t " w - A A 1 clagcif:i: ADVERT! U 1 1T G suni)ay i; ' - 1 ! ! lOPAGSG PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 910. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL HEAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL wATE C2 GEXERAli B AL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 6S GENERAL REAL ESTATE ( : GOOD Farm' Buy mum ... - 4 f s 4, IFOR LE1TS '; PMSIES f-s-'J -.-vp :': :""..'' - '-V.1; -7 Room House, $85(T Lot 75x105; fine fir trees. .'. -.- SMALL HOUSE, $560; WOOD BHED. ,V V WATER IN; 'LOT- BOxlOO; 350 CASH. , ' BALANCE $4 A MONTH. 1 , F j ,f , ", , i " , . Lots, $5t)own; $5 a Month 60x171,- with new shade trees, $360. . 260.'' 'vv' $250 Cash ' - 118 PF.R MONTH 1 ' 4 room house, lot 60x100. brand new, water in;, sink, china closet and t out- I Dunaings, s DiocKs irom canine. y $850 fnlce chicken park and near carline; $250 ; cam, fiu iier iiiunuw - -v j " See us for houses, lota,? on easy pay- ments. , , s 63x143. 1350 and ui. $5 down and $5 per month; will build to suit purctiaser. Alter uciooer nrtre will advance 850 a lot. $700 $10 down. $10 a month, acre with news room nouse. hi acre, 1600; small house; terms. Two Lots, 40x100- . t Sroom house, papered. Vater on lot t, i lerms. i chocks irom car. 20 ACRES. - f Fine beaverdam oll, 4 acres cleared, balance la all slashed; : $200 -an acre, cycamore.. . ,.- . . ... , LKrge barn, chicken house, some fruit Trees, close in;-f2j an acre,. . - - 'At" FIRLAND. " " .Near carline. lots 66xl40:vln fine lo - cation; $350 .and up: $10 down, $10 per Mt, Scott Car to Lents , i. v : ...... Phon B-6111. 'Ask for ' ' Bright Realty fo. Union Avenue ' AMI I f v. . 50x100 comer between' f ' Burnside'and Morrison Sts, j ; - $ii,9oo. i Best buy on ths east side; $5000 cash,- 1 balance lonff time 6 per cent. Investl J rat ' , j . : ' i6-13l:AGres-NeaGaShops t on Southern Paclfla with 1200 - feet U , trackage between Bhops and Westmore- "i lanrl Will anil fonnn MAM 1 trade for vacant lots or Income property. ; . Close in Home ' . v - $3250 Halsey St., near Union ave, 6 room house, modern.-, near schools and within walking distance of down town. -Terms. .. , i ' : .8 room house 100x100.' , " ' :' $800 A good buy. Union ave. district. t i iitcb, uuubb muuei u. mrKB ruuiTio, J near schooK-, Terms;- " . .. " ' "Vacant "Lots: . p y $530 Bargain, east front, Weetmore ; land. Terms. . . . . $900 East -froht. near Union ave and . Alberta St., Terms. . 'Ill i - ii iyo uuuuiiio navo lit 'McGuire & Hennings, . 201 Lumbermens bldg., A 3888. J 56a V4 Williams sv?,, East 607 C-2636. t The Journal Can Direct You ?TO A COMFORTABLE HOME IN A , REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY ' : OR, IF. YOU DESIRE; TO ELEGANT APARTMENTS (. : i i. ".!'. , I'i''..-. i- ' ; . - ; .v1-.--. '; --u i'J h- -V '; . .-V. :" Vi" r ' ' ' ' . - " ! Under the heading of "Furnished Rooms" andpailmentslLvpuilUindailv "Tthe-besrdirect'ory'tKafTthe city, has. , "Scores of people have been able to locate a comfortable home through watching these columns in "The Journal." ' - ' 174 acres, all under fence, about . SO acres in cultivation, 100 acres ; of heavy piling timber,-real -la . good pasture, fine stream run ning water and well water at house; nice family orchard, fine , 8 room house, 2 good barns and t -"outbuildings. R. Fv D., , all stock, , farm implements and croj goes with place; price $10,600; $4000 casn, balance 5 years if desired, balance at 6 per cept; this .Is an especially fine farm. .. 'Do -You Want This?' '' 180 acres near Oregon City,' 18 ' miles from Portland, good road, -. ' 71" acres In cultivation. 5 acres : 1 bearing orchard, SO acres pasture. v balance fine saw timber. Nice '.' ..room house, some outbuildings. Price $75 per sere: $5000 cash, balance 8 years at 4 per cent. ' $2500 Will Swing This : 175 acres, all under fence, 7 , v minutes from R; R. station, good buildings, "fine stream waters 80 acres or more under cultivation, good family orchard, 8 cows, 6 Heifers, 6 calves, 4 horses, all ,' farm implements, crop and 35 v tons of ha,y go with place; $2500 - cash, talance on easy terms. What Do You Want Better? 1 6, 10 or 35 seres alt set to fins ' 1 commercial apples for $200 per acre: 1-3 cash, -balance to suit .- As fine fruit district as there is . in the state. - Only one mile from R. R. station and good town. .5 ACRES' ' . 5 acres land, alt . cleared,' out -- near Beaverton, about 7. miles from Portland, right on main county road, 1 mile from electric ' carline and station; this is surely a good buy at $1600, $1000 cash, balance 3 years' time at 7 per. cent; this place is i all under fence. ... . " Modern 6 Roiom House . $300 cash handles this besutl- house 2 blocks from carline, '.. about. 20 minutes out; house Is modern in every respect; lot is 60x100; this is one of the cheap est buys in Portland;- price is '- $2800; $300 cash; easy terms on . balance. ' Nic'e Corner Lot 50x88 With 7 room modem house, one of the cheapest buvs in Sunny side; price $3000; $1660 cash, bal- anca $12 per month at 6 per .'-cent. - If you see this -you will ' buy It ; For - saler or trade,- 40 acres," 17 miles out, fine land, $2500: 40. acres, 14 miles out $8500. -? Will take city property up to $3500 as .first payment, baWtiee eisy terms.! Also 20 acres for $4000. i- 5 Vacant Lots' for Sale . . i . . For $804', in MontaviHa. We-Llso " have, lots - in Sunnyside, Archer Place and Magdalena Park. ; YVells & Dufur . 808 -v-'hamber of Commerce. , Marshall 689. MJMEfRTA DISTRICT -'THE PLAGE $800'Cash BALANCE TERMS. A beautiful modern 10-room house, well arranged; lot 50x100, east front nice, hath, rooms .,. ... . T. pull concrete --basement. - ---- t . Clothes .closets. Putch kltcnen. Full porch. ; Gray .brick porch front -Inside finish imitation marble. This place must be sold. If you want something which is really a big bargain, see this. Will leave it to your Judgment Price $3000. $2400 1400 cash, $15 per month, 7 room modern new two story home; east front, full 'basement., with cement floor, good bath, toilet, -Dutch kitchen; Only-100 feet from Alberta carline,. $1750 5 -room house, bath, stable, fruit trees, very-large porch, east front, lot 76x100 feet, 2 blocks from car. -.-. $750 CASH; TERMS, 6. per cent interest. , This is a good buy for an inexpensive-home. We have other good bungalows close in, price from $860..to $4000; also build ing lots, $500 and up. J, M, .Repass & Sonr 'E 24th and Alebrla Sts. Phone WoodlawniI884. . ie m DESIRE A MID HM AT-REASONABLE $2450 6 rooms, full basement, "wash trays, moaern in every pn cular; ' street- grsded, ; cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water; 1 block to good car serv- Ice. , - 3 .---'. w 1 , ; . . ' 'vl . $22505 - rooms,'- modern,'- full lot, 1 : i v diock to car.i inciuaes - an im provements. - wj ,f ' $26006 rooms, fireplace.; corner ' lot , . ', -, wasn irayn; . ,mf. very i uivw iiuwid. $28006 rooms, East 58th . and 1 Flan- .,, . aers streets; -iirepiace, ,' untea - , walls ; a- home modern in - every 'particular and ".ready to 'move , , into. , ' . ' ' $3400--8 story,. 8 rooms. - new, ' modern. . in - uvermuun. vauuiuuu, - aiaiu- V ' wood floors; 'fireplace, full ce - ment basement; easy terms. $36002 " story. 6 ' rooms, hardwood ' floors, fireplace, tinted walls, full cement -basement,' $500 cash. $4000 A new home, 'modern,' hardwood floors, hot water heat, built-in cases and buffet. This home is more' than wortn tna money. $52008 Story, 6 room,.. E. 20th and Madison sts: A very desirable location, $1000 cash. v $6500 Two story, f 8 rooms, on Haw ' thojne ave.Jncludes all Improve .. ments. . '-. ,. PORTUUIID TRUST GO. Southeast cor. 3d and Oak. If you are looking for real values let us show 'you our beautiful tract close to Oregon City carline, 45lminutes from center of .Portland; Tract lies fine arid sightly, short distance to. high ana grammar schools. Buy- now. Terms, . $5: down, $3 per montht , Ml 01 - 501' Merchants Trust Bldg, 3261-2 Washington, .3 . Lb Z MM iVERy lit n .GET IFF kt is iOLDONEASY'TI IEi:'::- VIEW, 0NL)r FOUR aias rail'. HEIGGlnrS GAR- TIE IEST lift oi iroimAND . ... . Ms HP MAS DM LiMiyurhiniii" DISTRICT 6. room house, strictly modern, . with fireplace, sleeping porch, built In book case; $i90Oi-- easy terms. : . $2750; i, 8 room cot tune, modern throughout: 1 block from car; terms like rent lou can t equal this. V ' r $3300. ' " , ". . Jlodern 7 room ' house, almost new, 1 block to best c.r service on east side; easn, terms, xnis ougnt to oe jouu. $2160 . LIBERAL TERMS 8 room cottage, almost new, concrete basement; fine surroundings. . - $900 Good 3. room house, almost new, cosy and well constructed; $500 -cash, terms, iAtl the. above are in the Hawthorne district, which Is the most desirable east side district; car service the best: close In, and noted, for Its beautiful noraes. , . . , . . , Saling'&'Ricey 113 E. Belmont si, Phone Tabor 164. S-S Car to E. 88th st. mi mil 80 Acres, $10,50 per Acre . In Willamette valley, a splen dld piece of foothill land watered by fine springs. A lot of good piling and pole timber; Vt cash. $20 per Acre" ' i - 160 acres' hill land In -Willamette valley; small , house, good . orchard; . fine stream running through place; about 3,000,000 feet ' , of timber, worth the purchase price, A fine fruit) or dairy farm 200 Acres . - 'About 26 miles from Portland, neaT steamer landing and 5 miles -from R. R. town; very best of soil; splendid modern home with hath, etc. Water piped to house and barn; about 45 tons of hay and 400 bushels of oats in barn; 6 "cows, 40 'oats, some hogs, a ' good team, Implements, etc., also - 6 acres potatoes. All goes for1 $12,000; good terms. , $3700 12 Acres . 2 miles from Oswego; all cleared; about 4 acres fruit and berries of best varieties; good ' house and barn; near school and on R. F. X).- $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. $100 per Acre 10 acres choice apricot land In the famous Goodnoe hills. All in cultivation and ready to plow up and plant; cash, balance easy terms. B. 8. COOK & CO., . 603 Corbett Bldg. - 5 Room New Bungalow Full cement basement, cement walks and sidewalks, electricity, finest brass fittings, on carline, with back alley, modern and up to date, easy payments, good range and other household goods win let gq ac cost. , 7 Room Modern House Electric lights, plastered, tinted walls, practically new,, good plumbing, near Mount Tabor carline, Sunnyside, Iqt 60x 90, $li00 cash, $12.60 per month to apply on. payment of property, balance long time ana easy terms witn interest. . One Lot, 50x100 Fine location for flats, E, 24th and Glisan; part-eash, $2000. - 5 Acres, Close in On O. W. P., all cleared, running water. 10 acres at Sycamore station, all level, on 2 county roads, $325 per acre. 6 acres tract, mile from station $1500, half . cash. Choice Business and Income Property on Union and Grand Avenues We Aave most everything In the real estate 'line. A call at our office will convince you, and we may be able to satisfy your wishes. . . ,, 360 E. Morrison st TRURK'f ACDF16 W; How would you like to v Own. a nice little farm in this- great.' undfveloped ' country, within ." two or ; three miles from the com- . Ing second .largest city In' the Province of British Co , lumbia, which will in a . few years' time be one of , the -most Important rail road centers in the Domln rlon of Canada? : Think -of this country, with 'its vast-areas of un developed natural resourc- : .' es, its 'fairly limited amount" , of good agricultural lands, , its climate, Its laws, and not overlooking Its wonder--, ful possibilities. You may be discontented with city life, you may want to get back close to dear, old moth- -er earth, for she does not neglect her children. Look at the -modern; farmer of : today: he Is one of - the -most Independent beings on earth. And why not? He -gets good prices . for- his . crops, and usuallv has a nice fat bank account. ARE. PREPARED ifEOLMTlTLE: MfflTlEI BV in IT IF . COLUMBIA We know about the Gold, Silver, Iron and 'Coal of .Central- British Columbia, but we have heard very lit- "tie of the real wealth, of this section the fertile valleys, sun-kissed and si-.; lent, sleeping between the -Chinook fanned hills. .- Probably the richest and most interesting of the valleys that are being set tled as a result of 'the con- . structtori of the transcon- tlnental line Is- the Nectiac co and Fraser valleys. In this country it is not nec essary to experiment. One glance at the heavy growth of wild grasses and pea vine, of wild berries of al most every kind, convinces even the city bred man-. that this Is an agricultural country. . V .... . a. . It does "not oost a for- '' tune to secure : a farm in . this most favorable locality, for all that is required is -$3 per acre cash and bal ance in five annual pay ments. :Ca)l, at otir .offices and see samples of grain grown in that country; AlBOplioi tographs. field notes and general information. . These- lands are being sold rapidly,'- so you had - better act at once. RTU. C0A8T..-IA GOMPAMY. IHiTEi Paid up capital, $760,000 General Of f lces . Vancou- - ver, B. C London Office, 6 Old Jewry R, C, RUTAN Selling Agent 200 Chamber of Commerce, - Portland, Or. - Phones: Main 8143, A-131J. "'CpeSvenTngs-Tio. - mi Two Anderson bunga lows, one B rooms and the other 6 rooms. They are entirely different from anything you have seen In bungalows In , fact ' you can't appreciate the ' real -bungalow: until, you have seen these. The combina tion of architecture and ln , side finish carried ou to be extremely satisfying, to the most, critical taste. - We ask you to see them. The prices $3760 and $3850 Include full size-lot and all street and sidewalk improve ments, graded lot In fact there Is nothing to be done except to move in. ' 'Very easy terms. raRTLAND TRUST CO. m mm S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. It is the best. The price of city propm ty Is governed by ita' loca- . tfon ' surroandliig coudj-'. tions, car rfde to business tenter, and Its prospects tor , . increased values, The build-- ' ing of many homea ia an important factor and; In- ; surs a brisk demand, . Having, all ; these e'ssen- -tial features.i 0re g,6 ry Heights ia your. beet sppor , . tunity,- whether you buy for 1 a home or investment, -s Crossln g the Burnside bridge by way of the .new . cut-off the car ride is less than 25 minutes. V Closer in than much higher priced property, Grory Heights .Is located in' Portland's fastest growing residence , district, is high, healthy, perfectly level, .with- a, fine -view. No Btumps, no brush, lots with " all street im provements. Bull Run wa ter piped on all streets. Every week brings addi tional families to Gregory Heights. , Over 100' fami lies, now occupying their -own homes. - School - and stores close by.. For a good hnv, let i'ia , show you our lots at ONLY Best and cheapest hi this locality. Sold on easy terms. If you are looking for a home, come' out to Gregory Heights. . Two new modern bungalows for sale on easy, terms. BuyB-yea-trfce- homfrand-- - a 50x100 foot lot. Neat, ; cozy, . homelike, r Cheaper than paying rent.'Come out' Sunday, Call at Gregory -Heights office. . , Take Rose City Park car at Third- and Yamhill Sts. ;V Ride to end of t carline. GREGOisV liWESTMEOTJCK 100 GASH $20 a Month . 7 room, new, modern, 2, story housv piped for furnace, full cement basement cement floor, nice lot and shade trees; 1 block from car. - . ' ' Price' $3000. . $20 a Month-' . ''. 8 room bungalow with fireplace; goo basement, 3' good lots, east front ' Price $3000. -' TERMS lot with IB ft. allev; nice flrtreesj 3 blocks from 41st and Gladstone. - Price $850. . '-; .;, This is a snap. : Ail Cash A new 4 room fealcd house'IOOxlOO ' lot. fenced: 25 fruit tiet-s, i blocks south) from W-W car on 3i)th st - - $600 Cash ! ' ' " Will buy a 4 rooirj cottage, lot 50x100! good woodshpd. a chicken house; all fenced; a blocks from car. - This is a snap. , v , These houses are all Is ft .district where. 'values will greatly increase dur ing the next year because of 1 the new Institute, the. new bridge and the rapid growth now taking place, and according to present "prices they are all excellent buyB. . For the best 1ft Woodstock proportie see me today. ' ' o;"KPra - Take W-W car to 41st and Gladstone SEIXWOOO f,:14 - - ST, iniiKi low cost- and -oarrluge, if - void within 15 days. The best hotel In Bt. .Tohns st a bar. KfUn if takn nMn; always full.- CJ'wxt reasons for selling. . - Fine piece of river .frontage fur Conie i:d sec- it. Uood bui'aiiis In biilntNi Mocks, houses and lots, vacant lots on - tf tcrmti. s . :" ' lirmit-rt j p. r;n.r.i.'.if-'. ?: . 113 -.Ii'i'.scf st, M. . Johlns, ) Whie 'r tilipim ' rtPER ' BAKKR. 4 K. 6rh -rt , brWl, p, ,,n... a,-,,! A-,';ny;; i.-.ril, :: . . . , and city iwrtiy e-.U " tV'--