JHECOM DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, " FRIDAY EVENING, ' OcVOBII" 7, 1510. KlllilGliil ;B John Mason as Hypnotic Gam bler of Augustus Thomas' -Play Worth" Seeing. , . '" By J. T. 8. ' . Anybody who goes to see "The Witch ing Hour" at thOvBungalow "and thinks he can coma away without mental lm presshms Is tadly mistaken. Augustus Thomas, who wrote this unusual and fascinating tale of mental telepathy and t. . A Mn-V Via ni nt co good that everybody leaves the. thea tre Imbued with the desire mentally to Influence even body else he comes. In A contact with. , - Unfortunately , this desire doesn't al :. -.ways swork. The conductor did demand ,a nickel this morning In, spite of men-' i : effort directed .towards Inducing him to pass by. The connecting car own v nut iire arnw um.uj'on time lo catch us. ' Even while thought ;t was' strongest 'during last night's per formance, the lady' behind -did persist In munching peanuts and in ' scattering thetr -flavor and Ithelr. .Shells all round about, But perhaps another course of The 'Witching Hour? woiild ' reinforce . thosK'ayesL,.It.w.ouiA be worth trying " again.- ' "" :' -A Even If you doft't' profit mentally by ' Mr. Thomas thought Impressionsi you " cannot, help but enjoy the general ton . and excellence of his play and the un usually satisfying nature of the acting of John Mason and several of his eonj . 'pany.: "'.'., : ' .-: : ; Mr. Mason's Jack Brookfleld Is one of the characterisations that everyone . interested In the stage and lft the art -of character. delineation must see.', To miss it Is to miss the pleasure of watcb Ing such an artist at" hiaybest The peculiar" drooping of the eyelids, the quality of his voice, the general air of successful "sportlnese," are adrairabla. Gracer Reals, his leading -support, is a powerful and - intelligent actress,' and throughout : the exigencies- of a role that demands much and that offers Illimit able opportunity, ' for pathos, she strikes scarcely, a false note. V , ... George Gaston," too, does, extraordi narily, clever work as Lew Ellinger, the- game - a nd - sporty gambler, whoso thoughts dwell upon the possibilities of that i.Httle 'game in ; Cincinnati HJa. comedy is delightful and the last act would be almost stupid without tilm. Harry Ivelghton aa: Justice Preston proves something of a "pill. So does CUftoa Preston as Clay--Whipple, -the effeminate and morbid boy, though in ' Justice lt, must he said the part is an extraordinarily- hard one to- pla y -xepxaoiy ana sympa;neucany. ,v , watane which is perhaps to be texpected. But - in so generally good an offering as "The Witching Hour," it's scarcely worth while to pick flaws. , If Mr. vThomas theory about mental . suggestion works at all most , of the peoe who care at all for the theatre and for an intelligent play, admirably acted, will go to the Bungalow.-this week.- The mental efforts of everyone who teas there last night are probably being directed towards that result We're sure, Messrs. - Sam 8. and Xee Ghubert (Inc.) are willing it. Bo's' Mr, Heilig. - It's to be hoped ; the concen trated effort has its effect IRISH STATESMAN HERE . OCT. 23 INSTEAD OCT. 16 4' Owing t6 the eleventh hour changes ; in the Canadian itinerary of T. P. O'Connor, the eminent Irish statesman will not be in Portland Sunday, October 16, as he will be a week longer In British Columbia cities and other points than ' hVexpected to be. A telcgraan from trim yesterday, how ever, definitely stated that ha would ba in Portland the evening of October 22. Sunday, October 2$, he will be enter tained at the O'Neill , grill at a Break fast to be given by the Portland Press club. Mr. O'Connor will deliver a pub lic address at the Armory at 8 o'clock in tha afternoon, a Ta Count Chicago Churchgoers. . Chicago, .Oct, 7, Twenty thousand ' volunteer workers t will undertake to morrow ttoa gigantic task of taking a complete religious cefisus of Chicago " within two hours. In accordance with . plans in which practically all churches of the city have joined, the census takers will make a house-to-house can vass to find out how many people do not go to church and if possible the easons for their non-attendance. 1 Iff. HE , , r VllVl lUW vyiU XVMVL liUlUlUld 'UIU liAt Physibians today are recommending Cottolene for dyspeptics, and others in a "run-down" coridition. Hever heard of them recommending laxd f or such a purposei did you? Cottolene is a product of ijlature, clean in sourcet making .and manner of marketine. It makes f ood whicli . :4hk Wq aa tomachvean digest. ottolenesaruperiornoM all frying and shortening purposes. A . Iladellonlv by THE IT. K. FAIRBAITE COriPATTT . . . pnrani . ATC0NC01LLY Washington Town Without a Preacher for.First Time in Ten Years.. fPpedil Plit to The JnornaM 1 Spokane. Wash:, Oct. 7 Under the heading, "Wanted A Pastor," promi nently displayed In its leading editorial column, the Okanogan Record, published at Coneonully, Wash., says In part: "Coneonully is without a pastor ror its thriving Methodist church. This la the first time in upwards of loyears such a thing has happened and it is to be hoped it will be Several times that many years before it happens again, f . "Somehow o other, it doesn't seem Just right for a live, thriving commun ity like this one to be without a splrrt ual adViser., We have one of the beet churches In the douiity and it aeems.a pity to haVe it stand idle at this time of the year. The church wa built for divine worship. It is a place where, the good people of this-terrltory may gather once a week, at least., and give thanks to a Just God for his tender mercies to them" and for his . bounties. 'We .cannot overlook the;faet that this Is part of Cod's great universe. He created' it and it will remain his until the .end, of time.. "But what we want now is a live. wide-awake pastor for the church, of which we are Justly proud. And may he come soon!" ' " . . BOOSTERS SHOW . ' v -PAVING IS TOO COSTLY The' South Portland Improvement as sociation yesterday filed an.'. amended complaint in its suit against the city and the' Oregon Hassam Tavlng com pany to prevent the laying-of a hassam pavement oh Macadam street , The new complaint charges that the city council adopted a resolution shut ting out competition when It specified that hassam should be laid, and that the Hassam company's bid of $108, 618.58 for the work is excessive. -; ; Plaintiff states that this bid is from 28 ' to--- iO -per' cent higher than could have been received tiy the city if com petition - had not been eliminated by specifying hassam. . As art instance .'of the unreasonable charges that the 'complainant says the Hassant company rnakes, tha' price made for earth excavation Is cited. The com plaint says that 76 cents yard is ample and remunerative. It is further stated "TtratB5rcents a cubic yard was bid for old macadam excavation and that' 60 cents a cubic yard is ample, adequate and profitable. , The bid of the Hassam company for stone block paving exclusive of founda tion was $3 a square yard. Complainant says that 11.75 is an adequate com sensation. The plaintiff asks that the court declare the contract entered Into be tween the city and the paving company, to pave Macaaam street, to be null and void, and that pending the' result i at the suit the company be temporarily enjoined yrora laying; the pavement GIVE BALUNGER POLICY ' ; STIFF KNOCKOUT BLOW ; Balllnger's idea of state control of forest . conservation met . with strong opposition at a recent meeting of the Pomona Grange and was turned down by a big majority. A resolution sug gested by the national grange favoring state control was presented at the meet ing. -,but after an extended discussion was not adopted, the rnembers of Po-. mona grange believing that the system would not be for the best interests of the people of Oregon, or of the west ern states. Other questions of publlo interest were considered and official actidn tak en by the grange upon them. The'con tlnuatlon of the rural mail service and its extension was given favorable con- j slderation and Indorsement The Home Rule bin, which 1 to be voted upon in November, met ; with much opposi tion and a recommendation - was made that members of the grange vote against the bill. The grange also went on record as again opposing the calling of a state constitutional convention, ; cohtendlng that such a convention would place the direct primary law, the initiative and referendum, the recall, corrupt prac tices act and other progressive laws in Jeopardy. . , i GG Hatere's Gift x;. , AT THE THEATRES 4 "Cameo Kirby" at Baker. Next week the Baker Stock company will offer for the first time In stock here Dustln ' Farnum's play - "Cameo Kirby,' in which the hero is what was known as a "gentleman gambler" of the famous days 'of steamboats on the Mississippi..: '-rA. Hundreds Could Not Get Seats. , The crowd at the Baker to see "Brew ster's Millions" was so great last night that many who depended upon getting choice seats at theJLsst moment were sadly disappointed. Only three more opportunlties.tonight, tomorrow mati nee and niht ; "Arizona" Opens Sunday Matinee., TrfVllA VMAM waaraitn vtlnvrai Kawa vfaisi to the top wave of popularity and then BUY BREAD BY WE rVsuiAioaA ij VZ. I FRPCM si K0AlY (MPnart r t.'-OTAIQ K WETTLB fc? SILVER LEAF LARD SWEET. TAR 120 Of &RElLErf $ACT OF MALtSI BEST MINriESOTA 1 OREGON BLUE5TEM- FLOUR 16 OUNCES OF MATERIAL 'THE PUBLIC is respectfully invited to come to our bakery "at any hbuiv DAV OR NIGHT, and inspect the adjustment on our 1 MODERN WEIGHING MACHINE IT SPELLS SIXTEEN OUNCES ALL THE TIME For Quantity, Quality, Moisture and Flavor, W Defy the World Royal Bakery d:sai)peare.l. "Srlzona." the greatest of them all,' Is still rerosnized as such and held in highest esteem by theatre go. ers all over the land. , '- r 1 . '"' , Chorum Girls' Contest. Tonight, as is the usual custom at the Lyric theatre, the chorus girls of the Edward , Armstrong Musical Comedy company will hold their regular weekly contest. This week there will be some new faces. The -curtain rises on the first show t6night at 7:S0A Bill With Many Features. . It is a fine, clean-cut bill at the Or pheum this week. : "The Flying Mar tins" is a Temarkable double trapesse novelty that Is a feature. The pre cision of their dives and catches makes their number unusually attractive. Mat inee every day. . v.,'' Willard SinuntwKext Week.Vv There is great deal of enjoyable fuij-maklng in the offering of Willard BUTTE? RTOrrsrl MrMI ' FLOUR) RENDERED MER5' MUK ! HARD WHEAT AMD 1 We Have Nothing fr Simms, who will appear on the bill at the Orpheum next week, in "Flinder's Furnlahed Flat." Simms supplies the comedy and It is uproarously funny. , Great Production at Fantages.. . " That wonderful scenic production of life on the plains, "Arizona Joe," con tinues the vaudeville sensation of the week at Pantages. This is the most superbly mounted act In vaudeville, real cowboys and genuine bronchos being used.' - Daphne) Pollard Coming. Dainty Daphne Pellard late co-star with De Wolf Hopper,, la to appear at Pantages for one week only, commenc ing with Monday's matinee. Miss Pol lard will present "A Doll's Shop," a de lightful one act musical comedy, . " King of Minstrels 'Coming. - A . Harry Von Fossen, the king ef minstrels,- heads the new bill which opens mm , :-f iff. '. W totdot. mm m 5&:CoWeciooeir!lr. Monday at the Grand. Files and Pro vost, the best acrobatic eomsdians in vaudeville, will be among the attrac tions and five other big acts. "The Suffragette.", Long laughs are guaranteed in "Th Suffragetts." which Franklyn Ardell & Co. present at the Grand. It Is a trav esty on "votes for women" and is a timely and appropriate comedy. The subject is treated impartially in a good natured manner. - TonightTwice Tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock, the attraction .. the Bungalow will be the distinguished actor, John Mason in his great play success. "The Witching Hour." A matinee will b given tomorrow, feats are now selling. ' Seats Selling for Viola Allen. ? Seats are now selling at the Bunga low theatre for Viola Allen. This fa I0N6ST conub ICALTH rlf nil i .si . ... 1 1 1 i ii i ?5 ipBSpLUTE gTHB M05T BREAD TO THE LrtAeN oy wcjurnT brf' UN ITE0 H 01MC ES OF QUALITY to Hide mous Amrirsn acms wiU'present htr" latest' play success. "The White Sister," at the Heilig theatre, Seventh and lay- , lor streets, for three 'jnights,' beginnir.? 1 next Monday, October 10. Special piles matinee Wednesday. , . - ' Moving Picture Features. . Don't miss seeing 'Iconoclast." the great feature at the Star. . "More Than His Duty", is on the bill. At the Oh, Joy "The Engineer's Sweetheart" Is the big feature. At the Odeon "The Bag- ; gage masher" is attracting crowds. Plumbing. Is a good trade, is taught in T. M. C. A. night and day school. Classes meet two nights a week. , Fees imoder lite: theory and shop work given -together. Many men now in the trade in the northwest received their training in this school, -. , Journal Want Ads bring results. fflr Irll iP JUL XL JUL f ' 'i A, j . . i - - I, id i iff (jf. CLEANLINESS IN THE. STATED . i t iff&iBiW'-hjjiillt l'l)i''w''ft'"