it ! rv p,rn , nip Ji iMffllffil 20 Mil DEALS CiiHil GOES PUD BREAKING GEE1TS LOWER Oil REFINED STUFF Weakness in the East Brings a Sharp Change Here Fed eral Company to Build Plant May. Select Portland; Ea t&s Sugar Trad. 1 Hcal prices clown SOo, except for southern Idaho. , - ? Much weakness shewn In east- ern prices,-- . '' ' -: '. Federal comrariy, of Yonkerav N. Y., confirms report of plant, for the coast. , Majr'buHdfct'. Portland., . ' . ' A further decline of 20c per hundred pounds ,wa shown in the price or all grades of refined sugar along the Pa ' ciflc coast with the exception of In southern Idaho. No change occurred In the latter section. . i The price of sugar was today affect ed by. the extreme -weakness In the east- ern -market; but the lroo was In a mea sure helped the competition of the Federal company of Yonkers. New York, which recently entered the Pacific coast trade bv sending an entire ship load of sweet : stuff : from the eastern -Some' weeks ago when the " federal company succeeded In making its first shipment of sugar to this city, - an nouncement wa made by this paper that it was the Intention' of the compa " : nv to continue to fight fora foothold here and a refinery would be built on the Pacific coast to take proper care Of this trade. . ' . Announcement IS now made by .u a. preckels of the Federal Sugar refining company of his Intention of building a refinery on the coast and It is expected that the site will soon be selected. Art effort Is being made in some quarters - to secure the plant ,f or Portland ft,nd ine " advantages of this city as a location for ' the plant as a distributing point Tor the coast are being shown. . The 80c decline in prices took effect i this morning. . . --' Frnit Trade Chilled. Trade In the' local fruit market was chilled by extremely bad weather this , ' morning. There was only a moderate change jn general quotations, however. Crab Season Is Open. Feason foe crabs Is open, but no sup .' ... piles were available in the local market today. "Owing to the severe Storms, 6a vs C. J. B. Malarkey, a local whole saler, "it would surprise me if any shipments come forward tomorrow." " Run of Salmon Better. Special advices received by local par . ties slate that the run or salmon has Improved at the mouth of the Columbia, but small sizes are. still the rule. Local Cranberries Good, r.ecent shipments of local cranberries to the Front street markets have hwn Improved quality and sales are being - made around $88.60 per barrel com pared with 9 generally for the. eastern. ; Eggs' Are Steady. .., Trade in the egg market is steady and best stock - brings 85c ft dosen along Front street ' " . Butter is firm at unchanged price. Cheese, Steady to firm. - ' . Chickens Carried Orer, Ciulta a. few house on Front street i carried over a portion of their chicken supplies from last week, but as Is usual cn Monday, no business was shown to day. Indications scarcely point to a better demand than last week. -r Big Veal at 8 Cents Pound. Veal f large else and rather rough ' that would readily have sold a week ago " around 12c a pound is today quoted only fairly steady at 8c. Small veals of best quality are firm as hih as 13c a pound. 1 but few animals of this quality are now .; arriving. : FtfONT STREET QUOTATIONS Hops, Wool an sTJ'm. HOP8iominal. 1S10 crop, - 11 13c; 1909, prime to choice, 12c; prime, lie: medium, 910o. WOOL Nominal. 1918. Willaroetu illey, I19c; eastern Oreron, 12l7c. BHEEPbKINb Bnearrng, lOAllf . each; short wool, ltOl0o; mrdluit. wool, 60c 9 tl each; ioiig wool, 7ic ', ll.'.'ii each. TALLOW Prim, per lb.. Bb; No I ana srwiie, JOZHe. CHITI'IM BARK 1901 NomineJ tc: 1910 4 He. HIDES Dry hides, 15HS18Ho lb." rTeen; 6omo: bulls, green, salt, io b.i kips. 6&'i7c; calves, green. itO ISc pr lb. MOHAIK Nominal: U18. SPAfie. twi, Egg aad Tovrtrj. i BCTTER Extra creamery, cubes and tabs, 36c; square. 37 037 Ho lb: store, 22H24Hc; eastern, ilinc BUTTER FAT F. a. o. Portland. isr pound, 86c r POULTRY Mixed chickens 15c- ,i ti" iijuio, tuii lanr; gerse, o!a . ); young. 12 13c; live ducks, young'. li18c; Old. 16c; turkeys, allvef 25 zr; aressfa i ) pigeons, squabs 1250 doaen; dresstd chickens. l2c a pound ; higheJ' than alive. n,ue Liocai extras, 34'8'35c- No 1 mho. -I"-" oral K.tiiLpbt. .-vew Oregon fancy full Young Americas, I84i8c. drain, flour ui Say. . HtiKAjriracK delivery Club, ggc; Wuestem. $3c; forty-fold. 85c; Willam ette valley. ic; red Ilusaian, 81c tur- BARLBY ' Producer -nrlf to in . Feed, t22 22-60; rolled, $25; brewing 'c'N Whole, tat; crackel. i?7 rnn HA Y - Producers price 191 oVal' , iimotny, iancy, iswia.B0; ordinary $19; eastern Oregon, 2020.50; mUe& u (fp ie ciover, J1H812; wheat! .i mail i rilLLSTUFFS Selling 26; middlings, $3J; shorts, $27;' r.OD OATS Nominal, : profiteers' jrl TracK, io. i wnne, $27.50; gray, i?g bo FLOUR Old crop, patents. ir..&- . Willamette.' SS.40 cer barrtl: lo.t tralght. $5.20;. bakers. $9. aOiiJJ.JS; x. pon Braaes. a. m; " granam, 14 sack. .. - ttvi oaies., .''r- : Orocenee. jrnts. sta . STTGAR-Cube. $.45: powdered. $5.88 fruit or berry, $5.85: dry , granulated, IK.f-Sr - cont ' A. $6.65! - Kxtra C. HAk polden'rfX $4.lSj t yellow $5.15; bet. ,....; oarreM.' ic; nair Barrels, 30c boxes; f.fio advance on sack basis. Fed. ail .Frw.rf)', ffcc less than ftult or ' , , Above quota.tlo ire 30 days net RICE Imperial. Japan No. 1, 4H5c o, I. ov New Orleans beml, 614 7c I fi I.. v - ... .1 . . t bALTCorss Half ground 100a,, IH HOPS ATTRACT I lOCEIITSIIIGIIERi Ji LIVESTOCK III Jll -AT1ERIM ALLMlUt FIRMER PORTLAND YARDS New York Operator Increases His Purchases and Contin ues to Offer 13c for What's Left of Best m State. - Further purchase of hops by Louis Laohmund of New York Is said to have brought the total sales for his account in this state the present-season to more than 2600 bales. , Mr. Lachmund has thrown a bomb into the camp of .the local hop -trade by continuing to offer i8c' freely for all , the good hops that are left. This means most of the growth of 1910. While an occasional ' transaction Is reported for the. account of other buy ers, chief interest continues to be cen tered In the Laehmund ': transactions with the. possibility of a 'corner. ' Gro'wera are generally willing to sell their supplies here, but this condition is-nbt met with In other growingsoc tiQns of the world.- California advices continue to tell of the boldlng back of deals by producers, and the same ' Is true of New York and European cen ters. -... ... . . $8.50 per ton; BOs. .$9.90; tabte dairy. $0s. $18.00: 100s. f 17.03; tiales. $I.Jr extra fina barrels, in. 5s and 10s. $v0o 06.00; lump rock. $20 50 per ton, BEANS Small, white. 4e; Urge, white, 4: plnu, 7Vse( baj-au, $7.l; Limas, $5.80: reds, $7.25. HONEY New, $$.75 Dflr ease, rrotts and. Vegetables. FRKSH FRUITS OraDaes Valen-1 clas, $4 4.60 box; bananas, 6c lb; lfmons, $6.60(3)7.25; grape fruit, $S.76; pineapples, 67c lb; cantaloupes, Ore- ron, 76c$l; neaches, 3565c; plums. 0c; watermelons, ' $1; grapes, 75c $1.25; local Concords, 16l7c; ground cherries, $1; pears, $1.252.25. BARRIES Blackberries, $1; huckle berries, 8 9c. POTATOES New, $1.251.35; sweets, 2-e lb ONIONS $1.40 1.60 ; garlic. T8c per lb. VEQETABLES New turnips, $1.15 $1.50; beets, $1.60; carrots, $1.25 a 1.50 sack' cabbage, $2.2503.60 per hundred; tomatoes, 40 60c per bos; bjans, 46 per pound; horseradish. 1012Hc; green onions, lOWl 60 doen; peppers, bell, 4 60 per Is.; head lettuce, 8040o per dozen; hothouse, $1.60 -per box; radishes. 1012e dot en bunches; celery. 4090c dozen; egg plant, i46c; cucumbers, iocai hothouse, 25c per dbzen; peas, -fie; corn. $1. 251.60 sack. i - APPLES 75c 0 $ 1.60. Meats, risk and Provisions. DRE88EP MEATS Fionv atreet hogs, fancy, 13c; ordinary, 12 He;, veals extra, 12Hil3c; 6rdlnary, llllV4c; poor, 6i7c; extra large, 8c; spring lambs, 11 He; yearling lambs, 7c lb; 10c; mutton, 8c. FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter. ers' prices: Best steers, 90Ac; ordi naiy fce; best cows. 8c; ordinary, 74c lb. LARD Kettls leaf 6a 15T4c pel lb.! Steam rendered. 5s. 14T4c Der lh.? om. pound, 6s, 12C per lb. IIAMS, BACON, ETC. Hams, 1 9 H 21o! breakfast baconT-1929V4c; boiled ham, 26 28c; pinnies, 16c; cottage rolL 17c: regular short clears, smoked, 17 c; backs, smoked, 17 lie; pickled tongues, 46c lb. ' " : OYSTERS Shoarwater bay. par gal lon, ( )i per 100 lb. sack, $5750; Olympia, per gallon, $3 per 100 lb, sack. $9; canned eastern. 55o cam $5.50 dosT: easteri. In shell. $1.752 per 100. FISH Nominai IVwk cod. 1 en- flounders. 6c; halibut 910e; striped uhi, cBiuBii, iresn cni- nook, 7 8c lb.; steelheads. 6c ner lb- soles. 7c; shrimps. lie; perctu 7e;. tomcod, 8e; lobsters'. 25c; herrings. Ics black bass, 20o lb : sturgeon, llo per lb.; silver smelts, 80 lb.; black cod. 7 He: crabs (out of season it ara4 shad. 6c; roe shad 8c; shad roe. SOo lk. CLAMS Hardshell ner box. 4a lh razor clams (out of season). TURPENTINE In case. 71c: bar rels. 9c per gallon. Taints, Coal OO. Vte. T.Tvairtrn mruu. 1.1.1. kettle boiled, bbls., $1.17; raw fn cases $1.20; boiled in cases. $1.22 per gallon; lots of 250 gallons, lc leas; oil cake meal (none in market). BhJsliN tt degrees', cases. 14 ia gal.: Iron bbls., lVsO pet gau WHITE LEAD Ton 'its, $0 per lb.; too lb. lota, 8c per lb.; less lota. Vfcp per lb. RCPE Manila. 80: slsaL 7Hc COAL OIL PearL astral ani star iia ?er gallon; eocene. 2lc gallon: eialne, 80 gallon; headlight, l3e gallon: n tra star, 21c gallon; water white, bulk. jvTit Biiuuj special water wnite, 14c per gallon. UABOLirsE Red crown and motor. L . . " ' '..I UVUI.I7JU gallon; V. VI. & P. naphtha, 162JVc gallon. wiKffl NAiivB Basis. $2.70. ALL LIVESTOCK IS LOWER AT CHICAGO (United Prws Leased Wire.) CUICaeo. Oct. 3. Hoes 8K find- mark 5 6)1 On lnwr Mlvsrl ts icq 11. and heavy, $S.569.05; rough and Wvy, cattle 30,000; market lower. Bneep 66,000;. market 1016o lower. KAnsas Cltv fw s -Hum inna- tie, 30,000; sheep. 16,000. . HOGS 10 CENTS LOWER AT SO. OMAHA TODAY (Bporlal Plipatcb to Tha Inarnel.) B"Hth Omaha. - Neh.; oflr uTa ta HAM head; market steady, steers. $6.90 W7.50; cows and heifers. $4.25 5.25. Hogs. 1600 h(a(l: mnrkpt ldn in.r bulk of sale. $8.2008.70. Shepn. 36.000 hpnri: marVsl ato. vearllngw, $56.40; wethers,- $44.2o; 'i"jo, av.uuwri. owes. or .xh. NORTHWEST RAK STATEtENT Portland Hailta Clearings today $2,170,275.03 Year ago 2,642.978.43 ? '"""J .. ou.iua.iu a.ance today 223,089.25 ear ago 128.039.18 Haattla HanVa. Clearings today $2,083,718.00 Juaianccs today S22.O7O.0O Tacoma Banks. yarinBB today , . . .TTT-rTOll.J4M98.00 uuiar.cs today 28,280.00 Spokane Banks. Clearings today $1,133,298.00 Balances today ........ k,, 121,354.00 J. , m , NEW YORK COTTON MARKET ' . Open. High. "Low. Jan. iii4 1415 1390 eDj... ....,.,' . . . March ... 1408 1431 1407 Close, 1410141$ 141701419 1428 1430 ... i..,, 14321484 I ' K?t'ii mi. nil,.. uilimtiOr 'Tuna 3u!y rt '143 JfUS7 1418.' 13C3. 1488 1385 1414 14841438 1365 moai3X2 . . . . 13881390 1387 ' 1408QH10 N&v. De 1387 1413 Price Is Put tor$4.15 Compared . With Recent Advance of Pio neer o $4.35 Mount Ver non to Build Tillamook Plant. Jtegardisr XffUk Outlook. :'- Carnation moves lOo higher tO"4 $4:i6 today, . All milk scarce and higher. : Pioneer ho'ds record price at $4.36. '. . Mt Vernon Co. to build at Til lamook. I'- . . .. ' ' ' ' Further evidence Of, the great scarcity" of milk offerings and the strength of the.canned milk. market la noted by the advance of 10c a case In the price, of all sizes by the Paclflo Coast Condensed Milk company, canners of the Carnation. This puts the price of that brand to $4.15, compared with the recent advance in Pioneer of the Borden company to $4.35. 7 Along with the announcement made by the Pacific Coast CortdSfreed Milk company, similar advances were made by other canners and therefore prao tically all - leading- brands except the Pioneer are today quoted at $4.15. The scramble for milk supplies by outside canners ' Is becoming Intense and preparations are being made by some companies to build plants in Ore gon because the best supplies have been available hare. Latent company to come Into Oregon Is the Mount Vernon Cream company of Seattle, which Is controlled prin cipally by the John B. Agen company, big egg handlers of that city. The Mount Vernon company has al ready selected a site, at Tillamook and will begin the construction of a plant at once. The new .plant will have a capacity of 15.000 cans a day and is ex pected to employ several hundred peo ple. No bonus was asked by the com pany. ( s New York, Oct. 3. Stocks advanced with higher money here today and a decline in consols abroad. Opening values In New York were fractionally higher, but the market kept Within rather narrow limits until late In - the day, when professional buying forced the entire list higher. Call loans reached a new high record at 2 per cent for the present move ment today and therefore the advance in security prices comes somewhat as a surprise. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co: Description I ODenl Hlt-hJ Low I B1A Amal Cop. Co. 64 48 $84 65 48 114 Am. C. Sc F.. C. do pfd Amer. Leco., e.. Amer. Sugar, c. 28 88 113 H51115 Amer. Smelt., 0. do pfd 67 67H 68i 101 101 101 101 Anaconda M Co.. 40 2814 40 29V4 101 Amer, woolen, c Atcbtson, c. do pfd B. & O. 0....... do pfd ...... Brook. Rap. Tr. Can. Pac, c. .. . 100 Vs 106 106 106 76 194 H 84 H 77 194 86 76 194 34 Cent Leather, Ci do pra C. & O. W., c. C M. & Bt P.... C. & N. W., o... Ches. & Ohio... Colo. F. & I., c. Colo. So., c 24y 122 147V4 79H 32H 56 24 123 33 66 23 131 lU 82 66 '73 Colo. South., I pf do 1st pre... Corn Prod., o... do pfd Del. & Hud..... D. & R. G., c 16 Si 78,4 27 do nrd' Erie. c... ....... do 2d pfd do 1st pfd. . . . G. North:, pfd.. Illlnols-CentraX. Int. 'Met, c 20 66 IS ao pi a ........ 67 L. & N Manhat. Ry.. ... 146 146 145 M., K. & T., C. 82 33 32 do nfd Distillers 29 66 Ore Lands Missouri Pacific 65 64 62 National Lead . . N. Y. Central... N. Y.. O. & W.. 62 114 42 113 Nor. & West, 0. 98 68 97 67" ao ora .... North Am. . . l88 North. Pacific, c. 117' n . HZ 32 129 fac. Mall 8. Co.. 8Z 129 107. Penn. Railway.. P. O.. 1. & C. Co. 130 107 Press. St Car,' o. S4 ao pra Reading, 0 ..... 146 148 i46 ao zu pra do 1st nfd.... Ron. 1. & s., c. . . do pfd . . . . . . Rock Island, 0.. do pfd 9S 32 94 931,4 '33 94 92 31 32 64l 64 St L. & 8. F. 2 p 411 00 1st pra. Bt. L. & S. W., c. 30 29 - do pfd S. P. com 116 Southern Ry com, 24 55 27 25 57 188 SI 36 109 24 ao, pra . Tex. & Par 66 28 T. S. L.' A W. com 25 .do, pfd Union Pac, com. do. pfd 57 1694 Hi 91 U. 8. Rubber, com 37 do, pfd D. S. Steel, com. do, pfd ....... Wabash, c do, pfd 1 Wis. Central, c. Westln ghou se-j . Jtret Sugar Utah Copper. , . . Third Ave . ..... Ice Securities; . . Cons. Gas....... Big Four .i...'.. 1109 69 117 16 37 54 66 88 48 'i 134 70 ill 71. 17 88 67 39 48 Railway Springs do pfd . ...... Vlr. Chemical . . do pfd ....... K. C. Southern. , do pfd .t Gen. Electric . . . 84 84 9 "69 29 64 31 29 64 64 Wheeling & L. 13. Ains-Cbalmers do pfd . . .' . , American Can - do pfd . . . : . 8 8 Alton, c i"i ("if. i.-n, I 48- I 46 O. W... c . .'. . Nevada Cons. 20 20 tna Call money closed offered at -2 per cent. .. . j .' ,, Total sales, 688,000 shares. ( - MONEY RATES HIGH; SMS MOVE, TOO Thirty-six Cars of Cattle Came ..Forward From Local Points -Heavy Shipments of Hogs Arrive From Nebraska. OTTSIBEBS BUT MVESTOCX. Tom Carsten, of Tacoma, wM a prom. lnent outsider Is tne local livestock market late today ana it was his blddlna that started the buying, , Sales vera Yry 1Td to make during; the aay. : PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. ' . . TTor. Oattla . Xhnan Aionaay i ....... .1280 Saturday ;.,..',.', 94 Friday 188 Thursday . 64 Wednesday .., V. , . . ; Tuesdav" 1.: . . .: : .771 1094- - 1598 " 31 436 911 None 845 1126 114 -673 8483 Week age.... .1464 1404 Thirtv-sli ' ears of .attla ruma into the local yards over Sunday, this being the greatest run for a similar period ever shown here. As a result the chan nel of trade was glutted in the cattle pens this mornine. s-ivlnr buvera still another excuse to force prices down on Along with the big run of cattle dur ing the day there was a very heavy sun ny 01 nogs unioaneo. Twelve cars came rom Nebrasga alone, and over Sunday a total of 1250 head were received. TMs compares with last Monday's heavy run at 1464 head. The hog trade here, -and ' especially the smaller butchers, are exercised over the alleged attempt to force them to ? ay unprofitable prices for' swine, while he big fellows bring In hogs from- Ne- DrasKa tnat cost them muclj less money. For instance, the extreme top of the hog market today at South - Omaha, Nebraska, Is $8.70. This would make these hogs cost $9.86 -to ,land at Port land, or other Pacific coast points. Bv bidding up a few. head' at $10,25 or even Detter, tne small uutcners allege tnat they are forced to. pay extreme hiitti values on the few swine they are forced to ouy. , Cattle Prices Too Xkw Here. Wbile hog prices are higher here than hogs can be boueht for . at Ne braska points and shiped here, the price or cattle is out op nne especially ror tne better quality. While local interests are paying full limits for cows as com pared with values obtainable in South Omaha or other central west markets, steers nere should be selling today on the basis of $6.35 for best stuff, con sidering the height of that market "else where. Best steers sold today at South Pmaha around $7.50 and therefore stuff of equal qualltv could be shipped from here and net the shipper a handsome re turn on tne oasis or present values. Kldwell & Caswell we-re the big ship pers of cattle again this week., their supplies for the day totaling 1,7 cars, 14 of which were sent from Baker City. Among the Shippers! '' Cattle and Calves Kldwell A Caswell. Baker City. 14 loads cattle; C. W. Black- well, weiser, h Idaho, 2 loads; E. J. XAUU V.', JL IUBU, W. 1. Dishman, Union. Or., 1 mixed load; Fred Burns, Pendleton, Or., 4 loads; B. H.: Howard. Baker City, Or., 1 load; H. K. jreacocK, rsampa, laano, 2 mixed loads: H. D. Huston. Shaniko. Or.. 2 loads? H. R. Peacock, Mountain Home, Idaho, 2 loads. Hogs Armstrong ft Bon, Nebraska, 6 loads; W. R. Cochran, lone. Or.; 1 load; Henline & Ohlinger, Nebraska, 8 loads. Sheep and Lambs Astetson & Willey, Wallowa, Or., 4 loads; h. Durbln, Shaniko, 3 loads; R. M. Stanfield. Baker C.ty, Or., J loads. . Today's Official Trades. ' Following are' official trades. They represent demand, supplies and quality offering today: STEERS. ' Average lbs. Price. $5.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 t steers' 18 steers . 2 steers 6 steers . 4 steers 980 .1117 . 940 . 866 . 907 COWS. v.. 1055 950 .1120 . . , i.. .1088 " BULLS. :,..1380 CALVES. . .... . i .... . 290 150 125 HOGS. .. .. 20 183 7 cows , 15 cows ' . I 4 cows , "6 cows . 1 bull ., 46 calves II calves 2 calves 80 hogs i $4.00 3.75 , 3.60 4.00 S.25 $3.70 ' 7.00 4.00 $10.00 42 hogs 10.00 Official range of livestock prices as shown by latest sales: CATTLfi-r-uest Oregon steers,; ordinary steers, $5.005.25; common steers, $4.004.40; cows, best, $4.50; rancy, .v; poor.; heifers, $4.50; bulls, $3.003.S5; stags. $3.75ig4.25. HOGS nest "east or tne mountains, $10.25; ordinary, $10.00; stockers and feeders, $10,60. ' 4 RHRTCP Best east of the mountains, wethers, $4.004.25; Old wethers, $4.00; spring lambs. Willamette valley, $5.00(9 5.1:5; eastern vvasnington, jd.zd; ewes, $3.0043)3.16. . . . ' CALV1S nest B.(0(aJ .uu; orainary, $6.60; poor, $3.50(8)4.60. , Tt enat Judere Fallerton of. R03ebnrg 4 cents to get the nomination for coun ty Judge.- : : - - First National Bank Capital $1,500,009 , Surplus , $750,030 x Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains GEORGE Ws Henry Boilding fourth ana Oak Streets BANKERS Commercial and Savings Accounts and "Banking by Mail" So licited From Corporations and Individuals. ' -f- .o ears Of BM" who 1 gladly vouch 4 INTEREST ON TIME BUYERS II Ell TO PURCHASE III THE WHEAT MART ;..v -I ' .' '-y:.: ,y: ' '; Some , Small Business Stil Passina for Exoort and Mill ; ing Account California, Is i axing borne biuestem. s 4 y: ' Today's Wbeat Markot. 4 PortlandCash club 83c blue- 4 stem 89c. . . 4 LiverpootOct ' 7s 4d. :Dec 7s 4d. March 7s 4i' Chicago Deo. 96 o bid, May , $1.02 bid. July '980. ' Berlin r- Wheat closed 1 c -higher. ' , BudapestWheat closed lc Budapest Wheat closed Is 'higher.-- - ' Kansas City Dec - 95c,' May 99C . ----St. Louis Deo. 9TC .May 1.03., Winnipeg Oct 95o bid, Dee, 96 o bid, May $1 bid. Minneapolis Dec. $1.07, May $1.11. While only a small amount of busi ness has recently been closed in the wheat market exporters are taking out a few lots of club around 83a a. bushel ,and millers are buying sparingly at the Bams price, tenner interest seems to be keen to purchase wheat at the mo meit owing to the uncertain foreign conditions and continued increase in the visible supply, both in this country and In Europe. , A small amount ofjmllllng biuestem is reported sold for California account on the basis of 89c a, bushel, but this seems to be the extreme high limit of the wheat market today. California interests seem to be await ing a higher price on- barley here, so that further supplies can be rushed into this market while local , growers , hold for the advance. . . Oats market is dull but rather steady, with practically no supplies available Just now under $28 a ton, although buy-, ers are not openly bidding above $27.60. Official weather forecast for the seed ing districts for the coming 36 hours: - Portland and Vicinity Rain tonight and Tuesday; southerly winds. .. Oregon and Washington Rain to night and Tuesday; cooler east portion; southerly winds. . Idaho Showers tonight and Tuesday; cooler. . Chicago, Oot $. 'Wheat was mixed all day. It started mixed and closed in a similar plight Closing was o lower for December. e lower for May, and e higher for the July option. Liverpool presented a bold front to day and after opening to d higher, closed with an- advance of v to Id above Saturday. At Berlin there was a rise of lc and at Budapest lc. The increase of over 2.500.000 bushel in the visible supply of wheat caused some selling of the December option and at the start ltjwae" unchanged from Sat urday. It closed c lower. While the May was c higher at the opening, due to short covering, the -close was ex tremely weak and c under Saturday. World's visible supply of grain: Wheat Increased 2,725.000 bushels. Corn Increased, 464.000 bushels. vaiB uecreaseai db.vuu ousnels. World's shipments of wheat were 6.608.000 bushels, Danuban 4,640,000 bushels. .. ', i Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co: .,......, . WHEAT. .. Open. High Dec. ...... 97 97 May 103 , 103 Ixw. 96 102 Close. 96 B 102 B 98 July 98 CORN. 49 49 62 62 ; OATS. 83 33 36 36 PORK. 1760 1767 1707 1716 LARD. 1250 1252 1060 1060 "" RIBS.' 1092 1092 942 942 935 935 Dee. May Dec May Oct Jan. May Oct. Jan. May Oct Jan. May 49 A 2 A 32 A 85 1760 1742. 1692 A .1250 . 1052 4, 1010 1092 ! 925 . 62' 82 853 ' 1743 1692 1237 . 1052 1087 ,925 922 923 , Liverpool Wheat Market, ' Liverpool, Oet 8.-i-Wheat; ' Open. October .............. 7s 4d December ............ 7s 4d March . . '. .. '. . ... ...... . - . . . rrr. Close. 7s4d 7s 4 - 7s 4 3V BATES (& CO. Branches! . 653 Williams Ats, 11 Snssell Street mala II a tr.n tvl-mjm fort our business , Integrity AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS WHEATERfflCJN NATIONAL BANE- ' PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital , . ,1 .... . .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 800,000.00 r rr" " - OFFICERS " - ' ' "J. C. AINSWORTH, Pres. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. . . ' 5 A. M; WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier ' ' ' . . ' . W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier D RAFTS ISSUED ON, ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES . PAYMENTS MADE "BT'POST TO PARTIES ABROAD " WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS . PORTLAND. OREGON Capital, WWM1M SENDING MONEY ABROAD When sending money abroad, either to relatives, friends or connection,' the Foreign Drafts issued by this bank will be found both convenient and safe, as they insure payment in the current money of . j the country, at the .very, home of the payee. ' r ' ' Mortgage Loans We want good mort gage loan, those based on one third of the ra. tlonai value of well Improved real estate. Applications will have prompt attention and loans closed as soon as titles can be examined and papers drawn. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY . Cor. Sixth and Wash .ington Sts. d d D EVERYBODY CAN - , Save a, little at a time; and It Is the many little regular. deposits In ' the Bank that count In building a substan tial reserve fund. ; We cordially invite ydur account ' . 1 . 4 Xstsres. . raid ; ' , Oa Savings Aooonats ' " ' ' ' . - Open 8 a., m. to 5:30 p. m. Saturdays until 8 p. m. ' POBTLASt). UKCOON. 4? ? $500,000 WSaWlMst, I ' 1 ' ' " ' - --'-:n v 'l Bonds 5 Investments Timber Lands McGrathfi Neuhausen Co. 701-2-3-4.5 LEWIS BUILDING, I PORTLAND, OREGON Overbeck & Cooke Co, Commission Merchant j Stocks, Bonds Cotton. Grain. &ts. , 216-217 Eoard of Trade Bundini ITamftara Cntrngo ftoarfl sf Tr Corresvondents f Lesas Rrysst ' Cblcasa. New Tors, Bostoa. if have the en!r . prlvats win ' conneoiln Portland lth tas aastara' .xebsngas. Makes Good Streets Property owners . ' who have paid for it know about this " ' , Ask Th'em About l bituiiuuc v.m ljwk in mm s ssi 1 s us iw lalBw'ii S'llll " OT-l'iiaj a 3