OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . FRIDAY.. EVENING, OCTOBER 7, ' 1310. CZiii! LO WFOOAFIE Bob" Clianler, today. Chaloner leads the simple life on his firm near here. "1 meant it as an insult to Dolyo rouki, not th boar," said Chaloner. "I shall expect a challenge to a duel. If Dolgorouki seeks satisfaction he will get it I am an expert marksman. - I win both ways, for if he does not chal lenge, he wlll go through life with th sting of an insult unresented." Fruitgrowers' U&(on for Hillsboro. (SpecUl Plipitrh to Ths Journal.) Hillsboro, Or.,- Oct 7. A call has been Issued for a meeting to be held here Octpber SI to perfect a fruitgrowers' association. The proposition is -to be ready to handls the apple croo next year. This county has produced a con siderable apple crop and the need of an organization to market the crop is quite apparent . order with a Portland factory for about BfiOtt feet of wood stave pipe. The lat ter ,wlll reach her,e at once but the iron pipe will not arrive for several weeks. IJcnds In the sum . of 120,000 were re cently voted by the people, of the city for this purpose, but the pipe ordered will cost only about $8000. . New Hillsboro Hotel Leased. (Special Dlapktcb to Th. Journal. I Hillsboro, Or., Oct 7. A Portland man has taken a lease on the new three story hotel and It Is to be opened for business by the holidays. ; The estab lishment will contain 56 rooms for' ftuests, rieslfli's living room f.r f ' lies. Workmen are now e;gH?:-l li finishing the intertor, REDUCED PRICES . On Ladies' Tailored Suits. In order to introduce the line of man tailored -suits for ladles and misses, ths hew management nas reduced the prices on suits, waists, allk petticoats, ratn and storm coats. All garments are high grade, man-tailor to fit The Allen Co., 415 Washington st New store new goods. : - !.!'.! .it !!.! iLUMJ 1 1 ILL IL ICE FREE SEA LIHE 4 YEARS' SEAEC! Extend Engene Water Mains, CSpll Dlap.tcb to Th. Journal. I Eugene, Or., Oct. 7. The city council la planning about five miles of wateV main extensions fn the near future and has Just placed an order with an eastern manufacturing firm through a local hardware house, an order for 18,200 feet of four and six Inch water pipe and an 241 Appeals for Washington's ; Highest Tribunal to Decide ; - Long Session. -xV Thinks He Has FoundWhat He Wants; Gets Busy Along Borders of Sweden. ' Sam Isaacson. Lost During the San Francisco Fire, Shows ( , Up at Palo Alto. Nl ,'U E hi "-rlal Pl.rmtch to Ttat Joemiil.) -; Olyrapta, - Wash., Oct 6. The fall session of-the supreme court will-begin Monday, October 10, st 10 o'clock to the morning. This court has been rear- t ranged bjr Chief Justice Rudktn since adjournment In July 'At present de partment One of the Court will bo com posed of Justices. Mark A. Kullertori, Wallaco Mount, Mack F; &esa, Enmett N. rarkar: DenartYnent Two. Justices Ralph 0. 'Dunbar, Stephen j. Chadwlck, Herman V. Crow, Gfeorre E.- Morris. ' There are 241 appeals on the" calen flar and of this number Kins county has 96, Spokane 'coming second with 83 eases, and Plercs county with a total of 39 cases. vThe-court will remain In continuous session until December 20r with a two (Jay's Taxation at election' time and one flay off for Thanksgiving. . ,.-, Clarke county has five appeals on the calendar and will be given a hearing on November 23 and 24. The titles of the cases an: ti V. Hays, appellant, vs. City of VaneoHver, respondent. Staple ion & . Templeton for appellant, P. J. Klrwtn for respondent Carrie Mayer i,; al, appellants, vs. Mike Jacob; re spondent. Miller & Crass for appellants, Baur & Qreene, J. P, Stspleton for re spondent- X.uiy qaidweu, respondent v& Northern Pacific Railroad oompsny. appellant Frank El Vaughn for respond ent and A- It. Miller and O. T, Retd for appellants. ' Jennie 1 West respondent v. William Bhaw, et al. appellants. R. IL Back for respondent Miller & Crass Mr appellant. John Jaggy et al re spondents vs. Patrick Reeney et al, ap pwllanta. H. Wk Arnold end A. L. Miller lixr respondents, and J. P. Stapleton for sppellants. ''' .. r "' , mi ', 1 1 I, i'' """ 1 I, v"' , 1 ' CARGE AUDIENCE AT i: ALBANY HEARS ROSE ' (Biwelal Dispatch to The JonrniM -Albany, Or., Oct 7. Ex-Mayor David 8:' Rose of Milwaukee, Wis., the first oj the speakers to be sent 'here' by the, Cffeater Oregon. Home Rule association lj combatting state wide pronlbltlon, was greeted by a large audience at the ojjera house ' last, night. The speaker. ws Introduced by Dr. Hill. Mr. Rose spoke on the "Fallacies f Pron'bltfcm" and beld the close attention of his f udi tprs for over two sours, i . Petitions hsve been filed for the re submission f the local option measure In Wnn county the coming election, and the ?'drys" and "wets" are lining up fi-ir Ih ,flmnn1.n. , v-v . t .y r,Tr ftnlted Prew ImnI Win.) St. Petersburg,, Oct. 7. The hastening of jreserve forces to the Swedish fron tier is causing a great deal of specula tion here as-to the czar's intentions and the belief is general that Nicholas will seiso the Ice. free strip of seaboard along the North Atlantic hs has been yearning for years. -.'-'.; Nicholas" recent visit to Germany Is believed to ; have had something to do wun tils energy along the.Swedisn- doc der. . gome understanding "with : tlie kalsej was reached, it is believed here, although no official' announcement to that effect has been made. , " Stories of Nicholas" reception In.Cer many are reaching her dally. They arc to . the effect -that the Socialists. Lib erals and Radicals alike did their bast to make his visit , uncomfortable, al though the kaiser and hla followers ex tended him every courtesy. ' I TO GET LICENSE S. Tanda Would Marry White Girl, but Seattle Clerk Can't - See Point.1-. ' Beatt Oct 7 To compel , Claud F. Gage, a olerk In ths county auditor's office, to issue a marriage 'license to him, Sulkichl .Tanda,' a Japanese farm hand, has begun suit In he supreme court, Tanda appeared at the auditor's Office a week 'ago and asked- for a, li cense" that would permit hint to marry Misa . Daisy THhlll, a prominent girl of Vaughan. Wash? The license was re fused because the auditor believed that marriages between, white girls and Asi atics - ln. Sea,ttl- werar becoming alto gether too numerous. , ., (United Press Ifasea Wire.) 1 , Detroit Mich., Oct 7.-rSam Isaacson, 12 years of age. is en route to Detroit from Palo Alto, Cal., whera he was found after a four years search. The lad disappeared from the home' of his aunt Mrs. J. Cornfield,: In San Fran cisco at the time of the fire,. In 1906. Mrs. Cornfield came to Detroit shortly afterward and since then has jtept up a continual search through the' medium: Of newspaper, advertisements. ; ' '. 1 - Milton Smith, a publisher at Palo Alto, found ths boy ; through one of these advertisements. The lad was liv ing with a. family named Frohman and was known by ths name of Oarroty. What caused him to change bis name Is not known. -. - a ' - SAYS" RICH FOLKS ARE VvWORSTv.OF SMUGGLERS ' ! United Press Lued Wire.) New York, Oot 7-r"Ths rlclier peo ple are, the more Inclined they seem to be .to defraud ' the government" i re marked " Federal Judge Hand, as he handed out a fine of 15000 to Mrs. Ada Adrlance today. , Mrs. Adriance pleaded i guilty tQ a charge of- smuggling, ri Judge Hand said his experience with smugglers had taught him that his re marks - were especially true in, .smug- gimg eases. A woman arrested yesterday for smuggling a necklace worth 111.000 had a hard time escaping a prison sen tence. Judge Hand finally heeded her pleadings but he remarked!- . a "I will send the next Offender to prison." Wnen Mrs. Adrlance's ease was called today the prosecuting attorney recalled the remark. Mrs. Adriance was com pelled to pay 130,000 In penalties to the ousloms' officials.:' , , , ; "Rich pepple must stop smuggllns;," said Judge Hand In passing sentence, vand they , mifst stop, it right now. I have been, lenient for the-i last time. Finn seem not: to deter - rioh people. The next smuggled goes to '"prison. I will set an example that will frighten these, wealthy oustoms dodgers." lonnn of sloes BE ON HAND forthe Greateat Shoe Bargains eveoffered to tKc people of this city. - REMEMBER, ALL CAN BE FITTED, - , aa we have all sizes and all styles, , , BIG SALE BEGINS TOMORROW Records fon, Portland cement produc tion in tne unuea estates were oroKen last, year with an output of more than 2. 000. nno barrels, worth more than $80, 000,000. , ; v j (JO CA men's atrd iromenNi $4 to bZe Jll Shoe. This is tha cream of the lot axvd containa -himdreds of pairs of men's and vromea'a high-gra4e shoes. :i Ev try new feature in Fall styles win be found In this lot. Plenty of short Tampa and but ton styles, in patents, " relour calfs, gnn ractals aod Russia calfs. Every foot can be fitted. Remember, $4.00 to fA $0.00 vakies, pair. ..$aJU, BOB CHANLER'S BROTHER DEFIES THAT DALGOROUKI (Ualted Pnms Lsm4 Wlre.r: ' Cobbam, Vs., Oct. 7. "I have named my prise boar Dolgorouki," said John Armstrong Chaloner, brother of "Sheriff d1 ML For men'a and women's $3.00 to Ol.lD $4,00 Shoes. Every one should be pleased in this lot, as it contains all the newest styles in women's and men's $3.00 to $4.00 'shoes, in patents, gunmetals, vid and valour, all weights of soles; "plenty of cloth top button shoes for women fn this lot Re 'member , $8.00 and $4.00 values, $! Af sale: for only.. ... ......... . .Dle7 O on We Have SHOES for (Jfa WHAT F 17A Mn V Sw V Without the Fancy Prices &naa 'ilf ifr-r--- ' 0 "UJ"'9' II VS. W Vo. r7,M vvjLiiA r. vv rv. BIG SALE BEGINS TOMORROW nr For $2iW Shoes. At.thiaptice we aDC have men's .00 wax calf Shoes, women's $2.00 vicl kid Shoe, boys' and youths' $1.75 and $1.60 school Shoes, and misses' $1,75 kid and box calf Shoeftv; all izes in every kind. Remembec, Af $150 to $2.00 shoes' for only. lDC A ' A J For $3J5 to $3.00 Shoes. This 3) 1 iD lot contains hundreds of pairs of men's $2.25 to $3.00 box calf, vid kid and patent kid Shoes, aU sixes. This lot also con tains women's dress shoes and oxfords, in patents, gunmetal and vid, button and lace, all sizes; worth up to $3.00. This lot also contains boys' and misses' fine dress shoes, $2.25 to $3.00 values, all kinds and sises. Remember, $2JJS to pSM shoe Al J f at, the pair ..,... yXefft Corner 4th and Yamhill Streets aaAMaSSMSSBSBSSF SBMB Ibmr JLlLw - ssJi - ssJ Worth of Jewelry on Sale, at . 33et?eDollar Mantle Clocks i $12.50 La- dies Watch-? cs, both open and hunting caser Q-yeaf guaranteed, at ;.?B.98 $4.50 quad ruple plate Bread Trays at ....?l-89 50c . nickel Vest Chains at . .i . , . .20 $1,50 Jewel Boxesr silk lined ..;290 i$7.50Carmon Bracelets. , at .'.;.;92.98 $1 Salt and Pepper Shak ers,, per; - v pair-;. .'.29 $3- Solid.. Gold S c a t f P i n s for .,..1.29 $2 Napkin .Rings ...;480 models, Watches, guaranteed 20 years, for only .,$6.48 S1.50 white stone Hat Pins at 380 ,$3.50 Novel ty Metal Fobs . . . Tea Sets, guaranteed , by factory, $li;pyatche3 for . . . . .380 $4.00 set of . 6 Knivesy or Forks; 20 yrs. wear. -.91.98 $30 Watches, Elgin, Wal- tham or Ceuber-Hampden, : 17-jewel gents' sizes, 20 year, cases, i . .1. ' 50c Beauty Pins," in" sets of two.. -.80 $3.00 silver plated Berry Bowls ..980 $250 1 s"o lid gold Foun tain Pens at .only . ...480 $2.00 Napkin Rings, . .480 'sSsSBMBSBSSSSSBBSSSMsasSBSBSSSlSBBSBBBSBSSB $15.00. Elgin or ; Waltham Watches,.. 20- year cases, for .. '. 95.98 $5 solid gold Earrings for ... 9.1.89 $12 Pearl Op era Glasses for' . . .9348 75c gold filled Scarf. Pins for :....19f $4.50 hand made Ger man; silver mesh Bags for . . T. .9S0 $3.75 .silver plated ' Table Spoons for 91,08 $12.00 . four piece Tea Set, quadruple plate, 5j5.4 $10 " Ladies' enameled' . Watches for only ,.93.48 $2.50, Gold Filled Lockets for 680 fsSatliiFday, October 8tii, at 10 a. m. CORNER FIFTH AND WASHINGTON . '.,'' '', ' . 1 ' entire stock of I. Holsman Co., Wholesale Jewelers, of the Hamilton Bldg.j goes on sale at 33c on the dollar. Never has such a jewelry stock been placed at the mercy of the public. , This includes all the latest designs in jewelry known. The stock was originally bought for the coming holiday trade. The I. Holsman Go. carried on a wholesale busi ness in this city, and their stock has always been known as the highest, grade of jewelry. Remember date, Oct. 8th, The location, 5th and Washington, on the corner. The old Olds, Wortman & King Building. I the display . X TIia S in the windows - A V .KT ' 1110 I Everyihing marked . Xy . X. 11. . I I . i f I. i t ..'V "X. ' i$5.50!8-day $75,zthree VLX ' rTI' moaeis, snmu i . . t 0 , X S? w sill j. . i, .. . . , , , sTs sb s-n m i . . ' " sw - m.. i r f .... ov & - i ., ii.j i . "x. i y v .."v. siiver piatcu i x , is r x. -n i -x i t r . x. . . '' X. AL f f. TV X. at ....4 $12PearlUp- vV V 7 xj. ?u -f : x- X I i f 9 X. . . xi i . x. X 7 -X :xw:-x X 'v "x. - -s 1 r ' -x. . X ' ' -X : m r'.;, ' x?x; rr w xx,Xx. ;-.';X':' $t f x mz -rm- x ' ' X ' Xx x X $4.00 .Baby X. Lockets and x. Chains, price. ' X. x only ..9L89 X. $1 gold filled $00 Circu Cuff Links lar Bracelets for ,....190 cut to 91.48 $7.50 g tin- $8.50 20-year metal Watch- . filled Brace es for 92.98 lets . .93.98 $2.00 and $6.00 German sil ver Combination Vanity Sets cut to...... 890 and 1.48 $2.50 gold $7.50 gold filled doubfe Wire Fobs. Chains ..980 for ...92.98 $1.00 Alarm Clocks ..380 $1.50 Baby Rings ..380 $15.00 silver- plated Toilet Sets . . 95,48 75c Emblem Buttons ..90 $7.50 G old Filled Vest Chains 91.89 DIAMONDS Both mounted and unmounted At One-Third Regular Price Every piece oi jewelry sold during this sale is guaranteed by the manufacturers. Every known S) make will be sold one-third less than ever offered by any house anywhere. ; No Checks Accepted during this sale . unless maker is known to us. VVorlh of Jewelry on A I-I7J CC tTK TIT! ' -I - . ; X LACK OF SPACE PREVENTS US FROM GIVING A GLOWJNQ DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE SOLID GOLD STOCK, Y , ' ; CONTAINED IN.. THIS SALE . . - . IjS--(E(1I)o- CORNER FIFTH AND i ' ... ..... WASHINGTON-STST ,01ds, Vvprtman & -King's Old Store Sale Starts at ,10 s-m, Saturday, October 8 SEE .THE PLAINLY MARKED PRICES ON DISPLAY IN SHOW, WINDOWS.: OUT-OF-TOWN MERCHANTS attending this sale see manager i yourself known. 3 . t