rt 1A 'Pflrlll'll.
la mrmi) tn have been for theTT I
purpose of looking Into the investiga
tion personally. -
"Many special agents of the land of
fice have been reported to be worklns
on the cases. Some of them are said
to have been recently in Alaska, and It
i.. ' k.iibi.. tiv tiMm , conductlnz
. 1 UM'l IV. V. V .....w -
an exhaustive Inquiry 'in the territory,
though with the utmost secrecy.
, optnnin in Katti helleve that Presi
dent Taft and Secretary BalUnger are
directing the investigation, as ine prM-
dent ana Mr, Eamnger wisn 10 n
IV.. ontintrv that th ftrtmlnlstratlon In
,y,Am n nntturl thft V(lt natural 1P-
sources of Alaska -from corporate j
Spokane. Oct 8. -Alleged waste of
state highway funds by the state high
way commission has led' to the ap
pointment of a committee of disinter
ested parties by Governor Hay to con
duct an 'Investigation. It is charged
that the new state highway commis
sion, J. H. Bowlby, has expended as
high as SO per cent of the revenue
raised for highway Improvement, for
engineering expenses and In the opera
tion of the state convict rock crushers.
Bowlby defends himself by saying
that the extravagance was perpetrated
under the administration of his pre
decessor, Joseph Snow, removed about
a year ago by Governor Hay. Over a
million dollars Is annually expended for
stats highway improvements. Gover
nor Hay today' telegraphed to the state
accountancy board for a more, detailed
statement of tha highway funds.
First Father is Cured of art Erup
U tion that. Burned and Itched Day
and Night. Then Baby is Cured
of a Distressing Rash, " "
Neighbors Pleased to Find a Sure
" Cure for Skin Afflictions.
"I suffered for elgut years with what tha
lectors called the 'seven year Itch.' This
was like small ted pimples sucB as form on
the face but they burned and Itched, day and
night. - These pimples were from my ankles
up, but mostly on my thighs and arms. I
tiled doctor after doctor but their medicines
brought no relief. . But at last I struck the
right treatment this was , Cuticura, I
bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies Cu
ticura Soap, Ointment and Pills and a few
applications brought relief, When I had used
about half the set I was nearly cured and after
using two Mil sets I was well and best of all, I
have Stayed cured. rt '. i " , ' - t
"About four months ago, our baby began
to be covered with a rash and his bead with s
spreading sore. Back of the ears, the flesti
cracked open and the poor baby would
scratch till It bled. 'He worried, .cried and
could not sleep. Then we bought a let of
Cuticura and with a few applications the
burning and Itching ceased, baby stopped
worrying and could sleep. When this single
set had gone we had no use for any more as
baby-, was never: -troubled with the disease
stain. The neighbors who saw the condition
of the baby all asked what cured him and
when ws told them, they were surprised and
pleased to find a sure cure for these skin
afflictions. Edward H. Carter, 823 North
87th St., Camden, ff. J., Mar. 0, 1910."
,' A stalls set et Cutlenra Gets and Ointment Is
often sufficient, rendrlD( It to most conomleil
treatment tor k fleet loos ot the skta and snip. Sold
throughout the world. Potur Prug a Chun. Corp,
Bole ' Props., 135 Columbia Ave, Bottoo, Mast. '
- AeT-Mtlled tree. latest CMIrara Book on Trett
stent ot tikis and Scalp Aflecttoaa,,
'J ; i V
t ! ,
It Is a crime to null teeth that are
We read many advertisements which
dentists put out, of their ability to pull
teeth without pain, so that they may
make room for a plate, .
Wo never read such an advertisement
without a feeling of pity for the Inno
cent victims of such practice.
Nature is the beat 'tooth builder, and
there are no teeth so good as those na
ture plants in the gums in the beginning.
Wa have been reaching- the erosoel of
saving teeth for years. We won't pull a
toom -uniess it is oeyona redemption. '
The dentist nulls erood teeth to make
room for a plate because ho knows of
nothing better than a plate, either par
tial or entire, for those whose teeth are
loose or missing. Out come the forceps
and out come-the teeth. Once ant they
are lost forever. What a pity!
When we began the study, of. our pro
fession years ago, It seemed to us that
there must be some way of coming pret
ty close to nature's way of supplying
teeth--a way that would be practical.
we ieu tnai we couia worit a revolution
if we could find the way. After years
of study and experiment we were suc
cessful in finding a method which we
called the AL.VEor METHOD of sup
plying teeth without plates, or ordinary
brldgework. - Our troubles were not all
over with ths Initial discovery, however,
for In a great many CaBes wef ound loose
teem, eouna. nut loose in tne aiveioi. ana
we had to find a cure for this trouble,
known to the profession as Riggs dis
ease of the gums (pyorrhea). - Every,
dentist initio land said it was Incurable.
We declined to concur In that decision.
We finally DID find a cure for that
dreadful diseases It took years of work,
but It .paid us richly, for our method
was then complete, and patents were ob
tained "on it in all countries. The Alve
olar Method Is a boon to humanity. ' It
does awav with the 'need of pulling
sound teeth. It does away with a partial
plate or a bridge. It enables the one
who has Alveolar teeth to use them ex
actly as he would natural teeth.
-' We went to send you our book! "AL
VEOLAR DENTISTRY," which tells all
about this wonderful method, provided)
you ao not live ciose enousrn to our of
fices for a thorough examination of your
mouth. If you have teeth troubles, these
books will bring you to us, no matter
wucre jruur iiviuo mojr ue, i
" Good dentistry vs. poor dentistry is in '
thesame ratio as gold irtr? stlveriffio'
Examination and books are free.
Which Will you avail yourself of 7 !
Rex Dental Co., Dentists, 811 to 314
Ablngton building, 109 Third street
Terms to reliable persona, '.
Yona Save
' Ca Every Raj Yea Eay!
A special shipment
of ,150 fine Axminster
Rugs -7-c very .well
known mill being repv
resented will be on
sale for two days this
week at the above "
great saving in price.
Regular, $33.50 values
' at only $25, and on the
.easiest possible term, -
.$l'.00 down and $1.00 1
a week. We purchased ;
direct from the mill, at '
a price that' enables us
' to offer ,you' this i won- ;
derf ul: opportunity.
Don't fail to see-these '
rugs. .
. :$n ;',".: r. I 71 ' r-illTI tM&7t. V''-v WF ft
tpr- ?fc . f ifa LLm Wr - .. iMlTTi rr
W .1 m I mm m i&mrn
:f;&hSa:it to ;
conventional designs;1 fast colors, rich and strong; r j ....-. , . .... , , -
to be compared with the inferior' grades sometimes- , ' . " . 5
advertised by department stores and others. These :x ' 5f ;g j 5 Ffipf
are "the real Eroods." -Your money back any time if 1 .. . . "
goods. ; ' i our money Dack any
you are not satisfied. Note the price and the easy
terms. ' - ' : ' . - ; -... - --
Pay SJl.OO Down Tlieri Only Ql.OO a WeeU
" Peninsular" Sleel Ranges
S'VI' u miw.ii; ,i k, . .
s ,.,JJ . ft ' 4 - -
mil i rv
We; deliver thee famous:
ranges; to any part of. the.
city, and set them up free'
of Charge on (the small,
payment of - -
$5.00 Down
. ' r .
For we knbw you will be ,
satisfied and glad to -make
the future payments of-
, Gl.OO a Wcck
Prices according to size of
25.00 Sewing Machines
" 'This is "the best Sewing
jOfi Machine at the price that can
, , .. . . ; wj , . uc iuunu uii me marKec
I eHmm.y. j. mm
rtoday- - It is styled by
l- I us tne evurtz special;
3 ana. is warranted by us
for 10 years. . Has all
modern improvements and is
a be tter machine - than those
advertised i by department
stores at $35. You save $10
and 'get a better article. All
you need pay , is
31.00 Down, Tlien SOcWeek
Special Sale of Hard
; woddtRiScUcts
$3.C0VaIs. c-fj (Th s
For Only . tp!L y G
There, are
several -models
6f these
Rtfckers,-and . r
we arcconfi-;
dent of being
able to please
you. "Several
dozen on sale
for.two days, tjj'
Monday' and"
Tuesday of . this .week.
ft Wooi-Liid StowfeoarifFee
With Every Heater Sold Ttilo Week
. Rolled steel body with heavy gray
iron lining about fire box;, will
last eight or nine years; airtight
and consumes 4ittle wood; noth
ing to equal it in Portland today.
A heavy nickel rim (not shown in
cut) ' surrounds the edge of top,
sathe as in the "Novel." This is
, a very, serviceable as well'as at
tractive stove, - ? '
'Novel" 512
A , combination ; wood and : coal
heater, made of rolled steel with
heavy pig ; iron fire pot, hand
somely - nickel; trimmed ; thou
sands sold in Portland; made by
the' "Eclipse" " company. AVar
rwited for fiye years; will last ten;
Made just like cu : : , ' - " '
A; very attractive-little heater,
made - of rolled steel, sheet', iron
lining, cast top and bottom, hand-
somely nickel 'trimmed; airtight,
consumes" little fuel; a good wood
burner at a cost of little money.
Built by the "Eclipse", company,
which is a guarantee of . ,perfec
'tion in its construction.
Costs little money, but gives good
"service. A perfect, 'long draft
pipe,-. airtight stove (not like cut)
plain lid top; made of best sheet
steel ; steel bottom ; slide damper
draft ; made! !to: consume every
particle of. fuel ; will heat the av
erage ' room at very : little cost.
Ideal stove - for the, Oregon .cli
;.mate; .l f ,'
; 'Down
On Any Heater
Then iPay
Ypiip Home 1
Furnished ;
Complete on
' Easy Terms
' ?