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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1910)
Li ccto: 1310. display at the plow company's sale3- year against loss on the car. The Ys!!e la said to be an attractive car, well fin ished and well constructed, with many admirable features. k ... The Velie car is being distributed over all the country by branch agencies of the plow company. ropma. One rathftr new feature in connection Mon.iar. CVioivr t : rooms will be s:r t:v ' Orchestra and vocal. m us i'; n . Also Thurs-iay, rri.lsy an. I i horse show week. Beservsilim bles may be mmie now. H. . i'- I. iti ii ii with the sale of automobiles is being- en joyed by the Velle Co. To the purchaser of each car is given a certificate of 1 1 SiflRYILEOI! SCIIOOLOiPLOiJil guarantee, issued by the factery, pro tecting the purchaser for a period of one V mm TP) - ! I', -U:nA Hires Auto Colleges Arefiow Turning . Out Chauffeurs to Meet Portland Increasing demand. t t! THE QUALITY CAR. i I' V on u ... Teaching the automobile owner and chauffeur . how to drive and care for . hln' car has become, . with the .advent . of ft large number of -machines, 'a busi ness of Its own. Few persons know . that Portland supports three automobile echools where 1 the student Is , taught . everything from touching , a match to the car's fall light to pulling the whole thing .to pieces and - putting It back ' again. ' . " In "one jichool alone tn Portland, 80 students work and attend the two lec tures given every dy but the, Sabbath. If the student Js apt and Intelligent ho caa'lcam Bom,ethlng of the Intrica cies pt the automobile in a month, but,, . some' of thera labor over the machines" 1 for two months. But when they are graduated 'they" generally knoy- just what to 'do when the. englno . emits a foreign sound, or " becomes ' lifeless In the center Of a railroad track. .Professional . chauffeurs those that drive taxicabs, " cars, for rent, trucks and delivery wagonsare compelled by city ordinance to undergo an examina tion before they are qualified to run a car; ? fifty or more questions are put to them by the 'examiners, at. the city hall, and failure to answer the greater. part of the list correctly means that the applicant can not get a license. ' The schools not. only prepare drivers for the city examinations, but teach them ' to care for a car, to run It properly and economically, and to repair it Instruction is given over, under and about gasoline and steam cars. Every studwit is fequiredto dissemble and assemble' at least 'Two -or three cars. He is shown how4o fit new parts, and how to jmake new parts, if necessary. He the student is taken out on the , road and taught how to avoid the bumps and .the- ruts,; to drive the car at a . good speed Tet carefully., and so easily as not to cause discomfort to passen gers, and to avert, accidents, Many owners tf car who prefer Jfo take' care of; their own machines, or to understand them, at least, take courses of auto study in 'the schools. The : manager of the Portland auto school said yesterday that in the last - few months at . least 25 women had applied for courses of instruction in the "care-and-repair end of the auto :r ' -.-- . , -r: .... Dusiness. . . (v Then there Is another branch of the 1 Vchool. It is that of taking care of , persons who deirse to learn to drive cars. Women and men are instructed. , ."If a man. or woman cannot learn to i .. drive car , in three hours of steady t running," ( said one of the instructors i 'a day -or so ago, ''they might as well ' give up. . Three, hours should , be suf ficient time in which for anyone to learn... Usually, the student Js taken out for ja. half hour or Jit tie more, and then given a rest of about the same length of. time, to allow him to regain, his nerve. Three or tour trials will teach him 'to manage his par well and give him confidence,' ( , . w Above hall , tons Bhows th$ new Velie car, manufactured by the Telle Motor ; Car company, which will b ; distributed by the branch agencies of the John Deere Plow company over all the country. ; Officials ' of the plow company -are Identified with the motor vehicle com pany In the car are C. R. Orchard. '? 1 -manager of the, John Deere Plow company's northwestern branch in Portland (at left of driver) ; J. A.-. v., - Crittenden; sales manager (at wheel) : C. A. Rose, sales manager for; antp department , (at! rjght In tonneau)rHl L. Staver, assistant manager Portland branch Cat left In tonneau), and Ellis Thorpe of Everett, Wash, (tonneau in center).- ' J - LOCO MAKES GOOD : ONlllI Sturdy Car travels 7850 Miles Oyer Rough Country With-, ' out Break. ' Neate A McCarthy, Inc. agent for the locomobile, .re making the record of a seven-passenger Locomobile, which lhas been run for several months be tween Medford and Crater Lake by the Crater .. Lake Transportation Co., a strong argument for disposing of that make 0 machines. ; 1 ,5 ' . One of the mechanics from the film's Portland garage was sent with the cat, to take charge of It, and kept a careful record of its performance. At the last reading the speedometer showed that the car- had traveled a distance ; of 7850 miles during lees " than, three ' -months. During that t time the "mechanic ; was forced to purchase only two parte an oiler belt and ' belt' They cost 75 cents. ''( i' , The car has never' broken down. It baa traveled over the route, day after day,' In spite of the fact that the up-hill climb 1s about 80 miles In length and rough. The average consumption of gasoline . has been t about a gallon ; for every 12 miles. , 1 ' 1 ; ' s. - t.r Something.OIfrierent' Ladles' suits and coats made by men from men's goods man tailor to fit and superintend the work. ' New store, new goods. ' The Allen Co., 415 Washington Itreet Corner of Eleventh street, Journal Want Ada bring results. VEUE "40" PUT ON P MO MARKET Branches of John Deere Plow Co, Will Distribute New V ' Make of Auto. ' , "A new car has been put on the Port land market. It is the Velie "id," and will' be distributed -by the John Deere Plow Co., officials of which are con nected with the Velle Motor Vehicle Co. The first shipment of different models has been received and the cajs are on 1911 LQCOmiJBILE HI 3--. - IS DN EXHIBITION 'Yew Model Received bVvNeate r &' McCarthy, Is Attract- : ; r iveCar; """y " ' Neate McCarthy, Inc., Portland dls- trihutorS for the LooomoMle company 1 of America, have received the first 1911 model Locomobile seen in Portland. It i it a "80' shaft drive, four cylinder car, !with front doors, and is constructed along the straight lines of the new model Cr.".:V,vwv'.-.t- Two styles of cars are being made by f the Locomobile factory for 191 U These are the "80" shaft drive,' four cylinder nd "it" shaft drive six cylinder cars. Both "models Te equipped with four peed selective transmissions, hve ft wide range of body styles, either, with or without front doors, and can be'made in touring, baby tonneau, runabout, tor pedo, limousine and landaulet designs, finished In any color scheme wanted. The most important change made in the new models is that this year the lump spark is used, Vnere before the make-and-break Ignition system was em ployed. ' The new models are supplied J to purchasers with all equipment, in ' eluding lights and top. jK: l,:;,-, ,.. - , , T '-, ,. r. ., . rj ;. - j I I BIG GARAGE FOR A I Building Will Give 8500 Square! jeet. of .Unobstructed ; FloorSpace. U..,y -: i;10rT ::'l ' "i f! (X J. 5 Wilson, 'f "Wilson A Maurer, agents for the Bulclc cars at Salem, was iin e ortianrt last week visiting the sales rooms of the Howard Automobile bom-yian-, which has-taken , over the Port- iinna agency 01 tut iJUlcK. - .,' JWf ..(irei buijdlng tn f.'alem' said Mr, VVllsoni "one of the most handsome and largest, garages on the Taclfia coast . it Is in the center of the city and will be completed wjthin a short time. 'A v-. "W Hvill have 8500 square feet of floor space, entirely free from obstruc tion.. We avoid using pillars or other obstructions that might 'cause 'trouble. jliiTiclgnt,, truaaed ;to carry the roof and iCloor. we believe It will be the best ,all laround and most modern geage in the pacific north wofit nnd as large as any lone garage in the west." - (Wanted RES-iowsrBr,E, unrB bzstkxbvtob rox tkb btatz or omt- r. . xnere is yet an opportunity ror you to secure tne tttate Agency xor very best automobile that is built for the money. - ikWarren-Beiroit There is 'absolutely no car built, in America today that is its equal in fineness of finish, up holstery,, etc. For example we use the High-Tension Bosch Magneto, which fact alone goes to show that only the BEST material obtainable is used." The car throughout is equipped and ..finished .on the same standard, hipjvgrade lines.v THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO. OVERLOOK IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CAR YOU CAN. 'ABSOLUTELY, STAND BACK OF AND GUARANTEE, AND A PROPOSITION WHICH WILL AFFEAL TO THE INTELLIGENT AUTOMOBILE PUBLIC. - 4 CLiJJ. o Warr4sn-Detroit "30" rsUCXS JkJTD BODIES Roadsters (rounA- tank or dickey seat) ' 111200. Deml-tonneau $1300i Touring; Car 1325. Torpedo 81500. Tore-door coupe tuiH'ie onvej mi75t, Ugnt delivery o pounds .capacity) 81300- All. prices f. Wlieelbase 110 inches; Oaue 66 Inches. Tires, Front S4xSH. v i r' Sires, Bear 3S3 ft. : Bprinys, frost Seml-elllptle, , S 8x1 Inch, s - Bprlnjs, , Bear Three quarter eUip tlo. 45x2 inch. . Trent Axle "1" beam irop forting, rf.ball bearing wheels. Bear Axle Seml-floatfnf type, . on ) roller bearings, - Prame Pressed steel; channel ' seo- tlons with sub-frame. -. ' s Xorse Power SO. - ,. , . f : OyUadere Four, cast en bloe. Bore 4 Inches. . , ,..... Stroke 4 V4 Inches. ; ' Bore-Stroke Batdo 1: 1.1J5. Piston BUplaoement Z26. 188 cublo Inches. A. A. A. Contest Classification g A, JB and 2C. , - v - Valve Arrangement All on same .. side, operated by a single cam shaft, within, crank. case. - Renault type motor. . . , Pnei Supply Gravity from a front seat tank. ' . : .. v ,. , Carburetor Gould, float feed matlc. Oarburetor Control Throttle lever , above steering wheel and foot ao . celerator.' Zgnltlon--Jump Spark, dual-system with double set of plugs. Current ' Supply Magneto and dry cells with quad coiL High tension Bosch Magneto. , v Ignition Timing1 Lever above steer, ing wheel for battery system; set 'spark for magneto system. lubrication By splash with self contained system for maintaining level In crank pita. , ...v. Cooling' Water. 1 Water Circulation Qear4rlren cen trifugal pump. , . - Badiator Vertical filled tube de sign, i . Motor Suspension By Integral crank case, arma upon aub-frame. --- Clutch Cone, with leather facing, adjusted by slip springs under- neath. 1750, Light Delivery Car (1200 to 1500 o. p. jyetroit, dicn. . auto- t Change Gear Sliding. : Speeds forward - and one re . verse. , ,.';: -,(.. . Change Gear Control Side lever op erating through H-quadrant Change Gear Suspension Upon sub frame. -. .4' . . Trans mi slon Propeller shaft with enclosed .universal. . . : Brakes Two sets on rear hub drums. Brake Controls Etternat- set by ser vice 'brake pedal; Internal set by i emergency, side, lever....;. ..... . Chassla weight, J200 lbsi . - -Tender Steel, wheel fenders flanged and fitted with splash guards, . aprons between frame and running boards, and under pan enclosing ... mechanism,: ... . . . ... Bquipment Gas Head Lamps, Oen . erator for - Lamps, Oil eide and -Tall Lamps, Horn, Tire Tools and Complete Tool Kit. ..... Standard Colore Light royal blue body with straw running gear, Journal Want Ads bring results. x THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. CALL OR! WRITE TO mm More Honest worlcrnanship, more care of design, more finish, ' - more dependability, a greatly advanced type, an engine that is sim- t pie anjd accessible, compact, and complete in every detail.' These . are the features ttiat unquestionably stamp the White as "The ' Quality Car." .'"',". ' The simplicity which is preeminent in the White- motor is a - feature that-must be followed closely by bthefmrnufacturers. ' By , reason of this, feature, the White stands in a class by itself. Its connections are few, therefore the wear and tear that is bound to 4 - . be given it has far less opportunity to lessen the efficiency of its V engine., - - . , - " Becausejt is simple, it is compact, and because it h compact, it r is accessible. ' No unnecessary pipes or valves,. no unnecessary nuts or screws to rattle loose, but rather simplified perfection in every delail. . . " , , It is the. object of the White Company to place on the market ; a car that by its inherent value will occupy and fill a niche of its ' own, and one hot occupied by any American car in the country. Demand "follows quality, and it is through White1 dependable . - qualityihat the White has taken its place in the lead. " , 7 Toy Tonneaus Torpedoes Trucks Touring Cars BBTflUBI C-A'Easimoi Genl.M'r. 6 th.t5LAMBLdison ;5t& GA'Brsickett! Secretary' Norjthwest Distributors II i ' : : ' V I I Wsij f - -' ' DETROIT. MICHIGAN (DETROIT, MICHIGAN) ,nf '1 Flpnifffiri Special Factory Representative," 611 Swetland ' VV,J. UitilUll Building( Portland( Oregon. TeL Main ,4835. me 'Announcement e ThQ305haftDrivG-rourCylirid ThQSShaftDriveix fylindens HiHTgnao r on boiKmpdels. Four .speed selective transmission Aiderane of the latent body siyles - either with or without ; frontdoors -can be suppliedTourin BabyTpraieau.Runabout JorpedaLim ousine andLaniaulet. RnisKed in any color vscheme desired by the purchaser - COMPLETE-1NFORMA1ION-FURNI5HEDON-REQUEST 1a Keate-&:McCarUiyrDislrim!prs KINO AND WASHINGTON STS. . PHONES -MAIN 6374, A-7577 The type "h" Thirty-Horsepower is now on exhibrtion at the above addri?. We shall be pleaseq to make appointments for demonstration at any time. Agents wanted throughout Oregon and Columbia River CoujttieS in Wa-hr.jt-n PS '4 n - v-