r , - ... , , i - r - c ' . y' .if yTfc d?" r ' REAL ECTATi; ,. PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1010. , CooUing School Tomorrow at 3 P.M.Slylc LccturcTucsdayat 3 P.M.Takc Lunch in Our Tea Room; Fourth Floor Manicurlnn. Halrdgccsinfj, Children's; Hair Cutllno, Second FloorScc "Underpricc Bulletin," This Section, Papc 5 11 'u ' 1 m,l IT'T inni inn WW Ml th J f r - Obi . J. u . mil jt . . ' . i , ! w III a il l I mm ; nil i M i . If I ll I I 1 emlll If 111:1 . i:tf 1 I . c V,7i h',V The most Interesting feature of the coming Uorse Show will be the parade of fashion .which will 'draw its Inspiration from the model womanhood of the Northwest, bedecked In the rarest style conceptions, designed by the r great masters of Europe and AmericaThe Olds, Wortman & King garment and millinery salons will contribute largely to this array ot splendor by ottering great reductions on women's Gowns, Picture Hats, Dresses 4 and Suits Monday O350 Gowns at Si2fe2;50 Lai 1 A sale of all bur Gowns, ..imported and domestic ; Each one '''"Sjfl ' bears the grace of refinement Some-- are marvels of hand. ! jlace work, others "display wonders of color blending; The I mnct AinrrvVfA crrAiin ftf Vvrlnslvi and lndivirlual rfe- signs ever shown in Portland. Greatly .reduced tomorrow. $19S.0O .Parii in- lie O C spieedj designs v ltUil $275 rich French- (OA OC imported Gowns - wvU9 $350.00 exclusive ' rOCO Cfl Paris made Gns OU All - $100.00 gowns 7C A A At rr t Choose any, $150.00 Gown;in the. j store at low price 01. are marked down to $125 Gowns,' special KM !S2.nOKld Gloves .at fJl-19 ? S1.25 Kid Gloves for 89c 87.50 Hand Bags 54.98 First floor--iTomorfow a sale of SOti extra qual- " ity Seal ; Handbags in various shapes and styles, leather lined, fitted with rse and card case. Worth regularly $7.50, very special , only, each 4.98 Kayocp SilR Vests S2,71 33.75 Kayser Silk Vests gl98 Second floor.a gigantic special sale of Kayser Italian-Silk Underwear, the dain tiest, yet. the most durable; silk .under wear made; very wa.rtn and healthful; colors pink, blue and white; gorgeously embroidered; regular $3.7o val- M AO Second floor. Kaysef brand Italian Silk Vests; in white only, the: finest grade silk, made, up ixumany, beautiful designs; cool in summer and warm in winter; our best regular $4.95 values are offered for tomorrow s sale - at this" un- aw 71 usually low price, each, only t ues. soecial sale'at only, each 7'w 5 - i , J52.GO Hair Puff $1.79 R S3Q S wltclies g22lgQ First floor, i-At the hair" goods counter, Rosette Puffs, very new, 'ready to pin on. Best reguJar $2.50 sets, for, only ?l".TO SWITCHES,' In the-first quality, wavy, 20 inches long; regular $5.75 1Q , values, special 'on. first. , floor WiI5, SWITCHES, very fine, quality, 32 inches long,, natural wavy; never.before sold at,, less than $30; special . to- t) CA morrow, second floor, for $LCfdv PUFF SETS Bird's Nest' Puff 'Sets," hatural VcurlV, very.' stylish;; djC'.l Q values . at $7.00,, special, set' P J I . . . (. . . ... . .. . . 65c Ribbons 2 9c First floor; Thousand's of -yard$- of niw -designs in colored satin and moire and plain taffetas. The best grades, of silk, 4Yt to Syi inches wide; values to OA 65c a-yard, special at only, yard 'tt73. Timely Sale Fine- Scotch Hugs gig Values at:g t2.5Q G3Q Values S23.5Q .Third floor. A sale of fine Scotch Art Rugs, in beautiful patternsand soft; coli orings; brown, green, gray,' red, blue and two-ton$ effects; size 6x9 feetr regubr $15.00 values, special sal 0 O C at the low price of, each v itJ Size 9x9 . regular $22 - values f 17.50 , Size 9x12, regular $30 values f 23.50 2.50 Robe Blankets Sgl,5 S2.25 Feather IPillow Sl.Qg 81.75 Comfopters at $1.39 9 Third I floor. The bedidng sore offers. foi tomor JlS row a iplendid line of fancy Robe Blanfetscol ls ors red and blue, red. and white,' gray .and white,' , rkf blue' and tinfe. brown, and . blue, tan ahd white.- J pink-and' white, etc . Suitable ( for auto 'robes, jp bath robes, couches, top, covering for. M ' QC" L 5 bed, etc. J , regular $2.50 values, only $lOD V . "Til . 8'y ueccca t JDianxeiv eyctjai, uuijr , Pi PILLOWS,- all feather-filled, covered - M ' with 'good grade ticking; $2.25' values jilUJ I CO M FORTE RS,-rnttOTr!.! te,--y arrrtredr rovetrd - J with siikonne; llutty and warm; reg- "JQ sT ular $1.75 values, on sale at only, each $ldJ Women's Real Kid Gloves, two orf three-clasp styles, in" colors' and black.. High- grade Selected ;st6ck. Regular $2.00 fff 1A' , . ? j values, special, pair P117 f V - f .,. , i, ;.-.;.( . V...: T ... , - ; ,v Sl.O O Jewelry S 9c 75c Ncckwcar47c First floor, v The juvenile store of fen f6r tomorrow , hundreds of all thia season's best designs in Brodches. Belt Pins and Buckles,. Hat Pins, etc.. In metallic and stone; effects, worth- to $1.00, each, I CQ ,Ypur choice,of the lot tomorrow at . fJ5t . NECKWEAR Tomorrow yon may select from. our entire' stock of women't Fancy .Neckwear, all th newst idea, 7 ;in actual 5c values, special for, ca, Trl C 1t v Women's OveVseam Kid Gloves; in two-clasp styles; Tan, brown, black7 gray, red; green,'' etc.: Splendid ,.$1.25 . values,' O A special price,' the pair OJC ;g7,gQ Dress S4.98 $2J5iSweater Sl;98 Second 'floor, " Tomorrow, 'a sale-of ' girls' all-wool. Sweaters Jn gray, .cardinal- and. white; plain and fancy, stitching, single or double-breasted, .with pockets; sizes 6 to 12 year ii values, to ;$2J5, ; ipedal fl98 ,GIRLS"DRBSSKS In good quality Up. wool materials; brown, cardinal and navy, trimmed. with silk folds, made waist style; , box-plaited skirts; - ages f 6 to frt AO 14 years;? values to $7.50, for 1twO To introduce our new PHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT" and workhop wel will during Monday,! Twoday and Wednesday take orders to'UPHOLSTER t FURNITURE FREE OF CHARGE for customers who buy tapestries and, fabrics from $3.00 a 'yard and up. The work will be executed as rapidly as possible in the order takchi A splendid new stock of ' Tapestries, Velours; Damasks, etc, is now ready for your selection. ? Prices range from $3.00 a yard and up.v.No fre"e' orders'will be booked after 6 o'clock Wednesday night. S5Q.OO Dress Hats for S37.45 G150.00 Picture Hats at S112.00 The fruitage of famous French designers arid the Paris-inspired millinery shops of New York are here, ripe for your plucking. We admire and ap preciate these rare conceptions in headgear too much to attempt descrip- lion. Tomorrow we offer our entire stock' of Foreign and Domestic Hats, including all those new arrivals of last week, at great reductions, just to encourage the fashion parade at the coming Horse Show. Big reductions. ',,$75.(j0 Choose any $50.00 Hat in 0 07 JP our entire 1 stock for only I W $60.00 Pattern' and Dress - &AA AC Hats. are priced at only, each virfv ats are priced at only, each All $75.00 Patterns Hats are ttd OC reduced to low price 61 only QMltv Any $100.00 Hat shown our French pattern room All 1 $125.00 Picture Hats, flJQO 71 rich Paris productions, only vvJi I D $1 10.00 Parisian Picture , tl 1 9 Aft Hats, reduced to, each'll&.UU Lingerie Tallo re d Second Floor A good collection of styles, i . . ' . . - 3 .' ... . - -- .- - 50Q in all;-and every one 'a gem. Beautiful lingeries trimmed in dainty Val. laces and hand-embroidered designs ; neat fitting i tailored waists, trimmed in tucks, and hand-embroidered designs. " Splendid plaits gMikiv( ' values at $5.00 to $6.50 each. Specially priced for Monday SJIO Howd Corset S3.QO Marquise Corset G1.9S Many models 6f the Howd Front .Laee Corsets, - adapted .for all figures, from the very slender to the stout. They are boned, throughout 1 with : -unbreakable steels, are guaranteed by the manufac turers. Each model "will be tfC AO carefully, fitted; reg; $10 values O $2.00 -ipbirtM"Biili1nflisfM6$ $1;25 Poiiitell Silks 98c First Floor To; add relish! to "tomor-, row's offerings we will: place on sale a lot of new Imported Suitings in light weights! ' especially good for one-piece dresses and three-piece suits, (f 1 L Q Fall fabrics; $2.00 values at sJI .U w(:s Rough effects-first floor--54-J inch hopsackings and basket weave Suitings in the rough ei-fectsY-thV; choice of i this , sea son's mixed and plain weaves. v Actual $1.50 values. fl 1 5 O A Special tomorrow. . J) 1 v. Pointell Silks' first floorA very special offering ,of . fifteen different colors iri :24-in., Point ell Silks, i One of the best wear ing fabrics 6ri the market for waists, dresses, trimmings, etc. ' ; Every wanted color is included ' in the assortment. Ricn "new ttock only inthe house a f ew days. Regular $1.25 val ues; special at, per yard. iPfl,: n Ji'h.-A JIT ' ml i?iffr (.a MM: 98 c Sale of New Fall : -j. x ' - " -.v . S2S;gQ Value S1T.15 Tomorrow second floor A sale of 150 liew fall suits," made of serges cheviots, broadcloths, English and Scotch rnixtures, styled with the short Semi-fitting - jackets and new plaited and panel effect skirts. In tasteful style and dressy tone they surpass any previous offering made this sea son. ! The coats are lined with good quality; satin ; values to, flj J 1 C $28.50, v Special at only ' J) 1 . 1 1 0 $40 Waists 1.98 Basement "Underprlce Store" Tomorrow 250 new style Wash WaistsLmgeries ni a d e ofv good quality Jlawns, "trimmed V in laces or hand-embroidered desighsj and tai lored waists, tucked, plaited and em brpidered. ; Neat , fitting, fl ,1 (1 0 nice, appearing; $4 values i.. - . . . ; : 125 Wool Dresses $12.45 $15 Fall Coats at $895 Off 11 BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE Tomorrow, a lot of 100 One-Piece 'Dresses in good quality French serges, neatly trimmed in buttons, braids and lace -yokes and cuffs. Blue, black and brown colors. Styled right up to the minute. Sure to fit Regular values to $25.00. A r m r Special tomorrow at', ea , vlfculJ CHOICE HAMS 20 1000 thoice eastern suparttrred t-sms-i-iustreeeived. I BASEMENT' UNDERPRICE STORE Tomorrow We offer a ' sale of Wom en's Fall Coats made of good quality serges and broadcloths. Styled ittthe csrhi-fitting backs, .tailored collars, full length. A complete line ciTsizcs. Cut to fit and tailoredto please. Regular - values to $15.00. (t O ; AC Very special tomorrow at DO tl r25c COFFEE 20 Our Hotel and din caa recommend; reg. 24c, spec'l, lb. fcUC CQRN, finest pack, Maine r none, OC better, special sale, 2 tins for only iJC 2O001?airs Second floor, . tomorrowV a sale of. the famons Marquise Corsets in the, long-hip models; made of heavy coutil and pret tily finished wth satin ribbon and lace; fitted with, six hose supporters. Models, adapted for heavy and medium tl QQ figures; reg. values. to $3, only vl70 Sale Dlniicr Sets , f : QT' Sets Only gg.OO C2Q Sets for 315.95 Third floor. We carry all the best makes of- English China, Minton, Royal Doulr ton, Coalport, Haviland & Co., English SemiPorcelain, etc.) On the Third- floor. ARTS AND CRAFTS designs In new atterns; 50-piece set; regular CC 11(1 8.40. special sale price, the set J5U.U J 60-piece aet, worth $11.20, for f 8.85 100-piece set, worth $1740, for $13.89 llZ-pieceaetr-worthylzaOtV for $15.95 OLD ENGLISH designs, with gold lines, and trimmings, in new "-pat. 4JQ O.C terns; SO-pc. set; $11.25 value yOtJD 60-piece taet, worth $14.40, for f 11.40 foa-piece set, worth $22.40, for $17.8 AMERICAN SEMI-CHINA, in a neat spray decoration; very dain J JQ ty; 50-piece set worth $5.68, at 4.tH 60-piece set, $ 720 value, for f S.7S 100-piece set, $1 1.20 value, , for $8.8a 112-piece set, $12.65 value, for f.Q8 DINNER SETS in plain white, with gold border and hairline; in beautiful new shapes'; 50-piece set; regularly JA worth "$7.00; Special" sale." set" VU.UU 60-piece Set, worth $ 9 35, for8TJL4S ; 100-piece set, worth $13.85, for $11.10 112-piece set, worth $15.90, for ,$12.70 DINNER SETS, neat pattern, in laurel wreltlrand: Dresden rosebud; OP 50-piece sets, worth $7.85. for )iO 60-piece set, worth $10-50, for $ 8.30 '100-piece set, worth $15.50, for $12.35 se 5Qc to 85c Vals27c Pair ' - ,- ' ' j ' T- ! I..HI' I j MI iMf -N II .M Hill. . II 1 .11 ; First Floor; tomorrow, 2000 pairs of Sample Stock lings, black and all fancy colors, fine imported lisles and cottons. A very fortunate purchase on our part, and we pass.it on to our customers at the same proportionate reduction as we got them for. Lay in a supply of them tomorrow. Regu- O lar 50c.r 75c and 85c vals. . Special the pair m I C 75c Black Silk Hose specially priced, the pair 43 ill ' $1.25 BJac: and Colored Silk Hose at, the pair 05 45c Black Cotton Hosiery specially priced, pair 3o earafffisdor Black Lisles, regular 50c values, 3 pairs tDi.lfU .v it -.1