0 -THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, v SEPTEMBER 23.M910. ! - i: 1 1.' 17 - Bargains Near Washougal 40 acres, practically ail in cultl--vntlon; 7 room- house, woodshed, ejihicken house, stable and m old barn; 3 acre bearing: orchard, 20 r tona hay and 100 bushels oats: a. few tools; telephone; large spring and ram; best soil, no rock er gfavel, and lara fine. Price.. $4,- 600; $2000 cash, baL terms at 6 per cent lnt v JS acres raw land, nearly all slashed ready to burn; no large stumps; fine stream' Vater through; best soil and only 4 mile to town, $60 per acre, ; "60 acres, about half ready to plow, small orchard, 6 acres in cultivation, good spring; nearly all verv easy to clear. Price ; only $3000 and can give good terms; 6 miles to town. 10 acres, about 15 If Cultiva tion, with S acres in baring or chard; good house and barn; a nice place and 'money maker for small place. Price $20,00; half cash, ,- 170 acres, 80 acres In cultlva- . tlon; big house and barn, cattle horses; hay and grain, good or- chard; wagons, aid implements; ' everything goes; a very good buy. , Price 17000, cash. ' ' ' ' ' We can suit you in either fruit , or dairy, ranches, best soil; you can plow rain or shine. All con- . dltjons extraordinary for pears. Come up and see. r Free Round Trip Present this advertisement to " Capt. Hosford, Steamer Jessie Harkins, leaving Washington St. . dock, Portland., at 2:00 p, m, and. It will be accepte3 as a ticket, provided you really wish to buy something if you can find what you want. We will supply you with a return from our office. This is not good to residents of Washougal and vicinity. Washougal Dairy & Land Co, Washougal. Box 10, Washington Clarke County, 27 Miles from Portland. ..WHEAT. LA Price. 120 per acre: all under fence: . fair house; 480 acres level, deep soil, land located In Gilliam county 6 miles west of Morgan station; has running water at all seasons, 20 acres of good alfalfa land with water to irrigate; be cause of the alfalfa land and running water this farm Is peculiarly adapted to raising nogs, turkeys and poultry; sur rounding wheat lands without either water or alfalfa lands worth 130 to $85 per acre. . This offer for sale at the low price named is made by the owner who got it at a price lees than its value, but is unable tolook after it 1 Address or call on owner, 321 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. Portland. Or. Of excellent soil, on good county road, IV, miles from R. R., in Washington county; 30 acres under cultivation; 3 acres in potatoes, balance pasture and timber; land under cultivation lies level, balance part level, part rolling, with mall percentage of waste land. Land Is fenced and crossfenced; fair house; with water piped to It; very good and large barn; all farming implements; bout 12 tons of hay and crop of pota toes go with the place; R F. D. by the door, phone in house, school at corner of place, A snap at $2800; $1800 cash, balance 1 year at 6 per cent. Good family orchard. j 325 Lumber Exchange. Of flne shot soil, 3 miles from R. R., In Washington county; 20 acres In culti vation, balance pasture and timber; about 2.000.000 fet of good saw tim ber, cetiar and fir. easily worth $2000; good springs, small house and barn; family orchard; all farming implements: a very good team and lots of chickens go with tho pluoo Timber and per anum jirujieny easily worth $3000 .price lor the whole, only $800; $1000 uimi, a snap. . mm 325 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP. IRRIGATION LAND. 10 aires finest kind of Idaho soli with water running through farm In main lateral; HA miles of R R. town. -What have yfu in or about Portland to trade for it? As soon as you read this write, phone or call on N. M. Apple, with M. E. Thompson Co., ground floor Henry bldg., corner 4th and Otik sts. MM 40 acres, within 1 mllr of R. R. Rnd Jess than 2 miles from United Ry. Elec tric line. In Washington countv, north of Fort Grove, fine Mack loam soil, Uvel and with good drainage, 32 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. All fenced . :id cross fenced; good 8 room house with rantry; -40x5) foot ham and other outbuildings; young bearing orchard and plenty cf bprries; good well ater; good cour.ty" load, with R. F. P. telephone and milk route; school W mile; 3 cows, 60 thickens "and all farm ing implements go with the place t,::rs $0800;, half cash. GCAUFFMAEIH &MQKDRE 825 Lumber Exc h a n ge. 20 Acres $1200 One Million Yellow Fir Small cash payment, easv term. Less than mile to station. 48 minutes from Portland. On good road, good water. Red shot soil, no hills, rocks or gravel. And plc it ready for the plow fred F. Huntress, 530 Lumber Exc change 145 ACRES, all tillable; large dwelling. vkii ciw-in. - iaui, . ovu roas woven fence; adjoining school and railroad; lull equipment; reeo, . seed, stock; 120 acres seeaeu; zt,uuu. box 89, route io. .1, Mamwourg, ur. - "TAin'lCrLATT!rB0TJT"Go6D PROP ERTIES ON ' 0, W. P. Sign Board ' ' 1st and Aider. FOB SALE FARMS Mill mm 17 $85 PER ACRE. For 100 acres of the finest ' land In Multnomah county, 19 miles east Port land, one mile to carline, 35 acres under cultivation, large barn, family orchard, very easy terms. ' DEMENT & KRIDER, 24S Madison St. FRUIT LAXns 43 tm LECTIN? GETS BUSY, Our APPLE lands arS In big de mand now that the road is- certain Exnerts atree that our lands will be come the rival of Hood River; only a few miles on the north side of Mt Hood. Hood River orchardists have bought several hundred acres recently. Get our booklet and POST UP. If you buy now. von kmiw what will hacnen. Ar range to see this GREAT DISTRICT at once. Crossed - by the auto road and soon to be' crossed by Alt. Hood Electric. Mt, Hood Land Co, B. F. Hart, Mgr. . 711 Rothchild Blk. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME 81 acres, all cleared and under culti vation with the exception of 1 acre of fir t,lnrtr. family orchard of 150 bear ing apple trees, new modern 8 room house and bath, good barn, plenty -of water. Dlace all well fenced and located on good rock road, close to store, school and church, and only 3 miles from Es- tacada, all A-l apple tana, Deautiruuy situate with a magnificent vlewof Mt Hood and the surrounding country; ;this is an ideal place for a country' home or a fruit ranch and It will pay you to Investigate before deciding en a loca tion; price for a short time $12,800; cash 5000.,balance on good terms at 6 per cent. CHAFIJ & HERLOW. . --838 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department. II 9 acres of level land 19 miles out. In Willamette vallev. adjoining fine fruit orchard, worth $1400 an acre. Only $2700. and terms to suit purchaser. Call and get particulars. W. S. Edris, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1677. Buyers of Fruit Lands Should eo to iobbv Commercial club building, 6th and Oak sts., before buy ing. KLICKITAT LANDS offer best in ducements of any offered. SIMCOE ORCHARD TRACTS 10 acres can be had on best of terms. Also larger tracts and farm. Don't miss it after seeing all else. GEO. S. CASEDY CO. ESTACADA 4 Vt mile limit, 10 acres, 6 acres best apple land, $65 per acre, 6 acres pasture, $12 per acre, J36i, fau cash, terms. , W-188, Journal. Apple, Orchards 5, 10 or 20 acres of apple orchards planted to the beat varieties of com mercial trees; located in the coming apple district of Oregon. A neighbor on each i or 10 acres; on rr.ilroad; all conveniences; low price and very easy terms. Call and set books, prices, etc. 804-5 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE A snap In real estate by owner for money in 10'daya. Address 326 E. 9th, Portland, Or. FOR SALE 3000 acres best fruit land in Oregon, for colonisation purposes; located near . Roseburg. Price $26 an acre,' on terms. Oregon Land & iitle bo, 206 Gerlinger Bldg. , ESTACADA 3 Vt mile limit, 8 acres best apple land, old burn. $400, $50 cash, terms. W-189, Journal. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 320 ACRES of fine land in Deschutes valley, 20 acres in cultivation, good 4 room house, good email barn, 200 acres fenced, irrigation ditch through place; 260 acres can be irrigated, 3,000,000 feet of pine timber; terms. $2000 cash, bal ance time at 6 per cent; price $20 per acre. , DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO., 301-803 Buchanan bldg., on Washington near 6th St. FOR SALE-FAKMS IT. Wil l WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED To rent, a stocked farm on shares; can furnish references. Ad dress Wm. F. White, Lebanon, Or. WANTED to rent a farm, close la. 6 189. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS Tl4 145 ACRE form for rent Ohio Invest ment Co., 421 Abington bldg. HOMESTEADS 7? A LIMITED number of homestead claims, extra fine soil and very choice location, in Crook county, Oregon. Carter-Dugan Co., 820 Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads Homesteads in southern Oregon, level and fertile, on new railroad to the coast from Grants Paps. G. Wi WINETROUT. Grants Pass, Ore. BEST HOMESTEADS and timber claims' In Southern Oregon, Rogue River val ley lands for sale. Information, 216 Board of Trada bldg. 40 ACRE relinquishment, One house, farm wagon, harness; 5 miles to elec tric line. S-185, Journal. TIMBER WE are headquarters for timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds. Kin ney & Stampher, 531-2 Lumber Ex change hid. WANTED 50,000.000 to 100,000,000 handv timber for ties, with or with out mill, money waiting. C C Shay, 309-810 Abington bldg. 20 M. sawmill for sale cheap; in good running order. Apply 605 Macleay bldg. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 Extra Good Buy 8 rooms, good location, carpets Brus sels, furniture all oak and A-l, clears $35 month and gives 4 living rooms. Owner must sell and will sacrifice. Call 314 Swetland bldg., between 10 a, m. and 4 p. m., alter phone A-3721. Rooming House Owners We have several cash buVers for eond houses where the price Is right; no mat ter how large or email your house Is if you really want to sell; put the price right and we will do the rest. Telephone and we will call and see you. 61 G Board of Trada bldg. : Marshall 468. A-1059. WE have over 200 rooming houses on our list to cnoose rrom. if vou don't get what you want other places come and sea us. Johnson & Johnson, 168 10th st. 10 ROOMS near Washington st; clears B per montn; must sen quick. Frlce $650; $150 cash, or take suburban lot rl. Mi. JAMES IJUf. 88 10TH. ROOMING houses, any size, at prices to suit; we buy, sell and exchange. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. LOOK AT THIS-4?4flst time on the market, 11 rooms, modern. Price $475; corner; no agents. Owner, 195 N. 17th. Phftne Main '8202. . 12 rooms at a bargain; must sell, cash or terms. Call on owner, 294 Clay st Main 720. 27 HuOMS, 1 year lease, rent $100; goo3 corner location; $1000 cash. 223 .Mar ket, cor. 1st. $850' buys Vi room rooming house from owner.; terms. 410 ft Washington st ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 'Rooming Houses 66 rooms, 20 private baths, Axmlnster carpets.- best rurniiure. not sna coia water. private telephones, rent $650; big 1 YOU WANT TO PREPARE YOuR tncome; total cost, including help.. $860 SELF FOR THE VERY BEST PAYING month; profits. $500; 6 years' lease. ' POSITION IN THE WORLD TODAY t .price, i,uuu casn, iouu; Datance i $14 cavable ?200 ner month. 60 rooms, rent $150. 2 years'' lease; electricity and gas. receipts $400 per month; all iron beds, rair rurniture. . Price, $3500;- $200 cash. 62 rooms, rent $300, 2 years lease, In come $700 per month, profits $300; pri vate bath, suites, fine furniture and carpets; good buy. Price, $7500; half casn. Faulkner & Co. - , 812 Merchants' Trust. Marshall 2S69. k A-8026. 23 ROOMS, rent $40; good furniture, good location; $750. terms. 1 T rooms close In, rent $20, fine furni ture; $400. y. cash. ' f 35 rooms In heart of city, fine furni ture, good building, rent 1225, 8 years' lease, net income $121; this we can prove to your satisfaction. $3100, $1800 cash. Steam heat, 1 : t 30 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, 3V4 years' lease; now clearing; over 300 monthly, $2500 handles this, ' 37 rooms, steam heat, two years' lease, A-l furniture, dandy location, now clear ing $250 monthly. Price $3100: H cash. 12 rooms on 13th st, good lease. A-l furniture; only $750: part cash. Crescent Realty Co, 401 Swetland bldg. - RoomtnfHouse Owners We have veral cash buvers for good houses where the price-is right; no mat ter how large or small your house is if you really want to sell; put the price ngnt; we win ao tne rest. Teiepnone; we will call and see you. R. H. GOODKIND CO., 516 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 468. A-1059. Good Buy, Near 1 1th & Salmon 15 rooms, corner building, nice yard, cheap rent, good furniture and carpets; forced to leave city; sacrifice for $1300, terms, eau-ja-ioth. , . - inXIXO STOCKS 88 FOR SALE AM) EXCHANGE MINING' and industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds oougni ana old. C. S. Fletcher. 125 Abington bldg. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Purceii. 310 uait. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 MY BUSINESS is an exclusive fruit . land proposition; must have help as It has grown beyond my ability to handle alone; best ground floor office, in the city for this business; close scrutiny In vited; references required and given; no agents. Call up Main 1444 for interview ask for Mr. .Casedy . Grocery Store, 4 living rooms; rerit'$25; good loca tion to have; delicatessen as a side line; want $700. but will take the best offer. Come in and make your own price and terms. Call 54 V4 6th St. A big paying nightwatch beat, -. i i I l M - uive aauress ana pnone no, R-189, Journal, ' FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant, near depot at Estacada Or.; doing good business; stock and furniture, all ready to do business; a bargain for $500. Ad dress Kuhrasch & Freeman, Estacada, Or., Box 28. IF you have a moving picture theatre for sale orTf you wish to buy or open one, communicate with a permanent and successful company. People's Amuse ment Co., 610-515 Rothchild bldg.. Port land. Or. SMALL restaurant and lunch counter for sale, first class trade, " receipts $60 a day, must leave town, guarantee good paying business, come and Inves tigate. $500 less than invoice, 307 Alder st CLEANING, pressing and dye works, doing biggest business in city, loca tion very best in Vancouver, rent cheap, net income $175. See owner and save agent's commission; price $650. 109 'W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. . DO YOU want to trade your vacant lots for nw half Interest in high grade business that pays $100 a month? $3000 cash or trade. Pay or receive dlffer ence. Investigate this. C-185, Journal. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery. the only bakery here in town; doing a good business; reason for selling poor health; write owner, Alda Frum, Coburg, Or. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. We start you in the moving picture theatre business on easy terms. New York Moving Picture Co., 626ft Wash., near 17th. V REAL ESTATE dealer wants reliable man to take interest in office. Price. $125, The furniture is worth the price asked. Call today. 308 Board of Trade. . WILL STAND INVESTIGATING. I want a good man who will take in terest in reliable business, salary and share of profits; $3000 to $5000. Y-181, Journal. MONEY to Invest I have buyers for restaurants, grocery stores, ether business proposition and homes. List with me. William A. Maynes, 620 Cham ber of Commerce. GIVEN AWAY FREE Map of all the California oil fields, also trial -subscription of publication, "Cali fornia Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co., 701 Oreeonlan bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Gentleman partner for road snow; no meairicai experience neces sary. This is a good business proposi tion; $500 required. Call 843 Yamhill St., room 16. Moving Picture Theatre For Bale or trade. Established theatre, town of 6000 people; no opposition. 626 V. Washington st. near 7th. WANTED Outside position with real estate and business chance agency; have had experience; commission or sal- ary. Y-186, journal, f s WANTED Small store with two living rooms behind. Faulkner A Co., 812 Merchants' Trust bldg. Marshall 2869, A-3026. WE CAN place you in paying business; before Duying De sure ana see us. Kinney & Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. A-4881. FOR SALE Confectionery and home bakery; a -good location for lunch counter; must Bell; going east 228 North 16th. FOR SALE A good business with time lease, centrally located, at cor. E. Belmont and Grand ave. Do not call unless you mean business. SMALL furniture business, good loca tlon, a bargain if taken at once, don't apply unless you mean business. X 184, Journal. ' 1 FOR SALE A general merchandise store, oi) electric carline, good paying business, will sell at invoice, P. O. box 100, Cazadero. Or. OFFICE stationery business, good trade and low expenses, $250. 321 Lum- ber bldg. WANTED Partner in one of the best caragss In city, handling the best car in maricet; no agents, -u-140, -journal; $150 Half old established suburban real estate business; good furniture; 1300.000 list, fnone Taoor. ez. INVESTIGATE this $800 home restau- raiii, .clearing id weemy, reasonuDis rnt crnlriflp PA Ht K'.ISl .Tnurnal . WILL SELL confectionery and" bakery good location. Marshall 2149, HAVE 5 year lease, clearing $100 month, will sell or trade, value $2000. Rogers & McRay. 303H Washington st SMALL up-to-date creamery in good dairy district, cheap if taken soon. Address H, A Wilson, 191 Curry st WANTED A stock of country merchandise- for good Portland lnoome prop erty. B-168, Journal H KJHfj'A NTm otTOfrstore. confectionery, cigars, tobacco; want to go on home stead; rent $16. 1017 Union ave. N. 600 business cards $1. You must bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192 A near Taylor, " . .' 3d, 20 YOUNG MAN, ' YOUNG WOMAN. DO - -- -' YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SALARIES AND SECURE A FIRM HOLD ON YOUR POSITION? hn. EMPLOYE, WHATEVER VTOUR WORK MAY BE. DO YOU WANT TO BETTER YOUR POSITION T MR. MERCHANT. TO BUILD UI5 YOUR BUSLVESST DO YOU WANT AND INCREASE SO. "WRITE US TODAY. LET US EXPLAIN ' OUR JMETHODa , WE PREPARE YOU AND SECURE YOU POSITIONS. WE COULD PLACE 60 ADVERTISEMENT WRITERS TO Yr.T l16 PER MONTH ANiyUP. TA.RT,,T0DA'', BY ADDRESSING, THE ELLIOTT SCHOOL OF ADVER- , BUTTE ' MARhUAta . BLDG PORTLAND. OR. i'UK SALB Half Interest In furniture books, maps and good real estate list ing; office has fine location;. price $200. Half interest in recently established real estate business; must nave partner, as J have other interests calling for my time. Price arranged when you call. Both of the above are worth Investi gating. ,, . , FAULKNER St CO.. 312 Merchants' Trust bldg. FOR BUSINESS WEAR. Men's rail suits $1? '.o $20 values for $10.86; men's trousers $3.60 to $4 values for $2.80; no profits tacked on to pay for high rents. Take, elevator third floor, Jlmmia Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg. . .-.t. . , v HELP Y YNTED MALE 1A nnn onetTtftva Fa. rrr-m n . n r. !,.. ......... mefTTearn barber trade in 8 weeks; help iu secure positions; graduates earn tia to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog. . Moler System vi v,uiirKcn, go in. in mx., roruana. WANTED--YOun g man, experienced in the plating business; one who can do ftollshlng, dull brass finish and lacquer ng; steady Job. Call at once. J. C. English Co., 128 Park at BOYS to wrfrk in candy department Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED Married man to collect and solicit; salary $12 per week, with lib eral commission; must have good per sonal appearance and , be willing to work; bond and reference. Apply- at once. 409 Macleay bids. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $150 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly; choice of territory. Address Washing ton yursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. RAILWAY mall clerks; U. S.. govern ment clerks at Washington, postoffice clerks, carriers, wanted. Portland ex aminations October 3 and November 12. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 314 T., Rochester. N. Y. IF you are not satisfied with your salary or position, it is our business to help you. Write for our new cata logue, International Correspondence Schools, 233 Alder st, Portland, Or. Open 9 p. m. OFFICE boy who understands type writing and little bookkeeping. Merrill, 334 Oak st WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate moving picture. Operators earn $35 weekly; learn in short time; easy terms. N. Y. School of M. P, Op eratlng. 626 Washington, near 17th st WANTED A boy about 14, for light work Saturday afternoons. Call at room i, AlnsWorth bid?, 3d and Oak, between 8 and 10, a, m., and i and 6 p. m. SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest nursery - In west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; $50 week ly easily made. ...Oregon Nursery Co, Orenco, Or. WANTED Salesmen in every locality In the northwest; money advanced veekly; many make over $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. ,- LEARN driving and repairing automo biles; largest shop; if not working pay af tt you learn. Get full particulars. Offloe 326 Washington St., room 416. WB want a real estate salesman who is experienced ' In the business and knows the town; must have a first class record. F-144, Journal. $5 PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical form; day and evening ses sions. Address Meyers, ,829 11th st, Portland. .Main 8512. STUDY law in day or night sessions. New classes now forming. Portland Law School. 631 Worcester blk. Phone Marshall 2761. CABINETMAKER wanted: steady Job for good man. Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam road, Fulton car. WANTED A physician registered in Oregon for specialty practice. W-188, Journal. SOLICITORS wanted for vacuum and carpet cleaning. 28 E. 29th at East 1698. ; WANTED A grocery delivery Boy must be steady ana reliable. 1158 Union ave. N. BOY wanted, over 16 years bid. Apply manager, 2d floor, Portland Empo rium, 126 6th st. EXCELLENT side line for salesmen. See us at once. Paclflo Supply Co, 235 Grand ave. YOUNG man who knows pipe fitting to help in pipe shop and run pipe ma. chine: Z-189. journal. WANTED To get 3 H acres cleared, lust out of city limits. Call 904 Van- couver ave. Phone Woodlawn 1094. WANTED Two men, at once, to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call 60-62 N. 7th at .unffl I n r. a ft arm anA YiAlnAra. Poll fornla Wine Denot 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. - - WAN T ED Good coat maker. Apply Stockton Woolen Mills Co., 423 Wash,, U-LWCCII i. .. WANTED A busiiTess like young man - to go onto a mil. ui uuu muuu, n drunks answer, .-la, juunm. M-rrn Pomnt(ir to htillil hmise: Ail X JjJ . ' " - take equity In lot in part payment v.i xo. journal. WANTED -Honest partner with 300, ..I m1aiim nVimar. tAArArtAH ay. chansred, 626H Wash., near 17th. wiNTF.h First class bushelman steady position. Fashion Tailors, 73 6 th. BOYS wanted 2) with wheels to work after school and Saturdays, as am hill. ' - -" - UJOOD all round stableman wanted. Hu bert & nan,' truui "v. ... . .. . :. LATHER wanted at 663 Hoyt op phona Marshall 2477. WANTED 20 agents, $10 to $16 per day.1 can at lai mtn si. FOUR mattressmakera wanted. Macaaam roan. LADIES' tailor wanted. J. J. Jonason, 808 Steams bldg. TWO boys "wanted. Modern Confeo-1 . tlonerv Co.,- 13th and Hoyt sts. WANTED Errand . boy, ...Inquire. SEVERAL boys and helpers . wanted. Inquire I4S iraige sx., iower AiDina. WANTED Boy with - wheel. Jones Book Store, 284 Oalt st ' BOY wanted with wneei; gooq wages GOOD stlckerman wanted. Union Store Fixture Co, E. 15th and Powell. : WANTED Boys to wrap soapi Luckel, King ft Cake Soajj Co., 648 Hood st. WORK for old man at 487 Hoyt, BUSLVES5 CHANCES ' HELP WAJTTEn -MALE 1 WANTED, able bodied men for the U. a marine corps, between the ages, of 19 and 8fi. Must ha native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 toi ins. Additional compensation poseuoio. Food, clothing Quarters and medical attendance free. After $0 years ser vice can retire with 78 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply -t U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting office, Breeden bldg., 8rd and Washington sts., Portland. Or. DRUG CLERKS OUT OF EMPLOT MENT CAN PROCURE POSITIONS FREE OF CHARGE BY REGISTERING THEIR NAMES WITH US. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LIST OF VACANCIES. . ULUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., STH AND EVERETT STS. REAL Estate Salesmen Rustlers, hust Jers. direct contract at 10 per cent commission grantod In sales for Original Townsite opening; $60,000 worth Of property practically given away as In ducement to purchasers. Call on S. S. Champlain, room 326 Oregon hotel, be- wp-n a ana iu mornings, CHAUFFEURS are in great demand. We want sober, reliable men, that we can recommend;-to take our course in repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night . school. Automobile School of Oregon, office room 216, Merchants Trust bldg. Phona Marshall 2593. WANTED A good' all around presser , on ladles' and gents' clothing;, steady Job. Chlcaga Cleaning & Dye "Works, 671H Washington at- HELP WANTED FEMAJiE 2 WANTED At once, . young ladles to learn to weave woolen goods; steady work, wagai guarantee at start Apply to Superintendent - Portland woolen Mills, St Johns, Or. THOROUGHLY experienced millinery makers wanted. Ostrich Plume Co., 803 Washington st- , , MILLINERY Reasonable, stylish, be ing; orders trimming. -etc: bring any old material. Suite 217, the Labbe. 2274 Washington. WANTED Girls to work in macaroni factory, "ood wages, steady employ mentV Apply Northwestern Macaroni Factory, 326 Gllsan, cor. 6th. BUY your- hats at the Boston School of Millinery and Dressmaking; you pay for material only. 274 Williams ave. GIRL Experience . not required, but wining to be taught general nouse work, in small family. Phone East 4301. wanted Girls to work in paper box factory: stead v emnlovment. .Apply V. C. Stettler, 10th and Gllsan. WOMEN or girls foracklng and label- ing. Apply mig. dept. waanams Kerr Bros.. 4th and Hoyt sts. WANTED Experienced help for ladies' tailoring and dressmaking. The Vi enna Ladles' Tailoring. 6th and Madison. WANTED Woman to assist in house work on country place near Portland; wages, $30. Phone Mllwaukle, Red 462. WANTED Girl or Japanese boy for general housework, wages $35. Phone C-1220. WANTED Pants finishers and oper- ators on costumes. 253 Vi washing: ton st. Room 17. MILLINERY saleswomen, must be cap- able and experienced. Fraley Bros 214 3d. WANTED Nurse for two children, 6 and 4 years. ADDly Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill, afternoons, between 8 and 4 WANTED At once, 25 ladles to have tailored skirts made at the O. K. Skirt Shop, price $3. 613 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Two experienced girls for dipping chocolates; good wages. 883 Burnslde st. - 1 WANTED A girl to assist with light housework and care of children. Y 182. Journal. WANTED Dining room girl in private , uueuuiug iiuubu. : ut jaaaison st. Alain 2006. GIRLS wanted U work in tailor shop. 490 Washlna-ton. ' WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook. . Apply 777 Gll san st; - , WANTED A competent woman for general houseworks srood w aires. 620 East Ankeny. A-23. WANTED Woman cook for small res taurant; and would selL 530H Wash ington Bt. WANTED Good girl for general house- worK. xeiepnone Mam i6s. GIRLS, 16 years of age, at Portland uigar hox Mfg. co., 43 Vi E. 3d st WANTED Woman to wash; small fam ily. 3 Missouri. GIRL for housework In small family. 1V. - . ,01, - J. " i nunc Cllnl OHIO. V WOMAN or girl for general housework. jau 78u iorDeu st. WANTED Six Scandinavian girls. Call 6 to 7:80 p. m., 404 Marquam bldg. WANTED Girls to make hair rolls. 428" E. 9 th S. APPRENTICE glrla to learn dressmak- mr. e. Russeu St., room 84. - WANTED Girl for general housework. Appiy.ezs iptn at. EXPERIENCED girl to sew . on ladles' nrnrlr . ir.llt Tnllnra Kl WANTED 2 young ladles to room and l 1 11 an.. LADIES are making 86 to $10 a day, so can you, eaay worn, no uranq ave. WANTED Lady planlste who can sing WANTED Girl for light houseworkTl in family, Call 698 Rodney ave. WANTED By an elderly lady one or k more cniioren to cara ror. xaoor 1633 IRL wanted for general housework. 815 Kearney st. Wanted gi rls. Modern Con f.Co.. 13 th and Hoyt; steady work. WANTED Young girl apprentice hair uuBincpa. tia rj. otu DO. HELP WANTED WlAlM AND FEMALE "29 HELP WANTED AT THE ' GREATER OLDS, WORT MAN-KIN 9 : STORE.. ;'.' Sales girls with reference . for our basement Under-Prlce Store." Permanent positions to right parties. , Cash glrla over 16 years old. Boys over 16 year old, with wheelB. Apply io superintend ent between 8 and 10 a. m. , PRIVATE SCHOOL, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. 269 14th, near jerrerson; terms per month. BOYS or girls over 16 years wanted to wTap soap. Mt Hood Soap Co., 108 N., 4th st. WANTED Man and wife, man a team ste wife as housekeeper. Apply Stevens Bros.. 654 E. 10th st. ' LADY teacher would like private pupils; children or adults. O-l Si, Journal. BOY or girl wanted to strip tobacco. HeitkeWiper's Cigar factory, 151 Porter WANTED- AGENTS AGENTS wanted .to aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Or. v AGENTS wanted; fine proposition. The Perkins Mall Order House, , McMlnn vllle. Or. ., -.-. , .- KSfPLO YM ENT AGENCIES 53 ; C, R, HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d W Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sts., , upstairs, Portland. ' ' 424 Front Ave.. Snokane. - 4h TrFTanc1or" Established 1876.' HANLEY & T RAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for R. R work., 284.N. 2d st, THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY.. ; Gea'V otnployment Mar. 318, A-2406. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 BUTTS & ELDREDGE. N. Second. A-1291. Main 84H 8205. SITUATION , WANTED MAUS 3 MUNICIPAL FflEt' EMPLOYMENT .OFFICE 270 MADISON,. BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. ' NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR . EMPLOYE. ' ; MAIN '8556; A-5624. - ACCOUNTANT and credit man, thor oughly conpetent," holding responsi ble position In Tacoma, desires appoint ment with company of good standing in Portland, moderate salary. P. O. Dox 814. Tacoma, Wash. ' EXPERIENCED carpenter, , good city references, wishes steady employment around min. wholesale or other estab lishment; wages not essential. Phone Sellwood 1665, ' CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription: jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty. Cummlnga & Catlin, 871 First st. Marshall 2327. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man wants position in city; bank ref erences. R. E. Adams, National Hotel, city. , . : -.'.-..' .... YOUNG man attending Y. M. C. A. school wahta work afternoon- and ev- enlng. Z-187, Journal. ' WANTED Position oy man and wife on rarm. Address Mr. a. Jfi. uwen, ( 12th st ; . ? - ' SITUATION wanted as blacksmith, 3 years' experience in' repair shop; best of reference. Z-186, Journal. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair work, day or contract.. Beiiwooa nil. CARPENTER "work, any kind, day or contract Phone Marshall 28.17. WANTED A good side line by party covering Oregon. T-180, Journal. situations- Female RESPECTABLE woman near middle age . wishes place to do light house work:, privileges and kind treatment more of an object than big wages, . S- 181. journal.' LADY would like to run small rooming . house for use of housekeeping rooms. Call Sellwood 1544, after 5 p. m. s WOMAN with baby wants work, either assistant dress maker or light house keeping. Phone Woodlawn 1342. - EXPERIENCED lady would like to take charge of rooming; house. W-185, Journal. SITUATION WANTED Second maid, experienced, stranger In city. Arleta, P. O. Box 117. WOMAN with child wishes work on farm; reasonable wages. Phone Wood lawn 872, bet wen 6 and 8, evenings. POSITION as cashier In restaurant or selling tickets. Phone Woodlawn 1416, LADY wishes work by day: 26o an hour. Call after 6, Woodlawn 2859. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING Stylish gowns, will go out oy tne day, next week rree. pos. tal to room 8, 650 Williams ave. FIRST class dressmaking and ladies' tailoring; prices reasonable. 346 Mad ison St. ' i " ' NURSES 00 GRADUATE nurse wants cases for hourly work: general nursing, batks. massage. Helen" Jones. Main 110, A- 1136. '. GRADUATE nurse wishes position In a doctors omen or hospital ; no objection io leave tne city. 3-184. journal. FURNISHED ROOMS (0 WEST SIDE Hunt's Express & Baggage Co. 1 trunk 60c. Additional trunks 25o each. Grip with trunks-free. A2395. Msrshall 2415. UUW U U.U. UUUlrilQliyUVl$l 50 ud ner week. Free phone and bath. Main 7754. LARGE airy room, suitable for 2 gentle men, or lady; furnace heat. 201 13th. ...... r7 ivi, NEWLY furnished large front room. 8 minutes' walk from heart of city. 454 muniBomerrst. VERY neatly and newly furnished mod ern front room, suitable for 2 gentle- inern. ii uin st; H I M. Tlirnllhail Aim S hlAnlx, rnm postoffice, gas, electric light furnace ni. o jeTrerson. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, suit able for two; 6 minutes' walk from P. O. 296 10th 2' BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; phone, oatn; i minutes rrom Dostorricer rri vate family. 329 Hall st. NICE cozy rooms, free Dhone. bath: minutes to postoffice; gentlemen or empioyeq ladies. 302 H Park st VERY neatly furnished front room, 8 minutes' walk from postoffice. 268 14th St.. near Jefferson. TWO nice light front sleeping rooms, modern: 3 minutes from Washington St. 483 Davis st. FINELY furnished, steam heated rooms, board one block. 715 Johnson st rnone a-1375. - y EXCEPTIONALLY neat large front room, 10 minutes' walk from postof fice; both phones. 661 4th. Very nice, large and light front room. 6 minutes' walk from Dostofflca. 308 Din si. NEAT'' and attractive large front room, suitable for- two. nrivat hnm 673 Kearney, corner 21st. S'ICELY furnished rooms, $2.50 per week; walking distance. 42 N. 21st St. Phone Main 6193. NICE and neatly furnished large front room, 1 pin, rrom car. i5 w. 17th, FURNISHED rooms for .rent, modern conveniences. 32 V4 N. 16th st. MCE furnished room, tg month, with all conveniences. i 1 ?th St., cor. Hall FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 170 Park, near Morrison. 1 NICELY furnished front room, reason able. 615 4th st South. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE . 52 FURNISHED 4 housekeeping roOms for one lady; good place for high -school girl who wishes to board self. Phone raoor g( evenings, ROOMS In private iamlly, with break fast: furnace heat, phone, bath. 314 Holladay ave.. east side. THE Gayoaa modern rooms $3 per week and up. Car Grand ave. and East Stark. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO f cont 1 Bide room, unfurnished, $10; close in. Call evenings or Sun da ySSSTnUamook " i HOTELS , 54 -- - " - - 1 1 -'u - 'pLr-' HOTEL FOSTER Portland'" newest medium priced fireproof hot-il: 190 rooms; steam heat hot and cold run ning water In every room; rates 7fi and $1; full half block; 247-260 Davis st, 2d to 3d. ' HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; '$3, $5 day. . . . VALLAMONT- ' Furnlshei heT rooms , for rent '376 Yamhill. - BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 BOARD and room for husband and wife or young men. . 800 Jefferson st The Casarosa. NICE room and two meals for two persons employed; walking distance. 165 E. 17th south. - COMFORTABLE rooms . and board: modern; walking distance. 844 East Alder. B-2031. " ..' - ';-"-' BURNISHED. rooin,wlth.fcPfWlthout ""bonrd, reasonable. IO60 E. Morrison. B-1270. HOME cooking at reasonable rates In . a private ; family; walking distance. Main 4384. '" BEST board in city, home cooking; new ly furnished, modern. 385 H Mill at WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room and board in private Christian family for vounir vnmin . away from home for first time, state jiiite ami location.- rnone M. 7488, Mun icipal Department of Public Safety for Young- Women. - - : HOUSEKEEPING! ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 TIiM.-.B?VE?-12l, n" Marshall Furnliihed for housekeeping. gas "in110 "O-hot water, bath, laundrv. all free- tlK no. - clean place: best 'in irh. r21J:lJi TtvrlS ,rom Unlon deP 2, $3 month; 3, $13 furnished cottas-e -864 North 26th (west side river.. W car from depot, 6th or Morrison to , foin, diock .north. ,nAnLi 'oojn furnlahed suites. Hot ' and cold. Phones and baths free .'o i EREGANTLY furnished front house. . n.efe ro,oms' waIkmg distance; fur- ; nace -neat, hot water, bath. ei.oVri,, . JPJliU' Pnon? laundry- reasonable to de- slrable popie. 474 salmon, cor 14th. 7 punt's' Express & Baggage Co, ' 1. trunk -,5de. . AddltionaP trunks 25a each Grip with trunks free; " a84 iS95- . Marsh1l 2415. THE SUTHERLAND Newly luTnUhel tilf Pnrooms. hot mi cold I wal ' ii JSctrl l&ht"' fas ranges, free bath RENT-i wo unfurnished and 1 " n s m ,.u"n2"- mod- . frtt ttT ' aiA j'-'L 1 "ii ri. main tw -.- 'V0 i-u"JN8 Furnished housTKeSTt inlJP2?l VP 'a,.! eonvenlen"8HrlFof and up. central location. 603 4 Al.lir Vt 4 ffi etFiV bloc-ks from-pogtofficr 349 Jef? j TTl"ri 1 I 1 1 """ ' 4 V1t. Bv.1V? nouseaeeping rooms, opno. VVD3. j -o v..w. 721. 1st st IrUln "anultnlSgn.fkecpln.ro ' C ' II I W W 1. t D M t fTL TT T w r, " ' ' ' - iim. "V.ffl0lKe.ePJLn oom; light 1 una rianaeri. A-1071 "Ind'lin.00 bath ; 1 in,. 1 " ''"V HI. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -. iAST SIDE 4$ 12 per week; clean, furnished housekeen. phone, clean linen. 400 Vt'noouver avS . 1WO suites of rooms, nice residence! convenient and reasonable. 1212 Moore st- Phone Woodlawn 10X15 FOR-- RENT Four furnished hn.,.: keeping rooms: ran. hath rvv.n t, 1420. 80 East 8th St. ' FOUR, nicely furnished" housekeeping"; 8860Bro'adwiyU' C two furnished housekeeping rooms: tga? ran?J?' &gM- walking distance, tlf. Inquire 690 E. Morrison. J,t" FOR RENT Two neat housekeeping rooms, 714 E. Salmon st. v 9 HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WHEN you move youll need new f urnl. ture. Buy Judiciously and your sav ings will exceed moving expenses. ' Tur NO-RENT PRICES made us bna the largest furniture houses In the city In less than two years. Lookers shown the same courtesy as buyers. v ' MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave. Cor. ,E. Start St East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cart Pass Our Doors. FOR RENT New 6 room house, 8 bed rooms with bath, toilet and pantry. eve' itl occupied, 1 block from car. Take W-W car, get off at East 39th. Inquire 1160 Gladstone ave. ' ' WE can furnish your home at a great savlna. See lis before purchasing elsewhere. . M. Ostrow A Co.. 84.se isT 3d st. Complete kousefumlshers. Rea- sonabla prices. Easy terms. . FOR RENT New 7 room house, mod ern, furnished or unfurnished, near S. P. car shops.. Call Sellwood 625, of M. 4040. A FINE 12-room house on Gllsan, near 23d. Inquire of W. Wolfstein, 227 Front' . House for Rent, Cheap 227 Glbbs st, corner 1st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 FURNISHED apartment; particularly nice new furniture and fine piano. Four rooms, reception hall, bath and pantry. One room sub-let Will sell furniture less than cost William A, Maynes, 620 Chamber of Commerce. .. - ti75. : 7 Furniture of 8 room modern cottage, -rent $17. For particulars call at 443 E. Davis st - - $600 Furniture of 9 rooms, with piano; neatly furnished; rent $28; walking distance; clears $40 per month. 660 Taylor st. . 4 FURNITURE, 9 room house; rent ffT; cneap jor cash or terms, owner, 101 10th st. SIX room furniture, worth $300; will sacrifice today for 1100: cointr east. ou r irsi hi. p. FURNITURE 4 room flat, cheap; rent' Walking distance, 4 rooms, good fur , f ti. van ucimc u p. in. dixt AiorriB. nuu re. terms to suit, a-5389, m. 4557. MODERN house for rent furnltura for sale. 27 E.30th. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 HANDSOMELY furnished real dence In Irvington; 6 rooms; new, modern, attractive; furnace, hardwood floors, piano, lawn front . and rear; beautiful tree in back yard; splendid block; house ready to occupy; -nice neighbors; lease . to suit Phone owner, Main 9000. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department Agents, Phones Exchange 20, A-2060. -Chamber of Commerce. ItdSHl CITY PARK bungalow, ' new,' 8 rooms, fireplace, piano, completely furnished, 819 Ev 68th N., I block to car. APARTMENTS ANGELA apartment, 89 Trinity Place,' , between 19th and 20th, near Washing ton. New brick building, 2, 8 and 4 room apartments, furnlsned and unfurn ished with private bath, telephone, elec tric elevator, outside porches, Janitor service. , HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Opp. Portland Hotel. 330 Yamhill; first class fur. nlshed rooms, single or en suite, ntoderti. $5 up; transients solicited. M. 31, A-7177. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT, $$0--Flat of S largo rooms, thoroughly modern: verv siehtlv loca tion Phona Main ,9051, or call 160 34 ' FURNISHED .TLATS '.'. 50 $20 Small furnished flat, near Wash- lngton high school, block Morrison ;, car; reierenoea.-' E-6043, - ,".'; STORES AND OFFICES 11 a,B "a HasaMamMsaagalsaAa4aaaiMai FOR RENT Store . with counter!, shelving and lights; 6 room flat, barn,, large yard, at Stewart . Station, Mt Scott. Occupied five years as grocery, Phone Tabor 660. :. . - bMALL. store room,, fine location, $11 FEW nice offices 908 Levis bldg. the Couch bldg. ENT HALLS 89 HALL for rent,. 129 4 RusseU st, room t, UV" wllB, - , . ... 11 a1 :.'