CCT; I on 12 a i.:.' r v ,.3 13 "FINANCIAL I'll: ON.IL ccllixxion u'lcialijt V.'H HAVn several bargains In horns CA.t;U pall for mortgages or seller's furnisl incs this week, hut wmi wo interest in contracts ou icm now v. houselioM t -,v.t--yo,i rsiovn vou'll rterd new furnt :nrf. Buy Judiciously and )'ur av' wi'l fxc( moving expenses. . --r-u i. n;t viMi !".S made us one tl.B lareest furniture houfces in tn Laa us up. v In l.a than two years. WPtPm SPlVflfi (eOt Lookers. shown the sama courtesy as , Vltf 0ul, .VYi-, or veli4 545-547 Washington Ft, xa'n 1108 or jlH'AN-ATCHLKY FURNITURE CO.. A-3793. ; Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark SU pOR SALE. I st Ankeny and Kunsell-Shaver Car A - y L capacity Russell rortable i Pass Our Doors. . sawmill- complete, with cut-off saw, Sn KENT Octobor. 15, a green coW dust conveyor, etc., also a No. 1 North luge. 5 rooms, fireplace, china closet, west planer, with attachments; (rood as orchard. 3 acres, all kinds of shade riew, has been used only a short time, (es large lawn, barn, hen lots, wood- For particulars call at my office, 228- iinse. $20 per month: no children un- 228 Front st., Portland, Or. jr 17. Mrs. J. O. Stephens, 4 blocks HERMAN .METZGER. Owner. .t of Flrland station Mt Scott car- wid A an(, bmimfy ,e P. O. address, Lents, Or. tal)es bought and Bold on eaay terms. E can furnish your noma a. a, Bwllns alleys, rerrlgerators ror irame- saving. - See us before purchasing cllate dp!1"'"'. Addrms the Brunswick- se where. M. Ajstrow & Co., 4-btt is. Ralke-Collonder Co., 46 5th. . -. ;.' Complete nouserurniBners. F0tt" SAL0n. 9xl0 donkey engine, name prices, E,asy .erms. one Vx8 holstine of loading engine ant lust now is" about $L!iu0 worth of i Oreron or Wash. Mort gaits loans m:sroti-.V If you cs ousehol.l Koods. What have you got? jated on Improved pmpei ty. It K Noble, of ,Pr to th ! '.tin, 0'rTT)i!! niO., Din hiki ' t - Free $15 X-Ray examinations inJ nuMCUM ana o c o. ecu on. consultation I ica"ey v.uiio. wm vu. If you rail at once. Dr. llorr-es The oojcii HP. AT . ?QTvir S a ft ' t collections T and I ur- $ ance policies, livestock, real estate, $ t etfL II. S. Rest Kstata &. Brokers ire I Co., 812 Hamilton bhlg. Main 2084. $ 1 Oultk limns on furniture pianos, storage receipts, life lnsu CASH for first and second mortgages, lot and building contracts. Call or address 507 McKay bid?. Main 4710. LET us place your investments In high grade first mortgages n Portland pro perty, 602 Corbett bl d g. ' LOAN3 WANTED- 30 of this offer is to prove to' the sick and '""( cuiKcns oi i'oruana ""a " j I srt i i- r-r i r ia l rV mat ce has the grandest, simplest , LiULLLL U0 'lSnritiLZ kS2w7lBtS . Prompt Vydgr.Hontlon paid iv,. .i..Vi,. 1 5. " whn I to all collections anywhere.:' y.o DiriiiLiiic worm. jMany ui - ,-. , L1?" bn A taking medlcfnes and so- ' jreSOn COileCIIOn bOr iiru treatments lor monina , w.,i,, "Tnmt Rldt Portland Or abso ntelw i-rA in . fo ..ti'ntiL 1812 Merchants lrust King., rortiana, vt. .VRQAIN Furniture of 4 room flat seaured; must raise money;, best offer 186. flat for rent. Zia . Kussen . bu lases u. c-aua. journal. lake "LI" car. " - I von 8ALK Tent house, 21x31, walls with BlnrlH unrt HhlH Tnnutre 403 Roth- 1IOITSES FOR REXT child hldir. Phone Main 8983. FURNITURE FOR SALE v 82 i HAVE a mortgsse of. $400, bearln 4 - per cent, payable fZb montniy, wen URNITURK of 5 room cottage for . -.stained and , varnished insiae., ranei sale at 64 Overton st., mum, ue wr m wtu mm. v.tti P one. Ryu nrtutinir nrf-sM and outfit, srood as EV: furnished 6-room modern flat, 4 ; new; cost $60. will sell tor $30. E-196, WANTED Party furnish lot and build four-story apartment east side; will lease for term of years and furnish bond or grood security. Investment will pay about 13 per cent.- Marshall 2jl5. Have you varicose veins obstruction, current ar,(1 delinquent accounts col blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, lected. Wells Mercantile Agency, 703 or any diseases' of the rectum? Male Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak sts. or female weakness? Are you In pain PORTLAND Collection Agency, All debts pom rheumatism, lame bads, sciatica, counted. 317 Allsky. A-7317: M. 4232. lucumoier ataxia vi " - I z: : . . kidneys? Are you constipated, stomach, i mAjjujns AJfll CTJILOEKM ' irouoie, catarrh or aeainess, NAME ' Buker, I). M., City, Finn Property llrong-Stcele Cfimpany .. ltrubahcr & Benedict. . k Card Kenlty A InTestmeat Co. . took C.. B. 8 Chsiiln 4 Hprlow Hnbart A MurshmU, Farnm. i iiy rropcJ Houck. Gem-Be A. (ColouiKitionj -v drub ft ilaekey. Oregon K1 Estate Co., The Sohtlk, Georite P. Shield, . It. Thompson. M. B. ' Co. ' .A Ai-'i, . MONEY TO LOAN 27 diseases? if so there Is Q"ck relief CUMMINGS A CATLtN Building lu If m Pninent f.'",;10. fM.7D eveV7 branch of th building trades; N.t3ESnS7K1-'upV Ji A H-rn. honest Jobbing,- remodeling, repairing a special- .u.'?patn' . h fflves yon n honest j cag cuntnre, fhelvlntT, etc- iu,V-?S. non"t. A . ui. hi I Office snd shop S71 lit t- Phons.Msr- idd.:- ll.f, 'StZ'ZnA t,Hr Shall 2327 cood beds, fine carpets, fine, range, Jouri hrgaln; rant $22.50. , 401 1st st,' 1 FOR SALE 48x1 02-lhch vertical boiler, EN room house for rent, iurniture ior gooa as new," jasi oiuw cotiei: yyomo, sale. Inquire 85 N. 9th t 181 East Water st CRNITURB of a 5 room house J7o. SAFE for 1222 E. Msin st. Phone Tabor, 1000. man,-' Inc., sale, -cheap. . Beattle & Hoff 204 Stark. ODERN house for rent, tumlturs for NEW Karl Kruspe B-flat Olarionet. Mar HUTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Bpaldlng bldg. 1T US HELP YOTJ. a SPECIAIj RATB8. MONET TO LOAN . ON EASY TERMS. This company Is backed by men wltn unlimited 1 capital for the purpose of helping those In. need of temporary as- CALL ON US IF TOU NEED HELP. ws allow you t pay Dae. juv much as yoii can easily ipars, Rebate for any 'Unexpired time. . , MUTTON CREDIT UVJt, . , v 107 Bpaldlng bldg. K , ' ; ' Main 236. '- f ' .. 287 H Washington "st Hours" 9 to li; WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and toT!; 7 toTNot open Sun Mon builder jobbing and contracting. 206 nn At. rif. a .;aiB-F.. ; lFOK cement wcrK. piaaieuus. ni.o .hMrM ex-I work, excavating, call on tf. uison. clnsivftlv Wnm.n T. navsd Be- Marshall 14411 A-4020. lz urever vers surgical operations by consuiunsjj H BURTON fc CO.. architects ana iNervous - aiseases 01 cnuuic. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 ANXED-MISCELtAJfEOTB 5 OR RENT October 15, a green cot-J WANTED People :of Portland to know ... nmUhai ' fci mnmi. firenlace. I that 1 We nay highest' cash Dries for Mna closet, well orchard, S acres, all second hand household goods. .. . Seater Inds of shade trees, largei lawn. Darn, as trustavson. kubbcu. cant ooj. en lots, woodhouse $20 : per month; EAST SIDE auction Jobbers want Id o children under l, Mrs. j. u. sstepn hand furniture, highest cries paid. 94 ns, 4 blocks east of Flrland station, Grand ave E. 1051. -;- f' -' it. Scott carllne. . P, O. address, Lents, qeT. our pries on your furniture,! as r.-' - . . :,,; '.- . Jt wm pay you. We want the goods. Pavsge Be Penneil, g5-g 1st st, Main ,so, FOR RENT Rfl! 1VISK: pet mora for vour - secon Within walking distance, large 12-1 hand furnfture hv selline It to Ford Kon house eompletely famished. Beau Auction Co., 211 1st, Main 8951. A-2445. ful lawn: will rent with or without!. i,iAU .a 'nr tin foiL w lirniture,. 824 Jackson st, -near ; cor.l pay delivered, 23o a pound. J. Leve, tn, -...' - ' - ! 1 16 'Columbia, at. .Main 6198, IVEtROOM fully furnished bungalow. gpQT cash paid for your a f irnlture: (in a monin; saHeuieui, raiuiwuii prompt attention always given, ft,, ivo for 2d-hand cloth Ireplace, hot and cold water In bedrood, tfFTmi-qT niM" e piano; two blocks from car; cement PST price paid amT EL 68th -and "Stanton sts., Rose ig ana ,Bn0f8-l, bt East 1051. Ity; not for sale. LOSE In, a neat furnished cottage, free phone, bath, gas and piano. 262 an st; take U car, ' , EW room cottage, furnished, 393 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 41 BA&0AINS. 1 1919 B-passenger Cadillac, fully Marguerite ave.; furnace heat and -oulnnen and in first class condition. as range. " I 1 1910 4-passenger demi-tonneau. ;: ' . , 7-r fully equipped, in first-ciass conoiuon. . . Ai'VitXAUixa .1 m 1 isu 4-cyunuer 1 o-passengw uiu I , fniiv eauloDed and In - first InmnT TWtfTvnTj i i rtrv . 0,lnnf1 I ela k9 nnndltlfln .. A rare bargain. Hotel. 830 lamnm; nrst cjbbs iur- ' . . T V J? -X'-vii lehed rooms, single or ea suite, modern, passenger Ruicky- in xf irst-class condl- . a . v m a SV4VeT I X i a Tin 11 a!1 m Ammm Ai AM n r f AS an,- I rupT mnslenUolt.:A:7177. tlon. Mu ell very heapor h- - ison Park H6use, 262 Park st Every- uuu,euu hlng.tnodern, I 1 Detroit Eiectrio Btanhope, good as new. For quick sale will sell cneap, : FOR RENT FLATS 13 1 l.cvlinder SO.horseDOwer. J-paBsen- I .. . , a . J HI 1. Ar Miinne . runv eauiuDea ana iuiiibv IODERN-6, room flat, 5th near Jackson class condition, . ' west MV, - own.-waisv.vMain-, v. 1 ."; 1 ii that nar listeil ahovs are guaran WE room ' upper flat desirable loca- teed by us to be in first-class condition, tloh'eheap to party wflh no children. st 8103. v."'.' ' .' " ,OR RENT Up to date 6 room flat over . I. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY.. Km jfcricsstoro. tn Ross City Park. Tabor FUBN1SHED FLATS RAPCJATNS. 1 1S10 B-nasacharer Cadillac. ' fully Krt equipped and In first class condition. I . t txt n a 4ATnl.tnnnat1 20-iman .rurnished flat, near wasn- . . '191a Cylinder 6-tassenger Oldsmo- lngton High scnTOi;)atn. large PtM-cn- pij jully eqUipped . and in, first clasg . noiCS location;- ieierenc. nom 1 - 31 M- - raP, hArrntn. . :aat 504$. - - I 1 ian i-(viindr - io-horsenower. B nncirmi T7 passenger Bulck, iij ' first class condl-; i STORES AN0 OFFICES .? -.,11 will sell very cheap for cash. ; Borrow Money , ; from ths1 ' .. Salary Loan Bank ' No security. : : , "r 'i-- Everythlnij confidential. Lowest rates In the city, .State Security Co. "?- 80s Fallins s..: ' Third and Washington Sts. MflNEY advanced salaried neoDie. hosse keepers and others upon their own names without security; cneapeoi rates, ntlt irnvmnnli: offices in 66 Princi pal cities; save money dv getting uur terms. Toiman, 317 Lumber Excnange. '-"$'' ! vmrn puktitt " Is good at the Employes' Loan Co., 121 , .. . Abington, 106V 8a WE can place your money at good rate , of interest Gilt edge security; first mortgages; long tims investments. . PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO, 524-526 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE money to loan on real -estate security; we also make soms farm loans. Call and see us. $21 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 2721. iuONET TO LOAN In sums of $500 nn to I2nnn on cltv lmnroved nroD- erty. for terta of years. J. L. wells Co.. 636 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY, to loan, larae. loans a specialty building loans; lowest rates; firs In surance, w. li. ttecu, si? jauing, BEST in Portland. Bee jinra. Washington st. a. u"""- R. H.' BIRDS ALL. HAMILTON Bhow cases ii "tock.. Prompt deliv ery: Sales agent ? Winter .Lumber r!' H. BlRDSELL, HAMILTON Show eases in stocn. rroi"iv i Sales agent M. Winter Timber Co. W..I1J 111 1. Vnln 1S17! A-1X17. rnnrlnw- ... i5 .h., fori laity, w. w.-v Kn oVvaree ror consultation.. Phones; Main S928, A-S807. Office room 10, Grand Theatre bldg Washington and Park. ' ": GASOLLNB ENGINES STATIONARY and marines elecuie . equipments; Uuncbes, accessprle whnlMala and retail: engine repairing. Mndun olantrin ramTit for diseases 1 Rolerson Machinery .Co., 14 Morrlson. Of the prostate, nervous debility, Pll etc. w. 1. Howard, JNk 1J, nma- chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. , DAncrno -r-n - t ..niip . I UT mvt . Mpi ' HUinr QailUIIlir BV11UU, tl,-.ll.. .-j .....r-. mixM I lltabv Mdsr. Jd and Morrison Sts and children exclusively! private hos- stage dancing laught, Be;- vet Dltal accommodations; examinations- nings, private lessons daily, waits and free. Main 4047: A-2411. 606 commoa-1 two-step truaranteca in """' wealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny. LiupTK-n. lessons 25c. every morning. WiVJT. , vni, itA K llnnto WnnhlnST I .ftarnonn unit .evening; WSltl. IWO Compound? It's a marvel; 10 wash- step and three "tep stage dancing ings ior auo; no ruooing; leaves muu i taugnt r roiessor wai nunuu -J:': . 1 suit ana veiveiy. ask your growj i "-ihia wasn bl, obi. r. f" jvhh . PACIFIC SUPPLY -CO., I ctJTvp RiwaT.TT.Ti'R dancing classes, US Grand Ave.- B-1183. f ". Ra Bat .vs. Private Instruction Arfi Ynir KlIDYliredY - tdally. Western Acaa., na-mor. x, !5ftf.V2!" ' SSitAV'J?! - DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge.- Wilson, 66 6th st "Rure cure for drunkenness! morphine, I cocaine, tobacco. Room 26 Cosmopoll-I tan, 61 N. 8d st Hours, irom i m a m.; I to to 6 p. m. - 1 - DR. BROWN. D.W-. 8.. of. $24 n1 M; 4086. Hosp. 19 E. 12th. E. 8440. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, etc., German, English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign KLKCTK1CAL 6t?ITIJlv MOTORS for rent or sale. Paclfio Else- trio Engineering o., an u ELECTROLYSIS books of all kinds. . Schmale Co., 229 m wrinvie. superfluous hair re- i"t st- - , -- - - MflMrs M. P. Hill. 429 Flledner rtt-vtmr Pills only 75a box. Call 6r ad dress Bridge Pharmacy. 186 Morrison HAXFACTORr BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent Goodnough & Selts, 310 Spauld- Ing bldg. IMMEDIATE loans on securities. W. A. Hathaway.; Room 10, Washington Bidg.- - -: - - MONEY loaned on timber claims, city and farm property, contracts bought 221 Morrison, room E, ' S , LOWEST RATES; loans on any seouri Ues, chattels "or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 36 Lafayette, bid., 6th ft Wash. R, A. FRAME Short Joans on any kind ADVERTISING CIRCULAR letter specialists. Stone Bris.' Advertising Co., 706-7 Roth child bldg.- - : ' uiua ti.ta nlaaned and blocked at the j. man " . -. i . Tk. v.n. Eastern tiai FKwif i6"; ovators in the city, l-66 3d st. ground floor Worcester oiug. u.., ". the factory at half price. LEATHER F1SUINGS ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTI8T'8 materials, ploture framing. E. H. Moorehouse ft Co., 11 Wash, st CHA8. L. : MA8TICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. JJ11RARIE3 AsoAYEW of security. Main 6239. Fleldner bldg. Phone $100,000 on mortgages, -cttyor farm property, fire insurance. McKenile & Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan, any amount, on real es tate, furniture or piano; lowest rate. J. E. Nichols, aq noara or xraqe. .w - ' , iimim i, I t inao .viinrir s-nassenaer uiQsmo LlEAT market stora room for rent;, fine Dlle. funy e'qulpped and in first class location ror a marKet; in irvingtou oi condition, win sen cneap. i&th and Halsev sts.: no market in I i twrnit Riartrtn fitanhone. good as U lilngton nearer , than Union' av.j I hew .For quick sale will sell cheap, bed location for both fine cuts and v i 4 -cylinder 30-horsepower S-passen- oarse msats; .win - cnansjo ger-Mitcneii.-ruiiy. equippea ana in urBv oon to a market room, v Owner Week ciads condition. . ava .'tin R MnVHoon st. Phone even-i , in ih nn liatnd ahove ars sruaran- ngs 'and Sundays, East 728. , " " "Iteed bv us to be in first class condition. OR RENT 188 Morrison St, now oe- COVEY MOTOK CAK vuMfAiNii eiiniad hv drug store. 'Also spate on lower dock for f lvs years or less. Call t 183 Morrison st. R ATiflAINS. One 1908 4 cylinder Royal Tourist 8 m5Rl"in brick building, 342 Front passenger, fully enuipped. In first ; class 4it. -Rent $25.00; splendid location for condition;wUl sell cheap for cash if brocery. taken at once: pEW nice offices 4n the Couch bldg. I j, a good bargain; better calV 0i Lev-Is bldg. ; I rn 1909 i cylinder, high wheel Me- I'O'RBETT bldg.l two furnished connect- jntyre,- just the thing for uddy roads, Ing offiees. Inquire 410 Cprbett bldg. Id first class condition;, twill sell for WANTED TO RENT 1 ;7 J IVtSiSS Vlu?til tlV(l - v - v. v w ' . ------- property and pay difference. One 1908 4 cylinder Pope-Toledo, 6 Aiiriw' .milrinAA will SAll OR 4 ROOM nnfurnlshed anartment. "' cash:' either now or November L . Olvi f ull J waWthORNH GARAGE. : farttculars. L-208, Journal. . 4 C5 Hawthorne Ave. C. O. Crawford. PRIVATE party will loan on real estate from $350 to $10,000, 8 per sent, 8 to ( years. Box, tui. postonice, ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 6 per MONEY to loan. on improved city prop erty. Call 602 Corbett bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. -. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. SILAliif Loans rF. a. NewtonTeis HenryDiag. QUICK loans on all securities; - S, W. Kin g. 4B wasningmn uiuk. main oivv. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. j. jj. w nue, , ai anerioca mug. BUMS of $2000 upward on real estate. Goddard & Wledrlck. 248 Stark. NOTICES 20 WHY Buy a second-hand car,' WHEN CARPENTER desires . to share small shnD. understands Dalntlng. saw fli ng miscellaneous ;. repairing. Phons I w ' sn -new automobiles from feellwood 1665. I1117K to 13000. Twenty different styles. VANTED In East side suburbs, un- jTwo, 8, 8. 7-passenger, 20, 80. 40," 60 furnished house. 8 rooms. $35. V-207. horsepower, and guarantee all cars free pnnrnal, or phone c-i38, -- irom ofiecmn wm iraiiwip m teriai. n rui wr c" iur uuir uvu. HORSES, VEIUCLES, ETC. 18 1 let , TO THE) TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO - MAH U Nil. OKHitiOW. KqMc Is hereby given that on Mon- dav Oiitnher -17. 1910. the board Of equalization of Multnomah county will attend at tne omce oi uio cuuniy cicra of said county and puoaciy examine tne assessment rolls for the year 1910, and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or prop erty, and it is the duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and If It shall appear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property as sessed twice or in the name of a. per son or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or other prop erty not assessed, said board of equali zation shall make the proper correc tions. B. I. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland, Or., Sept IS. 1910. WELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- lytlcal chemists. ZQ4fr wasn. m. ydos. CIRCULATING library, 186 . 6th, bet Taylor ana ismnm. diwm v , MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing wont.- ib Morrison. MACHINERY ATTORNEY n tbrvkmaN ft CO. Hydraulic and .n.ia-i nines, screens, bagging, mining , " ' ri 11 kl... 1111 M 1th macninery. ah y R. HUGHES, 804-5-6. .Falling bldg. Phones Main 7336 and A-8034. Prac tice In all courts.' Collections a specialty. CHRiSTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS. General practice, ni-n cucnnn ma. MOTION PICTURE SUPPLIES PARTS, complete machines, films, song Slides. IliniB. r-amiMq. wfcj-7a ...n.,. AIiDKKSS .,SiJ Corbett B!dj. . .1 10 hf.-ond )st ... .fii,2 McKay Hide ..62.". Henry Blilg..' .iiirshi!! 1 ,-. ..S-Ki (orlwtt; Main I' ..'1f2 t'h;iuilwr ot t ommeree ' ..Ricim 7. ZitH4 AUlir. M 4IjiD) Hlile Jitia i. .Unin an-t f ,v -:-.)i , I'--,.-A in W-3 ,n i'-:i T Chamber of Commerce.. ..Grand Are. (l Multnomah Knst iT. c.it4 Stark, St p. , Mailt A 2'"'l .. derllnser FM. . -.- Main . Hrnrr Bldg., ' 4fh.Ok.T. .-. . M. SOiU. a-: SHINGLES 261 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES gURVHYOOk WALTER M. OBER.Plattlng. subdivid ing and topographical maps clalty. 160 E. 28th st. N. u-tv. Southern Paciflo. ......... B:S0 a. Bk ......... 4:15 p. Dl. - . m, ......... 20 p. m. T:5 p. m, V ...... ... ao . au A ........7i: . . ' ......... 4r00 p. U. , ... t:i p. K. ... 8:50 t. . ... 5:I p. K. .10W10. SilVVht CLEAN 'towels dally, comb, bro"liu!2 a $1 per m?n Portland Laundry f Towel Buppiy w Phones Mam 4io. Learliig Purtland Aohland Paaienger Rosebarg Pnnenger i., Htuata Limited ......... RIlTrrton Panfr .... California Expre.-a Ban Pranclaco tiptraa Went Side . -Corrallls Paaaonirer ... Kheridao Paaaenger . . . euverion raaaeofer ........... roreat Orore Paaseneer ....... forest OroTe Paaiier......... Arrtving fortlaad , , ... Oregoa trprsaa .................. T:HO a. m, Aautaod Paaaenter ,,.i............lO:f) p, pi, l.oaburff PasDg ............... 6:30 p. m. Portland Eipra ............... ...11 : a. m. fihaata Limited .................... S Wp. m. SllT-rton Local .................... 8.30 , m. -West Side- - '-:' Corvallli Paaaen'ger ...... ... . v. ... 6:90 p. BV Stlrertos Pam-ner ................ 9:30 ft. B). Sheridan Paatcnrcr ...... k. ...... .10 TO . fareat Prove Paaaenger. ..i. 8:0Q . w. Northarn gsclfto. - . '. - :. TRANSFER AD UTOKAqa Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. a,An.. va. trnnkaffa. . , oiuiaaQi ....... o . a.t. Office. 310 Hoyt st, bet 6t h and Itn. t-nones: Main g; PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor . 13th and Everett 'sts.. Just opened. Titwtnt, most modern storage warehouse) clty. every convenience ior ''"r; ..jii-o. , f a-nndm lowest Insurance me in northwest; free tracleM ror muvuiK. xixi.i C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Cc-j. of fice ; and commodious 4 story brick - 1.A....A. .r,.rai. IrOTl rOOITlS SOU fireproof vaults, ior v""""- rj". west corner 2d Pine itfc. Pianos and furniture moved and nacked for shipment. Mam cue; a-"". Xt fiAH TrtEi . WT A VS1T1E1 CO. PPea. ua - TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- nlngham CO.. ssi mar. VETKRIKARUll nn A O SMITH, V, B.. V. B. Btables, VAfhXn Main 4156. Res. Main 1802. Leaving Portlasd-- ' . -' - - :. .-. JKerts Oast , Limited ' via ,-, "Pnget ' Ikmnd .... .10:10 a. aw North Coast Limited via Horth Bank . ......................... t:wj b. m. Atlantic Bxpreaa via Puget Soood. . 12:16 a. m. Atlantle Expreu vU Korth Bank... :O0 ft. m. Twin City Exproa via Paget Bonoi. :80 K Twin City Express rl. North Bank.; 7:00 p. m. Eaatara Expreas via Pugat Sound.. 12:16 a. to, caaiarn kxpreaa via norin nana.... .uv a. w Mlaaourl filvar Express via Puget Soand 14:16 a. Sk lliaaourl . B.1t Ixnraaa via North Hank .' ........a... r.wp. i Portland, Taooroa and Beatua V ,raaa. Grara Harbor. DITmoia aua ttth Band branches ............ 6:45ft.! rwUapd-Vanconrer Special 19:10 ft. I Puget Boaad LUDItea, uraya uar- ' br and South Bend branches.,.,. 8:B . BV, Yaonit Paaaenger ................. 4:09 p. in. Arriving Portland . ' ' North Oaat Llmltad via North Bank 8:15 . SU North Coast Lunltad via Pugat . Bound . ...,....r.,ly.. T' ft.SU Northers Paelflo Biptaa via North Bank . T:90 J. Ba. Northern. Paelflo Bxptase via Page A Boond T;10 p. bV , Pacific Oaat Express vl North Jlank .....v 8:18 P Parifie Ooaat Expreas vis , Pnget . . Soond , ., T:9g a. B. . Western Exp rata via North Bank.. 8:10 p. nu Western txpreaa via Puget Bound. .10:80 p. tn. kHasourt Bivsr Expreas via North Bank T:89 . Sa, - Ulaaeurt Elver Ixpreaa via. : Pnget Bound . ......... . :0a : - Pertland-Tacomft-Seattle Expreaa ,nd-S" from Olympli, South Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00 B. . ; Pngat Sound Limited .............. 7:10 p. m. Vaneouver-Portland Bpeclal ,. 10:30 p. m. lYaoolt Paaaeiurer .11 :W ft. m. WALL PAPK-. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, tinting, and tffe. goo!. tUt go wOh them. E. H. Moorenouse -. -- WHOLES ALB 40UB1OUI EVERDINO ft FARRELL. produce and .mtainn merchants. 140 Front st. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179, "T? ! Htttjst Jk CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS MUSIC TEACHERS BATHS AND SWIMMING MISS RACHEL PAULSON, teacher of nlano ana narmouy. biuuw as nuoi PORTLAND Bwimming Baths, 167 4th. bldg.. 4th and Morrison. Woodlawn 941 Elegant plunge, steam, tub, shower, T lnv teacher, eastern conserva i. . . io.aa , .....kl. 1-71 tory graauato. a5i. v.i Belmont Tabor 116. baths, 25c, BLANK BOOK MAKERS E. TH1ELHORIN, Vioun leacnrr, pupil SevclK. Mar, ibjh, v.--hio. v wa'M""" HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d ,VDirinwNrFn ladv Blank book m'f g: agts. for Jone? .E nils terms i improved Looso-Leai ledgers; see the sires pupl a, terms new EureKa leai. ; a-sisj. naain iga. vocal teacher de- reasonable. A-7763. IH'SlNESh CARDS PIANO Violin, cornet, mandolin. Prof. K, A. Bmllll, an lam pt-. winifAMSwc CO.. wholesale grocers, Vmftur?rs and coffee roasters. 4tU andOak BtS. nr - , &MlllerWaR Paper Imp. and dom. nngiHK. iiwi... . TrO'ATLEWlS GROCERIES. Oragon Eauroad ft ITavlgaMoa Co. ; , Leaving Portland . . . , Baker City Paaaaorer. ............. 8:w ft. m. Oragon-WaihingtoaUmlted v......10:00 a. m. . The DaUea Local. .......... J....... 4:00 p. bk. - Spokane Hirer ......... ;..,...... 6:00 p. m., Soo-Bpokana-Portland .1J:0 p. m. - . Oregou-VVMhinllton Bxpreaa......... 8:00 p. m. ArrlTlag Portlad , .... Tha Dallea Local... ........ ......lC"!; t. tn. - Bpokane Flyar 8:00 ft. ro. Oreron-WaahlBgton Expreas......... o:j uj. 8oo-Spokane-l ortiard Rak.- ntw local. Paaaanaer. ....... T OO p. m. Oregon-Waahlnrton Llmltaji , . , . 8:00 p. w. FUNERAL DIRECTOBT phones; lady . a-tahllshment in city. Aitoria ft Oolurohla River. Learlng Portland -. - Attorla and Seaalda Exprtaa., 5tS " Attoria and Beaalde Ixpraae.,.,..., 6:30 p. tn. Rainier Paaaenger 1:15 p.m. Rainier Paaaenger i.. 6:45 p. m. --Arriving Portlaad -.-j.-.-, - Seaalda and Aatoria Bxpr....... .32.06 . tn. Seaalda and Aatoria Kxpreaa ,.ld:) p. m. Rainier and Portland Paanongtr.... 9:40 ft. m, Ralnlar ana Portland Paaaenger,... 6:0ft p. m, Canadian Paclfla Railway Oo. sr- r o t a' ri. Undertakers uunning 06 vicunieB Modem m every deUil. 7th and Pine. . Main .430, A -4 boo, iaoy """ t v 1 i i Th. pr side unaertaaer. Ltnbn Lady assistant B-1888,East 781. East 6th and Aioer. and EXpRIENGED teacher wishes be- ODD JOBS WARREN CONSTRUCTION. CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross lngs. 817 Beck bldg.. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and I Stoves repaired, set , up, soldering, general lobbing. J. LOSll, Z12 Jeffer- machine worn. a"2 uranq ave. r.asi. mi. son st Main THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portianq ottice, a vYorcenter oiag, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN STODDARP-DAYTON AUTO CO., , . - JITRT ARRIVED. A carload of horse bf all sizes and -ood chunks! all well broke and sound; Everything guaranteed. ISSVi Madison, hppoach of bridge west. 86 10th St1 . v FOR v BALE OR EXCHANGE. ' One 7 passenger Thomas, 2 Franklins, j "r..i.i.A t A.i.,i a luifAh.iia a ri. ' ... a V. i , . , . . . . , ,vm , o Vf .K- Finn vnnnir rhnnk v 1 Tift. I UiaCB, B tnaimera, a uw u-inwr, i Tmarwfrk "or duMeV t; cle, 1 runout .AU in first lmost new heavy double harness with ?! C0"'"0":, ??Jtl?A ui2. f"- nllar.'lSO: arood steel tired busav with House, w-?4 -V. : iole,$16. Call : 887 - Weidler st, ; near Croskey, sole owner.- jnion aver tfSR4FS and hneiriea ior rent bv day GOTNO to California for the winter i5fJ'8.,?a J?"M.S lilJfrJLJ1?! want responsible party of means to worn, aim luwiicii wcumi i am .v i - - . , !, .M.ii-vtnkn business houses. - 6th and Hawthorne, care for my new 1911 automobile f or Bt -72.!;i - ' ' ..-'.-..-.. use or same. . Aaaresa . wiiu rvier' B VIV XVJL4M il.niVUU a,W'a nnB wwwr I age 6 ana 6 years, periecuy true, Jirlco $600. A. P, Haasler, Oregon City, 'Route 8. - , - . LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST One "vest --memorandm pocket book ' containing Elk s card and two $100 bills; finder leave at journal or. fice and receive $60 reward. .8, a Bailey. 682 Elm st, Albany, Or. DARK bay horse 10 years old, ring bons on right hind foot Let know where horse is and .will pay you for trouble. Main 7934, or A-5439. LOST -Fox Terrier dog. tan head and spot over tail; license No. 213; return to 427 Prescott st; reward r , a . l ro . Vi CtS. "Zi DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- JA8. Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of " .iV.t on nerves, acute and chronic insurance, surety muivay D1qg. ai,.aaMB.- 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. CARPET CLBA.XINO GLENN Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co. Clean carpets wunout removal, a. ts. DR SMITH, graduate Kirkville, Mo., 1898; post graduate 1907. 318 Swet land bldg. " - lONE Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated; guarantees ta. siu. u-izxa. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 163 union jave., near m. Morrison., PAINT, OIL AND GLASS T. B. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co, 135 1st. Main 1334, A-7043. RASMUSSEN ft to., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. zo at layiur, m., a-iiu. WE weave rag carpets, bathroom rugs, etc. 1516 ration ave. wooaiawn zbso. ftHT our tirlces on painting, paper- In sVtintinjrnesOdUJ " 1 ' . . i--t- A 1 1EDO T.ntlv attennanx. nmm g, ia-juv., EAST SIDE funeral director, success. sor to r. p. L'uii'ii'ts. " " ---- Co., Main f-n i a A k I TTndnrtakinE LhlUbUlN 6133. A-223li. Lady ass t. EDWARD- HOLM AN. .undertaker, 220 sd St. lBuy aaaiawni. "i1 ' ""JJ BANKS GERMAN-AMER1JAM BANK-Portland. Ot. Corner Sixth and Waahlngton Cta. Trao. Sets a general banking bnaineaa. pratts laaned available la all tha prlnelpal e"eaoj Sa United Btataa and Europe, raw BJ eaat Sureat paid on aavlnga .aecounta. iat , d poult vanlta. - ' BONDS AND INVESTMENTS PAINTING AX1 PAPERING CHJKOPOUIHTB FOR best work, prices right, call P. A Doane, 104 union, ootn pnonea. (THIROPODTt-AND PEDICURING PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng. H Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. i P. Chrlstensen Co.,. Main 1983. A-4711. COAL AND WOOD Waiaaaiaaaka-Sj,aBW"a''Wa'' FOR paintlmg. tinting, paperhanglng, 1S00. All work guBrameea. phone E. 11 NOTICE pSaon SUAE WOOD PATENT ATTORNEYS GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.60 HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells vjr i.i ji i. iuvj . vjl', k L I HOW tO OUtulll aim .uo vi..viviit; ... . - .BARGAINS. .-. . . rr Mia.. V D,,.l. 1- a APPRiDuii, a iiiumaa cij.?., a uuila Runabout;- will exchange for' property. LOST Tuesday, night September 19, small watch cnarm; reward. Main 4367: Gertrude Park. LOST OR STOLEN Brlndle Bmglish bulr bitch, license iuv. xteturn to mo Burnslde, receive reward, or 129 14th. m SB BPV-rBrfSffi as S tSU-mAr. Take St. Johns .... k-R-I-T The ideal car for business and U- a v ' , .-1 -." ' '"V ' . 'ca1! professional men. $900 delivered. Ask F 9? tP-: 1f Ponies, about -800 for : demonstration. t phones ' " E. ' 322; l.4,v.8und ,, kmd,i ttC- ,DF C-2638. Krlt Motor , Sales Co.. Union p U. weDBter. university far Bta. and Wasco st. GrOOD team marea,u2300, fair harness, ALMOST new -automobile casing. SOx nearly new i inch wagon, with box.l ou.-ih ..n .ii..m a Phn- kll for $260. Apply 864 N. 26th. W car. 'zsa, . - HORSES and buggies by day, week. AUTOMOBILE. 6 passenger, in good month; ratss to . .business houses. condition. Sell cheap or trade, for Tabor 1112. . -:-..,..-.-- real estate. Y-208. Journal.; FOR ALE-j-Boy's saddle mare 4 years FQR TRADE Eord ' auto to trade for o d. welarht SOfl lbs., and new 125 sad e die, price $80. Call Main 8919. (but good as new. , B-183, Jeumal. IFOR SALE Bay saddle mare. 900 lbs,, PORTLAND Radiator Lamp arid Fender I A - A A m 1S1 J...11 - 1 1 J t - . .. n A .... . ( -oiuwrn bl, oruwuuu. - i WOTKS, an ' wor Kuttruriieca. a. Klocttke. 106 8d st. N. - r LIVESTOC1C AND POULTRY S3 1 - ir " " i r"'l "1 "'""M ,7"Tm "t. Jfl-.ruji-lLfX MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 WANTED Three goats bf milk strain n K.r.l. mkA wn An mm itltv. aa.a.Ia. mrc-DvrimrtTlz : tITlMft - OTTWDO u,-,t . " . v. . . . p. I x rnvorc,iiTU . . . aj u a a. a tlon ' and price first letter.' Address, i. vy. iueuinger, 4.s Arlington nace, Portland. Or. - - .-; - '- - ::''''' FOR SALE Family coV, Guernsey. months old heifer calf, Jersey; also 2 home power "gasoline, engine, with, or without pump,. Address O. F. White, Mllwsukle, Or. Tel. Milwaukle Red 222. IF YOU WANT to buy or sell dairy cows, see Moket-Bruce Co., at stock yards. -JWorwn 840Oj:v FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 -A . - -L.. -. , . t... -A.. FIR8T-CLAS8 second-hand safe with 2 inch corner burglar chest , Cheap. B 1013. 868 East Oak, . ' ' 6LIVER TYPEWRITER NO. 6; DON'T BE FOOLED . t am direct from the factory. 'with new plarios, that were formerly sold by retail piano houses, for higher prices than I am asKinjr. - ; , a a liKn ntann mv nrle.ia. . . . r . . .1380 A $375 piano, my. price,..,,.,..., 276 A $300 piano. my price...,.,,., .. 200 ..-All high .grade makes. -.;;.........-. - All new pianos positively guaranteed, - Alan bargains in second hand pianos, .64 references in and around Portland. Temporary salesroom 226' 6th -st, , V- OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE - I am positively not connected with any piano nouse in rortiand.! THREE very high grade pianos for sale at or tneir cost u sold at once; vn em st. terms, Jak'tMs-cklfslStht b6Bt THE Chas. K .ork Band Instrument takes this. , call 64 6th ',., , - Muslo Kduse. 88.Sd st. UAD range iur eaie, or- win iraoe ior -jood.r-xliiulaana. . Bilia-.. nnge4 cost $45, good as new, tall 54 Mi 6th Bt. nNANCIAlT, rut FURNITURE for sale uheup; leaving MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per vent town; must sell. ' 407 E. Yamhill, city Louis Salomon. 233 Stark sLJ CAPSTAN stumppuller for sale or rent; I Building Lonns A. C. Furlong, coritrac. reasonable. 204 Occident it tor. 636 Chfr. of Com. riong. Main 4564. TIANO TUNING LOST Diamond Shriner pin; reward. F. A. spencer. Alien & Lewis. Front and Davis sts. ' ' - - - - - PERSONAL 22 Burn Oil. Reduce Your Fuel bill; install the "Shanklln Oil rtnrner" In vour ranea or furnace: 25 than float or wood. -A soot, no muss, na asnes: iusi line gas. nano lunmK, , vis".j'i - Demonatration at our store. 282 Yam- years experience. E. 47; 8BJ Vancouver hill St. Main 5131, A-.431. ' LAtniEB When delayed or. irregular. usa Triumph pills; .alwaytf dependa ble ; "Relief - and particulars free. Write- National Medical institute, mu waukee. Wis. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures . diseases- of men; blood- and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, Diaoaer ana pues. isi nrst,, curi- lsna. The Wave Cure A treatment for rheumatism, nervous disorders, : stomach trouble; recom mended by physicians, nurses; cures ef fected wherever used. Suits 7. Selllng Hlrsch bldg. Main 8271. LIOCOH habit permanently cured In three days; no suffering and harm less. Cardiola Institute, 142? Peninsu lar ave., Portland, ur. PAINLESS, prompt and permanent cures by latest natural ,: healing methods. Dr. -Philip T. Ball.. MerchanU', -Trust bldg.. 328 Washington-st . . . -, . ' ..JLa.1. - . J 1 ' MADAME KSTii.L.uhi, magnetic healer, spiritual scientist teacher of soul de velopment 198 W. Park st, apartment B. Phone a-pubs, - . USE Bassett's Native Herbs for con . stipation: 60 druggists, , , tablets tor 25c- AU FRENCH parlor millinery, 826 Russsll. WOMEN Use Femoids when others fail; sold and auaranteed by the Aut. piunn urug yo.. un in. cm st. Mam io IfALM of figs, remedy tor diseases of women. ti usvis . , aiain INSIDE DRY SHORT, per load BLOCK WOOD. Der load...... SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. .50 1 .-AATvioilra ree-istered. -Beeler & Rohb. .$3.60 I i77i8l McGtll bldg.. Washington. D C. AWDUST. ror ruei ana PAtENTS procured by J. K. Mock, at Tfr Pnrtlonrl.bhWiTllftfl C(: r1neV.t-iw. late of U. 8. oateirt of Main 8119. A-foOl. flee; book free. Board of Trade bldg. to n. WBlflHT. U. S. and foreign oat efits; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PLUMBING THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. will save) ..nil mnn.v An vaiip ftOAI. H4fl-K4!l J,aSC Ankeny street Both - phones: B-2343 ; CONTRACT work, any sls Jobs'; you or East 214. Orders placed Wltn A. w. i lurnisn material; oay vr juo wuri Curry 116-118 Grand ave., , or Nlsbet estimates furnlshwi H-106. Journal., - Grocery, 665-East Morrison, will racelve prompt attention. ', PRINTTNa PAnirin fsr.ARWOOD CO. Dry inside wood, per load. .... ...$8.76 Small dry inside wood, per load... 2.76 Dry block wood., per load... 4.60 Plainer trimmings long ana snorx. Phones Main 8709; A-356. ' WELtH PtoTIHG CO. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 ist. Wl meree B. Idlng. MnnlclpaU railroad and Sierra a. iuius. lttbU aarvlce eorporatloa honoa. TRANSPORTATION Ths Opa atlTerlransportttloB Company Str. T. N. T tAL Tor T3DB DAHES and Way landings Leaving Oak street dock, foot of " Oak street - Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 a. m.? returning, leaving The-Dallas Tnesdav Thursday and Saturday, mak lVoVnections aC Celilo with STXAM mi. TWIN CITIES . for -Pasco, Kenne wlck and all points on the Columbia as CAPT3 w!t WCHANAN. Supt CAPT. w D AD6 WHITING. Agent. 1t1ii Portland on-Spok ana-Portland .. Via beatti ArrtTlna- Portland too-Spokane-Portland ... yia seaiue ...... r.r.. .... .jjjjj. .,.,... ........ ....A, .11:00 SU .12:13 ft. m. .11:30 ft. m. .30:30 p. m. Qregea ft Waahlngton Railroad Co. aA-AnvaA ........... s:w a. Ba, Shasta Limited .................... 8:00 J. m. Owl .,.,........ .1A P. . Arriving portiana - t. . 01 . 7:10 ' Shaata "limitad J 2' Portland Paaaenger -IjljgJLJi JEFi-ERgOir BTS SET BIATION. BxHitheni "Paelflo. T ...(,. pA-rl.n. Dallaa Paaaenger . ....... . Pallaa Pmaaenier roreat Oreve Paaaenier ... ........ l.'OO p. BW ; Arriving Portland i ,.","' Pallia Paaaangar ,,,....-.-...M.aO'-iJ a. aa. Dallas Panfer ......... :.. foreat QroeJnf ot -Z ELEVENTH AND HOTT STREETS YAS" Bpakana, WrtUnd ft Soattlt Railway Co. S. S. QoldenQate For Tillamook, Bay City and Oarbaldl ; Leaves Wash, st dock Tuesday 8 pv tt. Freight andPassenger. Phone Main 8619. A-2466. Inland fcmplre Kxprea 'Vr..V..l.0 ... for Chicago, sr. ram. vwaoa, avu- v... Bt. Loula, BUUnga, Bpokana, Waahtaena. Kahlotua, Paaeo, rtooaevelt, eranddallea. OoW ' dendala, Ljle, WhUe Balmoa, Stayanaon and ; ; VancouTer." , " ,.. --, The Oregnlaa ...1100 ft. m. Vor st. Paul, Spokane, PaaetV randdallee. Lyla, White Salmon, Btevanaos and ,VaneouTer. Columkla River Ucal .......... t. J P- . . North Bank Limited ............. 7:00 p. m. ror Chicago. t. Paul Oanha. Kaaette City,- -St ISl. Bllilnga, Spokane. - Waahtucn. , Kahlotua, Paaeo, Roosevelt, Granddalleft, Ljle, . White Salmon, Steven and Vancouver. . Arriving Portland. ' Lrle White Salmon. Stevenson and YancoiiTer. St!Dul.. SBlllinge, Spokane. -WsAtaeiiSA. Kahlotua, Paaeo, Kooeaveu, uranoo., t"i.-! White 6alnon, Stevenaoa an4 VaBcouvar. . Colombia Blver Local Jf" Inland Empire Ex pre" -l P-,."- rrom Chkago. StT PanL Omahft. K"-. : St Loula ' Bllllnga, Spokane, V aahtttcna, , "ahlo Pmo veTGrnddallea, Lyle. White Salmon, BteTeoaon aim ..javjj. Oroat NorthTB Mliwit jw. THE BEST PRINTERS Beattle &,Hof- mann. Inc., 204 staiK. - Good dry country slabwood; heavy. Seghers Wood Co. . 9th and Qllsan. ROOF DOCTOR V Wood and Coal n.llvered nromntlvi Ilarrinerton Transfer ft Fuel Co., 431 Morrison. Phone B-169J, Kast 6205. . IF YOUR roof leaks' or needs paint mall card to Woodward Roof Paint Co., 108 H N. 8d St. Estimates free. RUBBER HTAMPB) AND SEALS DELIVERED PROMPTLY . Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st. STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.t 281 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES . Wood, Coal and Dry Slab- V WESTERN FUEL COMPANY. 28T E.-Morrison. East 226, B-1026. THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st. Bafes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes. Yamato Wood and - Coal Company. EA8T 811 B-1867 SHOWCASES asi nxTURia SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar -and store nxtures mm SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO.. order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. U16- East , Morrison-,-EU914- WR1NK1.F.H removed. saea-inarorrrtnd 1n 15 "minutes; free demonstrationsi-.S tTIllr"rTlrEchl6'. Neo Plastique Agcy, I Formerly O. K. Wood and Coal Yard. MRS. SOPHIE B. SKIP Mental and ALBINA FUEL CO., 47 Alblna ave., also .nl.ltl,.l .l.nH. Ot U.llln.lUl...hH T).n.Jw..-..J tl 1 0 .1 A , , m.Amn. A 8MB wasnington. main es, Main 2153. A-8842. Dry inside wood. rue. 'y . ra t midcuii.i. Mtrrt. m.. green Slabwood. clean sawdust for bed- "eW and old ahowcaces, cabinets, store ding, .cut fuel; hlockwood. . -' .n office fixtures. -889 Couch. M. 8703.. r; White & : Benson Fuel Co, - .us anIt ttiUN AAU BtlOtl CARDS Broadway and & 93d st.i prompt de livery. Phones E. 182, C-1117. FOSTER A KLEISER Signs; the lar; . it alan makvri In tha northwest. . I 7th and E. Everett, sts,T Phones,. East .111L noma B-.2.4. t CEDAR blocks, green, $1.50; eedar block dry, $2.. Phone A-8842. Main 1153. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT1' Portland Sign Co., 37. Stark. Paelflo 1596. , San J?rancisco Ss 2orand Steamship Co. irew Servloe to " rranclsco, every Five Days. From Alnsworid Dock, Portland, 4. p. m; a s Bear Oct, 4, Xtose City 9, Beaver 14. From San Francisco, Northbound. 12 m.. a a &nis City OCT. Jieavsr o, sear id. From wan rrurw, nw. ...mwm, ., S. Bcavsr Oct 6, Bear 11, Boss City 16 " H G Smith, C.' T. A., 142 Third sf. nhone Main 402, A-1402. J. W. Ransom, agent Alns worth Dock? phone Main 268. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES I AND siN DIEGO DIRECT KOBTYC PACITTO B. 8. CO.' aj, SOAKOKE and B. S. EXiSB 6UXL Every Wednesday, alternately, at p. m Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder. Phones Main 1314. A-1314. . . " MARTIN J. HlGLEY, Pass. Agent W. H. 8LUBSER. Freight Agent COOS BAY LINE BTXAKOCB BUBAKWATIB Sails from - Alaska Dock, .Portland, 8 p..m. M.-A , . Of llr.f A It It 9K flnH .U..U Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska dock until 8 p. m. dally. Passen- rer rare, tirst cibbb, tiv, a-uu cmnn, 7,, including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 2 6 8. A-1234. . - - ' Leaving Portland 11th ana .'ST . (WentalLlmlUd. via Beattle - Tha Oregonlan, via North Bank.... 11:00 ft. m. : Oriental Limited, via North Bank... 1:00 p. m. International, Limited! Seattle. Ta- r ... ooma and Vanoonvej. B. C.. .. .,10.00 ft. sa. The Owl. Tacoma, Seattle and Van- Shore Una EJpreas, Taepma, Seattle - , and Vancouver. B. C. . . . . . - 1 1 . m Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt ;, CrUnUl limited, via Seattle., 8:40 K.,. Tha Oregonlan. via -Aorta Bank..,, ..05 ft. m.. . Oriental jmlta. vU North Bank. ... :li p. ,, The Owl, -Vaneouver, B. 0.. Seattle -': i and Tacoma , ...... 6.40 ft, m, t hore Line Expreaj. Vancourer. -11. ' - , C, Seattle ana uc. .......... .v r . Internatkmal Limited. Vejver. B.- '..:.! C. Seattle and" TaCTrat - . . . : . - 'JMJkJ! mi. rum OHFOON ELECTRIO RYV 00, "nFaaaanger Station frcnt and leffawnjjtft ""Wadburn. Slra and Int. Point LwI- le.TaTportl.Bd ; f:f. llj V.Wt;J.hV 2:80, 6:80,' 8:) p. m. Limited tor , Tualatin ind Saleni f-.W a. m.: ial for, WilaonrUa and lot - stations .5:10 p. m. - . HUlaboro, loraat Grove ani IntannedU M Pitato-Seave Portland 1.09. 8:89, 10:20 ft. m, AaXlO. 8:80. :80l.':5 P- tn. KaturOay "irrlvV W from' Wet. s e n 11-00 a. m.; 1:15.- 4."', : B 'Wi rtt) 10 60 P. . Lieal from WlWnvllle and lit U?40 aP S. . Kail except Sundai. ftnd ''AVsPerUaad' fxwaTerW Orcvy Btitiona-:W. :50., 1U40 a, in.j 1 80, $ 6-2Q, 9-10. 1Q:5QJ. m;indTontxJii"J!iJ . Portland Railway. l'ghtwwjpv; "T-lcket Office and Waiting K;xtui, , O. R. 5Sf N. . V A8T0KIA BOtTTB BTilAMli HASSALO T I at :00 p. iu. Makes all way .landings I j Klrat and Alder and Et Water and tar (tik. out-... . Cara leave Eaat Water and Morr).tt ". Oregon City 4:00. 6:30 a. tu and ry W BJlnntU to and including last ar mldnlrh . . Greabam and intermed ate point -8 -5 : Fairvlew and IrJ--- T, I 4 45. 10:44 a. m., U .4.1, 1:45, 8:45, 8:45, 4 v, 8:40 o:4 p. a 1, i I!terO BOH inrernir.u... . 10.45 a. ., -.. -.-t '.7, ' vaneooT-r- i n:n. ..... ..... - lor room. Second and v auinTou ireeiaa. ... 110 11 :6ft; p. -in,-" 12 J . . ... 1:10. 860, 4:5h. 6 10. S SA,' 6 SO,, f.'iS, f ift, x rrt vra at Astoria at :00 a. in. Leaves Atorla! dally, except Sundry', at 7)00 .f.,,gtt ,htri n,nt,, in eaiy. swtit tkt leaf m Arrives Portland at 5:0tl p. m. Mak-s . j.-tes at t;09 P- . direct connection with steamer Nahcntt - for Meglen' Uwaco, Long Beavh and all l Pally ncept Sunday. Dii'i .-it Ui-. points on he Ilwao rall.oad. say. .- -t - ' 1 J. -