.. i,1"1 F " ' W . s m m 9k ' T" ' 6 i m "' n ; - - - . -- - - . . . m m , ' m - , k . ' . - , , T . L L .. i . Groator n A. MeiSi1 Q Frank STORE- '1 A Accessoriss .TLtafc Staiap, Authentic Style Center- A Timely and intorooting Snliibiiioh 44 n STORS. Wraps Horse Show GownSj ,eSve.Costi!EBes a!id,SeS.s Garments modeled on the most exquisite lines and artistic to this last detail. Styles arc th& newest of the new, and the materials; are rich indeed. - Women seeking distinctive apparel for the Horse Show and for other social events will, find here an assortment of the most authoritative garment styles in all lines. COATS AND GOWNSThc coats are loose-fitting styles, with sleeves fancy, "braid-trimmed, or in mandarin effects. Come in . all the . light, evening shades. Also full-length coats with shawl collars of velvet, braid-trimmed. . The gowns rf are made of chiffon, velvet,- silk,, satin and broadcloth. Also dainty combina tions of Dresden silk veiled in chiffon. Also of beaded net over plain messa line and satin. Some are trimmed with narrow band of fur. Donlt fail to see them. VELVET DRESSES', COATS AND SUITS The coats are full length, semi-fitted, with deep rolling1 collar of Persian silk trimming. Some have collars of fur. Black only.; The suits are in fancy or plain piodels, with regulation length coats, , semi-fitted style, some with braid trim ming and frog fastenings Dresses are plain or elaborate, with peasant blouse. Some have dainty yokes of lace, medium-length sleeves, lace trimmed; others-have high neck with lace collar and full-length sleeves. Skirts withtfull flare or flounce effect ; Proper appard for Horse Show. All : ImRQFfesg;- Patera Hate. 53. Less Mm its: . .' .V,N- V V.'.-.V yiv: fit iVV".- GLOVES FOR HORSE SHOW WEAR The latest shade and styles in Im ported and 'American makes, i . Dress Gloves in every shade to match gown. NECKWEAR FOR HORSE SHOW-Scarfs, Boas andShoulder Throws of wonderful richness and daintiness. Clever little neckpfeces, endless tarray. SILK.HOSIERY A. dainty woman's first requirement for a dressy eos tume. I Portland's largest stock and best values, to be found at the Big Store. JEWELRY AND HAIR ORNAMENTSThe best novejties from Paris and foremost American style centers,, in . the very latest ; design and styles. REAL IRISH NECKWEAR, also Scarfs of all kinds, including JA ftClft Egyptian Scarfs; values fr'om $5 to $40, special this week at lWS Smart Tailored Suits at $35.00 Tailored Suits for women and misses at a price that is modest indeed, quality consid ered. Materials are chevioy tweed, worsted, serge,' broadcloth and mannish mix tures.V Jackets are fancy' or plain tailored styles, medium or short length, semi or tight-fitted, with wide flat braid trimming; Skirts are also trimmed with flat' braid in such a manner as to give the hobble effect Finished with pleated flounce. tan, mode, navy, king's blue, black, gray, green, two-tone effects, ffr a ff mixtures and stripes. All sizes to 49. Exceptional values. Price p J J Exquisitely Beautiful Waists $ 6.85 Dressy Waists for, street or preferred occasions. . They are in veiled effects, chiffon in plain, figured or polka dot; over foundations of Dresden silk, Persian net and plain colored silk. Yokes and drop sleeves made of lace, net, hand-crocheted lace or bands of heavy insertion. Made with short peasant sleeves. -Other models are made of fancy figured foulards, Persian lace, voile, messaline, Crepe de Chine and taffeta silk; Colors are the most popular shades 'r also fancy corrfbinations of colors and nov- d QC elty effects in pin dots and stripes. Regular $12.00 values. Specially priced for this sale at dDOD li , , , . , , , ....', i V V t III i 1 "f Vi i w ml ---i- if XswSv rf j K- Ml iff1'' ''-" W mm I fl V w c?ta .f-i;v: J f;;., ..!. rfc ;f. " !IWI ' v: thV' 'fif;vSi r 's The two remarkable offerings mentioned in these headlines will solve for many a woman the problem of "what hat to wear for the Horse Show". ' This is the fashion event of "Portland's social season. : Smartly gowned women will be there in large numbers, and the handsome apparel worn by Portland's fair women will be no, less an attraction than the thoroughbreds on the tanbark. The double offering, takes in all that any woman could wish in clever headgear. The elaborately beautiful for those who wish it, or the more simple- yet none the lcss;. smart for those whose costumes are less pre- tentious. Included in the Pattern Hats are the wonderfiilly beautiful creations - from Paris -examDlea of what a talented designer can evolve? also their Ameri- cah adaptations, and; last; but by no means least, decidedly 1 ; modish affairs from our own workrooms, vals, $25 to $200, at 3 lvjS TAILORED AND STREET HATS-Reg. values from $7.50 to $35.00. -. Specially priced for three days at a reduction SV4 Less Special Prices on Rich Frirs . Furs of such quarity and style, would gell readily at much higher figurea; In fact, were made to sell for more than our prices, but on account of our good fortune in j? purcnasmg, we can make the price Iower-ANJJ flllfi MEIER ft FKANK STORE ALWAYSMAKgS THE PRICE AS LOW AS POSSIBLE.- Our Si selection Is practically unlimited, v We tell you of these two specials arthis time: 1 4 ' FRENCH COriTEy SETS with large stole; trimmed with'head in back' 0 ACT , - and tails in front, large pillow muff to match, special for this sale, at? vOIJ BELGIUM LYNX SET, extra large stoIe,"vhh shawl or pillow muff d Q ) - to match; very' special value for this;sale tomorrow at, the set $10) F&Jrs& j i: i' ' 1UIS 141 uunifc, bruiir, myai ermine, usiraiian opossum, oeavcr. oiacK jox. ' th RUSSIAN PONY COATS, priced at this sale from f 45.00 -uP to 225.00 Women's Regular 2$ and $30 Tailor fJ Suits $fe85 ; . . ... J .1,1 .in.. ; , .1, ' .. ' , - Plain Tailored . Suits with' medium-length coats, "semi-fitted, single breasted style, button-trimmed. Materials are tweeds, worsteds, broad cloths and the new basket weaves. Colors are tan, mode, brown,' black, navy, gray, green and raisin. All sizes. Regular $25 ft 1 A ; Q -g to $30 values. Specially priced'for this week at, each tf) lrSr0 LV?f V Coats that are much in demand for all purpose wear. Dressy enough i for most any function yet practical street wraps: Materials are broad- clothserge, covert, tweeds and fancy checks and ,mixtures.!y The colors are navy,, black, Copenhagen, etc. Plain tailored effects or semi-fitted mm f I i jf-lf-S.?! '.'ft mm style. lhey are piped m velvet.' with inlaid velvet collars: Ai'j ir Regular values to $25.00 each. . Specially priced for this sale tbl.TT J Women's Silk Hose !$2iVals.$129 Piv ' ' . ' .. ' , i . . . . " Women like this idea of daintiness carried even to this important detail of dress. The hose, we ; offer at such a reduction are plain black silk, pure thread, with four-inch garter welt, -Q and double lisle sole; $2.00 values,; at v 1 ; WOMEN'S SILK HOSE, with silk lisle garter tops and -Hsle-sole. Come in black er colors to .match the-costume; regular $125 valuesQCJ. special for this sale tomorrow at only 7)C WOMEN'S INGRAIN ALL-SILK HOSE, in black only, the best for' wear; guaran- CA teed perfect, priced at, the pair vlU KAYSER SILK HOSE, air pure knit silk, with lisle foot Come in black only. ' Also Italian, silk' hose, Kayser make, in black or beautU CA ful assortment of colors, special, pair 4H3U 9x12 Hartford Saxony Rngs Priced ai $ 50 to $60 EacK The Hartford Saxony" Rug is well known and is one of the .best wearing in, the carpet line. It has been given a hard test, but all carpet users recommend and buy it again.': It comes in beautiful colorjngs. Tans,' blues, greens, and rose effects.!; Size 9x127 tfPA Aft CiA Aft feet, priced for , this, sale tomorrow, at.each yjU.UU 0 ipOw.UU Size 36x72 finches,, priced,. pecianyf for thiai, flj 1 ft ft ft t n d 1 9 ft ft 'sale tomorrow at the big reduction, only! 4lUUU 0 $LL) SMALL RUNNERS TOATCHPECIALPISPLAY-THISWEEK KABA RUGS ARE FAMOUS FOR WEAR and are especialy desirable for dining-rooms, bedrooms, etc., on account of being very inexpensive. We have a large assortment of colorings and beautiful colorings in two-' 'tone effects; also' small figtyes to match any color, of decorati6ns." A . few of the sizes and pricel are: 6x9 feet, priced at f 9.00. : Size 9x12, v prided at f 14.40. Size 8-3x10-6, at the very low price of, each f 12.60 FIBER RUGS, 9x12 feet, to close out; regular $12.00 values, at f8.35 Reg, 35c Six-Inch Ribbon at 19c Yard i Taffeta Ribbon, in plain or moire ef fects, six inches wide. Comes in black, -white and all oolorsyHMtabI" -forhair bows and hat trimmings; regu- 1 Q lar. 35c values, special at only XV C 16-Dotton Gloves $330 Values $1.98 Women's Suede, and. Glace 'Kid .Gloves,, 16-button length, in white orligh shades , for evening wear. -'Slightly mussed and some faded from display; sizes 554 to 7; $3.50 and $4 value $1.98 Five Patterns Sterling Silver ffableware at RedHced Prices Your Table Silver , should endure . for many generations, so should your gifts 1e , something that is enduring and permanent. We interest you in our extensive line of I sterling silver .tableware by giving you this opportunity of startinga set from "oneiof pur handsome patterns at a reduced price Such exceptionally desirable pat- , terns as our ?'PAN S Y,v an extjuisite floral creation, and oar "JQHN WI NTH ROP," patented design. The latter is plain and simple in character and perfect in work-: inanship. Our lines are complete with both staple and fancy pieces. ? Purchase wed ding gifts or anticipate Christmas, needs now.. Start now, to make your Selections." JOHN W1NTHROP PATTERN Tea Spoons, regular price $4.75 for set of six special ior ; thi&; fale at f 4.28 Dessert Spdons,' $11.50 set,; for f 10.35 Table; Spoons, $14.00 vset, for i f 12.6Q Forks, $14.00 set, special, only f 12.60 THE PANSY -PATTERN Tea Spoons, set of six; J regular $5.00 value, special , for this sale at $ 4.50 Dessert ; Spoqris,; $10.00-'Seti for $9.00 Table k Spoons; $12.00 iset,: for i $10.80 : Table 'forks, S12.00 set. for 10.80 fWrKTTw$t4.0f-wjtr?t OTHER PATTERNS REDUCED AREAVALON, FLORENCE, ROCHELLE i Just lUceiyed A Large Shipment; of Mehs Shirts . Included 'among the- new arrivals of Men's Shirts are complete assort-' ments of the very newest Fall Patterns in -. I ; t K-'M GOTHAM -EARL & WILSON -MANHATTAN --STAR These are' the shirts approved and preferred, by . particular -rnenr-The- -fflterialsare,;fine''lmp6rted '"' French" flannel, pique," madras," chambray,'; - percale, oxfords new crystal cloth, silk, madras, etc.. ' Call and see them. -AVefliake a-special showing --of -theine French piannetGolf Shirts, " madf? . with the soft French cuff, the shirt that is most asked for by up-to-date men this season. Also fine soft "negligee style, with collars attached. .The new style pleats, semi-stiff; or 'stiff bosoms, coat sty les.v cuffs at tached or. separate. Xndlesl assortment of colors and patterns. There is every , size and very sleeve, length, and the large or small 'man will ' find his size-in every pattern as well as the average man. We guar antee the s style,; comfort, tfit and - quality. f C .1- A TT Special for v this sale' tomorrow at only pI.JU UllU Vp Women's Union Suits $2:5bVals;atfI.4? Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits, made with high neck, long sleeves,' and ankle length draw ers. Extra qualify and regularly'sold at fl Af , $2.50 the suit,; special tomorrow at only vLtT WOMEN'S WOOL MIXED UNION. SUITS, high ; neck, long sleeved, with nkle M HQ lengthdrawerst regular. $2jvalues, only v .WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, fleeced lined, made with high neck; long sleeve, ankle length; ' QQl regular $1.59 values, special this week, at vOC WOMEN'S VESTS AND TIGHTS, in all Ajm sizes; regular 75c yalues, -special this week ; Tf I C 'EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR 'HARVARD MILLS AND MUNSING UNDER .WEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN J. & T; Cousins' Shoes for Women STYLISH,' DURABLE, COMFORTABLE.' Combining to a rare degree the three most sought for qualities in shoe making. e We call special attention to the new lasts in this line. They are 14-button, high top models, in patent colt, with mat top and pat ent' collar. Also.ingunmetal.' calf, with, mat calf .top, or m, tan Russia can. .Hand i welt Soles, Cuban : heels and short vamps. Decidedly, smart for street fl L tf wear. "We have, placed these on : sale f or ( tomorrow at the low price, pair yUtvU S emi -M a d e Corset Covers, 98c to SL39. Semi-made Corset Covers of sheer lawn, in Appenzelle or Madeira effects. They come in individual boxes and 'make very pretty holiday gifts; 1000 in the CI Q lot; regular $2.75 values, special, VltOU $2.00 values,1 special sale at only, fl.19 '$1.50 values, ' specijj ' sale -.at only 08 Corset Cover Emb'y 50c yalues 25c Yard Advance .holiday sale of Corset Cover Embroidery,-including 5000 yards of Swiss, nainsook; and cambric: embroidery, 18 inches wide,' eyelet, .- floral," Madeira and French -work designs; 50c values. 'OCl special for this sale at, the yard LDC 6Sc values at 80 7Sc values at 49 $1.25 values at 69 $1.75 values at 89 Men and Young Men?s Saits"gl 8 to 46 High-grade Hand-Tailored Suits for men and . yoirng ' men -from : the. best wholesale tailors in' the business, r There, are Adler, Rochester and other famous 0 JA aa makes. ' Suits, overcoats and raincoats,' special ;forthis sale f 18.00 to 1 PvUU NEW1 ARRIVALS IN SMOKING JACKETS,; fulf assortment, all. the0- Aft best shades and patterns.. The prices on these tomorrow from f 4.50 to JuOvU ENAJiOGBSS JoJaqry,, MankftCliiiitf.rials,, .ilki,,;.fancyveU.f 4 (i n a vets, etc.. Tomorrow we place. them on sale at price that run from f 4 to vtUyll S4 Motor and Auto 1000 Yards.Mesh Veils at'$3.95 Each Veiling at 18c Yard Extra-quality Silk , Chiffon Motor" and Mesh '.Veiling in black "and coloTsf plain Auto - Veils. ,Made - with wide' four-inch or dotted effects, 'much needed article hemstitched borders, 'all round, beautiful, for. these wet and windy days. Regu- and.wanted shades'regular $4 0 QC larly sold 'at 50c the yard, spe- t n values, special for this sale; at jLVo ciaL for this sale i at only, yard- loC S1Q Lace faiiels $2.93 Saj j3l50;acl;Cwtam This sale includes' all pf our high-grade Lace Panels There are English hand-made pieces, designed with beautiful motifs, and finished on both sides with braids and lace. Marie Antoinette, Cluny lace and .French 'Novelty braid effects. They are designed to be hung, one in a window. These are exceedingly rich curtain v CO AC and there are 500 in this? lotv Regular values to $10 each,.. your choice at LACE CURTAINS, in white or ecru, 40 to .45 inches wide, and '2Yi yards iohg. There are 900 pairs in the lot We offer the entire lot for quicjt.selling, ( ak (there .are tuttains worth to $3.50 in, the assortment) at, the pair, only $l?t) WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTY FURNITURE The line consists of desks with chairs to. match, stools, foot rests, c'ellarettes, sewing tables, candlesticks and plant stands. Come in. fumed oak or mission finish, Display cabinets for hats, waists and! infants' apparel. Made hardwood, highly J.nsml4.fin;?hi carry cretonne for side . curtains, and wa41, papers to' match these. See them' now. ' ON SALE ON THIRD FLOOR. DRAPERY SECTION. SEE WINDOW .5 "