THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. 20 1'OR SALE FARMS 17 i.raoHT! 80 acres of apple lana in i.m cTstrct east of Estacada; on the main ! wagon, road; $2500. acres south of Estacada, building orchard and general ImP0. nt",' ' worth tha price asked, for tha place. 12000. - ' 10 acres on tha carllne, at tation. acres cleared, email house, barn ana . poultry houses': $1500, 10 or SO acre , at Gresham, H from station, all the best of eolljio rock. ' In cultivation, with good bear ing orchard; beautiful site for a coun try home and fruit ranch. ; 1 to 10 acres at many points on the earlines, particulars on 0, W. P. SIGN BOARD. 1st and Alder. You Have Looked at the Rest, .Now Look at the Best . A 60 acre snap. 30 acres under culti vation. 5 acres gren timber, balance fy'flearedi 2 Fair houses barr . well and spring; 25 miles Jrom Portland 2 miles from railway nation. n Clarke county. Washington, at .1(5 per acre. This Js i" a '1VaJslV evJrv per acre below adjoining placysi. e-ry foot of It can tPlowad. " fine. Don't you think you better go , look at it; e p. GitBERT - ; Jl 0 Lumber Exchange, Portland, or. All In cultivation. it mues from Portland, near electric line. Good soil, good roads, good drainage and good transporta tion, $1600: 1350 down; easy pay ments' on oaiance. m mm 482 Chamber of Commerce bldg. This Week Only 16 miles from Portland on auto road, rood soil, creek and springs; timber will pay foe place; 4 fair houses, 140 acres fenced, 80 acres pasture; only 2 miles from railroad; $40 per acre; terms ' ??' miles from Portland, most '-an In cultivation, running water good build Jngs. family orchard, fruit all kinds. 120 acres; terms. ort .,.. Wheat ranch near Heppner, 900 acres tn cultivation; 2 running springs; 317 per acre; terms. . Peper St Baker 4 North 6th St., bet. Pumwltle ft Ankvny. r FKtTlT LAXD3 43 F, BUSINESS CHAXCES SO 9 acres of level land 19 miles out. In Willamette valley, adjoining fine fruit orchard, worth 11400 an acre. . Only S'!f,a.VtTa BALES LADIES. DO YOU WANT TO INCREA8E SOUK YOUNG MAN. YOUNQ "WOMAN. DO JTOU WANT TO PREPARE YOUR SELF FOR THE VERY BEST PAYING) POSITION IN THE, WORLD TODAY! and get particulars. W. S. Edrls, 617 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1677 Buyers of Fruit Lands Should go to lobby Commercial club building, 6th ami Oak sts., before buy ing. KLICKITAT LANDS offer best In ducements of any offered. SAMSON ORCHARD TRACTS 10 acres can be had on best of terms. Also, larger tracts and-farms, Don't miss It after seeing all else. GEO. S, CASED Y CO. Apple Orchards 8, 10 or 20 acres of apple orchards planted to the beat varieties of com mercial "trees; located in the coming apple district of Oregon. A neighbor on each 6 or 10 acres; on railroad; all conveniences; low price and very easy terms. Call and get books, prices, etc. 804-6 Lewis bldg. FOB RENT ITARMS 14 145 ACRE form for rent. Ohio Invest ment Co., 421 Ablngton bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 A LIMITED number of homestead claims, extra fine soil and very choice location. In Crook county. Oregon. Carter-Dugan Co.; 820 Chamber: of Commerce. : ' ) Homesteads Homesteads In southern Oregon, level and fertile, on new railroad to the coast from Grants Pass. G. W. WINETROUT, Grants Pass, Ore. ' BEST HOMESTEADS and timber claims in Southern Oregon, Rogue River val ley lands for sale. Information, ; 216 woara or Trade piqg. 20 Acres $1200 One Million -Yellow, Fir Small cash payment, easy terms. Less than mile to station. 45 minutes from Portland. On good road, good water. Red shot soil, no hills, rocks or gravel. Timber will pay for the land, And place it ready for the plow. Fred V.' Huntress, 630 Lumber Exchange 140 Acres Fine fruit land, 3 miles-from Rainier, 820 per acre; 81000 cash, balance on terms, Geo. N. Eckler 310 Oak St. ' - BARGAIN WHEAT FARM. A section of first, class wheat and rain land, 600 acres in cultivation, clean and In fine condition . for next crop; best soil, adapted to any crop, price 830 per acre; one-third 'down, bal ance long timei or will exchange for Portland property., or smaller farm. Much of the land on all sides of this is field at 340. Correspondence solicited. E. K.. 658 Going street, Portland. HOMESTEAD relinquishment with 4 room frame house. Deschutes valley. 1500, a snap. P-140, Journal. TIMBER 38 WB are headquarters for timber and lumber enterprises of all kinds.' Kin ney A Stampher, 631-2 Lumber Ex change bldg. 20 M. sawmill for sale cheap; in good running order. Apply 606- Macleay bldg-. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 53 SALARIES AND SECURE A FIRM HOLD ON YOUR POSITION? MRTIMPLOTE, WHATEVER YOUR WORK MAY BE, DO YOU WANT TO BETTERS YOUR POSITION t , DO YOU WANT AND INCREASE MR. MERCHANT, TO - BUILD Ur YOUR EUSDXESST IPSO. WRITE US TODAY. LETUS EXPLAIN OUR METHODS, ...WH PREPARE YOU AND SECURE YOU POSITIONS. WE COULD PLACE 60 ADVERTISEMENT WRITERS TO DAY AT 8180 PEft MONTH AND UP. S.T4J?., TODAY. Br ADDRESSING THE I ELLIOTT SCHOOL OF AD VER- SUITE 418 MAR6UAM BLDO. PORTLAND, OR. Snap Sale of Jewelry Business client is obliged to sacrifice a thrifty, well established, successful Jewelry business; entire stock of Jewelry; clocks, watches, fixtures, business, good will. ue soia at once, spienaia lu-n-. Mon; part cash, balance a-ood terms! fine! opportunity for right party; no trlflers or agents need apply. This is a snap and will go at first fair opportunity. WHITFIELD & COAN. aii jjenton biag. FOR SALE Half ' interest in furniture, books, maps and good real estate' list ing: office has fine, location; price 8200. Half Interest in recently established real estate business; must have partner, as I have other interests calling for my time. Price arranged when you call. Both of the above are worth Investi gating. FAULKNER & CO.. 812 Merchants' Trust bldg. , FOR. BUSINESS WEAR. Men's fall suits 818 to 820 values for 810.86; men's trousers 83.50 to 84 values for 82-60; no profits tacked on' to pay for high rents. Take elevator third floor, Jlmmie Dunn, room 815 Oregonlan bldg. x HELP WANTED MA1JB THE Meier & Frank stores require first - class carpet layers; no others need apply. Apply at superintendent's office, 8th floor, 8 to 10 a. rn. HELP WANTED- FEMALE 2 WANTED at once, experienced sales ladies for notions, art goods, hosiery and knit underwear departments. Rob erts Bros 3d and Morrison sts. ' Wl VTtn Bv a wl.l.Wfir. ace 67. -Wi 8 children, living in the country, good housekeeper, prefer age 40 to 65. no chil dren: good wages and permanent home for right party; would like stamped pic ture with 'answer. . Address box ' 421, Tillamook City, Or. 6?, with WANTED; able bodied men for the U. S, marina corps, between the ages of 19 and 86. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay 815 to 869. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 years ser vice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. a Marine Corps Recruitlna- office. Breeden bldg., ra and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED For cloak and suit depart ment of store in town of 20t)0, lady fitter, comoetent to make Alterations. Call room 607, Board of Trade building, to 10 a. m.. Friday morning. DRUG CLERKS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT CAN PROCURE POSITIONS FREE OF CHARGE BY REGISTERING THEIR-NAMES WITH US. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LIST OF VACANCIES; BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., , . STH AND EVERETT STS; REAL Estate Salesmen Rustless, hust- , lers, airect contract at 10 per cent commission granted in sales for Original Townslte. opening; 860.000 worth Jt property practically given away as in ducement to purchasers. . Call, on 6. S. unampiam, room, 326 Oregon notei. ds tween 9 apd 10 mornings. CHAUFFEURS are In great demand. We want sober, reliable. men, that w can recommend; to take our 'course In repairing and driving automobiles. Day and night school. Automobile School of Oregon, office room 216, Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 2598. 10.000 POSITJONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn 815 to 826 - weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges, 36 N. 4th St., Portland. MY BUSINESS is an exclusive fruit land proposition; must have help as It has grown beyond my ability to handle alone; best ground floor office in the city for this business; closs scrutiny In vited; references required and given; no agents. Call up-Main 1444 fdr interview ask for Mr. Casedy. ' - Grocery Store Fruit and Berry Farms at Wilsonville Take Oregon Electric, Front and - Jefferson sts. - R. H, Goodkind Co, 616 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Marshall 468, A-1069. - Rooming House Just Listed 26 rooms, 6th St. near depot; run by present owner 6 years; first time on the market; fine transient house. Price 82260 i-ash; rent only $85; lease. Very Swell Furniture 11 rooms, select location, run by pres ent owner 4 years; rent 845; fine bath, furnace heat, the very best of carpets and furniture; no cleaner place in Port land;, every room rented; price 31100; don't 'fall to see this, it is line. Owner Leaving" City Will sacrifice 12 rooms of furniture In a fine, clofe-in location, for 3850; M casn: rent joo; clears os montn. 15 R Good Lclearing 375 month; price only 31100; casn. Elegantly Furnished 85 room house, very best location, clearing big. money; if you have $2500 cash and want something' select, see this. Rooming House Owners We want your house on our list Put your price, we win ao tne rest. i - uvir)pj rooms; rem zo; gooa loca tion to have; delicatessen as a Bide line; want 3700, but will take the best offer. Come In and make your own price and terms. Call 64 flth st. Grocery, Butter and Eggs Store, right in heart of city, rent $60, 4 years' lease; daily sales 360; owner will sacrifice for 31600. Call room 601 Gerilnger bldg:. 242 H Alder it . Marshall 2521. GROCERY, on best electric line, near city; stock, fixtures, etc., invoice 32000; doing- 31000 per month now, clean; rent $18 ; also the store, barn and half acre; 32000 handles all; good lot as part payment. 712 Rothchlld bldg. CORNER grocery. Washington st, do ing fjne cash business; cheap rent, new fresh stock. Owner called east ac count of sickness. Price about 31700. No time, for triflers. H. F. Daly. 222 Falling bldg. looms, Part Housekeeping! d location, rent $60; furnace heat; i VL(r0, 20 ACRES FRUIT LAND Finest red shot soli, near elec tric line, 45 minutes' ride from Portland; fine drainage, no frost, all cultivated land; $400 down will handle, with balance easy payments. - CANN & M'BRIDE 432 Chamber of Commerce, The Cream of Farm Lands . at Wilsonville Take Oregon Electric Railway, Front and Jefferson. FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant, near ut-put at ji,siacaaa, or.; doing good ness; stock and furniture, all rendv business: a harenln tnr tKnn Ad dress Kuhrasch & Freeman, Estacada, ur rsox zs. Moving Picture Theatre .. Fpr sale or trade. Established the atre, town of 6.000 people; no opposi tion; references clven. 626 Washing ton, nrar ( in st. IP, you have a moving picture theatre for sale or If you wish to buy or open one. communicate with a ni-rminnt ota I successful company. People's Amuse ment Co., 610-616 Rothchlld bldg., Port land. Or. 140 rooms, good lease, a money maker. will be sold at a sacrifice If sold this week. 25 rooms, good Investment $2000: good lease. 72 rooms, modern in every respect, telephone in every room; 38000 will handle this. Small ones all over the city. Come and see us. E, R, Rose & Co. - Room 14, 270 Washington st - A REAL farm, no rocks, no stumps, no waste; all in crop this year; good location near town; 345 per acre. Ross English Inv. Co., 322 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison . Wilsonville Is the Fine Farm Section Of the Willamette valley. Take Oregon Electric Railway. 15 ROOMS, well located, 31250. 10 rooms, hotel, $1700, terms, 16 rooms, Lownsdale, 41200, terms. 7 rooms, 4th st 3375. 20 rooms extra good, 32000, terms. 12 rooms, extra good buy, $850, terms. 6 rooms, extra good, 3475; 32 rooms, housekeeping, 31600, terms. 15 rooms and furnace, 31200, terms. 6 rooms, nice home, $300. 9 rooms, furnace, $525. If you want a close-In buy, reason able, look these up. Johnson & johnson. 168 10th st. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery, the only bakery here in town; doing a good business; reason for selling poor health; write owner, Alda Frum, Coburg. Or. tuuAL, estate dealer wants reliable man to take interest in office. Prlca $125. The furniture Is worth the price asked. Call today. 808 Board of Trade. WANTED Youns- man. . exnerlenced In the plating business; one who can Ho polishing, dull brass finish and lacquer ing; steady job. Call at once. J. C. English Co., 128 Park st BOYS to " work in candv department. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and uavis. WANTED Salesmen; many make 3100 ' to 3160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advance weekly; choice of territory. Address Washing- ton fs'ursery Co.. Toppenlsh, wasn. RAILWAY mail clerks; U. S. govern ment clerks at Washington, postorflse clerks, carriers, wanted. Portland ex aminations October 3 and Novsmber 12, Preparation free. Franklin institute, Dept. 314 T., Rochester, N. Y. IF you are not satisfied with your salary or position, it is our Dusiness to help you. Write for our new cata logue. International Correspondence Schools. 233 Alder St.. Portland, ur. Open 9 p. m, OFFICE bov . who understands type writing and little bookkeening. Merrm, 334 Oak st WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate moving picture. Operators earn 335 weeklv: learn In short time easy terms. N. Y. School of M. P. Op erating. 52VVashmgtoniearl7t PARTNER' Wanted in central real es tate fflce; must be sober and ener- eetlc: exDerience not absolutely neces sary; references exchanged. 208 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. M. 2407. A FIRST class fitter for cloaks and suits irmW it the Western Outfitting Co., 406 Washington St. between XOth and iitn sts. tOUNG, woman to do light housekeep- ing ror widower; no onjecuon to wm- ow with small child: give address. B-169, Journal i 1 MILLINERY Reasonable, stylish, be coming-; orders trimming, etc. i oring any old material. ' Suite 217, th lbbe. 227 Washington. , . SITUATIONS MALE CARPENTER work, any kind, day1 or contract. Phone Marshall 28J7. SITUATIONS FEMALE LADY would like to run small rooming house for, use of housekeeping rooms. Call Sellwood 1544, after 6 p. m. WOMAN, with baby wants work, either assistant dress maker or light house- keeping-. Phone Woodlawn 1343.' LADY wishes work by hour, washing or ironing. Tel. cast 1520. LADY wishes work by day: 25o an hour. Call after 6, Woodlawn 2859. LADY wishes day work by hour. Phone .-- East 1943. - , situatioxs w anted male , . ; AND FEMALE - 23 A MAN with a wife who, Is willing-to do janitor work of a small apartment house 4n exchange for rooms, light, heat and water, C-167. Journal. ' -DRESSMAKING 40 WANTED Girls to work in macaroni . facto rv. noil wares cteariv eirmloy- ment Apply Northwestern Macaroni Factory, 826 Gllsan. -cor. tn. - - BUY your hats at the Boston School of Mllflnerv and Dressmaking' you Day for material only, 274 Williams ave. GIRL Experience . not required but willinsr to be tautrht seneral house- work. In small family. Phone East 430L WANTED Girls to work In paper box factory: steady employment Apply Fj C. Stettler, 10th and Gllsan. ; WANTED 20 ladles to make from $2 to $5 per day; easy, work, 216 Grand ave. . i GIRL wanted for general housework; small family. Broadway car. 461 E. 10th st, N; WOMEN or girls for packing and label ing, v Apply mfg. dept Wadhams & Kerr Bros., 4th and Hoyt Sts. WANTED-r-Experienced help for ladies' tailoring and dressmaking. The Vi enna Ladles' Tailoring, 6th and Madison. WANTED Woman to assist in house work on country place near Portland: wages, $30. Phone MilwauHle, Red 462. WANTED Girl or Japanese boy for general housework, wages 335. Phone C-1220. " WANTED Pants finishers and oper ators on costumes. 253 washing- ton st. Room 17. DRESSMAKING Stylish gowns, will go out Dy tne day, next weett rree. ros tal to room 3, 650 Williams ave. JTCHSES 60 GRADUATE nurse wants cases for hourly i work; general 'nursing, baths, massage. Helen Jones. Main HQ, 1.186.:. .,.;.,.. ....... vliy..:, GRADUATE 'nurse wishes position in a . doctor's office or hospital: no objection to leave the city. Z-184, Journal. . FURNISHED ROOMS . west SD3E 0 THE CHESTERFIELD, 407 Columbia. Beautiful furnished r66m, new throughout . with- mission furniture; modern conveniences: heated:, also, base ment "Wiyi give free rent to someoW wnu wm (gpioaei into rooms, waver mm toilet there. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co. 1 trunk 60c. Additional Trunks 25o each. Grip with trunk free. . 2395. - Marshall 2415. WANTED Girls to help on vests, ex perience unnecessary and also opera tors on pants. Room 502, 83 6th st. 6b un rter week. free pnone and patn. wain nt. -LARGE airy room, suitable for 2 gentle men, or lady; furnace heat 201 13th, cor. Taylor. NEWLY furnished large front room, 8 minutes' walk from heart of city, 454 Montgomery st. - VERY neatly and newlv furnished mod- ern front room, suitable for 2 gentle- mem, si lain st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' 8 ' WEST SIDE -. - ' THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall. Furnished for housekeeping. gas ranees, electrte lights, hot water, hath. laundry, all free; 316 per month up; a clean place; best In 'the city for the J money; short distance from Union depot, " J Take "S" or 16th st. cars north, get off I at Marshall st No dogs. - I "ONEONTA" Apartments, 187 lTth, neai Yamhill. (Take W car at depot). '2. i and 4 room furnished suites. Hot J uaui .in, f 4 M per month. t per week and up. Main ol, A-1133 tVELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2. 38 month: 8. 813: fnmiuhort rooms, $18; lower flat 4 rooms, 316. 364 . otn iweBi siae. river), w car frm depot Eth : or Morrison ta fidth hinrii north. . ELEGANTLY furnished front house- Keeping rooms, walking distance, fur-: nace heat, hot water, hnth oictrin lights, phone, laundry; reasonable td de- Birame people, 47 4 salmon, cor. l'4th. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WHEN you move you'll need, new furni ture," tiuy judiciously ana your sav ings will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us ons of the largest furniture houses In the city In leas than two years. , , Lookers shown the same courtesy as buyers. - - . , MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. r urana. Ave. cor. k. ; star Et East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars pass out-Doors. ; FOR BENT,, by October, 15, ons story furnished fram house, .4 blocks east of Plrland station, Mt, Scott carllne, on Garfield st. contains 8 rooms and. hail, fireplace, fellar,-barn and woodhouse,' all kinds of ornamental trees; 8 acres; 316 per month; no children under 16. Address Mrs. H. F. StephensLents, Or R. F. D. 1. box 160. WE can furnish your home at a great saving. See us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow & Co., 64-66 N. 3d st. Complete houseturnlshers, . Res , sonable prices. Easy terms. FIVE room cottage in good condition! newly papered, in good neighborhood, 315 per month. Call at TS3 E. 9th st. N or pnone woooiawn 1Z87. 4 ROOM furnished house, for rent, 320: one 6 room house, all modern. Sellwood 104, or Marshall 864. hone A FINE 12-room house on Gllsan, near 23d. Inquire of W. Wolf stein, 227 ironi. 36 PER MONTH New 18x24 plastered H. is. Beegle. lents. house. 6c fare. Or. . NEAT, intelligent, young lady for dem onstration work; experience, not nec essary. -i8, journal. MILLINERY saleswomen, must be cap- aDie and experienced. raiey . cros., 214 3d. WANTED Nurse for two children. 0 and 4 years. AddIv Elton Court, lltli and Yamhill, afternoons, between 3 and 4 WANTED At once, 25 ladies to have tailored skirts made at the O. K. Skirt Shop, price 33. 613 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED Two experienced dipping chocolates; goo jtturnsiae st. ' WANTED A girl to assist with light housework and care of children. Y 1S2. Journal, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 SALESMEN to sell nursery, stock; big gest nursery In west; liberal propo sition; few choice fields open; 35C week ly easily made. Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco. Or. 1 - WANTED Salesmen In every locality In the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make oyer $100 monthly; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED A rood all around presser on ladles' and gents' clothing; steady Job." Chicago Cleaning & Dye Works, 671 Washington st. LEARN driving and repairing automo biles; largest shop; if not working pay after you learn. Get full particulars. Office 326 Washington st, WILL STAND INVESTIGATING. I want a good man who will take In terest in reliable business, salary and share of profits; 33000 to 35000. Y-181, Journal. WE want a real estate eSUesman who Is experienced in the. Dusiness ana knows the town ; must have a first class record. F-144, journal. 47 ROOMS, brick building, on one floor; rent 3125; 31650, balance terms. 60 rooms, brick, 3 year lease, rent 3116; can be had on easy terms. 64 rooms, brick, 4 year lease, rent 3150; 31000 cash, balance terms. GRAY REALTY CO.. 621 Board of Trad Building. ROOMING houses, any ; size, at prices to ruit; we buy, sell nd exchange. PORTLAND ROOMINff HOUSE CO., 313 Henry bldg. 22 ROOMS, rent J65, close location; must sacrifice for $700 cash, little balance monthly. Call room 601 Ger ilnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. 30 ACRES at 365; 100 acres beaver dam, fair improvements; 3 miles from S. P. R. R, on Pudding river; 3 miles from Mt. Angel; good dairy proposition; 00d terms. A-162 Jourral. Small Farms at Wilsonville Take Oregon Electric Railway, Front and Jefferson. Particulars about good prop- 0, W, P, Sign Board .7 1st and Alder. 12 rooms at a bargain; must' sell, cash or terms. Call on owner, 294 Clay st Main 720. FOR SALF Small boarding house or rooming fcouse; 3150 cash if taken at once. 715 West John St., St. Johns. 3850 buys 12 room rooming house from owner; terms. 410 Washington st. a bargain: 10 acres. 85 clear, 5 room house, barn 125 per acre, 31500 cash, balance terms Csll R. 7.-291H Morrison FRUIT LANDS 45 MIXING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AXD EXCHANGE MINING and industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds boueht and told. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to Invest I have buyers for restaurants, grocery stores, other business proposition and homes. List with me. William A. Maynes, 620 Cham her of Commerce. WANTED Partner in real estate and business chances: hler nrnrArv Hot fine location on ground floor, easy rent, good proposition; price 3200. V-180, Journal, , EXPERIENCED grocery clerk"! good sp- Hirht na'rtv D. Kellaher & Co.. 133 4 Grand ave. PER MONTH Telegraphy taught in practical form: day and evening ses sions. Address Meyers, 829 11th St.. Portland. Main 812 WANTED Experienced stock and bond salesman. Kererence ana experience required. Address A. C. Bidnell, 72 Pine st, ttunaio. xn. r. 31000 grocery, confectionery, worth 81600; owner Is leaving city, must sell this week; clears. about 3800 daily, fine living rooms. Call room. 501 Ger Mnger bldg. CABINETMAKER wanted; steady Job for good, man. Portland furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam rqad, Fulton car. MEAT market for sale or rent; up-to-date shop with iash business; selling account of sickness; good location, rent cheap; terms to suit 656 Williams ave. Phone East S690. WANTED A grocery delivery boy. must be steady and reitaDie. uaa 1158 Union ave. N. - - GIVEN AWAY FREE Map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publication, "Cali- rornia un irieias. sagar-Loomls Co., 701 Oregonian bldg,, Portland, Or. " WANTED Gentleman partner for road snow; no tneatricai experience neces sary, mis is a gooo Dusiness nroDosl tion; 8500 required. Call 843 Vi Yamhill bi., room 10. T Movin g Picture Theatre Trade. Established the For Bale or town or eooo p 626 Washington st. near 7th theatre, IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining f'orks, call on J. B. Purcell. 210 Oak. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 WANTED Outside position with real estate and business chance agency; nave naa experience, commission or sal ary. y-isb, journal. IF you wish a, paying business I have it Home restaurant 3826: clearing $40 weekly; rent reasonable; going east A-ist, journal.. " FOR SALE. Stock of goods of a racket store! AS M . . - M 1 , , ' i . . . . ieei ji nneivinK, autre lames ana coun ters. 680 wunams ave. FOR SALE Confectionery and rhome bakery; a good location for lunch counter; must sell; going east 228 North 1 6th. WE CAN place you in paying business Deiore Duyinir oe sure ana ses n Kinney & Stampher, (31-2 Lumber Ex- cnange piqg. A-488I. MT. HOOD DISTRICT On west elojpe of Mt, Hood, the com ing commercial apple section of Oregon This favored locality is attracting the attention of many prominent horticul turists from Hood River, as well as other place. With soil, elevation and climatic conditions unsurpassed and wnnin easy access rrom Portland is appealing to those wanting to engage In orcharding with conveniences of a nearby city. Get our free booklet. Buv now and take advantage of the railroad building throughnto Mt Hood. Among the many bargains we have to offer la any size tract, are several 2u acre tracts at 40 to b0; 160 acres close to railroad survey, best of apple land, only $37.50 per acre, and many others. VANDUYN & WALTON, 615 Chamber of Commerce, x , iDh-AL Rogue River valley fruit land 160 acres, 2 miles from Grants Pass, tinder new Irrigation system, rolling land, soma clear; on main road; abso lutely no rocks; good Water; only $35 per acre: will double your monev within year; reasons for selling. Particulars. vwnr, ij i mi. t uranig rasn, ur. WANTED To sell at bargain, half in terest in well established up to date real cEtate office and business. Call 206 Hnr bldg. SALESMEN, real estate, we have many Buyers for property everywhere. . 814 Hamilton blflir. GENERAL Krorery 6tock and fixtures; fine location and a bargain If sold at once, nv owner. 510 wunams ave. WAiNfED Rooming houses and hotels; I have cash buyers. W. A. Maynes, !iu tnaraoer or commerce. FOR SALE 3000 acres best fruit land In Orestm -4tste(J ,"'ie8" ere, on, terms. TWfrtttirj. Trie 35 an Oregon Land & Title Co. 06 Gsrllngcr Bldg, I v ANT a gentleman partner for my delicatessen business. A-163, Jour nal. WANTED Partner in, one of the- best garages in city, handling the best car in mrnei, no agents. U-I40, journal. 3150 Half old established suburban real estate business; good furniture; iovu.vuu list. r none 1 aDOr OZ. WILL SELL confectionery and bakery "i invoice; uomg nrst-ciass business; sa locauon. Mars nan 2149. WANTED To trade aanA Huron nron. erty for clean stock of groceries In hv'ju i.uin. nu 4 1 .5, augene, ur, HIGHLAND, not Inn mora, .nnniWlMtna ... - i iKars. luuarco: want tn vn nn hnms. tcau; rani jitt. ion Union ave, N. 600 business cards 81. You must brine this ad. Ros ntv p 1UM4 A HELP WAITED MALE WANTED A business like youna- man to go onto a miiK ana rruu rancn; no arunKs answer. journal. WANTED Carpenter to .build house take equity in lot In part payment y-qgo. journal. WANTED 20 agents, day. 310 to Call at 131 10th st. per FOUR mattressmakers Macadam road. wanted. 1249 LADIES' tailor wanted, J. J. Jonason, 808 Stearns Diag. Boy wanted over 16 years of age. Port land Furniture Mrg. co. Fulton ear, ACTIVE, Intelligent boy about 16 for light work in factory. -180, journal, TWO boys wanted. Modern - Confeo- tlonery Co., lata ana Hoyt sts. BOY 14 to 1 years to go near Seaside. Call for particulars, 46 Taylor st WANTED--Errand boy. Inquire , 44 Front st. - WANT to let contract to clear land. Vanduyn &' Walton, 616 Cham. Com. Jones WANTED Boy with wheel, Book Store, 284 Oak'st, WANTED Boys to wrap soap. Lucke King & Cake Soap Co.. 648 Hood st. WORK, for Old man at 487 UoJiU HELP WANTED AT THE GREATER OLDS, WORTMAN-KING STORE. Sales girls with reference for our basement "Under-Price Store." Permanent positions to right parties. Cash girls over 16 years old. Boys over 16 years old, with wheels. Apply to superintend ent between 8 and 10 a. m. PRIVATE SCHOOL, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. 269 .14th. near Jefferson; terms 35 per month. BOYS or girls over 16 years wanted to wrap soap. Mt Hood Soap Co., 108 N 4th st. WANTED Man and wife, man as team ster, wife as housekeeper. Apply Stevens Bros., 554 hi. lotn st. LADY teacher would like private pupils; children or adults. Q-181, journal. BOY or girl wanted to strip tobacco, Heltkemper's Cigar factory, 161 Porter WANTED -AG ENTS SOLICITORS can make extra good 265 13th, very neat large front room, heat bath and phone; also small room, reasonable. .. . - , A. 1040 BELMONT St., furnished house, .rooms, for rent cheap to right party; modern In 'all particulars. ' 1 t i NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, suit- BDie lor two".' -walk from P. O. 295 10th. 2 BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; phone, bath; 7 minutes from postofflce; prl- vmc lnmiiy. gza jiau St. NICE cozy rooms, iree phone, bath; minutes to postoffice; gentlemen or employed ladles. 302 H Park st. VERY neatly 'furnished front room, 8 minutes' walk from postoffice, 268 14th st, near Jefferson. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 FURNISHED apartment; particularly nice new rurnimre ana line piano. Four rooms, reception hall, bath and , pantry. One room sub-let Will sell furniture less than cost. William A. Maynes, 620 Chamber of Commerce.- COZY furnished room suitable for 1 or 2: Dhone. bath, electric llchtn. nnen fireplace. 66 N. 21st, near Washington. TWO nice light front sleeping rooms. modern; 3 minutes from Washington St. 483 Davis st . " NICE and neatly furnished large front room, i oik, rrom car. ia m. 17th. BURNISHED rooms for rent, modern conveniences. 82 N. 16thst. FURNISHED front room for men, with board; references. 2 gentle 230 lOtn. NICE furnished room. $8 month, with all conveniences. 415 7th st, cor. Hall FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 ROOMS In private ramlly, with break fast; furnace heat, phone, bath. 314 Holladay ave., east side.- - ' 'xilb: Gayosa modern rooms 33 per week and up. Car Grand ave. and East Stark. - ' - HOTELS 54 HOTEL FOSTER Portland'? newest medium priced fireproof hotjl; ISO rooms: steam heat, hot and cold run ning water In every room; rates 76 and 31; full half block; 247-250 Davis st., za to ta. FOR RENT Best hotel proposition In northwest; new brick Just completed; 38 rooms, 10 with private bath; located in a growing town or 2500. Address J, F. Stover. Milton. Or. HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only; 33, 36 day. money on quick selling proposition, VaLLAMONT Furnished rooms for Agents - In Portland and other - towns wanted. Call cr write R. J. Anderson, caro M. E. Thompson Co., cor, 4th and Oak sts., Portland. , BOY wanted, over 16 years old. Apply manager, 2d noor, roruana - empo rium, 126 6th St. EXCELLENT side line for salesmen. See us at once, faciiic supply u. 235 Grand ave AGENTS wanted f.o aid us supply the demand for choice nursery stock; out fit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery company, saiem. or. AGENTS, wanted; fine proposition. , The Perkins Mail Order House, McMlnn vllle. Or. - ' " i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 C, R. HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. 2d st, Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sts., upstairs, Portland. 424 Front Ave., Spokane. 5 ' 87-89 ' 4th st, San Francisco. l. Established 1878.- HANLEY & T RAVERS EMPLOYMENT CO., headquarters for R. R. work., 28 N. 2d st. - - YOUNG man who knows pipe ntting to help in pipe shop ana run pipe mi- chine. Z-189, Journal. ; WANTED To get 34 acres clearedi Just out Or city limns, vau vut y w couver ave. pnone vvooaiawn ivv. WANTED Two men, at once, to learn automooiia repairing ana anving. u.ii 60-03 w. vinji THE OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGCY., Gen'l employment. Mar. 318, A-2406. WANTED Two city agents to solicit sign painung. j. wiu6ituti, ou First st. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine juaoui, ioo iKinmii, uui to Journal. . , WANTED Good coat maker. Apply Stockton wooien mius o., h wasn., between 11th and 12th. 1 HELP WANTED FEMLALE 2 WANTED Dining room girl In private boarding house, tut aiaaison st, Main 2006. GIRLS wanted to work in tailor shop. RICHANBACK & CO., 490 Washington. GIRL for housework in small family. Phone KastsbTS. GIRL for general housework, four In family, wages i3Z. 7& oyt st WOMAN or girl for general housework. Call 780 corDettet WANTED Six Scandinavian girls. Call 5 to7:3Q p. m.. 404 Marquam piqg. WANTED Girls to make hair rolls" 428 E. 9th S. APPRENTICE girls to learn dressmak ing. 87 E. Russell st, room 84. WANTED Girl for general housework. - Apply 628 mtn st EXPERIENCED girl to sew on ladies' work. Elite Tailors. 646 Washington. WANTED 2 young ladies to room and board in a private lamiiy. 3Z4H 10th. LLADIES are making 36 to $10 a day, so can you; easy work. 245 Grand ave. WANTEO Lady pianists who can sing. 626 Vi Washington near 17th. WANTED Girl for light housework, 3 In family. Call 698 Rodney ave. ' GIRL for general housework. 425 Til lamook st Phones East 1771, C-14H. GIRL wanted for chocolate dipper. wunams ave. TBI SEVERAL boys and-helners .wanted, inquire Ig,PaigeSfcj,ower.l- 24 BUTTS & ELDREDGE. N. Second. A-1291. Main 8205. rent. 376 Yamhill. BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder. ROOMS AMI BOARD 15 NICE room with board In private fam lly, near Surmyside -car. 776 E. Yam- niu st . . BOARD and room for husband and wife or young men, 300 Jefferson st. The Casarosa. . NICE room and two meals for two persons employed; walking distance. mo m. iitn soutn. COMFORTABLE rooms and board: . modern; walking distance, 644 East Alder. B-Z031. with 01 without 1066 E. Morrison FURNISHED room board, reasonable. H-1Z70. BEST board -In Jclty, home -cooking; new ly rurmsneq, modern, Mill st. ROOM and board, 35 per week; private ramiiy. - B4 lamniii. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE ' 48 SITUATION WANTED MALE S MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE, --v.. ' ' MAIN 3665; A-6624, v TYvj room housekeeping suite, sink, gas, pantry, range. -very convenient, walking .distance. St Mark's. 392-E. House for-Rent,- Cheap zzt uidds st., corner1 1st ' 3K5. - - Furniture of t room modern cottage. rent 317. For particulars call at 443 E. Davis st. J500 Furniture of 9 rooms, with piano; neatly turnisnoa; rent izs: walking distance; clears 140 per month. 660 Taylor st FURNITURE 9 room house, rent $50 i a,so 11 room nouseKeepmg nouse. rent. ; $30: by owner. 101 10th st. j SIX room furniture, worth $300; .will, , sacrifice today for 3100; going east 809 First st. fl. FURNITURE 4 room flat cheap; rent $11. Call before 6 p. m., 211 Morris. WALKING distance, 4 rooms, good fur niture, terms to suit A-5389, M. 4557. MODERN house for rent furniture for sale. 27 k. lotn. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 HANDSOMELY furnished resi dence in Irvington; 6 rooms; new, modern, attractive; furnace, hardwood floors, piano, lawn front and rear; beautiful tree in back yard; splendid block; house ready to occupy; nice neighbors; lease to suit. Phone owner, Main 9000. HART MAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department, Agents, Phones Exchange 20, A-2050. Chamber of Commerce, KOSE CITY PARK bungalow, new, 4 rooms, fireplace, piano, completely furnished. 619 E. 68th N., 1 block to car. APARTMENTS ANGELA apartment, 39 Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th, near Washing ton. New brick building. 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, furnianed and unfurn ished with private bath, telephone, eleo. trio elevator, outside porches. Janitor HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Opp. Portland Hotel. 330 zamnili; lirsi ciass xur nlshed rooms, single ior en suite, modern, 35 up; transients solicited. M. 31. A-7177. FOR, RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT, $30 Flat of 5 large rooms, thoroughly modern; very slght.y loca tion. Phono Main 9061, or call 150 3d St., near Morrison. ' V I nicely furnishers 8 ROOM upper 05 flat. 812: 1505 Oneonta Phone Woodlawn 8061. st, Woodlawn, FURNISHED FLATS 50 $20 Small furnished flat, near Wash ington high school, block , Morrison car: references. E-6043. ' ' TWO modern 8 room furnished .flats for rent. 383 6tn st. ACCOUNTANT and credit man, thor oughly competent, holding responsi ble position In Tacoma, desires appoint ment witn company or gooa standing in Portland, moderate salary 814, Tacoma, wasn, P. O. J90X SITUATION as millwright foreman; am able to take charge of erection and installing . the 1 machinery in saw mill, shingle mill or manufacturing plant, C-166, Journal. " . EXPERIENCED carpenter, good city references, wishes steady employment around mill, wholesale . or other estab lishment; wages not essential. : Phone Sellwood 1665. YOUNG man, foreigner, experienced ba ker and confectioner, . wishes - some kind of work between hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. H. jongejan. 865 Aspen st CARPENTER work wanted of every de scription; Jobbing, remodeling, repair ing a specialty. Cummlngs & Cat In, 371 First st. Marshall 2327. EX-SOLDIER, 8 years' service in. the regular army, desires position as watchman In store or office building. Ad. J. Stone. 470 Main st fEXPERlENCED bookkeeper and office - man wants position in city; bank ref erences. ' R. B.. Adams, National Hotel, city. ' ; . YOUNG man attending Y. M. C. A. school wants work afternoon and ev ening. Z-l 17, Journal. , - WANTED Position. uy man and wife on farm. Address Mr. -A. E. Owen, 870 12th st SITUATION wanted as blacksmith, 2 'years' experience in repair shop; best of reference. Z-185, Journal. more children, to care for, Tabor-1533. WANTED Girls. Modern Conf. Co., 13lh and Hoyt: steady work. ' WANTED Young girl, apprentice hair bualnau 423 1. 9tb 80. POSITION as retail yeara' exDenec ences. C-160, Journal. . WANTED SITUATION Clerk, sober and Industrious, with experience "In general merchandise. A-163, Journal. CARPENTER, builder, new or repair work, da or contract Sellwood. 1713. $2tper week; clean, furnished housekeep ing rooms; laundry, bath, heat, yard, phone, clean linen. 409 Vuioouver ave. TWO eulteSiOf rooms, nice residence, convenient and reasonable. 1212 Moore st. Phone Woodlawn 1035. . FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, adults only. , Call mornings. 386 Broadway. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, . gas range, light, walking distance, $17. inquire eu aiornson, NEWLY furnished 2 room apartments In new house, fine neighborhood. 228 East 20th. 1430. " - ' - , FOR RENT Two neat housekeeping rooms, 714 E. Salmon st- STORE8 AND OFFICES 11 ESPECIALLY desirable office or desk roonv, well lighted, front of elevator, carpeted. 600 Henry bldg. SMALL store room, fine location, $11 month. Apply 852 Hawthorne ave. FEW nice offices,; In ; the .Couch bldg. Lewis bldg..' FOR RENT- HALLS 69 HALL for rent, 129 Russell st, room 7, upstairs. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE Hunt's Express & Baggage Co, 1 trunk 60C. Additional trunks 26o each. Grip .with trunks free. A2395. Marshall 2415, WANTED To rent; young couple want 2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. close In; references If desired. 0-183, 1 JournaL : - .. .WANTED Modern 6 room furnished f)at for the winter. Not to exceed $50. 2 in family. ' Y-183, Journal. THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cord wa ter, electrlo lights, gas ranges, free bath and phons. 16th or "W" 'Carllne. Cor ner 27th and Thurman. A-4174, M. 2026. FOR RENT Two unfurnished and r 3 , furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern. 275 N. 22d st Main 6797. 1 THE COLONS Furnished housf keep-lna- rooms with all conveniences. 310 Snd up. central location, 603 Alder st. TWO suite housekeeping rooms, oppo site Failing scnooi. izi ist si. Mam 9053. NICELY furnished -front sleeping room, walking distance; price very reason- able. 433 Sixth st . STRICTLY modern newly-, furnished sleeping room, suitable for ; two, In private family. 328 Mill St. ' 2 BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; phone bath: 7 minutes rrom postoxrice; .pri vate family. 329 Hall st NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms l-tefefl '"' V -! t-ei 8 7-1 TWO desirable rooms for housekeeping roasonable. 490 Clay st. very nice, ONE. two snd three modern nouseKeepmg rooms. 680 large. 2d. MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms: light gas; modorata, 7ta Flanders A-4076 HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR BALE Good chunky 1200 lb. horse 7 years old, work slngl Or double, or will trade for . household goods. Call 387 Weldler st. - . $160 takes sorrel horse! weight 1300, 6 years .old. sound In every way: take 183 34tn st r raoor him and try him. i iiz. - FOUND Bay and sorrel horses, on ' 82nd and 45th ave., Lent's, Or. Box $91 R. F. D. No. 1. . SPAN of horses, 2800, harness . and1 . wagon or ' 2 sets of ' harness and 2 wagons. Apply 603 Macleay bldg. FOR SALE 1 horse, harness and light express wagon;' no reasonable offer refused.- 985 East 18th st. 'North. ' ''-.v. " ONE span heavy . work . horses: good condition. Oregon & Washlngtoji Lumber Co, Phone Main 2163.- -- $76 takes horse 900 lbs., 12 years old, spring wagon and set harness. 182 E, 34th st, Tabor 1112. - LIGHT express wagon, complete ( with ii ten. $25. Inaulre fnone Kast 59'J. FOR SALE Good team suitable for farm or delivery. Call 1304 Union ave. N. Woodlawn car to Colfax st. Graham av. I HORSES and buggies by day, vweek, month; rates to business houses, Tabor 1112. 1 DRIVING horse for sal Sellwood U&i! 1