c:;z tt' t a y ilai;d. Saturday HITING, OCTOBER !4 i;i nn of- SMI 10 GO 10. onoiira Shipment of Eight Carloads Is ' Stowed in Hold of Oriental "Liner for Moji; Takes Large ' Flour-Cargo; . .'. - When she sails during the early part of next week, the Norweg Ian steamer Henrlk Ibsen of the Portland Asiatic line will have aboard 8 carloads of cot ton, the .first shipment to go through Portland on one of the Oriental liners for -nearly a- year. The shipment Is consigned ,to Mojl, Japan, where.' the only cotton mills In the empire are lo cated. . , v The consignment of-' cotton '. which will "be shipped out on the Ibsen Is AmnAiail fr Ann la vhiriK wafaa hipped hr . f roro VTetfaa by -way of San Francisco, as it is, the overflow of cargo that could not be loaded aboard ione' of the Harrl man liners there. A few years ago It was no unusual thing th. liners running outrof Portland. Large shipments of , tobacco also went to make up the cargoes of those steam ers, but It Is only once or twice a year that they are sent from; here,, being loaded almost altogether, at, San Fran' Cisco. I The Ibsen will shift from tha Port land Flouring mills to the Pacific Coast Coal bunkers tomorrow to, bunkor for the voyage, to the Orient, after which Aramouni, seems w De somewnai oi a she will move to the Irving dock to mystery. The Norwegian steamer Tors enmniet hr nrm with ana innn of I dal . sailed for this port to load lumber wheat. Bha now ha" 8E0 tons of wheat board, as well aa 20.000 barrels Of flour. In addition .to this she will take out 100,000 feet of lumber, and on this Voyage she will go as far as Manila. She Is expected to sail Monday after- , noon. or. Tueaday . moral ng. ; the timi line, is w .loading flour at 'Alblna, dock and she s scheduled to;get ;away for th Orient (6etwen; October ZO aha pctoocr 11. Btie wm cave aboard between' JB0O and 4000 tons of - flour rj and ,l,000,fl00'; feet df lumber for Japan ports,; Hongkong, and Manila, s -,. i STEEKAGE" RATE CUT ' Ban Francisco & Portland Steamship Company Lowers Fares. Although the San Francisco k Port- telegraphed for information this morn- ing, ana so iar as is Known, no rate I , war has yet been precipitated. I beginning with the next sailing of the I steamer Beaver, which will be on Octo ber 14, the new steerage rate will go ;into effect, according to telegraphic ad i vices received lata yesterday afternoon ! from' San-FTanclaco. Whereas the fart j from hre.4.XoUJiglea.ls new 418,35, ,.v , y .cuuvw w j .. v wiuuci )U, and the fare from Portland to San i-earo, now im oecoini me cut in the rate , does not take place be- pUrnK were swept out Mr. Bagnall says tween here and San Francisco, the farelTv. ,. unn t ,vl t j cilia iiiiiik ijio vaiuQ. j.iiariare i from Bn l'Vanclsco to San Pedrfr has been reduced from 88.35 to 85.35. M."J. Hlgley. city cassencer aaent of ithe North Pacific Steamship company : said "this morning that lie had received no Advices from the, head office con cerning a cut in rates, but he has wired to San Franclsro for Infnrmktlnn nn fh. . subject. The local representative of the . paMric coast steamship company salt . tnis .mQrning-. that he had received nc ,Qvices j.n regara to a cut in rates on pIVJ be, weei1 San Franco f nd gan CarO. ALOXO THE WATERFRONT With passengers and - freight. - the steamer Sue H, Elmore, Caotain Schra. der, will be due to arrive this after noon from Tillamook. P. A. Richards, representor the Sub' marine Engineering company of Seat- fit't!n n . city .on his way home after Installing submarine signals on the Pa-i ; Cino coast steamers President and Gov- ; trnor. . Laden with 80,943 bushels of wheat, . vaiuea at I7Z,84S, the Danish bark Dan- mark left down- the river this morning in tow 01 tne ucicianama. Her destina- tion Is Queenstown or Falmouth for or - ; ders and she is being) djgpatche4byA. , K It was announced this mornlnr thut 1 the Portland Flouring Mills company I has chartered the French ship Duquesne, i 1928' tons net, Captain Berldon. now out 1 A fh - . . ... ' ' ny irom Antwerp wun cargo, ror Balfour, ; Guthrie Co., for oargo , of wheat from Puget aound. , She was headed this way,, but she will be sent " oiecnarge ner cargo. - iui general cargo ror tnis port, tne veamer v-Boo, captain Anun, win sail omorrow from Ban Francisco. The steamer Ooklahama. which , left down with the bark Dan mark this raorn- ing, will V probably'; raturn with, , the French bark Hoche.. which has Just ar rived after a voyage of 17T days from Liverpool. The Ocklabama, will return to Astoria with the American ship St iNltcholas, which has been on the dry- dock at St Johns. The latter will go unit winier quarters. MARINE NOTES If . k San Francisco, Oct. 8. A steamer is reported asnore north of Point Reyes In dense fog. - Thought to be Tallae, from Everett, for San Pedro. 1 Honolulu, Oct. 7. Sailed. . British steamer Masunda,- for Portland. Sailed, junuan .,,steamiv Ardmount . and Nor Astuna, (. eaiiea at i-19 p. m. I Learner ienaiem, tor ean. fearo. Ar- nvea-i a:i8 ana left up, at 4;15 p, m., nvea at 4, p. m, from Liverpool. French ship Hoche, s San Francisco, Oct ,7. Arrived at. 1 ap. m., steamer Asuncion, from Portland. iEureka, Oct.;,' 8. Arrived at 1 a. m., fronTsaaX X4 lfr 6:ilI?' . . - i.' al j oau r untiotu,. wi. o. arnveo at iw ; ,a. m., steamer' Roanoke, from Portland. t Hobart, Oct 8.--Sailed. September 38, Frehch hark Mlchelet. for Portland. ' 1; Astoria, Oct 8 Condition' at -the mouth of the river at B a. m., moderate; wiuu, umucaow o waatner, cloudy. f Tides at Astoria Sunday High wa iter -4:40 a. m.. 6.8 feet; 8:4T p. m., 7.71 ffeet. 'Low water -9:80 a. m., 4.0 feet; 8-ft0.p.. ,r I. f eeb" I j MaaundA on Way. : Three sUamers sailed from Honolulu ": yesterday, according to Merchants Etc k.c reports, two of which ara bound ) U. S. LJ Occasional iuib toitioht and 'SUNDAY; .COOU.K. Buuiin.w Kwtkhs 1 ' ' ' ' OKEfiOli: TATTt SOUTH- COCAS' jqKAL jixtS AKD COOLER. KQRTH tASHIKOTON: .OCO'ASlOSAli'lN PONTOWAKU 8m!rAT:'X5001J,Jt EXCEPT UKAR.TK! ;DOA8iT. POUTH; TO 80U1OTJSST .TIKDS , UPIFR for this port, while the destination of the third, which Is th British steamer for Australia, under charter to J. J. vo., ana ma cnusn urauwr Masunda also sailed.. She is coming here to load wheat for the United' King dom, being under charter to Kerr. Gif- ford & Co. The Ardmount is on her way back from Australia, where she arrivedJuly- I with a cargo of lum- rl from Ptigret sound, In ballast, but ber destination could not be, learned. ' Daily River Readings, (8 a. m., 120th meridian time.) i (V.i;-i4.. -is . . . . i .TVSi A WILLIS L.MUUKL, UlieT. . fcjT l$R fr-yCTy -K-JSv yntjw -" 'VKW' V -j I ?" i -Th STATIONS. ?w S Jft r " "' t - ; : C 9 9 '. ? i f I p Lewlston ,. , . . 24 l-ih-O'1 2 Riparia . 30 2.4 0.2 0 Umatilla 25 3.6 0 0 Harrisburg 7 .... Albany... 20 1.4 0.8 0 Salem..;......... 20. 0.80.6 0 WUsonvllle . . ..... 87 8.8 0 Portland ; 15 2.4 0.9 0 "River forecast; er at i'ortiana wm remain neariy tlonary for the next two days. Jetty Withstands Storm In spite of the fact that mountainous waves were sent thundering over the Jatty at the mouth of the river in the storm-wTilch-raged fronr Friday until j umm, no material aamage was aono, 8ays Assistant Engineer Gerald Bag- nall. and only a few of the temporary back of the present end" of the Jetty ia befng taken out, in preparation for the stormy season,' and 000 feet of it has' already been taken up. It will be replaced In the spring, but as It would In all probability be swept away during the winter storms, the engineers have decided to take the trestle out and use t V1 niterial again. Seven tjoasters to Bail Seven coastlna steamers will leave down thd r,vr todayi all on thelf way I fo. nAW.es dK. HKA.An B m A Poll f aIa VV .JVi I SI I'll LitQ VtSvu atlU iP4aui JIAflb coasts except the steam schooner Wel lesley, which will proceed to Prescott to load lumber for San Pedro. The Shasta will sail from Rainier, while the Rainier, Falcon, Ftnwick, Newport and Eureka will sail from this port. The Eureka will sail for .Eureka with pas sengers and freight and the Newport will take general cargo to Bandon. Thts wlli be her la8t tr,Pi acC0rdlng to report, as she will be placed in the lumber trade between Bandon and Coos Bay. Take Supplies at Tongue Point. In order to take on supplies for the 1 Alaska stations, the Ughthouee tender Armerla. )s expected to leave down to- nrartuw muniiug lur in supply aepoi at Tonin Point Commander v.. H Tillman, inspector for the new, Alaska district, will go0down to the depot on board the Armerla and h v that 1 , . they can expect to,get away for Seattle October 12 and from the latter place October 15. Keepers will be taken on the Armerla to Scotch Cap and Sarl- chef. both of which are In Unlmak pass. Tallae Goes Agronnd. Point Reyes. CaL, Oct 8. The steam "h0"" allae went ashore four miles north other today. The vessel was drawn off the sand shortly after noon and was hot damaged. A northbound schooner went-nojher assistance and the Point Reyes life saving crew also put out j Owing to the dense fog it was Impossible immediately to ascer tain the name of the vessel CMARINll rNTELLlGENClB .. . f T Scegnlar Xtlnera 9ne to Arms. Redhlll. Br, ss., Seattle., .Oct 9 Breakwater, Coos Bay. ....... .Oct ... wr TT1 fTMn.. t xv at Golden Gate, Tillamook., Oct. 9 Beaver,-San Pedro Oct 10 Bear, San Pedro .Oct. If Roanoke, San Diego. .V.i. ..;. ..Oct. 18 Rose City, Ban Francisco., . . . .Oct 19 Xetrolar twiners Dae to Depart ' ROse City, 8an Pedro .. . . , ... , .Oct 10 Sue Hi Elmore, Tillamook..,,,.. Oct 11 Breakwater Coos Bav.-, .net. 1 1 j Golden Gate, Tillamook Oct 11 Geo. w. Kioer, Ban fearo .Oct. 12 Beaver, San Pedro.'. Oct 15 Bear. San Pedro ....Oct 19 Roanoke, San Pedro,,, Oct 19 8t? Nlcholi.: Am, 0., .Bli Wh Irene. Am. sch. . . , ,. . . ..St. Helen yesseis in Fort I Berlin, Am. an...,,.... Jabes Howes. Am. sh. .... . . .Astoria Geo. E. Billings, Am. sch.. ..St Helens, iHirainyre, or. ... siern a western KsaRd. Bt "BM .' Montgomery. 3 S50?Hv. Fen wick. Am! V.V.V;7.Columbi; 1 nose City. Am. ss ..Alnswnrth Scottish Monarch, Br. ss, .Montgomery Henrlk Ibsenr Nor. ss....Port Fl. Mills Amy Turner, Am. bk.. ...Supple Btdrt Br, bk ....... ...... .Columbia SU.FrancUL Am., 6h Atr Glenalvon. Br. eh. ....... . .Coal .Runkera Knight of Garter Br. ss. . .Linnton Danmark.: Pan. bk. . , . .Stream iMakawelic, Am.-ktn. .St. Johns Willie R. Hume, Am. sch... ...Kalama Clave rdon, Br. - sh . . ,-. , . . .Mersey Department of Agriculture, WEATHER BUREAU : .-jT. tour y. . , .jrPI.AHATOIlY KOTE3. OtMrnttaM bkM ' su awj-4lt WU M. Alt fnavt : ' lTKtin, or dotted lino, pot thmgli poiirti t quJ tprw; rft b. dr. oJ be ro. Ifin, 00', 1UO'. . grwsoi lodlf.u iUt of wmiWi. O d"" Udy fj ttow)ri(R)tlB;(a)now; nr&mbf. Anew SjPwHh thwi4 ,M Mtoavy al 10 milM pw hour , T The county grand Jury this morning reported to Circuit Judge Cleiand that four true bills and two not true bills had "been found by them after consid ering six indictments. Pat Welch must defena nimseu on two charges. The flrat is that he as saulted F. G. Arata with a loaded re volver September 29 and took from Arata $7.60 in cash. He is also charged with having forcibly compelled Walter H. Drennen to aenver over zu in casn on the same date, by the tame method of collection. Assault with a dangerous weapon Is the charge made against Morris B. Jeter. He is acccused of having stabbed Howard Dutcher, September , with a knife. A similar charge Is brought against John Murphy, the accusation being that he attacked Amy Roberts with a dan gerous weapon. , George A. Moss was acquitted by the Investigators of having contributed to the delinquency of Marx Pixley, a girl of less than 18 years. May 4. E, Hunsacker, indicted on a charge of, haying uttered a forged bank check September 7, was also given the bene fit of the doubt, a pot true bill being returned by the Jury. OREGON FARMER'S WIFE SELLS $1 A WORD ARTICLE Mrs, J. T. Miller, ' a : farmer's wife, living at Tonealla, Or., can claim the distinction of going "Teddy" Roosevelt one better in disposing of stuff for the magazines. According to a letter received by the Portland Commercial club this morning, Mrs. Miller won the first, prize for a letter to the American Magazine charac terizing that publication. The contest was held recently. Mrs. Miller's letter contained only 240 words, and as the prize was 3250, she received better than $1 per word, which U "Teddy's" price. SAVANNAH IS FAVORED FOR GRAND PRIX RACE New York, Oct. 8. There Is little doubt but that the grand prlx race, which was called off in New York be cause of the frightful death toll in the recent Vanderbllt cup race on Long is land, over the course which the grand prlx was to have been run, will be held at Savannah, Ga., although Los Angelas, Minneapolis. Indianapolis and other cit ies have made strong bids. Officials of the Motor tJupsTroiarhg company, who were to have managed the race, favor Savannah, and that city la sending a delegation to New York to completa-negotlatlona for the contest. ALL-AMERICAN TEAM . ANNOUNCES LINEUP (TTnltMf Pma mh4 Wlr.l Philadelphia, Oct 8. The opening game of the series between the all- star American team and the Philadelphia Athletics to keep the pennant winners On edge for the world series with the Chicago Cubs, will be played on Tues day, according to announcement today, Jimmy MoAleer, manager of the Wash- ingt6n AMericahs31io la dlrscllng ilia all-stars, announced his lineup as fol lows: Milan, If; Elberfeld, 2b; Lord, 8b; Cobb, rf; Speaker, cf; Stahl, lb; McBride, as; Sullivan, c; Walsh, p. PORTLAND ACADEMY AND SALEM HIGH PLAY A TIE (Slm Bureau of Tha JoartxI.) Salem, Or., Oct. 8. Yesterday's 'game between Salem high school and Port land academy on Willamette field here resulted in a tie. The score at the end of the four quarters Was 8 to 8. Both teams showed lk of training, especial ly was this true of the high school. UnfamUlarlty with signals and game in experience handicapped the local team while the palylng of the Portland acad emy, was slightly better except in one or two places during th game. It was Salem high first game but the sec ond for Portland academy; :v ; Basketbo!! Men, Attention. , " Captain Ed Morris of the Multnomah club' desires the pretence of, all - the club basketball players at the clubhouse tomorrow morning at II o'clock. It Is planned to have three teams this sea son, first and second and Intermediate. The outlook for a fast first team la very encouraging. . a ' ' .. . t " '' 1' ' 1 11 nintln Wrestler Cor Doden Singh, the Hindu wrestler who will meeV Eddie- O'Connell in Merrill's hall for a. $500- side bet next Tuesday night, is expected to arrive In Portland tomorrow to finish his training here. He tk4 pract'-" 'uri HREE MEN HELD BY GRAND URY ,fbrt!and;0t.;0o.ll. o,i)Bi Barometar ' Temperattta.;..,.,.9 Humidity, ? - Wlnd,.Dlraotlon......aV Wlnd.VeloeUy . Weather -.?t.Cil7. Rainfall, ....i9' Maximum temperature yesterday ", 71 ATHLETIC MONEY IS ' GOING A-BEGGING (United Pm tested Wire.) Chicago, Oct 8. Big wad Of Athletic money are, going begging here today and betting on the world's baseball series is very; light as reault. Chicago Is still a 10 to 7 favorite, and the Chicago bettors , are waiting ror tne setting to go to even money before placing their money. A large ' eastern commission flooded the betting market today and it Is pre dicted that by nightfall the odds will not ba longer than 10 to 9, with even money In some places. Evers' injury has caused ' many Cub supporters to walj for shorter odds, more than any- DOUBLE HEADER FOR -BALL FANS TOMORROW The Portland 'and Sacramento, clubs will play a double header tomorrow afternoon to make up the game post poned Tuesday. The first game will be gin promptly at 3 o'clock and as usual the second will start 10 minutes after the termination of the first. Thirty-two Start Auto Race. Philadelphia, Oct. 8. Thirty-two con testanta started In the third annual automobile races at Fairmont park at noon today. Mulford In a Lozier led at the end of the second lap. Frey in a Mercer made the best single lap, covering 8 1-10 miles In T minutes and 45 seconds. NATIONAL LEAGUE ' (United Prent Lotted Wlte.) New York, Oct. .7 Th game be tween the Brooklyn and New York Na tional league teams was postponed this afternoon on account of rain. Boston, Mass., Oct. 7. The tunt be tween the Philadelphia and Boston Na tionals was postponed on account of rain this afternoon. At Chicago R, H. K Pittsburg 0 2 Chicago . 1 9 Batteries Lelfield and Simon; Brown and Archer, AMERICAN LEAGUE (United Prets lotted Wire.) Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 7. The third game between the New York and Phila delphia American league teams was postponed this, afternoon on aocount of rain. Washington, Oct 7. The Boston Washington game was postponed this afternoon on account of rain. At Chicago- R.H.E. Detroit .............. a ....... . V IV A Chicago i , ii i ... ii. ..i 3 8 Batteries Words and Casey; Olm s'teaTind Payne. -i AT THE THEATRES "The Servant Lady." Tonight tomorrow afternoon and night Will be the last performances of 'The Servant Lady" at the Lyrio theatre. . This playlet has been the cause of large audiences all week at this playhouse. Th play is worth see ing. , Grand's Tip Top Bill. There Is not a moment wasted this week at the Grand. , It la a bill which has niade good. "The Suffragette" la a hit wtnr its-amusing rwtmrat-or a mooted question, ' Last Time "Witching Hour" Tonight Tonfght at 8:15 o'clock, the last per formance of the distinguished actor. John Maron, in his famous success. "The Witching Hour,- will be given a the Bungalow. Seats are now selling at the theatre. ' "" 1 " '" Viola Allen Next Monday. Seats are now selling at the Bunga low theatre for viola Allen. The fa- moua actress will present F. Marlon Crawford's great, play, ;The White Sis ter," at the new Helllg theatre. Seventh and Taylor streets, three nights, be ginning next Monday. Orphetun Has Splendid Bill. Variety la the keynote of the fine bill at tha Orpheum this week. The pro gram is about equally divided between European and American acts of special merit and includes everything from ao robatio to the finest novelty numbers headed by the dancer La Tortajada. 1 Last Time Tonight. - -, Have you seen the Baker Stock com pany in "Brewster's Millions" this week? If not you nave missed one of the the atrleal treats of the entire year. Packed houses have greeted every performance. Ibt Jast.piiQrmnltj: aa.sai brated comedy will be tonight. , v "Cameo Kirby" Tomorrow. Tomorrow matinee, evening and all next week the Baker Stock company r.u Mtum fat th flrat Ubi la stock here Dtan Farnutn's unusual dramatic success, "Cameo Klrby." Thomas Mc-J-arniawOU playthe role of -the gen tleman gambler. ' ) "A Girl of Golden West", Ht Arcade. " A heart-Btlrrlng picture is befng ex hibited at the Arcade, entitled "Patricia ofhe Plains," or "The Girl of the Golden West." At the Star "Iconcoclast." a labor problem picture. Is creating In terest. At the Oh Joy "The Engineer's Sweetheart" Is drawing crowds. At th Odeon is an all-around good program. Last Time Tomorrow, "Arizona Joe," the great William Mor ris production of lite on the plains, will tie seen for the last time at the afternoon and night performances at 'Pantages tomorrow.- The. act- is the finest scenic production' In vaudeville. t NEW TODAY ' Great . Money-Maker -. 84 ACRES adjoining carline, fin est platting proposition In the city; a big money-maker. Call if you mean business. No phoning. , - Brong-Steele Co. Ground Hoor Ifwi Building. CORNER ON 7 th and Salmon This hieh-ciaW orooertv offers the best investment in Portland; will soon be in tht. heart of the business, The termi 011 this are very attractive. See Owner, 272 Washington St HoUadav's Addition The one best nlaee in Portland to buv. Geographical center and most desirable residence property in the city. Seeing Is believing. Better go and See the many choice residences under construction and the improvements go ing on. The Oregon Real Estate Company OSAJIS ATB. FTOTIkAjrO, OS, Have You Seen Groveland Park? A Watural Park, Bight on Two OaxUnes, ana vn jaost ueauiuui ttesiasnoe Bite on the East Side. Prices reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Oowperthwalt 8t Oiu-tatensen, 49th and .nWn?.?v5;LW&M .J.;.T.f.. t. ti "".v . ' and transfer to Hawthorne avenue. iRviisawooD Fine location, close in Water. Walks. Graded Streets OWXY 8 LOTS AT STOO OMIT 3 LOIS Atf&TSO, Easy Terms 25 Per Cent Below Value Only a Few Lots Left GOBJ)OW, Owner, 208 Fourth St PACIFIC TITLE AND TRUsf CO. Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor, 4th st. side. A. B. Manley, Pres.; W. Y, Masters. Seo'y and Atty. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title & Trust company, Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Ellas C. Worley and wife to Wil liam uranam Gray, lot Z. block 21. Arbor Lodre , 880 rant Lna co. to Airrea o. Tern rle, lot 20. block 108, University lnrk 750 M. Pallay and wife to Ben Pallay, iuuxiuu teet oeginning wnere north line of Glisan Street is in tersected by east line of 22d st S. 10 William A. Darling and wife to Charles A. Robertson et al.. lot 15. block 39. Vernon 4,700 L R. Gillihan and wife to Caroline M. Suhultz. lot 1, block 6, Sun nyside addition - 100 George Hornby and wife to Henry v-naruon, lots ax, sy. diock 4, 410 Martha M. Williams and husband to K. E. Mont gomery,. lota 8, 4 0. b, .DiocK , urover s addi tion 7,500 E. B. Holmes and wife' to Anna Rhoaes, lot 1. block 61. Peninsu lar addition No. 4 E, B- Holmes and wife to S. K. Taylor et al.. lot 2. block 61, Penlnelar addition No. 4 160 H. D. Staly and wife to Alice J. Beuainy, lot 14, diock 14, wooa iawn MOO 850 H, Hamblet. trustee, to C. E. Hill, lot e, diock id. rairport T. S. McDaniet and wife to G. Lansing Hurd, lot .5. block 8, East Portland Helehts 1,600 2,400 Ole Walland and wife to Henry Vichl. cast half of lot 7, block 14. Central Albina Leopold Lee to Alma J. Martin, lot u, wivr'4- .u, viuuiu 1 auvj , 111a addition, except store building on said property 1,200 Wr M. Grt gory-et at- taJJV-S.- Mo-- Daniel, lots 4. 6, block 2, ' Howe's addition : 8.000 Henry Wehrung et al to J. E. Du- f:an et ai, lot 1, Z, 3, block S Go nir st. addition ................ "1.800 Lizzie Maker to Mack Stanfield, lot 1, z, diock s ivannoe audition.,. 2,750 W. N. Carters et al to L. G. Brans- ford,' lot 1, 2, 3, block 6, Going st. addition Elmer E. Wright to Walter E, Sharp et al, lot 16, block 11, City Vlw Pttrk ((? . N. A. Pearson and wife to A. Tur tledove, lot 2, block 19 Feurer's addition' Rose City Park Assn. to W. J. , Danforth et al, lot 4, block 91 Rose City Park 2,000 800 1,500 750 LAWYERS Abstract & Trust Co., room 6 Board , of Trade bldg,, abstracts a specialty. . PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab etract office. 413 Corbet t bldg. M. 661 FUNERAL NOTICES METZLER In this city, October 7, at Good Samaritan hospital. Martin Meta ler, aged 29, years 6 months 7 days. Friends invited to attend funeral serv ices, which will be held at Holman's chapel, Third and Salmon Streets, at 2:30 p. m, tomorrow (Sunday), October 9- Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. CARD OF THANKS 1 WISH to thank.ouj.mani'J!iifinda-Xox. meir kinaness and syniDatny snown us during the sickness and death of our beloved wife, mother and .sister. We also thank them for the many beautiful floral offerings. - , ; ,, MR. R. N. STRAND, -' MISS GUINELJE STRAND. , MR. IVER JOHNSTON. . 41 NOBLES The commit ee of arrangements for the grand ball at the Armory Friday, October 14. desires that all No bler having tickets re mit for same as soon aa possible to William Da Vis. Ill 2d st. Visiting Nobles are invited to attend and all members of Al Kader who failed to receive tickets can procure them , at the above address. Room for cards for tlufo not wishing to dance. Nobles, do your duty and bring your friends on tins festive occasion. Wear full dreas uniform, including fes. Grand' inarch at 9 p. nx Yours In the faith. KXKCUTIVB COMMITTEE. 6HRINEGRAM Members Of Al Kader Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., who have not received any tickets, as well as so journing nobles desiring tickets for the grand ball to be given fcy Al Kader'Ji Arab Patrol, are requested to. see Cap- lain wiuiam tfavi. at m zna " will look after their Interests. That he is the moat obliging captain of any Arab Patrol in North America every Bhriner In this oasts will, cheerfully testify. , WILLIAM H. GALVANI, .. ., . Potentate. B. G. WHITKHOUSB, Recorder. OREGON Lodge No. 101; A. F, & A. M. Special communi cation this (Saturday) even ing at 8 o'clock, Masonic Tem ple. Work in P. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially in vited. By order W. M. A. J. HAND LAN, PeV R. N. A. Marguerite camp, meets, every . Thursday evening at 109 Second at. petween vvasnington ana BtarK, M. W. A.i ROSEl CITY CAMP Mrindav. fielllnR-Hlrsoh bldg., Wahlngton near ivin. rnone c iem. Main 294, A-4S8B. BIRTHS BQRN To Mr:-and Mrs. T. J. OBof n, 489 Grand avenue. Sectember 30. a bov. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, 346 Jefferson Street, October i, a 00 y. ' . , ' GILBERT To Mr. nd Mrs. John Gil bert, 582 Sixth Street September 30, a boy. -i SELIGER To Mr. and Mra, Joseph oeiiger. a 30 Kast Everett street eep temper 7. a boy. WENTWORTH To Mr. and Mrs. Elihu . Wentworth, 128 East Twenty-ninth street, September 29. a bov. GOODFELLOW To Mr. and Mrs. Harry uooaienow, 493 East .Twenty-eighth elteet, October 2; a boy. ' MARSHALL To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall, 828 Jefferson street Srp tember 26: a lrl. I'ARREI.L To Mr. and Mr. J'hn Far fell, 384 Benton street, September H a boy. BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. 3eorae Brown, city. September 7: a. boy, LAWRENCE To Mr. and Mrs. Vllliam Lawrence, 1397 East But'iildo, Sep tember 9: a airl. iVALGREN To Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wal gren, 6823, Sixtieth avenue, Stptuni Iber 11; a girl. HECIUveIjA to Mr, ana Mrs. n. necK- kela, 917 Michigan avenue, September 16; a girl. MOLL To Mr. and Mrs. John Moll, East Eighty-fourth and Section Line road, October 4; a boy. '. RTCE To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rice, 665 Albina avenue, September 28; a girl. -GUTKUECHT To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gutkuecht, 1071 Third street Septem ber 8; a girl. HOW To Mr, and Mrs. Coydon How. Imperial hospital, September 11; a boy. MEEKER To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeker. S86 East Ninth street Octo ber 5, a boy. KENNEDY To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy., 900 East Grant street, Sep tember 15, a boy. ,. - SWART To Mr. and Mrs. .Madison Swart The Dalles, Or., September 80, wff.T.MSTo , .d Mrs. G. Wll- a girl. 'lams, Sixty-eighth street and Flfty- f if th avenue, uctooer a, a ooy, M ALONE To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ma lone, Thlrty-nintn . and Steel streets, October 4, a boy. , - ' - : DEATHS NYRKE Al Nyrke, Arbor Lodge sta tion, October age sz; gunsnui wfinvl-Tiftrtha Eddy. 6503 East Sixty- fifth street October I, age 62; pneu monia. HELmKSK Anthony Helmlck, Seattle, Wash., October 5, age 78; dlabetia. AXELSON Christina Axelson, 1070 Un ion avenue, October 5. age -49; ex hmiffttnn. WILKIN80N Martha Wilkinson, Berke- lev. Pal.. October 3. age 67: apoplexy. BENNETT Erastus Bennett, 819 East Glisan street, September 30, age 77; urmcnrilHtla. JOHNSON George Johnson. 256 Fargo street. October 2, age 73; arterlo SMITH Warren Smith, Multnomah hospital, October 6, age 40; septic en docarditis. PARTIP1LO Felicia Partlpllo. Multno- -mah noapitai, -uctoDer ago o. berculosis of spine. DARLING Blon Darling, Good Samar itan hospital, October 4, age 62; frac tured skull. - - -- - MAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 6th St.. opp. Meier A Frank's. Main 7215. Zeller-Brynes Co. -SVS Dhones: lady . assistant Moat modern establishment In city. Dunning h McEntee Undertakers. Modern in every detail. 7th and Pine. . Main 430, A-46B8, Lady asgtstantr::: I nnrMI Tb east side undertaker. ILCnOn Lady assistant. B-1888. East 1,781. Fast 6th and Alder. MEETING r.'OTICrS ibo!j,p, finley&so.Nmo:"'1 I Lady attendant. Main '9. A-1599. past S1DK funeral directors, sticcess- or to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 62, B-2525 ERICS0N Undertaking 6133, A-2235. CoT Main Lady ass t. EDWARD HOLMAN. underUker. 820 3d st. Lady assistant Main 507. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 8250 DOWN, $20 A MONTH. A strictly modern 6 room cottage In Firland. half biocK irom car. Al con structlon. cement tjasement and walks. lot 60x100, in fruit and berries. We would like to prove to you that this is the best buy for the money in Port land, price iziuu. , $300 DOWN. 310 A MONTH. 4 room cottage, with 2 lots tiOxlOi In fruit and roses, 2 blocks from fine public school, convenient to car. A good C IT,-,-.. ,,EA Duy. rim u. MAKE US AN OFFER. 8 room strictly modern house. Uou ble constructor with the best of every thing, cement basement and walk. This Is priced $1600 below the market price. Come, and see this and -make us an offer, i 15 DAY OFFER. 3 larae lots. 132x166 feet in tract. blocks from car, actually $600 be'nw the market. Owner must raisa money and is maKinit tnis oner ior ii asv ofily: Price $1500. $750 cahf llter.il terms. ' ' " - . v.i $5 PER MONTH. . .. We have lots from $300 up at, 6 per cent casn, 10 per montn. Rosen & Potter - MYRTLE PARK, 1 Mt. Scott Line. . Phone Tabor !3A0 PEPER & BAKER. 4 N. 6th St.. betwee Rurnslde anrt Ankenv: farms.-, timber. fruit, dairy and wheat lands, -acreage and city property for sale or trade, f AUTOS and real estate, farm lands, city property, West Woodburn ' lots, new t and- spcniKr" sntwiriejwte' THESE mm Tl SELL raio.7 Lnfayettc bldg, PARTY with $15,000 to handle S lots a sacrifice. Call 'room 15, Lafayette niqg. 1 - - R N- A.. Oregon Rose camp, meets) -Wtidnuaday evenings, Alisky hall, 3d j and Morrison., .. , , Charle Gibbnr. 123 31, end Harriett i tcli. 13. Olson Ijix. iJ.7 10. ami ffL i- Jos Is Catnuas, 21. . West V. !ebe.j, 1B74 Tlowar.J fw 28, and GoldU Ratliff. 23. Frank T. Benesch. 301 4 First tr . 27.' and Mar McCoy. 37. Charles HUm. 1547 Fish, etreat. 4 and Edith Warden. S3. Neal Castlnar. Mento.' Tvash 41. ax 3 Franeea gcott, ?S. ; - Wedding invitations Visiting; cards, monogram stationers Wm, Klumpp Co.. Waihlri?tfn st WEDWNG Cards. W. G. Smith & Co- Washington bldg.P corner of 4th ana Washington streets. WEDDING Invitations, Bcattia tt Hof- mann, Inc., printers, 204 Stark at DRESS suits for rent all sizes. Unique CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. : 389 Morrison st FOR SALE HOUSES v CI NwspssjssHawsi I'arfaasaawsaassSjsW . '. $500 DOWN 126 PER MO&TH. Handsome 5 room . bungalow, with every modern convenience, 'Including furnace;, linoleum In kitchen and bath; cement porch. f loor and sidewalks; hardwood floors, white enameled, kitchen, etc Only block from carline, excellent service. - Oregon Investment Ctfr, 605 COUCH BLDS. 4 ROOM 5 ; BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW AT $2000, TERMS, BATH, -FIREPLACE, TINTED ROOMS. MOD-" ERN PLUMBING: UPSTAIRS . i CAN BE FINISHED INTO TWO " ROOMS; LARGE WOODSHED, SHADE TREES CALL AT GRRGORY HEIGHTS OFFICE, END OF ROSE CITY PARK CARLINE. COME OUT TODAY GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, New modern 6 room bungalow; larpe hall with mirror door, large living room, dining room with plate rail, kitchen, pantry, a bedrooms', large closets and bathroom,- large attic, cement basement with cement floor and wash trays, lot. 50x100, cement sidewalk and steps, elec tric licrhta and eas. all imorovements paid for. Look this over and Judge for ymirseir. Fhone woomawn i&9y, 76 feet from carline, 12 minutes out chenpest buy In Portland. , Price $2800; $1000 cash, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent. . ' , . owners, phone wooaiawn 3. " Piedmont Bungalows - Two modem bungalows, 1317. 1825 Rodney ave.. facing east, of and 7 , rooms, fireplaces, drningrboms, beamed and paneled, waxed floors, tinted wU. combination fixtures, shades, first cias plumbing, full sized basement with ce ment floor and wash trays, lots fiOxli'O with alley r terms if desired. F. O. Warner, owner, 1275 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1339. Are You fired of living in cramped quarters?. If so let us snow you a ven room nnuse witu grounds 100x100 feet 5 voting fruit trees, roses, 260 strawberry . plants, and only ten minutes walk from one of the best carlines In the city, flee Sunday fro'm io- a. m. 'tl'll 7, p. m. 414 K. Htarn st. . - SNAP New two story $3800 house, lorJ. . ner tot. cement walks and sidewaiK. furnace, piped for gas, -electric lights. . china closet, pass nantrv. sleecliiffv porch, bath, laundry trays in basement, two beautirm English walnut trees bearing. New furniture, ' A-l, can be had at half nrlce If desired. ' L car ser vice. A modern home throughout C. W. Wardle. Lafayette bldg. ' : $1650 1 4 rooms, open fireplace, toilet wood shed, etc., -near carline, $500 cash, bal ance monthly., , Thompson & Undsley , End Hawthorne Carline. " ' $1400 CASH. . ': Must sell at once, 3 rooms.' bath room, pantry ana cement nasement; a rood chicken house and yards: close to public schools and on main thoroughfare i Reed-tnatWuterW-W-car- to Glad' stone ave, 8 blocks west sw corner. Owner. You Can't Do Better This Is a genuine snap; a double home close In. rental $42-50 a- tnonth: will sell for $600Q if sold quick;' terms, - See owner at i tstanton st.,-or pnoire " Woodlawn 2681. TO THE homeseeker: Call at 99 E. 72d 1 at. N. I offer my 8" room house,, and lot at $1700. terms. To the live ent who can sell my place this week. Buy ers come; agents bring your live pros pects. - Altcomc"; .- 1RVINGTON. bargain; modern 5 room trangaiowr. wt60xii)0.-nne nrepiace, ; built In bookcases, full cement bas. ment. furnace, wash trays, large attic. All Just new. For price and particulars cell S2! Board of Trade. - DON'T MISS THIS. Owner Kolng to homestead; new cot tage for $650. Call from 2 p. m. to- 4. Take Mt, scoti car, get on at iremont station. Owner will meet you, blue rlb- hon on umbrella. THE MAN THAT WANTS' 1 A safe Investment should deposit- his' money with us and receive Interest on the same, from 2 to 4 .per cent. Port land Trust Company. 6. Ej , corner 3d and Oak sts. - - y r . - Is Your Home Protected? The U. S. Fire Extlnsrulsher will save jeu thousands of dollars..; Phone Mar. Khali HM tor Tree oemorrnvriii inn. GENUINE bargain, close in modern. ar tlattc, alghtly, 8 room bnngalow, Sleeping -porehj elegant -f irenlaiiebuilt in cases, street improvements; $3500. 831 E. 13 th, Sell wood car, -FOR SALE A 7 room modern' house oni . Kerby st.. high and publio school, -near two car lines; cement walk, shade trees, Z toilets, Wl VJ, .V, IWl VUKiUU, Price $3000; terms. Call 3S9 Ivy st. 118001400 down, Vernon home; lot 60 . xlOO, 4 rooms finished," 3 upstairs un finished; go look at it 969 13, 22d N.S would take vacant lot; Phone owneri . New 6 Ro6m Bungalow ' . 1 $3200, furnished, $1000 down. 1, $2600, $150 down, easy payments. 833 East 3 2d at. Phone Sell wood 1147. 4 ROOM house, lot 60x100, small psv . ment down,, balance on time. For particulars call S33 Cla1 or phone Main 584 8. ,V - - r - : MOST modern and up to date 8 room residence In Rose City Park district I will save you broker's commission. Y-1S5. Journal, i ; H K RE Is the" best buy" In Su'nnyside' for $3600; corner lot, new house, rooms., modern In every respects terms; Juki listed. luOO-H Belmont ft. BY OWNER New v moctarn 6 room house, block and .half from Union , Bargain $2100; $1600 cash, tennf. 508 Roselawn ive. ft- " -; , ' 1 , , A SPLENDID 4 room house and I"t. I block of car, - a real, snap, $1300; terms. Tabor 2362. p 'LAN votir own hmn. We k Ml 1 foryotrTSn easy Terms. i m CO- 4iff Irtinu '"''P1jl 1 FOK SALBs-CHEA P-Mo-I i n""'f' ""r , bungalow; lot 50x1rtV, Jety c evening a a f r ' lLl'' , . REAlif irC'L' 5-ie.coiu.c-K til -.' - and chicken ranch near ! 1 ear line. C. O. tsanJtitoue, - --MODERN.' - J-MII MUSE