TIIl DAILY JOUHIJAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ,7, 1910r IfjjWil M ,; . TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS Bungalow Euker . , . .Portland . Orpheum Grind .". . Pant ages Ly rlc , , . i ,fctar "The Witching Hour" .'Br.ewst.er s Millions" ."The Traveling Man" , Vaudeville .......... .Vaudeville ........... .Vaudeville ."The Servant Lady." Moving Pictures going to San Francisco, the Pacific ' T.lh... A. T.U.nk will . have 'Its Portland directory printed in this city, the contract having been let yeaieraay 10 tsusnong sc jo. Appru mately $26,000 will be expended by the 1 telephone company fot printing It the near .future, and this time the i money will remain in Portland.; Here tofore It haa usually been sent out of the state. The Pacific Paper company wiJi ituiusu uiB paper lur aiiw uiiwv forles. . , , A. Capella Chorus Portland" newest singing society, the A. Capeila chorus, that makes a specialty of unaccompa nied . singing, will hold Its first re hearsal and election of Officers tonight at ( o'clock in the upstairs hall,; north east corner of - Sixth and v Morrison streets. All those who have already passed the vocal examination In sight reading arid singing, nd,iothers who have been notified of their acceptance as members, are ' asked to attend this . meeting. The new Anisic has arrived. " Tell 40 rest Losing his balance while at wort on the third floor of the new streets yesterday afternoon, James Cul len, a steelworker, aged 87, fell 40 feet into the- basement-, He struck his chin 1 agHinm una vi inn giruera inu roceivcu a bad cut in the fall while his leg was crusnea ana several apnea broken wnen he struck, the ground. He was removed to St., Vincent's- hospital and- will re. cover. 1 1 Off to Idaho Boon Portland mer fthUnfa -Will molfA Anfttha nlrAln tU to Idaho under the auspices of the Port land Commercial club. Manager C C. Chapman of the club la now correaoond ; ing with the various commercial clubs In that state with a view of arranging the Itinerary, Portland merchants find a big market In Idaho and they believe It a very good idea, to pay their cus tomers a friendly visit occasionally to get acquainted. ' Portland Kay Get Station The Cham ber of Commerce has received a letter from Secretary of the Navy Meyer stat ing that Portend will be considered as a location for the torpedo flotilla sta- fuon. on ine racuie coast, it was re commended pcentlv that i abiflnn h established somewhere on the "Pacific coast and v the Portland Chamber o Commerce put in a bid believing Port land especially well suited for the purpose,,.-' .' ' , .'. Donates Silver Trophy The ..Sunday school of the Unlversallst Church of Good Tidings, at Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street, is rejoicing in the Sfift nt It mirnlflrant aMM tMnh presented by E. J. Jaeger, to be com peted tor oy members or the school. The cup Is finely engraved, "Universal 1st Sunday School Scholarship Trbphy," and on the reverse "Donated by E, J. Jaeger," ' ... Improvement Club A meeting of the North . East Side Improvement assocla- tlm V,.. V ..11. J s . I . . vtvu nmn wwa vmicu ur lunigni av a o'clock, at ths Woodmen of the World ball. , Russell street and Rodney ave nue. Matters of importance" to the district are to be discussed and It la .-desired that all members of the asso elation and their friends Interested la .the district north of Sullivan's guich be present at the meeting. , i Have Ton Seen M. J. Mailer's new gro cery store, 23-26 Sixth street north, near BurnsideT Mr. Malley has Just moved from Third and Ash streets, where he .o iui cts ;ri, ana win Dm pleased to have all his friends and pat rons drop, in and Inspect his new store. His stock is new, and no mora up to date or neater ' grocery store can be u.n ... D.l...a , . Oaf Injures Man An "L" car from which Henry Gllmore. 70 years old. Of 187 Grant street, was dismounting at Third and Washington streets last night, started up before he had safely reached the pavement and he was thrown pros trate. Hit leg was injured and he was conveyed, to St- Vlnoent's hospital. Suicide r allows Betake Rebuked by his wife for his dissipation, Samuel Rata, aged 40, a peddler, retired l.ito his bedroom at S3 H North Fifth street about 3 o'clock last night and drenk four ounces of nitric acid. His wife heard his groans and a Red Cross 'ambu lance wi summoned and took- him to St. Vincent's hospital. He died at 8 o'clock this morning. Aha via Bholem Services Services will be held at the Congregation Ahavla Sho lem, corner Park and. Clay streets, to night at S o'clock, with music by the choir. Tomorrow morning services will be at 8:80. Rabbt B. Abrahamson will officiate. Tail Through Trap Door-r-While visit ing the Bridge Furniture company at Sellwood yesterday Afternoon n busi ness, iW. R, Davis, aged 87, a- "sales man for the Marehall-Wells Hardware 1- " 1 11 . ,." J roiTspftny, walked into an open trap door and fell about 15 feet to the basement. Hi struck on the head and sustained concussion of the brain. He was re moved to, St. Vincent's hospital in a serious condition. , ' Davis lives at 6B8 Olisan street. Men's High Grade Suits In the lat est shades, browns, grays and blues, $30 to 835 values, $18.75;' 825 to $27.50 val ues for $14.75. Fit guaranteed. Alter ations free. How do I do it? That's easy; I buy Bamplesand cancellation orders from the east and sell In an office building (rent $30 a month): no big profits to pay for high rents. Jim mie Dunn, room 815, Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator; third fkor. . Deserted by Husband Mrs. Arthur Clarke of 291 Second street reported to the police last night that her husband had deserted her, taking with him her gold watch and chain. She said that he had threatened to "kill her If she made any attempt to find or annoy hlmj but overcoming' her fears, she asked ths police to place him under arrest for de sertion. - - ( ' ' i' rire in Cafe Fire was discovered be tween the, walls of O'Neill's dining room at West Park and Alder streets by one of the employes at 4 o'clock this morn ing and the fire department summoned. Only small damage was. done before the firemen succeeded In extinguishing the flames, l Electric wires are believed to have, started the fire. DonMe-Trao .Street tfhe ' Portland Railway, Light ft Power company haa concluded to double-track its line on Lombard " atreet, i between University park an Portamouth. ' The street la now being paved, but the second track will be put in immediately so as not to interfere with 'the paving of the street ' " - . , .. . Pret , lecture All. interested In the writings of Swedenborg are InVlted to attend a free lecture In the Knights of Pythias hall, Eleventh and Alder streets, at 11 a. m. ; Sunday, by . Professor T. Mower Martin of Toronto. The sub ject will be "The Origin. Development and, Destiny of, the Human Mind." Veterans aa Minstrels The Spanish War Veterans will soon give their an nual minstrel show. The boys this year promise sonfe new talent and- nov elties in the way of original acts, take offs and music. Everything will be of a classy order. Rehearsals begin Fri day at their hall at 8 p. m.' sharp. Meat have. some great bargains In trousers. Nearly 800 pairs on sale at $2.85 a pair. These pants would cost you' 84 .if bought at a store on the Street Jimmle Dunn, room 8J5, Ore gonian bldg. . Hospital for Peninsula Plans for the Institution . of the Peninsula hospital will be formulated at a meeting of citi zens to be held tomorrow evening in Portsmouth fire hall. Parent - Teachers' Association The Parent-Teachers' association of the Ver non school will open the kindergarten Monday, October 1JJ. Any one that has a child that wishes to go may enter at this time. Improvement Association Meeting Manors of importance will be taken up at . the regular meeting of the Woodiawn Improvement association at Greene's hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Expert Optician, Devoting his entire time to the fitting of the eyes with com fort giving, attractive looking eye glasses, at Rubensteln's, 189 Third, near Yamhill. - Unredeemed Pledges' Diamonds, watches, jewelry; musical instruments, for amount loaned and interest. Uncle Myers, 71 8th at, bet. Oak and Pine. . Steamer Jessie Harklns, tor Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday? Leaves Washington street dock at 8 p. rn. e Bponr sba Yress Tour Olothjx alt for 81.50 month. Main 6H. A-4814 Wagons run everywhere. Uulyue Tailor ing Co, 809 Stark. . e Oregon Dry Map Day tomorrow. Maps are 10 cents. Buy one and help make Oregon dry. James Oarlek ft Oo, the house raov. ers; removed to 180 East Water street Phone East 4417. Bailable Bye Specialists.. Freeie' & Rice, 808 Merchants Trust Bldg. W. A. Wlaa ind iiata tni... deSiUsts. Third and Washington. 8j 0. Drown. gye-Ear. Marquam. SON LEAVES FATHER, 71, ALONE IN CABIN TO STARVE 111 and helpless. Archie Gordon nvmA TJ yeara, wag tound in a fcaBW at East Fiftieth and Clark streets yesterday afternoon ..by. Patrolman Thomaa Swennes and sent to the county hos pital. Neighbors told the officers that Gordon had existed on their bounty for four veara. and that him man rn f,i to assist him. Swennes saw- the eon, who is a freighthandler, and asked him k.i. . i . u i . . . . w uiy mo viu iiuui, dui Hi reiusea to do so. Journal Want Ads bring- results. CiMIGilM 7 Democratic, Candidate From : Harney and Malheur Re ports Smallest Account. Thomas , ES. McKnight, Democratlo nominee for joint representative trom Harney and,, Malheur counties, spent IS cents in his campaign, according to the report made by him to the tecreury of state. This is one of the cheapest" campaigns on record,' Mr. McKnight was nominated by. pop ular demand InS opposition to W. v H. Brooke, an assembly candidate and the Joint author of the- notorious Bropke Bean bill introduced at the 1908 session of the legislature, v From reports, that come, from Harney and Malheur 4t Js very; probable that Mr. McKnight will defeat Brooke'- In November. . : Mr. McKnight did not file a petition before the primaries,, not having intend ed to make, the race for legislative' hon ors. When it was seen,, however, that Brooke had no . opposition the friends of the direct primary law.vStatement No. 1 and popular government general ly began to urge .Mr.. McKnight to be come a candidate. Th'ls resulted in" his name being written In on the ballot, giving him the Democratic nomination. McKnight la one of the best known of the young tnen of the eastern Ore gon district. He is a- resident of Vale, and has served as deputy county clerk of Malheur county, In which position he demonstrated his ability as a public of f Icial; Mr. McKnight wa raised In Linn county, having been born on a farm in the Willamette valley. . His father, T. P. McKnight, was one of the early- settler - ef . the - valley, having come from Jowa In 1862. Mr; McKnlaht went to eastern Ore gon several yeaj-s ago and since taking! up his residence there has become one of the influential and prosperous men , of that section of the state. In lils can didacy for the legislature , he takes a firm stand forpopular government In his platform t he pledges himself, if elected.: to stand unwaveringly for the maintenance of the direct, primary-law1 Including 8tatemen,t No. 1, the initiative and referendum, recall, and corrupt .A 11. I. .1.. m h betterment of the publlo school system of the state, and to the support ef the good roads movement- - s : In making his campaign Mr, Mc Knight will go before the people of his district as an out and out anti-assembly man, and will carry the fight Into Mr. Brooke's camp on the straight issue of whether the. people of the district-desire a man pledged y the cause Of pop ular and progressive legislation or one affiliated with th? reactionary element which desires to return to the 'old order of things. FULTON PARK CLUB WILL TALK BOULEVARD PROJECT A meeting of the Fulton Park Improve ment club has been called for October 18, at 8 o'clock In- the evening. The meeting will be in the nature of a bridge and boulevard rally, one of the main subjects of discussion being the promotion of the Olmatead Boulevard fystpm for southern Portland. ,It Is ex rwted that the South Portland Boosters club, the Westmoreland 1 Improvement rluh, Sellwood Commercial club and Milwaukle Commercial club, and other Improvement organizations will take part In the meeting. . ' The residents 1 of the southern sec tion of the city are much interested in the plmstead Boulevard project for the construction of a boulevard along the : ,-a iortnu. Riving a mag nificent view of the river and the east ern portion of the CitV wMla t H,m . . . V , VH V same time providing convenient roads i.,. "wuenw or tne south Portland hills. - :. . , , - The nlana also' strucUon of a high bridge across the w'cl ""a ronton park and Sellwood and a contlmiattnn At the east side to Mt Tabor Park. The Jity engineer now has the ' plans for ma iuiirwvement unaer oonslderatloBP HERE'S SPORT FOR NEXT SUMMER'S FISHING TRIP Upon the recommendation of Senator. Bourne the United SUtes bureau of fisheries ' has recentV eent a number of shipments of trout . to Oregon for planting In various Oregon - streams. The persons who nrant i-v .w. , , - . - , . ..... ,wu aou, 1.110 kind of fish planted, and the streams In which placed are as follows: L. L. Mulit, Ashland, 14,240 brook trout, for Aehland creek; L. V. W. Brown, River side, Cal., 2000 steelhead trout, for Cow Creek. Glendale.. Or.: W. J. Church, La Grande, 2000 steelhead trbuV for Nil wen Lake; Georgro L. Cleaver,. La Grande, 2000 steelhead trout, for Look ingglass creek; W. C. Boatman, Enter prise, 2000 steelhead trout for Wallowa river; F. P. Friday, Hood River, 2000 steelhead trout, for Cruso .creek; L. E. Morse, Hood River, 2000 steelhead trout for Hood River,' west fork; C. J. Johns, Sumpter, 2000 steelhead trout; for Alder creek; EL D. Stelncamp, Sumpter, 2000 steelhead trout for Powder creek; J, P. Balrd, Sumpter, 2000 steelhead trout, for Powder creek (McCullock fork); L. C Edward, Sumpter, 2000 steelhead trout for , Mt ,Vlew laker Oliver Tibbs, Sumpter, 2000 steelhead trout for Deer Creek; H. G. Weed, Sumpter, 2fl00 steel-' head trout for Burnt river (North fork); Roy MeClallen, Roseburg, 2000 steelhead trout for Deer creek; Roy MeClallen, Roseburg, ,2000 Rainbow trout for Rock creek," Roy McCJlallen, Roseburg, 2000 rainbow trout, fof Ump qua river; P. J. Parks, Elk City, 2000 brook trout for Curiah creek. YOUNG PEOPLE WORK -, IN "DRY" CAMPAIGN i Societies' of young people In Portland churches will aid the "dry' campaign by circulating cards, one side bearing map showing the "wet" and dry coun ties, the reverse, a temperance pledge. They expect to get in return sums of from 10 to 25 cents to be used in financ ing the "dry" campaign. The Epworth Utgue, B.' Y. P. U., Christian Endeavor and Loyal Workers, will particate. The laat time India took a census 300,000,000 persons were enumerated, and the result was made known in 15 days, which is claimed to be a world's record.-" ." Br. Lyon" G PERFECT Tooth Powdor not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth without in- jury, but impartspurity and fra grance to the breath, removing instantly the odor or tobacco. DO you realize what it means to buy direct from the factory? Do, you know you can save all tilt middlemen's profits, which are about 50 per cent ? V Sell Our Product idirect- to the people-at fac tory prices. Solid Oak FOR DINING ROOM. BED ROOM, LIVING ROOM, LIBRARY, HALL AND DEN. A Complete Line. Wrie for Catalogue. - Visit our Salesroom. PETERS MANUFACTURING CO. Salesroom-Factory 44 J HAWTHORNE AVE. 'FREE IF'ipcbcb iopthe Clrildren! SEE OUR WINDOWS ! uaoies' ancy Soil Soled Shoes, Regular 50c Values at 15c a Pair EVEBT WW BTTXB ASD TAD IK "3H0ES0M" OW BIS PLAY THE CLASSIEST EXHIBIT OT FALL POOTWHAH EVEB 1HOWS XX POBTLAND. SB BUBB TO BEE THEM. Jockey . BOOtS ;1 THE NEW HIGH CUT SHOES for Girls, made in but- J ton styles, broed toe; solid soles.. . . (M.75 QV ii Pair Sizes 8J to 11 . ii , ,,i.$2, Si2C8 lVt to 2 ?2. OO 25 Boys' solid leath er Shoes, blucher cut, sewed soles; a dandy shoe for hard war: sizes up to Spe cially priced at -n.oo 1L PAIR Children's School Shoes, in vici kid or box calf, foot form toes with spring or low heels; sizes to & Specially priced !0 ' hip? Latest Styles Misses' and Boys t f lm Shoes, blucher or IIJ fi w regular lace cut, ' I aitf good strong 5oles,' I V sizes to 5$. Spe- 11 I n . cial sale price, at fF jl !. "flll Wonen'i new, jt VT A high hob toe, 1 r high arch.-hrgh A V AI -iQ al heel, patent but-i Xr v ton,gunmetal lace J W n 4" and vici kid styles, M r Pfl Jp all sizes, widths. . . ': " 1 t . 1 Men's union made fV-fV" i Shoes, best $4.00 aJODI I Uf values, lace , or fil button, all on the V new fall lasts; a jFll style for every CZj rOlf 229 MORRISON STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND 'tf"!mm'r ' Ilu J "."'.."". . n " " ".i JW ' ' . . , ii n i ,i i b n n mini in i 1 1 1 lii 1 1 n ui i i i 1 w o F. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING First and Oak TAL BSSSBS TO SALEM i t - Three Minutes 25 cents Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same as local calls, in Portland by our new two number service. If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. . - , . Try it and you will be pleased. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH .COMPANY. Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Sts. CCHV7AB PRINTING CO hJSOLICITS YOUR PATRONACE 247i STARK STREET FeItoDerW$1.50 CLKAWKOABLOCKKDSOa 1 LADIES FALL HATS I New Through Service , OSB CITY SAZXd 4 9.- K. 9VVDAT, OOTOBSsi ft, ' ' Salllng-s Every Five dsys, Plreot to iMANCISCQ-ANEULOSJiNGiELES. To Ban mriclsco-;Flrst)Cla8s......lpio.OOt fia.OO, $18.00lecond CUes S.00 To Los Angeles--Flrst Claes.. . u . .S3LB0, 333.60, 188,50 Second Claes $13.35 . ' ' A ' J- W. RANSOM,- Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Main !. . RAW TBA1TCISCO ft FOJtTUUrB BTZAMSBim OOMPAJTT lo MAMMELL A CdD Leading East Side Department Store. ; v EAST MORRISON STREET, CORNER UNION AVENUE. Such Money Saving Values as These Are r vPoblrril Tomorrow we place on saie a list of especially strong items. Values that stand out strikingly, and most desirable money-savers. If you'll make your money do its full duty you will surely trade here. , -.. Sensational Sale of Ladies' Long Coats Values to $15 $9.95 When we say they ere "Palmer" Coats you know thst they art Absolutely the most correct In style and reliability that It Is possible to obtain. Colors are plain blarhv giayir 'greenrtttn'atid taB, diagonal, handsome seml-flttlng models, some vwlth military collars, others with notched e9llars. These are all the new est and most wanted styles In ' full lengtn tailored coats. : Boys' Sweater Coats Extra 50c Values 29c Boys heavy gray knitted Sweater Coats with front bands of differ ent plain colors, and trimmed with iargs pearl-buttons down front All sizes from 28 to 34. Handsome New Tail ored Waists for Ladies at $1.25 In stripes and check percales and pure white Irish linen, with dain ty embroidered fronts. Also some very choice Flannel Waists in cluded In this same lot. Very exceptional values. Ladies' $3.00 Dress Shoes.$2.45 Very newest lasts and patterns. Patent Leather, button with Black suede tops. Patent Leather,, button, with cloth tops. Patent Leather, Blucher, with dull calf tops. , All slaeav Saturday and Monday Bargain Basement Specials BATtTBDAT OHXT $1.00 Alarm Clock Guaranteed 55c A good Alarm Clock,' guaranteed one year, best 11.00 quality, at 660. Not over one to a customer. 25c Galvanized Water Pail 15c Heavy grade 10 Pall. at Galvanised, Ladies 1-Piece Dresses .Valso416.50r$11.3S Saturday and M6ndayAH wool Serges and Panamas, well made, very jieatly trimmed1 with hmirt. buttons. ' Colors are blue and nlaek only4 . . ,. 4 Men's New Fall Suits and Raincoats, Vals. to $13.50 $9.95 Kenrelgn Raincoats, the guaranteed satisfactory kinds. In four choice, up-to-date colors and patterns. Stylish new patterns and colors - In Tailored Suits, three patterns, all splen didly tailored, perfect fitting, v Net & garment in this lot sells rejular at less 'than 112.00, and most of them sell higher. On sale one week only, so you musk hurry. to get them at this price. Foot Balls, Foot Ball Pants FREE With "Suits" " Bight noV our showing t complete. Boyj' 8eft(J(tl-l,SOTiTlrTlrl8s'"'Sult$ "o( splendid qualities and styles, at ' 13.00 to $6.00 AJlt'SEMCNTS SEAT SALE TODAY l4 AT STT3T3AXOW THiATSE ' (Twelfth and Morrison St.) FOB . VIOLA ALLEN Xn "The Whlt Sister" At Heiligf Theatre Seventh and Taylor sts. . ? Three WUrhti, October 10, 11, 13 Special Price Matinee Wednesday Evenings, JJ.50, J2.00, Sf.50, 1 00, 76c. 80c; Matinee, $1.50,. $1.00, 75c, 0c, Sc BUNGALOW Tamso. monea Mala 117 and A-4224 GEO. L. BAKER, Mgr. SEATS NOW ON SALE FOR v , "AMZOWA" Greatest of American Plays. Opening Sunday Matinee. Strong Company, Superb Scenic Production Mat.. 25c, , 60c: Even:g, 2Sc, K)c,. 7Sc. $1 BUNGALOW iKVson1? Phones Main 117 and A-4221 Tonight, 8:13 Tomorrow Tflght Jttatlnee, :15 . Tomorrow . : JOH9 KASOir Xn "The Witohlna How"' Prices, $2.00, $1.?0. $1.00, TSc.'tOo PORTLAND IHEATkE Ths Home of Drama 14th and Wash- tngtoa. ; . BEST SEAT IBT THB HOUSE 80 CsTT8 William C. Dowlan Stock Company, v In Its Success "THE THAVEXXHa MAW." Prices Nights, IBc, 25c, 85c, 60c. :,Wed. Mat. 15c nd 25c. STHEET3 THIS WEEK Edw. Armstrong Presents "THE BXBTANT X,ADY." NEXT WEEK ' ( Tommy Burns Ex-heavyweight Champion of the World D A IT 17 II THEATRE, StAXH a II l r t K Morrison and Eleventh uiiuun Geo. L. Baker, Mgr. Beautiful new , home of the - famous Baker Stock Company.- Packed houses every performance. "BBEWSTEB'S MU.1.IONS," , The Barnum o,f them all, greatest eomJ edy of the age,' Don't mias Tonight, all week. Mat. Sat., 25o, 60o. Evenings, 25e, 50c, 76c. Next week, opening 6un day mat.. "Cameo Klroy." MAIN 6, A-1030 HAT. EVEBT DAT - HlgBtS 1 5-35-60. TM mm oor. a. THEATRE invtrnmn virninvn.T.Tl t' La Tortajada, and Eight Other Kagnlfl- cent Acts.-- 1 GRAIN D Week Oct. 3. 1910 BAHSXSXf J. 8XTXXXTAJT and COM7AHY, In a Xomantlo Irish Incident, "Oapt. Barry." Xa Belle Keeker. Added Attraction, FBAHKIIH ARDEIO, k C0n In "The Bnffragetta.". Enuna Don, Katr flower, The Yagges, GBAHDASCOPE. Matinne everv da v. 2:30: anv seat 15c. Evening performances at 7:30 and 8:16, Bal. 15c; Ixwer Floor 2Sc: Box Seats Son. ADTASOED VAUDEVILLE Week,-Commencing Mon. Mat., Oct, 3. ' Special Return Engagement -"ARIZONA JOB" , . introanoing miss a&m von wni. , Earl's Four Comedians; Abams A Johns; Walter Hale; Tom Fletoher Duo. BASEBALL HECHEATXON PABX Corner Taugnn and Twenty-fourth Sts. SACRAMENTO TS. PORTLAND OCTOBEB 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, . Oames Begin Weekdays it 3i00 V. Sf . Sundays at 80 P. M. Admission Bleachers, 25c; grand stand. 50c; boxes, 25c extra. Children Bleachers, 10c; grandstand, 25c. LASXXS' BAT TBXOATr Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ' New Deuarturc .. Ih ess -t4termBts' ' have ' been greatly reduced by tne Holmaa Undertaking company. Heretofore it has been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all incidentals connected with a fu neral. The Edward Holman Undertak ing company, the leading funeral di rectors of'Portland, have departed from that custom. When casket Is furnished by us we make no extra charges for m helming, hearse to cemetery, outside box or any services that may ' be re quired of us. except clothing, eemetery and carriages, thus effecting a aavlng of $26 to $7S on each funeral. , THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. 980 THIRD ST., CO. SALMON. EARLY OR LATE CALL MAIN 98 For aTaxicab Hotel to Depot rate....... 50c Shopping rate. .$2.50 ?tt hour Gorham Rubber Co. 309 .OAK ST., PORTLAND. OR. Sawyers'OiledCloihing is the only genuine Crackproof Cloth-, ing on the market absolutely guar anteed. Ask your rlraier, - . I mi ma, i '