The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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, " "7 f T p i ' f :" r - -v r - J f " I ! "j " itv r f ' "7
W ) 1
!! JO K
Tichricr and John Dcure Struc
tures, Each for $250,000
Promise to Boost Month's
' Building Record.
Member of Theatrical Syndi
. cate to Buiid Playhouse on
; Morrison Street to Cost Ap
v!: proximately $250,000. ''
This Also Will Be Site for New
Warehouse; Improvement to
Cost Approximately $250,
000 When Completed.
! October's building record In Portland
promises . to exceed that of September
and If the first week's figures are any
Indication of what may be expected for
" the remainder of 'the month the remark
able record of August is In danger of
being eclipsed. At the close of busi
ness Friday last the end of the first
'week of the month 123 permits had
been - Issued authorising an expedlture
of 1701.278.
iTbe largest permit of the week was
taken ' out by the College Endowment
association end Abe' Tlchner for the
10-story reinforced concrete building
under construction at the southeast cor
ner of Seventh' and Alder streets. I'he
cost of. the construction was given' 1n
the permit as $250,000.
i - Another .large .permit" Issued during
the week was that of the John Deere
."rtbtr company, for an eight-story con
crete warehouse covering a half blook.
at ' East Second and ' East Morrison
streets at a cost of $250,000. -- v -j
Individual ertmT;':'tv'-;;'
From these htfge sums ths value of
th Individual permits dropped to 110,
000, which Is the cost named in the
permit for the three-story frame flat
' building which is to be erected On
Twenty-first street between Northrup
and Overton streets by E, Helmer.
.Another frame flat provided for last
week Is that of the two-story structure
: to go up on East Davis street between
. East Fourteenth and' East Fifteenth at
a cost of. $7000. The permit was taken
out by Gruman and MoHardy,
An unusually large number of resi
dence permits were issued during the
week,'" a; large' portion of" which pro
vides for buildings valued-at $4000 and
: $5000 each. HC.. Prudhoimne and C
H. Xeadbetter eaefe took out permits for
$5000 homes last Friday. The former
Is to build on the upper drive between
Montgomery and Isabella streets, and
the- latter on East Forty-sixth between
Stanton and Siskiyou,
Kpast Side Some.
" ;On the" tame dat"X.M; Wallaee was
was - issued a permit for a two-story
' frame residence which he will build, on
'East Yamhill between East Thirty-sixth
; and East Thirty-seventh streets'" at a
cost of $4000. . .-
' iO.E. Hoff has been authorized to
begin the erection of a two-story frame
dwelling on Has sal o street between Im-
'. 1 - . T- 1 ft.W V..II Jl ' .
Nperiai ana .roericoD. iuo vuiiumg win
post $3500, ,
lO tint 1 ama ouiu m, pirmii wh
issued to the Baptist association for a
one-story- frame church which will be
erected on East Seventy-sixth street be
tween Pine aad-Ash.
Coleman A Ginn took out two per
mlts for, the erection of two-story frame
dwellings at a cost of $4000 each at
Two Days in Saa Francisco,
Three Days at Hilo to Visit
the Crater, arid Seven Days
at Honolulu During the
"Flora! Festival
i . t 1 .
X o
'First Personially Conducted-Excursion to Sail Direct From Portland
' . For Detailed Information and Reservations Apply; to Roche & Thompson, Managers; 216 Worcester Building ; 1
, ; - or tho Pacific Coast Steamship Co.f 249Washington.Street : ; 1,,,-,,; -
, 4 '
X a-atsWBMsssssspW Miji
Looking Boutb. from Tayloron Fourth
Salmon and the
the corner of East ? Twenty-firsts and
Knott streets. ;v:."-! .'vv
Upper Union avenue la to have a new
moving picture show, A Moser having
last week taken out the permit for a
one-story (concrete building to cost
$6000' and erected on that thoroughfare
between Alberta and. Sumner streets. --
- - swelling- - Hense Permits. -
.. H.' D. Murphy has Uken out a per
mlt for a two-story trams dwelling
which he is building at-the corner of
Aspen, and Thurman streets at a cost
of $4(00. ' "
At the corner of East Nineteenth
and Knott, E H. Boyer is building a
two story frame dwelling at a cost of
$4000. The permit authorising Us con
struction was Issued last week. 1 ,
J. E. Silvester has completed plans
for a two-story frame flat building to
be erected by local investors on East
Davis street near East Thirteenth. The
house will contain four five-room suites
and will cost ' $8000'.' ----j-:---'
Contractors Madison ; and Anderson
have begun the erection of nine dwell
Thirty Days on the Pacific Ocean and
" " !ltrit , fryft "i'Ww'l'W I'J-I.'M ' f ;m'u 1 1 my mm i uj jjhj, j ,1 nywn u n mmwm w 'psnjijui m mlvi . -lit m m tm.m i m wmw . '.i m ' p mmm ' muuini i?p$i ; "
L.' U v'tv Awr.( U' ,s;X v tU .
street showing 150 'foot four story
ing houses In Rossmere 'and Beaumont,
which WU1 ' cost( from $2500 to $4000
each. These houses will have six and
eight rooms each, and while preserving
the qama general style of architecture,
each will have Individuality.
. Bast Side Block. ,
Tne quarter blocks at the northeast
corner of Grand -avenue and East . Pine
street; owned, by William E, Bralnard
has been taken on 'a $0 -year lease by a
syndicate of local builders, who plan to
Improve it with a four or five-story
business house. Construction of 'the
building will begin as soon as the plans'
are drawn and the necessary prelimin
ary arrangements are made.
J, R. Rogers Is -preparing to begin
the erection of a one-stbry brick gar
age covering a quarter of a block at
the northeast corner of Jefferson and
Nartllfa streets for the Auto Delivery
company.- The foundation will be of
sufficient strength to support an addi
tional story if required by the tenant
Its estimated cost is $12,000.
. Satisfactory progress is being made
xpease of Eornd.
Mau&tMvt lfcrw'"i.'Vi-inri.'''fniiniiiiilJuaK'""' 1
hotel nnder - construction at - northwest corner of -Fourth' and
' - - ' ,, ,
in building the public halTof the "Wll
lumbSa Hall association at the north
east : corner of Lombard ;-street and
Portsmouth' f avenua - The' foundation,
basement walls and a portion of the
first floor has been completed, and It
Is expected that: the four stoties of th
superstructure 111 be tip by the first
oft December,. The building Is $4x110
feet in dimension and is to be practl
oalily a fireproof structure. .The first
floor will contain two store rooms, one
of which will bo rented for .bank pur
poses and the other for some kind of
retail business. Offices will take up
all of the second floor and the third
and fourth floors will be occupied en
tirely by lodges,
. in At , ;, .
"Kircanno' la the name' of the latest
residence additloa to b platted and put
on ths market on th line or tne ore
gon Electric railway. . This addition ad
joins , Lee's addition on the ' east and
south ' and is within the four mile olrcle.
It will be handled by M. E. Lee, the
owner of Lee's addition and an extensive
operator in properties located along the
Salem Electric line. The addition eom
prises 44 acres, 28 of , which have been
platted . Into 130 lots. Mr. Lee is pre
paring to put In a private water sys
tem for the purpose of supplying both
Klrcanno and Lee's addition. The water
wllLcomc) from a large spring located on
Lee's addition. A steel water tower will
be erected on a high point overlooking
both tracts, Into which the water will
be pumped by means of gasoline power.
Both tracts are to be piped and lots will
be sold with a guarantee of water piped
to each lot
A solder that will fuse at a low tem
perature and prove useful for uniting
soft . metals, is made by adding three
drops of mercury to each ounce of com
mon solder.
in the Land
One of the most unassuming of the
country's big business men, Maro Klaw,
came euletly Into town last Sunday and
when he left -town Wednesday had con-i
eluded a deal which will result Jn giv
ing Portland another new theatre and
hotel, that will cost to build approxi
mately $300,000, and possibly $100,000
more. . ,
; For a year or more, or - since , the
break between Klaw & Erlanger and the
Cort syndicate, Klaw1 & Erlanger have
been quietly working on a plan to se
cure a theatre cf their own in' Port
land as well as half a doien other north
Pacific coast cities. While in the city
Mr. Klaw announced' that with conclud
ing the dear with the Sweeney Invest
ment eompany for a new playhouse on
the Dekum property his firm .had suo-
oeeded - in getting theatres ,Jn f every
northwest city of consequence, except
Tacoma, thus completing a circuit ex
tending from Butte. Mont, to Portland,
including Vancouver, Victoria, Spokane
and Seattle.;-. ' '
The ; new playhouss will occupy an
8S by 125 foot site at the southwest
edmer , of v-Fourteenth and Morrison
streets,, with the main entrance in the
center of the Morrison street frontage.
It is to be a six story structure, of fire
proof construction, with a seating, ca
pacity of 1600 and will : cost between
$200,000 and $250,000.'
Plans for the building will be pro-
pared in New York by the personal ar
chitect of the Klaw A Erlanger syndi
cate.' It is to bo of the cantilever type
of constructlon--that is, the entire load
will be carried by the outside walls, by
this means obviating the ncoesstty of
supporting columns scattered through
the body of the main auditorium.
Mr. Klaw also took a lease on a 71
by $5 foot ix story hotel to be erected
by the Sweeney Investment company on
the lot adjoining the theatre site to the
south. Tho Klaw & Erlanger syndi
cate do not intend to operate the ho
tel, but took a lease on the proposed
new hostelry, as the Sweeney Interests
Insisted on leasing the entire Fourteenth
street front of the Dekum block to one
tenant Roundtree & Diamond wllliave
charge of tho details connected with
leasing the new hotel for the Klaw ft
Erlanger syndicate.
- " ' -'Will
build Motor Boat.
(Rncrl.1 Dtmttcti to Th Jonrntl.1
Umatilla, Or., Oct 8. W. H. Switxler
has purchased a new 23 horse-power
engine and will build a motor boat here
for Dasseger service on the Columbia
river, between Umatilla and Plymouth,
Wash. The large ferry boat will be
used exclusively for tho cattle trads
which has rapidly lnoreased this season
at this point
of Flowers
The Pacific Coast
Steamship Company's Popular
Excursion Steamer "QUEEN"
Chartered for the
Occasion ?
- Portland's first modern concrete dock
and warehouse is to be erected on that
part of the waterfront extending from
Stark to Oak streets, the owners of th
property; the Falling sisters and the
Reed Institute, having announced last
week that plans had been completed for
this improvement and the construction
work would begin not later than January.-1.
For some time the owners oi
this property have been making sound-r
lngs to ascertain the depth to which
the foundations would have to go, so ,
that soma estimate of the cost might be
arrived at , After a careful survey of . ;'
tho river bed' the engineers determined
that a cement and gravel foundation
from the concrete wall could be laid at
a. depth of 18 feet below low water at
this point
Whether the foundation lor tho on-
crete piers will take tho form of piling'
or whether the entire site- will have to
be enclosed in a coffer-dam and the
water pumped out and the foundation
work carried on practically dry ground
has not been determined by the engi
neers. The latter system, however, may
be resorted to in spits of Us expense, fot
tho reason that piling as a foundation
for cement piers Is a success only vn
der the most favorable circumstances.
The Portland waterfront is said to be ot
such a naturs as to make it doubtful it
piling could be successfully used ai
this purpose. :-'
Architects Doyle and Patterson a,v
prepared a set of plans for the dock,''
which Includes a superstructure of twe .
stories to be built on tho two story dock,
the upper story to be used strictly fot. .
warehouse purposes. ,
No estimate of the cost of th!s im
provement has so far been made, but 11
is known that it will amount well up .
toward $250,000. . ..
Attempt to Rob Weather Station.
(PprcUl Dlpt( to The Journal.! .. '"
Umatilla. Or- Oct. 8-The United
States government weather station was
broken into between 6 and 6 o'clock
Wednesday evening and efforts to steal
the thermometers was made by cut
ting the lattice on the door ot the build-
Insr. Both Instruments were aisioagea,
yet apparently uninjured. The thief
was frightened away Dy tne ODaervei
who was about to take the readings foi
the day. .
. Silverfield's for Furs.
Silverfield's, Fourth and Morrison
streets, acknowledged, headquarters and
style leaders in 'genuine Alaska , seal- ,
skin. Send, for new. fur fashion book,
season 1910-1911. .
li mm iiw irti,M..f,yy.Trt-,.utiW..yi'.l ii"Mii,iHi' . t.V, ','!" ,. n,.ni -i .
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