The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 06, 1910, Page 21, Image 21

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    rv:i ,-..i.r;-
Hear 19th, NortLv 0x100, 8
per cent income, excellent
investment; coming retail
district, $13,000; $5000 cash.
:' File Spanton Co.
.'. - 269 Oak St. ,
This fine little ranch li,
, V4 mile from electric- line, ,
In cultivation; 8 room
house, 3 years old, fair ,
, , barn, young orchard. . The
. soil 'Is a rich black loam '
and will trow everything. -.
School hoUKe-within 80 .rods ' ,"
' of house; store, church and
station within M. mile, - . V
.v. Everything . goes includ
, . irg 2 horses.- 1 Jersey, cow, .-,
12 chickens, 1 wagon, bug- .. V
" gyy, set of single' and new -.
set double harness, cul
- tlvntor, plow, 6 coids of '
wood. Right on the coun
: tv road with milk And mall 1
.- 'i route:-' Best buy in the
country tor the money.
. , 605 Corbett Bid. , ,
7th and Salmon
j' This high-class property offers the
best investment in Portland; will soon
be in the' heart of tjhe business. The
jferms on this are:very attractive. Se
'Owner, 272 Washington St.
jlaveYba Seen Groveland Park?
i ratnral Fark, Slsrht on Two Carlines,
find the Host Beautiful Residence, Site
ba the East Bide. Prices reasonable and
i . terras to suit purchaser. '
Oowperthwait Obrlstensen,' 49th and
Tawthorne Ave.; Wilson fe Meyers, 0th
ind Division Sts, Take O.. W. P. care
jj and. transfer to Hawthorne avenue; ;
Sear. Piedmont , Car Barns
iatte, 2 blocks from 2 carilnes. If you
pvani someming to maxe you soene
money, invesiigate mis. , ,
Only 34GOO
! Kssy terms; need some ready cash.
nil 09 ova. sw . , . ,
' : Fine location, clone in. '
-Water, Walks, Graded Streets
QHLT 3 XiOTS AT tT 50. Easy Terms
i , , t-r i;pt)- neiuw vtiue
Only a Few Lota Left
' OOXSdlT, Owtier, 203 Fourth 8t
i lnx 100 beautifully located, close in,'
bn E. Burnslde" at. ; now offered 81000
less than any other i tlork In same
location, on nood terms. If you will
see it you will, be convinced,: .r,
,f 636 Chamber of Commerce.
Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce,
around floor 4th St. side. A. B. Manley,
Treat W. Y. Masters, See'y and Atty.
tEHTIFICATES of title made by the
i Title A Trust company. Lewis Bldg
Hth and Oak.. - -
J, M. Fletcher et al to John
Foley, south naif of lot 7, and
south half of west 16 2-3 feet .,
of lot 8, block 1. Eartsch Park
addition .............. . 8.800
Luclle White and husband to Gil-
hert C. Baker, lot 28, block S9,
Berkeley lBtr
imcrta Land company to ii. T.
Glddlnas. lot 1. block 83. Ala
' meda Park 1,089
"Belle WiHamson and husband to
j John IT. Olson, lots 7, 8, block
1 ; 2, Lester Park ,. 700
A., Kims to Sam E. Kndey et
:i el, lot 1, block 10, Arlcta Park
1 No. J 1,400
Herbert A. Hoyer and wife to
H Mabel J. Jones, lot 11, block i,
' Williams avenue second raddi- , '
I Hon 1,800
Vlunicipal Railway & Imp. Co. to
i Hans J. Scott, lots 2021. block
n 3, Terrtce Park ISS
N'eltle W. Glos and husband to '
4. Laura Ford, lots 8. 4. block 114.
jVUni varsity Park 1.000
ffohn Rohwer to Luther H. Borton.
.lot. iock..:l23, VVest -Irv4ng -
ton. . 4.000
:. W. Klippel pnd wife to C, E. '.?. al. lot So. block 8," '
Salisburv Hill .". . t KDA
t3.' W. Priest and wife to Edgar
-It. Hew ley, lot 8. block 1, Boss- '
j -ware ..,....'...,.........;..,.. 1,800
A, Munson and wife to Leroy Lo- .
j max, southeast quartesof north- ' ;
j west fluaiter of section, 25, town
i shin' 2 .north, ranee" 2 want, .a 8. OAS
Isabella Ball and' huaband to -i
, Volunteers of Amerloa, lot 8, ' '
5 block 168, East Portland. . . . . . 8,000
Laurelhurat company to Alaa E.
Aici.auBri'.im, tot , Block 78,
Laurelhurit , l,7J)0
jmunmsi foriiano improvemeni .
i flrFoclallon: to. J6hTi I Hoar, '.
1,1.48 acres beginning on section - r
brirc 16 and. 22. ,Townshlp 1"'. -3
south, range 2 east. 70J) 12 feet
! -And easterly . f corner of
' eoctinns 16, 18 2) and 22 900
;How. City Park association to ,
ill v nay j,. lira,- lot 7, block .134,
1 Rose -City l ark .; ..... . , . . ... , . . i
Samo to, Eitima Uve.1 lot. 9, block
143, Rose city Tark I
K. Windle to Luoy IT. Arnold,
; wst 3-3 feet of lot 8 and
i north 20 feet of west 88 J-3 feet
I of -lot. -7,:bl!jck ?JS, East Tort
H land ........;..,. ....... . .... . . . .
. ,50
W-if. Ray, an w'fa to J. F.
Brians ct al..lot 17 block 0,
lujuta ,
Vehtern Oregon Trust company
to Charl? N. Oowdv, lots 1 and
'.'i block .0, Arcadia. , , . .. .
j'red . Norflqulst, ' and ' wife to .
blick I, South St. Johns '. 1,000
Samuel Herns, lot 7. block 2.
1 -Xewport addition , . ;. i ........ -v760
Jseb L.; Aisher and wife to Abe... ..
S-Asher. lot 4, bloik 22, Mount
Tabor. MUa ; J23
' :.'---?
T. IT. t Tr. Co. to V.V-tirn corpor
al "n, 1..IS 8 to !.!. 3, lw
!...( n.soo
J. G. Him i ti Geoi C. I;1.;lnw,
f:ist half of lot !. bloi-K 113,
V. est Irvington 3,000
refer Anderson to CbH rlos A.
,chletel, lots 9, 10, block 11,
V.i'iidorne' ; 700
C. li. 1'riinn ami wife to W. L.
linber, lot's 1, 2, 3, 'block 2,
Diels addition 950
Henry O. Rmcrilng ami wife to R.
R Case, lot fi, block 8, Alblna... 8,500
Sirs. A. E. Orth to All Faints Epis
copal church, lot 13, block 8,
Goldsmith's addition.: 8,600
Mary Murphy and busbnnd to
Gloachino Starvaggl fit a 1, west
Stl feet of lots 6, 6, block 118,
Stephens addition....;..- 8.400
George Good and wife to Henry
.-Thesscn. lot 4, block 2, Alton i
Park , t 610
T. G. & Tr. Co. to Osyth Carpen- ' -
ter, lots 21, block 4, Dover. . 186
Lsdd Estate Co. to D. Frank Bow- . . .
dnr, lot 6, block 38, Westmore
land ...................... . . i . . "4T8
Mary E. Rust to Mason O. Cannon,
lots 21. 24, 25, block 1, Smlthson
" Land Co.'s addition - 800
Louisa S. Townsend to J. E.
Young, lot 20, block 9, Laurel- ,
' wood. , flOO
Ludwig Wolf and wife to Joseph'! i
Hart. 'lots 3 and 4. block 63. "''-
Tlbbett's addition 1,260
LAWYERS Abitraet & Trust Co., room
6 Board of Trade bide., abstracts a
specialty: .,--'' -':
PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading
abstractors, 7 un, com., grounq noor.
ABSTRACTS of title,. D. Alexander ab
stract office. 413 Corbett blag, m. .
i 651 Woodmen of the
- day night in. W. 6. W.
Temple, 13 ijievenm
street. All members re
quested to be present.
Visitors welcome.
A. L. BARP tIR. Clerk.
B, N. A-,- Oregon Rosa camp, meets
Wednesday evening. Ailsky baa Id
end Morrison. .
R. N. A. Marguerite camp, meets every
-Tnursaay evening ,at iu eocona- mu
between Washington ' and Stark.
M. W. A., k0SE CITY CAMP- Monday,
. Heinnn-Hirscn tiag., wsahington near
10 Ll; Phone Clerk. Main 8294, A-4886.
L. B. Merchant. San villa. Or 21. and
Maude Olsen, 20. - . .'.;
vviiuam j-iance, 16 rortsmouui ave
nue, 37, and Edith Bovey, 88.
Max Hanschel, 'Bi F, D. 2, Portland,
23, and Elsie Bprlnger, 19. 4 ,
Lloyd Read, 110 Eaat "Thirty-fourth
Street; 20, and Llllie Munroe, 18.
Thomas Chlnnock. - Box 862. city. SI,
and Alberta Bailey, 18. -
Hoy mover, 1SU i!;asi mignvn eireex,
21, and Helen Smith, 20. :
Paul Fridagh. The Hill.. 21, and Ger
trude McMillen, 18.
Irvlnar Hansen. 169 East Fifty-eighth
street, 19, and Sarah Gerloclv, 18.
uooert MasKins, iz is or in iNinin sireoi,
81, and Gertrude Bennett, 80. -
R. F. Fishu. 63 North Thirteenth
Street, 21. and Margaret Jonea, 48;
Ed word Gibson, custom bouse, 83, and
Otle Kame, 23. .
U. B Kliot, 1450 East Bixtn street.
29 and Maud Anderson. 21.
Pllna Binford. Elmira. Lane county.
Or., 32, and Bartha'Johnson, 18.
Norman McLeod, 627 First street, 29,
and Jeesle MeUoy, 28,
John Fitznugt;, a4 jerrerson street,
28. and JSlisaboth .22. . . '.
Elsworth Hubbard, on ta villa. Or; 80.
Snrt Lula Hoffnian, 24. : . ',
Oeorpe -CusicK, coroett, or zs. ana
Janla Burkholder, 22. -'""
n, L Marflcr, 81 Eaat Seventh Street,
21 and Hazel Adams. IT. 1
George Schnell, 827 East Seventh
Street. 27.' and Ltna Hoelfcer. 20.
Harry Lee, 410H East Morrison street.
81, and Bessie Koscoe. so
Wedding Invitations
Visiting cards,, monogram str.tlonery,
Wrn. Khimpp Co.. 826 Washington at,
WUUDlNtt Cards. W. G. Smith & Co.,
Washington bldg.. . corner ,,o( .th jajfid
wasninaton atreeta. -,
WiJJtoING Invitations, Beattle & HoY
miuin, Inc.. printers, 204 Stark St. '
DKK33- suits for rent, all sizes. -Unique
Tailoring JQ- o starn si.
and floral designs. 289 Morrison et.
AVERTTo Mr. and Mrs, Waider
Avery, Jr., September 26, 661 Kearney
streetj' a girl. . ""ST
CO AN To Mr. atid Mrs. Ralph Coan,
5S8 East seventeenth street, beptem-
jJiJUKUttSWiN 10 Mr. ina mm. j. jeor-
Besen, 2048 Hodge street, September
mAtxtI .V To" Mrf ah'ff TWfsTt Roy "Mar
tin. Portland sanitarium, September
28; a boy. . . ' '
KERRIGAN Phillip ., Kerrigan, 1399
Mauory avenue, uctooer l, age .64;
hemorrhage. : ' ,"J ' - -- -
BLOUM Martnn-uioom, uooa Samari
tan hosDital. October 1. ace 60:' ex-
hnuHtion.' ,v
RICHLAND William . Richland, 888
Maryland avenue, October 1, age 1;
Ileocolitis. " - v - r -. -
M'DONALD Mlnervaw McDonald,; .14
,. Klllingsworth aveuue, October 3, .age
88; nephritis. ', j.,.-. ,;4,
STRAND Guetnea Strand, 338 Fargo
street, October 8, age 41; ehibolus.- '
ALLEN Ella Allen,. St. Vincent hos
pital, October .2, age 82; .stomach
trouble. . -w,. i..., '
CALKINS Cline Calkins, 190 East
Seventy-second Street, October S, age
64; cancep of 'stomach.'-. ''V'-'-'i--' "'A-o '
BXERLY Luritla Byerly, ' October 8,
age 34, city; heart disease. -SCHAFER
Frederick. Schafer, 608
East Twenty-fifth street Ootober .4,
pge 3; tuberculosis. 1
COOK Fanny Cook,' Union block, Obto
' ber 8. age 43; chronio endocarditis.
MAX M. SMITH,, florist 150 6th st,
opp. Meier & Frank's. Main 7216.
PATERSON Tn this -city. : Octtober 0.
at the famll residence. -1678 Ports
mouth avenue, Margaret M. Paterson,
aged 64 years 6 months 10 days. Friends
invited to attend funeral services which
will be held at the Portland cremato-
. ...... " rt .h - ..,.wm.v., V b V w , II,
, . .. ...t v, .v,, v., cuiaw.miil,
JONES The funeral of Miss Mabel
Johes, seed 21 years, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. T. J. Jones, architect,' will take
place from the family residence. East
Third and Mill streets, tomorrow after
noon at 2 p. m. Interment at Lone Fir
cemetery. Friends invited. .-
' Culver Junction -
The railroad center of the Deschutes
valley of Interior Oregon Is the junc
tion of the Hill and Harriman lines.
It Is the heart of the best agricultural
region already developed. Wheats fruit
alfalfa and 'vegetables are the crops.
Town but two months old and has a
good hotel, feeding from 60 to 60 people
every day! 200 barrel flouring mill and
large warehouse to be Greeted at bncej"
electric power being developed at be.?t
water nower sits in the county for Cul
ver lignt and power. A growing and
progressive town, in e coming metropo
lis nf. central OreirSn. Buv tirnnertv
here for a home, for bueilness or for
Investment and thank us for telllnar vou
ahout it ' Call at our office and .soe
the nlat
Wa alHO sell Improved central Oregon
farms, 'both Irrigated and non-irrigated.
We can Kot you the best buys ; in the
valley. Call at once and get' further
Information. We also locate good home.
xteads. ' ' .:-.-.
Deschutes Valley Land &' In?
.. . - ' vestment. C0t
urnr pro
PUFKR Ik BAKER. 4 N. th sti between
Burnaida and Ankenv; farms, timtfer,
fx u it, dalrv and wheat lands, scrcngs
ana cuy property xor saie'Or traaa.
f,;i-t WU'.Lima
u v e., both
Most modern
iiiy iss::i!ai:t.
et in eitv,
1 T
(M, IvILLiUUvJ .Modern In
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-4rTS. Lady assistant.
The t-ast sidu undertaker.
Lad v assistant B-1SSS. East
781. East ?t U and Alder.
I P FIMI CV X. QHM Third and
Lady Kttendnnt.
Main 9. A-1699.
EAST S1I1E funeral directors, siicces-
yor to V. S, imnnlng, Inc. 1S2, B-2625
613,1. A-2::5.
Co., Main
I.adv afj't.
EDWARD IIOLMAN, undertaker, 220
84 St. Lndy aesistant. Main EOT.
New 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full
concrete basement furnace, laundry
trays, quartered oak floors, fireplace,
firessed brick, and stone mantel, bullt
n buffet and china closet, large porches,
nice view; lot 50x100, (With street Im
provements naid." Two blocks from car.
.'..- SUBURBAN LAND CO.. ' '
Marshall JS89. , . ' A-7106.
024S9 :- :
$300 00WN .
.- ' :;. 816 PER. MONTH. V '.
6 room brand new bungalow,
fireplace; beam ceiling, window
shades, cement steps r good sized
lot , '
Oregon Investment Co,
1 605 COUCH BLDG).
6 room bungalow, full cement- base
ment, wash trays, . Dutch kitchen, ce
ment walk: around house, well kept
lawn; on Jfi. 87th st.
, W H
Complete set . of brand new furniture.
ruga range, v neater, etc., an oi Desi
quality. Price only y&iw, easy terms.
A gooa investment, ttouse win rent
for 820. Main 1677. -W. S. Edris. 67
Chamber of Commerce. - - '
i " 'Irvington Sacrifice' .
Come In and let us show you the
best buy in a modern 6 room
house, close in, convenient to car,,
full 60x100 lot,-in this choice dis
trict, for only $4200; half cash.
Investigate immediately, as' this
ad. will rfot appear again.
v 810 Oak st. , .
: The Finest Sma1t"Home :
In the most , select and practical loca
tion of Rose City Park. In the midst
of the present building activity. Lot
box miu. ueauiuu fv i iniKuea una cuu-
ver.iently arranged. Owner is willing
to let it go for $3600; $600 cash, balance
tO. SU1L- ...- '.-).-' :.V. . -
; C, L. Bamberger .
Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg
A-2488. - " -;- ; - ' Main 8488,
room Queen Anns Very cheap and
on eaav terms this week. Cannot de
scribe it all on paper n one adv., so if
you want a bargain at 82760 with $500
down. Bal. terms, come in. It is worth
wnue. uwner. es etn si.
A fin K room cottage cas arid elfC
trie, nice fixtures, nice porcelain bath.
Cement basement Includes oil heatln?
and cooking plant, on a- Suhnyside lot,
aa i.ariniv with hitullthic street and ce
ment sidewalk In and paid; a beautiful
II. .1 w.v,a T7" fnrr4nri r)MP Jttith
. 1 1 v . . . . . , "i. . ' " ,
st; price $3100; $150Q cash and $20 per
817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak
Good Home Cheap
New 8 room home, full basement, dou
hie -ttnars,.-larB9--fronta.nd raar porcheaJ
cabinet kitchen, nice piumDingi-.ciose to
par. 50x100. lot. shade trees; anxious to
sell, special price- for a few days only
J1SUU, .iu can. -XT
M Pi LIS. 1.1 J uriil B ru.iu,
w& flnrt the good btivs.
406 E. Morrison. ., East 115, B-14S7,
-Here's Something Fine
23200 for a new 6 room bungalow, on
v. -ifith st. -Hi blocks from car: lot
60x100, fireplace., beamed ceiling, paneled
fllning 'room, . aouoia, wooaiiomi, uuion
can make two rooms upstairs. Will sell
on easy terms.- It's a bargain. Investi
gate. . .; .-
blAi II D 1
'Nice 6' room" cottage, cement -bse
mcnt. gas, porcelain bath. This cottage
Is nearly new and on a lot 50x100, east
front, on Minnesota ave.. near Skid-
more, price oniy jousi-tu casn ana
$20 per montn. . ... - -
817 Board of Trade Bldg.,' 4th and Oak.
Tn 4h mmt select and nracttcal location
In Rose City Park; In the midst of the
present building activity; lot 50x100;
beautifully finished and conveniently
arranged; owner is wining 10 lei it gc
A-8488. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 2488.
Room Z l-rfimoermena dime-
witn corner iou maso, wi ui unui
. n.v, rt TTnmfiton- com
manding fine view of south part of East
portiana, mi wiunvi uu i
$2400; our equity is $1400,: for which
we would take auburban acreage In part
2 Good Investments
$800 for corner 40x100 with 8 room
house. M cash. Rettti.for 37.60 a month.
$1260 for .6 room house, lot 80x86;
rents for $11: 4 cash; 8 good invest
ments; Investigate. .
. - 06- SIXTH ST,
'. "a RRAL ' BARGAIN. '
$1209, 8100 cash, balance small hionth
lw nnvmentar 3 room house. -t large lots
about 7 bearinar fruit trees. i ;., Fins for a
chicken ranch. - ;
T.aurelwood Pta'ton, Mt. Scott car.
TOTHE homeseeker: Call at 99 E. 72d
; .f n I offer tnv 6 room house and
lot at $1706. terms. To the live agent
m.Vin mn mil tnv place this week.. Buy
ers come: "agents bring your live: pros
ects. AH come. - '
nimgaiow block of Hawthorne.
New. five large rooms, lares attic,
full mneret a basement, lot 60x117. 1274
Madison, near 44th. Owner working at
New 6 Room Bunsaiow
1 $3200, furnished, $1000 down.
1. f'fiOO. 1160 down, easy payments,
832 East 82d St., Phone. Sellwood 1147
$876 NEW 81 room cottage, graded lot.
Growing fruit. Within block Alame
da park. cash or trade. Balance- $10
til ontn. VP,, cor. win.
8 ROOM plastered oottage, hasement,
nnf acre with fruit trees and dandy
grove, near end of Hawthorne car. Price
23'i' mono 'inin jmu.
nlumbirig. rruit. nam is on ii sa st.
FOR. SALE: CHEAP Moiiern 7 room
.." bungalow, lot BOxlOfl, also Jersey cow;
evenings after 7. Woodlawn 153.,
Zcwor-Brynes Co,
Buys a pew modern 6 room bun
Balow -with panelled dining room,
beam ceillnz; built-in china closet,
Dutch kitchfm, large attic; full
basement, .tinted walla, cement
walks; close to . school and car.
Good view; 10 minutes from
Madison street bridgn. Price
$2t!00. This is the last of my
bungalows and must be eold at
once. See Boss, owner and build
er, 615 Oerlinger bldg., 2d and
Alder, Phone jU. 2801.
$500 D0WN:
Handsonia. 5 room bungalow, :
With every modern convenience, .
Including furnace; -linoleum in .
kitchen and bath ; cement porteh '
floor and sldevalks; hardwood
floors, white ;enameled kitchen, :
etc. Only block from carllne,
excellent service.
Oregon Investment Co.-.
,, , 505 COUCH BLDG.
- ' , - $2750- '
For. sale by owner terms to stilt .
7 Room Furnished Bungalow
New. close ' in and strictly modern.
east front, large living room, dining
room, with. hutlt.In r.hlnn rlosnt and
beamed celling. Dutch kitchen. 2
targe oearooms ana wnjte . enameiea
bath roojn down stairs; 2 ; large bed
rooms and sewing room upstairs full
cement basement; ' price Includes car
pets, rugs and linoleum In 11 rooms.
wmaow shades, art curtains, sss eteel
range; folding . mirror bed, etc. This
Is a snap and you buy it direct, from
owner at sacrifice. .Only blocks from
large publlo school. 76a B. 27th Bt.;
10 minutes from. Madison bridge. Call
228 Abingtoti bldw. A-1974 or East 6646.
On Broadway. 6 rooms, finished like
furniture, nardwood floors, lirewace,
buffet, beamed ceilings, dutch kitchen,
on corner 'lot, high and sightly, owner
can f.lve immediate possession; will sell
ror idouv, ovu aown, oaiance montn-
y, ' Cheaper than you can build. Phone
nasi or a-iMH.
- Irvington Home
Elegant home of 6 large rooms,
hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces,
strictly modern. - A snap at $7000.
All street improvements In and
paid. Will take good lot as part
pay. iGood terms on balance.
" - -' E. R. MARKHAM.
205 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Abler.
' For Sale
Two modern un to dnt hortses on V.. 75d
bet-veen Tillamook and Thompson, 8m
Ished in oak, hardwood floors, tile bath
room and porch, billiard hall. etc. at
prices less than cost of construction;
easy terms. . xnese nouses are excep-
living room 20x30, dining room 18x20,
brand ', new; deferred payments f ' per
ceni. bee ,
T. J. LEONARD, Owner,
920 Board of Trade bldg.
75 feet from marline. 12 minutes out
cheapest buy in Portland.
- Price S2800: - 31000 cash, balance $16
per montn at s per cent.
owners, pnone wnodiawn 375.
$250.Downfor8 Room Bunga-
.-":; low
Walking , distance new high school
1 block from car, 50x100 lot, east fac
ing, driveway for auto. 8 rooms. Dutch
micnen, nneiv rinisnea, gas, electricity,
sewer. Just the place for large family,
rine Dam ana toilet .anrt win sen vou
cheaper than you can build; balance like
rent, can tuo AQington bldg.
Piedmont Bungalows
Two modern bungalows. 1317. 1326
Koaney ave., lacing east, or 5 and 7
tuoum, urepuu'fwi -turtnig rooms, pcamec
and naneled. waxed floors, tinted walls
combination fixtures, shades, first class
plumbing, full sized basement with ce
ment floor and wash trays, lots SOXluO
witn auey; terms ii desired. ' F. O,
Warner,-- owner.-'.1Z7S .'Williams ave..
rnone vvooniawn 133. . ,
Are You fired'
of living In cramped-OUaitersT If so
iei us snow you a seven room nouse
witU grounds 100x100 feet 5 vount
fruit ' trees, roses, 260 strawberry
plants, and only ten- minutes walk from
one or trie nest canines in the city
for only .81300. Installments. At of
lies hunuay irom to a, m. till .7 p. m.
i tu. crara st.
$1400 CASH.
Must --sell - at - -one. "S rwnmB.' tmrft
room, pantry and cement basement; a
good chicken house and yards; close to
publlo schools and on main thorough far
io Reed institute. W-W car to Glad
stone ave, s blocks west, sw corner.
owner, .
Beautiful 5 Room Bungalow
Modern -in every particular, lot 50x
100, 15 minutes' ride, now, rented for
$25 a montn; price 13000 j500 cash, bal
ance monthly. Particulars 417 Board
or Trane.
$250 Down 5 Rooms
Bath, fireplace, basement; 2 block
to car, double wall and floora. Price,
$2850, worth $3000. ( phone owner,
For Sale bysdwner
Now house, 6 rooms and bath. 8 mln
ntes from ear line school, churches,
stores. -Eaay, terraa.- A. F,- Flanagan,
A safe Investment should deoosit hi
money with us and receive interest on
th samefrom 8 to 4 per cent" Port
land Trust Compahyr S. E corner 3d
ano obh gin.
Fine 7 rooms, modern, splendid finish
large basement, kitchen, hall, living,
oinins. oeui uums, oaui. Bleeping porcn
den. attic, hardwood , floors, C-18061
l';awt.i3. -
FOR half cash, rest terms or tradn. nn
ou-iooi ioi, a mooern -1 room House,
beautifully finished
and rnartlv
nisnea; no agents,
afternoons only.
GENUINE bargain, close In. modern, ar
- tlsfic. - sightly. 8 ' room bunmlow
sleeping porch; elegant, fireplace, built
in cases, : eireet improvementa; : $35U0
till fc. nin, nFiiwoua cur. ' '
FOR $250 down and small monthlr nav
m.ntg will build vou b affl.ll Vin,..
on good' lot, near car and school. This
is a line cnance tor siar. can Wood
lawn 21 e 'e ;.-"-,,"- . -
MOST modern and up to date 6 room
residence In Rose City park district
I will save you broker's commission.
Y-185. Journal, , . , . -
HERE Is the best buy in Sunnyslda for
3tui corner jui, nw nouse, o rooms,
modern in every respect; terms; Juit
IlBted. 1000 H- Belmont at. . . . a;
BY OWNER New modern -room
house, ilock and half from Union ave.
Bargain, $2100; $1500 cash, terms., 608
RoH"iawn ave. 'K. '"; - '
5-KOijAl! 'bungalow, one block from car;
modern; 12350: 8250 cash, balance
$30 per month.
Phone Woodlawn 1345.
NEW 4 room house, 4 lota, good garden,
near earline, priced to. -sell quickly.
Phone owner, B-6U1; ask for 37U.
. :.'IEM;
FO't .I.i:5 room tcitigaiow In Ro.i
C:lv I'iiiK, 1 bio.: k f rom ur, first class
ir. every particular,- fine fm.miccnt, ex-C'lll.-nt
pl.iii;!jii:, i ; n, lawn and ard.-n.
uill sell f anii;,i)ei if .desired; owner
will Fell for less than cost;- price $3;
$1700 cash, balance to suit. ..K-204,
$25 to $70
If 'you are looking for real -values let
3 show you -our 'beautiful 'tract close
to Oregon Titv carlin...45 minutes from
center of Pol-tlrtnd. Tract lies fine and
ightly, short distance from high and
rammar schools. Buy now. Terms,. $5
own, $3 per month,1; ; '"
tmDire xand Co.
01 Mercliants Trust bldg,' 3:8 Wash
74 "full lots with K room wnll fin
ished house, sdendid View. - good soil.
street Improved. 3 blocks from W-W car.
vu;. J6o down. Tabor529. ' : ".' ' .
IT Js close In property that sells quick
ly and brings the big money; just
think, a. lot within 16 minutes' walk of
P. O. in a restricted district, with 60 ft
frontage oh the principal street in Port
land, on ins west side, for $1600, terms;
then consider what a snap it is when
this price, includes all ImDrovements.
pavement, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas
aim waier mains ana excellent car serv
ice: the west side is the place to live
?,ndit ' the P'ace to Invest your" money,
S-201. Journal. - - f .
1 seres, at Multnomah:' 3100t 1U
acrea, at Ryan station, 6c fare, $1100; 1
acre, nj. uaraon Home, jbuo; i acre,, at
Lents with. wate on each tract, $600,
easy terms.
' Brown & Staver, .
-East Pine Street
100x100 close in on east side. s
dandy buy; $2800. ,
SOS Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and -Alder."
Including improved 60 foot St.. 7 foot
parking, new cement wayt and curb, city
water; $1000 restrictions. This Is close
to best car line, 12 mln. -ride to new
bridge; 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent
monthly. Complete Jrbstract, perfect
title. Call at once, 516 Ablngton bldg.
YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Purit
for $425, $50 down and $10 per month;
graded streets, eement walks and curbs,
Bull Run Wpter, electricity, ...-telephone,
bu.nilng restrictions.. - .
64-SSH Board of Trade Bldg.
BUY" a lot In Eaatover View addition, 2
' blocks from Union avo.; streets grad
ed and water mains; price $300 up; 10
per cent caBh, t per cent Per month. See
Meridian Trust Co..
309 Railway I-:xcliange, 4th and Stark.
HAVE a bargain in a lot on Macadam
- street, right near manufacturing dia-
trict. Ideally located for a business tr
small factory sitef " double frontage,
trackage. A ill exchange for acreage
near .Portland- on electric line,- P-136.
Journal. . .
Tour choice of two fine lots. 60x100
each, on East 38th St., near Broadway.
uu casn ana a.w per month, -GRUSSI
317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
M acre for price of lot in same loca
tion. 3 blocks from carllne. 20 minutes
out $ 1 00. . ...-
641 Hamilton bldg. ' : ;
A PORTION or all of 100x100, in best
Dart of Westmoreland: your choice
of 60, 75 or 100 feet front, at rate $74
per 6 root rront. k, v. Williamson, 19
tsreeuen oing., an Bnq vvasnington.
O R BALE sp.le.ndld building . stts-
rortiand Heights; Mountain View
carllne one side, county road the other.
Owner leaving Portland,.; Sacrifice at
11400. x-i6, journal.
THIUSE 60 foot lots E. 24th et., Irving
j ton, very choice; earline, reasonable
in price, -jerms to suit -purchaser. - Mill
jno a'o., '13 cernett Did.
FOR SALE Choice KoSe City Park
View lot 410x105. cheaD: owner must
have money; speak quick for this bar
gain. K-203, Journal.
Inaleslde Park. 87.60 down. 85 month.
ly; only 22 left Fred W. German, 329
Hiirnsine. main qr A-zne.
Lot 88x100, choice location, fancy
home site, only $2100; another, corner.
rtiolcr $?3S. " fM8r East STS;-;-:"' -
A SPLENDID home site, close in on the
west fide, 6500 square ft, all improve
ments included; $1500, one-third cash.
Most-exclusive district. E-200, Journal.
BY OWNER Splendid home site, 106x
90. Broadway and 8fith; cheap if eold
quick. N-203, Journal.
TWO lota adjoining, 60x100 each, double
corner, Woodstock, by owner, A-2833.
or .Matr.-B9g . , '
THREE lots, facing east, on Rodney
ave.. bet. Mason and Skidmore. Fur.
ther Information phone Woodlawn 81.
107x100 on Ainsworth near carllnei at
a blsr bargain. Owner. 1150 E.1l9th
St. N: - -- ""
MUST rSise cash; lots, 60x100 each.
4 blocks to Rose City car, $380 each.
Owner, East. 8573, .
ARE TRACTS, near car and overlook-
lng tlie Columbia.
See owner, '280
Lumbermens bldg.
17 ACRES--On Sajem electrlo, 4 miles
from city; house, barn, chicken sheds,
well, etc. A snap for cash, or will trade
for a, home in Portland, - This is a
money-maker for you or a beautiful
home. Owne'r,'4.28 Lumbermens bldg.
160 Acres Cheao
180 acrea, good land, near Portland,
$2000. W. C. Black, 205 Lumbermens
Bldg. Main 8664. ' " 1 : f '
109 ACRES, rich black )oami. sublrri
gated, 3 crops yearly; part cleared;
this winter pays half .purchase price.
Portland home as part payment. Price
only $5500.yy"agnoa.Jr,- 81$ Worces
ter bldg. - ' ' '. ' i
Flv"G aorea near Oregon City CRrline;
all cultivated; 8 acres bearing or
chard, fine varieties of ' apples; easy
terma. J Price $2500. O. W. Eustham, 218
Marquam bldg. .
'- " i'OK SALE -BY OWN'Klt , -,'
''iH- " acres excoJlent,. soil, .running
water, on .electric line close In; $415;
$100 cash. W. C. Black, 305 Lumber
mens Bldg.- Main Sdi4.
14 ACRES suitable for acre platting, on
S. P, carllne, 6 miles from Portland,
6 minutes' walk from depot, ; splendid
soil, price $7507.60, Call at room 15,
iOA'h wasnington sv, trorriann, or.
, Ploormor. : ctriH fifiitrunnr
' Vluui ii ig, iu vi uu wins
" For prices on Clearing and grubbing.
CalV Woodlawn S74: ' -i
only 22 minutes' ride on a W. P. line,
will sell cheap, orf-terms. P-203. Jqur
nal. ' , ' t
.. '..'' .TKACEAGE. . .- ' :
We have valuable tiacka,:e cheap.
RosS'Engilsh Inv.- Co., SJ2 Mohawk bldg.
V.JEtfflTS ',
A Great Bargain
A Great Bargain
5 beautiful acres, imvrovod with cost
ly modern bungalow; acre fine chick
en mux, etc, all In highest state of
cultivation and almost in city limits;
to he sacrificed for $7500. "
City 'water and electricity In house.
- Plenty of water to irrigate the com
mercial orchard, berries and garden
truck; 5c carfare and 22 minutes from
heart of Portland and only 3 blocks to
elpctrio line and static!. Rowing and
fishing. .. .. .
The view superb; the district select
, Forced salVi and absolute sacrifice.
The adjoining 6H recently sold for
$10,000; it had no building Improve
ments. ...
$2500 cash necessary. See it and you
will buy It
See me at once for full particulars.
" Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg.
A-2488. - , Main 2488.
30 acre -farm near Portland on
electric line. Over 1-3 of tract
genuine beaverdam, rest rich bot-
torn land with- plenty of elope
for drainage. - . ;
, ' All in Culitvatton
' The Beaverdam land is easily
worth the price aakod for entire
tract.- $186 per acre, . oil eaay :
terms. : ' ' - .-
405 Couch Bldg.-
$500017 ACRES, 1 MILT3
' $3ti00 12 ACRES, ALT.
" tiiiwe -3 tracts worth
the price. easy terms or
exchange for Portland
i. g. davidson,
819 chamber of commerce.
1 0 Acres $500
$100 Cash, $10 per Month, -
Just the place for a chicken rancru
Can leave home any morning
And be on the land-all day.
- 4a minutes from Portiana, - -'
Half mile from, a station.
On a good county-road.
Genuine red shot soli. '
Land lays level, no rocks or gravel.
Open till 8 p. m., Saturdays.
Fred F. Huntress,, 630 Lumber Exchange
$65 Will Put You in Possession
Of beautiful acre, cleared and wa
ter on ground; close, to city 11m
' Its, Sc fare; balance easy terms.
Brown & Staves '
' . , . 411 Couch Bldg.
all in highest state of cultivation;
200 fruit trees,, 3000. strawberry plants,
etc.; splendid 7 room house, barn," shed,
well, etc.; elose V carllne and station on
Oregon City -earline; some furniture and
produce goes with this place; Improve
ments alone worth the price; only $2600;
easy terms. ..v
M. 248 C. L. BAMBERGER - A-2488
Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg.
CHICKENS and eggs, seem expensive
because the demand is greater than
tho supply: you .can take advantage of
this 'ct-ndltloii' to your profit by boom
ing a producer of these necessities. You
can secure 2 ft acres, especially suitable,
onlv 30 mlnu.tes out, near electrlo Mne,
369 Oak St.
20 acres of fine fruit and berry land;
9 acres under cultivation, balance easy
to clear; 2 acres of strawberrios, small
house, on section line near Rookwood
road; will aell 10 acres or all at a bar
gain or will trade for Portland 'prop
erty. .
317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Onk
SWELL suburban farm, 6 Vi acres of
beat BalL-in4hayaUoy,..' level as -a
table, all under cultivation, with a mod
ern 8 room plastered house, costing
$2000; outbuildings, etc.; two wells,
bearing orchard, 10 miles from Portland,
22 trains a day. electric and steam. A
en a o at $4500; half cash, balance to suit
Address owner. M-199, Journal".
Salem Electric line. 20.. minutes out;
ideal for platting; station on property.
410 Corbett bldg. . . -
Highly imprqved, good buildings, close
to electric car; : 2 fine springs; good
prchard,, $2500;, $1000 down.- This is
tluun in atid a nai.-.i-403 rtjommercial
block, 2d and Wash. " '
TO trade for well improved small farm,
a fine home right on Woodstock car
line, 3 lots 60x100 each, 6 room moRern
cottage, fireplace, full cement buse
ineiit, wash trays, all kinds small fruit;
would - pay 'some 'difference. Neal
Brown, 709 Shetland bldg.
AN EQUITY drawing 7 per cent, splen
did security, will exchange for lot
elose to St. Johns, Woodlawn or Alberta
earline, with water. State price, loca
tion and give your phone number. -A-
For sale or will .exchango for real
estato, fine established moving picture
theatre in town of 60W; no opposition.
Call 626 34 Wash, st. near 17th. .y-;
8 5 and 10 acre tracts, improved, near
- the oity, on electric line, to exenanga
for cltv nronertv.
524-626 Board of
Trade Bldg,
EQUITY in 6 acres of No. 1 gardim land,
- amounting to $2050 for unemcumbered
house and lot, or acreage: land is 4
Mocks - from electric station. T-189,
Journal. -
Equity in Irvington lot 60x155, pne of
best in fine district, will exchanga for
land near city, improved or not or -for
small place tip valley. &1-ZQ4, Jotvrna 1,
FOR SALE or trade for acres,, launch 34
bv 6 feet, 10 horsepower; also Edison
moving picture machine, - Address A. M,
Munro. Arieta. or.
C C Ci 1 1Q We trade 'what you have for
Out UO what you. want. - :r -.
4 N. 6th, bet Piirnslds and Anhefty,
YEH, we trade -any kind of property 'for
something else.. Come : to- room 7,
291 Morrison st. -'i'O
TRACE 8,4 acres close in, ' for
house and lot or team Of horses. Value
$20fj..- 402 Commercial Mock.
HOUSE and Jot, value $2700; will' trade
my equity $13:32.50 for lot $1200. Kt
507. Journal. ' ' -
WILL tnuie my equity In Council Cret
view lota. What have you'? K-205,
-Journal. '.;.-'- -' - :-'''' -'
OR'uil'k and profitable results In al)
classes of exchanges, . call 805. Gerl-
I.... V.l. -. - .-: i -.
I . WILL buy, . sell op trade anything.
H. F. Le, 1015 Board of Oracle bide.
us today. 4jl Henry bldg.
', you want to fieri, buy or trade,
527 -Henry bldg.
WILL trade for anything f-value, any
where, iff- Board of Tradn. ,
1 WILL ee: hii j4 m v v--,
mod.-rn rain h. fi.r a S ' -i.e-.j
ti'i or kp.mioeiif prpeu.n.
- Ilf'iiC-it)tli, (,f ,,y !h . Is
follows: t-'itiuite,t on .'U-N.
l'and. n.-ar Ta-.-oina, Wnsi,;. l
t.ilna lot acres, , nn),- -
front, .14 acres under cultivation,
, ,i't acres in timber and 40 anes
slashed. 3 nerea peaches, ti aei'.-s
cherriesi and 13 acres apples; )
room strict ! modern hons-e, rin
nl'ig water, bath, toilet, fireplace,
etc - barns, chicken houses, water,
works; price includes all tools,
stock, chickens, some furniture,
.10 tons of bay in barn and hjrn
apple crop coming on; value hduuie
; $4000, orchard about 8 venrs old;
total price $1S. 000; s'ublrct to
mortgage of $6000, running I
years. .
... CHA8. KtPPETt. "
332 Chamber of Commerce bldg
... Portland. Or, -
-Fortunes in Wheat
820 acres of wheat land in Alberta.
Canada, to sell, or exchange for Port
'nl property; 80 acres under plow;
all fenced; good house and granary;
12 miles from R. R.;,good water. i
-Flrland, Mount Scott Var.
Canada Land .
Have eauitv of s?"5(i in im . nf
choice land in Alberta district for sal
Or exchange for Oregon property.,
jviuuor, KiiALiTr VI.,
504-S Boarrl of Tradp - '
HALF section of good wheat land one.
mii mne irom station on, main Una In
Alberta, for - exchange. ; Want home in
Portland, or acreages, will give ' Some
body a bargain for quick deal,, so thev
can make good money. B. U. Stoufer,
an umoermens.tilflg. -
150 acre wheat ranch. Morrow county, ;
all In ' cultivation mil'
buildings and water; ' trade for hous
end lot.i Wolff Land Co., 145 1st st
WILL exchange Al talking machine for
insioe carpenter work. Portland
Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st.
PIANO for horsa, cows, young stock or
. poultry. O. Wt p. Land Co., 1st and
Alder.. - ' ; : - , ..... -
Want to Purchase at Once
A five or' six room house
south of Ladd's addition and
east of &. V, R. R.t small payment
down. Give i-full particulars and
exact;-location or no attention
paid. T-186, Journal,- .
ANTED Owner of lot 100x100,. to -build
one story garage and I will sup- :
ply tensnt for 10 vear lease at go.d
rental. -Phone Private Ex, 20., .Ask for
Mc. Redln. .
EXCHANGE 4 lots close to Oakland. "
r Calu for lots or acreage close to Port. ;
land. IVAjulerson. Arleta, Or.
WANTED A.v lot in"vlclnlty of Un"ton
ave. and 2oth, Klllingsworth, or Goirij
sts. Phone C-2139. ''A.
130 Acres, 40 Acres' Cleared
Good soli, fair house and good barn,
on good road, 3 miles from fast growing
town and R. R. Only $3" per acre.
Also 80 Acres, $35 "Acre '
.MT0u.aor?8 ""cleared,." bal. timbered, all
tillable, fine soil; fcmall house and barn,
fruit springs, 3 miles to R. R. i- cash,
balance easy, 6 per cent
T 312 Acres, $40 Acre "
til ,ln cultivation, well fenced and
subdivided, plenty water; 4 good barns.
5 room residence: fruit; White Salmon
country. All the buyer has to do Is beat
the railroad to this plae to make-big
clean up; $50u0 cash required, bal. easv.
6 per cent 500 other farms. Call, phone
or write. .'-" r
.Good Little' Farm
87 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, S
acres in bearing orchard, fruits of all
kinds, best you ever saw; ' best culti
vated land you ever saw; all fenced;
hnqse of , 8 rooms, large, barn, water
piped to house and barn, land can be
Irrigated from same; good road to farm,
beautiful-view of Columbia river and
mountains; to rods from Corbett's sta.
tion, on O. R. &.N, Ry, If you see this?..
farm you will buy it for a home and
you will. not regret It Trice, see
J. L. Wells Co, '
63 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
... . Yamhill County Farm . :
$25 Per Acre-
160 acres of fine land In Tamhi'I
Co., about 8 miles from Carlton; 2 fine,
creeks, 43 acres cleared, house, barn.
family orchard; eoil is all of the very
best. - -' -
This la surely a bargain: would make
fine-dairy or. fruit' ranch: $2000 cash
will handle. Herrlek-Maiden Co.; 808 -Board
of Trade.
- None Better- Sure Winner
80 acrea of level land, soli unsurpass-d
for fruits, vegetables, grain and grasses
of a'-MthidS, part Of tend being beaver- '
aam ana can ne irrigated; land easv to
clear; on good county, road,- Vi mile to.
railroad station on O. W. P. and 1 mlla
to town of Eagle Creek, school, cnurchea,
postoffice and stores. No mistake can
he made In buying this tract of land
for a home. Let us show you It,
J, L. Weils Co,.
638 Chancer of Commerce Bldg. ;
107 ACRES, deep )a:n soil. 50 acres
In cultivation, part of balance in open
pasture and oak timber; buildings com- '
plete; main county road; springs; on
milk'routc; only $55 per acre, and this
Includes 4 horses, 35 sheep. 35 goats. & :
cows, 2 hogs and farm Implements; onlv
30 miles , to Portland airl In rapidly
Improving district; easy terma.
C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 2488. "" -Room
2 Lumbermen tildg.
640 acres, 124 acres enlttvated, 16,000-
000 'feet sound timber, 70 tons of hav, -350
bushels oats In barn, house and burn
new; 7 horses, L4 haad cattle, 47 goats,
2 plows, 1 cultivator. 4 sets new harness,
creek on place, eloctrlc line - will, run
through place; the timber alone will- pav
for It. This is the best buy in tne slate;
$35.50 per acre, $7000 cash, balance 6 par ,
cent. Dodge. Box 4$, New'ierg. tir.
A fino 30 acre - wheal farm In Sher
man ; Co., Or; : ho belter moneymaker
to be found; coming to Portland ot
business, so will take residence or lots
In deal. Bee Q, Evert Baker, B0 Lewis
bldr -cdty. - : j ...-;. - - -'. - - '
FtVlt'"SAL-ny'"ov ner': 2.) acr.s 9
acres bcaverdani, . wnter
through-place,: Rooil n-.v room ho-i,
new . barn .44x60; 40 - roda to school. 1
mile from railroad station snd 7 miles
from Vancouver; all farm implements
and crops go with place; price $iui'i.
600 Journal, Vancouver, WaMi
120 ACRES of the very finest aipl
land in the best section of the.Le!
river district which Is becotnlne famous.
Price for ti short time, only $4U nn acrn.
You will pay 300 ta $r.0i an acie for
no better land In" some of tb n",-r
apple dtatrlcts. Easy terms. M. E. Leu.
411 Corbel! hldtr. . . '' n ' '
345 -ACRES, aii'lTlllftble; large dwelTtoff,
convenient barn,- 500 roda -woven
fence; adjoining school and riilroi ;
full equipment; feed, seed, tu-k; K'O
acres needed; $24,000, . Box 69. route
No. 1. Iiarrishiirg. Or. '
LIN06LV tounfy ha-inT!7l ti.TuTt'ft null .
. rain for a.11 f,inpo v, r-art'.v l-i-proved
dairy and fruit 'farms st r-!t -:, ,
ateto fifie.e." --" wwHrr irr""""
FOR SALE SO acre. vi!"p.
new building. 25 E. 47t:i .St.
I'll -n-
TiiborlU. .''..
rollSALE -l75"ViraiM.f I ' ,t' ,. I
clear, aood bsrn, house, n. .':.i g ,t.
A-S-03, Journal- ' . , -