The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 45, Image 45

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Miss 'Evelyn Wilson, and Miss Anlt;
Burns, who returned with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter John Burns. The return of MIks
Burns Is of particular Interest oh ac
count of. her work In the world of art
ag her "particular talent for portraits
""'jring her stay In Florence she had
a picturesque studio in the hills over
looking Florence' and enjoyed the dis
tinction of studying with George. De
Forest BruKU until his return to Amer
ica a year ago. Mr. Brush is now oc-t
cupying the studio of Proctor, the noted
animal sculptor, In McDougal alley, the
haunt of New York artists. : proctor
in turn has taken art attic studio where
he is modeling some heroic animals to
be placed on either side of the ap
proaches to one of the bridges over the
Potomac, . . -. . i .
s..):;, .r.'iV'. -X .-''' ' "V ':,-
Friends of Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Malpas
have been grieved to learn of the death
f .their young son, Frederick, on Frl
day of last week. Master Malpas, who
had been in poor health for a year, was
ln Victoria with his -father and seemed
much improved when a sudden, change
tor the worse called Mrs. Malpas north,
and the endxame Quickly; !V?r
tc.i. ;;,:.' ;.;':!,; ' M, :..:.'-IVf.(.' 'W':
Mrs Wallace MeCamaht was a lunch
eon hostess Friday: in compliment to
,Miss Grace ; Warren,, whenfaddltional
'eruests Were Miss Warren. 'MisaJsabella
aauld,""'M4ss , Mary - Livingstone, Hiss
Maida "Hart. Miss Margaret Catlin and
Mrs. Henry Falling (Miss Avellne Web-
f -. ; ,;. V X ..V'-,it.V'-Y-l..
. A delightful ; bit : of news to reach
Portland is the approaching marriage of
Miss Louise Jean Bruere of New York
and "Walter U Whittlesey formerly of
Portlands The romance had its incep
tion at Seaside a year ago, when Mr.
Whittlesey was on hit vacation, here
for the summer and Miss Bruere was
spending , year with her brother,! Dr.
Q. E, Bruere. i After leaving Portland
Mr. Whittlesey occupied the chair of
mathematics at Princeton, but is now .
connected -wkh- the- WesternTJnion in
New York. Miss Bruere has' a delight.
IUi soprano voice ana nas Deen nearu
, entertained during her stay here- The
date of the' wedding has. been set for
November 39. '...''?.-?:,;,";,
-ih- !' :'' w ir '
i A pretty compliment to Miss" fclanche
fichott was Miss Marguerite Boschke's
luncheon on Tuesday. The table was
t centered wun a gracerui cluster or pinK
- dahlia nd the Trtaeearas7Were Water
colors of the same flowers About the
table were seated Miss 8chott,MtSB' Nel
lie Flake of Belton, Texas. Miss Ruby
Crlchton, Miss came jveai wecner or
The Dalles, Miss Marjorle Forbls, Mrs.
Joseph -Hawkins, Mlsa Louise Williams,
Mrs. George W. Boschke and - Miss
Boschke. "' " " v.-
t", ' - '
, Mrs. WV B.'Ayer invited 12 guests to
her 'handsome home on Nineteenth, and
Jphnson - Thursday for luncheon with
bridge following;.
I! Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn with Miss
. Elizabeth Sawyers entertained inform
ally at bridge recently when card, hon
ors were won by Miss MargeryvForbis
and Theodore Brown. - .
ll ' v s y u
I ? ' r At ill!
- rs . .
. I i - J. f .. . I
v -j . . -m-r .
1.- -:-.v.:":.r:?; v ,tm m imm !
'".ffvylj?? " r'" If i "
' Sewall. arrived at the came time and Mabel Olson. , Charles Patnee acted as
is visiting Mrs. Edward Cookingham. best man. A wedding dinner was served
j Jfrs. A. M. Williams of Seattle arrived after the ceremony.'
I Thursday front The Dalles, where she w
(visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wil- Miss Gertrude A. McMillen and Paul
I Hams. She is with her daughter, Mrs. van FrtdaKh were married Wednesday at
I Russell E. Sewall. , . "The Hill," by Rev. H. D. Chambers.
S Mr anH fr van Pptflairh left at nn
Miss Mabel Withvcombe of CorvaHIs for California. Thev will be at home at
is the guest bf Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt Twenty-sixth and Overton streets after
in her St Clair street home. January 1. .' '
Miss Lnella HaighV who has been .Emerett Sword and Miss Bessie Fox
spending the summer visiting, the At- were marriC(j at their residence, 1041
lantlc seashore, has returned to New Belmont street, Saturday evening, Oc-
Y.ork for the winter. Later she will t0D4r 1( ty the Rev j j staub of the
10 jumea oy au ss Anne onannon imn- sunnyside Congregational church.
roe, who is wun irienas . in mo v-ni-
skiils. '.;"; -', '
r., .. f waV- Wan-v utt nnlted in marriage Thursday afternoon,
c 5.: Mrs j., Francis Bailey left October; ,( at the ; parsonage of th
home in Washougal, Wash., where, Dr.
Bailey is called by his milling inter
ests. Mrs. Bailey will, however, be.a
frequent visitpr In Portland., She spent we3rW.dn
Harry Q. Lee and Bessie Roscie were
Sunnyside Congregational church by the
Rev. J. J. Staub.
William Hance and Mlsa Edith Davey
Wednesday and Thursday of last week
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Marbury Beall, who
have been domiciled at Alexandra Court
tober 6, at the M. E. parsonage,, by Dr.
Benjamin Young. ;
- -
Emmett , H. Kelly and Miss , Ella L.
: u-i Inrith. uff w-Vfl. Studebaker, both of this city, were mar-
for , the last three months, left Monday , ,,.,,.,',, --, nK. k t
evening for the east. Mr.' Beall toppee J01 'V"tl ? Flev!
n-h- r-ii- -,k ,in the M. B. church. parsonage, 22l.Elev-,
Inte.:' buT"; Bil'
is New' York, where she will spondthe lT""-
remainder of the month with her daugh.
ters, Mrs. Jordan and Miss Daisy Beall,
before sailing for Europe in November,
J. Arthur Mtnzles and , Miss Florence
A. Oauld were married at urace sww-
wheS she w!ll be meby Mn BeU in If,
.:.' J 'X.','''-'',-,'t-v''..-,'''-:.-'v (
, it S, Diistih Was married to; Marga-
the -spring.
Miss Constance French of The Dalles
spent the week
c'"r. ret Stewart at Grace Lethodlst church,
with Miss Mayme Helen S- pr. J.' H..CudUpp, officiating.
William Klumpp Co., Wedding lnvl-
rVi.J;Xn i ome.' visiting, "business -cards,
" aT. .iJKUSS. monogram V stationery, wedding cake
aiBieiy upon weir ruru ui ruiuo.m : f W4shirtrt0n it; Main 926.
they will leave for California to spend Pi8' - , - -" g
six months.
Adolphe Wolfe left Tuesday for the
east,, where he will spend a month in
Cincinnati arid New York. . 1
scores were made and prizes awarded to
Mrs. R. W. Frane and Mrs. J. W, Mor
row. Those who enjoyed Mr$ Fraley's
hospitality were Mrs. Harry Beckwith,
Mrs. Luther Hamilton, Mrs. Frank Ham
ilton, Mrs. Harry Coffin, Mrs. J. Vnn
Lone, Mrs. C. W. Lowe, Mrs. C A. Mil-
llman, Mrs. John Pearson, Mrs. William
Dyrne. Mrs. George Egan, Mrs. Howard
Covey, Mrs. Arthur Sanders, Mrs. Earl
Morrew, Mrs. Frank Waller, Mrs. W. D.
Fraley, Mrs. C, M. Fraley, Mrs.; R. W.
Frane, Mrs. Maud Estes, Mrs. M. A.
Penny, Mrs. Walter Relnbach. Mrs. Clark
O. Leiter, Mrs. Melvln Winestock,. Mrs.
Willis Maguire, Mrs. H. N. Randal and
Mrs. H.. F. Ong.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nordstrom enter
tained about 35 of their friends last
Saturday evening with 600. Luncheon
was served, followed bv a musical uro
gram; Miss Edith Nordstrom, who has
just returned from another, trip, was
heard in vocal and piano selections. Miss
Vrda Wells In piano numbers, and the
two "Nordstrom Boys" lit songs. Charles
KJngsbury enterfained'for a while with
mpgical Illusions and card tricks. Prises
for highest scores in, 600 were won by
Mrs. Fred Drews and Mr. Nolta. Consol
ation prizes by Mrs. C , X. Williams and
J; C- Johnson. Those present were:
Mf.. and Mrs. Theodore-Wells, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles. Foleen,; Mr., and Mrs, Fred
Drews, Mr. and Mrs. P, Fischer,' Mr. and
Mrs. C J- Williams; Mr. and Mrs. M.
Anderson, Mr, and Mrs. D. K, Illif, J. C.
J ohnson. Mrs. M.: Tiffany. Mr. t Nolta.
Miss Cftrrle . Olsffn, A. Megnuson, Mies
O. Peterson, Migs victoria Williams. G.
fearspn;. Miss -Li Jungnet,; , Mrs.. : Ted
r-pa.rson, Mrs. - to., ariggs, wm; xinany,
Mias yerda ' Wells, Charles Kingsbury,
Mrs; J, Williams,. Miss France Johnson,
Miss Nordstrom and the Nordstrom chil
dren. . ; The' decorations for,' the evening
consisted of athumn leaves and autumn
- 1 .
The Graded Su'nday Schpot Union met
Thursday afternoon at the-White Tem
ple, with a lars an.l ut '- i -bership
present. In t'io !"..
Fmrirh, the junior wurkei s 11
formal discussion, r!. '('. II. .
had charge of th ln-t, t r. !it '.
C. D. Minton, gave an u!ms:,i':'
primary lesson, '
The -new programs show ('
ins; list of officers: rrVsid-'nt. .
K. Steele; vice president, Mrs, M. i
Meacham; Junior vice . presidfnt. Mi t
George Coombs;, primary yloe pn-s-iilo:., C. A. 'Jtfordeh; beginners vw pro
ldent. Miss Jean .Wolverton; teaol, s- .'
teachers', training class. Mr. ; 1! .
Black; secretary, ," Miss Grace 1 :.;
treasurer, Mrs. J. R, Greenfield: sut-i
representative, Mrs. :M. E. Toby: f!M,i ,
crker. Mrs. J. W. Wilklns; llbr.irian
and i social, Mrs. L. C. phllps; sand table
Mrs. C D. Mlnton; music. Miss iiyriis
Muir; press, Mrs. C. T. McPheYson; ;
One of the pleasant affairs of the
week was, a whist party and dance giv
en by Jretra Circle, Women, of Wood
craft, last Thursday night The hull
was decorated with autumn leaves an y
green and red lights. v f
, -
Thirty members of George Wright,
Post, and, Relief Corps gave Mrs., Mag
gie Greene a housewarming surprise in
her new vhome at ' Elmhurst . Thursday
evening. .The 'eyenlng was much en
Joyed with musio and cards,! and many.
were the expressions, of admiration of
her comfortable .and well planned new
home. .The rooms were attractively
decorated with autumn leaves by Char
lie ,,Greene(',who helped carry out the -;
surprise on, his imother.-- Mrs.f Greene
la an officer in the Relief Corps. Re
freshments Were served.
' Mrs. Gordon Lang entertained In hon-.
or of Miss Ethel Heald .of. Billings,
Mont, October 4, at Past Fourteenth and
Belmont streets. ; Mrs; Ella B. Jone ,
played two classics on the piano, 'Hu- 1
moreske;", by ' Dvorak; end the "Sex-
(Continued on Following ,Page.
Mra. A. Kyer on "Miss Mitty," top; miss Ellenore Laldlaw ot Spokane
with champion Ambassador, bottom. .tttv:
I'A few friends of Mrs. George Beach
came in "Tuesday to play bridge w!,th
her. The prize was carried off by Miss
Nina Guthrie. Additional guests were
Mrs.' R.A. Leiter, . Miss Leila Guthrie,
Mlsa Clara Howell, Mrs. Cliffod ,'Mar
Shall. Mrs. Oliver G. Walker Miss Eve
lyn Rigler) and Miss Caroline Benson.
J Mlsa Elizabeth Sander of Seattle, Who
Was the house guest of Miss Elisabeth
j. Stewart- for-10 - days,-returned -t- ber
northern home Monday ' While in Port
liand Mlsa Sander was the inspiration
for tornt delightful informal entertain
ing. Among her hostesseswere Miss
Stewart, Miss Alice rorDes ana miss
; Mamie Dunn. Miss Stewart .was re
cently the much feted guest of Miss
- Sander in Seattle. ,-
A Mrs. Geore F. Brlce entertained the
Portia club Tuesday at her East
Twenty-eighth street home which was
prettily decorated for the occasion with
asters and sweet-peas in "pastel shades.
Three tables Of 600 were played and
prizes won by Mrs. John Manning and
Mrs. Frank Grant. Mrs. Oglesby Young
will be the next hostess. Those present
were: Mrs. W. Y. Masters, Mrs. Clyde
' B. Aitchison. Mrs. H. B. Adams, Mre.
George B. Sellers, Mrs. Oglesby Young,
Mrs. B. 8. Pague, Mrs. B. S, Huntingt6n,
Mrs. George W, Stapleton; Mrs. L, B.
' Reedcr, Mrs, L. T. Graham and J. B.
Hofford. '
1 The members of the Collegiate alum
nae and the Oregon alumnae are busy
' preparing for the Shaw-Priest lycsum
course, which they ' are to have this
Winter. The course is designed as a
means of adding to the scholarship
fund for sending some girl to the Uni
verslty of Oregon, and this Is the first
time . that the two associations have
Joined 'In the work. The general com
mittee is made up. of Mrs. R. C. French,
preeldent; Mrs. George Beach, socretary
end treasurer; Mrs. E. T, Taggert, Mrs.
J. L. Travis. Mrs. Forrest Fisher, Mrs.
Robert R. Boyer (Miss Gaeta Ivorda
Wold). Mrs. Samuel Banks (Miss Elea
nor Macdonald), Dr. Katherine C. Man-
Wn, Miss Emma Grlebel, Miss Cora Fat
'tee and Miss Jessie Hurley. Monta
Villa. Flowers, a recitative Interpreter, is
the first booking' for November 10, at
Masonic temple. Mme. Langendorf. con
tralto, is the second, for November 27,
also at Masonic temples Judge Ben
Llndsey will speak December 7 at the
Armory. Others to appear on the course
are W. L. Hubbard of the Chicago Trib-
tme. who will lecture on music; ex
Goprn oc Joseph.. W. Folk, Senator J on
a'han P. Dolllver, tHe Hustons and the
Dunbar male quartet. v
;Mrs. Charlotte P. Curtlss gave the
, second of her delightful, lectures Mon
day morning .at the KnieWts of Pyth
las hall before .smart assemblage of
10. The subject was Maeterlinck's "Blue
Bird," a portion of which was read fov
lowed by interpretations.
f:Amonir the many clubs to reorganise
for the season 1 is the Auction Bridge
erub. which will play 1 straight brldg
this year. k The ; club will meet next
Tuesday with the Misses Nina and Leila
i 1 11 1
Guthrie, and the members are Mrs. R.; A.
Leiter, Mrs. Oliver Walker (Miss Evelyn
Rigler), Mrs. Clifford Marshall, Miss
Clara Howell, Mrs. Gerald Goodsell
(Miss Lorena. Strauhal), Miss Carolipe
Benson, Miss June, Sterling, Mrs. Rob
ert Sarrell. Mrs. Irving Stearns,. Miss
Bess Allen, Mrs,. George. Beach and the
Misses Nina and Leila Guthrie.
w '
The U. D. C held their annual card
party Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. W. T. Joplin, 473 Clackamas street
Ten tables of five hundred were played
and prizes won by Mrs. George Shaver,
Mrs. U H. "Adams, Mrs. BlaeBlng. Dr.
Melllsh, Mr. Blaeslng and Mr. Teary.
The room- carried -decor ationa- of - red
and white flowers and in the all were
two beautiful flags, one of the United
States and one of the Confederacy. Dur
ing the evening Mrs. Gadis Nichols sang.
Mrsr-Joplin was . assisted in receiving
her guests by the wesldent. Mrs. Nana
Duff Sllva, and Mrs. George H. Thomas.
The fund raised is to be applied to the
Shilo monument and to the Raven Gap
educational fund.
V in n Al I IKIT
Buchanan blog. Washington st.
been made to -decorate the Armory;
where the ball will be given, in becom
ing style. An orchestra of 18 pieces has
been engaged for the event. The patron
esses are: Mrs. H. L. Plttock, Mrs. J.
G. Mack, Mrs. E. A. Beals, Mra John
Annand, Mrs. J. P. Moffltt, Mrs. W E.
Finzer, Mrs. F. E. . Watkins, Mrs. R. D.
Cannon, Mrs. J. K. "Locke, Mrs. T. M.
Hurlburt, Mrs. H. P. Palmer, Mrs. R. S.
Farell, Mrs. Robert Krohn, Mrs. J. H.
Bukgard, Mrs. C. C. Newcastle, Mrs. J.
H. Hall, Mrs. D. G. Tomasini, Mrs. B:
H. Nicoll. Mrs. 1'an Humason. Mrs. G.
M. Hyland and Mrs. Richard Martin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rumelin and
Miss Jthoda Rumelin returned Monday
morning from a two months' eastern
trip. The Rumellns made stops in Chi
cago and New York, but a large portion
of time was spent in Glenn s - Falls,
New York, and at Lake George. The re
turn trip was made by the southern
Fridav afternoon Arthur Menztes was
- '' la ':"n.4'r'-rt-..i the redolent of a pleasant surprise In
wr. uu Jain, rcior AViuv.iav.Acii nets r: 1 " 'j k .4 .
guests at the Nortonia last week, when tha form of 77X- ll
. . ........ I Aati on vanriftrArl him n V his fellOW mem-
tney came aown rrom inetr rancn at i v- - -- - ---
Wte Salmon. , ??r of. e "taf of AL..8
, , . ",. ' . tauonai Dana as. a ionn. ui nion -On-Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sher- teem. After the force had assembled
Hn started for New York and Washing-; in the directors' room,, Mr.,inenzies was
ton. where they will remain an lndefi- brought in and listened) to a clever 1m
nite length of time! , promptu presentation speech by Mr.
XTr m David t lwis era ex- with a few words of thanks. The oe-
nil hrnna Miv no tntnnrmw frnm I caslOn Of the DresentattOn WaS his TS-
. . . ... . .. i 4 - m.u.nAnM
a month s sojourn in Britifn; uommDia, cem mms w "
' - 1 Wfc Villa K ,. i n, ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. I-add who have! . ";w ''i'--S',.. .
been the aruesta t)f Dr. and Mrs. W. L. I A charming farewell party was given
Hubbard for the past , month haye,ro- I last.JJriday evening t-th-home-sitIlss
turned home to Vancouver, B. C Ruth Mack in honor , or miss t,tnei
-t- .rown who leavea snortiy ror uanror-
Los Angeles society is rejoicing over nla where she expects to spend the
the rapid recovery of iMrs. Walter Scott winter. The evening was spent ' in
Newhall, who has been confined to her, games and music. Those present' were
handsome home in Chester Place by ill- Miss Ethel Brown, Miss ; Pauline
ness. Mrs. Newhall is now able to re- steintz. Miss Martha Holdpri, Miss
eelve her friends and Will fill her aci Gertrude Duncan, Miss Luclle Brlstal,
customed place in the mid-winter gaiety,' Miss Lillian Bohnsen, Miss Ruth Blair,
' " w t ' Miss Ruth Mack,, Ted Stiles, Jack Bair,
Miss Claire Gakes. who Went east to will Sureck,-Dell O'Hanlon, . Gilbert
enter the New England. Conservatory McLenn, Walter Hummal.
of Muste, some time ago, has made a )( jl, '
brilliant showing and has been accepted Mrs. Ed Fraley entertained Friday
by Carl Baermann, who heads the list with a prettily appointed 600 afternoon,
of conservatory piano teachers. Mr: wnen seVen tables of the game were
Baermann aocepted her without ques-j enjoyed.' Harvest decorations were used
tions or examination after hearing he aiuj the rooms were brilliant with a
Geo. P. Mummelin & Sons
H XTnM ri.-.
IXnAlTl Angeles. Reed Rumelin. who ao.
del the Lois Steers-Wynn Coman direc
tion at now Baker theatre Tuesday night.
with Antonio. Seoul and Mme. Bernice
de Pasquall as the bright particular
stars, was only a repetition of the so
cial and artistic success of , these af
fairs during the past seasons.' The pop
ularity of these concerts, which society
and music h)ver have claimed for their
own pleasure, is attested by the largo
increase in the subscription list which
had to be closed on account of lack of
room. The new theatre with its pretty
trimmings of buff and blue was a
charming setting for the many beauti
fully gowned women who graced the au
ditorium. -."'
The Washington High School alumni
gave a reception and dance in honor of
the senior class on . Friday, evening at
Christensen's hall. . The patronesses were
Mrs. Cary Harrison, Mrs. G. Xr Oetrom
Mrsr Ev-1 Brobet MrsrN. T. Swedley,
Mrs. McGaw, Miss Wlnnlfred I Hayes,
Miss Es telle Pattee, Miss Estelle Ar-
mitage and Miss Cora Wold.' On the
floor committee was Miss Edith' Brobst,
Miss Helen Ostrom, Miss Hazel Coots,
Miss Georgian Smedley, Fay- Douglas
and Raymond Blngletary.
. w
The Ladies Aid society of the cathe
dral parish took its annua! outing to
the St. Agnes Baby home Thursday,
Luncheon wae served at the home and
the following off Icors of the society
were installed: Mrs. P. J. Cronln, pres
ident; Mrs. J. R. Wiley, vice president;
Mrs. John Maginnis, secretary, and Miss
McKay, treasurer.
,-. : -.. .-.' . .--Miss
Katherine " Therkelsen enter
talned recently at the Hotel Nortonia
with a prettily appointed luncheon for a
group of young girls. -
The Hawthorne Study club held its
first meeting of the winter Wednesday
with Mrs, L. . H. Adams on Clackamas
street -
The girls of St Helen's hall will hold
their annual bazaar In the gymnasium
on Ford street the afternoon and even
ing of November 8. They are follow
ing the teachlrfgs" of the Consumers
league and preparing early for Christ
mas. The funds from the bazaar are
to be used in building the new chapel
when the school moves to - its new
riverside site. ,v ,:.';;;;.;
:v ,-... -. a--;-" --
The Pan Hellenic held it first tegu
lar monthly meeting Saturday at the
home of Mrs. Alan Welch Smith . on
Tenth street At these ' meetings ; the
society sews rortne aaoy nome.
. ' '".'j..'.: .. ; A, .t.'., .
The first division of the Shakespeare
Study club Will meet with Mrs. F. fl,
Everts, 828 Eleventh street, Monday
October 10, at a o'clock. - i
--r-'-r;rrw : ...... !-. -
Mrs. Charles I Boss has sent ' out
cards for five hundred, October 25, 26,
; Mrs. J. E, Cameron and Miss Cameron
are entertaining at tea Friday In the
.llrtlngtnn noma. m.
. '-...-; '... " -tt ftr
Scores of out of town Shrinera have
secured tickets f or the dance to be given
by Al vKader temple, Ancient Arabic
Order of Noblos of Mystic Shrine, on
Friday night October 14. Flans' have
companled his parents east ' has
malned to enter Lawrenoevllle. ,
" Mr. and Mrs. . lenry McCracken
returned Wednesday from a fortnight's
Journey to British Columbia.
Mrs.-. Thomas G. Galley end small
daughter are spending a week in Pen
dleton. ,.,.
..... - ... 4. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leadbetter sailed ' I
for America the first" of this month, 'peka, -Kan., and Miss Nellie Baird, Bar-
They have been gone since the first of jberton. Wash. Those from . Portland
June and will reach Portland Just be- were Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Richards. Mr.
fore the opening of the horse show. ana Mrs. u. a. waiem, air. ana Mrs. a.
jf, . ., ttracKinDnage, Mr.-ana mrs. . i naries 1
Miss Mabel Shea returned home Sun- i Moore, Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Cunningham,
day after a summer spent in travel Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simmons, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Butler, Mr. ana Mrs a. m. 1
Gray, Misses- Nellie and Elsie Sim
mons, Misses Bessie, Edna and Marlon
Cross, Miss Ef f ie Baird, Miss R. Moore,
Miss Goldle DanielsoQ, Miss Mattle
TenEyck, Miss Nina V. Palmer, Miss
Edna Gray, Rev. Henry Marcotte and
Misses Zellar, Halem and Nelson. Mr.
and Mrs. Kelly went to housekeeping
at once and will be at home to their I
friends at Halsey Court after Octo
ber 15.
' w :
Mrs. Harry Adams, formerly of Port-;
land, nowl of San Francisco, who ar
rived in Portland Tuesday, has been
taken ill and' Is at present at the Good.
Samaritan hospital.
r . y . .. ' -'-'. '
Miss L. Cora Gray and Samuel B.
Kelly were married - Monday 'everHng,
October. 8, at the sldenee of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gray, 834
Halsey street, by the Rev. Henry Mar
cotte, pastor, of the Westminster Pres-
oyterian churcn in the presence of a
number of invited guests. The house j
was beautifully decorated with ferns,
autumn leaves and trailing vines. The
bride was becomingly gowned in white
and carried a large bouquet of bride's
roses, with white streamers. Miss Edna
B. Gray, sister of the bride, was maid
o? honor. She was gowned in white
over pink and carried pink carnations.
The groom was attended by -W. J. Nel
son. Miss Nina V. Palmer presided al
the piano, playing Lohengrin's . wed
ding march. After the ceremony sup
per was srved, the color scheme in
dining room being pink and white, car
ried out in pink carnations and white
rlbboni The out-of-town guests we?Fe
Mrs. M. Hathaway, Martinez, Califor
nia, grandmother of the groom; Mrs.
John 'Kelly, Spokane, Wash., mother of
the groom; Mrs. Hessle Thompson, To-
profusion of autumn leaves and sun
1 flowers. During the afternoon solos
were sung by Mrs. Clark O. Leiter and
Mrs. Maud Estes, with a piano solo by
Mrs. H. F. Ong. The high and, low
Bet. Washington - and Alder
panulacturing Furriers
; Neckwear and Mulfs !
... London Dye Our Specialty -
Established t870
. .. Phones Main 491, A-7aj8
Corsets If
For the European continent
branch Nemo factory
Vol. 1
No. 3
through the east with her father, J. F.
Shea. Miss Shea was recently the
guest of her sister, Mrs. William Cas
tle man at Forth Ethan Allen, Va.
and Mrs. J. R. Patterson with
Miss Alice Taylor, left a short time ago
for a motor trip to Klamath Falls and
back through the Deschutes canyon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Globs and son
Frederick, left Wednesday morning for
Danville, 111., where they will visit with
Mrs. Glbbs' parents. From there they
will go, to New York, returning to Port
land by way of the south. The trip will
consume about two months.
Mrs. P. L. Willis, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. George H. Not-
tage, in Seattle, for the past fortnight,
returned home the latter .part of. the
week. .-, . - .
Mrs. H. C. Wortman, with heriugh-
ter, Miss Helen Wortman, and her son.
Everett Wortman, left for New York
lest Saturday, where she will spend
about eight months, returning to Port
land the first or May.
Miss. Ruth Woolsey, who was the
guest of Miss Janet Noble for several
weeks recently, has since been visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Hubbard F. Alexander,
In Taooma- Miss Woolsey left for her
home In Santa Roa, Cal., Saturday last
Miss Kate Cameron Simmons has re
turned from New York, where she spent
the summer in the pursuit of her ar
tistic Inclinations. Miss Simmons is
again In charge of the Portland Art as
sociation, '. --- :" v'
'-;''".. f "rv:,."-:4 .:
Mr. and , Mrs. Elmer T., Connell of
Deer Island left Monday , morning for
Chicago and New York to be absent six
weeks , or , more. ' Mr. Connell is an
Amherst man, and will attend a reunion
of the' Chi Psl fraternity ' during his
absence. Mrs. Connell was Miss Helen
Steiwer of SaJem before her marriage,
and frequently - a ' house-guest of . Mrs.
Harriet K. McArthur.
- - , js. .
Mr. and Mrs.:,Newton Bisslnger re
turned the first of the week from Call-
The marriage of Miss Catherine Et
Murset and Franklyn A. Marsales was
solemnized Thursday evening at the
rome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Murset, 18S9 Bellvue avenue, Los I
Angeles. Rev. Luclnger of the Presby
terian church officiated. The wedding
march Was played by Frank Hurlbert.
The bride's gown was white silk corded
mulL over white .allk and she carried a
sbower bouquet of lilies of the valley.
Miss Gertrude Erbel attired in white
'over pink Bilk, attended the bride as
maid of honor. She carried pink sweet
peas. Alfred . Walfer -attended the
groom. In honor of the occasion the
home was deoc-rated in white carnations
and emllax. After a short wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Marsales will be at
home at 1632 Council street, Los Ange
la a, Cal. v '
At the United Evangelical church,
153 Willamette ; boulevard, on October
1, Fred Vollmann and Emma Zeplln
were,--by Rev J, Bowersox, united in
marriage. '., The bride has for some time
resided at 808 East Fourteenth street
north. The groom hales from Spring
water, Clackamas county, and they will
reside there.
, . ..... , , , .
At the home1- of Rev., A. B. Walts,
Thursday evening, October 8, Clarence
L. Chandler and Miss Elizabeth Wolcott
were married. Mr. Chandler is a brass
finisher in one of the factories of Port
land. Miss Wolcott has for several
years been head of the art department
at Olds, Wortman t& King's store. They
wilt reaide-at vil East stark street
Victor B. Elliot and Miss Maud E.
initArann. 'hnth nf thin r.Mv wr mar
ried Wednesday evening, October 8, al
the home. of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Miss Florende Williams Of Seattl aN
rived Monday evening to be the guest
of her sister, -Mrs. Russell E. Sewall.
Mrs. 'Arthur G. Dunn, also of Seattle,
and a sister of Miss Williams and Mrs.
Stout Women No Longer Monopolize
the Nemo Hygienic Service
Many women still think that all
Nemos are for stout figures. No
doubt some dealers encourage this
erroneous belief, because they like
to sell goods that" sell eastest and
Nemo Self-Keduclng Corsets praci?
cally Bell themselves, the world over.
The truth is that the "Blender"
Nemos do just as much for women
of slight build as the more famous
Self-Reducing Corsets do for their
stout sisters same hygienic ejtcel
- lence, same comfort wjth: perfect
style, same unequaled durability.
Your dealer will show you the
"Blender" Nemos, if you insist.
' Nemos the World's Standard
Ktw York Pre, Mar. 13, 1910,)
This American rjroduct the Nemo
Corset is worn in every part of the
world where women wear corsets.
Lastikops Corset No. 330
Most Stylish and Comfortable) Corset
Ever Made for Slender Figures
Nemo No, 330 is not merely' an
improvement it's an actual revolu
tion in corset making.
. Such a corset could never have
been made before we invented our
new "Lastikops Webbing" -and can
never be made without it
. It is a t&au
tiful model,
with long, lines
that give
slight form the
acme of slender
And it's
healthful, and
for those 'two
bands of semi
tlastio Lasti
kops Webbing
perfectly sup
port the inter
nal organs,
completely pre
vent -t hit
cramped, bear
ing-down feel
Nemo "Relief Band?'
In Soir-Roduolrtg Corsets 1'CLOQ
Kos. 403 end 405 ?fww
Some stout women do not need the
extreme support of the Lastikops
Bandlet; therefore, thousands are
perfectly satisfied with Nemos made
with Nemo Jttehef Bands, which is
the next best reducing device.
Greatest of all Inventions for Figure
Reduction and Control . ,
The illustration below shows the
construction of the semi-elastic
Lastikops Bandlet: also Its position
in the corset, and that comfortable
supporting curve, which cannot be
produced by any other fabric, and
which insures the highest degree ox
fashionable slenderness. . . -
g2$N4330 '
fnfnlo whr ihav fiavn Viaan innnrn,
ing for the past six monthaJajfljMt "t
tnrr-wnrliarrf 6f"ETfobeT i- .... Tfre Vwooalawn. r. The ring oererhony
was performed In the presence of thel
immediate relatives, and friends, by Rov.
Mr. - Wright of the Woodlawn ChristUn
church, The bride wore a gown of 1
creani ughmere and carried whit oar-
nations. Ehe was attended by Miss
ing, and insure absolute hygienic
safety, no matter how tightlyjpujace.
been fitted in a Nemo No. 530 iviU
ever willingly ioear any other corset.
' Fine white coutiL sizes 18 to '26;
; Lastikops hose Bupporters-$3J&0.r
No. 405. for tall stout figures, has
high bust and a long skirt that comes
Well around to the front and reduces
hips and upper limbs. The Relief
B ands follow the curve of the lower
abdomen, giving firm support from
underneath Fine white coutil, sizes
20 to 8o-rS4.00, '
' No. 403 is a similar model, but
with lower bust and under arm, for
short-waiBted stout women $4.00.
The wonderful comfort "ftf Nemo
Corsets is due to the Nemo patented
tnventtona-which, of course, cannot
be UsdU in any dther corsets, . ,
The Bandlet 'gives better zupport
than the best separate abdominal
band you can buy at any price; self-
adjusting, can t slip out of place;,
overcomes all dangers of tight lacing.
Used only in Nemo Self-Reducing
Corsets Nob. 522 and 523, at $5.00. -
Lastikops Hose Supporters
Every Nemo Corset (except the
few $2.00 models) is finished with
Lastikops Hose Supporters, guaran
teed to outwear any corset, y
Self Reducing No. 320
Best i reduc
ing corsetfmade
. at the price.
For tali or me
dium stout fig-
' reaction, and
perfect ease.
Worn also ; by
many slender
- need support..
Sizes 19 to C6-
$3.50. '
'3 U ft similar
short-waiiited women $3,50, 7"
Sold In CooJ Star FThMi
KOP3BR03.,164 Suttt8lr.,3n I r.