The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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DAILY J C l' ..I j . iIj,
'i " v l j i v
iili l : p U
charge of assaulting Ned Fay's with a
Appointed Administrator By order of
County Judge Cleeton this morning, Ivor
Johnson was appointed administrator of
the estate of Gurlne Strand. The heirs
I of the estate are Cunelje Strand, a
daughter aped 16, and Rasmus Jm.
Strand, her father. The estate is valued
at $10,000. , v
'Bungalow "The Witching Hour;
. Pnniand ..."The Traveling Man
rpheum .Vaudeville I s Wot Wet Enough A petition, asking
fjrnnd .. .. . ....... v iiuucvnic ror a lorai ontinn election 10 db neiu
Pantages , , ; v auaeyuie November 8 In precinct No. 76, was filed
Lyric "The Servant . Lady. Jn the COunty clerk's office this morn-
Star- -"V"'" in.. Th nreolnnt 1. now In tha "dry"
Jtuasum or Art 'lius js me iasi ww make It more humid. i -
of the loan exhibit of Greek. Roman and
kalian artiri. of fine and arDlled art Pall Meeting" The fall meeting of the i
1 T-l I . . - . "T. .1 J ...111 V. k.lyl
l . tiMn ...til v,. . tha I rrtouy uery ot jruruuuu nm .u ucm in
ine BJimoinuu w" " """ " - thJ nt,, T,arV prhvtArliin rhurch.
i . .A.11A.IAM nA nHnira I " w w I
4 .in,, wuen o. beitinhin Monday evening. October 10.
loaned to me association, wiu do huh,
including some very Interesting rencni Unredeemed 'Fleds'ea Diamonds.
and American work. ' The study course watches, Jewelry, musical Instruments.
fcrt JClas! wm:ppen..onvveanes-1 for. amnunt'loand and Interest. uncw
Aav "mornlne with a lecture by Miss L Mvers.f 71 th at., bat.. Oak and Pine. .
Rankin. The . winter wont in.a o-
EEiltii c
; to- tne city, it was evident to condemn
the water system. The pipes leading
into the fire cisterns were only half
opened, with hopes that they would 'be
pumped dry; that Mr. Norrts and the
water men opened up the valves, and the
clsters filled and flooded the streets.
, Bay water Impure.
Lloyd DuBoIs took exceptions to the
water In the Lewis river, that It was not
pure. Councilman Tenny contended It
was pure, and Mr, DuBols said It might
be only at times of freshets and when
, dog salmon were running. 1
Dr. Eafthamdoes not believe that
p the water system should be owned, by
me city. The council changes frequent-
Taxpayers' League 0iiianize4i.ra,ri;rtS
for Purpose, of Keeping
Check on Present City Administration.
hartments has besrun. The museum
hours are '9 to 6 'on week days: Sundays,
2 to 5. Free the afternoons of Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday; Saturday. and Sunday,
'"(Special tilnpttch to The Journal. V
Vancouver, Wash., Oct 8. -In the
Steamer Jessie Harklne, lor Camas. I
wasnougai ana way janaings, aauy ex- L.:hh"h m. . of the city
cept Sunday, leaves waamngton street TTt Y a ' merfilal clubrbonl,
aooic at i p. in. .
- tint ITiilifiv'B rnntnkThrnnch fin at.
tp,.u a TriHntt ftf thi oitv. Woodcraft hall,
today filed "an affidavit In his suit, for t.retss tonignt
a divorce from Catherine Elliott In , Imperial Turkish Baths, under Wat-
which he swears that his wife la. out sbn's restaurant . Finest In city. Opep
of 1 the state and that service; in tne day and eight.
absent better half .with haying cursed
and sworn; at him. . On one
gathered at the Commercial clubrboms
last nlarht and oriranlxed & Taxpayers'
1 ' . ml. hjmI M nam af iha
nnAnf ,-n .,! m-vf U'agUe will be to keep watch or me ex
petiditues of the city, but as the name
Implies, will extend to the state If con
ditions demand. ' : :.
Frofessor Hough was elected chair
man' and Attorney George B,' Simpson
secretary; ?- To outline the purposes or
the meeting 1 Professor Hough read the
he said, she cut up three suits of clothes iti and Morrison.
and masnea a numoer oi nais Deiongr
lng to him. The Elliotts were married
In Victorlav B. C, In 1908.
Sston UhrM8UlU,,0 heldOfVmron wnr
SSS5 SSa UP- Cal?br!d" "I'' circulated aboJi the city and. to wlch
282 names were affixed. The near ap
JGanJ ?",wlit7' p,n,!M voters would be called upon to decide
eatista. Third and Washington. whot,-' r nnt ra,lni0tnaJ bonds In the
SOhbed Three Times. Tor ! the third
time, in two months the cigar and con
fectionery store of C. P. ' John, 68
North Third. street, was robbed (last
night A staple on the front door was &w.
pried oir and JB.45 taxen rrom tne. mi.
whether or not municipal bonds in, the
w-.:" .fv. r.. um 1814,000 should be ..voted with
King TurWsV Baths. Largest w,ch t bul,d a xnunlolpai w&ter plant
' '.' I m fs1l til H rtt Jkl A n ItAT. i ,. , . . . . j. -
...... . . . .h nnncinai oDieci oi ine meeuns.
To gather data and look into the feasl
blllty of the project was the principal
point at Issue. : ' - '
Judge Miller stated tnat ne naa oeen
In city.
Bloycle for sale. $15, almost good as
229 Washington street
and public utilities suffer.
A committee composed of the follow
ing was appointed to look Into the
merits of the project and, report at a
later meeting: Allison, Burnham, W. P.
Crawford. L. M. Hidden, C. C. Grldley
and Ben Soden. The committee was
Riven JiOWef W'hfre a competent engi
neer and the following committee was
named to solicit funds: W. B. DuBols,
A. W. Calder and Dr. Arnold.
' The meeting adjourned to next Tues
day, wnen an open meeting of the Com
mercial club will be held.
- - (Continued from Page One.)'"
John-a store was first robbed at night Portland swlmmlnr baths. oW dally. V "r .-h; -ni
about two months ago and about 110 Sunday f"" "V,V V'Z ""-7.-V
stolen. Shortly afterward he detected .
: j-fL. I .. i. m ... . I
a- younK vutncB uuy ruumug iiuin iu
place after rifling the cash drawer. The
boy was captured and turned over to
the Juvenile court
he was frank to say that one purpose
was to look after the business methods
employed by the city council and if
nno.thla . .am tK. Htranntnp In Which
the people's money was being used. An
other reason was to inauce men 10 run
Zntttled to AU-The Jury In the case "17" rw'l.."T"' S ii ! "Ti ? .tV
of Charles Stromgren against Attorney ' tw:"7L-.',V- '
Seneca Fouts yesterday afternoon v re- " iT .rA ' """"" "r"" -7 , ,.
turned a verdlctV favor of the defend- .rt , 'YTl ...
ant Stromgren employed Fouts to rep-1 L.ii- V.-.Til' L VJ-l- "'W1 " "J
. Vmwin ml srm Tnlrtourtil and Thirty-fifth; builder, council, saying in partS "I have some
sustained in a gambling game. - Strom- c tiii-. J3300. c . ' ' . .iti ...k. ..tnn-
gren charged that" Fduts collected the p. E. PotterErect one-story frame lilll' .V'AA . I ,w
money, after winning the suit but did dwelling, East Seventy-first atreet, be- ST"l,7 "Zl
nt elve enough of it to hl .client The tween Sixty-third, and 81xty-flfth: yar? ha" P10" .th"d0."?d "?!
jury thought 'Fout. was entitled to aU builder, sarnOO. , -conducKitaf-
I store. Alder street between First and fairs; some Of the councilman are here
I Hnrnnd: bulldr. Frank Ll Smith A Co.: I nf iiint hut I havw not now nor will I
HO fcOClrpile for Htm C. A. GorrelU llOOO. - hermftar.' have anv' anolorlea. to make;
was this morning given his choice of John Clossett Repair three-s'tory Business la lost sight of at the meetings
serving out a sentence of six months brick store, Burns de Btreet 7 between wh h ftnd tumbi, fl nt l8 on
on the county, rockpile or of filing a Second and Third; builder, Far rell T h d
1300 bond-for the support of his wife Bl"n VXkIon-Repair " one-sfory nothing. We haVe had mayors
'SJfnSJS S wvHi frae b.JcbSEas?S.ven who had no consideration-for the tax
court Gorrell said he would get the geim,, Btrets; builder, same; 1100. payer and we have one now. The tax
bond If he coulaV Mrs. Gorrell appeared McNemee Repair one-story frame payers who put their money into the
before County Judge Cleetort against dwelling. 677 (Frederick street between treasury should get something for It
her improvident husband. She told the Ninteenth and Twentieth builder, gonle gtreeta in the city are in worse
Judge that Gorrell had used his earn- same; 100. . . . ?. condition than are the county roads.
tags to obtain intoxicating liquors. I uruman & McHaray jsrect two-story Another mDorUnt matter to be looked
Want. Baughter - Adeie T
tied a suit for divorce from E LlDaomKrect two-storr debt to take over the water of the Lewis
G. P. Lipscomb Erect two-story
Teske, who-
Wlll am xesKe several days ago. this fram dwelllnsr. Thompson street be-J river and bring it into the city through
morning appuea. ror an injunction re- tween Sixteenth, and Seventeenth; a 16 inch shave pipe. We should have
straining her husband from annoying builder, R."B. Rice; 4500. . safe, sane, honest business men at the
the plaintiff with further Visits to her J. C. Mowry Erect one-story frame city's head, and we have not got them
place of residence. She says he has shop, Spokane avenue, between Eleventh now j don't know -whose toes I am
lu.rai... buuuvv o " snr' Z"r: 1 . zi' 1 treading on. but 1 oon't care, we want
in her suit Mrs. Teske lnkl-WTiimm w wm not sidetrack business to
that this caugnter D given into Iter Z"''Ji',ZVi:irXiZ:Zrr. enaaM In wranrles ' chew aaeh other's
being adjudged incapable will be placed
In a sanitarium iwhere every effort will
be made to restore his health, and mind.
: The fatal operation on Mrs. Roberts
was performed In the presence of Basset,
according tothe Information In the
hands of the district 1 attorney, This
was September 15. '"The grand Jury re
turned a true bill against the physicians
September 26, They were admitted to
bail In the sum of $5000 each.
; Basset Physical Wreck. -
.Basset was placed in Jail In order to
Insure hfs being present on the witness
stand when the case comes up for trial
All day long he alts in his cell, run
ning his fingers through his shock of
red hair. ' His face is absolutely with
out, the dimmest vestige of an expres
slon. His eyes are as lustreless as those
of a dead fish. His whole appearance
furnishes a powerful commentary upon
the transgressions of youth , And only
10 days ago he was in the full posses
sion of his faculties, was healthy and
Now, his fellow prisoners pay, he has
to be told what his meals are. He eats
a morsel of 'food at rare Intervals in a
mechanical fashion. After taking one
look at him yesterday afternoon, County
Physician Geary saw plainly that the
man was dying by inches. - Yet he has
no disease. His condition is due to his
remorse for the death of the" woman he
loved unlawfully.
Cries for "tattle Slri."
Deputy District, Attorney Collier, not
hearing of Basset a condition till yester
day afternoon, decided Immediately
upon being acquainted with the facts to
see the prisoner and arrange If possible
to have him balled. The deputy prose
cutor realized almost at once that ball
ia now out of the question and that Im
mediate action Is necessary, If the life
and ' reason of the prisoner are to be
saved to be of use to the state.
"Have you ever thought about being
admitted to ball" was the first question
addressed to Basset
The important witness for the state
did not exhibit a sign of having heard
the question, but, as If continuing aloud
some Inner speech he mumbled In a va-
President of Municipal Asso
ciation Points Out Way
to Do It. .
United Brethren Church-
' Have Ton Been M. J. Malley s new gro-1 Btory frame church. Mechanic street,
cant undertone, "I want my little girl.
ears night after night and disgrace the Other questions produced no more effect
Portland, Oct. 8. To "the Editor of
The Journal. In your .Issue of - Thurs
day Chief of Police Cox Is reported to
have reiterated to the present grand
Jury-- what - he - stated-beferer-amely;
"that efforts to close Chinese gambling
would lead only to police grafting," and
that "because of, the manner in which
the buildings occupied by the Chinese
are constructed, with numerous '.pas
sageways and secret exits, It would be
practically impossible to put them out
of existence. ,
The chief is in a pitiable position. In
his view of the situation,, as your report
states it he can enforce the law only at
the cost of demoralizing the police. To
preserve the police from corruption he
must permit violation of the law.. As a
solution- of the situation' he has pur-.
bucu 1110 pouujr us pernuumg 1110, Liu-
nese to gamble in violation of the law,
provided, however. that . persons of no
other race shall be permitted to take
part. The failure of thla policy is what
has brought the matter to the attention
of the grand. Jury.'. .'.'..v.1V-'' v.,' v
. .Thel chief's vlew of the situation,
would seem to put him in a dllemna,
namely, that under his command the
whole police power of this city, con
sisting of about ISO stalwart men and
the machinery provided for Increasing
It in time of need. Is Inadequate, to deal
with a few score of Chinese gamblers,
or else that the police, force is com
posed of-a body of dishonest men over
whom he has not sufficient control (0
prevent corruption or "gtaft" The de
duction in either lease is simple and the
remedy plain. ' " ' '
. But the persona familiar with present
conditions In this city will not believe
that the chief of police cannot stop the
evil complained of. Sheriff Word, with
a few deputies at his back, stopped it
or nearly all of It in short order. The
Chinese in this city are too timid and
weak to carry on this pursuit If there
is any serious opposition by the police
authorities; in other words, without
"protection' -
It Is notorious that the Chinese gamblers-are
now paying large sums Of
money at regular . intervals for "pro
tection." it is exceedingly Improbable
tha" the regularly enlisted policeman on
a beat is receiving any part of this money.
But It makes small difference to the
Citizens oirtbls city who Is getting such
money. The significant point of the
situation is in tne ract tnat tneir cnier
of police officer, 'sworn and paid to en
force their laws and to protect their
rights, should, openly or otherwise, per
mit men of a particular color to defy a
particular or any law, on conditions
dictated by himself, and that he has and
does openly declare that he has done so
and will do so.
President Portland Municipal
(Sneettl TMsmMi to The Journal.! -
Umatilla, Qr Oct. 8. Umatilla, the
oldest- town in eastern Orogon, Is to
have its first chursh. The Roman
Catholics have decided to build a church
here at onc;e, and plans are now com
plete and the contract let this week.
The site, which? Is one acre, has been
donated by D, C. Brownell, a leading
business man of this city. The build
ing wlU be a good sUe and will add
much to the city's future progress. J ;
"Ji Conttrcallo Cutodi
lidllLJLiLllvLL 5
pays .
4 Per CenK
Within three months after the pur
chase of ' England's wireless telegraph
stations by the government th,e number I
ofmefi8flgea. Bent.and .received was j
doubled. 1 ... 1
They GQvv Hair
ertain Ingredients if. Properly
Combined, Stimulate Hu
man Hair Growth.
Resorcln is one of the most effective
germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta
naphthol is a most powerful, yet abso
lutely safe !t germicide and antiseptic,
which prevents development of .germ
matter, and -creates , a clean, healthy
condition. ..'.
- Pilocarpine; although not 'a coloring
matter or dye, la an ingredient well
established for Us power to restore na
tural color to human hair.,
Borax, because of Its well defined
softening and cleansing properties, is
most useful in the treatment of scalp
and hair diseases. : Glycerine acts as a
stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a
soothing, healing and nourishing Influ
ence, Alcohol Is Indispensable in medi
cine because of Its antiseptltc, stimu
lating preservative qualities,
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic ts chiefly
composed of these Ingredients, which
are compounded In a peculiar form, and
we believe it is the most effective rem-
mm m m .
n fun era jn Nmm rtmieii txiriwn ,
edy known to medical science for scalp I "im, Kitrmction m wha cUtMorbrldn wt
and hair troubles generally. We per- eior-erad. OooenlUtlon Free, Toeea-aotrntbettr
sonally guarantee It to eradicate,, dan- -ff Srffl
druff and scalp lr
hair, even though
bare of hair, providing of course there
sonauy guarantee t to eradicate aan- tTSertet-W
druff and scalp irritations and to grow "irrv s-t I
hair, even though the scalp in spots l W16P HfPllTni (Uff
ajTlul aouast s a. m se a r. aw mauve. ihi
hair roots.
. We want every one " troubled with
calp disease, dandruff or loss of hair
to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic If It
does not remove dandruff and. promote
a growth of hair to the satisfaction of
the user, we will without question or
quibble return every cent paid us for it
This guarantee is printed on every
package. " It has effected most satis
factory results ln 93 out of 100 cases
where put to a practical test
Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo Is entirely un
like and ln every particular different
from anything else we. know of for the
purpose for which it is recommended.
We urge you to try it at our entire risk.
Certainly we could offer no better guar
antes. Two sizes, 0 cents and 81.00'
The Rexall Store. The Owl Drug Co.,
Inc., Cor. 7 th and Washington Sts.
Vvnlft Thhua(m V. . w
eery store, 23-28 Sixth street north, near between Seventh and . Ninth; builder. i?n.- WHh - ,
Burnsldet Mr. Malley has Just, moved same; 5000. ' -J.0! ' th.tml . rajl
from Third and Ash streets, where he " IS. s. Weston Erect one-story irame v.w u.c.w.iB
war located for 16 years, and will be dweUlng, Fifty-first street and Broad- ,' formation of a taxpayers'
pleased to have all his friends and pat- ulla& ?m,8fi. tr- Bn. -tftrv f"u- Superintendent Clarke asked
Ar-tt n mrA Mm .m l- E- Woodruff Erect . one-story the purpose of the league, to which Mr.
rons drop In and Inspect his new store. ,rame dwaiunSi Eim0re street, between Hidden responded- "If the council Is
Hl stock Is new. and no more up to Lombard and Russell; builder. Kenton too m anoroorlatlon It a
date or neater grocery store can be Building & Construction Co.; 1800. olni 10 ' appropriation. It la
found in Portland, J. H. Slsk Erect one-story frame useless for one man to go and plead
, dweUlng, Watt street between Bran- me case, oui 11 a commiuee is sem
..... tdon and Delaware: builder. Kenton I representing the taxpayers' league, at
hasten founT by t police of Mrl BuoldlMldwlErreUctt, 0oeC--iory2frkme IT1 SOmB conBWer",0n M U
A. J. Dixon, who left the Ohio: hotel. BallWE0
Madison and Front streets, last night Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth; . builder, l ji K in T aIW1
wita tne aeciarauon mat sne wouia 1 same; ivo. . . 1 ".ui,
throw herself Into the river. Therwom-l The Klbbe Construction Co. Erect know. He came and went through my
,n n 1 aald to havA auarreled wit-h hnr 1 one and one-half story frame dwelling, I orchard and counted the dead trees:
thusband and left tha hotel In a high Rodney, avenue, between Alns worth and that'ls all he did."
temper; She Is. 20 years old. ' . Colfax; builder, same; 3500. . j.. w. Eiweu ,ai,i n was high Ume
, . HwTiinV w.nTnrk aomeming was aone to relieve the
Ankle Bonee Bnap.-Whtle walking on ?.nTh t"t the league
Davis street near Third street the an- j same; 82000. - J should be extended to the county and
kle of Elmer Anderson, a laborer, . aged Gertrude MacEaohren Erect' - one-1 atate.
30, turned and two small bones were story frame dwelling, Melbourne street! Captain Haason asked for informa-
broken. He dragged himself to a bench, between Plppln and Burralo; builder, tlon In what way the present council
where Patrolman KHngle found him and ,a?e;-.' 3?kk- ' had misappropriated money. Foster
sent him to St Vincent's hospital. City ?" S,,iVF,rc', on5;"f.r'r S?J5! bidden answered that the surveying
Physician Zlegler attended him. TIj h,,.i; huiidir aame: 1100. business was ond way; the surveyor
.Tarir Ato.hUon Krnct one-atorv would be employed to survey streets for
If To Have a Cough that ordinary 1 frame dwelling:. East Twenty-seventh eewers and such like, and then nothlne
remedies fall to relieve, go to ; Albert street between Alberta and ' Sumner; was done; that some plan should first
Bernt, the druggist on Washington builder, same; :350. . . . be adopted and then work for It
street near Second and get a 50 cent Mlseion Marble works Repair two- Xomri 9U., rjv-
bottle Of his Kenvon'a Coueh Cure, Tour atory frame store, corner Irving street , ouga mam uu rs. ...
money crt(tJ venue; builder same; ,300. Inpeaklng of the organisation of
4ot-perfeotly-aatlsfled -wlth-ita rH -Torv "fr
suits.. l!!0..! f.ri" i. "v; . u w?mb the last taxpayers'
Fiftv-fmirth treet.: builder aam.1 eBue orKame ln Vancouver, i was
; Great Sandar School EaUj First IIBO, . . ' member or that league and the first
Ohurch, Taylor street will celebrate Its Michael Montchalln Erect one-story mmg done was to reduce my salary as
annual rallv dav fiundav. Octoher 9. nt frame dwelling. Insley avenue, corner teacher ln the public schools; the eal-
the noon hour. The special feature will Twenty-third; builder, same; $350. ary of the county Officials was not
be a program Of unusual merit lndud- AJ2un lm'lLn W- the officials could not go Into
lng an address' by Dr. Benjamin Toun lllK hJimJS tha cnools' but e teachers could
on "The True Significance of RaUy .Tnon1 1 Rhine, builder, same. handie tha.afralr of the otnMn. 1
TswH.., v, i .' - 1 m a.i.ii. La a hnn thit thla'wlll At ronoata
.. dwelling, Clatsop street between Elev- Mayor Kigglns inquired when the city
"The Fool of the ramllv" The Peo-1 enth and Thirteenth: builder. M.. M. was in better Shane' than at present
m. . n....J.i .1 J.A i 'j t .. . . , x . ' . .. . ; . '
pie s norum opens eiunaay evening, uo-1 tvuuuua. : . -. m Drougni ronn a aocument nuroort-
'tober 9. at-Selllng-Hlrsch hall with an . w.-; w, , , 'HlffKino--; iKeP1. 0"?"Bt,o''i lng to be signed by 'a large number of
SvnneS fiTate.F S and W.worth "Wnt. of the city, stating that they
by-Unltea States senator Georr E'J guilder, same $160. . would patroniie a. municipal water ays-
v vnunifk - a, win u m ywjr mwr. W, D, C Qmb8 Erect two-storr con- tern it installed ana among tne names
fl V Afltlnc number. I - xrn Tkt.iMi I roa tAi. u'skMPaw vr. u-a....
r i 1,1 .o uni II. uast x uii bi'iuoi iiincu v wan uuuu ixat v . iui aacmvc.v iiiiuir
between SariHy Road and O. R. A JN.; denied that he had ever signed such a
' paper-ami much -mwmnwnt natred whwr
upoa the prisoner. Only once did he
face his questioner and then all he said
was "she's gone, she's gone."
The "little girl" he refers to Is sup
posed to have been Mrs. Roberts.
(Special Dlnateh it Tb Journal.)
Caacade Locks, Or., Oct 8. -Louis
Balgarlnl, 88 years of age, while doing
some brick work under the boilers ln
the ' mill of ' the Wind River Lumber
company, slipped on some broken brick
and broke his neck. Death was Instan
Hunting Good at Hermiston.
' (Special Dlipatrh to The Journal.)
Hermiston, Or., Oct 8. Hermiston is
becoming the hunters' paradise. Mal
lard ducks are very plentiful here now,
and the hunters are coming In from the
surrounding towns and cities to hunt
Three of them yesterday brought ln over
40 fine mallards and teals. The lakes
are only half a mile from town.
Silverfield's for Furs.
Sllverfleld's, Fourth and Morrison
streets, acknowledged headquarters and
style leaders In genuine Alaska seal
skin. Send for new fur fashion book,
-Boolallst KeetingN JH,.iWanhope of Ibulldrr., ssmeJOSO
"nBan Frahclsco."wlll speak In Drew haU, J. M. Wallace Erect two-story frame
2" f!ZZ 1 r?.;ZZrTJEZZ algnature was found, attached.
oewnu .n rnvrrmon oetore lU. TM.tJJaeventh- build- Lloy1 DuBose s"ald that the City had
Socialist party, branch 4, Sunday even- '"V"1 turn with munlcitval venture.
lngat.8p.-m. His subject will be "To-1, E E Battln-lkrect one and one-half i and was now In debt some $40,000 on
day s . Problems. Emma Keno , will story frame dwelling, East Twenty- the electric lighting plant 'He moved
third street, between Jarrett and Kll- that a committee of five eoo,i men h
UngsWorthi builder, same; $1900. jn.k.i...' ...
Vie tVC AWU&I ilVMr laiJK. V ll KIKllU WHS I I ma r.KnAfl (Inn lawrftrAva t .a.
, n m ' . - m AjaassiM mh iaitiWASaia skm uvy vwiyuiMWi v y t , yi u iuvi .l.O. CVU.
xms morning senxencea oy circuit juage Mjyjyjj-vj jy MVLd I IUA I b Chairman Hough assured him that he
wouia neea nis wisn Dy appointing all
. Gantenbeln to serve one year in the
j county . Jail. - Tha Judge recommends
that the Italian be . sent to the rock-
pile. -, lrgigllo was convicted on a
Preaches Sunday at
. Twelfth- and Taylor Streets
. ' - " 10:3Q A. M. -
"The Defeat of Christ"
Solo, Mrs. H. T. Bohlman, 7:45 P. M.
iimiT-r- m nil fn i rr-i n I wouia nee
Wnilt OLHVt I nArrlU! Democrats on the committee.
August High stated that In his optn
(Dnlted Press Leatwd Wlrt.1 !; ion a oompetent engineer should be se
Seattle, Oct 8. The party of 20 r- cured to go over, the plans and . route
formers from eastern . cltiea: who are. and pass upon the matter.
making a tour of the ' west to. study W. B. DuBols, one of the councllmen.
"whlt slave" traffic mmHtinn. rrl2n sUted that he had always been against
In Seattle tocfay. Tomorrow members th8 P004- and before ultimately taking
of the delegation will speak In several a gambler's plunge and go into the Lewis
of the more prominent churches. - Dur- " u uumu uo cmpiuyeu.
lng their stay , here the party will visit : ; Taaaa Oo Xlgli.
tne resjnetea aisirict over which there ,w, a. wom Drought up tne question
Is considerable trouble Just now. The of rate which would be made should a
Investigators will fa to Portland Tues- municipal .plant be Installed, and stated
day,, and later to 8an Francisco and that a renter who voted the plant would
Los Angeles. - . ' , . 1 , get cheap-water while the .taxpayers and
owners of the houses would have the
Ufttftl DnrtfAnrl ' taxei to pay.; He was asked what dlf
i iuioi i wi iiaiiu
ference It made If a'rentar MA nv Mi
Monday, October 19,. ' both dining wfttr rent n Inn in h landing
rooms will be used after the theatre. h nt.r vmvaai niM ik.i
.SiJSl got much higher landlord, would,,
"THp FvPnino Tploarn m f" Kow,e7 .t Vr?
than both . of . the , othtr corporation
SOmetflina Dlffierent electric, light and telephone. Manager
Ladles' suits and coats made hv men Turley took exceptions and wis assured
from men's goods man tailor to fit and that the city would In no way! try to In-
TinKir 13 V "TFMPT P OTTA PTTfT auperlntend tha work. New store, new I terfere with or to take over the lighting
. . ; r a lRf,0(,s- The Allen Co., 41$ .afehington 1 piMv.. MrJk.Jlo.WleyM.n.trnud ...that at
, jEvr,vaiA.u I (ireet corner oi
"License the Saloon"
Eleventh street. - . the last fire, which promised destruction
f.B. Hoi brook Co.
ROOM 214
A-7507, Main 5386
1 1
Tne stomach la a larger (actor ia " lifer, liberty and the pur
suit ol happiness " than most people are aware, , Patriotism
can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dy
peptie "is fit (or treason, stratagems and spoils." .The maa
who goes to the front (or his country with a weak stomach
will be a weak soldier and a fault finder.
A sound stomach makes (or food citizenship well aa for
beelth and happiness'. t
' Diseases o( the stomach and other organs of difettioa and
ntritioa era promptly and permanently cured by the use of
It build up tk bo4r with moumd tltth mat
Mid maace.
The dealer who offers e substitute (or the "Discovery" ia
ely eekin to make the little more profit realized on the
sale of lets meritorious preparations. '
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medioal Adviser is seat Jrtt
en receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing inly. Send.
21 one-cent stamps (or the paper covered book, or 31 stamps
for the clotb bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Makes firm friends of those who burn it. It
saves them money and fills the bill for what is -to
be expected of a good coat, It is all coal it all -burns
makes but lttle ash. Call A-3887, Mar
shall 2635, or -
Forthe convenience of
"itscustomers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Cor. Washington, Port
land, Oregon.
Painless Dentistry
fjtWWIIMWIlK .nnui' mmmXH., ... , aVi
Out ef ton tUMinL.
J ma b.T plo'e
$m bridavwotk fin.
ji'hod ia one im$
W.sillrhftyM a r4
Ok tK er evrctlsif
Miwler . J3.6U
Solar Craws 6.03
BtMniEnss 1C9
Ewwi nnict 10Q
InttrFUlinrs 2.63
Blood Rubber
Pitt 6.C3
a... b.j L
vni B" m mm
The Smile
At Baagalow Theatre .
Twelfth and Morrlaod Streets ;,
Viola Allen
Assisted by James O'Netl. la T.
Marlon Crawford's Play
ram wHxra uanM
October 10, 11, 12
Special Price Matinee Wednesday
Erloa. rw.n'v ' t KA fl KA 11
76c, 60c;. Mat, SL60, l, 76c, S0o, Joo
WM (Willi )l Hill I.Uju, u.ilste.
tn.i.a IIT Mm -.A i.i441 '..r
John Mason
- Xn 'The Witching Hour"
Prices, 1100, 11.60. 11.00. 76c. 60e
lath Si Morrtsoa
Fhonea Mala 117 and A-4224
cur a to xtrvrrr rvxr ctTv ttm
Greatest of " American Plays. Opening
uunaay juatinee. strong company,
Sunerh Scenic Production
Mat., 26c. 60c: Even'g. 25c, 60o. 75c, $1
The Home of firama 14th and Wash
Accompanies every article of Hardware bxST 8SAT IS THE EOVCB SO OXHTS
urcnasea ai our siore. ou noeu nui vim.- r n..u. a.i, r.... .- .
;i .. . In Its Success ;
thii majt."
Prices Nights, 16c. 26c, 35c, 60c; Wed
nesday and Sunday Matinee, 16c and 86c
fl A 7 17 fl THXATBB, MAIH S
KAK H. It Morrison and Eleventh
Ul .LLJ l Geo u Baker, Mgr.
Beautiful new home of the famous
Baker stock company.
Packed houses every performance.
The Barnum of them all, greatest com
edy of the age. Don't miss It. Tonight,
all week. Mat. Sat, 25o, 60c; Evenings,
260, 60c, 75c. Next weK. opening io
morre-w-riUnee, QameeKlibyt--"'
I . I (3 AjnALDXH
laasr-JI-- a'V A aTOnBTa
Edw. Armstrong Presents
Tommy ' Burns
Ex-heavywelght Champion of the World
AZir , A-ioao
of Satisfaction
be afraid of paying exorbitant prices
when buying at Avery's. - Serviceable
goods Of quality at the least cost.
A very & Co.
Our Shopping Rate for"
women is now in operation.
$2.50 p?r hour9a.m.to5p.m.
Within th'e City .Limits '
Suitcases Carried Free
Gorham Rubber Co.
WEES f. a uniirnn
00T.3. w inriAlKC
ww- ----- - . , i jm, -vmjuw, ..... ii wM.w mi0.m. fl
uent Acts.
Sawyers Oiled Clothin
is the only cenuine Crackproof Cloth
ing on the market absolutely guar
anteed. Ask your dealer.
h i Bomantlo
Irish Inoident,
"Cap. Barry."
La Belle Keeker.
VVeeK Oct 3. If 10
Matinee every-day, J:30; any seat 15c.
fening performances ai
Bnl. 15o: Ixwer Floor 26o
Added Attraction, .
' Emma Son,
-. Xate Flower,
. The Tagges,
:30: sny seat 15c.
erformances at 7:30 and 9:15.
Box Seats me.
Week. Commencing Mon. Mat.. Oct. t.
Special Keiurn t,npiin'men
Introducing Miss Adele Ton Ohl,
Rnrl'a Four Comedians: Abrams As
Johns: Walter Halej Tom Flptrher Pun.
407 aerunae,Bldav 8nd and Alder Sts. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Its,
Faoneai ' Main 8303, A-A30O. (i aPDa M PIMTH
247i STARK STREET ; octostb 4. VV t.
Dr. Fred W. Prehn
Dr. T.S. Thomson
O Chnw ud bMDtifLM th htUt,
! Framotef hutni fronlh.
? N'er Tall, to Biitor. (irmf
i . t Hmf to Ita Youthful Colon.
i Qwm Ks;p ilitWKi a hur MUisa
l f'l Pn.r.n
Qames Jegia WMkdays at 3 w i.,U
Huaoays a mm tn,
Admission - Blf"?hri. :?. runl.
stand, 60c; bottn, 25c extrr.
Bleach.ra, lc; granosianu, tjn.
: &AOXX3' eat r v rrs 4 r.
Boys under 12 Fre i. l.;arhre