t COAL AX D WOOD ?A1. 1 I.,Y f isrnisri. d i'U'. 2:th arvl parity ,ioui:3 and ci i ir 11 "OR nEXT 15'5 Tifirr;son st, now oc- c!'i'J y dm t-lore. AIfo st-ncc on ovi-o,- rid' k" for five years or less. Cull .t IS.' ,Vorrl-f. ft. , '" .'ui."RF.X r i-'...k lunm, 2d fioor: us-e of phone and typewriter. Call -lit ,'imher Kxonanen-. tW hiee ot'fk'i-s ill ihe Couch bids 908 Levis b'.ig. ' " : ' , '. ' wantiTiwto uexF 7 (WANTED Three or four room flat on I or before 10th thki munth, by middle Vared couple; must lie reasonable and jv alki'ng rllstanre. R-205, Journal. WA$TEP-3 or 4 room furnished apart- -cut. west fine, waiKlne distance. innrfsi 'Y---189, Journal. WANTED In East side suburbs, un furnished house. J rooms. Job. V-207. Journal, or phone M386. HORSES, VEHICLES ETC. -18 "horses and mares for sale. These horses will arrive October 4; : 1 (rray mare, 1600, 4 yearsold 1 pray mare, .450, 6 years old 1 brown jn re; 1800, 4 years old. ' 1 "bay mare. 15o0. 4 year old. 1 gray gelding, 1600, 4 'years old. S.gray mares, 1100 each, 10 years old. 4 black hia res, 1050 each, 8 years old.. , . 8 bdy geldings, 1300 each, JjO years old. 1 Sorrel mare. 1350,; 10 yeais old. 1 sorrel mare, 1400, 9 yearsvbld. 1 fray mare, 1400, 8 years"old. I black mare, 1600, 9 years old. 1 brown mare, 12756 years old. gray geldings,' 1560, 6 years old,, . 1 gray gelding, 1250,. 6 years old, - 20 head horses,' 1000 to 1300 lbs; these fioreea are all -subject to our guarantee. if not satisfactory to be returned. s a- 420 Hawthorne -ave. J 15 HEAD of mares and horses from 900 lbs. to 1260. from 115 to $s5: hew ktock of, saddles, 2d hand bugglos and ooa farm wagon. .you need a oe (livery, driving or farm horse It will pay you to call. - Kenilworth Transfer Co., iS09 E. 26th sL W-W car" to Gladstone We.-. . -' --. TEAM 'horses, weigh. 2400 lbs., 8 years old. true to Dun single or double, aiso Jset good breechingharneps complete; nutm goes at fiea. can k.,j. stanies. 14th and Yamhill sts.; Mr. Stephenson's team; ! ' - - :y-: ;- : v - IoXE; S wide track Mitchell wagon ;-wna new, uainornia oea;ims wagon kvas' run 2 -years. and is in first class Jrnndltion; will, sell cheap. Inquire 'at !830Barr road, corner- ea- et. . - raite Ktontavllla car and get off at fiOth st. (S'EW today , at Eugene, Or., 5 room - house, 3 lots, all fenced, for sale cheap lor will take- good" team, harness and wagon., part payment inquire S. Clark, l n1 I-..1. . Tl I A f ....... 94 Dili III w 11 l Dl,, l-iriliniiu, J I , COR SALE Cheap, a good gentle horse, work double or single, also half acre ith house and barn. Take M-V car, benff wmamm station, a blocks north, n.83 K. Irving t. - j 1PA IR nice fat mares, 6 and 8 years old, weigh 2400 lbs; work single or louble or ride. Price, with harness, $210. "all O. R. C, Stables. 14th and Yamhill. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, l .week and month; special ratca to rtuslness houses, . 6th . and Hawthorne. Oast '72. . t'OR. SALE Matched team, weight 8000, ase . 6 and . 6 yeai-s. perfectly true. InTice $600,r"A." P. Hassler, Oregon City, LMUST sell handsome,-1250 lb. black mare, 7 years old, guaranteed true fuller, single or double, $K6. Call 887 Veldler st.,-near union ave. ' - r pjtli of iStudebaker's berft rubber tire runabouts and harness, so slightly sed would readllv pass for new. .Price $95 for both. Call 47S Yamhill st. HORSES and buggies . by day, week, month; rates to business houses. ITabor 1112. - ' ll-'OR-SALEMare 1200 ib., work any- where. . East Market., between Union land. Grand aves, ; . - IFOR SALE -or exchange corner lot In tiorser'or rows. 0-203,-JowrnaW iF,6tt SALE or exchange rooming house I oi za rooms; win taKe neavy team fyun or wnnout wboii. vj-;m, journal 15 buys gentle pony; $225 buys 3000 l id, team, true as steei, wun Harness. pit) K. ?ttl St. ANGORA goats for sale or exchange for horses or cows. L-206, Journal. JFORTSATfc-!-Gldingr10B0"lb, gentle. $i. gast Main anarana ave. j80 BUYS brown 6-year-old mare,' works single or qouriie. t an tis Yamniu st. WANTED To rent team and wagon for hauling coal. 'P-209, Journal. LIVESTOCK AND FOtLTRV 33 'Plymouth Rocks, White Leghorns and Black Mtnorcas. Some pullets and itockerels, thoroughbred stock.: R. Green, f 5th- and Market, Montavllla. $10 for 121 ' Mann bone cutter. Tahor 805. TWO blooded barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. 12.50 each: $14.50 rheers- khaum pipe, telescope, Bristol steel fish ing roo. oasitei, etc., nair price, u-is, Journal.' ' ;; -"".f ' - " ' IF YOU WANT to buy or sell dairy cows, see MokeUBmce Co., at stock yards, Woodlawn 2400. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 ' FOR SALE. , . A 20 M. capacity Russell portable sawmill comolete. with cut-off saw. dust conveyor, eto., ilso a No.l North- wesvpianer, wun ftuaenmems; gcou as new,"T)as been used only a short. time. "'.uumiv vail vi my uiiiuo, 228 Front st. Portland, Or. ; - HERMAN METZQER. Owner. : NEW. and second hand poel and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick-Baike-Collander Co., 46 6th. . jSaIESIO second hand standard make, mat nave . been taken , in exchange, very low-prices.. Portland Safe Co.-, 87 6th -st. '.. CLOSING out 160 second hand heating stoves at from $1 to $5; some big bar gains. v.Casev. House Furnifthinir Cn . Ill lun junion." ' ..',':'.-'.-. 100 second hand heating stoves, . ' $7 to 15 earh. sy;Hquse Furnishing Co., 112 Union ' " - r ave, ,.: . . - FOR SALE One 9x10 donkey engine. One 6Vix8 hoisting orloadinr engine with sleds end cable. Inquire 403 Roth- cnuq Diqg. hnone Main 898? ONE nearly new Round Oak coal stove, vncny, uurneu one winter, uau 4D m cistst. n. ' . KlfSllNGTON typewriter in first elans condition. cheap. Call A-1548. - or room,. . 314 6th st. FOR SALE Tent house, 21x31,-- walls stained and varnished inside. Panel door In each end. Call 884 Pacific st. FIRST-CLASS second-hand safe with 2 , ln;oh cor"er. burglar Chest. Cheap, B 1013. 368 East Oak. . OLIVER TYPEWRITER NO. .5. " " Just like new, cost $90 cash; best offer tnis. uau 644 Bth st. ' : GAS range for sale, or will, trade for wood ' or chickens,; price $25; range tw, new, cull vyi ttn st. FL.RNITXRE for 'Sale cheap; leaving town; must sell. 407 E. Yamhill, city. CAPSTAN stumppuller for sale-or rent; -reasonable,,., ,9 04 OccUleot. st SAITK fnl aula . Kliaait lloiltl. 1 Unft Jmmn TriA.'.-Ai C,,.u ---:..'.. . . '""'- mv-w main, !Mfi!.KiAL bicycle, steel rims, new tires, fine condition, cheap. 206H 4th, NEW Karl Kruspe B-flat clarloftet Mar-- ' shall 1807. "-7--. W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS -6 vjii- our price on Your furniture, as it wm pay you. we want the goods. ftvege A Pennell.. 951-8 1st st. Mftln 960, BE WISE; gei more for your second hand furniture by, selling it to Ford auttiuil V.- B4r )fT-tgff Jt--C ft CIGAR stores, save your tin foil. We ?ay, aeuverea, 23c a pound. J. Leve, Columbia st. Main 6198' - A 6UIPRi3ri Prices we pay "for used furniture. East 5204, 152 Grand, WA NTET People or' port'uir.d to know i that we pay i-iu-iest cs;i pti''fl for ffoond haiil hoiisc-nold f -toils. i-atr X- t;, f;'.-i 14.1 Fiisft. M. t 1.2. i W -X' r.i t'arj -ts mi l but u rujii io weax; -n-(.rk gtinriiutrvd; prio-s ren- -jonnhl.'. N-noft. JtMirvsl. ' ! . . .. EAST ilK auction JoIUts want 2-1 hand furniture, highest price paid. 4 Orand ave.. E. lOTil. ! Sir'OT cash paid for your furniture; 1 prompt attenii: m always given. E. i 0 6 7 HIOHE3Tprlce paid for 2d-liand cloth ing and fhofs. East 1051 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 TO PROSPECTIVE PIANO BUYERS ' , DON'T BE FOOLED , I am direct from the factory, with new pianos, that were formerly sold by retail piano. Jhouros, for. higher price's than I am asking. A $450 piano, my price... ...$350 A $376 piano, iny price,,.., ,fc.,-,. 275 A $300. piano, my price. .'. . , . . . . 20t) AH high gradff jnaken. . - " ; All new pianos positively guaranteed. Also bargains in second hand pianos. 64 references in and around Portland. Temporary salesroom 225 6th st. - OPPOSITE COCRT.HOUSE ' I am positively not connected with a n yp I a no house in Po rtlajid , -: SLIGHTLY used, upright "piano .Very cheap for cash; leaving city for Chi-'' cago. 30 Jeff et son st. . - ' " THE t;hcs. ft,. norK Bund Instrumant d Muslo Houf 88 4 3d tr, - -' FOR SALE AUTO.UOKILKS 44 BARGAINS. ' 1910 Rr-passenger Cadillac.' fully equipped artd in first class condition. . i 1910 s 4-passenger? deml-tonneau, fully equipped, in first class' condition. 1 1910 4-cylirideH6-passeiiger Oldsmo blle, fully equipped and in. first class condition. A rare bargain. 1 1909 cyllnder, 40-horsepower, 5 pasSenger Butclt, . In first class, condi tion will" well Very cheap for: cash. ; 1 19u9 4-cylinder Spassenger OIdsrno bile, fully equipped and in first class condition. Will sell cheap. - X Detroit Electric Stanhope, good as new. For quick sale will sell cheap.1 i i 1 4-cylinder 30-horsepower 3-passen-ger Mitchell, fully siulpped and in first class condition. AH the cars listed above are guaran teed by us to be In firat class condition. : COVEY. MOTOR CAR COMPANY. . BARGAINS. One 1908 4 cylinder Royal Tourist, 5 passenger, fully equipped. In first iclass condition; will sell cheap for cash If taken at once. , ' . One 1908 40 h; p. Locomobile. 'This Is a good bargain; better call. -' One 1909 cylinder, high wheel Mc intyre. Just the thing for muddy roads, In first eta s condition; will sell for cash or trade.' i . - . - i One 1908 2 cylinder Reo, in flrsftlass condition, will sell or trade for inside property and pay difference. f One 1908 4 cylinder Pope-Toledo, 5 passenger, v fully eiiuipped, will sell cheap for cash. ; HAWTHORNE GARAGE.' . 445 Hawthorne Ave. C. O. Crawforl. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, --One 7 passenger Thomas, 2 Frankllos, 4 Bulcka, S Loziers, 2 Mitchells. 3 Cad illacs, 6 Chalmers, 1 Auto Delivery, 1 motorcycle. 1 runabout All in rirst class condition. Portland Auto Com, House, 60-62 TJ. 7th St., George M3 Croskey.' sole owner. HXE a lot cheap at $1500wlU trde for -first clsss automobile; also have a lot worth $700, will trade for auto Give tull particulars 516 'Marquam bldg. - 1 "-' - ' - ': . , BARGAINS. ' 1 Apperson, 1 Thomas Flyer, I Bulck Runabout; will exchange for property. East Side Auto Co. Holladay and N. Union ave. . . K-R-rf-T The- Ideal car for business, and professional men. $900 delivered. Ask for demonstration. V Phones E, 822; C-2638. Krit Motor Sales Co.. Union ave. and Wasco et." : -.' AUTOMOBILE 5 passenger, in good condition. : Sell cheap or trade for real estate. y-208, journal. ALMOST new - automobile rasine. 3fli 3li; will sell cheap; a bargain. Phone WILL trade machine and "blacksinlt'i ' shop for a first class 5 or il seated auto. 811 Board of Trade. " PORTLAND Radiator Lamp and Fender Works, all work guaranteed. H. Klocttke. 106 8d St. N, FINANCIAL . SI $65, Will Put You in Possession i Of beautiful acre cleared and wa v ter on ground; close to city lim its,, go fare;, balance easy; terms. Brown & Staver . , 1 ; . t 411 Couch Bldg. - CASH paid for mortgages or, seller's interest in contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgags loans negoti ated on improved properly, H. E. Noble. Lunbermens hldit.. 5th and Stark. A $5000 investment offered which will ' pay 15 per cent; come and ee us if Interested. - t : BRONG-STEELE CO., '' Ground Floor Lewis bldg.- Quick' loans im furniture and $ pianos, etoraRe receiDts. "Ufa insur $ ance policies, livestock, real estate. $ eic v. e. Keai rcstata & Brokerage $ Co., Sit Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ SO mortaazn drawln 8 tier cent for sale, secured bv lason ttmnrtv nvu Lewis, room 8,-Lumbermens 1 bfdg.v 6tli and Stark. CASH for flret and soond mortgage lof nnd - btnldlnsr entttTBfo . rtnii a aaaress 607 McKay bldg: Main 4710. LET us place your Investments in high grade first mortMt!B on Portland property. 602 Corbett Wg. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 per' cent huuib caiumun, t ja Biarn si. - - Buiiumg JLOsns A. C, Furlong, contrac- tor. 636 Che, or com. Main 4664. LOANS WANTED 30 WE have a party that wants to bprrow $IaOO on fruit; farm; come in if in terested. 'v:'--f-7-;. BKuiNCi-STEELE CO., ; Ground Floor I.euin hldo- WANTED To borrow $1500 on 8 choice lots not far from Rose City Park car miei uiu, h per cent interest ior 8 months and give trust deed. N-204. WANTED Party furnish let and build four-story apartment east side; will lease forerm of years and furnish bond or good security. . Investment will pay Biii'iH u pgr t-nnu itiarwuil j:ol6. , WANT $2000 at 8 per cent for. 3 years. jit, uutiniiiBBiuu, iirwi, niorigagp, - t'oitt lsndreal estate security, P-205, Journal. , MONEY TO LOAN LOWEST RATESr loans onany seourl- ties, cnaneia or rai estate, union Loan Co.. 85 Lafayette bid., 6th ft Wash. R. A. FRAME Short loans on any kind of security. Fleidner bldg. Phone Main 5289.. - - r. $100,000 on mortgages, cltyswr farm - property fire insurance.: " SlcKehj tt Co.,. Gerllnger bldg., 3d and Alder. -MONEY to loan; any amount, on real-estate, furniture, or piano: lowest rate. RIVATE rarty will loan on real estate "- fr"- vJ.k, 9 ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 per ;CglU III 1.17' rr i- tVQ 1..UU,;., Digy. - - - - ' MOMEY to loan on improved city iro ertv. Call 602 Corbett bldr. . TO loan $1000 to $3000 on city property. Inquire 327 Chamber of Commerce, LOAN for. the asking, salary or, chat- ici. in,. '"'t v'"'t 1 1,,,1-PKTlrn Q'Og. SALARY LOANS F. A, Newton, 515 nrnr-imij. QUICK loans on 1) securities. S. W, Kin g, 4,5 Waehington bl dg. Matn 6100, MONRY -t loa on im proved" real' eslate." J. L. White. 831 Sherlock bldg. $u50 to loan, Portland real estate. R-206, Journal, v , SUMS of $000 upwaYd on real estate, Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 SUrk.' lll'TTOX CRHI'IT CO., f paMsnjt bHa. ' LET 1'H 1 iK LP V iU. ' M'ECIAL V- ATI 4If'A . .Y TO LUAN OS EA.SY TF.r.'.IS. J'r-M conntni.y is backed by men wlji- C ,., ' Vu 1 ai " r i"f "ul'11"' vl WIU-B 111 Ut'KU V. ai J sistancp. CALL ON 1'S IF YOU NEED KELP. We allow yon to rav bnok Just as jnuch as you can easily spare. Rebate: for any uneypired time. 11P1TON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding bldg. Main 236ft. Borrow Money from the. Salary. Loan Bank Xo Beeuritv. Everything confidential. Lowest rates in the city. State Security Co. 808 Failing' Bldg., Third and Washing ton Sta. Will Loan You Money On your, furniture, on your piano, on yoor diamonds, . on any reasonable se curity, in any amdunt; lowest rate of interest., . - . . ' ' - : J, E.-NICHOLS. 620 Board of Trade, j MONEY advanced "salaried people, house keepers 'and others -upon their own names without security; cheapest. rates, easiest payments; offices-in 6? princi pal cities;, save money by getting our terms, Tolmant 817 Lumner Fxehara:. YflTm CREDIT I good at the Employes' Ijoaty Co, $21 Abington, 106 V 3d st, i?E can iilace your money at good rate of ititereht. Gilt edge security; first mortgages; long time investments. PKuVlUr.NT 1NV, ft TKljtaTf-W CU., 6a-b2 tsoara or xrane rung. WE HAVE money tx loan on real. es tate security; we also make some farm loans. Call and see us. 621 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall Z7Z1. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. Duilding loans; lowest rates; lire in surance. W. G. Beck. 813 Failing. TO loan '(1000 to $10,000 farm or city property. Howard, 402 Commercial MOCK MONEY to loan, any amount, 8 to 8 per cent. Ooodnough & Beit, 310 Spauld- ing nioig IMMEDIATE loans on securities. W. A. uatnaway. Hoora io, Washington Bldg. '' "''-.- ' NOTICES C;;.:;';;;:;2 , NOTICE OF SALE. ' In the county court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county In the matter of th estate of W. W. Minar, de- CBELSGd' ' 1 "'' ''' ' '" ''''"' 1 ' ''; Notice it hereby given that the under slrned, as' administrator of said estate, win proceed to sen. euDjecc to tne -confirmation of the above entitled court, at private sale, for cash, upon the 27th day of October, 1910, at No, 835 East Morri son street, Portland, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., upon receiving Diaa in writing tnereior, . at any iime prior to .Mid -date.-all of the personal propertyYof said Restate, consisting of a stock of marble and -granite, - ar shown by the Inventory, renorts and accounts of said administrator, saving and except ing therefrom an property or eaid accessed- now or since the 21st day of June. 1910. or heretofore disposed of or set aside for his widow, and excepting also subcontracts, accounts, tiebts or ciatms due or to become due to said estate, and excentintr also horBe and 'vehicles, and office furniture lhcludlng-chairs, safe, desks, typewriter, books ana papers. ., - - E. W. MINAR, ' ''-''. Administrator. Edwin I Minar,' 412-414 Spalding build-1 ing, Attorney for Administrator. -Dated and first published October 1, 1910. :' ' "- '"-"( ' Date of last publication, October 22, 1910. ' - - -'- T NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tn the district court of the United States for the district of. Oregon In the matter of Albert Wohlers, bankrupt; No. 1KRS in tinkruDtcv. -.Notice is herebv Riven that on the 1st day of October. A. D., 1910, Albert Wohlera of Portlandr-Or.thbankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt,' and that the first meeting--of- nis creditors- win De neui at tne pnices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2 Fepton building,, rortland. Or., on the 19tl day of October, 1810, at 10 a. ra- at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trpstee, examine the bs.r.lu't'Pt, and transact such other business as may properly come before ea.d meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses doubtful assets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, ; - - - Referee in Bankruptcy, ' Dated October 4. 1910. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULtNO MAH COUNTY. OREGON. Notice is hereby given that on Mon day, October 17, 1910, the board of equalization of Multnomah' county will attend at the office of the county clerk of said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls forthe year 1910, and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or prop erty. --and it is the duty of all persons interested - to "appear at the time and place appointed, and u it snail appear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property as sessed twice or in the name of a per son or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond Ha value, or any lands, lots or other prop erty not assessed, said board of- equali sation shall, make the proper correc tions. , .'-.' v- B, p. SIQLER. county Assessor Portland, Or., Sept. 23. 1910. TO the many kind friends who assisted and remembered us with floral offer ings through the sickness and burial of our beloved husband and father, we ex tend our sincere thanks. -, MRSHATTIE TWAIN. MRS. MABEL M'CLARIAN. LOST AND FOUND 21 LIQUOR habit permanently cured in . three days; no suffering snd harm less. Cardlola Institute, 1627 Peninsu lar ave.. ' Portland. Or. --. , MECHANIC of 28 would meet young lady, object matrimony. 0-2 00, Jour nal. '- ''."". ;- " ' ,-': -: -' LOST Charm- for watch fob; initials J. R. G.- and Woodmen emblem; re ward. Phones A-1976. East 6546. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for con stipation; 80 tablets for 26c. All druggiste.-; : :.r:-'; ,;..;,:. STRAYED to 237 E. 73d st. N.. small brown mare. Owner pay , expenses anq taae awa;' FOUND Gentleman's watch, -near Ful ton, owner may have by Identifying arid pay ad. Main 8796. COST OR SfdTTEN Brlndli English bull bitch, license 109. Return to 610 Burnslde. receive reward,- or 129 14th. LOST Maltese cat, white nose, front neck- and paws, bent tail; reward. Main 37s. LOS'f Airedale terrier bitch, llcense No. 36r wlth young dog following her. 409 E. 39th St. Reward. . ONE red yearling calf from Bennetts . , slaughter, house. October 2, finder call Woodlawn 3626; reward. ; FOUND White Spit do", Vancouver license No.; 242, Call Marshall 205. L. K. Evans. PERSO-AL" PAINLESS, prompt and permanent cures by latest natural healing methods. Dr. Philip T. Ball. Merchants' Trust bldg.,' 326H Washington at. Shampooing, sculp and facial massage at your home, by experienced mas seuse. Phorre A-4282. VOMEN Use ' Femoida when other fail; sold and guaranteed by the Ans plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th at Main 6106 Wl'.lNiCLES removed, sagging corrected In 15 minutes; free demonstrations, t Selllng-HlrBca bldg. Neo Plastlque Agcy. 0011 V A -X-. Itldl uf fixe, remedy tor diseases of women. 638 Davie st. Msln 9216. BEXtNE Pills only 75c box. Call or ad dr Bridge Pharmacy. 186 Morrison; TICKET to Fait Lake Cltv; under 40, medityn helfiht, dark. Main 7980. n-:;;so.vAL - Frpe $15 XKay examinations and confultation. Tf you r.-ill at onre. Pr. tfiirne's prand offer to the pick and weak. The olijert of t tii off,r la to prove to the nick and f iling ciib.erls of Portland and vicinity t'fit he has. the irrandet-t, simplest nnd most- euceesHful metbo.l of restoring l;ealth and curinsr dlx'-ases known to tne scientific world. Many of you who nave been taklne mcdicineH and so-t called treatments tor months will be absolutely cured ina fow treatments. Have yoii varicose veins, obstruction, blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, or any diseases of the rectum? Male or female weirftness? Are you in pain from rheumatism, lame back, sciatica, lunihaKo, locomoter ataxia or weak vA.i""5!87 Ar y"J constipated; stomach, 'er trouble catarrh or deafness, skin ""s-''' ir so there is ouick rei-i and . . .-K.i 9 "laueni cure in suit" ii r you call upon J. A. Home, M. D-. ;tu.roPath, who gives you an honest --...... a,,la uonest treatment wu"-'" cures to; stay cured, if curable. ,Hls ii ii ip l, 1 -u' jtotncniia i t """'"ngton st. Hours: iu "t 1 IO El 7 tA I . XT.. t- 1 n ,.B DlllllB Marshall 2850, HARVEY'S ,R. S. RHEUMATIC REMEDY. Bcr BCUtev Inflammatory a-niitv '.mus cular, lumbago, sciatica. chronic rheu matism. It is a speedy remedy for stiff and swollen Joints, rarely fails to .give relief after 3 to 4 doxes, and unusually cures before one bottle has been used. Renews strength,, cleanses and enriches wie oiooq. Write for lnformfttion. R. S. MEDICINE CO.. ' t; Portland Of ' ,': For sale at Schwartz's Drugstore, 225 Btirnslde 8t.. Portland. Or. MISS DE VOE,""""Philadelphla Hotisa, Comer -3d snd K.ilmon ata . A vounir lady student of nursing takes this means vi wonting ner way through college and desires -a few select and respectable pairuna ior manicuring, scalp treat ment, magnetic and vibratory treat ments; those-customers who appreciate neatness and tidiness are Invited to call. Miss Desallnfe Do- Voe, 2124 3d at, suites' 2. 3,v4 and 5. Diseases rtf n .1 -Ktlron T-- ciusiveiy, women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. t Nervous ' diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared- for.. Cor respondence solicited 'n rharsre for , . ----- a. ." Ull.l.I. OHWXJI v.l..- - - - consultation. Phones, Main 3928. A-6507, """ room io, Grand .Theatre oiag., Washington and Park. ; ;; ) v- - : IB Mnrlpm alerln t.AnTAn4 4aAa mm of th prostate, nervous debility, piles, C- W- I. Howard. M. D., 3046 Roth Child bldg., 4th and Washington.-. Physician .and surgeons treats women and children exclusively; private- haaj ai,LuiiuiDutiuuiBi . rxaiiiiciuiiuiiv free. Main 4047; A-2411. 606 Common wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. - Makes tobacco easy to atop. All., drug gists. - -' - . ;"" r 1 n HAVE you - tried 6- Minute Washing t vumpounar its a marvel; 10 wash ings for 10c; no rubbing; -leavee hands soft and velvety, Ask your grocer or us. rAUIFlC SUPPLY- CO-, 24 5 Grand Ave. B-1133. Are You Ruptured?. The perfect truss ( made and fitted py a specialist to men. women and chll. dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th st GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc., Germanr English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian nSlctionarles; foreign docks Qi an Kinas. ucnmaie Co., Z29 JBf St. ' DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures dlaeases of men; blood and kin dis eases, sores,- ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and pilea. 181 First, Port land, LOSTA Scotch Collie og, ntuite Thomas Keef on collar, finder please return to 247 Cook ave., and receive reward, LOST Lightjrown TninkTfur Safurdav afternoon. Finder "will fce liberally rewarded. Mrs. R. E. Menefee, 42J, Rod ney ave. -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS NORTHWESTERN Appraisal " CaI n dependent appraisers and ' adjusters. 1068 E. 21st st N. Woodlawn 8026. ADVERTISING CIRCULAR letter specialists. Stone -Bris.' Advertising Co., 706v7 Roth chlld bldg. ART1STS, MATEJUALS AJRTIST'S materials, picture framing. . K. H. Moqrehouse ft Co.. 411 Wash, st AooATEfW WEfcLS ft pROEBSTEL,' assayers, ana lytlcal chemists. 204. Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and otv testing work. 186 Morrison. -'-----'- - ---- - 1-, - j J. R. HUGHBSr 304-6-6, Falling bldg: Main 7338 and A-3034, Practice in all courts. Collect lona a specialty. Ii R. LUNDBURG, attorney at law; Room 230 Lumbeimens bldg, 6th and glark.' '--r '- f - - CHR1STOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 411-12, Buchanan hlfl. i M BATHS AND SWIMMING PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th. Plunge, steam, tub, shower, baths, 26e. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109td"il Blank book m'f'g; agts,. for Jonef Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 183. tH6LK! CARDS Warren construction co Street paving, sidewalks and cross- Ings. 817 Beck bldg TIN roofing, guttering,, repairing and general Jobbing. J, Losll, $13 Jeffer Son st. Main 1424. - . , THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO" i" i, l Jt ..- A ini AtT-- -i. a. i . JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO1., all kinds of insurance, surety' bond. McKay bldg. IJAHIKT CLBAXIM. HH. Illl "il t ' -ifi i ra ii 1 11-11 atai ai auS i ai a ' 'i . GLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co. ,.. Clean carpets without removal. E. 4428. ION K Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers reriovated; guaranteed: E. 860. B-2236. CARPET WE A VINO- NORTHWEST. RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 153 Union ave., near E. Morrison. -WE weave rag carpets, bathroom rugs, etc. 1518 Patton sve. Woodlawn 26S5, CHIROPODIST'S CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M, D. Hill. 4?9 F'iedner bldg. ' COAL AND WOOD Good dry country slabwood; heavy. Seghers Wood Co.. 9th and Gllsan. Wood and Coal 7 - Delivered . promptly. Harrington Transfer & Fuel Co., 433 E. Morrison. Phone B-1592. East 5205. - DELIVERED PROMPTLY Yamato Wood and ' Coal Company. .Lo.' CEDAR blocks, green. $1 50: cedar Mock . dry, $2. .Phone A-3S42, Main 211. TT'Tm special ci Jnrr' it iJ a ilti- p H'i-'S ON WtaJ 4itJ i CEEKN SHOUT WOOD, per load.. $2,50 1 GI-IICEN 4 F(OT WOOD, per cord . . J 2.75 j INSIDE -DRY SHORT, per loud. ... $3.50 P. LOCK WOOD, per load $3.10 SAWDUST, for fuel snd bedding. TfcePcrtls2d Slatwd Co. J Main 3119. A-7001. I - Burn Oil, Reduce Your Fuel bill; install the "Shanklin Oil Durir"- in your range or furnace; 25 per cent cheaper than coal or wood, no soot, no muss, no ashes; Jiist like gas. Demonstration at our store, 283 Yum- inn hi. mam omi, THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will eave vou moncv on vour coal. 246-348 East Ankenv street. Both nhonea: H-2343: .,' 914 nrlft- nl,.i1 with A W Curry. 116-118 Grand ave., or Nisbet tiumpi niittniion. Wood, Coal and Dry Slab 287 E. Morrison. East 226, B-1026, White Si Benson fuel Co. iv oittfi iuui i iaii, raoi. vit. ,, FntTrir!v . i V Wnnrl onH Prin 1 Vti r-A fcOHTH PORTLAND SLaBWOOD CO.. green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed Si1 "g.' cut fuel; hlockwood. Aini.A rccu i AiDina ave., aiso Hrery. Phones E. 182. C-1117. . COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074, A-7026, ' COLLECT! OITS . COLLECTIONS Prompt and thorough attention raid to' all collections anywhere. Oregon Collection Co. 812 Merchants Trust Bldg., Portland, Or. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected, wens Mercantile Agency, 703 Board of Trade 'bldg,, 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 317 Allaky. A-7S17: M. 42t?. HNTIUCTOES ANT CUTLDE1W CUMMINGS tt CATLIN Building lu every branch of the bulldlna trades: Jobbing, remodeling,-repairing a special ty; show cases., counters, shelving, etc. Office and shop 871 1st st Phone Mar shall 2327. ' WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and , uuiiucr, jituMiuK fiiiu kuuki9ULiii, vv 4th.'. Main 6241.- '' --'?-' FOR cement work, 'plastering, brlclt .. .1 ut r - tri .. Marshall 1441; A-4020. 192 Grover st J." tf. BURTON & CO., architects and builders. 148 1st. Main 1817t A-1817. CARPENTER contracts, Jobbing spec ialty. W, E. Jenkins. Taoor zi GASOLINB ENGINES 8TATIONART r and marine; electrle aulnmants: s- launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Belerson Machinery CO.. ise' Mornaon. DANCXHO MR. " and Mrs.-Heathsdancingc1iool, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison., t stage dancing taught, class Sat. ever nlngs, private lessons daily, waltz and two-steo auaranteea in ie,Bun. DANCING lessons, 25c, every morning, aiternoon ana rvwiiniR,-, w i ia, nw step and -three step; stage dancing taught. Professor Wal WUlson's School, sxnys wasn sr..' net. w. mm ttim ivin PROF. RINGLER'S dancing classes, Mon. and Sat eve. .private instruction dally. Western Acad., Sd-Mor. M. 9212. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DH. BROWN. D. V. S.of. 824 Flanders. M. 4086. Hospi 89 E. 12th. K. 8440. JkLICCTlUCAL 8irrUK8 . MOTORS for rent or sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co., 213 2d at. ELECTROLYSIS -4 MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner. HAT FACTOR" MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the . Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. LEATtJl.lt FINDLMiS CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. LIBRAIUES CIRCULATING library. 186 Bth, bet - Taylor and Yamhill. Books So per day. - MACHINERY - B. TRENKMAN ft COt Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES PARTS, complete machines, films, song elides, films, reasonable. 626 & Wash. MISS RACHEL PAULSON, teacher of - piano and harmony. Studio 38 Russel bldg,, 4th and Morrison. Woodlawn 941. LADY piano teacher; eastern conserva tory graduate. Terms reasonable. 1074 Belmont Tabor 116. H.ORDAUNT A. GOODNOUGH Piano studio; popular prices. 691 E. Stark. Kant .".087. '. ' - ; 13. THfELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, Mar. ie-, A-4iti. uu arquam PIANO. Violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof. E. A. Smithy. 292 12th et. OSTEOPATHIC PtlVBICIANt DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961 DR. SMITH, graduate Kirkville, Mo., 1898;- poet' graduate 1907, 318 Swet land -bldg. .... . '- PALNT, OIL AND CLASS F E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 135 1st. Main 1334, A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO.,' "High Standard" - ing. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PAINTING AND I'U'EKINM FOR best work, prices right, call p. poane, 104 union. KQtn pnones. PAINTING, tinting, papernanging. H. P. Chrlstensen Co., Main 1983, A-4711 FOR painting, tinting, paperhanglng, phone E. 1356. All work guaranteed. PATENT I ATIORNEYS HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, 177-181 McGiil bldg.. Washington,! D CT PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of Lv 8. patent of flce; book free. 419 Board of Trade bldg. R. el ' WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat- ents: Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNING 'a- Piano tuning, $2j organs repaired; 18 years experience. E. 49 1 9; 33 Vancouver PLUMBING CONTRACT work, any else Jobs; you or T rtirnluK - 1 - 1 . a , estimates furnished. H-loi! Journai! IF YOUR roof leaks -or needs paint, mail card to Woodward Roo7 Paint Co.. 106W N U tt Estimates frea f-i r r -i t NAMS . " Ittiker, p. M THt. Furra property Brmtp-Sffele TonipHiiy Hi'tilmkar it P.en.'tlict I'tiril UcnttT A; ItivcBlmtnt Co.... tok & Co.. 1!. ' S Al ...li'i.i ,,.1H) ...r."'J ...fi-'"t rt'S lhamn Hrlnw liMburt A'.M;irhall, KnrntH. City Property.. riiiii l, liportf A. (coionizniKiit KnHvin X, U,kn ... . '. . . . . . . . Orprnn Rol V.Kfula Cn.. The. . ....... .i Rchnlk. (Jt-orsre D.. Shield. J. -U. '- ThouiDiwti. II. E. Co... ...... ..i..." RUBBER STAMP AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham CO.. a31.Biarn. mf" EA's THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 M.f"'" at tactory prices, o.-, -f-opened; haraalns In Second handsales. rmNTiNa welch ?mm ($M nn. f thines with type na THE BEST , PRINTERS Beattle & Hof ma on paper.' mann, inc., go wtar BEST In. rortland. 'See' them.. Washington st. h. 61IOWCASKS AXt fl-TTPKES Iepiskaeiejil6e''ej SHOWCASES of every; deecrlption. - bank, bar ana etore iu. ,-; THEJAMEai.MARSWaCOj new ana oia BnowtKwv"--',,,j-and, office fixtures., 289 Couch. M. WUN AMD HUOtV CA1US a ... tnrann at.B t V, t a f tT est sign makers in the northwest, 7th and E. Kverett sts. Phones. East Ull, Home B-2224.' ' j "SIGNS ' THATt'ATTRACT'' Portland Slu-n Co.. 287 Stark. PaclfleJlSg, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES R. H. BIRDSELU-HAMILTON-BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery, Sales agent M. Winter Lumber CO- BLBVLXOtU WALTER M. OBER, platting, subdivid ing i and topographicaL maps a spe cialty. 160 FA 28th st -N-i B-2099. lUWUL. BUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co.,;9tl and Couch sts. Phones Main 410, A-4410. IBANFKK 4lNU JITOnAaJs Oregon Transfer Co, - Established 1870. -Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage; free trackage. . -Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69: A-1169. PORTLAND, Van Storage Co., c6r. 13th and Everett sta.-r Just opened, newest moat, modern -storage warehouse in oltv, every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, ; vans for moving. Main or A-1620. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of fice and commodious 4 Story brick warehouse, separate , iron roorn 'and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and-Plue ts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed f 9f shtDment, Main 696; A-1998. . . . ' .. OLSON-ROB TRANSFF-r, CO. General transfer and storage, aaies. pianos and furniture moved, nacked and sblpped. 209 Oak St. Main 647.A-3247. yiEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold, ningham Co.. U Stark, Main Cun 1407. VKTKJUNAKUlt DR. A. G. SMITH, V, 248 Front. Main 415 8.. U, 6. Res, S. Stables, Main 1802. WALL PAPS- HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and the goods that go with them. E H. Moorehouse ft Co.. 411 Wash, st. W HOLES ALE Jf UUBKiiS EVERD1NG ft FARREIJU produce and commlBgion merchants. 140 Front st. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. t 1 niivstT A ro.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS "" PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale giOcers, manufacturers and. coffee roasters. 4th and Oak, sts. , ' Ernest Miller wau rapex u., dom. hangings, wnoieaam nti ' aTXER ft LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS MirUMiK.AMERIJAlt BANK -PortUad. Or. If Comat Sixth and Waabluctoa Uta Tranj. U Mta a wneral-banking .neaa. ; Urafto tuned atailable la all tba principal ernes ih. Dntted Btatea and Kutop. fonr PfJ ent iXt Pi.td oa'tn ccoanta. Safe Be. iiolt TnlU. f' r BONUS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS. B9.0TRB . """"r' nwrea o iumg. wuuiv.H. lablie aar-vc corporaOwa aflBOa. TRANSPORTATION The Open niyer Traapqrttlon Company Str. T. N. 1XAL Tot THE D illiES and Way Xtasding-e . , r,.t. f.. flrlr fonf nf Oik i.eav ng .- ,;3 "fl is reet, ""1 - The Dalles BX ic . III.. ictui'ni - v , Tuesday, Thursday and atu-wTl 'o,.Hrvr, af Celilo with STEAM- EB TWIN CITXE3 for Pasco, Kenne wtckl and all points on the Columbia as far hH FrieSl -ttauiuw. '" '.:- CAPT W S BUCHANAN, Supt. Man jrranclsoo ft Portland StaamsiJip Co. .w Service te toe Aageles. vis, Sas Pranoisco, -iverjr . - From Ainswortn Dock, Portland, 4. p.' m. S. B. E9e pity, Oct. 9, Sef. Bt 19. From San Francisco, Northbound.-la ni., LTBeaver, Oct. 8, Eew 1 Bse City 18. Kroin Sair Pedro, Northbound; - v & ft Bee Oct. HV Hose City 13, Bearer 81. H G Smith, C. T. A-,--.1)3-Third t; nhone Main 402. A-H02. J. W. Ransom, Alr,worth Dock: phone Main- 268. SIN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT WORTH PACiriC S, S. CO. 8. 8. ROANOKE alid S. 8. EIOE SAIL Every Wednesday, alternately, at 8 p. m. Ticket otfiee 132 Third, near Alder. Phones Main 1314. A-1S14. . . -. MARTIN J- HlGLEY. Pass. Agent. iWH. SLUSSH.K. i-reigni Agent COOS BAY LillNE 8TEAMXB 'SEEAKWATEB Sails from Alaska Dock, Portland, S p, lu. Sept. 20. 27, Oct-4. 11. 18. 25. and every Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska dock until 6 p. m, dally. Passen ger tare, llf. ciaB,'4u1 aeuunu mass TlVk"e","ai $.7, inciuaing meais ana uerui. - i icaer i on sale at Ainswortlj dock. Phones Main IO. R. & IN. A3TOBXA RO0TE SHINGLES 201 ' STEAMEH H6.SSAI.0 lro"m. Pe.jnd iwr-PWttarifT-'rtriTTy eft pr fTTTriTAvT'o dre f-. T t 8:00 p. m. Makes ell way landing n-ivtaat Astoria at 6:00 a. in. Leaves Storia -dally, except Sunday, at ,7 ;00 a.,. i. Arrives Portland at 5 .00.P. m. Makei at A A m. .Arrives Portland at o.OO.p. m; MakK Clli eC T l-oiiutlt l n.iti witu itiroiii'ji n iicitl c 4 for- Mepler, Ilwaco . Lour Beat 'i ftrifl a'l pn.nts on tbe llwifco rEiUiOad. .- --- t ' ' :7; --. -r - j i r t r-- j L v. 11;!: H - ', Curbt-it Bldj, t,-Mii(l r M.-KiV ri,?s. Il-t;t-v m.le.. Cttrhptt rtut-? A-4t:.;, - :,1 II .M till :: t A 1 ... ! - .).! '! .. Mar-hMl I'' :, A f- : .M.tin -. i. A i ,.,. .- ( ruiutv.-r of i .'tnnieroe -. un t-' i ...hi'in 7, SVI'i A11T...;4 Main '1 .... 4 I.nblw BM. .- Malu 'Vi ... 7 Cbkinbnr of Ouiimewe. ...M.-titi td A-2"in ...Ortnd Ave. ind MiiltiKiaiah. . , . Kt 7 -IT ...2-,'S Stsrk St.............. Wain 3!J.' A J-'.J ... Gerlineer Bldg . M-itn Wd ...ITenry Blil.. 4!h-0k,.,.. M. SO. A ",52' gcnftiBfil Pnlflo, l.i'vlh Pt-tl h nd , At-niann I'lmnftngir . 8 -10 a. . . 4 '.r, p. m, . fl 00 p. B, . 9-20 a. m. "-'".', 1.1HJIII- ...... SllTrrton PMnger . r-iirn.. i-. ...... - at-... ITS LUIITM Sti 'Fnneiwa. Express. ...... Wt Side .; Oncvaills PtMienger , vi. .. . 7140 p. H T: a. 4 :00 p. Htlrerton Pms-nee fnmt Gfotk t'nwi ,,. j ,-. - unit, i oawnurr 6 .40 p. at. ArriTiiyr PnrtUDd Oreoi. Cxsms- ...........;,., T Atuiana tmmnierr . in :30 . .10:00 p. m,; . 5:30 p. m, ,11 :PO . m, . t:30 p. BV, . :S0 . dv lweborf P.swnger ...... Portlund Expreu Shants Uniited Sllverton LonU . Tf- . r-. , rst Oltie - - .- ... . Cornlll PaawtBger 6 : p. m. SlWertim PsttK-ngt-P ,,, i so a. n, ISheritUn Ptm-nj-r ,.10 20 a. H. Koreit GroTe PuenTr. . 8:00 . a. ' .. r J, , r '"' '; ,J - "t p-V-m- intt. - .. Leaving- PortUsd North . OotK Mnltca via Paget .......10.10 a. fioune .,.,'; North Gout -Luultea Kortb Bank . T OO p.'M. AtllBtle Kxnrina Tla Vnrmt Hmnil . m. Atlaotie Kxpraw vtt Noah Bank. . tOO a. aw' ; Tia City Cxpreaa via t'iget Biwnd, 8:110 . ai. ff , , . 7 , . . - . . . a, - . j win ahi Miprifw -ia AiMTiaioana . , t p. n. , Eaatcra Expreaa yla Piiwt Sonad. .12:16 a. , ' Eaatern Iipraes via North Bank... . 9iOQ a. a Mlaaourl Birtr Kxpreat via Paget Sound . ..........................10:10 a. BV Mlwturl Rlret Etpreaa via North Beak . ....... T:6 p. tv : Portland, Taeoma and Heattla Kx- , artwi, Oraya harbor, OlJBipia tad .'.... T, J v. , . , . nmia utniu vr im. u ri .., o.-il K. , Portland-TaneonTar Biiecial . . .. . ...10:10 a, ta. tTitt-i umitfo, trsra Mar- bor and Soeth Bead branca.... 8:80 p. . Yaoolt Caaaenger ;08 p. st, Arrbrliig Portland. North Coast limited via North Bank 8:18 p. fa.' North Coaat . Limited Tla Pujet Bound, T'.SO a. m. Northers PacUte Expreaa via North Bank 7:80 a. Sk Northnv. Paclfie ZxprM via Pngai Bound . 7:10 p. . - Paelfic Coaat Expraaa tU North Bank . 8:19 p. IS. Parlfte Coaat Expreaa- via Paget Bound . ..t,.. ......... T:20 a. Wtatera Expreg via North Ban.. -.IS p. ra. Waatera Expreaa via Pnget Sotiud. .10:80 p. a. i MlKjouri ItlTer , SxprtBa via North Bank . ; 7:30 a, BV Mlwiouii Eltrar Kxpreaa via ruget Sound . 4:00 p. Sk Portland-Taootna-Srattla Expreri and from Olrmpla, foatb Bend and - Grays Harbor ,... .,...'.. ...... 40 p. as. - Pufat Sonnd Limited .............. T:10 S. m. Vanconr-r-Portland Special .-,.,.,' ...10:80 p. m. Yarolt Paaseuger ................. .11 :fl a. at Oragon Ballroad Marlyatloa C. Leafing POrtUtnd r Baker City-Pa-wnser. ............. 8:00 i. m. Ortgoa-Wahlngtn Limited ........IOtW a. m. The Dalle I-x-al , 4 00 p. m. Spokane Hyr .......... 6:00 p. m. S.w-SKik-n--PorUnd 11:00 p. at, Orenitn-Wttstilngtou Eiprcaa.. 8:00 p. m, Arrlrinf Portland Tu-.J)aaM -UeaL. r,r,-...--;.,l3l aw- oprannr rif-r - o.w v. Ore(tou-Wblrrtttn Kxpr.. ...... 10:30 a. m. Hoo-Bpokxiia-fonliiDd .....ll:aOa. m. BaJcer City lcal PaaHenger . 7:W p. m. Oregftib-Wtilnroii' t.)piltd ,7...... 8:'1 Aatoiia Columbia 111th. laDil , , -1- .... u.. .i.ti irvnV.. 8 .00 a, at. 6:30 p. n. Aitorlu and Seaside Kxpreat..... nai mar raaaenKer . .. Kaittle- Hutfwnaer . ... 1 :ia v, id. ...,.i.v 6:46- p. a. Beaalde-aird Aatorla Rxpraa....... .12:05 p. A. Beaalde and Aatoria Kxitrena ..,10.k) p. m. Kalnl-r aad Portland i'aaaenrer . . . . :4A a, m. Hji Inter and lrtlndJPaarigrft0).P- (Unirilaa lailfin RaflwaT Co. lais l'ortianai . - ; . " too-Spokane-Portland 11:00 p. av, , Tla Beattle 12:15 a. m, Arrlrinf Portland . ; . oo-8pokiuia-Portlnd ,.,,.li;S0 . n. Via Beattl ..10:90 p. tn. Oreg-a ft. Waiihlrtton Railroad Co. favavlrta- Portland . Beattla Paawn(r 8:80 a. Bl. Bhaata Limited . t.if.i p, m. .11:13 p. to. Qwl,. ............... ArriTisf rortiaoa Owl . Shasta limited Portland. Patenter 7:13 . m. :2tt p- tn. M1 P- 'jtriiBBOX 6TKEET 6TATI0M, Bouthera Paoiflo, no- Dallaa P.n-nr . , . , . Pallas Paawnger ..... Fort Orate l'aaaenfar -. Ar-4vlna Pnrtlan - .', T -40 k. U. .. 40 p. m. .. 1:00 p. U. ,.10:16 a. m. .. 6 W p. m. ..12jOrt m, Dallaa raen(er lauaa raiaenger oreat Urova Paaaenger ELEVENTH 'ANDJffOTT , BTBEETS , ?A8- Bpokana, Portland k Seattle Railway Co" Inland Empire Kxprwe -,r.., ...... .iO . Sa, . Tor Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kan-aa City, . Bt. Loula, BUllnira. Bakan." Waahtnena, Kahlotua, Paaco, Kioeelt, - Granddallea, i"l; dendalt, Lji. Whita Salmon, 8tTenoo and VancoBTer. ' ' The- Oreionlan .......... .-. ... ..... .1 O0 Tor St Paul, Spokane. Paaeo, Granddalloa, Lyla, White Bairnou, Scartnaoa tnd Vanroo-er. Columbia Klrar Local ............. .4:80 p. m. Karth Bank Limited ...-..- .- P-, Par Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kanaaa City, fit. Lbula, Billings, Spokane. Washtucna, Kahlotua, Paaco, Booaarelt Oranddallea. Ljla, Whlt Balinon, StaTfoaaa and. VaacouTer. ... Arrlrinf Portland ; ... Tha Oragonlan .......T:W a. . m. Prom St Penl, Bpokan, - Paaeo, Maryhill, L-la White Salmon, Btrrenaoa and Yaneonver. North Banktlmited vv T M 1.m' Prom Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kanaaa City, 8t. toula, Billings. Spokajia, Waahtucna, Kahlotua, Paaco, Roosevelt, Branddellea, Ljle, White Salmon, Sterenson and VanemiTer. Columbia Blv-f Local ........ ...... 12. p. m. Inland Empire Expreaa ........... 8:15 p. . Prom Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kanaaa City, St. Louis, Bllllnga, &poki, Vaahtucna. Kahlotaa. Paaco,- KooaeTelt. Oranddallea, Vhite fi.imt-wmandVancouTer. OreafaJortherti BaUwayOo Learlog s Portland inn ano coi. am. Oriental Limited. tl Beattle .... .10:00 s. . Tha Oreaonlan, via North Bank . ... .11 :00 a. m. OrlenUl Limited, rla North Bank... J:M f. n. International Limited, Seattla, Ta eoma and Vanoourer, B, C. ..... 10:00 a, a. The Owl. Tacoma. Beattle and Van- 1 courer, B, C, i ... . . . ... . p. V Bbrra Un Expreaa, Tacom. SeatUe . and VancotiTer, 8. 0. v , . , .... .11 (30 p. m. ArriTlaK Portlaad 11th and , Holt Oriental Limited, via Beattle....... 6 40 a. m. Tha Oregonlan. vie North Bank.,, 7.04 . m. OrlenUl Limited, via North Bank,,. 8:13 p. m. The Owl, Vancoorar, B. C Beattla and Tacoma 6:40 a. aw Bhore Una Expreaa, Vancouver, B. kr, ". C., Seattle and Teee.. .-..-... i P. . International Limited, VaneoQW, B. TIMECABP 0REO0N EIEOTjlO BY. CO. , "Paaswtger Btattott Ercnt and Jaffarsoa 6t, "" Woedhurn. Blem Points Lci - ie-Vaortla'nd :!, ;UK e. m ; 2,. 8:50, 6:80, 8:40 Pv . .- Limited f..r luaUlil and Salem 9:16 X m. Local tor lMUaiil and Int stationa 6:10 p. nr. ..u HUlahoro, Forest Oroya and Intermediate Pointlit Portland 7:05. 8:80, 10:2t) a. m.j , 12:1072:10, .8:80. 6:30, :S. p.- m. Satuniay 7rriy.tland from JaUta end Int. Station. 41-40 11-00 a. m i 1:15, . 4:MK 4:8i. 6-0", 6TlO0 f. m.l Locl from WIWjlMe and Int.-:40 a ra. Pali- Meept S.ind7, add A5rtUmPortlind from Toreirt Orevj tationa-4:0. :60. 11:40 a. ; 1;3. V Portland Railway, Light Ptrtror Co. m " ru-kat Otflva and Waiting K-m. Plmt and Alder and Kt Water and Lt liorrlsoii hiret-ts. -Cam leare East Water and Worrln str-eta, Oregon aty 4:00. 6:S0 a. m. and etary W Sltiiutea to and inrlndlng last ear mlrtnlp'it. Greaham ami Intnirmrdlste polnia6 ,. ?. m.Ym .,! . 1A-4A tl-4S a. si.. 12:4..- 1:43. . i : : iZLl lJ .V , 4,. 45.' 105 lite VM. rJ, 8:., 'viia?iero andnterme'llate polnt-6 f, 8:4 10:45 a. St.. 12:44, 3:45. d.4. 6:46 P. -Vat Vanwiurer Ttoki-t offira and waiting Pefuitd and. wuine',n ii i. : p f"--; i ' lJu sv. li- .' -fB Vwdiy In every tnenth t!e .)M, leave et I-W p. . iw )aaTe at 7-04 Va'Aj iecgt iiiv.'-y. J