THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER C, 1C M . i if-. learn' OUTSIDE STUFF California Continues to Ship Because of Low Price" and Producers Still Believe They Will Get More Money. ' Ther ia considerable atrenfrth In the yotato Bltuatloa locally and elected Oregon atock ia being jobbed out at $1.S5 and $1.40 per hundred pounds.. Ordinary local potatoes are selling arounfl $1.26 or the. earn prio aa, re cent arrlvala from California, California potatoea are in oult fair supply along Front atreet The aliea are good and rather large but the qual ity la not to the taste of the local trade and only the cheaper eating places will buy them on this accopnt. The good consuming trade will noic have them and while a few cars may be unloaded on an unsuspecting public it la not likely that any great quantity can be sold here aa long aa there la any home growth offering. . , There seems to be little Improvement In th offering of local potatoes and unless there is a freer movement from the farms it may force further importa tions of California stock. Every car load of California potatoes brought here means that much.lesa demand for the borne product .'''.' '-. ' The price of California potatoea to iflay In the San Francisco market ranges from 60 to 80c for rivers with the ave rage at 76c. This would mean 90o per hundred pounds to put on the docks her and 3c additional to haul them to the commission nouses. This ia a to tal of 98c to bring the California pro duot to Portland. ' : Concord Grape Season Ending, fieason for Concord grapes la ending and receipts are again small. Grape market in general ia quiet except for fanciest gradea. . " ' Eggs Are Firm. Much atrength continues to ba shown In the local egg market This Is es pecially true of fresh selected stuff. .Eastern selling well. y ...-. ! i Storms Still Hold Sway. Again there was an absence of offer ings of razor clams and crabs today. Storms along the coast make operations Impossible. . . Apple Trade Developing. Trade in apples is developing. De mand" at this time is mostly for well colored fruit suitable for sal In the stands. , Prices same. -- ; Fresh' Bntter Very Scarce. " Fresh butter ia exceedingly acarce in the local market but values are un exchanged "because of the -high, offerings - or eastern, maice." - Country Business Good. - Commission merchants report an In creasing demand - for stuff from the country. Wholesale growers repdrt out of town trade excellent "Dressed Meats Weaker. ' Owing to the Very mild weather with its consequent curtailing of consump tion, there Is smaller demand for dressed meats on the atreet ' CTRONT STREET QUOTATIONS Hope, Wool aa KUm HOPS 1810 crop, choice, ll13e; ?rlme to choce. 11llHc; prime, 10ft In: 190H growths, nomlnat WOOL Nominal, lino. Willamette : valley, 16&19o; eastern Orecon, 11017c. . 6H.EEPSKINH Sneartng. lOOUe , ch; short wool. 8(96fio; taedlua. wool. tOc II each; long woT. 7i0 Il.tS each. TALMW Prim, per In.. le; No. f and crease, 2 0 3H . CH1TTIM BABK 1101 Nominal c: 1910. me. ' HIDEdDry hides. 1IU91(U lb.: green, 14 to 7 Ho: bulla, green, salt, (o lb.; klpa. 6H7Hc; calves, green. 120 lie per lb. -.,...-".-....,..,..,,, ....,.,,...,. MOHAIR Nomina!: 1110. SOtftrJ. Barter. Sega and room. , ' BUTTER Extra creamery, cubea and tabs, 86c; square. 870 7o lb.; tore, 22H24fto; eaatern, lift He BUTTER FAT r. o. b. Portland. pf pound, ISo. - - ' POULTRY Mixed chlckena. ISffl 15io. bens. 16 H 17c stag, IS He; broil rs. 1515c; fryers, 15 16 He; geese, old, ):' young, 1213o; live ducks, roung. 1818c; old. 16c; turkeys, alive. 82.60 doxen; dressed chickens, l2o a pound higher than alive. EGOS -Local extras, 3 4 02c: No. 1, He; No. 2, 27c; eastern best,-82c; ordl- nary. 27028c. CHEESE New Oregon fanoy full cream, triplets and daisies, 17H18e; S"oung Americas. 1 8 1 9o. Orals, riowr tad Bar. WHEAT Track delivery Club, 84c 86c; bluestera, 8788cj fortyfold, 86o Willamette valley, 87c; red Russian, 82c; " turker red, 84 85c. BARLET Producers oric 1916 FeeJ, T2222.60; rolled, $26; brewing. ' 24.60. . . C HN--Whole, 226; ersckba. S1 ton. HAT Producers price 1 9 J 0 Val. timothy, fancy, 819 19.60;- ordinary, 19: eastern Oregon, J202O.6O; mixed. iiivit; ciover, io. i tiiccciz: wneat $1J14J chesv:"lli: alfalfa. ll oat, 818 14. , - MiLLSTlTFFS Selling rrlo Br 1 825; middlings, 833; shorts, $27; chop, $1925... - , . OATS Nominal. ' prortunera' nrle Track. No. 1 white. 827.60 28.00; gray. 126 5USeZ7.00, ITlr-ir'R Olfl emu. nUn IK III , Willamette. $8.40 per barrel; local , straight 85.10; takera. IP. 2006.86; x port grades. 83.70; graham, hi sack, f.v; rye. o.: ik. ig.ia. - Oiocama. Uts. xtc B UO AR Cube, 86.46; powaered. 15.85; fruit or berry. $5.85; dry granulated, $5.86; conf. A, $6.65;. Extra C, $4.16; r olden O, $4.16; D yellow. $5.16; beet 5.65; , barrels. 16c; half barrels. 80c: l. ...... I. ..1. i i n.i era! JYnberry, 6o less than fruit or berry.:. - v Above quotatlas- are 39 days net en quoiaiions-r . RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 4H5c No. 2. 4c; New Orleans bead. t Q 7o; vreoie. oi. 8LT-Coarse Half around lOOs, . 88.60 oer ton; 60s. $9. )0i taM dairy, 80s, $18.00: 100s. . flT.ftO; ualea. $2.26; extra fin barrels, in. 5a and 10s. ti.Cfl 5 00; lump rock. 820.50 oer ton. I BANS BmalU whit. 4c; Urge, whU. 44! pink, t He; ,ba-ou. - HONET New. 88.78 per case, muta and Tegnatd. FRESH KRU1TS Orangea Valen clas, $44.60 boxr bananas, 6c lb; . lemons, 36.60 7.25; grape fruit $2.76; pineapples, ic -id; cantaloupes, ure con. J5cfl)$l.O0: neaohea. 60O65o: w& , termelons, $1.00; grapes." $1.001.15; local Concorda, iSc; ground cherries, il.uo; peara, i.uusa.uu. brrica. Dr9c ' POTATOES New. $1.861.$$ sweets. (iNTONS $1.60; gar1ic,'7 2o per lb. VEOETABLES New turnip . 81.25 61 60: beets. 81.50: carrots. 11.2ii 1A6 ur ckj albac $L60t.76- w TTF?U7f3 i I , i v ' f t r. BUYING TO SIT OH THE VEST SIDE; HOPS ARE ACTIVE East Side Section Scene of Heavy Purchases During the Past 24 Hours; 10c Business in Western Washington. X.swf1 Eop Seveiopmanta, $. Oregon Heavy buying on east, aide; buying to a tart on west aide.,, - Washington Small business in ) western portion around 10a . no demand at all for Taklmaa. California Owing to extrem low .prices grower withhold sup- 4 plies from market 4 4 New York Growers again de- cide to hold, with expectations of higher. price, $ Foreign Market firm in Eng- land, and better continental trad 4 la expeoted. 4 Enormous business is again shown in tha hop market and tt la now atated that fully ' 1500 bale war purchaaed during the past 48 hours. Buying is confined entirely to tne east aide, but klaber. Wolf & Natter are said 4o have started operations on tha west aide today. . Lachmund Is again In the market and yesterday purchased a lot at 13 cents. This, however, is -for a particular growtn, ana otner interests are not of fering anyings over 12 cents and the average business ia around 11 11 Ho a pound. ' furcnaaea on tne east side during the past i4 hour -consist of lot; at St Paul. Mount Ange, Bllverton, Aurora and Salem. This is tha section that has been doing practically all the selling recently, and therefore dealers have de voted most of their attention to arowers there. .' . ;: ' West side grower with the bigger yards and excellent quality have not been disposed to rush into the market Most of them say they are financially ablo to hold. back until the present glut of offerings subsides and then take their chances on a normal market New York Grower Bullish. New York hopgrowers have suddenly become infused with the notion that hops are going to advance. Therefor, thor has been but limited offering there during the past 14 hours, accord ing to messages which came to Port land today, 1 In California th low price have caused manyv of th larger gr6wer to take their goods off the market but there is still some business In Sacra mento around lie a Sound. ; English advice tell of a better feel ing among the trade, but no change is noted in prices offered, A few deals have been closed in western Washington around 10c a pound no demand at au nas appeared for Yakima growth, and accordlna- to the trade, there is not "likely to -be much doing there as long aa th better Ore gons are available. PRICE OF PRODUCE . ;AT SAN FRANCISCO (CnHa Prein Leased Wire.) San Francisco. Oct. 8. "Wheat. Aua- trallan and prbpo, 1.60O1.67H; Sonora,; uaiirornia club, l.buwi.65; northern wheat, blu stem, 8J.62W 7HJ club, $1.651.67Vi; Turkey, 57H1.65; Russian redj; $1.501.62. Sarlev Feed: ood to choice. 98ia 96 U; fancy, 9798; poor to fair. 9092H; shtDpIng. $1.0001.06: Chev alier. 31.30f.35. Ekks BlUhtlV lower: California fresh including cases, extraa, 45c; firsts, 42c; seconds and storage, 30c. Butter Bteaay, uaiirornia iresn, ex tras 84 Hp; firsts. $lc; seconds. 29c: storage, 30 He Cheese New California flats, fancy. 16o; firsts, 15c; seconds, T2 He; Cali fornia young America. . fancv. ,16 Uc: firsts. 15Hc; Wisconsin Daisies, 18c; Oregon fancy, 16 He; storage California, IDC. Potatoes Per cental River Whites. 6080c; Sallnns Burbanks, $1.45 1.60; sweets, $2.00 2.10. Onions Per sack, $1. 001.10. Oranges Per box, choice. $1.60S.B0: extra choice, $2.50?i3.25; Valenclas, choice. $2.608.00; - fancy, 83.50 a 4.00. hundred; tomatoes. 3560o ner box: pet-pound; horseradish. -1 fl ( izo; green onions, iuotioo aocen: peppers, bell. 46o per lb.; bead lettuce, 10 400 per dozen; hothouse, $1.60 per box; radishes. 1013Ho dos- en mincne! ceiery, 4ur(pue aozen; egg pjam, u.iowi.ou crate; cucumoers, lo- cat hothouse. 26o per dozen; peas, 6c; corn, i.20!(ji.DU eacK. APPLES 76C$2. 60. Meats, Fish and Xrovtston. DRES8ED MEATS iT-wiv a true t hogs, fancy, 13c:, ordinary, 12Ho; veals, extra,- 13c; ordinary, llllV4c; poor. 67c; extra large. 8c; spring lambs, 1 1 14 c; yearling lambs. 7o lb.: mut ton, 8c. FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter. ere prices: , Best teera, 96Ho: ordi nary, c; neat cows, c; ordinary, 7 lie LARDKettle leaf Ba. lStto pei lb.; ateam rendered, 6. 14a per lUi ten- C 1U. rand, 6s, 127o per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC Hams. 1U 21c; breakfast bacon, 1929c; boiled nam, tvyiiBo. piemen, ioc; coiiage roll, 17c; regular short clears, smoked, 17 Ho; backs, smoked,. 17 Vc;' pickled tongue 45c lb. - , . v. :.. . . OYSTERS -Shoat water bar. nr ..i. Ion, ( ); per 100 lb. sack. $5760; Olympla, per gallon $3 per 100 lb. sack. is; cannea eastern. btc car.; 36.60 do.; easteru in shell, $1.7603 per 100. FISH Nominal Rock cod. ln: floundera, 6c; halibut 9010c; striped bass, 15c; catnsn. lftllc; fresb cnt nook, 7 8c lb.; steelheads, 6c pr lb.: oles, 7c; shrimps, 11c; peret. 7o; tomcod, 8c; lobster. 26o; herrings. (c; black baas, zoc in: sturgeon, 11 ner lb.: silver smelt, no lb.: black cod, 7Mtc; crabs, large, $1.60; mdlum, 31.26 dozen; dressed snad, oc; roe shad, 8c; ahad roe, 20c lb. ... CIjAMS Hardshell. , per box. 4 lb.; razor clams, 12 He dozen, $2.35 per box. TURPENTINE In cases. 76c; bar rels. .'c per gallon. : - tVatnta, Ooal Ofl. , s LINSEED OIL It w, bbl., ' $1.15; kettle, boiled, bbla., $1.17; raw in case, $1.20; boiled in case, $1.32 per gallon; lots of 260 gallons, lo less; ou cake meal (none In market). BENZINE 88 degree; cases, 24 Ho gai.; iron uon., ic pei gat. ota. 8a nar lb. I 600 lb. lot. 8c per lb.: lesa lot 8 Ho per lb. UCPt E Manila. 8c: alsaL 7Ue. . COAL OIL PearL aatrai and star lis per gallon; eocene. 310 gallon; laln, 28e gallon; headlight 19Hc gallon: ex tra star. 21a Kalian: water whlta. bulk. 10 Ho per gallon; special water white, lie per., gallon, i. ,, n.i.. , , OABOLIKE Red crown and motor. 18 (ii-26c gallon; 88 gasoline, 3037He gallon: V. M. ft P. naphtha, 16H23He gallon.' W1BJS NAILS Baal. $3.70. ; 1 Journal .Want A4 bring result, a . ' VEISER DAY AT BAT $10.10 Idaho City Chief Shipper Today and Sales Are Made Within . Nickel of Yesterday's Top No Sheep Forward. 'PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. . . ' Hoga. Cattle. Sheep. Saturday Friday . 440 114 600 62 477 128 286 436 . 67 1094 , 31 99 62 . 68 30 1598 ' 118 Thursday Wednesday Tuesaay Monday 1 IE. Week ago 94 ' There was no gVneral change In' the livestock situation today. Receipt of hogs from Idaho pointa were quit lib eral. In fact, this waa Weiser day in the Portland stockyards. Out of a total of 10 loads of livestock, seven came from that city, three of these" being hogs and four cars of cattle. Anton; th gTbippere; ; Cattle J. E. Fillmen. Weiser. Idaho. two loads; W. White, Weiser, two loads, Hoggs C. C. Leavls. Weiser. Idaho. one load; Albert Jackson, Weiser, one load; Ed Wiggins, Weiser, one load; Robert McCrow, Goldendale, Wash., one load; William Mulligan. Warwick, one load: A. L. Nelson, .Centralia, Wash., on load. . , ;. TOflay Official Trad. . Following are official m-lcea. ThevJ represent -aemana, supplies and quality offering: . - r z ' w i BTEERS. At. Lba. Prlca. 27 ateers .1038 f 84.76 . - hogs. 84 hog 230 4 hogs ................ 125 92 hogs 207 8 hogs , 212 1 hog 470 $10.10 10.10 10.00 9.90 9.00 General .rang of livestock valu-aa indicated by latest sales in tha Portland yards: . , . '-.- CATTLE Beat Oregon ateers. 35.50; fancy steers, $5.26; common ateers, i4.oog4.4Q; cows: beat $4.25; fancy, 34.26: poor. .38.00(88.25: heifers. 14.50: bulls, $3.00. 825; stags, 33.76 4.26. iiuus Best east or tne mountains, 31?.0010.16: ordinary. 210.00: atock- era and feeders, $10.50. SHEEP Best east of th mountains, wethers, 34.00 4.25; old wether. 84.00: spring lambs, Willamette valley, $8.00 $5.25; eastern Washington, $5.25; ewes, 1t.ovtas.i9. CALVES Best. $6.75 07.00: ordinary. $6.50; poor, $8.604.50. Market There Pays Little At tention to Damage; News; All Others Affected. Chlcago Oct 8. Regardless of consid erable effort on the part of the local bull interests to create some encourage ment, helped by some doubtful bull news near the close of the session, the wheat market relapsed into heaviness. Trade began the day with a very bullish Liverpool cable. 8ellihg pressure in the English market, -due to larfee deliveries' on contracts and failure of the Argen tina market to make any response to the crop damage claims in that country. The trade, however, took the same view of the Argentina news, ignored It and sold wheat lower at once. - Late today there was a cable report that Greece had withdrawn her repre sentative from Constsntlnople, because of xhe present political troubles. South weat markets had moderate re ceipts for the day. There are some re ports of damage to wheat in stocks in North Dakota, where it was gathered at headers. On the whole, there is very little In the situation to relieve the gen eral bearlshness. Corn traders started the market weak and lower. Later it hardened with wheat and aome week end coverlnar bv local ahorte. Bear traders, not making the headway expected, turned buyers the 4ast Jwmr. Feature in oata trade waa flrmnenn In May. Receivers were reporting heav ier offerings from Iowa, This seemed to hold the December price in check, and that month closed the same as yester day. , Run of hogs at most packing point Is a ltUlo larger than the trade expect ed. Prices at yards were reported 10 cents lower, and later indicated even more break. Many sbbrt have been run in during the week.' These left the market open to an attack from local bear trade. No. 8 red, 997He; No. S hard winter, 98c$1.03;- No. 8 hard. 98c31.00; No. 1 northern spring, tl.1301.14f No. S northern spring. $1.10i.l3; No. 8. northern spring, $1.0S1.11, Corn No. 2, 62c; No. 3 white. 53 e; No. 3 yUow,.63624c; NQ. $. 61H 61c; No. 8 white. 51 5i52o; NoTl yellow. 61 62c Range of Chicago orlces, furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT, M YI worn FAILS TO RALLY WHEAT u High. Low. Close, 98H 97 98 104 H 103 J042 A 99H 99 99 CORN. 49 49 49HB 62 51 62 A . . .. 63 OAT3. 83 33 33 36 35 36 . . " .. 36 Deo, May July Dep. 97 103 99 49 63 May July Deo. May July Hi S6 PORK. 1805 1765 1690 ,. LARD. Oct .....1805 Jan. .....1766 May ....1690 1806 1747 1680 1800 1747 1682 1283 1065 1005 1087 927 922 Oct. Jan. May- 1062 ....1015 1063 1016 RIBS. 1105'- 936 930 1065 1005 1087 927 922 Oct '....-1105 Jan. ..... 935 May' .... 927 A Hog Weak at Chicago. Chlcaao. Oct. 8. -Hos. 10.000!" mati ket weak. Mixed, $8.30 9,10; good and neavy,; ougn.; light $8.40 9.10. r -, . Cattle, 1000; market ateady. Sheep, 20,000; market steady. Kansas City, Oct .8 Hoga, 20,000; cattle, sou, sneep, uu. Hogs Lower at Omaha. South Omaha, Neb., Oct 3. Cattle 400: market unchanged. Hogs 8500;. market 1535o lower; bulk of sale $8.10 8.76. r- Sheep Won. , t j " .' : ..: . mar .to iJ m kj . MfShens Festivals of Next Week Cause Abnormal Demand for Se lected Stuff; Mixed Chickens Are Neglected Here 1 The chicken market Js showing one of those queer stunts that happen at various times, and for which explana tions are hard to make. While there is a very dull and stagnant tone for spring chickens and the same Is true of mixed fowls, fancy hens ar. being eagerly sought and for . these prices. ar reftlly advanced. As high at 16H and 176 has been, obtained in . a ; limited way for selected coop of hens, although only nominal amount of this class qt stuff has been in evidence recently. . While hens are .selling . at an ad vance especially if , good and fat;, trade in mixed stuff and for springs is at lower prices. - Fifteen centa waa the average price obtained as a cleanup ror springers during tiie.past z nours, althourh a few sales of mixed lots Were closed at 15H and 16c. The call for lions is airravated by the Jewish. holidays which ocour next week. There Is always a call for fancy hens for that event but the trad is very seldom supplied. While asking for fat hens no . compromise is made on rooster or springers.' New York, Oct 8 Much concern waa displayed today over the probable show ing of the bank statement but the ac tual exhibit which, of course, is to be considered aa the true index -of con ditions, waa rather better than expected, indicating aa it does an increase in the surplus reserve and a reduction in loans ana deposits. The cash loss was about as anticipated, but comparing the fore going statement with that of institu tions outside of the clearing house it was apparent that considerable shift ing of loans took place. The session would have been excep tionally dull and uninteresting had -It not keen for th fact that a few move ments in specialties were : conducted, notably Beet Sugar, Mackay issues and National Railroad of Mexico. The government crop report will, per haps, do much towards stimulating a better feeling, but of course, the con vening of supreme court in a few days will no doubt be attended by much dis cussion relative to matters which are likely to ome before that body in the near future. At Boston th market continued firm all day with good demand for coppers and more encouraging trad , reports. The demand for metal during the past week has been strong and sales were on a larger scale than for some time. Tne surplus is rapidly decreasing. Hanee of New York pricea furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: Description i Openl HlghTLow Bid Amal. Copper Co. 66 48 37" 661 66 48 66 48fi Am. car & c. 4 a 37 do. nfd. ...... 114 Am. Loco. com.. Am. Sugar, com.. Am. Smelt, com. 38 36 115 116 116 115 70 69 69i do. era. ...... 102 Anaconda M. Co., 40 40 40 40 29 Am. woolen, com. Atchison, com, . . 100 106 Bal. & Ohio, o... 106 106 106 do. nfd. ...... 80 76 B, R. Transit . . . 76 76 76 Can. Pac, c .... Cen: Leather, c. . . 195 195 194 194 34 23 84 23 84 23 84 23 C. & Q. W.. c. .. Ct, M. &' St. P... 122 122 148 122H 122" Chicago & N., c. Ches. & Ohio 147, 147 147 81 83 I 81 33 81 32 81 32 66 73 74 15 75 Co. F. & I., c. ... Colo. So., c. . . . . do. Znd pro. .. do.. 1st Dfd. .. Com Products, c. 16 1 15 do, pfd. j,.... Del. & Hud., c. . . '' . t - 166 v. & H. u., c . . . Erie, c do, 2nd. pfd. . do.. 1st nfd. .. 32 27 45" 82" 27 82 27 32 27 36 46 46 45 G. Northern, pfd. 127 127 127 127 inter. Met., c . . do. 'pfd.1 ...... Louis. & Nash. . 20 65 20 65 20 56 20 65 146 146 146 146 145 Manhattan Ry. . M.t K. & T., C. .. do. pfd Ore Lands . . . ; . 84 34. 84 '66 63 66 56 66 MOT-Paeiflo -65 H5 1-65 National Lead. . . 55 41 N. Y. O. & W. if. Y. Central 118 W4 113 114 Norfolk & W., c 98 98 98 - do, pfd . . , N. American N. Pacific, o. . . 118 118 118 Pac. Mall S. Co Pennsylvania 129 130 129 107 33 People's Gas.,.. 107 107 Pressed S. Car, c 33 33 UV, 1I1U . . Reading, e... do, 2d pfd . do, 1st nfd 146 147 146 Repub. I. & 8., c 81 '81 31 81 . do, pfd ...... Rock Island, o. . K81 31 '40 do. pfd S. L. . F. 2d pfd 40 st. u & s. w., c. prd. .Trr.r. Southern Pac, c. it Z9 115 24 115 iis Southern Ry., eJ 24 24 do pid Texas & Pacific! T.. S. L. W.. c. do pfd Union Facinc, e. do pfd U. S. Rubber, c. do nfd 167 168 167 U. S. Steel Co., c 69 70 69 li do ptd. ....j. Wabash, c... . do nfd 118 118 118 16 16 17 37 36 75 38 W. U. Telegraph 75 7 0 64 wis. central, c. Allls Chalmers. do pfd ...... Alton, c....... . do pfd . . . ... . G. W. pfd Nevada Cons... Westlnghouse . Beet Sugar ' Utah Copper Third Avenue . Con Gas , . . . Va. Chemical . do pfd , .... . K. C Southorn, do pfd Gen. Electric . DO 60 inui SURPLUS RESERVES SHOWING INCREASE 47 47 20 20 71 71 38 39 49 49 11 11 133 133 60 60 20 38 i 49 11 133 0 Wheeling Lajke Total sales, 92,300 share's.-,- New Sign at Grand. (Soeelil nntrh to The Joorml.) Vancouver, Wash., Oct 8.-r-The Wal lace Sign company of Portland, la, plac ing an electric sign at the Grand theatre today. . Over 100 lights will be used in TtftB nam 1 Qrand.'-apd if wlil ba' placTdrt about 30; feet from the street. The il luminating, effect will be great, it Is claimed, and the sign can be seen and read from across the Columbia. , i , , . d . .i hi ir Journal Want Xdt4rlng results, -v a fr-' -.I , S HISS All IT SOI PAY Ail a . OF Local Club Is Boosted to 85c . Bushel by One Set of .Buyers but Other Varieties Are. Un changed Here. Today'a Wheat Markit, . ,. . Portland Cash club, 85o; Mue 4 atem, 88c. " -. . 4 ' Chicago No: J . red, 9 8 K 3 - 8c Dec, 8!4j May, 11,04 K v 4. ask; July. 99c 4 , Uve,rpool Oct, ?a 4H5 -Dec, 7s4Hd; March. 7s 6d. 4 . Berlin Wheat He iowr. - 4 Antwerp Wheat unchanged. Budapest Wheat, c lower. St Loul Dec., 9994c May, ' $1,104 ask. . o 4 Minneapolia May, I1.1SH. . wmie there waa a weaker ton for Wheat abroad todav.- some huvnra' hern are offering an advance of a cent for club with the quotation standing be tween 84c and.85o a bushel track de livery. WhUft practically most of th business now shown in th interior ia for expert account, millera are taking a tew lum iyr inemseives, ana H is be lieved that they ar selecting tha better quality at the higher price for bom consumption. '. - While offering an advance of cent forolub wheat these interest are not paying any rise for fortyfold, and th quotation in that line remain at 86o for all buyers In this territory. At Liverpool there waa a closing loss of fd in wheat options. Berlin was He aovn, Antwerp unchanged and Buda pest Vto lower than yesterday, Heavy world's shlpmenta are given aa th caub for today's weakness abroad. mere is some talk or advancing tn prlc of export lour during the coming week, but the matter has not been defl nltely settled. No change la announced for local branda. Official weather forecast for th wheat belt for the coming 26 hours: Oregon Fair south, occasional rain and cooler north portion tonight and Sunday; southerly winds. Washington Occasional rain tonight and Sunday;', cooler except near coast; south to southwest winds, brisk along the coast. Idaho Fair south, occasional rain norm portion tonight and Sunday; cool Northwestern Fruit-xchange Reports Generally Good De mand Ruling. APPIES XV THB EAST. Tn Northwestern Pmit day secured th following prlc oa ap ples delivered at eastern center. . by telegTaphi Philadelphia Extra faner jro&MiM. 3V tier, $a.30a.50; fancy-grades, $2.18. Delaware Beds itra fancy, 4 and 4U tier, averaged $L56. Taney tl.25. Pittsburg Taney and extra fancy, 4 tlr and larger Washington Jonathans 88.25, $2.50; 4H tier. $1.90, $2.00. . wrucago report strong market good red varieties. on The exchange reporta to The Journal today: . - The market situation is favorable, and there is an active general demand for good red varieties of apples from all districts. Indications favor a what stronger market on Jonathan, and we are watching the situation very closely and are prepared to advance price just as soon as the market will stand an advance. Meanwhile. selllnsrat-iMO-ro-tMS fonxtfarfanrv and fancy grades Washington Jonathans uer and larger, and 11.35 to 11.40 for the iU, and 5 tier fruit. We are on. vaasing the markets of the country very thoroughly by means of resident sales agents and traveling -salesmen and are erxecung tne wmest distribution which has ever been known. A great many markets which have never before used northwestern boxed apples in car lots have placed orders with us, and this should result in a tremendous broaden ing of the demand, which will be" In creasingly necessary,, as the tremendous acreage planted In recent years beglna to come into bearing. We are quoting extra fancy Rom Beauties 3 and 4 tier at 31.68;-fancy grade 31.35. Extra fancy Black Ben and Ganoa at' $1.3 5. Extra fancy Ben Davis, 4 tier and larger, $1.20. Wis sold a-car-of -straight fancy Idaho Jons thans containing 212 4 tier, balance 128s and larger at a straight price. Of $1.65 f. o. b. - , . SEATTLE PRODUCE PRICES FOR TODAY (Doited Preis Leaned Wire.) . Seattle; Oct. 8. Washington cream ery firsts,- 86c; ranch, 25c; eastern creamery 33c; eastern storage, . Sic; process, 29c; Oregon, 35c. Eggs Local ranch, 434Ec: eastern storage, 28 32c; Oregon, 8640c; Cali fornia, 40p42c; -fresh eastern, 35c.' Choese Tillamook twins, 174o Tilla mook Young Americas, 19c; Wisconsin twins, 18c; Young Americas, 20c; Washington twins, 17o: Washington Young Americas. 19c; Swiss, 23c; Lim berger. 19ciCream, 20c. ,v Onions Walla Wallaj $1.50 1.80 per sack; California, 31.60. Potatoes Eastern Washington, $26 28; extra fancy, $i830; Whit river, $2825; sweets, 2 3o per pound. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT i Portland Banks. Clearings today ...........$1,800,115.20 Year ago ......... 1,438,906.5(0 Gain todav ..$ 861.208.30 Balances today ,. $ 228,825.88 Year ago 131,906.90 Seattle Banks. Clearings today : .$1,800,581.00 Spokane Banks. Clearings today ,.........$ Balances today Tacoma Banks. Clearings today ,,.,,, $ 853,210.00 136,708.00 8.4r:oo 47,408.00 ttainnces toaay ADVANCE CENT APPLE SITUATION VERY FAVORABLE MUSIC AT TACERHACLtv IS GREATLY ENJOYED (Special IMspnteh to Tb Journtl.) Oregon City, Oct 8. The big taber nacle on Center and Eighth streets was well filled last night by au audience which greatly enjoyed the music by the Jarge chorus assisted by Mrs. " Taylor, cornetlst Paul Taylor, the boy singer, sang "Help a Little." with delightful effect. Music Is a leading attraction and. the public Interest is dally grow ing. Mr. Taylor delivered a forcible and entertaining sermon last night on the aubject of "Prayer." Tonight he will speak on "Promises," and Sunday evening, "Will the Old Book Stand?" . NEW YORK COTTON MARKET (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.) New xork, Oct. S.-"-Cotton Open. High. Low. Close. 1463(1464 1469(6)1471 1463 1484 148601488 14931494 14891491 149301495 14431446 144401446 145901461 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May JUne July Oct. Nov. Dec. 1468 .....I486 !ii!l494 "!t'l49 .....1456 147Z 1460 1487 1477 1496 1496 1457 1486 i487 1443 .a..l46S ' 1473 1457 Liverpool Wheat Market. ' ' Liverpool, - Oct I. Wheat close: Oct, 7a':4Hd; Dec, 7s 4d; Marches 6d. Bank ; Notice Security Savings and Trust Company 1 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Street! Capital tndnSurplu, $900,000 '. .. ' ') Invites Accounts of "-y Mefchants, Individuals and. Savings '. Oldest Bank on Capital fully paid . . . ?l,O00.OOO.O0 Surplus and undivided profits $600,000.00 OFFICERS: W. M. Ladd, Presldnt Edward Cooktngbam,Vice-Pra. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier; Interest paid on time deposits ancj savings accounts. " Accounts of bans, firms, corporations and individ uals solicited-. Travelers' checks for sale and drafts issued available In all countries of Europe.' LU M PER M EN S Nat loiAiI Bnk CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PORTLAND., OREGON Capital, ! First National Bank - Capital $1,500,OOD 7 .SurpltiJ $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountains NOTICE The Splendid Condition of Portland's BITULITHIC" STREETS None So Good as BITULITHIC Warren Construction Company UUUiJ ilMiuliol.JJjl lOOilillODIS (Special l)iDatcti to The Journal.),; Oregon City,. Oct 8. The old wooden awnings that have been stretch ing out over the- sidewalk throughout this city, must come down and t"hat within 10 days, is the edict given out by the council, at a special meeting held Wednesday night, "and Chief of Police Burns made the rounds ot the city yes terday notifying all who might be inter ested In the ordinance. The ordinance also calls for the taking down of all signs that protrude out over the walks, and these are ordered to be placed; fl against the buildings. This ordinance la meeting with the approval of all the citizens as it is another step toward th city beautiful. , f ; W. R. C. Special Meeting." , (Speclfl Dispatch to- The Jnnrnal.) . Oregon City. Oct. 8. Meade Post 'Re lief CorD will bold a special meeting Lin ..Wlllamett ball. Tuesday afternoon. at 1 o'clock to prepar for Inspection. It is important that all member b present ' 1 - . the Pacific Coast R. S. Howard JrH Amt Cashier. J. W, Ladd, Assistant Cashier, a. Walter M. Cookv Asst Cashier. $500,000 Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commlsslcn Merchant Stocks, Bonds ' Cotton, Grain. &ts. ; 216-31? Board of Trade Baildlng -fmhr Clttcage Board f Tra ,-CrrMoa4t.f X Wtj--Cblcago. New tor. Boeto. We the , niy, . private -wire. conncttnl Portlaod -vita ta : - .:. eaatar wehug. - - -