The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 44, Image 44

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frnHK present k will live long In
I the memory of Portland as one
?J wfcl marked as brilliant an open
i ing as the seapon has ever had.
; On Monday night society -will as
riftble - for the opening of the new
Hfillg theatre tvith Mies Viola Allen In
"The White Sister:' as the., stellar at
traction.' All Portland has a warm in
terest In the new theatre and the for
mV fir)"1" -of this moat metropolitan
p1Ohjouse,''i'lll be the signal tor a sea
son of smart gait'ties, Among the box
holders for the opening peiformanee
arc-.Henry Ladd -Corbet t. W. B. - Ayer,
M.'. Henry' E. Jones. J. C. Alnsworth,
B. S. Joaselj n, Hunt Lewis, A. D. Charl
tri, John M. Gearln, Mr. Houghton and
y. O. Downing. , i
. The opening Df a new theatre Is quite
event enough to make any wuek notable
t the annals of society, but the an
nouncement of the list of box-holders
fur the hore show, Thursday, Friday
and 'Saturday, means that preparations
for that eVent'have practically reached"
completion. All , that remains is the
finishing of the . catalogue, which Is
always one of the troublesome parts of
preparing for a horse show, and everything-will
b9 ready for the call of the
bugle next Thursday. The box-holders
for the show this yeur are: Mrs. Helen
I.add Corbett, the Misses Falling, Henry
LaUd . Corbett. J. C- A.lnpwprth, ; Ralph
li. Jenkins, Andrew Latdiaw of Spokane
I'. V. Lcadbetter, H. U'Plttock, Van
couver Hunt club, Julius Meier, Rv B.
Lamson.. George Lawrence, General Ma
rion Maus of Vancouver barracks, Colo
nelGeorge K. "McGunnegle f -thtf-bar-facks,
S. A, Howe of Vancouver, B. C;
Jt. P. O'Brien, Frederick 8. Stanley, W
Ti Ayer, Captain William S. ' Blddle,
W alter F. Burrell, Captain Gordon Vor
hles. Dr. K. ' A. J, Mackenzie, Paul We.
singer, John, KlSrnan, J. D. porter, F". O.
Buff urn Mlss-Shogren.'.H. E. Bowers
"Warren E. McCord. Major H. C. Cabell
of the barracks, Otto Breyman, Mult
rwtnah Athletic dub, J.:D. Hart, A. M.
Vronln and Dr. William -i Wood. a
$ x ...... w - w. -
f Master Dan Cupid sat" smart society
aflutter last week with another of his
(turprtae engagements, which was an
nounced Tuesday at Misa Lesley Smith's
delightfully ' Informal tea for 'Miss
Gwendolyn1 Xlwyd, her attraotlva . vis
itor from' Toronto, Canada. At ths tea
table a white beribboned, chair wth a
red satin- heart on the .back of it and
red roses crowning It, proclaimed to the
guests that a surprise mas in store for
them,- but .which , of several was to-be
the occupant caused more than thrills
uf . excitement untU M iss Mary Llvlng
etor.e took the seat, and the secret of
l; er engagement to Gerald! E. Beebe
irast;5 out, "Mrs."' Henry' Ladd Corbftt
Also presided at the- tablet. . , Miss Liv
ingstons Is the only ; daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Livingstone and a sis
ter f Hugh, Robert and Colin Livlng
iiioneT i She. aa educated at Miss Mo
Cllntock'B, a smart finishing school In
Bottom-: and on Friday- before the an
nouncement returned with, her family
i rom athroe months' trip- -to England
and.. Scotland. - This is Mlaa , Living
stones second journey abroad. Mr,
Keebe is the second ion of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles F. Beebe. He la a '01 Yale
rrtan and & member of the,' University
club, i He la connected wlth the Charles
F, Beebe Marine Hardware ft Contrac
tors' Supplies' Co. ! No date has been
set for the wedding. , r
One of the Interesting developments
of the' week 'was the Issuing of cards
for the subscription dances to be given
at Chrlstensen's hall. The dances fere
In charge of Antolne Labbe and Kurt
Koehler and the date for the first
dance has been set forf hursday, Oo
tober 20,- The remaining dates jare N'
vember 25, January fcnd February 10.
Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett. Mrs, Marion
V. Itolph, Mrs. Lea Hawlay Hoffman
lliaa Caroline Burns, and Mrs. Joseph
M. Bradley (Miss Margaret Walter) will
act as patronesses. These dances ate
tnong the most popular affairs of the
season and. are always the signal Tor
smart gatherings of the young - ma
tron and the younger set .
- ' . ,:" ; - '
Miss Grace "warren and DonaliJ Ran
canty) .
;:. 'i'i!;'''
4 W
BBsa - m III lit SP .
1 n
1 H . JiJfc
Oliver Walker (Miss Evelvn Klsler),
Mrs. Clifford Marshall, Miss Mnmie
Dunn, Miss Catherine O'lTara, Mrs. Hen
ry Frank, Min Kina McKelvev, Mib
Wilina Frisk. Mrs. Wilson Clark. Miss
i-lela Clark, Miss Helen Doble. Miss 1 rent
Daly, Miss Frances Batehelor, Mrs.
George McPherson. Mrs. Millard C. Hoi.
brook, Mrs. WlUtara B. Scott, and Mr
Irving Stearns. - . '
On Friday, the owl table w.on honors
with prises going tot Mrs. Eddy Spftuld
ing. Miss Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Harold
Howes (Miss Cara Mastlck), and Mra.
George W. Brown. Mrs. Jack A. Grav
ley (Miss Ethel Allen) of Carlton and
Mrs. W. B. Scott assisted the hostess
In receiving her guests. Mrs. Gravley
wore her wedding gown of white crepe
and Mrs. Scott was in a handsome crea
tion of cream voile. , The guests on
Friday were Mrs. Guy Thatcher, Mrs,
Charles Stolte, Mra. Gustavo Hoffman,
Mrs. Eddy Spaulding, Mrs. Ben llol
man, MlasHilda Hegele, Mrs. Dan Co
man, Mrs. Cheater Deerlng,, Mrs,' tarn
bert Dunbar, Mlsa Nellie Peterson, Miss
Jessie 1 Peterson, Miss Mary ' O'Connor,
Mrs. Brockwell Statter, Mrs. Charles A.
Craft, Mrs, Harry Coleman, Mrs. Er
nest E. Mergis, Miss ' Rosemary Bald
win, Miss Jessie HarKins, Miss Alice
Dougherty, Mlsi Saidea L; Kriapp, Miss
len Humason. Mrs. Geald Anthony
Mrs. Harold Howes (Mlsa "Carai Mas
tick), , Mrs. Jack Gravley (Miss Ethel
Allen). Mrs. George W. Brown, Mrs. J.
P. Bronaugh, Mrs. D.' E Keasey, Mrs.
Norman-. Paferson,, Mrs. Ivan Humason
and Mrs. Harry Gaylord. '
Mrs. M. E. Teal left for the east Wed
nesday morning, where she will spend
alx weeks aa the guest of her cousin,
Mrs. 0. B. Wllltama, In Chicago. Mra.
Williams and Mlsa Jeanette Williams
were recent visitors In ths Teal home
on Everett street
Chatmlng in its. simplicity was tha
wedding of Mis- Celeste Moore and F.
Lester Stokes, solemnised at bigh noon
Paturdav in th Unitartni church bv
Rev. T.'L. Eliot, who J, !.! officiate.! at
the wedding of the bride's mother mid
father. . Bricht ' autumn leaves, and yel
low chrysanthemums were used for doo
oratlona befitting the season. The
bride was 'xowneil In a smart tailor
wade of navy hluo chiffon broadcloth
with ft fetching black chapeau. ' She car
ried bride roses. Miss Kuby Crlchton
presided at the organ, playing --"The An
swer," Juet before the- ceremony, . and
the ''Spring Sorrg" while the solemn
vows wereexchanged. A wedding break,?
fast with covers for 26 of the Imme
diate family was served, at the Port
land. Mrs. Stokes Is -the daughter of
Dan J. Moore and a sister of Harlow
Moare. ,Mr. Stokes is the son . of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Richard ' Stokes and
a brother of Howard B. J. Stokes. Mr.
and MM. Stokes Jeft at one for' thelx
honeymoon, and will, be at home.. In
Troutdale after the 'fifteenth.
Mrs,' Wells Gilbert waa a lunoheon
hostess Thursday In compliment to Miss
Grace Warren.. The" table waa centered
wltlf an effective, cluster of gallaldia
and. covers? Vere laid for -Miss Grace
Warren,. Miss. Nan Robertson, Mrs,
Frank Gilbert, Miss : Gladys", Weldler,
MYs. Marion F. Dolph, Mrs. Lea Hawley
Hoffman and Mlas Jlse; Koehlr,f. l
"-"-:.';' :V'V '..5 i -if" i.?..'- J s
Mis Eleanor Ecob of" New Tork will
arrive, tomorrow to. be th guest of Miss
Genevieve' Thompson for - a,' fortnight
On Tuesday. Mlsa Thompson will enter
tain her. guest with a box party at the
new. Helllg.. Saturday Mlaa. Thompson
will glvea- luncheon for Miss -.Grace
Warren, whose, marriage to, Donald R.
Munro will be an event, of October 26.'
Tha wadding of " Mls Vtviaa Blaks
more and Howard H. Holland was sol
emnlred at high noon, Saturday, Octo
ber" 1, In Weaven-illv Cat, at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mra.
Horace Robert Given. The bride iWaa
charming in a gown of chiffon natln
artistically combined ulth chiffon uith
trimmings of pearl. Orange bloi-vns
ln dainty bows of white satin rih!:-n
were used to advantage In catching up
the train. A flowing tulle vpII. fell to
the hem of the train and the oridal
flowers were Hlles of the valley In a
beautiful shower. JtUn, Benjamin Bar
nacle was matron of honor and the
bridesmaids were Miss Skinner and
Mips Mahoney, all of whom were gowned
in blue. Drake C, O'Reilly of Portland
was groomsman. A large reception fol
lowed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Holland motored to Redding, Cel., and
yesterday left San Sranclaco for Sagi
naw, Mich. , From there they wi' go
to'New York and then abroad, return
ing , to Portland March 1. John J.
Dempsey of Tacoma aha C. G. Brigs s,
B. 'M. Crtman, A; S. .Rothwell, Draki
O'Reilly, E. B. .; Miller, : uncla of Mrs.
Holland, andTG- D. Miller,; all of Port
land, went down for the wedding. Q,
P .MUle' atllian Weaverrtlle, but
the others have all returned. " . -V'.
i ,i ; -W---'"
John S. Baker and. MlsB.BernJce Baker
of - Tacoma were last, heard from at
Wien.'Germhny; whore they were spend
ing a week motering through ? the pic
turesque mountain QOntry ; They recently-left.
Carlsbad kn& are going soon
to' Munich, aftd (thence to. Oberarhmergau
for th passion 'Play.5 They are having
a delightful trip and will b away In
definitely. J It : is a- matter of sincere
fegret that Miss Baker will not be In
Portland for the horse -show this week.
Her clever riding has been a distinctive
feature of the shows here for several
eeaabns. Mlsa Baker- Is also the motif
for many social countesses, and is the
niece of John C. Alnsworth and a oousln
of Mrs. Ralph Jenkins and Miss Maud
Aln'worth." ... .
Mlsi Celesta Moore was the - honor
guest at -an Informal kitchen -shower
given" Thursday by Mrs. Clifford, N'ch
ola (Miss Eva Jones). Thos who en
joyed f.e afternoon with Mri. Nichols
frul Mi.-t Moore wre Mlsa Shanna
Cumminrr, Miss Kvelyn Wilson, Mlsa
Hcle: ileore, Mis.-j- llazloton William,
Ml?8 Ruby Crichton, Miss Dorothy Hoi
brook. Miss Leslie Weldler, Mrs1. Har
low Moore, Miss Mllla Wes.i1nger, Miss
Mildred Nichols, Miss Vlda NlchoU;,
Mlsa Stella Frohman, .Mian jen mv
kenzie and Miea Meta Buehher. . 4
Mrs. Robert F. Hall anked a number
of friends to her lloyt street home Sat
urday to enjoy bridge and tea with Mrs.'
George ,W. Snell and Mlas Sneir of
Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. Snell and her daugh
ter lived for many years in Portland
and their return for .two months wilt
be the signal for a round of entertain
1 . l. ' . . 4
Airs. W. C. Alvdrd "is giving a luncn-'
eon for Miss Grace W.irren and her
bridesmaids on TucsJay, and on Wed-
nesday Mrs. tf.'aUef V. Smith will en
tertain with a dlnnir in her honor. 4
-; - 5
The- pictures reproduced on today"!
society page are of Mrs. M. L. "Wilder
and her daughter, Miss Wilder, and Miss
Isla, Wilder, of Hertfordshire, England,
Mrs. 'Wilder and the Misses Wilder have
been i, guests of ".Mr. and ' Mrs. Richard
Wilder since the rnjddle of August. They
are planning to leave Portland about the
first Of November, ; and sail for their
home Oh the fourteenth. 1 ' 1
Miss Frances Ullson Will leave. the
last j of the week for the. cast, where
she will Join Miss Georglna Burns, who
Is t.ow in America, and Miss Carollni
Wilson, who sails the first of. Novem
ber. Miss Wilson will be away until
Christmas. .The return of Miss Caro
lina Wilson, who has been In Paris for
a .couple of yyers with Miss - Minnie
Couch, will be hailed with delight by
the members of the younger set She
was ncwiiiiianieu. nuvau vy bjc li.
(Continued -on .Following Page.) ,
1 cs
...... ITiin.
tr y mnnfrJ
iVedneaday I f lyi' mon
venlng, October 26, for the date of
their wedding, which is to be solemnized
at 9 o'clock at the home of the brldt
rfect's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Frank M.
Warren, St. Clatr and Park avenue. - The
bridesmaids are tp be Miss Genevieve
Thompson, .Miss Nan Robertson, Miss
Isabella Gauld and Mlsa -Margaret- Cat
Un. Little Miss Ann Elizabeth Warren
has been chosen' to. act as flower girl
and Phillip Fty will be best man.
' On Wednesday Miss Harren will en
tertain her bridesmaids, asking as ad
ditional guests Miss Eleanor Ecob from
p ew York, who will be the guest of
M iss Thompson, and Miss Josephine El
Ucot, tne guest of Miss Isabella Gauld.
I -k it
; Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett asd party of
four are spending the week end at the
Hotel Gearhart
Mrs. Martin Winch paid a graceful
compliment to Mrs. S. T. Hamilton and
Mrs. Harry Story Wednesday, when she
fcntertalned In their honor with a bridge
tea. "White asters and greena were used
affectively throughout the rooms. Five
tables of bridge were played by Mrs
8. T. Hamilton. Mrs. Harry Story. Miss
Falling, Miss Mary Falling, Mrs. H. C.
Cabell, Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Mrs. W. C.
Alvord,- Mre.i Charles F. Beebe, Mrs.
Lucius Alien Lewis, Mrs. William Jones,
Mrs. 6. M. Mears. Mrst. James M. Rus
all, MrsvsroiiephrToxton, Mrs. Morris
H. Whltehouse, Mrs. David Robertson,
Mrs. John F. Dickson. Mrs. William
MacRae, Mrs. J. Frank Watson and MUs
Jewell." The fortunate contestants for
card honor were Miss Failing and Mrs.
H. C. CabelL Calling later for tea were
aun rit LIMA CARDS -V
; 1
:. 'MBNoaaAM station t sir
f umiiM Englisd jj jufion. leslortt
- ilwinnl JSjJts, Kirmitji. Quick. Hew
-. -': :jnr. 4t -u,?snt S1X!3. r seat charge
M h t,.t;v.Urf;t)tSithl Co. laofrcli:a
tSi KATJJLft-JiN; VDtPt-'Be '
Mrs. Eld ward Cooklngham,' Mrs. Arthur
G. Dunn -of Seattle, Mrs. James Fail
Ing, Mrs. George B. Story, Mrs. John
Bingham, Mrs. Charles F. .Swlgert, Min
Wygant and Miss Ella Stephens.
The afternoon - was In the nature of
a farewell, as -Mrs. Hamilton sails No
vember 12 on the iKoenlgen Louise with
Miss K, At Qulgg of the Portland acad
emy for anextended European trip of
indefinite length, - H
' Mrs. Harriet Bush Greer was -hostess,
at one of the prettiest luncheons of the
week given Friday .at the Hotel Port
land. -A beautiful ' mound of f Jacque
roses centered the table and , ; were
strewn with artistic effect over "the
luncheon included Mrs. ,E. C. -Slievlln,
Mrs. Jame' Canb, Mrs. James Eben
Young, Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker. Mrs. Gay
Lombard, Mr. E. V. Hugglns. Mrs. Guy
Talbot, Miss Isabella Gauld, Mrs. George
F. Nevins, Mrs, JUuis Bruns. Mrs. Eliza
beth Freeman, Mrs. Robert Wilson
Forbear and Mrs. j.,J. Morrow.
:".. ; w v.;- y-',
Miss Isabella Gauld was hostess at a
daintily appointed tea at the Hotel Port
land Friday, , Jn conlpliment to Miss
Grace .Warren, a popular October bride
elect Yellbw chrysanthemum graced
the table and the guests numbered 12.
-V. . - .: i..,:.
Mr. and Mrs. Willlum MnoMn.otor r
expected home the last of this week or
the first of next, after an absence of
Two of the most delightful and orig
inal affairs of the week and season
took place Thursday and Friday when
Mrs. Oliver King Jeffery entertained
at her Overton street home with Chan
tlcler whist The gorgeous plumage of
Monsieur Chanticlcr marked the color
st'heme of the decorations, and he with'
hla feathery flock were everywhere -In
evidence from the center of each card
table to the boughs of the autumn for
ests used In decorating. Brilliant red
and yellow autumn leaves, ,trainlhg-Vlr-
ginia. creeper, naming salvia, red car
nations. and yellow chrysanthemums
were arranged in riotous prof uslon over
the house as a fitting setting for the
animated scene.
Each of the seven tables represented
Irat of the week- they lone of the characters-in the famous
barnyard drama and was centered with
Were, visiting in Memphis, Tenh., and
they will make a number of other stops
before their return. With Miss Berti
Baar, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Master and Mlsa
Albsa MacMaster left Portland the mid
dle of May for Baltimore, where they
were Joined by Mlas M.alsle Mac Master,
who was at a smart finishing; school in
that city. -.. . . : p - . -s . -:i
The party Sailed Jurte 1, igolng.directly
to Paris to fjoin Miss Katharine- Mac
Master, who was at the French capital
with Miss Virginia Lewis of Tien Tsn,
China. From Paris their travel carried
them to Holland, Bblglum and lastly to
England, whence they sailed for America
September 20. While in Rome the latter
part of March, Mies Katherlne Mac
Master and Miss Lewis were granted an
audience with the pope. Mlas Baar has
beeri spendlhg." the summer in the 61
leaian mountsfTna with her sister, Mra
Annie Brown, '
One of the dates early on the calendar
Is the event to be given for Mrs. Mao
Master by the Fortnightly club. This
was postponed before her ' going on ac
count of the scarlet fever epidemic
The Benage S. Josselyns, who have oc
cupied the Mac Master residence at lhel
Waverly golf links during the Bummer,
have taken a house at 05S Everett
where they expect to move the middle
of the week. I , '
Mrs. Lee Hoffman will open fcer
Twenty-third street home Wednesday
evening for the annual meeting of he
Arts and Crafts. Society of Portland.
Mlas Cecilia O'Reilly will give a -talk on
book binding with demonstrations of the
w V
Miss Ada Burke was hostess at 'de
lightful afternoon .at home Wednesday,
in compliment to Miss Ruth Bartle. of
Chicago, who has been the house guest
of the Misses Elizabeth and Lucille
Parker. Receiving with the hostess
and gueat of honor was Miss Elizabeth
Parker. Mrs. Bruce Honeymai . and
Miss Lucille Parker presided at the
urns and were assisted in the dining
room by Miss Helen Harmon, Mlss Mary
Livingston and Miss Marguerite Hume.
Several-Informal teas have been given
by the Misses Parker for ;Mis "Bartle
when smart gatherings of college girls
wtreLasksd to meet the visitor,. . Miss
Bartle is a Smith girl, and a college
mate of the Parker girls. She will leave
for her home In the east In a week or
ten days. . " " ' ..
w -w -
The marriage of Miss Julia Dent
fltaat.B4t,g4reund . King-was snlam.
nlsed at high noon Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Wood Jn
Adrian, Mich., where Miss Grant is a
frequent visitor. Miss Grant is the
daughter of C. 8. Grant. Jr.; and a niece
of General Frederick Dent Grant,: Her
home Is in Ean Diego, CaL- Mr. King
comes of a prominent Ohio family, but
for the past several years has been con
nected with the Western Cooperage com
pany ef Portland, where Mr. and Mrs.
Klftjr will makehelr home after a short
wedding Journey, , - . , .
The Monday Bridge club held Its f lr,pt
meeting of the season wn.h Mrs. Gay
Talbot on Saturday. The ; membership
list Includes Mrs. Frank Freeman, Miss
Haxel Crocker. Mrs. Wells Gilbert Mrs.
Lansing Stout, Mrs.. George RV Went-
wuj ui jr wiss , urace warren, Mrs.
John Emerson Cronan, Miss Gladys
Weldler, Mrg, Otis Wight Miss Mar
garet Catlin, Mrs. Frank Warren and
Mrs. Guy Talbot.
the corresponding fowl. One was Chan
ticler; two, the golden pheaeant; three,
the owl; four, the little brown hen;
five, the peacock; .six, the duck, and
seven, the parrot. The count was kept
with feathers which were 'added to the
tails of the bird on each . table. The
Chantlcler Idea was carried out ln-'th.e
Ices and other appointments of the
dainty collation which was served.
Frizes were copies of the drama: and
on Thursday the Chantlcler table won,
the fortunate ones being Mrs. NorrlB
Gregg, , Mrs. - W. B. Scott. .Mrs. Larkin
Shell and Miss Geraldlne Coursen. Dur
ing the afternoon Mrs. Oregg and Miss
Mamie. Dunn sang.
. Mra. Jeffery received her guests In
a handsome gown of Chantlcler crepe
meteor with a single ornament of a
Chantlcler pin In diamonds. She was
assisted by Mrs. Millard C. Holbfook.
who was gowned In plum colored cord
ed silk, and MiSn Frances Jeffery, who
was In yellow emfiroidered crepe. Thurs
day's gueat list Included Miss t'eclle
Wiley. Miss Mabel Shea, Miss Lillian
O'Brien, Miss Frances, Jeffery, MIs
Katnerine Jiunt, miss Hasel Tlchner,
Mrs. Gerald Goodsell "., (Mias" Lorena
Strauhal), Mr, Fenton Grigsby, - Miss
Bess Allen, MIsb , Geraldlne Coursen,
Mrs. Jack Gravley, Mrs. Larkin Shell,
Miss Gregg, Mrs. Norris Gregg, Mrs
bbT . Irl
fonr- ssengr Ooape.
. Ijong Wheel Base.
- Ample Boom.
KUBiiioa: xuiu
. Ho Foaotnrea.
Frank C. .Rffjgs
Twenty-third and Washlffrton ats.
TuU&Gibbs, Inc..
-l Morrison at Seventh ,
Portland's Leading Fumityire and;
I Complete Homefurnjshing Store
. Morrison at Seventh .
The -Displays Here' off Beautifur Creations in Apparel :
for Women Are a , Tribute; to the Events ;bf K the -Week
With all the vart and "richness ancl distinctivenessjthat-Fashion has 'created this r
season in "dress for, women," the displays of our ready-to-wear sections are in- ,
deed worthy of the inspectionof the most discriminating. It's in consideration "
, of the events that will occur during the weik that we've given special attention1
to our window displays Morrison street and Seventh street. ,.
In Dresses the Mew VEall Styles'-f 6r. ;
IWomeh' Misses Are to Be Admired
, " ? ..''...- :. :.. '. ..i. ' ..' ' , '..'- ".-
The dress in which a woman will look her best is the dress she is eager to hear about. '
Every day new dresses arrive, and we are daily receiving from our New York office a '
sample or two of new dress styles, perhaps in them the one in which you will, look best'
little frocks for the younger ret for party,
dancing or theatre wear, at $23.05., .
" These ttre very attractively priced.
; Hanrfsorne broadcloth dresses, some
strictly piajh and others with oriental color
embroidery. . Charming styles are those
with velvet and ' fur trirhmingrat $50 to -
flOO. , . :-,..4 . ,
" Beautiful velvet dresses and velvet suits
that are-being-shown--in--so-many models
Plainly tailored. embrdidered and with fur'
trimming,,.at f 57.50 to f 150.
".In" the recent arrivals are pretty 4 Serge
Dresses in rnanY differept colors, at ?15
tO $35. , . ;'!.,;;;:..
Challis . dresses jn both light and dark
shades, some velvet trimmed, at f 22.50
to l45. '-Yi-.':- ; "-:' ".v.-r :'.-! .---
Very pretty dresses oi changeable mes
saline silk, with extremely narrow stripes
and darker colored grounds, at f 21.50 to
S5. - '
-Debutante's chiffon dresses, and smart
--New -amvals irv both -brown -a nd blue corduroy
dresses plain tailored' styles. The skirt slightly
held fit bottom with braid, which is also used at
rteck, yoke and waist. A very 'smart style for little
women and misses, at 40,
-Theatre';;' -jgownsr -Hef se-r;- Show drestef dinner
dresses, dancing, and party gowns for women. Also
styles specially created' for misses and little women.
So many different materials that one's taste is sure
to be pleased here. - .
Reynier (Frame). Gloves
For-Well Dressed Women
Those who have planned to participate in
the important, functions that will take place
during the week will find in Reynier, Gloves
thembst stylish hand "dress." All "the newest '
embroideries and shades are to be found in
Gloves bearing the Reynier trademafk, known
the world over for style, fit and durability.
"MarceUe" and "Narcisse"- are the names of
our Gloves made, by Reynier the finest ob-taiaable-anywhere.
; ' . ' '
; Two-clasp "Marcjelle; ?1.S5 and $1.50.
Two-clasp and three-clasp "Narcisse" at
$1.50 and ,$2.Q0. :: ; ; : , , -: '- '- .
Three-clasp Reynier, extra quality, Jj2.25
One-clasp or button Cheverette -Tanne at
$2.25. . ' - ; .
Three-clasp Area Suedes at $1.25.
Two-clasp and three-clasp Olan Suedes at
Two-clasp and three-clasp Fanchon Suedes
at $1.50 and $2.00.
- Two-pearl-button Reynier Suedes, $2.25.
A complete, line . of Domestic, Cape and --
Mocha -Gloves at $1.25 to $2.00. ; -
Reynier best quality Long Kid Gloyes, the .
"Narcisse,"- in 16, 20 and 24-button lengths, at'
$4.00, $5.00 and $6.00.
Olan and Fanchon in 16, 20 and 24-button
lengths. ,,?.,,,
. Ladies' one-pearl-button Washable CWm
ois Gloves, in the natural shade, sizes 5y2 to 7,
Monday Only.
Charming Are the Styles in
New Evening Blouses
.'.. v ,.. , -,- .' :
' ' ' ii f . .',-,'. ...-.-'. -': ;.''
They're the most correct accessory to the
broadcloth and rough cloth suits, with the! new
high skirts; making the three-piece style. . -.
Among the. recent arrivals are: ' ' -7"
Blouses of sheer marquisette over darker"
Persian and other pretty figured materials.
: Beautiful imported chiffon blouses, hand
made. f . . ' . s, . .
iand-crocheted-JrUh-laxe-blou&es.-. , ',..,
Imported embroidered crepe waists in Ori
ental colorings $10 to $50. .
-. Jm '' J
ft - II A 1
. Are Kndwn "the World Over .
Nature 'at her best in furs can truly be said
of all furs from Revillon Freres, the leading fur
riers of the world, with branches in the princi
pal cities 'of Europe, Asia and America. The
' woman who, ; in buying her furs, vv?uld be sure
of quality and style, should select Revillon Furs.
They are to be found nowhere .in Portland ex
cept in our new Fur Section. - r.. ' v .
Handsome Ermine and beautiful Mink pieces,
Hudson Bay Sable, Skunk, Black Lynx 'and
if Ml.: -
VOC pjfitvli-. 1 ?31ack Fox pieces, Sable and Isabella Fox, Broad
tail and Persian Larrib piece9 both large and
small.- -, . ' ".'; ' . , ' .:.
All are beautifully lined, with Skinner satin'
in light and dark shades.' ' ' ' '
Also shown are beautiful Blue Wolf Sets, Red
Fox : and Natural - Lynx- Sets and many other ,
kinds of .''dependable - furs. Very . moderately
priced; . -' , ' - , ' - ' . -;.
More of Those
i ; -.( ;' -?fV,'
Arrived During the Past Week
From Max M Schwarcz cV Co.
Strictly man-tailored Suits ' in beautiful
hand-loomed Donegal mixtures, that artic
tic fabric which has made this section of Ire
land famous. Also Irish and English tweeds' .
i nA tirtfn4fiiine T7 -n nrl J e l-i 1ntrirf e irt1 11011.
' nvtuvjunj) xniun vnv v ijlo 01m uv.a u
i tif ul real imported French chif fory-f inisherj jj g
brnarlrlnth anH ' Wrman 'yihpltna A:i ' V,
, ,, .
5 New arrivals in little women's suits, 'in
ooin -cioins-ami-vet veiSr:ropuiarpncea .gar r
ments from 3500 to $55.00. j.1 f
pits V .
t .