-1'AIIMS KSSSSSSSS'S. SSSSSS'SSS i r: sal: -'-.One of the Few Real Snaps 130 i.crea of dark loam soil with S - 6 tonif fine bottom land. This land S "6 Is sliphtlv rolling, but no rough S S land on trio place. . 30 neres perfect- S K Ij- cleared, some that is very easily S K rleared, FQine fine green timber. S S Good water supplies. Family or- 3 S chard an.l all kinds of fruit. A fine S S new house with cenwnt basement, 3 . 6 large new wood house and store- S N room; barn and other outbuilding.. S fi Personal property with this place: S K 15 head of cattle, 2 Rood horses. 1 S vJ brood mare and colt, 2 hops, 8 ft poultry. 200 bushels, of grain. 20 S 5 tons of hav and a good equipment S 6 of farming tools. 'This property Is 8 ' S 1 mile from one of the finest lakes fc end summer resorts lit the north- S - 6 west, 1 mile from new $7600 school- S 8 house and graded school and schol- 8 ' ti are ore tRken to and from school to 8 S their homes, by wagon eVery day: S " S I. mile from store and sawmill and S B on R F, D. and nlwine line and 6 S H miles fey fine macadam road from S F good railroad town. Price $7500. , S e ' , s One of the Best Farms in the Cowlitz Valley S - Iio acres with boat landing on S S the place, and only 1 miles from S - B railroad station; 150 acres of the 8 8 finest river bottom land, 100 acres. S fc. of which is perfectly cleared and S 8 the balance very easily cleared: 60 S 8 acres most . all fine bench land. S " S Some' timber; 6 acres of .good or- 8 . 6 chard,' house, large barn and fine S 8 large hop house. A good equipment .8 Jh of .agricultural 1 1mplements goes 8 ' , S with tpa-place: On phone line and .'8 8 school rlht at the place. This is S ' .. P one of-the famous old hop ranches 8 , " S and Is known by all old settlers aS.S ' B one of the'cholce places of the val- 8 B itify.' Price $15,000. " ,-. S S . 'S - . ' An Ideal Country Home t S A beautiful view of a noted trout 8 S lake and summer resort; 65 acres 8 v S of fine ; soli. 25 acres perfectly 8 . v fi cleared, enough- green timber for 8 v 6 fuel.. A fine modern 7 room house S '8 with bath and up-to-date, conven- S S lenees', good ' barn, poultry plant 8 S with acre, chicken park,- etc, B 8 A fine famtly orchard; good water, 8 5 10 head of cattle, farming, lmple- 8 s , 8 ments, 25 tons of hay. A nice lotB fi of chtckeffisr turkeys and Indian 8 8 runner ducks. House Is (finely fur- 8 8 nlshtd and all household goods go S 8 with place. This property la only S S miles ; by Rood road from good 8 railroad and river town and on tele- 8 6 phone, R. F.-D. and creamery route. 8 6 Price $5500. Tenfis $2500 cosh, S , 8 balance t years at 6 per cent. ' 8 5 v ( , S h (A Special Bargain B Burroundtng: property selling at S v- 6 $160 to $200 per acre, 40 acre In S 6 one of the choicest sections of the S 8 'Vv'illamette valley, Zhi miles ; from 8 " 6 Wllsonvill. 1lA miles from Salem 8 tl Klectrlcf 30 acres perfectly cleared. 8 B balance good pasture with enough S H green timber for fuel. Good wells 8 8 and fine spring water; family or- 8 . 8 rhard. This is all fine soil and lays 8 6 Just sloping enough for good drain- 8 .8 aae; 7 room house, a good barn 8 B and many other good outbuildings. 8 8 With this property is a fine span of 8 , 6 young horses, 4 fine cows, 9 pigs, 8 8100 chickens, about 600 bushels of 8 . S grain.- 18 tons hav also a good S B equipment of farming tools; school S 8 1 unlet- church hi mile. Telephone 8 : 8 R. F. D. Prico $5600. Good terms. 8 B . - !:,'. ..-v.-- .. , S 8 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. Cor. Second B 8 and Alder. ; Office, Main S480. 8 8 Residence, Woodlawn 2169. 8 . 6 ". ." H 8BS8SSSSSSS6SS8B8 :.Tfl (ilil BUYS - AH good, rich land; 18 acres under cuUivatlon...8 acres slashed and In pas ture, balanee in green saw timber;. 4 room house,, barn 30x66, chicken house, v.-oodshed, workshop, etc.; place fenced and croFS-fenced; family orchard,' fine veil water, school at corner of place, church ,i mile, R. F, D, mall rout. telephone service. 4 miles from R. R. and Columbia river town and 13 miles from Vancouver, on a fine road, In good locality; including personal property as follows; Team worth $300, new har ness, fine mare, colt 16 months old,", 5 pood milch cows, 3 hogs. 2 calves, 78 chickens, new rake, 2 wagons, two plows, new cultivator, snring and spike-tooth harrow, cream separator and nil small tools; on above place there Is over 2000 cords of wood, besides several hundred telephone poles. This iflace is dirt cheap at $U00. . . -' 1121 MIES . B0 acres in fine cutlivation, balance riBSturo and timber; 26 acres more eas- -granaiy, hog house and all other heccs sary outbuildings; 3 acres fine bearing orchard, place fenced and cross-fenced, living water on every 40; water piped 10 nouse anu Darns; mnes irom : river and "railroad town; 2 miles from river -town,. 1 miles from Vancouver. Wash., in excellent neighborhood, with rood church and school , advantages. 4'nco -iiiiuu; terms. 20 Rothchild Bide. 6th and Main, Vancouver, Wash.- ' GRAIN AND STOCK FARM 1182 acres in Gilliam county, 500 acres tinder cultivation, 300 more can be cul tivated, balance Is good pasture. This place is watered by six springs and one , wen; all Xunced with good- wire fence. 169 - acres; lioff' a Tiog -light ' fence' of woven - wire fence; family orchard of good fruit; fine locust and cottonwood trove arOufid the house: 5 room house. barn for 14 horse?, eransry and ma chine shed; spring water piped to house and burn; $ mures, colts, 2 new Wagons, 1 plow, l harrow, 1 new grain drill, ID head of fine hogs, lots of hay. and other articles too numerous to mention;- 4 miles from good town. Price 19 $35 per acre. Will consider pood 'acre age or city property in Portland If suit able. This is one of the best farms in the cquijty. ' GOODNOIIGH & SEITZ. 810 Spalding Bldg., 3d and Washington FOR' SALE 80 acres; 4 miles eabt of Oregon City, on high land, very sightly. Cheap house ond.barn; 10 acres under plow; 2 horses, harness and fight wagon, 2 cows, 10 shftp, .10 goats, 1 fine brood sow. 3 dozen cnickens, plow, harrow, cultivator and small tools. Well at house bir spring in pasture. This Is on market until Oct. . 20th, at $S0 per acre, after that date, price is $100 per acre, and it's worth it. TecniBr $4000 cash, balance long time at S per ont. v Buchtel & Kerns 860 Kast Morrison street. 1.00, ACRK JAiPItOVED FARM $4600T -j-- All deep rich loam soil; 50 acres cleared end In cultivation, balance open I'lisijiu iur swu milter; gooo springs Hood houses and barn, etc.; this prlre includes 2. hors, 1 eow, 50 turkevs 60 - chickens, fann implements: no waste lands will -doable-in vahie 1n one year-" this choice place on easy terms; handv 'i ' to Portland ami ruilroad. A-24SS. CI BAMBEiiGKR. Main 24Si Room 3 Lnih'rmfiis hlilg. '. " A GIiTJaTT'CvUM $55. PEirSCRl 330 sens. 4ei rich' red -shot -soil, 290 acres in cultivation, 40 acres commercial orchnrd, tome timher. two sets good 1uild)iiKi, leautiful slope, splendid for ' subdJvUinn or two families; fine locn . tlon In VamhUI .county; only small . ttmourt rash necessary. Cr L. BAMBKRGER. Main 24S8. ... Room 2 IJumbaimens hldg. . 10 ACRES $1250. 10 acres for $1250; nearly all In culti vation, fhort walk to thriving town - close to Portland, and in heart of a big ;'frult district: only $425 cash required, O. L- BAMBERGER. Mitn 24lS Room 2 Lumbermens bid? per acrs, ' B.T. Randall, Salem. Or. 17 Just Think What it means, you farmer of moderate means, to be able to puroliiise a place at$47.50 an acre. 16ft acres, of which 135 is under cultivation, 3S aoros In-fall -crop'now, balanra-in timber Rnd pasture; there U a fine house. Insured for 8Ti0; good barn and other outbuildings, only & miles to good town in Willamette valley, on good county road, schoolhoirse on place, phone in house, fine spring; water at both house and barn, good team, wagon and har. ness. 2 cows. RO goats, 5 hogs, , about $260 worth of chickens ana turkeys, 400 to 600 bushels grain, all hay, crops, etc, 2 seated car riage, buggy and harness, cream separator, J harrows, plow and all Bmall 'tools and some house hota "furniture. This place is in , fine neighborhood, - and can be handled for half cash, balance good easy terms. '- . . . CUITTKXDKN. OTTO & NEILL, , 310 uan-xi II1EI 45 ACRES 45 acres of fine red shot soil; 25 acres lh cultivation, 10 more slashed and seed ed; 2 living springs, 4 room frame house, good "Barn 44x49.shed3ed and outhouses, good well at house, 2- mules, 1 horse, 2 oows,J yearling, 1 calf, 80 chickens and all implements, , mile of school, K, F. IX. -and cream routes, 6H tiiil"" : Orcgon Clty, 4H miles of macadamized. I am compelled .: to "sell at a re duced price and here is your, chance to get a Bnap, sO get busy; price $4200, M cash, balance.3 years. 6 per cent. Call David E. Jones, Jr at Beaver Creek, or take MolalJa road 5 miles out and go'4 mile, west and inquire fdr John fatokor farm, R. F, 1). 1, box KB, uregon yiinw. SOME fine farms, 3,0 miles from Port land, near good town. and R. K.J best of .land and water: $45 acre up; good terms. Darling, ill Ablngtoa bldg. Main 5697. " ' ' . FKUITLAXDS 45 Mt, Hood Electric ng ; Tiiiv on a nf our .tracts on the auto road and electric survey line and you'll mako some good monoy. - , 33 acres for $2000 is a pick up; there a nothing left on Auto road equal to- It 80 acres on Auto 'road, crossed by electric on bank of. Sandy river, with the best trout stream in this whole sec tlon on it Get our price; will take part in city property. Mf. HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchlld bldg. Buyers' of Fruit Lands Should go to lobby Commercial club bullllng. 5th and Oak sts., before buy 1 1. KLICKITAT LANDS offer best In ducements of any offered. SIMCOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 acres can be had on best or terms, aiso larger trts and farms, Don't miss it after seeing; all else, 1 UEU. 0. UASlilil w. 1040 acres Klickitat county, Vvash.. Just right for platting ana seams m iv acre tracts; Just across a wire fence from 10 acre tracts tnat nave soiaior $100 per acre. This will be sold very cheap for cash, or will exchairge for anvthlngr of value that is clear of efl- cufnbrance. Come and talk with the owner. 428 Lumbermens bldg. AN INVESTMENT in a Fargo orchard will be a guarantee of future inde pendence; pay for it out of your earn ings and provide a home and annuity that you will live to enjoy; only com mercial apples of best quality planted; cared for until bearing. i argo vrcnarus Co., 83 Cth st. WANTED PAR5IS 88 WANTED Good dairy or farming land in Tiiiamook countv. improved omn- Improved, about 80 acres, more or less five full details about price, exact lo cation, terms if any, etc, in first letter. ireier to aeai wun owner, write ai once to F, Schmidt, 401 Everett St., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS 14 160 ACRES, about 50 acres cleared, fair buildings, fine orchard, 2 good springs, good well on county roaa;-wlll give lease, $200 per year. Call on Johnson, 414 Hawthorne ave. EXPERIENCED and reliable party wants to rent a gooa stocit iarm Darling. 217 Abington bldg. Main 5697. HOMESTEADS 47 4lofif.esteads- Homesteads in southern Oregon, level and fertile, on new railroad to the coast from Grants Pass. G. W. WINETROUT, Grants Pass, Ore. IDEAL homesteads in Rogue and 1111 nols river valleys, on new railroad line, near postofflce, store, etc., timber claims, Truit ana annua iana. inior matlon 215 Hoard of Trade bldg. TIMBER SB 42.000,000 fine big green yellow fir. all down gfad to Portland harbor, must be sold quick, the price will do' It. If you want to make good money on a Urn ber investment, call at 428 Lumbermen's blag., ana talk with owner. 1 are headquarrets lor timber and lumber enterprises or all kinds. Kin j)ey & Stampher. 531-2 Lumber Ex change Ding. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 Bargain Hunters ' Take Notice 20 room rooming house on Washing ton st., rent $60. 8 rooms rent Tfir $65; this place is clearing $200 monthly; a bargain for $1600, but m leaving city so will five away for $700; first one comes gets this. Kee meters, to iv htn st. NO OTHER LIKE THIS. . 12 rooms,. corner dwelling; good lease close In location; furnacu heat; running hot and cold water in all bedrooms; fur nished in quartered Oak and blrdseye maple: Axnunater anu Brussels carpet a big ..money-mnicer; $(mj easn will han uie Ji. v.. james. nj nun st-. BBAOTIFUL HOME. 9 rooms, modem, cloa in; all new and fine furniture. Thisj place cost over $1500 to ruriilsu; will sacrifice for $900 this won't inst long, fail x loth. THIRTV rooms near P. O.. tood tran sient house, long lease, clears $200 month; owner leaving city; don't ovcr, look this; iuu win handle. 11. E. JAMES. 8S 10TII. EIGHT rooms-on loth st., close to Wushinuton. extra good location rooms always rented, $500; some terms, Johnson A Johnson, 16S 1 0th st. ROOMING house for half Its value 0 account or sickness; 130 rooms. Call owner; no agents. A-4390. Main 5861. 27 rooms, 1 year lease, rent-$100; good cornfr .jfimiiun; iuuu casn, iiar ket, cor. 1st. 10 ROOMS 10 On WashlnKton at: aood furniture lease, all large, light, airy rooms; clears jfiii mommy, rnce tnis weeic JSO0; cash, or will trade for city property. Piters. 15 N. 5th st. 16 ROOMS fine furniture, best location ; always rented; $800 cash, balance terms. S08 Board of Trade. 22 ROOMS, rent $55. net income $220, close in location. Held, 501 Gerlinger bldg. TU1K1Y room house near Morrison, good lease, fine location; if youvwant bargain see It; terms. Phone A-5306. 12 ROOMS Close In, fine location, good wtut alwavs full;. $850; cash. ICE corner Yamhill St., 14 rooms. ood bargain, easy terms. Phone A-&306. 1 Oil SALE FAFwMS FOR M F0(wuxo iroi si:s ion sale r.j 516 Heard of -Tra.le -blilt?. Phunes Marshall 4s. A-1U58. Here Is a Snap Just listed. 15' rooms, near 10th and Washington sts. ; furnace heat, rent $50, clears t-asily, $t0 month; we are selling tho owner a larger rooming house, bo can sell hers for $750, with $350 down;, this will sell quick, 80 bargain hunters move yourselves. , 15 Rooms, Just Listed ' Good, -cloan place,, near 1-th and! Washington sts.; ,rent $60: furnace heat; price $1100; half cash, clears over $S5 per -month. ' ' ' . . 30 Rooms, Transient Located near, postofflce; rent only $1302 years' lease, average furniture but good'money-maker; price only $2100, txuuu casn. - - ; ...... :., 50 RoormModern Hotel This is strictly modern and a new building, furnished new and can e bought for $7600, with $4000 cash; rent onlv $300. long: lease;, house clearing 1400 a month! this Mace Is furnished throughout with Axmlnster and Brussels curpets, all iron beds and ' silk . floss mattresses; absolutely th best buy in Portland today,- ' Cf .;f KOOMINU- HOUSE UWJitKi). We want vour house on out list; put your prlre right, we can sen it. tor you 72 ' ROOMS -Brick, on Washington st; steam heat, hot and cold water, tele phone in every room. v ' ' 85 rooms; near Madison bridge; leasa, $100 rent.- Price $2000. . IS rooms on 3d st. S.; rent $50. Price jicbo. - , . ... 10. rooms on so si. goon location ; rent $45;. clears $45. Price $760. ii you nave a nguse or euio can um it it. iwnd . 270 M, Washington st. A-0S. , A MONEK ..MAKER. . : , 9 Room Rooming House : Must be sold at once regardless of price...' Fine- furniture, rooms always full. Lficatton the best. We mean, busi ness. Come make us an offer,- J, E. Nichols Co,.. "Has It For Less." W2) 620 Board of Trsde Bldg. 27- ROOMS 27 . One block1 frbin P. O.; best transient house in city; all oak furniture; clears $210 monthly; 2 years' lease. Price $2000; $500 cash will handle this. Bee Peters. 16 N. 5th st. A Bargain 26 Rooms Good -furniture, lease, rent $85; clears $100 a month; price $1250; terms.- Call 417 Board of Trade. . MINING STOCKS . 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and old. C..S. Fletcher, 125 Ablngton bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE One of the best ' paying general mercnanaise stores in ure eon: sales from $100' to $300 per dayt invoice about $8,000; $4000 will handle. Situated in eriaii town 35 miles rrom Portland on new railroad. Address E-193, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS paint store on Grand avenue, near Morrison, will invoice In connection with buyer. This place Is a money-maker, in as fine a loca tion as there Is on the East side;- long lease. Principals only. . The Union Paint oompany, 161 Grand avenue. BLACKSMITH and shoeing shop for sale at Invoice: first-class tools: fine location In live town; best paying shop for two men in the valley. Address 111, Journal, Restaurant rVi f A ftt n f t' i 9 ask laa si 4 m IVlglll UVWll V-rTl W J . t Ivm u vl first 'class dondltlon; can't be -beat at $12.50. F-198, journal. THOUSAND shares of stock In good lumber company, city. Will trade Jor real estate or good team, . horses and express wagon as part payment O-209, Journal. , . GIVEN AWAY FREE Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, "Cali fornia Oil Fields." Sasar-Loomls Co., 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland, Or. xiv-j. estate, fine established moving picture in nf nnn- n nnnnaitinn theatre In town of 6000; no opposition. Call 526(4 Wash. St.. near 17th. FOR RENT In the new Lincoln Mar- ket. 304 Washington st, bet. 6th and 6th sts., one concession for grocery, one for vegetable and one for delicatessen. Apply at above number. . GROCERY store for sale doing good business, cheap rent, good location. living rooms, $i00 to $S00 this week. P-201, Journal. BLACKSMITH" shop for sale, cheap r enlumaoz-the .heat., s tanda in -city ; good trade. Reason for selling, change of business. Phone Main 6271. FOR SALE Cash $3000. 16 room hotel. one block rrom aepot, rurnisnea throughout. Address J. A. Iliggin- botham, owner, Coburg, Or. WILL soli our halt Interest In dyeing 'and cleaning works; good -location for ladls' tailoring. East Side. $260. N-200, Journal. . , WANTED Grocery with living rooms. about $700; give run particulars, u at Invoice and regarding lease. K-202, Journal, - WANTED Neat honest young man -with $350 cash as partner In real es tate business, chance . to make . big money. 242 6th st. ON account of 111 health will sell r trade my stock In good paying busi ness for cash, real estate or anything of legitimate value. O-205, journal. 4 ROOM cottage, 4 lots, worth $2500. to trade for rooming house or any paying business. Reed, 601 Gerlinger Building. WE CAN place you in paying business; before buying be sure snd see us. Kinney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. A-4881. FOR RENT-Danclng pavilion and bowl ing alley, at Crystal Lake Park, Mll waukle. Address O. T. Witte, Mllway- kle. Or. SAWMILL for sale, having cut out our timber, will sell our sawmill with engine and boiler, capacity 20,000 feet Carpenters Lumber Co., Arleta, Or. GROCERY STORE, doing good busl ness; owner going on farm; will sell at Invoice. Phone. Sellwood. 1658. EESTAURANT. clearing $100 weekly, will sell cheap, long lease, best lo cation. M-207, Journal. FOR - SALE Equity In two fine lots. Reasonable. Continental Trust com pany, 302 Spalding Bldg. ' $2000 worth or' A-l Industrial stock. Will sell or trade for good piece of property. M-205, Journal. ElG MONEY in real "estate. Opportu- nity to secure established office for CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali $200. 407 Lumbermen's Bank. i fornla Wine Denot 285 Yamhill, next "TTT.i i 9 -T,oi TTTk. u I to Journal. S9. 2 year lease. Leaving town rea son for selling. Call 66 fith st. BOOK business, first class opportunity cheap for cash, if sold at once, S-204. Journal.' OEFU'E position for man with few hun dred dollars. Income from $30 to $40 per week. 620 -Chamber of Commerce. k ai aL,j ante delivery business for u am leaving city; $1090; $500 required! Phone KeHwood 1718. . ' HIGHLAND notion store, confectionery, cigars, tobacco; want to go on home stead; rent mu union ave. N, 60(1 business cards $1, You nnhrt hrln inm au. none V'iy rnnieiy, I3i! 3d, near Taylor. " ' GKOCERY -620 Washington st!; cash pusiness, no. oeuvery. Bargain for,,uoY wanted with wheel: quick sale, BAKERY' cheap if taken over at once; good stand. Inquire 388 E. Clay st FOR SALE Four shares in goodliuclc lakes. O-207. Journal. .- .VANTED To rent ' hotel. - roomlna flMgfi-pr-jestaurfl nt M. a08f .Jowrwaiv ! LADIES are making $5 to $10 a day, so 245 Grand ave. -J 'GOOD BUYS. , Hardware, Invoice about $7000.' r Grocery, Invoice about $3000. - Confectionery and cigar btanJs. from $750 to $2500.'. t. Saloons; two good.'oneg. Pool halls, 3, ti, 8 and 11-table halls. If looking for a business, call and see us. 1 GOODNOUGTI & SEITZ. 310 Spalding Bldg. Third and Washington. Purest Freshest Sweetest Ei 20o pound. -. Nothing but pure cows' product. No oleomargarine in this. (Save this ad. It may not appear again. Write for particulars). , CANADIAN BUTTER CO.. " P. Q. box. 688, Portland. Or. HERE is your opportunity to step into a well established business, Z) rooms, everything neat and modern;- hotel in thriving city of 6000 inhabitants; car line right to . city. Visit our - place. Note the surroundings. You can get this very cheap if taken' soon. Call Peter Kuborn, Central hotel, St. Johns, Phone Jersey 11. - AUTO DELIVERY BUSINESS. 'We have a good uuto utitveiy busi ness and auto for -sale, auto is a 40 H. P. and in good condition; . auto can he used as touring car or for delivery business; all complete; for a few days for $1100; $600 cash. I ' - ORUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bids- 4th and Oak. BLOCK, at the corner of 74th street and Base Line road,' J room house, garage capable pf storing four machines, together with work shop and. tool room, all complete. If sold at once this prop erty" can be, bought very cheap. Terms. Continental Trust company, S02 pald ing Bldg. - . 4 . "'. OPPORTUN1TT t purchase 20,000.000 feet of fine timber, located where it can be logged cheaply to large pond of water; 30,000 capacity sawmill and Willamette logging engine goes with this deal if required. Satisfactory terms can be made with right party. Address, G-199, Journal. ' - . Grocery Store And 7 living rooms, 3 years lease, do- ti.K f uu uai , nu ilK own,- TV m Ml- voice $2500, price $2100, or will trade for anything of value. Peters, 15 N. 6th st ' ' Good Paying Cigar Store - Excellent business with low rent easily worth $500. Sell this week for $S76. Our best bargain. ROGERS & M'RAT, 803 Wash, street MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. The New York Moving Picture com pany will star,t you In the moving pic ture Dusiness on easy terms. . Larg est stock moving picture machines, 111ms, etc on ractrie coast. 6264 Wash lngton street.-.near 17th. HELP "WANTED MALE DRUG CLERKS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT CAN PROCURE POSITIONS FREE OF CHARGE BY REGISTERING THEIR NAMES WITH US. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LIST OF VACANCIES. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO.. 8TH AND EVERETT STS. $25 to $40 Weekly Made by moving picture operators; we teach you the business In short time on very easy terms; we have the only relia ble moving picture school in Portland. New York Moving Picture Co. and School of Moving Picture Operators 526 hi Wash, st, near- 17th. WANTED Men quick to learn a trade in months instead of years; no ex pense for instruction; automobiles, elec tricity, plumbing, bricklaying; actual contract work; 200 students last year. Catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles, Cal. CHAUFFEURS are In great ' demand. We want sober, reliable men, that we can recommend; to take our course in repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night school. Automobile School cf Oregon, office room 216, Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 2193. 10.000 POSITIONS I m0' flXA?- I men learn barber trade In 8 weeks, hlp to secure positions; graduates earn $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor: tool free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th st, Portland. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $160 per month; some even more; stpek clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly, eholce of territory. Address Washing ton Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. BOYS with wheels. King's. ' OldSj Wortmanft 2000 official Moose parade hats for Oc tober 13 made by The Hattery. We also make derbies felts and wool hats, one price, $1.50; ladles' fall hats re modeled. 315 Alder, basement, cor. 6th. SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest nursery in west: liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly easily made. Oregon Nursery Co, Urenoo, or. BARBERS' state board of examiners of Oregon wlli convene in Portland, Oc tober 10, 11, 12. at 167 First st, for the purpose of examining all these hold ing permits.' T. M. Leabo, secretary. WANTED Salesmen lh every locality In - the northwest;- . money- '-advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of " territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.; Toppenlsh, Wash. IF you want to earn more, you have to learn more. The International Cor respondence Schools will show you how. Local office 233 Alder st. WANTED Young man living at home to help In store and put up orders. nance io auvance: salary io scan Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; Port land examinations. November 12; $800 to $1600. 'Preparation free. Franklin institute. Dept. 335 U, Rochester. N: Y. (WANTED Bright active boys for mes- Buuger ucivma, kuuu wagea; uvya will be taught telegraphy while working. 76 d st. $5 per month, telegraphy taught in prac tical forms; day and evening ses sions. Address Myers, 669 Flanders St. STENOGRAPHER, compensation . being percentage o income of real estate business. Give particulars of yourself and experience. Address N-202, Journal COUPON agents, fine offer for holT duys. R. M.i Hogan, 625 Ablngton bldg. - COULD use services of several" "live wire" salesmen to sell our orchnrd lands. Fargo Orchards Co., 83 5th st. BRIGHT, active boy about 16 years old to deliver and work in drug store. P-20R.- Journal. FIRST class man, ladles' tailor; waist finishers, apprentices and other help. Madame Julia, 384' Yamhill, . ;. WANTED Night porter; must have references. . Apply Steward, Unlver- slty.club, West park and Alder. WANTED Sewer diggers, Virginia and CuBter sts.; 2 months' work; rain or shine; come prepared; -Fulton car. TWO boys, over 16, with bicycles, $50 to $60 per month. 285 Alder st COAT and pants maker. 122 Russell v- .-,,. r SMART, clean boy wanted: references j lequlredi 'Madame Julia, 384 Yamhill. ood wages. 142V- Second St., room 2 WANTED A boy to learn florist trade. Appiy 120 jpeynont st. WANTED 10 union bricklayers at 4th and Taylor sts. BOY wanted with wheel; wages $45 .i-Stift mowlli ' It B'iTgiTnuiil" To BOY wanted. Apply room .20 Ains- worth bldg. F.i'SlXLSS ( IIANCIIS Ill City Free Employment Bureau 80 SeweX lUptla, 3 brick -masops, $6 per day, out of town. . 4 rouph carpenters, $3. 2 wood choppers, $1.50 and board, eastern Oregon. 1 plumber for Oregon City. 1 canisters, city woik. . Elderly man for private family. Elderly man for janitor work. '20 first class carpenters. $3.50 to $4.00. - 1 plasterer. ' 50 solicitors. ' " ... NO. FEE! 270 Madison st. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay. $15 to 169; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, .quarters and medical attend ance free: after 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al lowances service on board -ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Ap lly at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office,- Bre-eden bldg., 3d and Washing ton sts.,-Portland, Or. j - PROMINENT, conservative and reliable w real estate firm will teach a few neat, ambitious young men the real es tate business from beginning, to end. It wtll'aost you nothing, and you can make good money while learning. Experience unnecessary. Several good properties ready for the market. - Splendid oppor tunity to get started right and be prac tically your own boss. Apply In person for further particulars An RnithnAll A Howard, ,433 Mohawk bldg., between. 8, W"M 9t .AO nilU J., HI1U 4 IO O, HELP "WANTED FEMALE 2 COMMENCING Monday, October ' 10, we will need all the girls wo can get to assist in starting up the U. 8.. Laundry, '.We can fur nish 'work for at least 60 girls. Apply at once, cor. Grand ave. and E. l'ajnhill sts. WANTED Experienced saleslady for knit underwear and hosiery; permanent position. Inquire Ban hon & Co,, 888 and 890 E. Morri son st Girls Wanted APPLY STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2, GRAND AVE. AND E. TAYLOR STS. SALESLADY and bundle wrap per wanted. Those living on east Bide preferred. Inquire Bannon & Co., 388 and 89( E. Morrison st' GIRLS wanted in candy Jactorr; good wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.,l2th and Davis sts. V WANTED German girl for second work in small "family; experience unneces sary. Phone East 5908 or call 500 East 25th North: Take RroaHunv far in Thompson and 2 2d. WA NTED Ladies to investigate the low prices we are charging for tail ored skirts and waists to -measure. 613 itottioniiq Mrig. WANTED An experienced bakery sales- jau v , muai imve rererenceB. apply Royal Bakery and Confectionery, .360 Wnlil.i4y,. . vt wpinfiBuiii ei WANTED-1 Ebctra small lady to travel with comedian in vaudeville act; must sing some and bo a lady- talented ama teur considered. N-201, journal. WANTED A competent elderly woman " to care for baby during day. Call 235 12th st. WANTED Experienced presser. , Call at 1050 Hawthorne ave. No others need apply. - WANTED Experienced skirt and coat hands, for alteration room. The Bar- uioiomew co 400 , Washing ton st. WANTED Experienced operators on overalls; also learnerr; learners paid while learning. 73 and 75 First st. WANTED Young lady partner in vau deville act, Something new, ready for road. A-201, Journal. WANTED A Chinaman to do laundry work, take care of garden and furnace. 245 North 25th st. ' GLRLS 16 years of age, to paste labels and edging on boxes. Portland Cigar Box factory. 43 !4 E. 3d st. - ' $300 BUYS good business for lady that will clear $25 to $80 per weak. Bogers & McRay, room 25, 303 Wash, st. MILLINERY for sale, cheap, remodel- Ing; bring any old jnateiiaL. Suite 7. 227W' Washington. ' , GIRL to family. assist In housework. Phone East 3678. small WANTED A girl fox. .general house work. 394 College, st. A NO. 1 stenographer wanted. Lane, 886 Washington. Bush A 10 GIRLS wanted, steady work, Oregon Paper Box - Factory, 93 Front. WANTED Girls slso apprentice. to make, hair 428 E. 9th S. rolls; HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 THE NEW YORK Amusement com pany want all kinds of performers, singers, musicians, etc. 626 Wash ington street, --near - 1 ft h.---- WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital glty Nursery Company, Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell a new patent Pz7.ie. aii at zas wrosoy st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SS C. R. HANSEN & CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 2S N. 2d st, Portland. Ladles' department 7th and Wash, sts., upstairs, foniana. .424 Front Ave., Spokane. 87-89 4th st. San Francisco, - Established 1878. HAN LEY & TRAVELS EMPLOYMENT CO.. neadquarters for It R. work 28 N. 2d st THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., Oen'l employment' Mar. 318. A-2406. SITUATIONS MALE -.1 CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription; joDDing, remoaenng, repair ing a specialty, Cummlngs & Catlln, 871 First st. Marshall mi.. POSITION as - camp cooks by man and wife, for 20 or more men, will stick and give satisfaction in right place. T, P. Brown.-164 Union. Te.1. E. 4260. EXPERIENCED man, capable of taklns charge1 of books, general office work. correspondence, etc., wants position and chance for Investment, 0-201, Journal, EXPERIENCED dishwasher wants work In restauranti neat" and clean, sober, steady, ho cigarette; references. C-206, journal. BOY of lavishes work after high school, nours anu on tsaturaay. ' M 208, Journal. ',''' EXPERIENCED man wants position to run elevator, rename and sober. R-203, Journal. - - ' WANTED You,ng man of 20 wishes a private ptace i wors tor oosra ana room, uaii .uesier tMiou, x. m. j, a. YOUNG man desires position as off - bearer in -sawmill, temperate. Call Main. 6333, i-iaiey. . EXPERlEiNCttU painter, paperhanger, wants ' to work for owners, : Meves, phone Woodlawn 417. CHAUFFEUR wants position. Sellwood -y,. r . -. '." ', - CARPENTER, builder, new or repair WOrTCii y i "nTTnCT. rsell wood 1712 CARPENTER work, any kind, day or t contract fnone uarsnau zi ii. MUNICIPAI FREE EMPL0YMI OFFICE 270 MADISON. PET. 3d AND '4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EM F'LOYER OR r EMPTXYE. MAIN 3555; A-6624. BOY attending college wants to put in hours pnoueh mornings and evenings and Saturday to earn room and board, good at anything, experienced waiter. A-205. Journal. - BAN DMA N Amateur cornet or bari tone nlaver. wants any kind of work In country town where there is a band. Some experionce in general merchantlle store. H. C. T., 228 7th st, Fortianq. A MAN who can talk and write English and Finnish languages .wants a posi tion as salesman; have 7 years' ex perience in old country. Write Isantas, 746 Minnesota ave., Portland. Ore, ENGINEER, fair electrician, middle age, late of Chicago, desires position email plant or. steam heat; Tnoderate wages. Address N. M., 1094 Alblna ave0 city. - - - - '. - -'- ; ---- SITUATION wanted by experienced, . bookkeeper, will accept , anything in olerlcal ltne, with a future.' Phone Man shall 2422. 1 EXPERIENCED . dish washer -wants . work in- restaurant neat and clean, steady, reliable, no cigarettes. P-206, Journal. ' ' - - "" " . ' ' ' STEADY young man : desires : position with paint -or wallpaper firm; experi enced. B-201, Journal. !- -:';'- YOUNG man as 'Janitor, furnace, ' pairs; reliable. B-204. Journal; " SITUATIONS FE3IALE YOUNG woman, formerly school teacher, ., desires position' where good character counts. .Best of references, .i Phone Main 4059, Miss' Jordan. -:. '. ' MIDDLE aged widow wishes position as . housekeeper, .for widower near Oregon City preferred. Call room 14, 803 Washington st. ' --- TWO women with experience want to take care of babies-at home;, reason able price. E. 74th sti No, 3, or, phone Tabor 735. ' ' '- WANTED By woman with baby, po- ' sitlon as assistant dressmaker or light housekeeper. 267 Columbia st. vxPMRlWNClon hookkeeoer. cashier snd typist, 7 years' .experience, situation wantea. O-2U0, journal. - HOUSEKEEPER, refined lady of 30, with girl of 5, wishes position. Phone W 000 J awn iv 49. LADY wants work- by the hour. Call evenipgs between 6 and 9. Woodlawn LADY wishes work by th hourt wash ing or ironing. East 1525. , WANT work by iday. 4202. Main 102. A- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN And wife want to work on- farm ; experienced; state wages. O-202. Journal. MAN. and wife want position In camp; experienced cooks. iti, journal. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKER with tailoring expert" ence in fdncy dresses would like work by the day with good dressmaker pre ferred. Phone Tabor 1580. NURSES 410 WANTED Nursing by experienced middle aged woman; maternity cases preferred. Main 4iio. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE .9 TRAVELING, neODle can find pleasant rooms 5 blocks south and Itt west of postofflce. day or week: also perma nent rooms suitable for -2 or more per sons. 349 Jeffersom . Hunt's Express & Baggage Co, 1 trunk 60c. Additional trunks 26o each. Grip with trunks free. S23S5. Marshall 2415. LARGE well furnished front room suit able for two: privilege of piano. Main 42S8. 671 Gllsan. ONE nicely furnished room, 474 Clay; gentleman preferred; walking -dis tance. NICE large bay-window. room; will ac commodate from 2 to 4; furnace heat 254 12th, TRANSIENT rooms nicely furnished, 60c up. 253 Alder, between-2d and 3d sts. - NEAT and attractive modern front room, only 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. 375 14th. , LARGE, light front room suitable for twO; 5 minutes' walk from postofflce. 395 5th. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with boardv phone- and bathr- reasonable. 324 14th St. ' TWO well furnished rooms In private ramny, 3 29 west Park; reasonable rent. NICELY furnished room for rent; heat phone and bath; walking distance. 262 12th st. ! LARGE front room, newly furnished, all conveniences, suitable for 2 gentle- men, reasonable. 401 3d st THE VIOLET, nicely furnished rooms! rrices reasonaDie, 181 tith st, cor. Yamhill. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen, with or without board.. 388 Salmon st NICE large front room, gas, bath, fur nace heat good locality. 315 Mar- et st--r-tn-,- ROOM in private family with free bath and phone; -walking distance. 333 Market st. MYO MftnTlM?ni Cth st. rooms urn u &r. uyuinitguj)i.5o ud per week. Free plune and bath. Main 7754. NICELY furnished front room. $2 a weea. 4111 w . rark. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 FURNISHED rooms on the ridge at Har old station near Reed institute, over looking whole city; rooms large, light, airy and nlcelv furnished, with or with. uui uuuiu, ai reasonable prices. , i'none Benwooq izutr THE ClAYOSA Running water, ele trie , lights, telephone In every room. Elevator. $3 per week and up. Cor ner Grand ave. and East Stark. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen, east side; furnace heat, bath, phone, board across the street 70 B. llth, near Stark. FIVE large front rooms, furnished, modern, 2 blocks from steel bridge, east side. Address 204 Occident st. FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite, all modern conveniences, one block from cslina. Phahes Tabor 2610. A-3063. NEW EDGERTON HOTEL Knott and Mississippi; all modern conveniences, Including steam heat; day, week, month. NICE furnished room for gentleman; good location; reasonable. 554 Eist TWO good furnished rooms for men. "' 315 E. 8th St. Phone E. 4990. LARGE, comfortaole room suitable for two; choice board, 644 E. Alder. B-2031 FURNISHED room for lady or gentle man, $8 per month, E. 5313. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 fWO rooms, kitchen, bath, pantry; also use of basement, free water, $8 , per month. , Call 667 Alblna ave., take L'car. TWO or 4 unfurnished rooms for rent! cheap; also- good barn. 1607 E. Pine. HOTELS, ,i'- ..;!' ,84 'SaRSSssSSJMSSfesWllSKsS HOTEL FOSTER Portland' c newest medium priced fireproof hot.'l; ISO rooms; steam heat hot and cold run ning water In every room; rates 76o and $1; full half block; $47-250 Davis St., 2d to 8d. -',. - .- .V :-' '.. ' FOR RENT Best hotel prooosltion In i wofttewH ne brWk-st-rmwrt 38" rooms, 10 with private bath; located in a growing town of 2500. s.s.ii( iwvm Address J. tr. mover, MUton, or. I --' li'v!':-I. PunTEAND - juropo:i.n nlilv; ?:!. $5 .My. 1 VALLA ill' i'i.NT i-'urni.-iiit IOulilS rent. 37ij Yamhill. HOTEL NOUIUS Modern, IT Hi an w nsmntftnn. LHCV ELK RE -European, -Mb and AMe. R0031S AND BO AHD c , BOARD and room for husband and wlf or youmr men. 3U0 Jefferson st Tlv Casarosa. 1 ROOM , suitable for two gentleme; breakfast and supper, $22.59 each V month. E-6313. BOARD and room, private family, walk? ink distance, 1 block from carline. 12;' E. 10th st. g. ' ' j LARGE room for two or four, reason able; board private family. Main 438-41 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 8: WANTED By young- man. room an. board in private family, in vicisit' of Union and Broadway. Phone morn tngs. r.nst 11, room 418. '" IlOLSEKEEPINO ROOMS WEST SIDE THE BEAVER-r-12th and Marshsll Furnished for housekeenln. a- ranges, electric lights,' hot water, bath laundry, all free: $15 tr month uv; f clean place; , best in 1 the city for th money; short distance from Union depot Take "S" or lth et. cars north, get oj at Marshall st. No dogs. - v. WELL furnished- hoiisekeenln looms x: 2, $8 month; 3, $13; furnished cottage 4 -rooms, is, -tower nat, roomsr i" 364 North 26th (west side rlver). VY car from depot, ,6th or Morrison . tJ zbtn, oiocK nprtp. Hunt's Express &. Baegage'-Co 1 truhk" 50c. Additional trunks 25 J eacn. urip with trunks free. - A23!5.-, ' , - - Marshall-24U. THE COLONS Furnished .'liousfkeeij - ing rooms with all conveniences, $11 and up, central location. 503 Alder st A SUITE of housekeeping rooms, run ning water, also single room, ; 50; Johnson et - . . , ; s45 Morrison Classy suite housekeep ing rooms; also large famished room patn, gas, phone, nice location. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms; light gas; moe-ato. -tn & i landers. A-4U7 housekeeping rooms ;::',;: east side . 4 $2 per week; Clean, furnished housekeej mg rooms; laundry, bath, heat., yaroi pnone, riean linen. , oj Vancouver ave S31 N. 'Union ave.T-2 suites elegantl furnished housekeeping rooms. Dantrv Finn, natn. - - HOUSES TOR RENT 14 WHEN you rnovn you'll need new furnl ture. Buy Judiciously and your sav ings will exceed movinu oxnenses r . Our NO-RENT PRICES made us jani cr the largest furniture nouses in th city In less than two years. Lookers shown the same courtesy ft buyers. J ' MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. - Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark St. - East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Car: Pass Our IJoors. NINE room house, modern, with fur nace and fireplace, beautiful yard IftOalOO. eood nelirhborhond. 1 hloclJ from best car service in city;, rent onlJ F. J. STEINMETZ, ' h uernnger blag. $6.60 MONTH 3 room house 7109 4: ave.. S. E.. near 70th st Kern Park. $10 month, 5 room house, bath, toilet chicken yard, two lots. Mrs. Wolf. 60 37th ave 8. E.,- near 60th st Stewara Mt. Scott car. ;n.--f FOR RENT 11 room house, good loca tlon near Union ave. -carline on Gan tenbcln ave.; suitable for two families 29 per month ror entire house -or on part for $16 and other for $13. Stile & Co.. 620 Union ave. N. East 4286. , WE can furnish your home at u grea saving. See us before purcuastnu elsewhere. M. Ostrow ft Co.. 64-66 N 3d st. Complete houseturnlshers. Rea sonable prices. Easy terms. - Why Pay Rent? . : We will buy a lot and build a hous on it for you. Herrlqk-Malden Co., 30 Board of Trade, s HOUSES to rent at low rates in Oswo go. .Take S., P, cars et JeffersoH street depot. W. Thomas. Low fares. Inquire of J SIX room new modern flat, 700 Hoy .St.; sleeping porcn. SINNOTT & SINNOTT, 521-525 Oiiamber of Commerce.- CLOSE IN A neat furnished cottagf free phone, bath, gas and piano. 26 Page st; take "U" car. - FOR RENT New 3 room house on.E 14th st., block from Alberta car Phone Main 3908. . ONE 6 joom. and ona-S-oom-houeeftf rent;, centrally located. Phone SelV wood 104 or Marshall 864. . FOR RENT 6 room house on 8d an Weidler. Inquire 262 E. 8th, cor Multnomah, Wa lk Ing distance. MODERN 6 room house, 102 E. 18th' st Key at 104 rent $22.50. HOUSES FOR. RENT ;? FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 Furniture for Sale Original cost $550; must leave town yours for $350; oil new. Call 64 6th NICELY furnished 4 room apartmen for rent; will take diamond and bal ance In cash, if any. Stanley Apart tnents, room 21. A-7544. feAft3AlH-Fi Furniture of 4 room fla $85. flat for rent 223 Russell . st Take "f" car. ' - $650 BUYSx furniture of 9 rooms; ren $50. On W. Park, near Morrison. De ment & Krlder, 248 Madison st FURNITURE of 6 room cottage fo sale at 649 Overton' st;. must be sob at once. 1 FURNITURE of, 4 rooms, will sel cheap- house for rent, 6 rooms. -21: Morris st. FURNITURE of 6 room house for sab cheap; sickness reason for selling can 1(8 k. aoin sr. FURNITURE of 5 room house for sal cheap; sickness reason - for selling, t"all 173 E. 35th st. FURNITURE of modern 8 room hou. for sale; 4 rooms rented, 415 7th, . cwi i Hall. Phone M. 3696.- NEV furnished 6-room modern flat. 4 good beds, fine carpets,' fine range bargain; reqt $22.50. 401 1st st, " . FURNISHED HOUSES ' 3(1 FOR rem Furnisnea eight room house, family to retain two bed! rooms and board with occupants. M-l 209, Journal. NEW 6 room cottage, furnished. 39 J Marguerite ave.; furnace heat ' at" gas range, u-iiua. . ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, fivii rooms, one block to car. Call even Ings, 619 E. B8th N. FURNISHED FLATS 5 SNAP Completely ! furnished .flat, wtd, porches, large yards, healthy, sightly f lowrs, -ate.: rent . $2a; - bath.--electrl' light, etc. 806 Jefferson, near No. ' i reservoir. , PortlandHeights car; get of! at Madison. H. G. Tarr. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 661 Davenpoid st, 4 room lur. iiat, ?zt. A-ii'86. APART.MEXTS "THE CODY" East 7th and Taylor streets New. beautiful and very elaborately furnished apartmentsof two and threnl rooms, bometning entirely differen from usual run of apartments. This lnf worthy of Investigation if you are look Ing for something exceptionally good." HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Opp. Portland Hotel. 830 Yamhill; first class fur-l nlshed rooms, single or en suite, modern $ J1P,. J) s lentsiEoUcJted-M. 3 1 M 7 1 7 7 FOUR room apartment for rent -Mad lson Park Housa,'262 Park st Every-I ining uouerur