C: f i t y will f:o in a -v'y to 3 O'ciii, ',i ii on p.inc'.iv. 111'! yours women of the piri;-h aio auovl. The Very Kev. Bernard Murphy will preach the eermoo. c:.tl I no to cease a ':!' e until tha eteel structure over the c? canyon Is com pleted... j ; III SEn KEGULAR FULL PAGE AD-Ci:CTIO:i Z. r.'.r. a i i u . . - ir-jHTjin-r p li.hll iiU.UV tin ini mi:;; Li, 51. TONIGHT'S AMUSL'iEXTS Bungalow Baker Portland . Orpheurn Grand . . , I antages Lyric .... Star ..... . . "Arizona" "Cameo Klrby" ."By Right pf fe'woid" . . , Vaudeville Vaudeville .......... .Vaudeville ."The Servant Lady" Moving Picture Women's Fren Club The State Women's "Press club began Its yeaf a work last Wednesday evening. Mrs. M. 1' T. Hidden, president, spoke briefly, welaomlng old and new members. Mrs. Hidden and Mrs. M. R. Allen- were elect ed delegates' to the state convention of ths Federation of Women's -Clubs at Ths Dalles., Mrs. Millie Trumbull was cho; sen as alternate. The club Indorsed the idea of district organization of clubs, in the federation. A. committee .was ap pointed to visit the juvenile court and study social and other problems present ed there. Various 'lines of .reporters' work formed the program ot the even ing: Miss Lilian Tingle spoke entertain ingly on tier, experiences as a domestic reported. Mrs. L. Bronson-Salmon gave a paper replete with information .on the special training, varied knowledge, and keen judgment required $y ,the legal re porter. The discussion was led by Mrs. M. A. Ogden. - Clatskanle Y.1U Elint Eown The old mill of the West Oregon Lumber com pany at Clatekanle was shut down per manently yesterday after having: cut luumber foj-the domestic and foreign markets for t everal years. . Henceforth the company will direct all its atten tion to its new mill at Llnnton. The mill at Llnnton' was completed about three months ago and Is now in fine, running oraer, cutting juo.uoo ieet dally. Manager" E. -D. Kingsley stated yesterday, that while the old mill at Clatskanle has been shut down, the com pany's logging camps down there will be operated to furnish material for ths new mill. ' , Sales of Alblns Property Two trans actions in Alblna realty were concluded yesterday in which the combined consid eration was 125,000. ' The larger of the deals was the sale by L T. Peery and associates of the improved 40 by ,100 root parcel at the northwest corner of Russell street and Rodney avenue to J. L. Howard for 115,000; and the other was the transfer of a house and lot on the west side Union avenue, near Cook street, by E. C. Hulbert to F." E, Denl son for. 110,000. i . Y Afternoon at T. W. a A. This after noon' will be spent at the T. W. C. A: as follows: 8:00 o'clock, Bible class, sub Ject, "Palestsse, Its . History and Cus toms." : The lessons of this Bible study aretirranged .to fornw- a. continuous course, but , each lesson , will be taken up in auch a way that '.anyone wishing to come for a single vtlme will" find U interesting. 4:00 , o'clock piano solo, , Miss Floid; Wood; vocal solo, Miss Elva Johnson; accompanist, .Miss "Eva John son Address, "The Virtue of Optimism," Rev. Frank D. Flndley. following1 the '4 d'clock program there will be a dis cussion class and social hour. All girl .are welcome. ' ' , ' ' Seal Estate law A course- in real estate law -will be conducted by Andrew O. Thompson, AM., J. D., at the Y. M. Ci' A. Saturday evenings during the winter, beginning the first Saturday m November. This will be a valuable and practical course .to all men and the law in relation to teal estate in Oregon will be especially considered.-. Engineers' ExsmlnatlonfsAn exami nation to secure .eligibles from which to ; choose persons to, fill the vacancy in the position of engineer In timber tests will, be held November 1. The eligible list will also be used to fill other vacancies that may occur later. Considerable difficulty has been experi enced in securing a sufficient number of eligibles for this position," which pays loo a year. Application for the ex amination can be -secured ' from Z. A, Leigh at the local postofflce building, Wew York State ooloty The new Tork State Society of Oregon will -hold its regular . monthly meetings-Tuesday evening. October 11. in the parlor of the - Glendora hotel, North Nineteenth street near Couch. A fine musical pro! gram,, arranged by Mrs. E, A, Beais, wul be rendered. Alt New Yorkers, whether residents or visitors in Oregon, will bo .cordially welcome.,. . . ; . - , Warrant Oat for Junk Dealer.- A bench warrant was issued by the county grand Jury yesterday for the arrest of Meyer Shenker,. charged with having re ceived stolen goods, Shenker , la a Junk dealer, of 268 Front street Special Officer! M. P. Lillls of thai Portland Raiiwav.' Llsrht & Power company made the complaint after finding a roll of copper wire in possession or fenenicer, Have To Been M. X Malley's new gro cery store, 23-25 Sixth street north, near Burnslde? Mr. Malley has Just moved from Third and Ash streets, where he was located for Is years, and will be pleased to have all his friends and pat' rons drou in and inspect ma new store His stock is new. and no mora up to date er neater crooery store can be found in Portland. - , , ,' . "Wanted-One hundred And fifty men to buy scarlet wool underwear also ladies to purchase undevwear hosiery, laces, 1 veilings and notions, fledfern, Warner's Rust-proof and Thomson's Glove-fitting Corsets on sale; at lowest possible prices at BecTcer, McLoughlln & Sweeney's Dry Goods .'Store, 441 Washington street, corner Twelfth. Attention,. Oenttemen Just arrived, new designs in English raincoats, . also 1 large stock of eravenettes In he priestly makesT $20 to $31 values for $18.78; $25 to $27.60 values ifor $14.76. Jimmle TDunn. -room 815 Oregonlan bldg.. Take : elevator third floor. , t,. ... ' Wi boll halt mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for SO pound beds from $7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Port' land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metiger, proprietor. 226-22$ Front street Main 474, A-1874. ' " If yon are particular about your drugs and medicines take your orders to Albert Bern!, the druggist on Wash Ington street near Second; Z2 . years drug experience in this city. ; Willamette Kelglits Home 115$ Thurman street eight rooms, strictly -modern,- magnificent- view. For permit to Inspect apply Lambert-Whltmer Co., , 70 TniiVfh at rant 1 ' Horse Show The sale of seats for the horse,show opens Monday, October 10, at rows Martin's drug store, tsixtn ana Washington streets. Box seats $50 to $100 for the season; reserved seats, 75c and Si; general admission, 60c Anto Company Gets JTndrment The Jury in the case of the Hodeon Auto company vs. the Keats Auto company.. yesterday afternoon returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff Judgment in the sum of $724.89, this being the amount the Jury deemed to bjs owing; the suing company. - . ;; Spanish Veterans' Minitrei. The Spanish War veterans are planning a minstrel ahow to be given soon. George E. Evans has been selected to render several baritone solos, and a Quartet from the veterans is, rehearsing. Other minstrel novelties are also being pre pared. - - - - --. - Dentistry and 'Tharmacy The annual session of the North Pacific college has oegun. Btuaenis aesiring credit for full course must be in attendance by uctoDer if. - e Unredeemed 'Pledges Diamonds. watches,, jewelry, musical instruments, for amount loaned and interest Uncle Myers, 71 th at, bet Oak and Pine, Welsh Service Welsh servlee will be conducted at 8 p. m. today at Hassalo Street -ehurcri, when Rev. R, M. Jones will preach a Welsh aermonV .i x hiUi !l cAuiilihb New Building With 200 Addi tional Trunks in Operation; Great Increase in Ca!!s. Starka Have Daughter Born, Friday evening to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Stark, Of No:. I Cornell road, a daughter. Steamer Jesale Barkins, tor Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock at 8 p. m. , 23. H. Koorencmss k Oolnterlor and exterior painting, papering and tinting, Dealers in wallpaper paints, ate. .;- 411 Washington si , - e Brotherhood of Owls meets every' Mon day evening in. Marquam bldg., eighth floor, reports to contrary notwith standing. . . Beldiar Xros- Jewelers . and exnert opticians, Vill now be found .at 846 Washington street . , ' T. I. Beach si ooH the Pioneer Paint eompany, 136 First atreet Phones U 1S84. A-1SS4. Imperial Turkish Baths, under Wat son's restaurant Finest in city. Open day and night i Rapid strides in the settlement of St Johns and the lowef peninsula country, and . flattering prospects of further ex tensions next year, promptedn the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company to build and equip a, new exchange at St Johns. This exchange was . placed in operation - yesterday - evening --at - 10 o'clock, and today the patrons of the old exchange are being served from, the new and up-to-date office, 1 The peninsula country especially- has been In need of this added service. -The new exchange at St Johns is modern in every respect' and is planned to serve the district for the next 10" years. A new reinforced concrete building has been erected at St Johns in which to install the new plant The building Is modern in every i respect and ,- con tains rest rooms for the operators,, a waiting room for patrons, business of fices -and cloak rooms. The ventilation perfect and the heating is by .an in dividual plant. .The structure is abso lutely fireproof and designed especially for a telephone exchange.; It is locat ed attNot 405. South. Jersey strcet- The , company has notified all ' sub scribers that beginning last evening at 10 o'clock all telephone numbers carry ing the name of "Jersey" and "Rich mond Will be, changed to "Columbia. The new telephone directory will con tain these changes. There were 720 telephone, lines in the old exchange, and 200 were added last evening. Seven op erators are employed. The plant is known as a common battery type and has all the latest Improvements In tele phony. The ultimate capacity is 8600 line The-operatton - oi f the-xehangre I Will oe unaer lot qireuuun ui m. xu. n, dlsfrlct tra'fflo chief. The wires enter the building by an underground conduit and this conduit extends for two miles out from the exchange. No telephone poles are in sight and the work has been done at an expense of several thousand dollars. The change.has been made by the extension department. under the supervision of J. L. Yarnell; commercial manager of the local com nanw : Ahnnt 57 nnrt telerhones are now accessible over thlsNfeompany, and no extra tolls are charged.-- , A glance at' the-figures compiled by tha company showa a wonderful growth In the extension department For Sep tember 1909. the Pacific Telephone & Teleerranh eomoany had 8,000,000 calls. Daring the corresponding . month . for 1910 the books show 6,117,762 calls. In comparison with other cities served by thla company, taking cuies or iww.uuu and over, in -the west, Portland stands second highest tor efficient service, San Francisco heads the list with a percentage of 20. Portland is next with 19 per cent. Portland is 3 per cent bet ter than 6attle and per cent better than Tacoma. Three Miles of Track Already Laid Out of Clark on the Oregon Side. . . ; Three miles of track have already been laid by the Oregon Truck line out of Clark. ' the first station on the Oregon stee of the Columbia, and work is (progressing nicely. This report was brought to Portland yesterday after noon hr George A. Kyle, vies president and general manager of the , company. - Track laying began, a few daya ago, and it is Jhoped to .put down about 1H miles daily. Ties and rails are being hauled across the river from the deliv ery station on the North Bank line,, on the Washington side of the river,' by a large ferry barge towed by the steam er norma, ana Air. Kyle states that It s keeping the steamer and barsre busy gelng back and forth across the river. . It is Intended to have the line com pleted as far as Crooked river in less than two months, and then work Will ASds cn lid Pins and Dslt Cticldss or Belt Pin don't overlook this salo. as we certainly win orrer some oig bargains. boxto erLTca scat tdxs, 35 to 81,00; regular values. to i GOX.D MUD KJlT TVXS, RO te 82.60; regular value from $1 to $6 sous rrxTyrs and ooxjj nxz.es BDLT BCCKUEl and Z,T VIMB, 7S6 to f S.OO; regular yaiues.irom (1.60 tO $10.00. ; A, Hedneloon on Zvtry Kat lta. Belt Pla ana sei suut u vm mwr WATCH THE WINDOWS Vex Week: foe Theee Barrelae All Are aXarked Plain f igwes These Goods Are All the Very Latest v', Designs ' tsm ikAjtoia jBWBxatT stob JAEGER BROS. '. - 868 :' SCOXBIBOsT ST. v s ; . BIT. THUD AMD rOXXBTH MUST KEEP BOY AT 150 POUNDS OR GO JO JAIL ' Cleveland,' Ohio, Oct 8. If Mrs. Julia Kneebeck allows far son Edward. 19 years old, to weigh less than 150 pound! she will be arrested on a neglect charge, Police Judge Levlne haa ruled.- Two months ago Mrs. Kneebeck had the boy arrested oh a vagrancy charge. When brought into court he was emaci ated and weighed only 120 pounds. Wit nesses testified that the mother atarved him and the judge, dismissing the case, gave the boy into a friend's care. . When young Knesbeck Was again brought into court and weighed he tlDoed the acalea at 164 pounds. The Judge returned the boy to his mother with a warning to. give mm plenty or food, although ahe protested she didn't want him.:'.,..;;,:-, .,.;:.,,..'.1.,:i..i..J....: . S3. W. Koore, Photographer For tip to date work, patronize the old reliable. Seventh and 'Stark streets, Elks' bldg. B. Sake, Sadies' order, 840 and up. 8d and Morrison. Tailor Salts to Cambridge bldg., W. A. Wis and aasiclates. painless deatists, Third and Washington. atellahle Zye Specialists.. Freese & Rice, 808 Merchants Trust Bldg-. jack king's Turkish Baths. 'Largest In city. Imperial Hotel Annex. Bicycle for sale, $15, almost good' as new. 229 Washington street'' L Sunday. MISS WEST LOCATED ;r . Charge of Corset Department. The many 'friends of Mlsa West wh9 purchased corsets of her for years at Mc Allen & McDonell's. will be pleased to learn that she is now with the Allen Cowman tailored ladles, suit house, 415 Washington atreet corner Eleventh, showing the new models in Warner's Ruat Proof , and Red Fern, Corsets at agents' prices. Miss West understands the model best suited to round out the figure or reduce the full lines. Agency Thomson's Glove Fitting Corsets. 415 Waafclnrtnn atrt Mlk a. Tint. ' Where to Dine. drtlMoTi wtmmrnims7iS6ndally,1 Chicken dinner atTPeerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth atreet St Ann's Society The St Ann's so ciety, of this parish, will give a charity social Wednesday evening at 8:80. The Hoesly orchestra will furnish the music. Refreshments will be served. The Holy PEIMPANTS ForJheatreTime arid Horse Show Nothing enhancet evemnar dress as -well as a beautiful - neckchairi. We have them in : all styles and at- all prices Beautifhl combina tions? of exquisite work manship ' from a simple neck chain to festoons, and La Vallieres . elaborated with jewels - or the fascia nating Baroque pearl, drop. Ask . to see the diamond neck - pieces mounted on platinum, you'll. enjoy look ing1 at them. We enjoy showing them.. We've gained a large patronage By selling guaranteed jew elry at popular prices. V . -VV afro 2 8 6 MO K R I S O N S'T. 0375 S23S mf ' was ill i hi Si JUST LIKE NEW WAS NOW G32S G200 These are high-grade pianos taken iii ex , v change for'Kranich & .Bach Bab? Grands and Prayer Pianos, MUMllHllllllItriiiiiiiiiiiiUMia-"' :': NOW - B- mm HI 111 FOURTH ST, ; OLDEST MUSIC DEALERS & PORTLAND f See Regular AdLast Page, Sec. 1 Phone Your 'Grocery Orders Priv. Ex. 4 A6 1 0 1 The Greater Meier (FrfliakStbre Pure Food- Groceriesi" Goods move so quickly here that stock is always fresh. We buy in such larsre ouantitiea that our SELLING PRICE is freauentlr less than many stores have to pay for goods at wholesale. We give prompt and careful aiicnuon 10 man ana teiepnono oraers. wau ana set mi iw The Following Prices are in i Force the Kntire Week PICNIC SHOULDERSrtCutMrfstyiear ; .i ,. .... .I , lean; a 101 oi iuv ouugni ui Agf this special sale tomorrow at the very low price , of, pound Tt M. F. COFFEE-1""0 rw&r, tut as we naa a large siock' on unu mciuic mc advance we can still make the same low price on the usual splen- 00, did quality; s Our famou"M. & E. blend) regular 30c grade, pound .aWC The Famous Butternut Brand Butter, 73c the Square EXCEt f Cor th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. WATCH 1 1 DELICIOUS BREAKFAST BACON,, lb. . 28c SAUERKR'UT . reeularry I5c quart I2c RICE, Japan style, 6 pounds, for 25c BOILED HAM special the ' pound 36c Victor Flour, the BW. $5.39; the 30-Ib. Sack $1,43 New York State Full Cream Cheese 25c lb. Sweet Apple , Cider (includ- ' ing jug), gallon - 40c Winter , Banana atnd Fancy King Applet y $5 Box Home Made Grape Fruit Marmalade 18 c Class en S - .LIZA JANE COOKIES; for this sale, the lb. 10 Op vClUl ABETTA BISCUITS, 6 packages, at this sale gg? FRENCH PASTRYSpecial department Complete assortment here. S ir I Tii. (.mAnatndnni nt vrnn fnn1stuffi KAOLA. the l newVvegetable shortening compound, Crescent Baking Powder. , bample the biscuits, etc. Mapleine Demonstration. Try the uncooked candy Special Sale of Holland Bulbs We have just received an enormous shipment of 300,000 Holland bulbs for fall nlantinar. These were crown by H. Van Koolberger & Son. at Baskoop, Holland. They are the largest, growers of bulbs in the world. The Bie Store has secured the sWe agency for, Portland for these bulbs, and our huge contract enables us to quote vigorous and hardy bulbs at prices never before named in this city. On sale in Housefurnishing Sec tion, basement. Don't fail to take advantage of this sale tomorrow. HYACINTHS, assorted, spe- CA cial orice. the dozen, onlv J"C TULIPS', assorted, 'special, the dozen, tomorrow only JONQUILS (yellow), spe cial at, the dozen, only 25c 20c NARCISSUS (yellow). spev O C .cial price, the dozen,, only fciJC DAFFODILS (yellow), spe- cial price, the dozen, only. eWC ANEMONES, assorted, spe. OA. cial. the dozen, sale at only aWC SPANISH IRISassorted, at the special price, the dozen, for only lOf Lindsay Lights Complete 54c The Lindsay Lights isJtnown the country-over for its higK standard-o quality, i no Dumer gives a xugn canuio power ugai waitu ia uiuttuj white.. We offer this light complete, with burner, mantle ind Clr clobe. all readT to attach to the gas. special tomorrow at enlyTll GENUINE LINDSAY MAN TLES, regular 30c values. 1 D special for this sale at only IOC GENUINE . LINDSAY - MAN TLES. regular 15c values, 11 special for this sale at only 11C SELF - LIGHTING MANTLES, our regular 35c values, spe- OQ, cial for this sale at only OC GENUINE WELSBACH MAN TLES. regular 20c values, t? special for this sale at only lvC To Those Who Lend Honey on Real Estate The CERTIFICATE OF TITLE furnlshea everything that you get by using the Abstraot method of examining titles and much more.. ," ' In making a CERTIFICATE OF TITLE the Title A Trust Com pany makes up an office Abstract." which .contains everything that JSvould go Into an ordinary Abstract. In addition all the pri vate records of tne eompany are available for examination, a great portion of which cannot go into an - Abstract, but which are often, Invaluable in determining the true condition of the title In question. In this reepect, then,, the CERTIFICATE la stronger than the Ab-: struct of Title. - , v . . The' examination Is made by specialists, lawyers who nave made n, business of real estate lew for many years. Their standing Is known throughout the community. Questionable points In the title. . if any arise, are decided by consultation of the attorneys of tha .company, thus giving the benefit of their combined judgment In addition to the above, the CERTIFICATE Itself Is guaran teed to be correot. . That guarantee Is backed by more than a quar ' ter of amllllrm dollars of assets. Including a special deposit of ,59 - 000 with the Treasurer of the State of Oregon, thus adding still greater strength to an already superior evidence of title. TITLE-AND -TRUST-COMPANY FaXD-TTT .OAPITA1 $350,000 LnrH Udg, Kortheast Comer fourth and Oak Storeetf TomorTbvy's bargains in the Basement "Underprice Store." Read carefully and profit by the saving opportunities. Qual ity will not be sacrificed here for the sake of making little prices. A safe store first of all, and a money-saver always. Women's 82 Underwear at G3c In the basement underprice store tomorrow, a sensational offer of a sample line of Women's Vests and Pants, in good quality merino, mer cerized, cotton, fleece-lined, etc.; seasonable garments, bought at a great sacrifice. You can choosefrom the lot of values up to CO: $2.00 the garment, at the very low special price of, the garment vOC $1.25 Gloves at 87c In the basement "underprice store' tomorrow., complete line of ladies, tan cape Gloves, ill ; the best shades r regular $1J2S values, special price, pair OlC 20c Hose Only 0c 2000 pairs children's black Cot ton' Stockings,. 1x1 ribbed, seaol less , foot, reinforced, heels : and toes; fast color; very good Q 20c values", special, the pair aC G1 rls.G 8 Coats Special at G3.98 Qg Dresses 8 2Q8 Tomorrow, in the Basement "Un derprice Store," a sale of Girls' Wool Coats in plain and fancy materials, short or long lengths, for girls 6 to 14 years of age. , Good, warm school coats, regu larly worth -to $8.00. MM Special tomorrow for DRESSES Children's Luster Dresses, in white, navy, cardinal and light blue. Sizes 2 to 6 years.. i-Jhc- very best styles and qualities' for school wear. - Values regular- ly worth to $5.00 each, a Specially priced only !b2.98 v i V. l 85c Fancy Silks Now at 48c $1 Silk and WooI PoplIn 67c 20 different- colors silk and wool Poplin, .24 inches wide; the best popular fabric for this sea son for street or evening wear? Reglar $1.00 quality, tin- derprice at only, the yard vlv 35c Pictures at 5c The greatest picture values tver shown In Portland. Marines, land scapes, etc., in colors, mounted on heavy mats; size 14x17; every Picture s beauty and worth P Sc; on special sale at, each wC 7c Kerchiefs at 3c 2000 dozen ladies' hemstitched Handkerchiefs, yery neat colored borders: regular 7c values. 9 on special sale for only, each J v Olds, Wortman & King Store New fancy Silks, bought especial ly, for the. underprice store at a great sacrifice.' A" te new cat terns in stripes, plaids, etc. Ex cellent , values at 85c; on AQi special "sale at, the yard t iOC 40c Note Paper at 10c 25c Envelopes at Sc DIARIES The ' underprice t0 store offers 25c Diaries, each IC NOTE PAPERA quire of reg ular 20c to 40c grade; only 10 ENVELOPES Good quality of 15c, A)c and iic values,- on r special sale at only, the pkg. alo u ior pose caras, good 15c, 20c and 25c vals SHELF PAPER, in all colors, with fancy borders; regular 5c value, on special sale for JC POSTCARDS, special, doten mm Makes Good, It saves you money. It all burns. It - is dean. : No sootno clinkers no dirt. Makes a hot firs and leaves little ash. .'Call up and order a ton. Prove it. Telephones, A 3887 Marshal 2635, or Ordorfroin YsurdooJiir to-d ixy IS B0BOXE4TZOV 9AMX OentM Taoglis asd Twantr-Xourtli Its. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND ooTOBsa .4, a, e, r, a, . Oatnaa Bsffla Waskdays at S0 . M, Snuiaays at S80 T. lav Admission Bleachers, 25c: a rand stand. SOo; boxea lie extra. Children Bleaenara," JOcj grandstand, 1 Sc.- ZJU)ZZS' PAT WUDAX:' Boya under 11 Tree to Bleachers Wedneaday. TEETH 5av Your Teeth Now You save a dollar, we make a dollar and ths Expensive Dentist loses two dollars wheq we da your work. We work tor prices you can pay. Open evenings until S ?nd Bundaya until 13:10 or people who work. Offices established tea years and our guarantee Is good. BOBTOB DEMTISTB. . Offices corner Fifth and Morrison sta, entrance 291H Morrison at., opposite Meier & Frank's and Postofflce. F1t nr Derb v 1 1 .50 EtrhtntnL Utrt Slupe HATS 319 ALDER CON. 6 YourNcwHouse nssi sxxoTxxcMUb nxrirsxsv ISCPTia "A intnoeoTe '. jCXl ' I r Beaaonable estimates riven gladly. Morrison Electric Co. 8. C, JAGGER. J. S5. MAXOJI. , ' 891 X. Xorrtsoa. . .. Both rhoses. Gorham Rubber Co. 309 OAK ST, PORTLAND, OR. Sawyers Oi ledCilii-j is the only genuine Cract proof CVf-V rnjrrtft e"-msrlr'j,a-i hr y r" anteed..; Ask ynr df.altr. . ; JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ?.'