V w A W .. . . 1- '" I WIT. .. '"U !;;.". you'll !!! II t' W f U i tj- t'ire. buy ju lirioiisSy i i ; ; i ynur siv our ;,'-J T I'jtKiijJ ma in us ore ;f tlie laraem furniture houses In lh lity in ien.i than two yeariti Lookers shown the same courtesy as buve.rs. - Mul:'?AN-ATrHLFY KHRXITUKE CO.. Grand Ave. Cur. K tJtark St. fast Aiiiienyand Ruhhp 11-bhav.er Car FOli RENT Good 4 room hotine, barn, S H acre, rent J5 month, "furniture lor sale, fine steel ransa, nil for $557; leav- mg Town; ju, ncott car, Myrtle i-aric, block south - to "47th avc; west half block to S7th Bt., hotiwe In trees, HOCKS of 7 rooms, bath and toilet, bHsement,. nice yard and near the car ina; in good neighborhood,' $20 per .'-tV W. II. Lang Co., 414 Abington blrig.'v : V .' ' . -. r - - VVK can furnish your home at a great savinr. See us before purchasing elsewhere, M. Ostrow & Co-,' 64-66 -N. Bd st Complete houseturnlshers. Rea sonable Driees. Easv tei mn - Why Pay Rent? - Wa will buy a lot and build a house on It for you. Herrlck-Maiden Co., 308 Board of Trade, . HOUSES to rent at low rates in Oswe iro. Take ,S. p, .cars'., at Jefferson street depot ;.t Ixw fares. .' Inquire cf J, W. Thomas. 6 ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished, 1 blocks car line, $25 month. 103 4th. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 BARGAIN-Furnltur of 4 room flat 185, flat for rnt '23, Russell at tsks "U ' car. FURNITURE of 8 room cottag for aala at 648 Overton at; must be fold at once. LFURNITURB of 6 room house for sale cheap;,, sickness reason for selling. Call 173 B. 86tf st. FURNITURE 7 room house, $150; cheap rent, $28, and good locality. -815, MarKet at. cor. th, FURNITURE of modern 8 room house for aale; 4 rooms rented. 415"Tth, cor. nan, irnona Mt aoao. KEW furnished 6-room modern flat, 4 good bads, fine carpets, fine , ranee, bargain; rent 822,60. 401 1st st. FURNISHED HOUSE? 86 FTVR-ROOM fully furnished bungalow. $20 a month; , basement, bathroom, fireplace, bot and cold water in -bedrood. new piano; two blocks from car; cement WBiK. E. 68th and Stanton sts Rose (ty; not for sale. NBW 4 room cottage. furnished. $93 Margruerlta ave.; iurn4ca 'f heat and fas rangro. B-1109. ;. .: AT.IRTMEXTS , 43 HOT Eli BUCKINGHAMOpp, Portland Hotel. 330 yamhillt-firat class fur tiished rooms, single or en suite, modern. $5 Mvr translenta solicited. M. n; a-7177 ijsVV'Ly furaished 3 room apartment, nrlvata bath, hot water steam heat n& telephone, new brick bulldin. San Mafco apartments, E. 8th and Couch sts. FOUR. room apartment for rent Mad . laon ParlcHouse, 262 Park st. Every thing modern. ; ; FOR v KEXT FLATB 13 MODERN 8 room flat, Sth near Jackson . west side, 10 min. walk, Main or A-122$ ;.v . fOK; RENT 4 room upper flat, bath', electric llahts; $15. 703 Belmont. none cam aovtr iia room unrer flat, desirable loca tion,! cheap' to partywith no children. East i 210$. - if-i'-.-i.. - r irrn FURNISHED FLATS BO SNAP Completely furnished flat wide porches, large yards healthy, sightly, flowers,, etc.: rent $20; bath, electric llirht,retc 896 "Jefferson, near NO. 4 reservoir. Portland Heights car; get off at Maaison. ti. rarr. 20-lsmair ftyniahed flat, naarWash lngton Hirflt school; bath,, large porch es, choice location; references, Phone East 6043. --'u.: : 1 1 STORES AND OFFICES , - 11 MEAT markat store room for rent; tins location for a market; In Irvington at E. 2th and Halsey sts.; no market M all Irulngton neaeer than Union ave.: good location for both fin cuts and coarse meats; will change the store room to a market , room. , Owner, week days." 120 fi. Morrison st. phona even- ins ana ounaaye, cjaai tin FOR RENT 184 Morrison st. now oc cupled by drug store. Also space on lower dock for fiya years, or less. Call 1 BTORB in brick building. S4 J Front ' st Rent. $28.00; splendid location tor grooery, FEW .nice offices. In the Couch bldg. v WANTED TO RENT I OR: 4 ROOM unfurnished apartment, either now or November 1. Glva full particulars. .L-204,' Journal. - WANTED Three or four room flat on or before 10th thbs month, by middle aged couple;- must be reasonable and walking distance, R-zos, journal. WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished apart ment, wst ' aide, walking distance. jtuureeB v-Jtug,' journal. : WANTED To rent , furnished room- ing house, from 25 to 40 rooms; S-205, journal. v WANTED In East- side suburbs, un- rurnisnea tiouae, s rooms, ip. V-ZU7, Journal.' or phone C-1S86 EXPERIENCED -party wishes to rent farm -or cattle- ranch. - S-205, Journal. . HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 HORSES AND MARES" FOR SALE. . Theee horses will arrive October 4:. ' 1 gray mars, J. 6 00, 4 years old, I gray mare, 1460, 5 years old. 1 brown mare, lflOO; 4 .years old, . . ' 1 bay mare, I60O, 4 years old. - - 1 rrar -eldln- 1800. 4 vnflra old. N$ gray mares,, ilQO each, 10 yeara old. 4 black marea. 10h0 each, a veara old. 2 bay geldings, 1300 each, 10 years old. - 1 sorrel mare, 1350, 10 years old. "1 sorrel marC1400, il years old. ' :1 gray mara.,1400, 8 years old.- . . -1 black mare, 1500, 9 years old. " 1 bro.wn tnare4 27 5r$ year oldi T- 3 gray geldings, 1650, 5 yeara old. 1 gray gelding, 1250, 6 years old. ' 20 head horses, 1000 to 1300 lbs; these porses are all subject to our guarantee, if not satisfactory to be returned. -HAWTHORNE STABLES. rtawtnorne ave, FOR SALE Fine young chunky ii250 lb roare, work single or double, $100; almost new heavy double harness with eollar, $30; good steel tired buggy with pole,, J1&- . Call .887 Weldler at, near Union ave. ' ; ,. , HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month: special rates to business houses.. 6th and Hawthorne. r-sHi vi. FOR SALE Matched team, weight 8000, age ,6 and 6 years, perfectly true, price $600. , A. P.. Hassler, Oregon City, MUST sell handsome 1260 lb. black fpuller, single or double, $85. . Call' 88T i iiciiurf flu,' ncw-r union Y, GOOD work mare, 8 years, weight 1200 lbs., price $50. V. K Brickyard, Den ver and Blandlna .ves. Take St .Johns esr. '- . FOR SALE t saddle ponies, about 800 lbs. Sound and kind; $35 each. Dr. u Kf. weoster, university park sta, GOOD team rhares, 2300," fair harness, nearly new 8 inch wagon, with box, sii mr tim. Apply a"4 jn. ztn. w car. IjAuctto ' . 1... ji-Ll'"1"!. i' rnoath; f ..ratca , ta.. hualaaaJ-.bwaea-4 FOR SALE flare, 1200 lb., work any-i .where. East Market, between Union and Grand ayes, : ''-; ' FORSAl3E Gblding. 1050 lb'T'ltehtle! 76. East. Main and Grand ave. , U.H 3' !! tra.-k ?.!!t.-b.-!l wacon villi new Call fsu'in.i l.-l; tins unuua was run 2 v.---tr hit! is in l't clns. 'niiln: Vl!i siii jho..". Innulr fit 1 ti:!!i liarr mil l, coii'Hi- V,ij ni. Taiiii Montavtlta cur on.! f.'i'f off at ntUh ft. VvAN'i LI) To-rent Ffiini ami wagon fur "liMiillne- coat. p-2ti'., Journnl. l uii iiALK Bay .saddle mare, 900 lbs., tt. 67 P,Hwell St., Snllwond. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 FOR SALE 3 good cows, 1 fresh, house, bam, '4 Rcre-ftr-rent $5 per month, will sell furnfUire cheap, will sell one or all, 4 blocks south Myrtle Park to 47th ave., west half block, cor. 57th at, Mt. Scott car. IV YOU WANT to dux or sell dairy .cows, see Mok.l-Bnice Co., at stock yards. . Woodlawn 2400. ' - -' ' FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE. A 20 M. ' capacity Russell porUble sawmill complete, -with cut-off saw, dust conveyor, etc., also a No. 1 North weat planer, with attachments; good as new, has been used only a short time. For particulars . call at my office, 2 26 228 Front st, "Portland, Or. HERMAN METZGER. .Owner. I HAVE, the following articles I want to sell. Some iron beds, springs, mat tresses, dressers. steel ranee. - sewing machine,! refrigerator, extension table, lot , of v chairs, gas ' range, carpets, , S showcases." 112 union ave. - : ' '' NEW and second hand pod arid billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms. Bowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery; Addrese the Brunswick tiaiKe-UQuenaer Co., 48 5th. SAFES 10 second hand standard make. that have been taken in exchange, very lijw prices. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th St. ' : ' ' CLOSING out 150 Second hand heating stoves at from $1 to $5; some big bar gains. Casey House Furnishing Co., 112 Union. . . FOR SALE One 9x10 dSnkey engine, ' VllB 1 7, AO 1IU1BL1JIK Vr lUHUUIg Clllliq with sleds and cable. Inquire 408 Roth- cnno piag. rnone main bubs. FOR SALE Tent house, 21x31, walls stained and varnished Inside. Panel qoor in eacn end. can 884 Pacific st. 6x8 printing press and outfit, good as new; cost 0. will sell for $30. E-196, journal. FOR SALE 48xl02-inch vertical boiler, . good as new.' East Bids Boiler Works, st cast water si. FIRST-CLASS second-hand safe with 2- inch comer burglar chest. Cheap. B- ivia. 00a cast usk At itrro TvbirnioTTPD Kir. it " Just like new, cost $90 cash; best offer iaivc tiiia. vail otfr oin St. GAS range for sale, or will trade for wood or chickens, price $25; range cost ta, gooq as new, can o y, tn st, FURNITURE) for sale cheap; leaving town; must sen. IB. lammn, city. CAPSTAN stumppuiler for sale, or rent; irni"jimuir, zui vcciuept st SAFE for aale, cheap. . Beattie & Hoff- (Ilttll, inc., v BtHlKt r IMPERIAL bicycla. ' steel rims, new tires, fine condition, cheap. 206 Vj 4th. i.r tnr . 1 t i r-t "vrir - z i . . . NEW Karl Kruspe B-fiat "clarionet Mar- snaii zu7, IVANTED MISCJRLlAXEOUS 3 WANTED--People of Portland to know tnat -we pay tiignest cash -price lor second hand household goods. , Seater & Gnstavson.- J 43 Russell., East- 1662. EAST SIDE 1 auction Jobbers want Sal hand furniture, highest erica Da Id. S4 Grand ave E. 1051. ... GET. our price 011 your furniture, as ', it will pay you, - we want the goods. Savage & PennpHT 351-3 1st st. Mnin 3fi0. BE WlSE;gei more for 'your - second hand furniture by -selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 861. A-2445. CIGAR stores, save your tin foil, " We pay, delivered, 23c a pound. J. Lave, i 46 Columbia st. Main 6108. A SURPRISE Prices wa pay for used 'furniture. East 6204. 162 Grand. gPOT cash" paid for " your furniture; prompt attenti n always giver,. E. 1067 HIGHEST price paid for 2d-hand cloUi-f ing and shoes. East 1051. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. M TO PROSPECTIVE PIAXO BUYERS DON'T BE FOOLED ' I am direct from the 'factory, with new pianos, that were formerly, sold by retail piano houses, for higher prices than" I am asking. A; $460 piano, my price.,....,.. .f 350 A $875 piano, my price; . . ., ... .; 175 A $300 piano, my price. .......... 200 All high grade makes. . , All new pianos positively guaranteed. - Also bargains in second hand pianos. 64 references la and around Portland. " Temporary salesroom 225 6th st OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE - I am positively not connected with any piano house In Portland. THE Ches. 1 xork Band Instrument A tMuslo House, 88H 8d st. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 -" BARGAINS. ;.-vvr-t.-,.- 1 1910 B-passenger Cadillac. fully equipped and In first class condition. 1 1910 t-4-passenger . deml-tonneau, fully equipped, in first class condition. 4 1 1910 4-oyllnder S-passenger Oldsmo bile, fully equipped and in first class condition, v A rara bargain. . - - - v 1 1909 4-cyllnder, 40-horsepower, 8 passenger Bulck, In first class condi tion. Will sell very cheaD for cash. v 1 1909 4-cyllnder 6-passenger Oldsmo blle, fully equipped and In first claaa condition. Will sell' cheap. 1 Detroit Electric Stanhope, good as new.- For quick sale will sell cheap. 1 4-cyllnaer 80-horsepower"S-passen-ger Mitchell, fully equipped and In lrst class condition, All the cars listed above are guaran teed by us to be In first class condition. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. : : BARGAINS. L One 1908 4 cylinder Royal Tourist, 8 passenger, fully equipped, in first clasa cqndition; will sell cheap for cash If taken at once. One 1909 40 h.- p. Locomobile Thia la a 'good bargain; better call. One 1909-2 cylinder, high wheel Me Intyre, Just the thing for muddy roads, in first class condition; will sell for cash or trade. . . " One 1908 2 cylinder Reo, In first class condition, will sell or trade for inside property and pay difference. - - " One 1908 4 cylinder Pope-Toledd," 5 passenger, fully equipped, will aell cheap for cash. ' , , . HAWTHORNE GAR AGKr- - -448 Htwthorne Ave." ' C. O. Cra w f p rd. WHY ' -s. Buy a second-hand car ; . ? - WHEN .- - We can 'sail new automobiles from 81178 to $8000. Twenty different styles. Two, 8. 8V 7-passenger, 20, 80, 40, 80 horsepower. and guarantee all cars free from defects In workmanship and mt. terlal Write or call for our little book- tot - .-..',. ."- BTODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO, ' . 86 10th. ,St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, ' One 7 passenger Thomas, 8 FrankHns, 4 Buicks, 3 Lozlers, 8 Mitchells, 8 Cad illacs, 6 Chalmers, 1 Auto Delivery, 1 motorcycle, 1 runabout All In firat class condition. Portland . Auto Com. House, 60-52 N. "7th St., George Mo Croskey, sole owner. . ' GOING to California for tha winter; . want responsible- party of meant to car for my new 1911 automobile -for tha use of same. Address with refer ence, B-189, Journal. , , ' . '. - BARGAINS, i.. ". . 1 Apperson, 1 Thomas Flyer, 1' Buick Runabout; will exchange for property. East Side? Auto Co., HoUaday and N, K-R-I-T The JrieaLcar fgy iuamesa aiMtl ..I .. t .. 6 n A r. .A.i. . , . I union ave. jjiuiui-aiuiiai jucii. tuu aeuv.prea. ak for. demonstration- . Phones E 822; C-26S8. Krit Motor Sales Co., Union ave. and Wasco, st. . - ! ; '.. . - ,; ALMOST new ' automobile, .casing, 30x 3 4; will cell cheap; a bargain. Phone East 266,. . - PORTLAND Radiator Umr. and VetvU-r v. orks, Ril vork guaranteed. jK i. ' a KM"-tik' Hn S,- Ft. N. Ai iu.inj,iLK. 5 t.is.'eii8T. in iiotul condition, :Soll cheap or trada for real estate. Y-2i, .Totirnnl. IIXAXCIAL CASH ' paid for mortgsRes or seller's interest In contracts on-real estate in Otecon or Wash. Mortgage loans negoti ated on Improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen lder.. 6th and Stark. A $5000 Investment offertd which will pay 15 per cent; come and see us if Interested. ' - , BRONO-STEELE CO., " ' ' Ground Floor Lewis bldar. $ Quick loans .-on furniture snd $ j pianos, storage receipts, life insur- i 1 ante policies, livestock, real estate, $ $ etc. U. S. Real Estate & Brokerage $ 8 Co., 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ CASH for first and second mortgages, lot .and building .contracts. Call or anaress ouv MCKay piqg. Main 4V1P. LET us place your investments In high grade first mortgages on Portland nronertw f.ft fnrhett Mlm MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Building Loans A. C. Furlong, contrac- ..1,11 T m i 5:.-. " 1 114. oi. U'Hi. mnin ivov. ". v LOANS WANTED 30 WE havti a party that wanta to borrow $1500 on fruit farm; come in if In terested. '; :, ,-'' . .', ."- BRONO-STEELH CC... , Ground Floor Lewis bldg. WANTED Party furnish lot and build four-story apartment 'east side; will lease for term of years and furnish bond or good security. Investment will pay Booui 13 per cent.-- Marsnan zsi, WANT $2000 at 8 pec cent for 8 years, no commission, first mortgage,' Port land real estate security. P-205, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 HUTTON CREDIT CO. 307 Soaldine bldir. LET US HELP Y( RPTV.nTAT. BiTTtlS ' MONET TO LOAN -ON EAST TERM8. This company is backed by men with unlimited capital for the purpose , of helping those in need ci temporary as sistance. . : -:' -- "'-. CALL ON: US IF YOU NEED HELP. We allow you to pay back Just as much as you can- easily spare. Rebate for any unexpired time. HUTTON. CREDIT CO, ' ".'. 807 Spalding bldg. , - Main 2360. ' Borrow Money - - from the Salary Loan" Bank No security. Everything confidential . ; Lowest rates In thai city. State-Security Co, 808. -Failing Bldg., ' v Third and Washington 8ts. MONET advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in fi prlnct-1 pal cities; save money by getting our terms. " Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange, TOUR CREDIT I good at the Employee- Loan Co,, SM Abington, 106V 3d st. WE can place your money at good rata of interest Gilt ejige security; first mortgagenj long time Investments. PROVIDENT 1NV, & TRUSTEE CO., 624-626 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE money to loan on real es tate aecurlty; we also make some fa-m loans. Call and see us. 821 Board or rraae oidg. Marshall 2721. -iONET TO' LOAN In sums of $500 up to $2000. on city Improved prop erty, for term of years. J. X. Wells jo., 6 chamber or commerce bldg, MONET to loan, large loans a specialty! Duiioing toans lowest rates;, lire ln- surance. w. u. aecK, niz calling, .... tO loan $1000 to-$10,000 farm or city property s Howard,- 402 Commercial block. s - ...-- MONEY to loan, any amounti 6 to 8 per cent. Goodnough A Setts, 810 Spauld- ing piag. IMMEDIATE loans on securities. W. A: Hathaway. Room 10, Washington urag.- MONEY loaned on timber claims! city and farm property, contracts bougM. Morrison,' room 6,- -' ? LOWEST RATES; loans on any seourl ties, chattela or roal estate. Union Loan cc. 85 i-.arayette bid., 8th & Wash. R. A. FRAME Short loans on any kind of security. ; Fleidner bldg. Phone Main 6239. (100,000 oh mortgages, , city or farm property, fire Insurance; McKensle & W. jernnirer piag.. m snn Alder. MONEY to loan, any amount, on real es tata, furniture or piano: lowest rate. j. a. rsicnois, azu noarq or Trade. PRIVATE party will loan on real estate from $350 to $10,000, 8 tier cent, 8 to 6 years, tsox iui, postonice. - ANY part of 850,000 to loan at 4 per cent Interest. 806 Couch bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city DroD- LOAN for the - asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Cot 414 Dekum bldg. SALARY LOANS F A Newton. 5lS Henry PMg. f HJlV '"li, "ii mi BBUuiAUe. o, w. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. I MONEY to loa on Improved real estate. 1 J. L, White, 331 Sherlock bldg. $350 to loan, Portland real estate. R-206, -'Journal. .':i-'-' ,...'.: BUMS of 2000 upward on real estate. Goddard ft Wledrlck. 24$ Stark. NOTICES 2ft TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO MAH COUNTY, OREGON. Notice Is hereby given that on Mon day October 17, 1910, tha board of equalisation of Multnomah county will attend at .the office of the county clerk of said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year .1910, and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities Of land, lots or prop erty, and It Is the duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if It shall appear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property as sessed twiceior in the name of a per son or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or -beyond its vstue, or any lands, tat or other prop erty not assessed, aald board of equali zation . shall make the, proper correc- tiOna, - ; , . , , '.. r-r---. - B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland, Or., Sept 23, 1910. - . LOST AND FOUND 21 L08T A 8ootch Collie dog, name Thomas Keef on dollar, finder pleasa return to 847, Cook ave., and receive reward. LOST Light brow mink fur Saturday anarnoon. rinoer win ne liberally rewarded., Mrs. R. E. Menefee, 421 Rod ney ave, STRAYED to 287 E. 73d st small brown mare..; Owner pay expenses mm law wwq?; LOST OR STOLEN Brlndle English bull bitch, license 109. Return to 510 Burnslde, receive reward, or 129 14th. PERSONAL Shampooing, scalp and facial massage at your home, - by ;, xprlned .. mas. seuse. Phone A-73 82, ' ; "FRENCH parlor millinery, iti Russell WOMEN Usd' Femo.da 1 whta others plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th St'Maln 8106 .rr n I v T.'t i.' .-. -. . , j . . WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 16 minutes; free demonstrations. 9 Bsinng-Mirscn oio g. xveo yiastique Agcy. MRS. SOPHIE BTf EIP Mental nd spiritual scientist. z i?iling-Hirscr WILL Mr. Rose, ladies' tailor, rail at 884 Yamhill. . ... ; ' . BALM of figs, remedy tor dlaeafea of "women. 533 DavlB st. Maln'llflS. : 6EX1XE Pills only 76o box. csll or ad rss Bridge rharmaey, 186 MofHscn: 1 Free us x-Ray examinations and in'.'iiirtUUIl. lh you call at once. Dr. Home's frrar.d offer, to the Ml-k and weak. The object of this offer is to prove to' the sick an. aliina-'- eiif Portland and vicinit! r. ........ .t I ui unmj w 1 ..... ., mat he has thc-prandest simplest and mos,' successful method of ret-torin cn curing diseases known the scientific world. Many of you who nave been taking medicines and so taited treatments for months will be absolutely cured In a few treatments. Have you varicose veins, obstruction, blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, or ,any diseases of the rectum? Male or female weakness? Are you in pain noni rheumatism, lame back, sciatic, lumbago, locomoter ataxia or weak : , Are you constlpatea. rwmin-n, liver trouble, catarrh or deafness, skin dlsceses? if so there Is quick relief ana a permanent cure in atore for you If you call upon J. A. Home, M. D.. Naturopath,-' who gives you an honest opinion and honest treatment which cures to stay cured, if curable. His ;- "mnnKi(in st. ours; .m to 8; 7 to 8. Not open Sundays. Phone Marshall 2850. . - . FREE OCTOBER " ONM FREE. .During Gctober we will treat free one rheumatic person from each town In Oregon and .Washington, We are the only Neurologists In Portland and we want everyone to know that we have the best method of curing rheumatism and all chronic and nervous diseases, Board,"' room and traveling expenses is all. It will cost you to get well. : Ad dress Doctors Freere & Rice, 80$ Mar- y.in.m imm piag., jfortiano. i ' ua- Ai.iCE A. Anlr . Diseases of women 'apd children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere surgical . operations bv consulting , "WTm aiseases 01 cniiuren jpecialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor- rnAlilil 4-x t vi. a . . m.sk 1 n a f n1 lanon. x-iiones, Main sbb, a-oi. Office room 10 Grand Theatre .bldg., "mwii anq ram. 1 - M:lE5!l-(SIKl:(8liriSISIl.' Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, Dlles, etc- W. I. Howard. M. D. 804-6 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. DR. LEWIS, '--. Physican and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; - examinations free. Main 4047; A-2411. 606 Common- weaitn bldg., 6th and Ankeny HAVE , you tried 5 Minute Washing ; Compound? It's a marvel; 10 wash ings for 10c; no rubbing; leaves hands oft and velvety. Ask your grocer or us. PACIFIC SUPPLY CO., . . : - '; 245 Grand Ave. B-1133. Are You Ruptured? The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a specialist. to men, women and children.- Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th st LA OIKS Ask , your druggist for Chicesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest. Always re'.iabie. Take no other. Chi chester Diamond Brand Pills are sold oy druggists everywhere, GERMAN books, magarines, novels., etc., . German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries: foreisn books Of ali kinds. . Schmale Co., 229 1st St. .-' ; - ' ',..., DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures aiseases or men; Dioon ana sKin ait cases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- ney. bladder and piles. 181 First, Portt tana LlQUOR habit permahentiy Cured in three days; -no suffering and harmless,- Caidiola Institute, 1627 Peninsu lar ave.. forttann. ur. PAINLESS, prompt and peynanent cures dv latent nuiurai . iu-aiin merno.-is. Dr. Philip T. Ball, Merchants' Trust Libb Basselt's Native Herbs for con stipatlon; 60 tablets for.. 2 5 c. ,A11 aruggiBiB. ' .... -a" BUSINESS.DIRECTORY ; ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS .NORTHWESTERN Appraisal : Co. In dependent appraisers and - adjusters. loss k. zist st. n. wooaiawn su'-'H. ADVERTISING CIRCULAR letter - speclalUts. Stone Aaverusing v.o., vue-7 Uoth child bHg.. . ..:.-.'. u- .?").;... , ,.- : - ARTISTS'. MATKIUALS , ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehotise & ca, 4U Wash, at. AenAYFitS W'ELLS & PROEESTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. 204 hi Wash, M. 7508 l AVT A A oThuu 7f 1 a I irto I npuDi ; ore testing work. 186 Morrison. , . A1TOKNKTB J. R. HUGHES,. 304-5-6. Failing bldg. Main 7836 and A-3034. Practice In an. courts, collections a specialty. CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHlSws! General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS. General practice. 411-12 Buchanan bid. BATHS AND SWIM.MING v PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th. Elegant piungo, eteam, tub, shower, baths. 2uc. ' . PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th! Plunge, steam, tub, shower, baths, 2 6o. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY,. 102d"st Blank book- m'fg: agta. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 183. - IH MNESS CAHD ! W A RREN CONSTRUCTION - CO. . Street paving, sidewalks and croaa. Inge. 317 Beck bldg. ..,' TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll, 213 Jeffer son St.- Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of Insurance, surety bondnrMcKay bldg. CARPET CLEAXINQ GLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co. Clean carpet witnout removal, is. 4438. lONE Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovatea; guaranteea. tu. zso, b-2286. 4 CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rues, carpet cleaning. ids union ave., near m. morrison. WE weave rag carpeta,-bathroom rugs, ate. 1518 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2685. CHIROPODIST CHIROPODY '": AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4?9 FUedner bldg. COAL AND WOOD Good dry country slabwood; heavy. geghera Wood Co.. 9th and Gllsaa ' .Wood and Coal Delivered promptly. Harrington Transfer & Fuel Co., 433 E. Morrfson. Phone B-1692, East 6205. Call Main 8767, Foot of Curry at Wood. Coal and WESTERN FUEL COW J8T E. Morrison. East 226 1028. Yamato Wood and :oaLCompany, -EAST 81$. B-t SOT- fcOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO" .Main 2183. A-3842. Dry inside wood, gVeen slabwood, clean sawdust for bed- ding. twit "',,' E'ooKwoofl, ALBIMA FUEL CO.. 47 Alblna ave.. also Broadway and E. 3;!d St.; prompt de livery. ' Thones is,,,:?:, c-un. Dry Slab panW-1 OW'KN SHUR1V WOOD, per load.. $3.60 i (iliKtCN 4 l-'oo t'v'OOD, per cord. .82.75 ! is 1 1 tT-? Tvr?v eimpT ,.r in.i isr.nl I 'L"fK WOOD, per load ,..$3.60 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. Tfcc Eertlasd Slabwccl Co. "Main 3119. A-7001. Burn Oil, Reduce Your - Fuel bill; install the "Shanklln Oil Burner" in your range 'or furnace; 25 per cent cheaper than coal or wood, no soot, no muss, no ashes; Just like gas. iwmonstration at our store, 2S! lara hlll st. Main 6131, A-2431. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will save you money on your coal. $46-348 J-,ast Ankeny - street - Both phones: B-2343; East 214. Orders placed with A. W. Curry. 116-118 Grand ave., or Nlsbet Grocery, 655 East Morrison, will receive prompt attention, White &. Benson; fuel Co.. "1 A m T7. lirn..l..H r Vlmm All Formerly O. K. W?od and Coal Tard. CE5AR blocks, green, $1.60; cedar block cry, f t. i-none A-aaii. main not. COLLECTION .SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney Vv'blte. Main 6074. A-7024V '. , ; COLLECTIONS ' 1 COLLECTIONS, . Promnt and thorough attention paid to all collections anywhere, Oregon Collection uo, 811 Merchants Trust Bldg:, Portland, Or, CURRENT and dellnqjent accounts col lected. - wpns Mercantile, Agency, vus Board of Trade bldg., 4tn ana uaic sts. PORTLAND-' Collection Agency. Ail debts coi lectea, i7 Aiisay. A-,vaiv; m. izza. CONTRACTORS AND riUlLDEIUt CUMMINGS & CATLIN -Building In every Drancn or ine- Duuaing trus, Jobbing, remodeling, repairing a special ty; snow cases, countnrs, sneiving. eio Office and anon 871 lit st Phone Mar shall 2327. WILLIAM FISH BECK, carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 206 th. Main 6241. ' 1 ' - FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on tv uison, Marshall 1441; A-4020 192 Grover st J. H. BURTON A CO., architect and builders. 148 1st. Msin in; a-ibk CARPENTER contracts, Jobbing spec laity. W. B, Jerkins. Tabor 274. GASOLINE KSGIXKB STATIONARY and marine; electrlo equipments; launches, accessories, wholeaale and reUil; engine repairing. Relersnn Machinery Co.. 1 Morrison. DANCTTD MR. and Mrs. Heaths' dancing school, a lt.l... . t.1,4.. . .nit Mnrrliinn Htm... f i i la n y J.iviQ., ... ' ' v. ... . . ....... . stage dancing taught, class Sat. . eve nings, private lessons daily, waits and two-stop guaranteed in 4 lessons. ' DANCING lessons, 25c, every morning, a..,nnAn anA . AVentnC W 3 1 1 2 t WO step and three step; stage dancing t.,ut D.nf.unr Vnl Wltlaon'! School. 886H Wash St.. bet. W, Park and 10th. PROF. ItlNGLER'S dancing classes, Mon; and Bat. eve. Private instruction dally. Western Acaa., au-Mor. m. vtu DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. 8., of. 824 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 6440. . tt.ts.ClKlCAt. - HVPri-iti - MOTORS for rent or sale; - Pacific Elec trie Engineering CO.. 213 2d st. gLKCTRoirsrs - MOLES, wrinkles, superfluoua hair re mo rveMniJTiJIl U AT FACTORY MEN'S hata cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators In the city 64-66 3d st. ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats dlisact fnwi the factory at half price. LKA1HKH aV PLNiilMis CBAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 irront Leatner OI every ucdviiiiuuu, uv manufacturers, findings. LIRRARIES CIRCUIaATING library, 18$ 6th, bat Taylor arid Yamhill. Books 8e per day. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs.- 104 N. 4th MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES PARTS, complete machines, films, song slides, films, reasonable. 620M; Wash. MUSIC TEACHERS MISS RACHEL PAULSON, teacher of piano and harmony. Studio 88 Russel biag.. 4th and Morrison. Woodlawn 841. T.Arw.nlano teacher, eastern conserva tory graduate. Terms reasonable. 1074 Belmont. Tabor 116. E. . THLELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Bevcik. Mar, lorn. a-41v, hup jviarquam tr.X PERIKNCED lady vocal teacher de sire pupils, terms reasonable. A-7753. PIANO. Violin, -coipet mandolin. Prof. E. A. Smith, 292 12th st. OSTEOPATHIC THVSICIAAS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on neryes, acute and chronlo diseases, m fen ton piqg. main bkbi. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkville, Mo.; ' 1898- post graduate 1907. 818 Swet- land bldg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS V E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 186 1st. Main 1834. A-7043. . . . RA8MUSSEN & CO., "High Standard" paint, ne, cor. 2d & Taylor. M., A-1771. GET our prices on . painting, paper ing, tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PAINTING AND PA PEKING IFOR best work, prices right, call P, A. i-l ..,1 - Pull, .. 1. n . - . - . UVUllv, ivi A.. " . i yiitf.ipp. PAINTING, tinting. , paperhanging. H. p, Chrlstensen Co., Main 1988, A-4711. FOR Pal nting, tinting, paperhanging, phone E. 1856. All work guaranteed. PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells how to obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Beeler & Robb, 177-181 Mcoiii oiag., -vvasnington, D c. PARENTS procured by J, K, Mock, attorney- t-law, late of U. S. patent of fice ;bookfree:Boa R. C WRIGHT. U.-S. and foreign pat en tsjfrlngementcMea604prt PIANO TUNING Piano tuning, $2: organs repaired; 18 years axperience. E. 4979; 898 Vancouver PLUMBING CONTRACT work, any slis Jqbsj you or I furnish material: day or1 Job work' estimates furnished. H-106, -Journal. ROOF DOCTOR T IF TOUR roof leaks or1 needs paint mall card to Woodward Roof Paint Co., 106H N; 8d at- Estimates free. ' RUBBER tiTAMPS. AND SEALS STENCILS and office- stationery. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. , sSAFjai THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs lockouts opened, bargains In second hand, safes. KEAL ,aJ NAME - ltuker, D. M., City, Farm Froperty ., . . , . I'.rone-Stetl Cnmpany Itrulmktr & Beueillet Curd Reslty A Investment Co fVx,k & Co., B. S Chnjiln A Herlnw ;,'m'"Jl Hobiirt Mirshall, Farm", l"T i-roprx ltouek, GeorirB A. (CplonUatlon) KnatiD A MsckeT ........ . . ... Oreiton Real Estate CO., The,. rlialk. Ucortre 1) KhteMn. J. H. . Thoniptwn. 51, E. Co pRrrma -WELCH PRIHTING C0.w. "Doers of clever things with typ and Ink on DaDer." 141 H ibi. THE BEST PRINTERS Beattie & Hof- mann. Inc., 204 Etara. " ; SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Washtigton st S- See them. K Gilbert 801 SHOWCASES nXTCUKS SHOWCASES of very aescripiio". bank, ,bar and store iixturen order. The Lutke Mfg. CO. ' "-" THE JAMES L MARSHAL M-b"-; new and old showcaaes.xablnets, store and office t-irtnren 29 Couch. M. 2 1 03. HlUN AN U BUOtV CAKUi FOSTER Sc KLErSER- -Signs; the" larg est slgrt makers In the northwest, c. 7th and E. Everett sts. .Phones, East 1111, Home B-2224. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" oruanu Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. . STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery, Sales agent M. Winter nmitervg. BtRVKXOlUt WALTER M. OBER. plattlng,subdlvid ing and topographical .mapK a, pa clnltv. ISO E. 2th St. N. B-2099. lOVVJkL btlTLT --- I' m i m m IMMI w A vv ,.) ,tntt Anmk hrimh. soa $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co... 9th and CoucJi its. Phones Main 410. A-4410. -.HA.NCtl fc.il ANH (TTORAali Oregon Transfer .Co. ' Established 1870. ' ' Transfer' and forwarding agents. : Storage; free trackage. Office, 310 Hoyt st. bet 6th and 6th. ' Phones: Main 69: A-11C9. ; ;., POrVlaND Van Storage Co.cor. 13 th and Everett sts., Just opened, newest, most modern storage warehouse in citv. every convenience for safe and proper handling' of goods: lowest; Insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, vans for moving. Main or A-1620. C O, PICK Transfer & Storsge Cpc pf ' f ico and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate "Iron rooms ana fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved, and packed for shipment." Main 596: A-1996. ri anu.-Rnw. TRANSFK1P. CO, Generkl transfer and .uorag, aafes, pianos and furniture moved, nacked and binned, i 209 Oak St. Main 647, A-2247. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. . Cun- nlneham Co.. Z31 starK. Mnin nv. VfJL'Tlt(INART,Al,l DR. A G., SMITH, V. S.. U. S. 8tables, 248 Front. Main 4156. Res. Main 1802. WALL PAPK. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tlntlngj and the goods that go with them. K H M-oorehonsff Co.. 41 1 Wash, at WHOLESALE .JUI1E1KRS ; 'eVERDING &.FARRELL," produce and j commission merchants. 140 Front st, 'Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. , ! M. A. GUNST & CO.. ' DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. 1 iWADHAMS & CO., wholesale -rocera. manuiacturer uu cvinv Uao... . and Oak sts. ErnesTMlller Wall Paper Co.,- Imp. ami dom. hangings, wnoienain ma rci,u, " ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS ERMAN-AMKSl-AN BANK Porfland. Or. I Corner Sixth and Waaninstoo eta, '"n VJ ., neral banking boalneaa, Drafts lasaed available la all tha principal eltlei i ! the United Btatta ana Europe Fout pet cent Intereat paid a aavlnga awoonta. Bate a- UHtt Ttnlta. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS ORUIS P.RnTHEBS. Cbambef of ' Coav . vf i.i.l, .In. I railroad ud IDcrrv a ,u.u. pubUe aarvlM corpora Ua bonaa. TRANSlXiKIATlOS Tb Opea Blyer Transportation Company Str.J.N.TLAL ror THS DAIaLES and War Landlng-s Leaving Oak street dock, foot of Oak . . . . . WA,Anr1iir and lrrli1n.v 011 AAWJ, . . . . - . " - , . at l a. m., returning, leaving The Dallas Tuesday. Thursday "nst'J, ing connections at veiuo li" TWIlf eiTIBS for Pasco, Kenne- wlck and all points on the Columbia, as m lm Tonld ' A, P. wnilinu. iKCiii., SaA jrranoisco as rortiand Btsamshlp Oo. wavr Service to ZaOs Angeles, via San w..nlaM. naif iva Din. From Ainsworia Dock, Portland, 4. p. m. B. S. Bear Oct 4, Bose City 9, Beaver 14. From San Francisco. Northbound. 13 m., 8. S. Kois City Oct. 3, Beaver 8, Bear 13. From Ban' Pedro-. Northbound, - r--r S. B. Beaver Oct. 6, Bear 11, Boss City 18 H. G. 8mith, C. T. A, 142 Third st;. phone Main 402, A-1402. J. W. Ransom, agent, Alnlijfurth Pock:, phone Malq 28. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES " AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT jrOETH PACYPIO S. 8. CO. S. B. B.OANOKS and 8. 8. ELUES SATL Every Wednesday, alternately, at p. m. Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phonea Main 1814, A-1314. MARTIN J. H1GLEY. Pass. Agent W. H. SLUSSER, Freight Agent - COOS BAY L.HNI3 BTHAMEB BBEA1TWATEB Balls from , Alaska Dock, Portland, lp.it, Sept. 20, 27. Oct, 4, 11. 18, 26, and every Tuesday night Freight received at Alaska dock until 5 p. m. daily. Passen ger fare, first class, $10; second class, $7, Including mea)sndJwUiTlcket. on sale at Alnsworth dock. .Phones Main 268. A-1234. - - t r ---'. r& O. R. & r v ASTOMA ROUTE ,s.'- i; .' V:.r".;; STBAJIEB HAS3AL0 vV Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 a. m. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 a, m. Arrives Portland at 5:00 p. m; Makes direct connection wlthsteamer Nahcotti for Megler, llwaco. Long Beach and all points on tne iiwaco ranroaa, HnNOLlL A CC f Speolal Bednced Round Ttta -4----'"-rirl Class (Pofmerly ?U5 )T Splendid 8. 8. Sierra sails from . San Francisco, Oct. i. etc. tilt to Ta hiti and Bw Zealand, S. -S. Mariposa, sails Oct. 17, etc. Tahiti and -bic $135, New Zealand, (WelliiigtiHi) $246.28, first elaas- round" trip. Sfcurt your berth now. Address Ocesnlc ;i S Co.. 673 Market street. iSan FfaiKiiici. 1 -r - 4 t c it a 8 .- .- s UK, I- 1 AliDHKSM ,3o.i Lofb.'it i'.id,'... ,110 S ml M .."'a M.-kar I'.i.lR.. , ti.'i Ht-nrj Eb'u . . 1 i:li A 4 i . ilarst.:i t.vt: , Vi I iirtiett tMt ,3"3 Chfluiher of C"!i:merc. . , ,Riom 7. 2.o4 Alrtcr.'.i , it) lbbe . T Chamber of fmmerre. . .flnmrt Ae. nd Multuonih. ! ' t (: 1 t-j 't M ; i a .Miln ai.rt A t..KKit t;;. i: Stork M.. .Unm .'fi A ,S05 Gerllneer Bltlc... Main i .Henry Kl.lj".. 4th-Onk M. Bmitttrn elf!e. Learlug Purtlmid Ashlnr.il Paasengcr Howburf . I'tutnsar ........ Bh,t Limited Bilrerton I'maenger, CaiiforDla Expiea Ban Franrlica Eipras...... vrt sim Corrallls I'aMenfer ......... Sheridan I',einer Sllrtrtoo Vuumuitfit ........ Fwt G'roT Paureqrer ... Forwt OrtTe Paaaengrr..,,.. Arrlylnf Portland ... Oregon t'lprean Aiuunfl PaxaenKt r-' liaaeljurg l'atiger ........ 8:80 t. m. 4:15 p. t. :CI p, m. 8 .20 p m. 7 .4S ik ta. , 1:S0 a. aw 7:30 S. 4:1 p, 6:80 p. 8:u) a. 6:40 p. m.- ........ .7:30 s. .,.... 10:00 p, ......... 6:30 p av m, m. ronnnu sxpreis Shaata LluiHtd , SlWerton Loral ..,.,...ii?ai a. m, a so p. m. ft:30 a. m. Weat Side- (ViryallU P ftr 4 20 p. Sfc SlWerton Paawncer t:30 a. m, Btaerldan PaMengar ..10:20 a. m. Foreat GroT Pawenger. ..,.,'....'.. 8:Ws.; m. '- ' '--. Worthm ysotfie. - - - - " Leaving Portlaad ..'-... ..; , '-..' v..,- ."', . North Ooaat Limited ; via ; Puitt Sound -.. ..)-i.,..,v.ii.....i...r. 10:10 a. at, fill Ooaat Limited via Jforth Banlc ... 4i.-.-., 7:00 ia ' Atlantic Eipl-aai Via tuget Brand.. 12:15 a. ta. Atlantic ETpwna via North Bank... 9:00 au ta. Twin CHy-Kxprea yla Ptiget Bound, 8:80 p. m , Twin City Kiprosa via North Bank.; 7.00 p. aw Kaatera Kipre ,1a Ptiget Sound. .12:15 a. to, Eaatarn Exoraai yla North Bank.... 0:OO a. si. KUiiaourt ;iTr Expreas yla Paget . , , sonna , ,io:ie a. av Mlasourl Eltar Eipreas via : Nortll . Bank . .......................... 70 ft. H, Portia ud. Taeoraa and Statu Ei- , . preaa, Gray, Harbor, Olympla aud . South Bend branches ............ 6:48 a, sa, Portia od-Vauoou-rer Special ..... ...10:10 a. sa, Pujet Sound Limited, Gray Har bor and Sooth Bead branch.... 8:A0 p. m. Yaoolt Paaseofiir 4.-00 p. aw - Arriving Portland-- , Korth Coast Limited via Nortll Bank $:1 y. as, Worth Coast . Limited vis Puget Bound'. 7:20 a. m. Northua Pacific BipreM via Nortll , Bank . 7:80 a. Ok, tiirn Paciflo Kipraaa Tl Puget wnd . 7:10 a. at. Pari he Coaat Biprass via Nwth Banks. 8:18 p. B. Paelfle X'1 Expreaa . yla - Paget Sound ,..... 7:20 a. m. Waatera Eihprsew yla Nortll Bank., 8:15 p. m. Yi caters Xxpraas via Puget Sound. .10:30 p. aB. Wlaaouri BlveKKxnraaa yla h'arth Bank . .... .... 7:80 a., ok Mlnsonri Elyar Kxpreaa yla Paget Bound , ..,....77...... .... 4:00 p. 18. PwtUad-Tseoma-Saatfle Kxprtas and . train . Olympta,, Buotk, Btn4 aad. Grora Harbor ... ....... 4:00 D. m. Pngat Hound Limited ............ 7:10 p. Vaacduyar-Portland Special V., 10:80 p. Tarolt Paaaengar ... ...,,.,. ..11:00 a. Oregon Hailroad It Vavlgktii on' Co. Leuvlnc I'ortluod r : H mited ..,,..10-. Baker City PaaewnreC oo a. m. Orcgon-WaaltlngtoB Limited MX) a. ta. ina uauea iwcai.. .. Spokane Flyer .... . . 4:00 p, a. 6:0o'-n. m. 11:00 pm. 8:00 p. m. Oretxm-Wathtnfrton Express. ...... Arriving Portland The DaUes Local ............1'115 a. m.N Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. Oreou-Washington EiprM........lli80 a. to. Soo-Kpokana-l'ortland ............. .11 30 a. . fiaatr city ijneai raxwengor..... ... i h' v- Ore gon-Waahtnrtott IJmlted . ' WjOOjJ ; ' . Aitoria k Columbia Kivw, " fjeavlng Portland . Aatoria and Seanlde Eipraaa. ....... Aitoria and Beaaids Lxptaaa 8:00 a. 6:30 p. 1:15 p. 6:45 p. uv m. . m. , m. m. tn. m, m. ltalnler Paaaenger ....... Kainla? Paaaeocer ...... ',A.M,'. Arriving ForlLanO - ' Beaal1 and Aatorla Irpreaa ..12:05 p. Beaaids and Aatorla Expreea. ....... 10:00 p. Haloler and Portland Paaaengar.,.. 0:40 a. galnier and Portland paaaepigr. . 6;W Ouiadtaii rlf to Itsllway Oo. Leavina- Portland Boo-Spokane-Portland .11)0 p. m. Via Seattle ...12:15 a. n. Arriving Portland- -Soo-Spokana-Portland ..............11:80 a. m. Via SeattlB .10:"" P- Oregon Vaahlngton Railroad Oo. leaving- i-ortiano : Seattle Paawnger ............. ... 8:80 a, ta. 8baata Limited .................... 8.00 p. tn. Owl . .............. .a.u........ 11:40 p. v. Arrlvlag Portlaad . Owl . ............. ...w.. ......... 7:15 a. M. Bhaata Umited ................... 8:20 p. n. Portland Paaaenger . . . f 8 4a p. m. Z . 7 . . il ft ?ErrEaB0w btreet btation. Boutliern Padfln. Leaving Portland m - Pallet (Paaaenger ................. 7:40 a. Bk, . Pallas Paaaenger ' 40 p. m. k'oreat Grove Paaaengev . 1.-00 B.-n, Arriving Portland ' Pallas Passenger ,.v. ...... ....... 10:15 a. m. iMllaa Paeaeuger 6:M p, BV Toreet Grove Paaaenger 12:00 tn. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS . IA8. - L BpokaneTPwrTland V Bottle Batlwsy Co. ' ' Leaving Portland . t ;. j,-, - - - Inland Kmplre Expreas ..9:00 a. st, - Tor Chicago, St. Paul, Oman a, Kansas City, Bt Louis, Billing, - Spokane. - Waahtucija, Kahlotos, Paaoo, Kooaevalt, Orunddallea, Gol deudale, Lyle, White Salmon, Bteveoaoa and VaDoouvef. . -. ' - -.'-;:': ' -" . '"'' '' ' Tie Oregonlaa ...... .......j........ll:w a. , m. For St. - Pil, Spokane, Paaco, Sranddallea, Lyle, White Salmon, Stavensoa and Vancouver. Columbia River Local',..,. ..a.... 4:80 p. m korth Bank Umited ...............7:00 p. in, For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Sanaa City, ' St 'Louis, Billing, Spokane, Waabtucna, Kahlotua, Paaeo, ftoorvelt, Orandaalles. Lle, White Salmon, Stevenson and. Vaacoaver, . -Arriving Portland ' The Oregonlan ,...7:oo a. ta. From 8t PanL Spokane, Paaeo, MaryDlH, Lrte White Salimin, Stavenaon and Vancouver, Korth Bank Umited .7:30 a. nix Prom Chicago, St. Panl. Omaba, Kansaa City, St. Louis, BUllnga. Spokane. Waantucna,, f..i..t TA. DaaoavaII iirn nrl . llA I.V UA. White Balrooa, Btevenaon and Vaneoover. Columbia River Local ...v.. ...... .12 85 p. ra. Inland JCmplra Hxpreas ........... B:15 p. aa, Frooi Chicago,- St. Paul, Omaha, Kanana ty. ytahlotue, Paaoo. Rooaevelt Oranadalle. liyla, rinite sajnn1greTH'ii-jiu . m- great lferthara Railvmy Co. n "Leaving Portland 11th aud Royt at. Oriental Limited, yla geattls .....10:00 a. sv, ' The Oregonlan, via. North Bank... .11 :00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via Nortll Bank... 7:00 0. in. International Limited, Soattle, Ta- coma and Vancouver.-B. O. .... .100 a. au The OwL Tacoma, Seattle sad Tan- eoover, S. C...... 6:00 p. n. Shore Une Krpreaa, Tawma, Beattie and. Vancouver.. B.: C...... ...... 11.8Q P. a. Arriving Portland lltb and Hoyt eta. Oriental Limited, yla Seattle...... 8 40 s. nw Itse Oreroniaii, yla North Bank..., 7:05 a. m. OrlenUl Limited, yi North Bnnk... 8 15 p. m. The 0wL-VtMeMi-T U JttaHla - - --- and Taeoma .. ...v .... . .. 0:40 a. ta. Bhoi-s Una Expreas, Vancouver. B. C. Seattle and Tacmna 8:30 P- InterBBtloival Livnlted. Vaaeeuyer. B. C. eattle andTma. !.-LJJW T.-JT'i TIME ' CARD OREGON. ELECTRIO Y, 00. aSaauAHAH fi4 fl.i iCm "Tryvnt nA Jeffexaou Sta. " .Woodburn, sTiteni and Int. ePoiata LochiS leave Portland :B0, 7:60. 11 CO a. m : 2 o- 8:50. :30, 8:40 p. m. Llniited for 'lualatln sad Salem 9:15 a, m. Local for Wlbouvius and Int. station 6:10 p. m. - Hlllabon, Toreet Oroya and ' IntormadifttS yotats-LeavS Portland 7 :0S. 6 SO, 10.2.4 a. p. 12:10, 2:10, 8:30, " 5:80. 8:23 p. m. - Saturday -:40U:W a. a..; 4 1, 4.S, w. 8 20. 10:IW) p. . in. Local from VMlaouvllle and Int. 6:40 a. m. . iMily .'eiceH Sumlior. a ad T:S5 a. m. daily- 1 ... ' Arrive Portland from roreat Grove and Int. ; Statiena-;0 0:50, 11:40 a. m t l-fri. H 6:S). I:.10. 10:80 P- " Siimlaf .eMyg. JJ ' QTtlndJ8aiIwyJ:LJghj4Wowr m ; . Ticket OfCU'o'eud W siting B'-ni, Firat and Alder and Kt ur "V ) '-. anrtJliaat Morritwa srreots. - ' Ct leave Eaat Water and Murrlva attt, Oreron City 4:W. 8:30 , m. and every ii BilmKe to and 'ineludliif taat ear iiiMnljtht Gretbam and tutertuedlate point-- 6 "'! :4 , 8 45, ii, 'lOaA, 11:45 ..... 1:45,' 1,4V -.45, 8:48. 4:44, 6:48, 0:45, 11 :3' p.-ra,fc Flrvlw and Tnitdala 8.5S, -7:4S, 8-4 4ft. 10:45 a, ra., 18:40,.. 1:46, 8 45, 8 4, , 6 45 t'ti p. "i"" tcilerl and Intamedlat.) pi.lnta (I TS, 8:43, . .. n ) if, i a t!, ... iucO niW't T tfii.,.tl: i..-D4.As.uii room, seua d w-.lIiH' "'- - iJ), 6 i' 7 . 8 ('. 8.M, 9 '.').. ,V, 1.. . i, i::l 11:50: r. m. -ii ?, -.1 '!, I , , in 9 rj 4 51 It 10 S SO 6 i.5i, 7-t4. I,-. n" 0 w "' " :! :'. j On third l4oi.1i in swy tar leavca at :uu C. n. , ; a.:b ti.e l,.-s ". '' Dnilgr ettcept iitj. lU. ..... . t