The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 11, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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fair t iNiIfm. Kntries clos--
Thursday. The races will be held un
der the direction of the Inter-Mountain
Motor Racing association,' Salem. M;inv
speedy cars, driven by experienced
drivers, have been entered. , Large and
fat prizes will be hung up.
I'i ,--fi r ' ( 1 I- Iwi-.-iL
(Sjiwlnl lis;ti-li to The Joarnnl.t
Marshfield, Or., Sept. 10. Sheriff
Gage today received a telegram, from
tha city marshal at Coallng-a. Cal., to
release immediately W. B. Perry, who
was arrested here on information that
ha v, (. .it. i for rnihf zzlemen.t at
Coalinga. 1'crry was formerly propri
etor of a daily-newspaper at that place
and says that liu knows of no reason"
for the arrest and will seek to recover
Buffalo Bill Will Make His ,"
Last Visit With Wild West Show
Automobile races, which will be held,
on the show grounds Sunday, Septem
ber IS, will, close tha Oregon .state
Sale o!
Hundred Exhibits by Manufac
turers and Other Attractions
; . Will Greet Visitors; Baby
Show Tuesday and Friday.
n (i n
, -ATI m
Krst Wtek. ' .
Monday Night Parade of queens
from" Portland hotel to Arm-
,orv; opening ceremonies by
Mayor Simon.,
- Tuesday Afternoon Baby ahow.
Tuesday Kiffht GrQcera' and
wives msni.
.,-, Wednesday Afternoon Houae-
wives' afternoon.';
.Weclneeday Night Manufaetur
' ers' association night.
Thursday Afternoon Shoppers'"
. A aftonirton.' '
Thursday Night Rotary club
i night and Chinese wedding. ,
Friday Afternoons-Baby show.
f Friday Night Fraternal night.
! Saturday Afternoon Children's
1 e afternoon.
Saturday Night Union night
Promptly at 8 o'clock Monday night
Mayor 8imon will press the button
.which will light the thousands of col
ored incandescent that will illuminate
v the 100 exhibits of the manufacturers at
tha Food and Industrial exposition and
. kA '. will .i.mmaaJ nnnn la WA
, weeks' run.
, Thousands of dollars, are being ex-
: penfled by the Retail Grocers' and Mer
chants' association and the exliibltors
in presenting this exposition to the peo-
t pie of Portland and Oregon. The spe
cific purposes is to boost the products
.that will be represented. Every indus
try of note will be represented. Many
' mechanical exhibits will be in opera-
, tton.
The Interior of the Armory will rep
resent a miniature world's fair. All ex-
hibllors will dispense food samples and
souvenirs to the visitors, A force of
'carpenters and decorators have been.,
' working day and night since Friday to
. get the exposition ready for the open
ing. Director General. A. A. Tremp, of
; the exposition, promises to have every
thing spick and span and complete when
the doors" are thrown open.
" Streamers of colored lights from
Washington and 'Eleventh streets to the
? Armory will point the way to the food
' show. Bosebrook's band will give con
certs each afternoon and night during
the first week and the mysterious worn-
an with, the red mask in an act of sen
sation will thrill those attending, by her
. performance.
I More than 309 mothers have promised
' to bring their babies to the first grand
baby show Tuesday afternoon and com
pete I pr th six sliver cups to be award
ed to the most beautiful tatlea present
Special attention Is to be given the
women of Portland by the exhibitors
during the matinees and they are urged
to attend afternoons, as they can enjoy
.the show with more comfort and avoid
.the night crowds.
The following ten younr women,
queens of the exposition, will vie with
each other for the honor of empress f
the show: Miss Lillian Gardner, All ia
Nettersteln, Maud Woodruff, Florence
Squires, Ruth Kopple, Ruth Lindhol n,
. Roxana Wommelsdorf, Casla Lane, T e
' lie Fleischauer and Marie Noel. The
will be stationed In the queen's Curt
- especially built for them, and thape they
will receive their friends atver all vls
: 'tors.
'' The exposition will continue for two
weeks, every afternoon and night An
attendance of 150,000 Is expected by the
Merchants from all over the state will
attend. As an educational feature
nothing better than an affair of this
kind could be held. Even the children
are to have an afternoon to themselves,
to be amused and Incidentally to learn
what is produced by Oregon and national
manufacturers. (Saturday afternoons be
ing set aside for children. Special fea
1ures and attractions of various kinds'
will te given dally.
y tub . .
U J t
f 1
I Sf"'
, ,.,.,., ' ' '
Goldle St. Claire, winner of first bonor at Cheyenne last year and thtB
season on HyBtepper with th Wild West. )
The announcement of the coming of
two exhibitions heretofore given sep
arately, known as the Wild West and
Far East, promises to be one of rare
Interest. The scope of the two sub
jects gives the untraveled spectator a
passing view of the personalities of
people from around the globe, their cus
toms and pastimes, and Incidentally, as
is well known, presents horsemanship
in all its stages from the bareback rid
ing Indian to the well trained thorough
bred. '
Among the many and varied person
alities none will be more attractive than
the western ranch girls. A group of
these expert lady riders will vie with
the male contingent in feats of eques
trian skill. Among them are soma who
are adepts and will show their grace in
the high school art; others that are com
petent will ride bucking bronchos.
While these feats will astonish there
will be nothing that will appeal more
pleasantly to the spectator than their
rollicking dash and grace in the Vir
ginia reel with their cowboy partners.
It presents a breezy, picturesque, pulse
eating measure in nature's hall, whose
hangings and decorations are clouds,
sunbeams and stars, end it is vitalized
ith so much healthful vigor that a
part of it is infused into the delighted
The cowboy band strikes up the famil
iar Inspiring old tune, "Places all" rings
out sonorously, Und away they go
bright curls, long locks, tossing manes
streaming on the air and mingled In
such a madcap revel of kaleidoscopic
figures and flying hoofs as was never
elsewhere seen before or since the birth
of Terpsichore's self. XJulded by a
touch of the hand the snorting steeds
"forward and back," "do-ce-do". "fly
down the outside," "join hands," or
hoofs "forward and back," "swln,
"promenade," etc.. in perfect fime to
the music and with apparently as much
enjoyment as their riders. They
"chase" the glowing hours with flying
teet after a fashion to transport a
The border lassies also appear in a
series' of exceedingly cut and clever
performances on trained bronchos which,
in addition to high Jumping, Include all
the gaits and accomplishments of the
riding school and manage. Many use
ful hints may be here gathered by the
ladles In the way of a proper, graceful
and safe style and management of the
saddle horse.
This will be only one of the many
distinctly differing numbers in the var
ied program of western scenes and
oriental pageantry that will be pre
sented to make a festival day of the
passing from our view of that historio
character and valued entertainer, Buf
falo Bill.
Arrive next Sunday. Exhibit Monday
and Tuesday, 1), 30.
Although built only to catch people,
a Nelson automatic fender saved yes
terday the life of a Mason-Ehrman com
pany delivery horse, for which the horse
1 supposed to bn properly thankful. The
ianlma' pulled across th street in front
of car No. IH6 at Davis and Couch
"strsets. Th car was moving too rap
idly to stop before the collision oc
curred. The weight of the horse re
leased the fender, throwing Jt against
the pavement. The horse was caught
a.nd carried SO foet. It was found al
most uninjured, while tha fendor was
but very little damfmH. The fender
t the time was being demonstrated by
: p. L. Brown, local representative of the
American Automatic Fndr company.
"I Ruppopc , it Is on.i of the unao-
vrontable decrees of fine,'' paid F. A.
-Nln, of the American Automatic
Feflder company, last evening, "that
Within the period of a few days a hu
man being should be killed by a street
car without an efficient fender, while
under exactly similar conditions the
lite Of 8 hora is fnved hy a fender
that is thus proven to be a ltfe-aaving
devioe On the streets of Portland. It
seems to me if any further evidence
Woman in Intoxicated Condi
tion Given Shelter; Father
and Husband Gone.
A puzzled lodging-house keeper tele
phoned to the Juvenile court yesterday
to know what he should do about a
woman and two small children who
sought shelter with him. He said the
woman was intoxicated and he could
not accommodate them.
Chief Probation Officer Thischer sug
gested a call on the police to take
care of the woman, and he volunteered
to look after the children. Soon after
the police called for him to take charge
of the case, saying they had found the
woman out on the street lq the rain
witn the cnuaren.
The woman gave the name of Mrs.
Mary Marshall. Bhe talks with a strong
Scottish accent and is believed to be
of the gypsy kind. She said her hus
band left her in Denver five months
ago, where they lived in a park. The
husband and two sons-in-law are horse
traders. She said she came to Port
land by way of Spokane, and, as she
was exhausted by the trip, went for a
"bracer." Bhe had a quart whiskey
Object of Protective Associa
tion Is to Raise, Salaries;
Meets Today.
hnttln. Hlmnst drained of its contents
were needed of the necessity of having; which Blie said sho purchased at a Ba
the stteet ears of Portland equipped j lQon near the east end of tho steel
With a Jife-savlnp fender it le furninhed
In the recent killing of Mr. Ijchmeier
' The woman was found to have $15 lh
by a car Without a suitable fender, and i ruh n,1 rnomn wer apcnr1 for her
we saving or uie iiie or a norHp yes
terds by being picked up by the Amer
lean Automatic Fender company's air
controlled fender."
New wrinkles In political meet-
4 Ings will be intrpduced Thurs-
day night, when a. "neighbor-
4 hood" direct primary rally will
be Jmld in Waverly hall, Twenty-
sixth and Clinton streets. It will
be a general republican rally in
the Interests of the direct prim
ry, Dan Malarkey will be the
principal speaker. L. O, "Hull
9 cm fn.iii nil ovrr the county
Ivavt i.en inrj'.wd to attend. - e)
and the children until Monday, when
disposition of tire case will be made
by the Juvenile court. One of the chil
dren is a girl two years old, and the
other a babe born last May.
"For a living wage for working wo
men," Is the cry of organizers of the
Portland local of the Retail Clerks' In
ternational Protective association, who
will hold a mass meeting at S o'clock
this afternoon to perfect the organiza
tion. A meeting was held Thursday
night and a temporary organization
formed. The mass meeting today wlll
be attended by a large throng, it is ex
pected by the organization committee.
Mrs. Frank W. Cotterill, state organ
izer, will preside. Bhe will be helped
by the organization committee of the
Central Labor Council.
"In Portland," ssid Mrs. Cotterill,
"the average wage paid girls working
in stores is $17.60 a month. We are or
ganising in an effort to have wages
raised so that the women can live prop
erly In Seattle we got better working
wages for women, and I believe we can
do It here. Conditions are frightful in
some of the larger stores. We have in
vestigated, and have found that 82 per
cent of illness among employes Is caused
by lung trouble. .
"In organizing the association local
hero we want to recruit both men and
women. My duty Is to get the women
into tha local. We are having great
Mrs. Cotterill Is the , wife of State
Senator Frank W, Cotterill of Seattle,
Wash., one of the labor leaders of
9x9 feet. "
Reg." price
$3.00. ;
Sale price
9x10 ft. 6 in.
'.Reg. price :
, ' $9,45;,
V , . v
Sale price ...
9x12 feet.
Reg. price
, $10.80; '
Sale price
New 1910 Heaters
Ruby pattern
Exactly like illustration, with heavy
cast iron tops, bottoms and front doors ;
full nickel slide tops, foot rail and. draft.
We can furnish them. Prices on this
v , pattern commence at
Boys Will Be Boys
And that means that afti play their
clothes are very, often in a dirty condi
tion. Don't worry. Better 'be soiling
clothes than having a doctor. Bend the
little Suits to us and see how Tepidly we
will make them looft fresh and clean 1
again, no matter what kind of spots
there-may be upon them. And the ex
pense will be trifling, as you will admit
MWl Orders Keoeire Prompt Attention
Your Credit Is Good.
A Sale of Cottage
.Dinner Sets
One hundred Dinner Sets, suitable for "small
. family, each
' . -
Consisting of 6 Dinner Plates, 6 Pie Plates, 6
Cups, 6 Saucers, 6 Fruit Dishes, 6 Soups, 1
Baker, 1 Platter, 1 Creamer, 1 Nappy, 1 Sugar
Bowl. These are of the latest shape and are
decorated with blue and gold stripe. They
are. worth $5.50 each. .- ' . .
Great Hress Sale
A Mattress with
soft cotton 4top,
usually , sold' at
$3.50,' fn a d e i n
dark blue - fancy
stripe ticking, ji
or double size; ,j
A '"Mattress, re- ;
versiblc, with soft
cotton top, arid.
'bottom, " blue or v
green fancy stripe C
ticking; the kind ;.
that are usually
sold .at $5.00; i '
or double size.
Parlor Gem
Exactly like illustration, with large
mica-filled front door to give fire-,
place effect. These we can furnish
with either wood or coal grates, in
two sizes. Prices as 11 rfA
low as -3)1 leOU
You Are Welcome to Credit. ,
Here, easy terms and
reasonable prices go
hand In hand - Come
ust to see
No Phone or Mail; Orders. f ;
Stovei like this illustration have
front door anrl full slide pp, which
illows' ttiern to consume 'tfie largest
tcnots. jNicket urn bfSlind, rail, f
very heavy pit bottom., Fnced as
' low as fll. ;.
Salem, Sept. 12th to 17tn
35,000 M P
Grand Live Stock, Poultry, Agricultural, .
Horticultural and Machinery Exhibits
Splendid Racing, Band Concerts, Free Attractions
v and Fireworks
Camping Privileges Free. Come and Bring Your Friends
and Dyeing Works
834 334 T3JXBD " BTaEIT
Set. Samoa and M&la
r, i x;- ......... . --:- vv
V,VA -"m
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