The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 51, Image 51

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    .1 LAKD,
t T" T f'1 TH t- T- m n fn ' '
Slaror Koder Vumfs Business Transacted in Business-like Manner- Mayor Not Always Superfluity
. Taxpayers Want Ilih School Bund Galloway 13 Brlze Vote Getter Introduces Opponents In
dians Call Him "Rill" Louis Hill Visits Salem Shows Baity Willamette Valley.
(Salmi Bureau of The Journal.) J
; Salem, Or., Oct. 8. Mayor George
A Bodgers returned from 'his., European
trip last week. The mayor had not
been home many hours before he began
Investigating: the pending purchase-by
the city of Salem of the Salem Water
Company's holdings and came to the
. conclusion that the words "whatever it
may havo" contained In the ordinance
bow before' the council referring to the
property of the water company,, was
altogether too vague for so large a
: business undertaking.' The1 mayor- re
asserts his confidence In the Integrity
of the officers of the company, . but
takes the stand1 that the purchase ' of
the plant of the Salem Water company
is nothing more than a stroke of busi
ness requiring the attention that" any
business man -would demand if the un
.dertaklpg, were being financed by. him.
I grants Puil -V
f "What we desire,": says the ' mayor,
"is .a complete description of what, the
City is going to get for its money and
an abstract showing ,the rights of ;the
Balenv Water company to sell to the.
city; all.this, before the city binds itself
to pay a cent.,'. This is nothing more
than what every business man would
require If purchasing this business for
' bimeelf. ' : : -t :-t
. ' "The -proposal which": the Company
submits and which the ordinance before
' the council proposes to accept is indefl-
fifte, 'vague, and when simmered down
nd analysed means that the:city is .to
turn- over 24,E00 ; for Whatever -the
company may have to givei arid further
to assume all the company's contracts
and obligations' "whatever they may be,
j '"We also want -to be aecure lq the
right of access to 'the -company's, books
in order that the" city may know' the
full particulars 0 the business which'
- it is to conduct, a privilege, which-the
company's proposal denies us-by-implV
cation in exempting the books from the
- rale; What "we are contending for cam
not delay the transfer" of the propertyf
as the bonds euu remain to be floated
-before the city can assume control.
Kayo Wot Always Superfluity.
- "lit these demands we are not ques
tioning the honesty of the Salem Water
company's officials, as some are led to
- assume, s Ow-the contrary we have the
utmost faith to their integrity and want
to further add that It has been a pleas
ure to deal with the gentlemen whose
eonduct toward the officials of the city,
throughout these negotiations, has been
above reproach. But we Jo wish to in
slst.upon every step of the transaction
being taken in a businesslike form.
We want to take nothing for granted."
V It is queer nobody, noticed this feature
Sooner.' A mayor is not always a super
fluity. Want High Sohool Tund, ,
- As a' result of the presentation of a
petition nignd ' by about BOO taxpayers
and school electors of Marion ' countv.
f the dUnty court has "directed County
i Clerk Allen to have placed on the No-
vember ballot the question of the estab
h Nishment of- a ' county fund for high
Schools. It is to be a fund for high
schools raised by a general tax and
Erom which high schools are to be es different parts of the coun
ty and in districts not now able to sup
port a high sehdol of Its own effort i
i This aotion is made, possible by en; act
pf the legislature passed in 1909. The
petition for thernove must,ba made te
J he-" county -clerk "by the taxpayers and
school electors put the matter must be
'submitted to a vote of all the electors
of the county, facing the matter -be
'fore the voters next month at the gen
eral election saves the expense of holding-a
special election. ' -4
Some counties have already taken ad
vantage of this act and Lane and Linn
counties have established t; 14 county
high' schools. It has been found in those
counties that a general tax Jovy of on
half mill Is great enough, to provide
sufficient county high schools to -give
practically every child an opportunity
to attend high school whether he, oi
she, lives in town.or in the country. The
, funds are apportioned in such a manner
so tnat tne small schools are given an
advantage. For instance.. the apportion-
ment is $10 per pupil up to an averaga
attendance of 20 or SO pupils; 30 per
pupil up - to an average attndanee
of 30 or 40' pupils; and J12.60
for all schools where the average
attendance is greater thaft 40 pupils.
Prize Tote Getter.
Jud pa William Galloway, candidate
for reelection as circuit Judge for this
dtntrict, which embraces Marlon, .Linn, .
Polk, Yamhill and Tillamook counties is
lecked a prize vote getter and
his Republican'' opponents concede his
election, though, perhaps, secretly hop
ing all the time that they mar squeese
cut ahead cf the Jurist. The Judge is
a mixer seldom equaled. He knows,
every man in -hi Judicial district with
whom he has ever come 1ft contact and
axery man knows the Judge.,, In his own
county, Tarohill, the chief Justice of the
couldn't be elected if he were a candi
date against Galloway, v , V
In this district two Judges are td be
eUcted next month. The : Kepubllcan
candidates are Percy Kelly of Albany
and Assistant Attorney L H. Van Win
kle, both of whom were nominated In
the Republican primaries in, September
without opposition after receiving tha
indorsement of the Republican assem
bly. ' The Democratic candidates are
Attorney , John Bayne of Salem X and
Judge William Galloway of, ; McMlnn
ViUe, . ,':,.' v -; y ;.; .: .'V y c .,;'-';
1 . Introduce Opponents.
" If in told"o JudaTe Galloway that'dur-
lag the Yamhill county fair, a feature
cay at that "show on Candidates', day,
he took his two Republican opponents,
Percy Kelly and Van Winkle, - each by
the arm, marched them all over - the
Yamhill county fair grounds and intro
duced them aa his opponents and fairly
good' fellows to all ils friends and
credit can' be given' the assertion that
the Judge had a few friends'at the fair,
thiahe did to help them get acquainted
he said, so everybody , would : get j- a
square deal. '". -,
' Indians Call Sim MBiJL .
The- Indians on the Grand Ronde res
ervation between Yamhill and Tillamook
ccunties call .. Galloway "Bill" and look
Upon him" as a sort of Solomon who
dtals out to them jusuce or tne genu
ine brand, that is as near te the genuine
article as human agency ever arrives.
-Galloway la reversed by the state
supreme court about as many times Is
any Judge in , the state; .however,, the
number of reversals handed 1 back tQ
Galloway are no greater than.the aver
age circuit judge is favored with.
r onls KOI At Salem.
toil fs -W.' Hill of the Great Northern
and) Northern' Pacific railway companies
ylMted Salem last Wednesday In. the
company of some' eastern friends and
capitalists from the vicinity of St Paul
and Minneapolis. The party arrived in
th afternoon on a. special train : over
the Oregon Electric and spent about
two hours walking about the city. rJAV.
Hill was sole guide of the party.- He
came unannounced and was gone again
before many people in Salem had been
made aware of his presence.
Be X.lkes Valley;
The trip, to Salem,: as tar as can be
learned, was made merely to show the
eastern' friends of the railrosd builder
what a superb valley Is the Willamette.
There Is no doubt that Mr. Hill has been
very favorably struck with the oppor
tunities of the Willamette valley and
he has become fascinated by its charms.
He wanted to show it to others. In an
interview' ho said that work on his Ore
gon lines .'and extensions will proceed
although work in other states may have
to be discontinued because of tha pecu
liar condition of the money .market It
it. the belief that it will not be many
months before actual construction work
on the extension of the Oregon Electric
railway south to Albany and eventually
to Eugene will commence. :
i i
bfi.'I b Ayr-met 3 and were InntrucU 1 in:'
thfir van. . . ; .1
Thpre are 500 cadets now, with more
cmnnig In all the time and about 800,
of these are "rooks." Captain U.,
McAlexander of the thirteenth in
fantry, who has for three years
had charge f the post is the
commandant and .has the instruc-i
Hon of the more advanced students in
hand while Cadet Colonel J. S. McAllls-i
ter takes care of the drill work of the !
12 companies. " ; '
i (Bpedil DUpttcb te Tbe Jbernal.) !
- Baker, Or., Oct - 8. The first, water
case under the new water code la Baker-county
is now being heard before
Commissioner F. M. Saxton at the court
house in this city, All the waters of
North " Powder creek- are Involved and
many of the claimants are in the city
today filing their claims for the water.
. Notices were sent out last summer
notifying' all parties who claimed water
that hearings would be held this month.
The first hearing was held Oct ' 4 at
North Powder -and the owners In that
vicinity filed their claims . with Com
missioner Saxton, and now the .owners
residing nearer Baker are filing their
claims. The hearing will be concluded
today. . . ', l ' ':' v-: " i.
As soon as all claims have been filed
they will, be open for inspection for 10
days and all claimants, will then have
five days In which to file contests.
These contests will be heard by the com
mlsatoner before the final adjudication
is made. It is expected that the de
cision of ' tha commissioners will be
given this year so that there will be no
trouble, when irrigation begins nex
spring.. , ,, .... .
. : Melbourne, Oct 8 That the railway
employes unaer me Victorian govern
ment r BneiMa.11 v -fnvnroA Im bhmuM
by the provision of meals for workshop
employes. Over 2000 men dallv reneiv
a three-course dinnej while at work
ror tne modest sum of sixpence. No
Droflt Can be made bv tha rnllrnert an.
thorf ties, who are simply desirous of
aaaing xo tne comrort of the men.'
,w 500 Cadets at O. A. O.-',
: (Special Dlnpntch to Th Journals '
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
Us, Or Oct , After three weeks' ore
Umlnary drill the tadets wera eauinoed
with their rifles, belts, cartridge boxes
r i
j " a
; The Great Chinese Doctor
: HOATE3 IV, FOBTXkS.VD srrjrOS 18S0
, He Is called the great because he cures all
diseases , without resorting to the knife. Call and
have a - free - examination. He will tell you the
exact nature of your trouble. He treats success
fully every form of female complaint all' private
and blood diseases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheu
matism and all disorders of the stomach,' liver and
kidneya He has had great success in curing con
sumption when the victim is not too much run
down by the disease, and will stop hemorrhages in
an incredibly short time. Ha brews his own medi
cines from' Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and
vegetable teas, all of which are entirely- harmless,
ind whose medicinal properties are . unknown to
American doctors. ' He uses In -bis practice over
500 different Oriental remedies. Hundreds of tes
timonials from grateful patlenta
Li IV. WlfNQUEE, 27 IN. Fifth St.
Rival Companies to Shoot.
(Special IMnpatch to The Journal.
Pendleton, Or., Oct 8. Colonel Ij.
Dunbar of the Third Oregon regiment
has ordered that Company A of Baker
City and Company L of Pendleton en
gage in a shoot on the local range ad
joining this city Nov. . Max 8. Kern
of this city has been appointed range
officer for the shoot Members of the
local rifle team have been practicing
for several days and have hopes ot
being able to carry off the honors.
Pay When Cured
We have every known , remedy ap
pliance for, raEATHrCr TOV.,m Our
narience Is ao area and varied that no
one of the ailments of men is sew to ns.
. .venerai vinuiri r -
somnia Results of exposure.- overwork
and other violations of Katnre's laws.
DIhmhpo ef Bladder and Sidneys. Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
carta at iam expense ana no aeienuon
from Business.- -
KTT-r!TAT. , AIX1CSSTS Newlv con
tracted and chronlo cases cured. ,AU
burning. Itching and Inflammation
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven days. Consultation rree. it un
hi to call, write for list of Questions
Office Hours 9 f A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. tb 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Go;
82H WABimrOTOir BtUZX,
. - Corses Krst. .
Are You Sick?
Dr. D. Qlne; Chow
r Noted herbalist
Jot the Chinese
empire now
associated with
the On Wo Tong
Chinese Ileal
cine Co, This
noted doctor
has learned tha
secrets known
only to the ta
rn ous Chinese
savants for
over 4000 years
and has spe
cially Imported
herbs from the
remote prov
ince! cf China
that positlvoly
cure all Ills of
the human sys
tem. Diseases
of the nervous
system, female
disorder hlnni
fioiscn, numim-n' nA.u.e, ete absolute
y cured. No matter how many doctors
have failed, no matter how manv merit.
clnea you have used without result, call
on us.. We can cure you. - . s -, -Consultation
free,1 Treatments by mall.
On Wo long Chinese Medicine
and Tea Company ,
S3 Boond 9U Hw ft. m. to 10 9. xn
"CV " ajl.
Pill. U IU4 ut 14 aictelUcSVy
bona, aaaicd with Riu Bihia T
tmrnm mm auw. Knr mr tnr
vuMwnv UH-Anu rkLtLMf for aft
Mtn kMvi M UaL SaImL Alwtrt Ktliablsi
HY not put yourself in Dr. Lind
say's care at once? There is
nothing to, be gained by delay or
. "(Trade Mark)
Come NOW to the eminent physicians who
-have established among men the reputation of; standing at
the top of their professionthe physicians who 'have, dur
ing the past 30 years,, a record of CURES in most complicated cases
of, men's ailmerfts unparalleled in the history of medicine.
" ; There's no need of your suffering longercome direct to the Dr, Lindsay
specialists arid be cured. .
Special office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. on Sundays for men who find it
inconvenient to visit us on. weekdays. - ,
If you can't come TODAY, our offices are open weekdays from 9' to 12
; A. M. and from. 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 P; M..'; . ' - : ;
9 :!
128 Second Street
Corner of Alder :
. Our Advertising
Is directed to men of in-telllg-ence
who can see tha
necessity and realise the ur
gency of having themselves
treated by physicians of tha
refy highest type by phy-
slcians who hay-studied
long and - faithfully to fit
. them for the work of spa
olalists In men's ailments.
Th Dr- Lindsay special
; lets have for 10 years been
; . devoting; all their time and
talents to the perfection of
treatments and medicines
for. suoh cages as we are '
1 now seeking to cure. " .
. .: IX you are suffering from '
the "Indiscretions f youth
or from any ohronio all-
N men of the bladder, blood
iZ or kidneys we will be glad
. to have you consult us on
' the case. ,
80 positive ara- we that
we can effect a speedy and
permanent cure that we
make the unqualified prom
4 , lse to - absolutely cure you
or make no charge for our
servioe, 1 1 (
We positively will . not
give treatments . by . mail
you must come to us for
v personal examination, and
then' after first treatments ,
In our office you can carry
' f on your . own treatments at
"hews-irndeT OTirTn8trtlciroflT"
-'- s --is f -mn an
11 , - -
f I
, . . 1 r
11 r .
- No matter If you have been pronounced Incurable by any other physician, don't on
that account hesitate to come to .be for treatment. I have cured hundreds of men
who had been told , that they were Incurable.. - Remember, that my methods are orig
inal with me, and are the result of many years' experience .in medical practice. I
effect a cure in every case I take for treatment because my treatment is adjusted
to the needs of each patient with scientific precision.- 1 leave nothing to guesswork.
I, KNOW when I begin treating a patient that I will perform a complete and per
manent CURB. " Such a cure by my treatment Is Just as certain as that two and two
make four. - --...-...-..... . -..
I claim that nothing less than complete eradjeation of the aliment from the sys
tem Is a real cure., I treat to completely remove the ailment and not merely the
symptoms. I drive out every-root and fiber of the aliment and effect a cure that
-will make you strong and vlgorows for a lifetime ,
- . The cures I effect are the result of my thorough knowledge of every phase of the
aliment I treat and to the fact that I apply Individual treatment to each case In
every Instance I know the ailment and f. know the cure for it. The fact that I agree
.to walVior my fee. until you are cured Is proof of my confidence In my ability to.
euro in-every case. tsome pnysicians assert tnat ' cenain aliments or men are in
curable. I deny that and stand ready to PROVE that by my methods there ia no ail
ment peculiar to men that cannot be cured. ; - . ;v - - :. . ;
You Can Pay Me When You Are Cured
ill jT ' " f '
W ;
The Leading Specialist.
To J u d g e my ability
without - personal con
sulfation may be an in-,
Justice to yourself that
will cost a lifetime of
suffering. Consultation
Is free and confidential
and .you .place yourself
under -. ro obligation - to
me whatever by coming
to- talk with me about
your case.
; taxicossi vxttr.
- Under my treatment the most' aggra
.;. vated cases of varicose veins' ar cured
in a few-days' time. There ,1s no pain,
and it IS seldom necessary that the pa-,
tlent be detained from his occupation.
. Normal circulation is at- once restored y
: throughout and the natural processes of
. waste and repair are again established.
If you are afflicted with varicose Veins
consult -me at once; Delay can bring
on aggravated conditions and nervous
. complications .and involve the general
health. -.. ' - ..
. No ether J physician employs a like
-. treatment, and so thorough- Is my work
that there need not be the slightest fear
of a relapse Into old conditions, ;
" Others dose the system with mineral
? Olsons scarcely less dangerous .. than
he. ailment Itself. The best they hope
, to do by this treatment' is to keep the
ailment from manifesting Its presence
upon the surface of the body. Under
my treatment the entire system is
cleansed. The last taint of virus Is de
stroyed. Every symptom vanishes to
appear no more. I employ harmless,
blood-cleansing remedies heretofore un
known in the treatment of this ailment.
They'cure by neutralising and absolute
ly destroying the poison In the system.
- Such cures cannot be other than com
plete and permanent '
The serious results that may fal
low neglect of contracted ailments
could scarcely be exaggerated.' Safe
ty demands an - absolutely thorough
cure In the least possible time.. I
have treated more cases of contract
ed ailments than any other physician
upon the Pacific coast My cures
are thorough and are accomplished In
less time than other forms of treat
ment require in s producing even
doubtful results. I employ, remedies
of my own devising, and tny treat
ment is equally effective in both re
cent and chronlo cases. r.
" My treatment for obstructions re
moves the necessity for surgical op
erations even in severe case of long
standing. I do no cutting nor dilat
ing. No other physician employs my
methods of overcoming this ailment,
so the service I offer you Is original
and distinctive. Do not rive up hope
because others have failed. I will
cure you. and the cure will be a
prompt and painless one. My treat
ment dissolves and subdues all In
flammation, relieves all Irritation at
congestion that may exist In the kid
neys or bladder, and restores health.
oxnua tkim.
.' Nervous trouble is merely a
symptom of chronic Inflamma
tion brought : on by the Im
proper treatment of some ' all-,
ment- A complete and radical
cure is therefore a . question of
restoring the - system to Its
normal state, and this X ac
complish promptly and com
pletely without the use of In
ternal remedleA lily treat
ment is a local - one entirely.
It Is original and sclentlflo and
has been proved absolutely ef
fective by thousands of tests.
I am convinced that by - no
other methods can full and per
manent restoration be accom
plished. . .
' Twenty-five years of suc
cessful practice in men's ali
ments enable me to apply the
proper methods and medicines.
All medicines are prepared In
my own private laboratory and
are absolutely fresh and pure.
Advice . and Consultation Free
' . -Come and have a private talk with me concerning your 'ailment Even if you are not prepared to undergo
treatment a this time, I can always give helpful suggestions-to men who are ailing or sick. If - you cannot
come to Pofilam'., write for particulars of my system of home treatment Interesting literature and colored
charts free if you wrii call. .. ........:..........,-....-
My offices are. open"cU day f rom t A. M. to t P. M.. and on Sundays, from 10 A. M. to IT. M.
JT cm Tn
wis- wm
Men Cured
r ExamlneYour self
Thousands of young and middle aged men
are annually swept lo a premature grave
through nervous oomplalnts and blood sol.
ments. If you have any of the tellcwlnf
symptoms, consult me before it Is too lata.
Are you nervous, weak, specks before your
eyes, with dark circles Under them, -weak
baok, ktdneys . Irritable, palpitation of tha
heart bashful, sediments in urine pimple
en thet face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks,
careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless. '
moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair
muse, iun inroaL exo.r n so, j eaa premise
you a permanent ours or ao pay.
Call and let as give yon a oarafuL pains
taking axamlnatloa absolutely free. (ur
jplnloa and advice will cost you nothing.
Perhaps a little advice is all you neel
X-Ray examinations, whan neoeaaary, free.
Iso money required to commence treatment
. and you aaa arrange to pay fee when cure
FOR $5 to $10 FEE
ConsuKatlon, Advice
and Examination
Remember Tlicrc Is No Man too Poor to Be Cured by Us
We Treat Diseases of f.Ien Only and Guaranlcc Cures
Cured in a few weeks. Improvements from the star.
rOU suffer from loss ofT anars-v an4 imhltlAn
red when you arise In the mornlnar. lamt Kant- aia.
slnesA spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the
ssan you once was, I will cure you for Ufa
.Call and I will explain why It oures when all else
falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at
onoo, aad don't delay. ., . -
Wa euro these diseases by a method peculiarly our
own. Our eure removes every - obstruction from tha
urinary passage, allays Inflammation, reduces the pros
. tate gland,, oleanses and heals the bladder, kidneys.
Invigorates and restores health and soundness to ev
ery pax i n me ooay sxruo tea with tne disease.
I dally ' demonstrate that varicose veins ean be
eured. In nearly all eases, by one treatment in suoh a
satisfactory way that a healthy circulation is rapidly
reestablished, and instead of the depressing conditions
I guarantee you a cure or refund the moneyt .
If you have sore throat mucous patches,' pimples,
copper colored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fall
ing hair or any other symptoms of this disease, you
should consult us and be forever rid ef it Our treat
ment 'Cleanses, and eradicates every - taint and every
impurity of the blood and system. Alt danger of trans
mission or recurrence Is removed. Whv take nolsonous
drugs for years when a thorough ours can be obtained
Consult us at once.
ws vws Fromptlt, SAr JBLT and TKOBOTJOJn,T and at the Lowest Ooet, AB-TOOWB Tim, vrBAmrr
Droa, BVEJSXN, rXCiUNCJ aad XSri.kmik.TXOS, BE&TOUSJrEM, LOSS of Hl&SXatU and Disorders of Men.
Our fees as specialists for oures are less than thoae charged by family physicians or surgeon. Jiod!oins
farnlsned' from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy ef our Tnt3tits, from II. Be to ti fd a fn'M.
If you oannot call, write, for pur JTaJB KSU V,T 4 MTWATXOJB' BLAB K AH B BOOK, " Hocrs. t A TV to 5 u."
, Ptilil,.J., IV
vsoings,T" to t"
a. m. to 13 m. only.