Till: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVElflNO, CCTOI 1CK mm NOW IN SIGHT Los Angeles Metal Workers and Fcundrymen to Hold Settlement Conference. ' Loa AnVsJes. Oct 7. The end of the metal workers' strike, which began In this pltr June is in elarht . It was learned" today that mediators had suc cedpd ' In gaining1 the consent of tfie foundrymen's association, composed : of the metal workers employers, a branch of the llefolitCnts & Manufacturers', as sociation, to- meet the general strike committee and: representatives of the metal trades council with, a view to'set- . tllnf? differences and, calling off th stride. " J"AT'.'I f ivo:'-','.5 '' Heretofore the foundrymen'a associa tion has absolutely refused to negotiate. :The first conference between the foun .drymenv the -strike committee and the Wtal trades council will be held Mon- ifiiiior PROMPTLY GIVEN NEW GOVERNMENT (Continued from'Paga One.) I v nel at first wanted to stay In Lisbon and fight, but Ms advisers forced him to flee. When the Necessldades palace began to crumble under the shells of the republican-manned. warships, and forts, Manuel left the building by means of i a seoret exit and went to Alafra, north of Lisbon, Queen Amelia and Dowager Queen Maria Pla, then at Cin tra, Joined Manuel at Mafra. The Duke of Oporto ' remained in , hiding until Thursday. . when he boarded the royal yacht- Amelle , and sailed . to' Erlcelra, near Mafra. Manuel and the others, guarded by the ehidenta of the Mafra military school, went to Erlcelra. On , the way the young king wept constantly 'and threatened repeatedly to return." He was. dissuaded - from his purpose and: his mother and the party-boarded the royal yacht The little teraft sailed at ; 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon and TPRched Gibraltar at 11 o'clock last night 'Today they were the guests of the govet-nor of Gibraltar. MANUEL SAYS HE WILL BOW TO PEOPLE'S WILL; BRITISH GRAB PREDICTED (United Vie Ims1 tVIre.i London, Oct 7. A Central News agency despatch from Lisbon via Hen daye, today says that mora than 1000 were killed In the fighting at the Por tugue capital during Tuesday and WoflncBCiB y ' ' The estimate Is believed to be high, although It Is said to have been based on the Judgment of experienced news paper correspondents. .. Passengers on the steamer Asturlas arriving at Vigo, and otficlal despatches to the foreign office, confirm the as sertions from Lisbon that Dom Manuel Is at Gibraltar, aboard the royal -yacht Amelle. r The queen mother, Amelle, the dowager queen, Maria Pla, and the Duke of Oporto also are reported aboard, the yacht ''",.;..; ;,.; ' r : ' The Gibraltar correspondent ' today quotes Dom Manuel aa saying that be would make no attempt to regain the throna. - Manuel's 'comment, according to the correspondent, was: "I will bow to the will of the people." The fact that he-fled makes It un likely that he will eVer head a success ful revolution against the republic Financiers and politicians here be lieve the British foreign office knew In advance, that a revolution ai Im pending: This statement, .however, . Is officially denied. V v" " '' It ' is believed that England will at tempt to acquire, some of the Portu guese colonies. Including Cape Verde IslandB,' Guinea, 8t Thomas Island, ,'An golai Portuguese East Africa, Goa, Sa moa. Din Asia; Timor Island in the In dian archipelago, Macao and "posses sions in Chilian Angola ,s the 'largest of the dependencies, Germany is expected to resist the plans of Gieat Britain. - The Portuguese royal family has been making Investments in England and It is reported that Us members have made millions. . - , - ' It Is likely that Dom Manuel will live In France, , ' The general opinion in England la that the republlo will not last long and that Dom Miguel, the pretender, will be called to the throne. ly riope to see him there," he said. "I wSl pot turn against my' king In mis fortune. On the contrary, I will be kinder than ever to him who was so kind to me. "I will remain at the Apollo theatre here until the 15th and then will take the first train for Paris. -1 believe even now that the king will be there. After wards I have to fill engagements in Berlin, London and other capitals." . KI)IG MANUEL'S DANCER FRIEND WILL STAY BY - U$ EX-MAJESTY YES! (United Pre Leases' Wlrt.V ' Vienna, Oct 7. .That Mile. Gay fles Lys will not desert Dom Manuel, now that he has fallen on evil days, was the declaration made by , the French dancer to the united Press today. "I had an appointment ,to meet the king In Paris, October 16, and I certain- DOM MANUEL REFUSES TO REVEAL HIS PLANS; ROYAL SALUTE PLEASES (Unite Frest l'ted Wlr. Gibraltar, Oct' 7. Dom Manuel of Portugal has said that he will remain at Gibraltar unm the situation In Por tugal clears. ;; Further than' thta he will not disclose his plans. lie Is cheerful and was particularly pleased when the American cruiser Des Moines came into the harbor here flying., the Portuguese flag and fired a royal salute. British warships here answered with a similar royal salute.' iv''"'i f.-'yv .';;. -a The British cruisers -Minerva and Newcastle have been ordered to proceed to Oporto from Lisbon. This Is con strued to mean that England and the United States fear, further trouble- In Portugal. HUE OF 1 (Continued from Page One.) leaders. r "While she remains In Spain nothing can be expected from the pres ent king In the way of general or per manent reform, In the opinion tf ad vanced thinkers. . ' ; . ' CORTES ASSEMBLES BUI NO REFERENCE MADE TO AFFAIRS IN PORTUGAL t ,' nj . .. , s.. . :.;.;.;. , Madrid (via Hendaye); Oct. 7,-The Spanish cortes assembled this after noon, after several postponements, owing to the state of the public mind following the exciting reports from Portugal. ;a Premier Canalejas was besought by the monarchists to again postpone Hie assembling of the cortes, but he refused to do r so, saying he feared the effect of such action on the people and the possible Consequences to the peace of the realm. ' ' " Routine business was transacted end no reference was made to the Portu guese situation,' according to official dispatches. . ' ,:v; New Steamer Service to Cuba. " New Tork, Oct 7 With the depart ure of the steamship Trent tomorrow the Royal Mall Steam Packet company will inaugurate a new weekly service between JCew Tork end Antllla, Nips Bay, Cuba. This will ba the first step In extensive plans under way to de velop the eastern part of Cuba. PORTLAND MEN TO SPEAK AT GOLDEND ALE MEETING Among the speakers at the exerclsces of the Southwest Washington Develop Ooidendale. Friday. October II, will be Judge Lionel A. Webster, C. C. Chapman, managrr vi the Portland Commercial club, .and a -rm tha TVirtland Cham- ber Of Commerce. Judge Webster will speak on good roaas at me mi'"8 v- - -v,.nmori anil the Cham- erciBes. : iur. - --- ber of Commerce representative will speak in the anernoun. ..mo .."""X" 1U continue three days, beginning Oc tober 12. , FONcTw ANTED T0BE (Continued from Page OnJ pose. Officials of the steamship com pany were notified' shortly before the Chiyo Mam Bailed and precautions against any such attempt are being taken. - - Fong is a member of tbe Toung China, society. . ' a ana mniiienower aas lamp, with a clockwork attachment .for extinguish ing the light at any set time,, has ap peared as a rival for electno lights ror stores and publl places. PARISIAN SAGE Puts Hair on Your Head and - Keeps It There. Whafs the use of being baldt What sense is there In deliberately allowing your hair to turn grayt Do you want to look old before your timet Give up-the thought; old age Will come all too soon. Look after your hair. If you have dandruff, get rid of it Just as quickly as you can. Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff erms, and Is the only prepar ation, so far as we know, that is guar anteed by Woodard, Clarke ft Co. to do so. k Man or woman, no matter how old you are, Parisian Bage, the unequaled hair tonic, will omake you look younger. Why not go to. Woodard, Clarke & Co. and get a generous sised bottle to day; it only costs 60 cents, and your money back if It does not cure dandruff; atop falling hair, or itching scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and It is the most re freshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Made-only.ln America by Giroux Mfg. Co.. Buffalo, N, T. The girl with the Auburn hair on every bOtUe.' V;;V" '::V'. r 1 ( .fi 0 See Window Display MM (El9 Cdmc Early to Avoid the Afternoon Hash pEdM ,Miini(D)iMl(seffl(Siiiii OUR NEW YORK BUYER HAS PURCHASED FROM TWO OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTUR- ERS OF MEN'S CLOTHING !99Metfs Sample Siiifsj Overcoals aEdf atacoats These Suits and Overcoats were purchased at this time, when the clothing market is on the increase, at 65c oh J - tne aojtiar, we win piace tnese ouits on saie, Dcgmning : Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'clock - ', Giving you an unlimited choice of these - 'f ' 4 feSsasr Mew Fall aialMWer Suits aM Overcoats Values $15, $18 and $20 m "1M - ESI & I fiftJ i Pmw Hi ' i . ':-:,' We believe in honest, conscientious merchandise and methods.. The get-rich-quick idea has never prevailed in our business methods, and it is to this that we attribute the commercial success the onward march . of the "MILLER" productions. - - What we are GIVING the public is far more important to us than what we are going to get, as this policy strictly maintained measures success. It means the customer's success who buys "ILLER" suits of clothes with the special Mues and the traprdinary low price ofTEN DOLLARS for a complete fall and winter Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat, in the newest designs of colorings and fabrics. A trial will corfvince you of the merit of these suits. " I .? ii!...;. J'.;' .:. i.-v! : -. :' ' ' ' ' ', V, 1 I THE BIG STORE IN THE MIDDLE i . OF THE BLOCK . ULdDo- 63 and 65 Third Street, Bet. Oak and Pine HUH W'iw.w.Jy'i.li.e at Seventh Portland's Leading Furniture and Complete Homefurnishing Establishment. From the World's Best Factories Come the Stocks of Every Department. Homefurnishers Can Buy Here on Time Payments to Suit Their Convenience; fj ) Salo of Corcets Ss'tT in which the Corsets . 1 i t u i n iw at ii n n mm mm AY test f ? ! i kt. are nowsnecf allv nriced ff!a, -. - -i- ; i. ; mi, instead of $2.50 '. Meritd Corsets are the best lovr-priced Cor sets made-rthat's why wt sell them. -. ; Women who feel that they cannot well afford to pay more than $2.50, for a corset, find in the Mefito a corset that gives the best of satisfaction. Medium-bust and Ion gr, hip models, made of excellent quality coutil and boned with rustproof steel. Three pairs t-f Hose Supportiri attached. Sizes 18 to 30. . Included in this s&ecial $1.39 irouo are broken lots and odd sizes sin a variety of models--low, n medium and high bust - and long hipregular $2.50 values. - . , Sale today and tomorrow. Conspicuous in Our Displays of . Fine Furniture , ml CD Are Many Pieces That Bear the Shop MarK, of Berkey & Gay Vpsj 1 They reflect superiority in workmanship and correctness of design old originals reproduced to perfection. ' ' - Those quaint old Four Poster Beds, -with Dressers, Chiffoniers and other bedroom pieces to match; the sturdy. Coloniajjdesigns in Library Tables, Davenports,, Consol ' Tables and Dining Room Suits historic reproductions that find in- .taflt flrrl UiitK ' Iavim - .'.' ' .taut, . w v . . ... ers of the good - and . sensible ' in furniture. They play a most Im portant part in the furnishing: of the modern A" m e r i c a n home. ; . Here, on our fifth and other - il o o r , ' you'll find "variety at its best- Even if it's just to see them, it's' our pleasure to show you. 1 Tomorrow Winds Up the Sale of Pillows Offers the last opportunity to share in the savings that have proven such an attraction to homefurnishers this week. Nine grades in Sterilized New Feather Bed Pillows. Every need should be economically met in the following: ' -"' 7 n P Ck l r for " pound, 18x25 I Ul xdll inches Feathef Pillows, ..." worth $1.40 pair. , $1.30 Pair K 3;Tdvfx26 - "v mcncs. Feather Pillows, Worth $2.00 per pair. 1 QO Pair for 8 - Pound, -20x27 rair inches; ; Feathef puiows, worth $3.00 per pair. ' DO OC Pair for 3 -pound, 21x27 raiT inchCs, Feather Pillows, " worth $3.50 per pair. $2.95 Pair K 3"rt' iV 27 v inches, Feather Pillows, 'worth $4.00 per pair. " $Q 7C; pjiir for ; 2 - pound, 20x27 PQ, f O f ail inchcs Feather Pillows, worth $5.50 per pair. - $a95 Pair worth $6.00 per pair,;tf U Q R Pair ior 3 - Pound, 22 x 28 .tpt.t7J.X"tU: inches, Feather Pillows, ' , .; worth $7.00 per pair. ' J5C: QC pir for 2-pound, 22x28 inches, Feather P0.00 I dll Pillow- worth $8.50 oer'nair.' , y K j This Is the Fire " keeper One of the Heat- -ing Stoves from the great line of . f pores It's a type that is specially adapted to local fuel condi tions burns large sticks of wood- made possible by the extra large feed door. The linings are of ventilated cast iron, which will last much longer than a solid cast lin ing. Artistic in design and r rich in nickel finish. ; Has the circular draft and swing top. Best steel body. Priced from, $13.50 up. Buying Terms $1 Down and $1 Weekly. , These Timely, Bargains fn " AND DOWN L Comforters Should Suggest to Many a Chance to Save. V Bedding Department, Sixth Floon r n COTTON-FILLED COMFORTABLES : $2.15. for $3.25 Comfortables : - ; $2.95 for 4.00 Comfortables . , $3.35 for $4.50 Comfortables $3.05 for $5.00 . Comfortables , $4.35 for $5.50 Comfortables , . $6.15 for $7.50 Comfortables $7J35 for $8J0-CQrnfortables- WOOL-FILLED COMFORTABLES . $3.35 for $4.50 Comfortables ' $3.f5 for $5.00 Comfortables ' DOVm-FILLED COMFORTABLES $6.15 for $7.50, Comfortables t $8.45 for $10.00 Comfortables Try a Pair of Stetsons CORNDODGERS for Comfort Children's Jockey 5 Boots . A. tooi aiMortmrat t a lact from and w reoom mad thttr MrvtoatUtt7 M Ztm Sbok Colored tope of ft klfl ltbar vmmp nd oeOer et pt eat ksA, wr xnderUly prttid, OxanA mem tXmm aron's Shoe Store 330-232 MORRISON ST. MBAR SECOND Boys' Stout High ' Tops. ThM ax th Ideal 8hoa for th aturdr toy-mad of elected oalf akin with olid sole leather coun ters . and raaol; t In oh tops 'n moat t them, waar raalatlos and water tlftit la aU tha aliea Four Stirring Special Values Women's New Fall Shoes $2 and $2,50 Manr rtvf new tnrmbert har just been recdred, and tJiey art cVery one exceptional, values at these pricaa. Cunmetal, patents, kid and box calf; stocks , tnada p on ' nrtr popular lasts. Evefr desirable strja and properly fitted, too for f2.00 Children's Stout School Shoes Firm, soft kid stock, a solid longwearlng School , Shoa that is really worth more Por exceptional good quality at the minimnm price w know of nothing offered to the trade to equal this shoe S to 8, f l-ito 11, 91.2Sr-U to 2, f 1.50. Cloth Top, Pat ent or Gunmetal alf Boot $3.00 A very fortunate pur chase enables us to offer these truly remarkable values. Every shot is worth more than this price, and the lot com prises many of the new est conceits in. cloth and suede top boots. Short ramps and military heels, ' shapely, handsome lasts, and we offer them spe- cial at only f 3.00. W. L. Douglas Famous Shoes $35Q.$4: A UNION MADE shoe that has stood the test for 30 years. V. L. Douglas' stamped on every pair, eivine you the maker's iruarantee of your monev's worth. of thse famous shoes--patents, gtmmetals, box .calf, etcH in every new and desirable style, and ij A DA the prices are only 93.50 and ...... .i. ;......... ...... Ml(..;.i.;....,u,,..M,;!,V.;,,., Hull name . and . the ' orice is We show a complete line 51 T